
Young Writers Society


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Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:10 pm
TheAlibi says...

I really like the color of the sky. Not as much the sky here, though, but the color sky they have in Florida, or Cape cod. The colors are more there, like you've made everything more vivid, or increased the contrast in windows photo gallery. I need to get a better camera, I need more work on my photography, desperately. Could I have won that competition? No, not yet. I need to develop more. Develop, practice, work harder. Leo would like that, he's always working. Erp. Kayley messaged me. She's prettier than me. Pfft. That bothers me sort of and then it doesn't. She's so nice though. And it's okay that she may or may not be better looking than me. She's super nice and fun to work with. Thats what counts, right? I have a book I really want to start. You know what, I'm going to do it. I'm halfway there, and I'm not showing this one to my boyfriend this time. At least not for now. He tore my last one apart. Maybe he'll like this one, and see I've changed. I have to go write now, while inspiration's still got me. Take me with you!

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:24 am
wordsandwishes says...

Potatoes and daffodils crowed my dreams with their strange glow. I walk down the road's black tar, dotted with the raindrops. Ask me no questions, for I cannot answer. My memories are so far beyond my grasp. I wonder why I am so forgetful. They tell me it's because my mind doesn't want to remember. But I do, and aren't me and my mind the same? Apparently not, because even though I should hate you, i love you. Plain as that. There are no beautiful words up my sleeve to give to you. I never really was much one for romance, yet here we are, and here we stand. i suppose it's a funny kind of impasse, one that I don't want to cross. For in this moment there are no risks, no promises. Just you and me and this fleeting eternity. But all good dreams must end. I'm falling through a black whole and I brace myself for the crash of realty's waves. But as they come I wake, and I forget i ever dreamed of something beautiful. I live my life the same, and pay no mind to the things I do not see. I find that living busy, is like living with a box over your head. You miss the little things. The way the arm of a chair curves, the way birds nests look like tumbleweed, how the light hits the windows and mirrors in an empty room, the sound of a bird, the sound of the wind. It's the music of the world that we miss, a broken melody, that somehow makes life into something worth living.

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:52 am
MissCaroline says...

When I look into your eyes, I see the day we first met. I see the times you've made me feel so tall. I could take anything on in the world on those days. I felt invincible when you were with me. You gave me guidance and courage when I was so vulnerable. As a pair, I think we might have been unstoppable. Walking down the streets, laughing loudly, pride in our eyes. When I look into your eyes, I see my happiness reflecting back at me. I can see all those times you took me to new places and I tried new experiences with you. I see us two, walking on the beach, the sun shining on our tanned faces. You gave me a natural high I could never forget. If I were to look into your eyes now, I see nothing but the tears of my father. You enrage me beyond the point of returning. I am soaring high above, almost positive I will never land again. I cry. I cry tears of hurt, insignificance, and hate. The wind is blowing roughly through my hair. It's thick with my tears of sorrow. My stomach is forever turning, sick and raw with emotion. I think of how much you meant to me. I trusted you. I was vulnerable and you ripped the rug out right from underneath me. I will never want to look into your eyes again for my feelings might return, only to be replaced by the sting of betrayal.

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Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:26 pm
wordsandwishes says...

Blue skies are shrouded by the jaded shade of the elder tree. Broken and lost, though it refuses to believe so. So much like me in the way that it's caught between the feeling of being pulled apart and stuffed into a cell;Never to see the light of day. But would we really miss it, for the darkness it reveals. Perhaps, but perhaps not. For I will never know because I've not fallen apart, not completely. And so far no one's ever trapped me away. But lo my life's as young as day. Watch and be wary they say, watch and be wary, of these dark and hallow places. They're so easy to fall into, they will tell me. And so hard to escape. They think me ignorant of the world, and sometimes I wish that I was. But I am not, I never was, and I never will be. I've grown up in these dark and hallow places, but I've learned to call them life. I've learned of the secrets they hold, and the haunting song they sing; Too quiet to reach the ears of the sheltered, who think themselves safe. Blue dark lights hovering in the sky for their 'safety', little do they know they are but moths to it, and little do they that it will burn them; Little do they know that they will all eventually fall into these dark and hallow places.

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Tue May 21, 2013 11:23 pm
artsy says...

I do this a lot whenever I have time. I call it a Stream of Consciousness, or SOC for short. I originally found out about this term in my AP Euro class. It was discovered by Virgina Woolfe and James Joyce. I can't believe I still remember that. I wished we had more stuff tested on us about the Romanticism stuff. And the Scientific Revolution. I really love the science aspect of history. I love science in general. It's just so interesting. At least it is to me. I can understand it pretty well, and have always had a knack for it. Same with music. I've been in love with music for as long as I can remember. Which is why I wanted to learn how to play every single Band and orchestra instrument when I heard symphonies and marching bands. After I saw DCI, I just fell in love with brass. Hopefully I'll be able to get good enough to MAKE a corps. I would go for a small one first. I would need lessons. But for that I need money and a car. Maybe I could start doing the astrology charts again, and some palm reading stuff. I'd have to make enough to save up for a car. I should've planned this earlier. Oh well. That was a really good fundraiser for me when I had to save up for a People to People trip to Europe. That was soooo much fun. I would love to be able to go back to Europe. Maybe Germany. It reminds me a lot of home. At least the scenery does anyway. I definitely want to go to London. I loved that place the most. England was pretty boss in general. The London Eye was one of my favorite places. ^.^

Time limit: 5 minutes.
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Wed May 22, 2013 12:19 am
wordsandwishes says...

The life I have lived is so much like a dream of which I shall never wake. I wish that the blues would fly with me someday, the way that the broken wings do. It pains me to realize I'm falling away. Down and down and down..... to reach the sky, is a long lost reality. I wish to see what my emotions shroud and logic hides away. The words escape through the broken birdcage that red ribbons used to tie away with the envelopes sealed with the shade of the burnt elm trees. To fly to sink, I care no more, it no longer matters, as long as I'm away.

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:02 pm
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Willard says...

Freewrite? do we get to create our own stories? i want my story to be made as a movie. Let's say Nicolas Cage as a superhero who's wife decides to be kidnapped by the hamburgler. Nic Cage's superpower is majesticability. He is awfully majestic. In the movie to survive he must headbutt a cactus. . I guess he fist fights a gorilla but midway through the gorilla pulls out a switchblade. They go in a all out fight to the death, but Nic Cage decides to pull out a steel chair and bust it over the gorilla's head. He goes into a celebration as everybody cheers. His name will be Aaron Stampler. Wait, no. He's not. WAIT! Maybe he could have split personality and the other actor is Ed Norton. His name is Tyler Stampler as Norton's is Aaron Durden. Yes, sounds perfect! Does he get to have a costume? I want him wearing borat's bathing suit, that or a gimp costume. Hey, maybe Butch from Pulp Fiction can grab a sword and kill Nic Cage because he was like "Bro, your confederate owners raped my fried." Yes! Sounds perfect! I'm going to pitch it to M. Night Shamalyn. I bet he'll like this movie. NO TWISTS!

"Words say little to the mind compared to space thundering with images and crammed with sounds."

stranger, strangelove, drstrangelove, strange, willard

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Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:40 pm
L5na2 says...

Hello I have been on and off this site for about three or four years. whew that's a long time, but I hope that I can continue to do so! I love writing but sometimes lose my inspiration for thing but I don't know how to stop re-writing everything. I just come back to a story and I'm like whoo I have a new idea about how it should go. How to stop that I'm not really sure... but hopefully I'll get there one day. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be even though I love to chatter about pointless things at times. What to talk about...... sNot sure, but I hope everyone is having a great day and that they are finding that the creative juices are flowing. Happy writing! five more minutes...... this is the longest ten minutes and I will never read this post again because it is so erratic. Hahaha this is the mind of a write I suppose???? Does anyone else ever want to write but can't find the perfect words to create a world of your own. I love that feeling of success when I post something on this site and people like it or when they critique it and I try my hardest to fix what they say. My worst problem is GRAMMAR, I've never been good at grammar, maybe one day I will master this art... but today is not that day I'm afraid. I'm sorry if anyone reads this and is upset by the lack of grammatical correctness. I am so ready for the rain to stop for the day but it just keeps coming down it's making me tired..... does that happen to everyone else? I hope the next two mintues go by quickly.... BUt that is not my luck. okay one more minute of random typing hahaha whooooooooo! Rainbows and ponies ! I have an idea swimming in my head hope I can do something with it wish me luck. DONE!

On some days, my will to write disappears faster than a donut at a police station.
— Arcticus