
Young Writers Society

Through Thick and Thin (BlimeyLimey217 and Thelostone)

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Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:02 am
strawberrybeaches217 says...

Skyler Sandiago POV:

I sat down at my bead and sighed heavily. I just walked down the notorious "Death Hill" to my room in the cabin. Why did I have to be stuck down here, I wondered. The fact that I was with the two absolutely worst roommates didn't help anything either. And what made matters worse was that there was no cell phone connection here in the mountains which meant no late night chats with my brother, Nate. Why did my parents want to go to this family camp anyways. The rest of my adoptive family was up the hill in the main house where we ate all of our meals and had all the meetings. I had to admit I missed my little 10 year old brother and 7 year old sister. Unfortunately, since I was 17, the staff thought it would be best if I stayed with people I could relate to: the interns. Of course, I would get Rebecca and Hannah. Anyone else would be easy to deal with for two weeks.

"Oh! Look who finally made it down here!" Rebecca snickered as she exited the restroom. "Good thing you're not late, but you'd better hurry to put your pajamas on or you might break the lights out rule."

I quickly grabbed my sweatpants and tank and dashed towards the bathroom. I took my time while in there. It was my escape from them for a few minutes. I heard there senseless chatter in the background. After changing my clothes, I gently pulled my hair out of my side braid. My head ached from the stress of the past few days. I smiled a little at the perfect waves the braid created. A tear slowly brimmed in my eyes. I missed Nate. I needed him. These girls hated me, and I had no idea why. Well, I suppose I did know. They thought I was pretty. They accused me of attracting their boyfriends attention. If I was their boyfriends, I would have dumped those jerks a long time ago, I thought.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality. "Almost done in there?" Hannah's shrill voice called out."

I opened the door quickly. "Yeah." I said quietly and walked towards my bed.

"Hold on a second!" Rebecca stood next to Hannah as she spoke, and they cornered me, blocking my way. A shove and then a heavy blow in my stomach sent me flying to the ground. "Do something to make my boyfriend to stop looking at you, or you'll have something worse than a sore stomach tomorrow." She hissed and then stepped aside.

I stood up and held my stomach. I couldn't take this any longer. "I need some water." I said weakly and stepped outside the room. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I ran as fast as I could up "Death Hill" and let the tears stream down my face. The 40 degree weather didn't agree with my tank and sweatpants but I didn't care.

I didn't see the car coming towards me and when it turned the bend and the lights flashed it my eyes it was too late. I closed my eyes and screamed, but there was no pain, no impact, only a squeal of tires.

A masculine voice broke into my thoughts. "Are you okay? Oh my god!"
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:00 am
thelostone says...

Isaac Brooks

"Hey, Isaac?" Mom called from inside the camp's kitchen. "Can you come help me, please?"

"Just a sec!" I yelled back and finished putting new trash bags in the bins around the empty cafeteria before jogging back to the kitchen. "Yeah? What'd you need?"

Mom turned towards me and sighed. Her huge stomach was sticking out under her apron and her blonde hair was starting to fall out of it's bun. "Can you get that for me?" She pointed to a spatula on the tile. "I don't think I'd be able to get back up if I tried to get it."

"Yeah," I laughed lightly. "No problem." I retrieved the utensil from the ground and handed it to her. "Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's it I just need to- Dammit!" She groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Actually, could you take the truck and pick up the bread from GFC for tomorrow morning? I completely forgot about it and we need it to make breakfast."

GFC is twenty-six miles from the camp, but I agreed. "Uh, sure, I guess." Mom hugged me and tossed me the keys to the old pick up truck.

"Drive safe!" She said as I walked out into the cold. I put my hood up and shoved my hands deep down into my pockets. The truck was parked in front of the building which thankfully, wasn't far at all. I stuck the keys in the ignition and started it up. It didn't take long for the truck to warm up and soon I was off. There's only one dirt road down the mountain to the town. It's steep and windy but I've driven it multiple times before so I wasn't intimidated.

I almost didn't see the girl until it was too late. I slammed on the brakes and gripped the steering wheel tight. As soon as the truck came to a screeching halt I got out and ran over to help her. "Are you okay? Oh my god." I mumbled. I ran my fingers through my hair, my heart was still pounding. "I didn't see you, I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" I looked her over and I didn't see any blood. She was terrified and freezing, but okay.

"I'm fine," She panted. "Just trying to get over the shock, that's all."

"Do you want to sit in the truck?" I offered, seeing the goosebumps on her arms. "It's warmer than out here. I can drive you back to camp if you want." She nodded so I ushered her to the passenger seat. She rubbed her arms and shivered. I cleared my throat. "Uh, I'm Isaac. I'm really sorry, by the way. I honestly didn't see you."

"Um, Skyler. And it's fine." She gave me a small smile. "Just a little shaken up."

"Me too." I shifted the truck into gear and Skyler's tiny pale hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Uh, taking you back to camp?" I laughed nervously. "That's where you came from, right?"

She withdrew her hand and nodded. "Oh, yeah. I guess we should go back."

"You know, it's against the rules to be out here this late." I teased. "I could get you in major trouble."

"You're the one who almost hit me with a truck!" She cried. "Besides, you're out here breaking the rules too."

"It's fun, isn't it?" I smiled. "Breaking the rules?"

"Oh yeah." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I consider getting hit by a truck fun."

"Almost." I corrected her. "You almost got hit by a truck. Good thing I have quick reflexes."

"Yeah," She said quietly. "Good thing." The ride back to camp was short and I dropped her off at the girls bunks.

"Well, sorry about that." I said sheepishly as she got out of the car. "Goodnight, Skyler."

"Goodnight." She waved then disappeared into her cabin. I let out another sigh before turning back around and travelling twenty-six miles to GFC for bread.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:54 am
strawberrybeaches217 says...


I waited until his truck was out of sight and then walked back into the cabin. I grabbed my blanket off of my bed and wrapped myself up in it. I almost got hit by a truck, I contemplated. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my teddy bear. It was a tiny white bear, a Valentines Day gift from my grandpa just a few days before he died. I dove underneath the covers and rested my head on the pillow. Thank goodness Rebecca and Hannah were sleeping. I closed my eyes and cuddled my bear, quickly falling asleep. My last thought was a silent hope to see Isaac again.

Then next morning, I woke up an hour early. I thought about my daily routine: wake up, work out, shower, fight with roommates, go up the hill for breakfast. Groaning, I rolled myself out of the bed and headed to the bathroom with my workout clothes. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and washed my makeup off. I grabbed a sweater out of my closet, zipped it up around me, and walked outside.

It was chilly again, kind of like last night. I started the jog up "Death's Hill." I had always been in really good shape, but "Death's Hill" really deserved its name. Workout was a pain, like always, but still a blast because of the spunky instructor. She was probably my favorite person at camp.

After workout, all of us girls raced towards the shower. Well, I had actually given up on taking a shower first. It only caused pain and fights. I waited patiently until there were no more girls waiting on showers. I picked out my outfit while waiting. I would wear my skinny jeans, boots, and an off white sweater. I loved the cold for this one reason: I got to finally wear my winter clothes which were impossible to wear in Florida.

I looked down at my watch. It was 7:45 when the first shower completely opened. I had fifteen minutes to get ready. I took a ninja fast shower and then brushed my hair and blowdried it. I had five more minutes. I raced the clock to put some light makeup on and then some chap stick. Damn, my lips are so dry! I thought as I walked towards the cafeteria.

When I arrived, the cafeteria was practically empty. I was ten minutes early. I guess I overestimated the time it took to walk up "Death's Hill." I sat at a table when I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"Did you ever set the maple syrup at all the tables?" A feamle voice called out.

"Not yet!" This voice was familiar. I instantly recognized it from last night.. "i'll do that right now, Mom!"

The kitchen door swung open, and I giggled to see Isaac try to handle over a dozen of maple syrup jars at once. "Need some help?" I offered taking a few away from him and setting them at each table. I wondered how different I looked from last night. I glanced at him. Did he recognize the emotional, shy, shocked girl from the night before?
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:10 pm
thelostone says...


I looked up and the girl from last night grabbed a couple bottles from my hand. She smiled and unlike last night, this one seemed pretty real. "Oh, uh, thanks!" I laughed and studied her as she flitted around the cafeteria. Her long dark hair swung back and forth as I threw her more bottles to put on the tables. "If you drop it, you have to pick it up!" I warned her. "Ready?" I held up the bottle and she nodded from across the room.

"Believe it or not, I'm pretty good at football." She smirked. "I have brothers."

"I guess we'll have to see about that." I joked and threw her the bottle. She caught it and threw her hands in the air.

"Ha Ha!" She squealed. "I told you I'm good."

"Yeah, you're something, that's for sure." I smiled.

She lifted her eyebrows and grinned. "So, do you always hit girls with your truck?"

"Just the pretty ones." I winked and watched as Skyler's cheeks grew pink. The breakfast bell rang overhead and I sighed. "Well, thanks for helping me. That was the most fun I've ever had setting the table but unfortunately now I have to go back and be Cinderella." I laughed. "Just kidding, but I do have to go back into the kitchen. I hope you have a good breakfast. See you later, Skyler."

"Bye, Isaac." She said and I pushed through the kitchen doors. Mom was flipping pancakes at the griddle.

"There's so many mouths to feed." She chuckled. "Just two more days. Then camp's over." I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek.

"You can do it, Mom." I laughed then headed towards the sink where I began to wash the dishes from last night. For some reason Skyler kept popping up in my thoughts. I had only just met her why is she constantly running through my mind? I thought about asking her out but with camp ending in two days who knows if we'll ever see each other again. I tried to shake her out of my mind and concentrated on the dishes.

"Isaac, I'm going to need your help tonight." Mom called over the sizzling sound of bacon.

"What?" I snapped up.

"The annual bonfire remember?" She said. "Geez, I'm the old one. I should be the one with memory problems not you."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I remember now." The camp holds this huge goodbye bonfire each year. S'mores, hotdogs, the whole nine yards. Every camper is there and it's the only night you're allowed to stay out past ten. Which means, Skyler will be there. Even the thought of her name made my heart jump. Does this normally happen when you almost hit a girl with a truck?
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:28 am
strawberrybeaches217 says...

I watched him until he left. I felt a litter stalkerish. Do girls normally overthink about boys who almost hit them with a truck? After he dissapeared, I went to sit with my family for breakfast. They were so joyful and sweet! I felt like wrapping them up in my arms and telling them how much I love them! Why did I feel so happy?

We said prayers for the meal and started a small conversation. I glanced over to the intern's table and frowned. Hannah's boyfriend was staring at me again. Hannah was glaring at me. I didn't feel like bearing another soar stomach and accidentally dropped the bottle of maple syrup. An idea formed in my mind. It coated my hands and I threw them in my hair. "Oh my god!" I made a commotion. Hannah snickered and her boyfriend gave me a disgusted look. Good, I thought, it worked. "I need to get cleaned up," I told my family, walking outside.

I noticed Isaac walking towards his car. He looked at me and laughed. "I told you if you dropped it, you had to clean it up!" He teased. "That was on purpose, wasn't it. Why did you do it?" He added seriously.

I nodded and blushed, utterly embarrassed. "It's not important."

He gave me a compassionate look that made my heart flutter. "Let's get this sticky mess out of your hair!" He commented tenderly as he led me to the nearby creek. It took a while, but with patience and perseverance I was free from the maple syrup.

"Thanks!" I smiled sincerely and was rewarded with one of his dimpled smiles. "I should be getting back to my family and breakfast." I said shyly.

"See you later!" He called out as he returned to his car.

I waved and started towards the dining hall. My mind was swarming with confusion. He was so nice, but I couldn't trust anyone. I needed Nate right now. Why wasn't there any phone signal up here. I checked my phone just in case - no signal. There wasn't anything special about him, right? He almost hit me with his car and he took me back to the cabin. Big whoop. There was nothing about him, I determined.

But as I sat back down with my family, my thoughts turned back towards him. I looked out the window and saw that the car was gone. I wondered where he was. The rest of breakfast was relentlessly long. I couldn't wait to go back to my room and figure it out.

"Mom!" I blurted out quickly.

"Si, mi hermana?" She replied in Spanish.

"Does your phone work up here?" I knew that her work provided her with a really classy phone. I silently wished it to have signal.

"Yes, why?" She continued skeptically.

"I want... I mean, I need to call Nate." I pleaded.

"Okay," She said, unwillingly passing her phone to her daughter.

"Thanks Mom! You're the best!" Just then, the bell rang, dismissing us from breakfast. I kissed her cheek and ran out to the tree swing and dialed my brother.

It rang... and rang... and rang... and rang... the voicemail picked up. "Dang, son, pick up your phone. I need you!" I said abruptly into the answering machine and then hung up.

I stood up and wandered back towards the creek. I gazed at my reflection My hair was drying in light waves. I smiled at the ripples. I skidded a few rocks against the surface of the water and closed my eyes.

"The bonfire is tonight." A voice startled me from behind. It was Hannah. "Stay away from my boyfriend!"

I gagged and responded angrily. "I don't want you're boyfriend!" I glared and broke down. "Just stop this! I have never done anything against you! Leave me alone!" I let the tears stream down my face and ran to my room in the cabin.

"You'd better do something about those tears or I wouldn't bother coming to the bonfire!" Hannah called out as she flitted away.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, claiming I was sick. Rosa and Nicolas, my siblings came down to bring me lunch and dinner. An hour before the campfire, a phone rang. I forgot I still had my mom's phone. It was Nate! "Hello?" I said with a raspy voice.

"Skyler! You're crying! What's going on, my little kitten?" His voice and concern made me break down again. I spilled everything. When I finally shut up, his voice was fiery and determined. "Now you have fifteen minutes before the bonfire, and I want you to go! Go get ready Skyler. Show those girls that you aren't afraid of them! I love you, Sky, and I'm routing for you!"

I wasn't really convinced, but I always did what Nate asked me to so with a sweet good bye, I went to my closet. I grabbed my dress and leggings. I changed in the bathroom, fixed my makeup and covered the signs of my tears. I frowned at my hair. Pulling out my curling iron, I made a few loose curls. There, I smiled, perfect! Time to face the music. I walked toward the bonfire nervously.


http://www.stylishguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Leggings-with-Dress-Winter-Outfit-modern.jpg (what she wore to bonfire including hair but minus the hat)
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:33 am
thelostone says...


"Here." Mom shoved an armful of skewers at me then ruffled my hair. "Hand these out at the bonfire, please."

"Sure." I took them and attempted to fix my hair.

"You look fine, Isaac." Mom reassured me. "Just go! It should be starting soon." I nodded and headed outside. It was chilly, but not too cold. Just the right temperature for a bonfire. Campers were already huddled around the pit chatting and I immediately spotted Skyler. She was sitting next to a group of people but she wasn't particularly talking with them. A couple smiles and nods here and there but nothing major. I started handing out the sticks and Mom came out a couple minutes later with the marshmallows. When I finished I sat next to Skyler and nudged her knee with mine.

"You look nice." I said. She smiled and dropped her head. I impaled a marshmallow with my stick and held it over the fire. When it caught fire, I pulled it out and admired my handiwork. "Look at that. The perfect marshmallow."

"You need a better definition of perfect." Skyler laughed and held her stick right above the flickering flames. "Golden brown is perfection."

"Maybe, but you see, you can get multiple uses out of one burnt marshmallow." I carefully pulled the back crust off of the marshmallow and held it up to show Skyler before popping it into my mouth. "See? Now you just keep doing that until you have to start another." She rolled her eyes and smiled. Her smile dropped when she looked across the fire to something else. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

She swallowed and nodded fast. "Yeah, no, of course. Everything's fine." She flashed me a fake smile before taking a deep breath and focusing on the fire.

"Welcome everyone to the annual bonfire." A counselor stood up and addressed the campers. "As usual, we expect nothing but your best behaviors. We haven't had issues in years past and I am sure we won't have issues this year. Enjoy, and thank you for staying with us these past few weeks."

The campers clapped then resumed talking to their friends. I turned to look at Skyler and nudged her again. "Uh, I know I almost hit you with my truck," I started, "but, uh, I was hoping I could get your number. Maybe we can stay in touch after we both leave. I think you're pretty cool, Skyler." I smiled.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded. "Yeah, sure."
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:44 am
strawberrybeaches217 says...


My heart was fluttering like a thousand acrobats were performing there grand finale. I smiled shyly and sweetly at him. Why didn't I meet him before? I asked myself. A small lock of his perfect blonde hair fell out of place. Attempting to fix it, he coated his forehead with the inside of the burnt marshmellow. I giggled and grabbed a napkin, wiping the sticky mess away. I told him my number and stood up. I felt Hannah's menacing stare on me and couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and Isaac did too. I smiled sincerely and looked away.

"Where are you going?" He asked somewhat urgently.

"On a walk. Do you want to come?" I asked with what I knew was a fake smile.

"I'd love to!" He said as he grabbed a handful marshmellows. With his free hand, he held onto my hand.

I flinched when our hands connected. Whenever a boy touched me I became frightened. The memories flooded back from my abusive father. I almost pulled my hand away, but our eyes connected. I saw sincerity in his turqoise, perfect eyes. Somehow, I trusted him. I tried not to let him see my mixed up emotions, so I continued to walk.

"You're hurting, aren't you? Scared maybe?" He asked gently.

I remained silent, feeling somehow betrayed by myself. I wouldn't be hurt again. No matter how hard it was, I couldn't trust him. I couldn't trust anyone, not even myself.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll always listen." He promised.

"Thanks," I murmured and pulled my hand away. I noticed that I accidentally wandered to the creek. I felt lulled by the babbling, trickling sounds and the reflection of the stars against the rushing water.

Isaac sat down on the bank and I silently sat next to him. A tear unwillingly slid down my cheek. I wiped it away as quickly as possible and then looked up at Isaac to see if he had noticed. He did. Damn, I thought. But I was trapped. His aquamarine eyes were piercing into me. I was trapped in the stare.

We moved closer towards each other. He wiped some hair out of my face, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips connected and I held on to him for dear life. I was more frightened than ever. I allowed myself to trust him. I quivered in his arms. Oh god, what have I done?
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:39 am
thelostone says...


I felt Skyler's body tense up as soon as our lips touched. Her arms were strong, pulling me against her but even they were trembling. For a moment, I thought she was going to break away and leave, but she stayed. She felt so fragile and breakable in my arms. Maybe she was already broken and I was just holding the pieces. Our mouths molded together and when we finally stopped, she pulled away and her eyes screamed with fear.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I murmured. My voice was quiet but with just the two of us here, it sounded like I screamed it.

She mumbled something to herself and tears began to mist her eyes. I watched her chest rise and fall rapidly and she stood up, looking around desperately. "Isaac, I-I-I can't-" She gasped for air and clutched at her neck.

"Can't what?" I asked and stood up.

"Breathe." She wheezed. "W-what's happening to me?" I dug into my pocket and handed her my inhaler. She held it to her mouth and took a deep breath. Her breathing slowed and she wiped the few stray tears from her face.

"Panic attack." I said quietly. "Sucks, I know. I used to get them after my parents split up." I took her hand and gently pulled her back onto the ground. "Stay." I begged as Skyler started to pull away. "Please." She glanced down at me and hesitantly sat back down next to me. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin, looking out babbling creek. I took a deep breath and said, "I hate cats, no matter how old or beat up it is, I love my truck, um, I'm an only child for right now, I love berry pies. I once ate a two full ones by myself one thanksgiving, I-"

"What are you doing?" She smiled her crooked smile and turned her head towards me.

"Random facts about Isaac Brooks." I said. "This way when you go home, instead of telling your friends 'I kissed a boy I didn't know' you can tell them 'I kissed a boy who hates cats and loves berry pies.'"

Her smile grew bigger and she blinked her dark eyelashes at me. "Okay, continue."

"I like when you smile, I once had a dog named Mr. Tibbs-"

"What happened to him?"

"Well, he was a big fat pug." I held out my hands to show her how big he was. "And he was stubborn too. One day I let him outside and he sat in the middle of the road and refused to move."

She gasped and covered her mouth. "Poor Mr. Tibbs."

"Yeah, but he was old. He lived a good life." I met Skyler's eyes and they weren't as terrified anymore. "My mom and I use to build fairy houses in the backyard when I was little, my parents divorced three years ago, and I have asthma." I took one of her hand's away from her knees and entwined our fingers. "Your turn." I whispered.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:13 am
strawberrybeaches217 says...

I liked him, I mused. Don't get attached, Sky, I chastised myself. All boys are the same....Well except Nate. They're kind and caring and considerate until you spill your hurts, and then they attack, using your hurts to hurt you more.

A battle raged inside me, wondering how much to tell him. Random facts, like he said! I decided.

I smiled and started shyly. "My brother, Nate, calls me his kitten." I nearly laughed at Isaac's disgusted face. "It's a term of endearment!" I defended the name. "I love oreo cookies, but only if they're dipped in peanut butter!"

"Peanut butter?" Isaac asked, shocked.

"It's delicious!" I commented. Isaac's cheery mood was rubbing off on me. "I love bunnies! Down in Florida I volunteer at a place called 'Happy Bunny Farms' every week!" I giggled. "The Sandiago's adopted me when I was ten. Nate's my only real family. My mom committed suicide." I said solemnly, purposely not mentioning my dad. If Isaac asked, I would tell him, but otherwise I would remain silent. I felt Isaac's arm wrap around me and his other hand slip into mine. He remained silently attentive.

"I love hiking," I changed the subject. "I'm still a little sad that I've been in the mountains for two weeks without a little hike." I shrugged the comment off quickly.

I smiled smiled, remember his comment about liking my smile. I thought it would be good to say something I liked about him. "I like your eyes! They're like an ocean - tranquil yet mysterious!"

"Thank you!" It was his turn to smile, his dimples appearing again. His face flushed a little, somehow affecting me to blush as well.

Suddenly I heard footsteps walking towards us. "Boys and girls aren't allowed to be together alone ever." I commented quickly, looking at Isaac for what to do.
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:00 pm
thelostone says...


I reached for Skyler's hand but she yanked it away. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered, "Trust me." The sound of leaves crunching under boots came closer and frightened, she took my outstretched hand. I tilted my head towards the thicket of trees behind the creek. "Ever climbed a tree before?" I grinned. Just like I had expected, as soon as we began running, whoever was behind us sped up.

"Hey!" They called out. "Who's out there?"

"Here, here!" I hissed and helped Skyler climb onto the first branch. "Be careful where you step." I followed quickly behind her and we hid behind the leaves. I squinted my eyes and a person came into sight. When they came closer I recognized Stephan, the head counselor. I felt Skyler's eyes on me so I held my finger up to my lips as a reminder to stay quiet.

“Hello?” Stephan yelled out into the tree line. “Is anyone there?” He looked around then headed back out. We waited a couple more minutes in the tree until I was sure the coast was clear, then we finally started to breathe again.

"We should probably start heading back then, I suppose." I sighed and started climbing down the tree.

"To the bonfire?" She asked, trying to get down too. "Do you think anyone's noticed that we left?"

"Eh, who cares." I said, now back on the ground. "As long as they don't see us together."

"Right." She landed next to me and we started walking back out to the creek. At first we walked in silence, but then Skyler broke it. "Are you going to call me? You know, after we leave camp?"

"Of course." I smiled. "Then I'm going to find where you live and we're going to sit on your couch and do nothing but watch terribly sad romantic movies and eat berry pies and oreos with peanut butter."

"Okay." She giggled. "Sounds fun."

"So, are we going to get arrested if we walk back to the bonfire together?" I asked, "Or should we split up and walk in at different times?"

"Probably split up." She said. "It'd be safer." We neared the bonfire and Skyler turned back towards me. I watched her eyes and I knew she wanted to say more but all that came out was, "Uh, thanks."

"Just one more question," I whispered. "Why are you scared of me touching you?"

She tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear then looked down at the ground. "Uh, I-I- I'll answer that when we're watching movies on my couch and eating oreos with peanut butter."

"Don't forget the berry pies." I said.

"Oh, I won't." She smiled and then turned back and headed back towards the campfire. I waited a couple minutes then went back too, with everything that happened by the creek replaying in my mind.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:50 pm
strawberrybeaches217 says...

On my way back to the camp, all I could think of was Isaac. He wouldn't hurt me, I decided. So, the male gender wasn't all like my dad. I sighed. Why did I have to leave now? I wish I could've gotten to know him more.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you stay with your friends?" I noticed my mom walking towards me. I looked around. My "friends weren't here anymore. They must've went on the trails. They were talking about that before Isaac and I left.

"I got bored, and I wanted to be with my family!" I lied, smiling.

My mom wrapped her arm wrapped her arm around me and led me to the fire. I toasted some marshmellows for Rosa and Nicolas. When Isaac slipped back to the fire, I smiled and winked at him. When he winked back, I felt my face flush bright red and butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach.

Isaac walked over to an older woman who looked like it must be his mother. She's pretty, I thought. I didn't mean to, but I began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Where have you been? I need your help with clean up!" She reprimanded gently, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"On a walk to the creek. Don't worry Mom! I'm back to clean!" He laughed. His laugh was nice, I giggled and turned my attention back to my little siblings.

"Are you having a good time?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yeth! There are tho many nice people!" Rosa replied and began to tell me about everyone and everything. When I started to lose interest, my wandered. It involuntary turned to Isaac.

"I'm so glad!" I said suddenly and got up from the campfire.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked. "We were just about to head to bed."

"Oh, okay!" I gave each of them a kiss and hug. "Good night. I think I'll hit the sack too!" I smiled.

Once they were gone I looked around to see who was still here. It was Isaac, his mom, and a few other that I didn't even know. The interns hadn't come back, thank goodness!

"Mom, you can go to bed! I'll clean everything else up when everyone is gone!" I heard Isaac promise.

I sat on the ground and lay back to gaze at the stars. "Thank you, Isaac!" His mom sounded exhausted with whole hearted gratefulness.

He was so good to everyone, I decided in my mind. Beautiful life, beautiful stars...everything is beautiful tonight!

"Do you like getting grass stains alone at night, or would you like a buddy?" I heard Isaac's teasing voice beside me. When I looked over, he was lying next to me.

"A buddy!" I whispered. "And I'll make it up to you! I'll help you clean!" I winked at him, smiling brilliantly.
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:49 am
thelostone says...


The grass felt cool and soft beneath my skin as I laid on the grass next to Skyler. I put my hands behind my head and looked up at the dark sky. As entrancing as the stars were, I kept finding myself watching Skyler instead. Once in a while she'd catch me looking and blush before turning back to look at the stars. I liked being with Skyler. I didn't feel like I had to fill the silence, or pretend to be something I'm not when I was around her. The quiet was nice, refreshing almost.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Skyler giggled after catching me glancing at her again.

"Because I like to look at beautiful things." I said and that was enough to make her cheeks flush bright red. I stood up, offering my hand. "Ready to clean?"

Her hand slipped into mine and I helped her up. "Of course." We walked over to the fire which was now barely alive, nothing compared to the menacing flames from earlier. "Let's play twenty questions."

I bent over to grab some chocolate bar wrappers from the ground and agreed. "Alright, shoot."

"What's your favorite thing to do?" She asked while picking up more wrappers on the opposite side of the smoldering fire.

"Easy," I said. "Listen to music."

"What's your favorite genre?"

"Hey now," I teased. "It's my turn to ask a question." She rolled her eyes but I continued. "Dogs or cats?"

"Uh, both." She smiled. "What's your favorite color?"

"Woah, already getting into the deep questions, are we?" I laughed. "Just kidding. Um, probably orange. Like the color of the leaves before they fall off the trees." I grabbed a garbage bag Mom left for me and held it out so Skyler could throw the wrappers away.

"I bet I can make it from here." She smirked, standing four feet away from the outstretched trash bag.

"Alright, if you miss you owe me a kiss." I grinned.

"On the cheek?" I shook my head. "Okay, here it goes." She crumpled up the wrappers and lined up the shot.

"She goes for the three pointer." I narrated. "She's concentrating on the hoop. She shoots and-" Skyler shot and the wrappers fell short, landing a couple inches away from the trash bag. "Oooh, and she misses!" Skyler laughed and when she turned to walk away, I grabbed her wrist and spun her back into me. Her eyes grew wide with surprise and her breathing quickened. "You didn't forget about our bet, did you?" I said, huskily. She bit her lip while looking at mine. Carefully, we tilted our heads closer to each other and just before our mouths touched a screen door opened, the noise making us instantly take three steps away from each other.

"Isaac?" Mom yelled. "Honey, are you out there?"

"Yeah, Mom." I called back.

"Don't forget to douse the fire with water, okay?" She asked.

"Okay, Mom. I'll be back inside in a little bit." I said and the screen door closed but by then I had already missed my chance.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:04 pm
strawberrybeaches217 says...

My heart was racing by the time he spun me around. I was a little frightened, but when I looked back into his eyes I knew I trusted him. The screen door opened, and as his mom called out I slipped away. It wasn't like I hadn't liked kissing him earlier, but I was still scared. Too many memories.

"I'll go get the water." I told him plainly and went to grab a bucket. I filled it with water with the spicket and went to douse the fire. I grinned as i missed and soaked Isaac. "I guess I'm not a good aim tonight! I missed again!" I winked and kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" At first he sounded angry, but then I saw he was laughing.

"Well, I thought you needed it more than the fire!" I giggled. "Cause if you were any hotter, I think you would burst aflame, disinigrate to ash, and then you wouldn't be here with me anymore!" I teased.

"Oh really?" His eyes sparkled with mischief. "In that case, you need a long dunk in the creek!" He laughed and I blushed a little. "Or just a nice long hug from a soaked, freezing man!"

I didn't feel like getting soaked, so I dropped my bucket. "You'll have to catch me first!" I threatened and started to run into the woods. He followed quickly. All the football that Nate made me do when I was little payed off. I ran like I never did before. When I looked back, I was shocked to see that he was still at a close distance behind. I almost tripped over a root, but caught myself first. I made a few intricate twists and turns and then hid behind a fallen log when I couldn't see him. I breathed heavily but was cautious about the noise. He was in front of my hiding place suddenly and I jumped up, tackling him in a bear hug, laughing and out of breath.

He grinned, startled a little, but returning the hug. "Thanks," I muttered.

We turned back towards the camp, and I filled the bucket with water for the second time before dousing the rest of the fire. I would've let him do it, but I didn't want to give him a chance of revenge.

We finished cleaning in silence. Normally, silence would've bothered me, but as long as Isaac was near me, the silence was a sort of a comfort. As long as I was with him, it was peaceful. I gazed fondly at him.

I checked my defenses real quick and noticed they had all fallen. I was giving in too quickly to Isaac. What if he hurt me? I thought frantically. My heart pounded I breathed heavily again. I sat down trying to catch my breath, but it felt like my throat was closing up. "I-isaac!" i exclaimed frantically.

He was at my side in a flash. "Panic attack again?" He said worridly. I nodded my head, and he wrapped his arms around me. I placed my head on his shoulder and started to slow down my thoughts. I could breathe again in a few moments.

"Sorry...." I said whole heartedly.

"Don't be!" he assured me. "I'm always here for you!" He helped me up. The bonfire location was perfectly clean. "We make a good team! Good work!" He continued.

I smiled. "Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind doing this more often!" I brushed a piece of hair away from my eyes. "See you in the morning?" I asked turning towards my cabin.

"Yeah! Come down early, and I'll introduce you to my mom!" He smiled brilliantly. "And maybe you'll get some oreos with peanut butter."

My eyes widened with surprise. "You better believe I'll be down early!" I giggled. "See you then!"

"Sleep tight!" He turned towards his house.

"Good night!" I called after him. My heart was racing, but my mind was peaceful. Isaac was amazing, I decided!
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

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Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:04 pm
thelostone says...


For the campers' final breakfast at camp, Mom made french toast and bacon with fruit on the side. I heard someone knock on the door and I couldn't help smiling when I saw it was Skyler.

"I'm here for my peanut butter oreos." She beamed. I stuck out my bottom lip and pretended to pout until she added, "And you, of course."

"Good morning to you too." I lead her back into the kitchen where Mom was busy slicing bananas and strawberries. "Mom, I want you to meet someone." She looked up and wiped her hands on her bulging stomach. "Skyler, this is Mom. Mom, this is Skyler."

"Hi, honey." Mom made an awkward attempt to hug her, but it looked like she was mostly squishing her with her belly. "Sorry, this baby keeps getting in the way." She laughed. "It's nice to meet you, Skyler."

"Nice to meet you too!" Skyler said. "Do you need any help before breakfast?"

Mom shook her head and went back to cutting the fruit. "I've got it. Thanks for asking, dear."

"Mom used to own a restaurant back home." I boasted. "Brooks Diner. Everyone loved it!"

"But, like many small businesses these days, we had to close it." Mom sighed. "It was an amazing experience, though." I patted Mom on the back and she brushed a piece of blonde hair out of her face with the back of her hand.

"I'll lock up the pantry." I said. "Don't want any mice while we're away."

"There's nothing in there, goofball." Mom teased. "But go ahead, it needs to be locked up before we leave."

I took Skyler's hand and she immediately tensed up. I lead her to the back of the kitchen where the giant walk-in pantry was. Her muscles slowly relaxed and I probably held onto her hand longer than necessary. I opened the door and watched her jaw drop. The pantry really was huge. It was almost the size of a full room. Like Mom said, the shelves were empty except for two things in the back. I grabbed the peanut butter and oreos and handed them to Skyler. Her eyes lit up and she enthusiastically opened the jar.

"Alright, show me how to do this." I grabbed an oreo and started to twist it apart but she stopped me. "But, I always twist them before I eat them." I protested.

"Well, you're trying something new, remember?" Skyler smirked then took an oreo. She held it up to demonstrate then used it to scoop peanut butter out of the jar. "Just like that." She said before popping it into her mouth. I eyed her skeptically then proceeded to do exactly what she did. I studied the oreo and Skyler urged me to eat it already. I gave into her commands and bit into it.

"Mmmm." I nodded. "It is good." She grinned with pride. "But, nothing can compare to the twist and dunk method of Isaac Brooks." Skyler laughed and playfully punched me then we watched each other eat the chocolate cookies. Her smothering them in peanut butter and me twisting them apart. "I want to re-open it for her one day." I said finally, breaking the silence.

"Open what?"

"The diner." I answered. "Maybe for her birthday one year. She deserves it."

"I think she'd love that." She said softly. She checked her phone and smiled. "Does it normally take you twenty seven minutes to lock the pantry?"

"Some days." I joked. "Come on, peanut butter girl." I held out my hand and helped her stand up. "We should get rid of the evidence." I grabbed the empty oreos container and tossed it in the trash outside of the pantry.

"It's kinda sad, actually." Skyler scrunched up her nose and looked at the trash bin.

"Yeah," I agreed. "R.I.P. delicious oreos."
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:40 pm
strawberrybeaches217 says...


"Well, that too," I giggled as I saluted the cookies. " But our friendship won't just go in the trash like that when I leave, right?" I looked at him and I felt my green eyes widen.

"Of course not!" He assured me, squeezing my hand.

I smiled softly at him. "Good." I looked down at my watch. I was so glad I had skipped workout this morning. I told everyone I needed to pack, but that was already done. Instead I came down to the kitchen.

For a second I realized Isaac was just looking at me. When I looked back at him, I couldn't help staring. His eyes seemed brighter than usual. They were gorgeous, reminding me of the ocean. "I can't wait until you stalk me and we have a long day of sad romantic movies, peanut butter oreos, and berry pies!" I winked at him.

He scrunched his face. "I don't stalk people!" He insisted.

I shook my head slowly and began to flit away. "I smell something delicious!" I giggled.

"How can you be hungry after all of those oreos?" Isaac gasped.

"I'm always hungry!" I assured him.

"Good point!" He grinned.

I saw his mom working hard on finishing the breakfast. "Are you sure you don't need any help, Mrs. Brooks?" I pondered.

"Yes! You just go enjoy your breakfast!" She insisted with a beautiful smile brightening her face. "Thank you, though!"

I looked at my watch again. "I really have to go out to the dining room in a few minutes." I told Isaac who was rummaging through a drawer.

He looked back at me and then placed some silverware in my hand. He had napkins and cups. "Wanna help?" He asked happily.

"I'd love to!" I said as I exited the kitchen.

We worked in silence until the chore was completed. It was a big dining room, but we worked fast. We actually finished a few minutes early.

"Thanks!" Isaac said sincerely.

"Anytime!" I smiled and then pecked a kiss on his cheek. "You're going to say good bye to me before I leave tonight, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it!" He gave me a big bear hug. I never wanted to escape his embrace. It was a moment of perfection. I held him there for a few moments. It was perfect.
"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

~used to be blimeylimey217

It's Monday and you folks are beginning to wonder about the show, aren't you
— David Letterman