
Young Writers Society

Apocalypse (Accepting/Started)

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Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:15 pm
Basil says...


2037. The humans of Earth thought they'd cured every disease. Cancer was no longer a problem. Scientists stopped making antibiotics. Everything seemed happy. Life seemed perfect.
Except in the slums. Disease, plagues, the whole works. And if the humans weren't dying, it was the hybrids. They were science experiments gone wrong. They were meant to be for cures. Only a handful know the secrets. Only a handful of hybrids know why the cities are so clean and perfect. They also know why the slums are the way they are.
They know why so many of the old cities have been walled off, why no one is allowed into the closed off areas. Why the law states that no one can move from the town or city they were born.

It has been thought that no one lived in those closed off places. It has been thought that everyone there is dead. Well, they're not wrong.
Zombies swarm in the cities, and when a group of hybrids go in to see if they could salvage something for the humans in the slums. The hybrids had a run-in with some rotting creatures that could move quickly. They survived and got out with a few cuts and bruises. And someone got bitten.

Within months, all the slums were overrun by the dead. The cities have been closed off. The hybrids that made it out alive escaped to the cities, and they were closed off. The human that are left are fragile. Many turned from the poison in the air. All those that had any signs of becoming a zombie was burned and thrown out of the city.
The hybrids were sent to labs. They're the only ones that are fully immune to becoming zombies. They help transfer humans to cities that need them.

Now, the government wants the hybrids to find a way to destroy the zombies. They want Earth back, and they'll fight for it back. The government is prepared to go down fighting. They are the last remaining humans, and they know it.
Earth is in chaos. Humans are dying, and the zombies are taking over. The hybrids are the only things that can save them, and the only creatures alive with some human blood in their veins, and they are trying to keep the humans alive.

All everyone can do is hope. The apocalypse may yet come to an end. Life may be able to start again.


Set in North America, though there can be posts based in other countries, and the hybrids can travel around the world.


Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Description :[/b] (picture allowed)
[b]History:[/b] (Realistic and believable)
[b]Species:[/b] (human, hybrid zombie or hybrid)
[b]Up for love?:[/b]
[b]Anything I've missed:[/b]

Humans – They appear very healthy, and most are immune to all disease. Most humans are fair skinned and haired, sometimes looking quite sickly too. The soldiers are healthier looking and stronger, ranging from dark skinned to light skinned.

Hybrids – some look human, some don't. They have body parts of animals. They are stronger, smarter, more adaptable and less susceptible illnesses. They are immune to zombie bites, also. Hybrids aren't immortal, though. They can still be injured, even if it is difficult. And all hybrids have a sort of connection, like they're family. If the hybrid was made in a lab, it will have a subject name, too. If it was born a hybrid, then it wont.

Zombies – if you've seen Quarantine, World War Z, I am Legend and 28 Days Later, then you'll have a fair idea of what they're like. If you haven't, I'll put it simply. They are fast and agile, and the zombie hybrids are extremely intelligent. Though they were once human, it must be remembered that they aren't any more, and their brains are hot wired to think like animals, and they hunt in packs mostly. They keep to the shadows, and a sharp blow to the head will permanently stop them, as well as burning them. So far, there isn't anything that can stop them.

More spots will be made if other's join.
Spoiler! :
Humans –
1. Mathew (winterbites)
2. Hanley Simmons (shinethroughthedark)

Soldiers –
1. Jimmy Johnston – commander of The Hammers (IchigoKitten)
2. Alexandru – commander of all soldiers (Open for the taking)
3. Sam (Wolf) Alec (TinyJarStoredDreams)

Hybrids –
1. Snow Kittle (BasiltheCat)
2. Subject: 27 aka the Iron Giant (Dragon99)
3. Fleak Sky (Lee0z)
4. Charlie (Caz)
5. Subject: 17 (Dakushau)

Zombies –
1. Pending (SubtleSanity)

No god-modding
No magic
Swearing is allowed
Violence and gore allowed
Romance is allowed, but nothing too graphic.
There is no limit to how many characters you want, but if you do have more than one character, make sure you can keep track!
Don't kill off another's character without their permission
Be as creative as you can and have fun!
Last edited by Basil on Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:16 am, edited 8 times in total.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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24 Reviews

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:08 pm
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Basil says...


“Alright, now go under – Snow, I said under!” A voice commands in my ear.
I jump to the side and leap over the drain pipe with ease and prefect agility. I land on the dirt soundlessly, and look around, my bronze eyes narrowed.
“You know I don’t listen when you talk like that, Alexandru,” I whisper.
I hear a soft growl in the special earpiece fitted to my feathered head. A small microphone sits against my cheek, and a speaker brushes gently against the feathers inside my ears. I flicker them back and forth, annoyed that I can’t get rid of the earpiece.
“Snow,” Alex’s voice is strained, and he pauses, probably to scrub angrily at his face. “Snow, please listen for once. When I tell you to do something, do it, ok?”
Catching movement in the corner of my eye, I look to my left and spot a leg disappear behind a pile of rubble. My eyes narrow some more, and I put a hand to the soundless gun in the holster on my thigh.
“Target sighted. Thirty metres to the west, approximately three seconds after it moved out of vision,” I whisper the coordinates, and hear the scratching of a pen on paper.
“Ok, we’ll have The Hammers out in a sec,” Alex’s voice is calmer.
The target appears to my right suddenly, shrouded in shadows, standing inside a huge drain-pipe. It has full view of me, crouched in the dirt, looking very vulnerable. I swallow audibly, and my ears twitch.
“Um, Alexandru,” I whisper as quietly as I can.
There is silence, and then typing of keys on a keyboard. My bronze eyes widen as the target crouches down also, mimicking my stance. White eyes glow, and my stomach does a flip as I hear a growl, and not from the earpiece.
“Shit!” Alex curses. “Snow, get moving. The Hammers wont make it in time. Get out of there.”
Time seems to stop. My body has frozen in place, ears rotating like satellite dishes, strained for even the slightest of sounds. Behind me, and to my left, I hear the scuffle of feet. The target moves into the light, and I curse. It isn’t the target.
“Get the hell out of there Snow!” Alex’s voice booms in my ear, and I leap forward, gun in hand.
I hear hisses and snarls behind me as the zombies follow me in hot pursuit. I skid around the corner of a crumbling building, my legs pumping to keep me moving. Ahead of me I hear a growl, and glance up as a zombie leaps off the roof of the building beside me.
The gun seems to have a mind of its own and is above my head, firing away. The zombie is jerked back in mid-air, and hits the ground with a sickening crunch.
Ahead of me I hear shouts and gunfire, and increase my speed. I reach an open street and leap over a car, onto the bitumen road. Stopping dead in my tracks, I spin around just as a figure jumps in front of me, machine gun in hand, and mows down the wave of zombies before him, screaming in rage as he does so. Behind me I hear the other members of The Hammers groan and murmur something about alcohol.
“JJ, stop fricking shooting!” Alex’s voice is loud enough that I can hear him over the gunfire. “They’re all bloody dead!”
The gunman turns around and grunts. “Those bastards are alrea’y dead,” he says, matter-of-fact like. “I was jus’ showin’ ‘em who’s boss.”
I snicker behind my hand. “You’re pretty good at that, aren't you JJ?” I tease sarcastically.
“Oh yeah, real funny Snow,” Jimmy retorts, flipping me the bird.
“Alright ladies, show’s over. Get to my office now, ok?” Alex’s voice sounds around us this time.
“Aw, but Alex, I was jus' gett'n' warm'd up!” Jimmy wails mockingly, swapping for his rifle.
“I said get out!” Alex doesn’t sound too happy.
Jimmy suddenly holds up his rifle and fires without really taking aim. I instinctively drop and spin around as the bullet sails past two soldiers, hitting the target in the head. The zombie hits the ground, and Jimmy grunts again. I stand up and turn on him.
“Screw you, Jimmy. You know the target was mine,” I snarl.
“Big fuckin' deal, Snow,” he shrugs, slinging the rifle over his shoulder. “Nex' time, don’t take so long ... arguin' with Alex, an' gett'n' caught.”
I can smell the alcohol on his breath and wince. I spin around and stroll over to the target. “You bastard. Now I have to do this again,” I throw over my shoulder.
On the target’s hand is a symbol. I was supposed to get that symbol somehow, and bring it to Alex. With a small smile, I bend down, take out my knife and cut off the target’s hand in one, fluid motion.
“Yur a real bitch at times, ya know tha' Snow?” Jimmy says behind me. “Tha’s why yur my friend.”
I smile evilly and stand up just as Alex’s voice rings through my head. “Come to my office now. And no nasty surprises.”
I think it’s safe to say that maybe training wasn’t so fruitless after all.
Last edited by Basil on Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:24 am
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Ciblio says...

Hanley Simmons

I sat in the corner, across from the only other human I knew currently. Matthew.

We'd been hiding in his house. It was small. He had rescued me a few weeks before now.

We had to block off all the entrances.

"When're we going to go and get more food?" I asked in a low voice.

He grunted, and avoided the question.

It'd been days since I'd eaten. Him, too. Actually, I don't know when the last time he ate was..

"Tell me about your old life." He said, instead.

He always avoided my questions.

I sighed. "The only good thing about it was my sister. You know that. I don't know why you always ask me that. I don't even know why you always avoid my questions. Why can't we jus-" He cut me off.

"No. Not yet." Matthew replied.

I looked down, and picked at my nails.

"You never tell me a lot about your sister. I don't even know her name." He said.

I glanced up at him.

He was skinny. Black hair. Always had his beanie on. He was twirling his knife on his finger.

"Ember." I whispered, my voice cracking.

There was a long silence.

"Did something happen to her?" He asked, breaking the silence.

I shook my head. "We just got...separated. After it all went down."

"Ah. Well, what'd she look like?"

Shaking my head, I looked away.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Simmons." He told me.

He always called me by my last name. I think it's because he can't remember my first name.

I thought for a moment. "Do you know my first name?"

"Hm? Um, of course I do." He said.

I smiled. "What is it?"

"What? Did you forget it, or something?" I could tell he was smiling.

Maybe not a lot, but he was.

"I just want to know if you know it." I defended.

He chuckled quietly. "It's Harley, Simmons."

I laughed. It might have been a little too loud, but oh well.

"What's so funny, girl?" He whispered. I could see him look over at me in the moon light.

"My name is Hanley." I managed to say through my laughter.

I didn't know what it was that made more laughter rise in my chest, but it felt good to laugh, so I kept at it.
Last edited by Ciblio on Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:31 pm
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Craz says...

Charlie | Hybrid

"Hey hey hey. You two. Get moving."

The forbidden lovers stumbled over themselves in attempting to stand, slapping and jerking and pulling on fragments of clothes that had been discarded in a poor circle around their little love nest. They were young, ignorant teens, gripped by the hormones of 'love' and the thrilling arouse of danger and the excitement of edging both of those at the same time had called upon them to throw their clothes off right next to the only thing holding their precious city afloat, the Wall. The two humans were ingenuous and impressionable, fools that didn't honestly care about the dangers until it was upon them.

Charlie found it pathetic and repulsive.

When they didn't move fast enough, the hybrid waved his very impressive gun around before him, peeling his lips back to grin his teeth. Like he wanted to, they stumbled away and ran, still gripping each other. He watched them with steely golden eyes, and then turned to his squad.

"What?" He felt indignant with the look they gave him. They shook their heads and sighed, continuing on their pre-planned route like the good little soldiers they were. He didn't enjoy this, either; his squad. There were only two other mutants in this group, as most of them were assigned to exterminate the creatures that roamed Outside, and the rest, like him, were told to watch the Wall, and protect the hypocritical humans. He had conflicting views about this; not about the humans, but the fact that they thought it would better suit their needs if he stayed in an arm's reach.

He walked out of step next to the hardhearted lizard girl who, upon meeting him and exchanging words, had despised the very air Charlie supposedly wasted. However she had made a grave mistake, as Charlie made it his sworn duty to spend as much time around her as possible just for the fact that she hated him, not quite bordering stalking inclinations. The girl, who went by the false name of Lora, gave him a stank eye as he quietly approached.

Besides the event of the young lovers, the rounds were boring and painfully uneventful, as usual. Charlie entertained himself with striking a conversation with Lora, occasionally including someone else to validate a point. The girl was as sharp tongued as ever, which he always found exciting. But eventually the conversation wasn't even enough to distract his growing agitation and restlessness, and his tail whipped about him, uneasy with this bundle of semi contained energy. His ears twitched in tune with the beating of his heart.

When the rounds were over but the shift not quite, they hovered at the Gates, the one way in and out. Charlie stretched his legs out behind him, yawning, waiting for something entertaining to happen. After a few minutes of casually making small talk, a flash of something caught his eye near the Gates.

"Hey, are they from the Outside watch?" He asked the large soldier next to him, Neal. The man nodded his thick head. "Looks like they just got back, too." Neal added.

Charlie watched the curious mash of hybrid and human. The group was an even half, and they moved as one, like a school of fish. It was a curious thing; humans and hybrids mixed as well together as a hangover and sunlight. He couldn't decide if he liked this or not, but it piqued his interest enough for him to grin wide. With his teeth bright, he called out to one of them.

"Aye, BirdGirl! Why don't you come over here for a little bit?" He heard Neal chuckle and felt him shake his head and cross his arms next to him, instantly amused by Charlie. Charlie laughed, too, loud and into the open, but not from the influence of the human. He had the BirdGirl's attention now, and the rest of her group. He whistled and laughed again, excited by this little excitement and attention, mostly from the lack of it he had been getting previously. The BirdGirl was now coming towards him, and he gave her his best smile, his canines showing.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:06 pm
Basil says...


As I walk back from the walled training area a few leagues from the city I call home, I hear a voice calling me as the soldiers return, weary eyes cast about them.
“Aye, BirdGirl! Why don't you come over here for a little bit?”
My eyes rove across the landscape until they rest upon another group – Patrols – with a tall, man with a halo of gold around him. I abandon the rest of The Hammers, telling them to return to Alexandru, or wait for Jimmy, as I stroll over to the Patrol group.
As I reach them, one man seems to be giving me a once over, smiling widely. My T-shirt is drenched in sweat, and plastered to my body, and my leggings are tight-fitting. I probably look a nice view for any man. This only makes me narrow my eyes.
“You, Lion Boy,” I tease, then smile.
Charlie returns the smile, as do a few of the humans. “Where were you just now?” He asks.
I hold up the target’s severed hand with an evil grin. “Training. You should try it some time. I’m hoping Alexandru allows an on-field assignment soon,” I say.
Lora, a lizard hybrid, gives me a curious look, her grey eyes darting to the hand and then to my face. “What is it you do in … training?” She asks, voice slightly husky.
I shrug. “Whatever Alexandru sets us. Usually it’s to find a particular zombie. We never go against the hybrid zombies though. They’re too dangerous for the humans that aren’t …” I trail off as I hear Jimmy’s hollering behind me. “Immune.”
Charlie glances over my shoulder and frowns. “Who is that, exactly?” He asks.
I spin around and indicate they follow with a flourish of my hand. “Jimmy Johnston. Call him JJ, though, or he’ll have your head on a pike,” I hold in a laugh. “He’s been drinking. He’s always drinking before a training session. Alexandru tells him off each time … but to no avail.”
“Why don’t you talk to him?” The human I’d noticed before asks.
“You think that idiot would listen to me?” I snarl. “I’m like his little sister; he’ll listen to a brick wall before he asks for advice from me.”
“I think it's the same for everyone,” the man says with a chuckle.
“Who are you?” I ask with narrowed eyes.
“Neal,” he nods. “And what do we call you? I don’t think BirdGirl is appropriate.”
“Hey, that’s the name I use,” Charlie huffs lazily with a grin, his sharp teeth glinting. He seems content to just listen to our conversation.
“You can call me Captain,” I say with a lopsided grin.
“Call her Ma’am,” Lora snickers. “She hates that.”
“Snow, where the bloody hell are you?” Alex growls, his voice loud in my earpiece.
“Alexandru, leave me be, I’m on my way,” I snarl.
“In trouble already?” Lora gives me a scathing look.
My eyes return to Charlie. “You. You are going to ask Alexandru to be in the next training session,” I say firmly.
“What if it’s an on-field?” He asks, smiling.
“Then it’s an on-field,” I growl impatiently. “Look, I have to go.”
I quickly run off, yelling a good-bye over my shoulder. Charlie laughs, and helps his Patrol to close the Gates to the city. Today has definitely been a good one.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:50 pm
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IchigoKitten says...


Snow walks away, and the ret of The Hammers follow. Jimmy staggers forward and stares at the now one-handed zombie and grunts. As he staggers past the mess he’d made with the pack of zombies that were chasing Snow, he shakes his head. That girl is always messing up, but never gets herself into real trouble.
“Jimmy, I’d like you to accompany Snow to my office as well, please,” Alexandru growls in his ear.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jimmy slurs. “I’ll be up soon.”
He staggers down the road in the complete wrong direction. He can hear a sigh of anger, and then keyboards being pressed irritably.
“Jimmy, you’re going to wrong way,” Alexandru’s voice booms through out the training room.
Jimmy flips the fake sky the bird, and then turns around to stagger back the other way.
Jimmy makes it to Alexandru’s office before Snow. He doesn’t know how, but assumes she got caught up in conversation with a human. Or maybe she was questioned because she is carrying a hand around.
“Sit,” Alexandru commands.
Jimmy has a moment of wanting to rebel, then sits in a chair with four legs stuck to the carpet. The chair beside him is a swivel chair, and Snow is obsessed with it. Jimmy looks at Alexandru and smiles.
“You’re drunk,” Alexandru begins, disapprovingly.
“Now, only … slightly tipsy,” Jimmy slurs.
The office doors bangs open and Snow strolls in. She slams the hand onto the desk, black blood splattering across the carpet. Alexandru jumps and glares up at her.
“Here’s your damn symbol, and I’m done here,” she snaps, spinning around to leave.
Alexandru jumps forward and grabs her wrist. He whirls her toward the swivel chair, and she plonks down onto it. Alexandru then reseats himself and glares at both the people sitting before him.
“Both of you could have done better today,” he begins, watching them closely, arms crossed over his chest. When his words are met by silence, his eyes widen in mock surprise. He sits forward and throws his hands in the air. “Where are the excuses?” He asks, mock shocked.
“You’re right,” Snow begins in a small voice. All attention is on her. “But if Jimmy wasn’t off his face, maybe I’d have done a better job!”
She leaps up and points at Jimmy, who stares wide-eyed at Alexandru. “I’m not smashed,” he slurs, none too convincing. “I had a …” he burps. “A couple of beers maybe.”
“Jimmy, I can’t deny that you’re our best soldier here, but if you come to training drunk,” Alexandru smashes his fist on the table, and the hand jumps. “I can’t let you out on missions, got it?”
Jimmy looks down at his hands clasped firmly in his lap, and nods silently. Snow suddenly starts laughing, and Alexandru glares at her.
“Damn it Snow, don’t laugh when I smile!” He shouts as Snow continues to laugh.
“I’m sorry …” Snow sobers surprisingly fast. “Shall I … leave now and await my next mission?”
Alexandru considers her for a moment, and Jimmy notices a flicker of something in his eyes. As the man waves his hand and Snow leaves with a flourish, Jimmy suspects this meeting is coming to an end.
“Alright Jimmy, I need to know you’re not going to drink before a training session,” Alexandru says half-heartedly, eyes darting to the door.
Jimmy knows, even in his drunken state, he can get out of this easily. “Yessir … never,” another burp escapes his lips. “Again will I drink.”
“You’re dismissed then,” Alexandru says, not even looking at him as he starts sorting out his desk.
Jimmy stands up and staggers from the room, heading for the only place he’ll be happy. The bar.

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Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:55 am
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winterbites says...


I looked over at the petty little red head, she was fairly skinny, Simmons, Hanley Simmons. You see, I rescued her from a pack of wolfs, no, it wasn't really that dramatic, but I brought her back here, to my house.
We haven't eaten in a week, well, I don't know about her, but it's been a bit over a week now. And Simmons, she keeps asking to go out for food, but, its too dangerous, for her, and me.
She keeps me on my toes with her mood swings, but, she is a good companion. I wouldn't want to be in this, whatever it is, without her, in fact, I'm glad whatever sent her this way, did.

I held back my laughed, "Okay, okay," I shook my head, "Laugh it off."

She settled down just enough to ask, "Why do you always wear a beanie?"

"I, urm, its just something I do," I shrugged, fixing it a bit.

"That's fair enough," she yawned.

"Get some sleep?" I mumbled, Simmons nodded and walked down the hall to my bedroom, the room she had been staying in the past few nights, I don't mind though, the couch isn't that bad.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:59 pm
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Craz says...

Charlie | Hybrid

Charlie stepped forward, his bare arched toes flexing at the sudden lack of ground. He glanced behind him, his eyes sweeping for anything unwanted, and then nervously returned to the sight if his anxious toes. Hard metal swept below him at a gentle curve outwards, and finally ended thirty stories below, where the rigid ground met. He focused on the edge of metal and dirt, between his wriggling toes, and his ears pressed self-consciously against his skull in indecision, a true emotion that had found its way to Charlie's vigorously guarded surface. His tail thrashed about him, uneasy.

Wreckage spread out before him, broken buildings that stretched like cracked fingers towards the sky, abandoned vehicles crippled upon piles of debris. The setting orange sun, catching infertile dirt that curled into dust in the breeze, bathed the forsaken horizon in a sickly warm light. Everything was still.

As he shifted the weight on his back thumped against his shoulder blades, causing him to startle. He carried only what could fit in his backpack, plus a large automatic, which was slung over the backpack and his chest. While his 'teammates' were out drinking and socializing, he had slipped into the weaponry and food supply, smuggling what he needed. There was a plus about always being underestimated; no one expected him to do something like this.

Charlie crouched, his hands gripping the edge next to his feet. He glanced behind him and then looked down, down at the sloping metal. His large nostrils flared, his body tensed, and he jumped.

For a few terse moments, it was just him suspended in the air, and then the side of the metal hit him. He clenched his arms over his head as he attempted to roll down the side, the barrel of the gun stabbing him in the ribs, the extra weight throwing him off. Charlie bit down on his lip, refusing to cry out in pain.

With a sudden and blunt end, he hit the ground, and a moan finally escaped his lips. He slowly propped himself up with his arm, probing for any serious injuries. He ached with his heartbeat, but he couldn't find anything that couldn't heal with time and a few bandages; a bruised rib, a black eye, a twisted ankle, a split lip. If he was human, he'd be dead.

He gradually stood, dusting rocks and dirt from his body. He glanced around, the tall broken buildings suddenly giant, and he picked a path and began to limp away.

He had finally jumped the Wall.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:51 pm
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Ciblio says...


"Get some sleep?" Matthew said to me, his hands clasped together.

I nodded, and stood. I wasn't exactly tired, but my back hurt from sitting.

Walking down the hall, I lowered my head a bit, and rubbed my arm. My pale arm.

Amber crept into my mind, and I slipped inside of the room I'd been sleeping in.

I smiled a bit to myself, and wondered, once again, where she was right now.

We'd been separated once it all started.

I crawled into the bed, and just sat there. It was quiet, like every other night.

I could hear my stomach, demanding me to put food in it.

Matthew told me that it was too dangerous, the outside.

The last time I was out there was when...well, he saved me, I guess.

I shook my head, and laid my head down in my lap.

Sure, I didn't mind being here with Matthew, but I'd be better if Amber were here.

How was this going to end? Were we going to save the world? Or are we all just going to die in the end?

What are we even doing right now? Holding back from going out and getting food, which is a terrible thing to do, just to be safe. Although, I don't blame Matthew. He did save me. I forgot how he even saved me. My memory had always been rusty.

I slumped down on the rickety bed, and held my hands to my chest. Another lonely night, with still not even a clue as to where Amber is.

All I wanted to know was if she was alright.

After a while, distracted from my thoughts, I started to drift to sleep. Slowly, but surely.
Last edited by Ciblio on Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:05 am, edited 4 times in total.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:25 am
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Lee0z says...

Fleak Sky

I hear a snarl behind me and I twist around with my gun. The ridiculous thing about guns is that they're not designed for paws.
I fumble for a second, sweat seeping through my furry skin, before the gun falls to the floor.

I bend down to pick it up, just as the creature jumps at me. It disappears into rays of light and I sigh and attempt to grab the pistol. When I succeed, I stand and look around as the world around me, a dark dump of a place, dissipating and breaking up. The world quickly turns into a room made of silver panels. The panels seem to glow and light up the room. I put an orange paw over my eyes to protect them from the brightness.

The door opens behind me and I swiftly throw the gun at the person entering the doorway. He ducks and when he straightens again, he gives me a frown.

"These guns, are not meant for paws!" I practically scream at him.
Before I can even begin to calm down I rush out the door past him.

"I was not designed to hold things, or grab things, I was designed-" I swing around and point at my sharp teeth, "for this!"

"Fleak, you're not an animal." He replies.

"Excuse me Einstein, but I practically am!" I yell at the top of my voice. Around me, the people in white coats stop and swivel their heads towards me, and my pointed ears droop.

"You're still part human, you have the instincts of a fox, and some features like one but you are practically human, remember that."

I look down at the ground, tears forming in my eyes.

"Would you like us to change your... condition?"

"You mean make me more human?"

"It was part of the plan anyway, since you're having trouble defending yourself, we were thinking we'd help you out a bit."

"No! You said you wouldn't hurt me any more! You said you wouldn't make me any more human!" Now I am screaming.

He sighs, "if you don't calm down, I'm afraid we'll have to force you to go under the operation."

"But it hurts!" I say through tears. "Please! It hurts!"

"Fleak!" But I ignore him, I turn and run. "FLEAK!!!" And then those dreaded words, I hear him say them: "Drug her!"

I dodge the first few people, just as the alarms go off. And then the armoured ones, always popping out from no where, appear. One grabs me and I claw at his arm, raking the top of his armour. It does no damage at all.

I struggle out of his grip, and then another hits me in the face.

My world spins. And I collapse. With slurred words I manage to say, "John, please." He stands over me and smiles sadly. And then the world goes dark.

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Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:47 pm
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Basil says...


I scan the top of the wall with aggravation. the past few hours replays through my head. Alex telling me that Charlie is gone. Neal coming to my room with his retinue of Patrol guards, asking to come with me to get Charlie, sneaking through the city to the wall, sending some of the Patrol retinue off to cause a distraction, and bringing a guy, Mark his name is I think, to the part of the wall Charlie escaped over.
"So, how are we gonna do this?" Mark, a stone faced man with plain features and grey eyes. He gives me a hard look. "I ain't climbing that wall without a damn rope."
I give him a fleeting look. "I know. Lora will be here shortly with the rope," I tell him.
Lora. The word is like a hot iron in my head. We've never really gotten on. I think it's the bird/cat lizard ratio. Or maybe it's just because we're both so sharp tongued. We're getting along for now though.
"I'm here!" A smooth voice says behind us. Speaking of the devil. I turn my head to acknowledge Lora. She gives me a bland look before handing me the rope and grappling hook.
Using all my strength, I hurl the hook up. It takes a few tries, but I finally manage to get the grappling hook to cling to the top of the wall. Mark goes up first, and then I follow. Lora barely needs to use the rope as she scales the wall. At the top of the wall, we wait.
After what seems like ages, and the sun bearing down on us like the heat of a camp fire, Neal and the rest of the Patrol come into view. It takes a good twenty minutes to get them up. As soon as Neal, bringing the rear, sits on the top of the wall, I throw the rope of the end of the wall, heading down to the ground. I pull on my gloves as Lora slides down the wall.
"Why gloves, kitty?" Neal taunts.
I give him a warning look. "You may be helping me track down your Patrol member, but I can still and kill you. I will kill you if you call me that again," I snarl, and slide down the wall, gloved hands holding the rope. Above me, I can hear soft laughter.
I wait another ten minutes with Lora as the rest of the Patrol climb down the wall. As soon as Neal's feet hit the ground, we set off at a fast jog. No alarms are raised, probably because no one has noticed us gone. But as soon as they do, now doubt Alex will send Jimmy or some group of people out to get us back.
Night descends upon us. We find an old house and Lora scouts through. Giving it the all clear, we then board up the doors and windows, and bring out all the blankets to spread out on the floor in every room bar the kitchen.
I sit on the floor, watching as my claws retract. I smile each time the sharp points glint and then disappear.
"Your obsession with sharp things scares me," someone says above me.
I look up as Neal sits down in front of me. He smiles. I narrow my eyes. "What?" I snap.
Neal baulks. "I can't just sit with you?" He asks.
"Not when you greet me like that," I snarl.
Neal is silent, and I go back to watching my claws retracting, but it isn't fun any more. Neal ruined it for me. Curse the damn human.
"Tell me, Neal," I say, looking at him. "Are you immune to the bites?"
Neal nods. "Yeah, because I do Patrol," he says, as though it were obvious.
I can't stop the growl that reverberates through my chest. Fortunately, Neal doesn't notice. He's looking at his hands clasped in his lap. He shakes his head and then looks at me.
"Do you think we're going to find him?" He means Charlie.
"I ..." I trail off and sigh, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them. "I don't know. Possibly. We'll just have to believe we will, and hope that Vishnu hears our prayers."
I was kind of mocking him, speaking of my old religion: the religion my parents never made me practice, but taught me anyway. Surprisingly, what I'd said cheered up Neal, and he smiled. He doesn't have a bad smile, actually.
"I'll pray for the team," he nods, bringing his hands together in front of his chest.
I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't mock my religion, human," I growl. My religion? What have I come to? I blame these damn humans and the confinement and no on-field assignments.
Neal's eyes widen. "I wasn't mocking your religion! I was being serious!" He exclaims.
I close my eyes and drop my head to my knees. "I wasn't," I admit softly.
A moment of silence passes between us, broken by the murmuring of Neal praying.
"Dear Vishnu and God, help us to find our dear friend, Charlie. He's run away and we're not too sure why. We want to go get him and bring him back. Please, I know I haven't been very faithful, but if you could hear me out ..."
I get up and walk away. I find a spot beside Lora and lie down. Screw blankets, I'll be fine. I won't need to keep warm like the other humans. I'm not human.
Before I go to sleep, I roll onto my back and stare at the roof, picturing the starry sky above me.
"Priya Viṣṇu ōha, mērī prārthanā suna kara dījiyē. Mērā pyārā Durgā, mērī dalīla kā javāba dēnē kē li'ē dhan'yavāda. Hamēṁ surakṣita aura ahānikara cārlī, pātē haiṁ tō kr̥payā. Ina prāṇiyōṁ taka vaha hai, jahāṁ sē hōnē dēṁ. Āpakā hamēśā kē li'ē vaphādāra naukara, Himapāta," I pray in Hindi. Oh dear Vishnu, please hear my prayer. My lovely Durga, please answer my plea. Please let us find Charlie, safe and unharmed. Please let these creatures be far from where he is. Your forever, faithful servent, Snow
I roll back over onto my side and fall asleep ... darkness washing over me like a blanket in itself.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:25 am
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Robusto says...

The sky was dark and orange, caused by the lingering smog produced by the factories that had once run in the area. Ladnar stood just outside the sealed wall of the industrial city, looking for some way in.
"Petral, status. How is the main gate locked?"
After a few seconds, the familiar electronic voice of Ladnar's trusted A.I. responded.
"Though the gate was originally locked electronically, it has since rusted shut due to exposure to acid rain. I can attempt to open it, but should it fail to give, I would recommend seeking an alternate entrance."
Ladnar looked back and forth across the large wall that was only one of four wall enclosing the city.
"What alternate entrance? This gate is the only way in."
"You may be right. I will attempt to override the lock."
Ladnar looked up as the rusted gate began to pull aside. Ladnar flinched as a rusty grinding echoed through the dead country side.
"Stop the gate!" Ladnar shouted at Petral.
"Any more noise and half the zombies will come rushing out."
"I agree. It would be best if you proceeded into the city, Per containment protocols, I will close the gate once you're inside to avoid any zombies escaping."
"Ok." Was all Ladnar answered. he checked that the suppressor on his submachine gun was applied correctly, and that his sword's electricity level was still adequate, and walked through the gate. As he passed through, Petral closed the gates, trapping Ladnar inside.

Ladnar immediately ran down one of the side streets. If the zombies had heard the noise earlier, they would have immediately gone for the gate. As Ladnar crouched behind an overflowing garbage bin, he activated his glass visor.
"Apex industries main factory is here." Petral explained, bringing up a map of the city on Ladnar's visor and highlighting on of the buildings.
"What am I looking for their?"
"Same as always. Usable tech. Another Hammer has already entered on the other side with the objective of locating survivors, but radio contact is still down. Perhaps you can establish contact as you near your objective."
Ladnar muted Petral and cleared his visor. No need for any distractions. Ladnar had no intention of making contact with the second team unless absolutely necessary. Ladnar glanced upward, seeing old rusted ladders that used to be a fire escape. Using practiced agility, Ladnar leapt up, grapped onto the lowest rung, and swung himself up He knew that being on the roofs wouldn't protect him completely from the zombie's but it would give him a fighting chance. Ladnar wondered though, how was the second team faring? He had heard that one of the Hammer Agents had gone rogue, and now he questioned the mental state of the others. He knew they said they were here for survivors, but for all he knew they were here for the missing agent.

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Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:39 pm
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TakeThatYouFiend says...

There's a farm called misery," sings out a soft voice in the silent city. A anthropomorphic bear stands alone, ears listening for the footsteps of zombies.
"But of that we'll have none." The bear sings, as he spins, ready to face the approaching corpse, a huge sword hanging at his belt. Behind this first zombie he sees many more, 20 even.
"Because we know of one," the zombie breaks into a run. "That's always lots of fun." In a single movement the bear, towering over the zombie, slices it clean in two diagonally with the drawing movement of his sword.
"And this one's name is Jollity, believe me folks its great." the bear charges at the crowd of zombies, spinning once as he approaches to gather sideways momentum.
"'Cause everything sings out to us as we go through the gate." the sword is brought down, and a massacre begins. The song lyrics become inaudible, but the tune can still be slightly heard. all of a sudden the zombies surrounding the bear fall in a single blow, and the 3D simulation fades into a white room, leaving the bear standing in the centre.
"Everyone says how do you do, down on Jollity farm." Hugo steps out of his simulation room into his armoury, and removes his sheath, hanging it, with the Shamsher, on the wall. He was running six training training sessions today, and he couldn't help feeling envy for the troops who got to go and find that missing chap, whatever his name is.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:39 am
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Robusto says...

Ladnar hid behind a massive ventilation box on one of the roofs, searching the roofs ahead for any activity. It looked all clear, but so did half the city, and Ladnar knew it wasn't abandoned. Ladnar unmuted Petral. He needed all the help he could get to reach the factory.
"Petral, can I just jump onto the roof of the factory from any nearby roofs?"
"Perhaps. The closest roof is a distance of 20 feet from the main complex. The roof is of an apartment complex, and is likely home to undead. The heightened senses of the undead will allow them to easily detect you should you take that option, though taking a ground route to the factory is likely as treacherous." Petral explained.
"Nothing I haven't handled in the simulations." Ladnar said cockily.
"I'll take the roof route. Up here, the zombies can only come from below. But down there, I would have to worry about them coming from side alleys, doorways, the roofs, and of course the sewers."
"Undead population is likely decreased in the sewage of this area, as the survivor recovery team has likely drawn many off with the sewers being their entry point."
"Man, that's the worse place to enter."
"The team that entered through the sewers was a distraction for a smaller team to rappel over the wall."
"Good thing I've got you then. I don't do that secret agent stuff."
Petral didn't respond, but Ladnar knew that. His programming wasn't advanced enough yet to respond to casual remarks. Ladnar checked the roofs ahead, and sprinted towards the factory, leaping over the gaps on the roofs.

Ladnar could smell the factory before he saw it. The faint smell of oil, rust, and garbage all rolled into one. He leapt upward onto a higher roof, and found his target. Their were still some spots of shiny silver paint on the factory to make it more visually appealing to the nearby apartments, but now it was anything but. Acid rain had eaten away at the paint, and their were several broken windows and large dents all over the factory, likely from undead trying to escape. Ladnar pulled up the map on his visor, searching for the apartment complex that Petral had said would allow him to jump onto the factory roof. Ladnar found the highlighted building, but when he looked at it himself, he thought Petral had made a mistake.
"Petral, is that," Ladnar pointed to the building. ", the apartment building you said?"
"Yes. It is the only building that will allow a safe enough passage into the factory complex."
The said building did have a twenty feet distance as Petral had said, but also had a fifteen foot height difference between the apartment roof and the factory roof.
"Twenty feet I can jump, but I cannot jump a fifteen feet vertical on top of that."
"Actually, you can. I have inspected your physical from the scientists, and your leg muscles give you a 87.34 percent chance of making the jump."
"Damn those geeks." Ladnar muttered.
"If you have a statement, should I record it?' Petral asked.
"No! I'll try this jump, and I can always try again if I miss."
"Actually, you can't. At that height, your hallow bones will surely break upon landing."
"The downsides of being a bird hybrid." Ladnar thought.
"Ok, so I have a somewhat average chance of success, and I only have one chance. Piece of cake."
"Food recovery is not one of your objectives. Should I mark this cake for the food team to find?"
"It's an organic expression Petral."
Ladnar leapt off the roof he was perched on, landing on a lower one. He leapt onto a slightly higher one, slowly working his way over to the apartment building. Just as he landed onto the second building from the apartment, Ladnar heard a familiar moaning.
"I am unable to detect location, but audio confirms their are undead in the area."
Ladnar muted Petral. The zombies had very heightened senses, and would definitely hear his voice. Ladnar heard the moan again, this time from behind him. Ladnar spun around, his gun firing. Even with the suppressor, the gun sounded almost deafening in the silent city. A human zombie fell to the ground, dead again. But Ladnar had fallen for the trap. Three more zombies ran out from behind large air conditioners on the roof, sprinting at incredible speed. Ladnar quickly mowed down one, but the other two had got to him.
"Petral, surge!"
As the zombies grapped for Ladnar, an electrical pulse surged from all electronic equipment on Ladnar, shocking the zombies. With their brains temporarily shocked, Ladnar used the opportunity to sink a bullet into each of their heads.
"Petral, unmute." Ladnar said, his work done.
"... ould be best if he receive backup." Petral finished.
"Petral, who are you talking to?" Ladnar asked.
"Hey there beauty queen." A familiar mocking voice said.
"Commander Alexandru sir." Ladnar said with mock respect.
"I think Petral has gone corrupt. A.I.'s are not permitted to make calls without permission."
"This one is now. The tech guys installed your friend with a nice little feature. When you get to in over your head with this whole Lone ranger thing, Petral here will let me know."
"It was just four zombies sir."
"Two managed to get their dead hands on you. Without all that tech for frying things, you'd be dead and I'd be a man short, and that wouldn't look good on a report now would it?"
"No sir." Ladnar answered.
"Glad to see we're in agreement. I'll send someone to help you out with searching the factory. You can either wait for him, or go on into the factory yourself, but he's coming either way."
"Yes sir. I'll wait for him inside."
"Good. Alexandru out."
Ladnar felt like dropping Petral and leaving him, but he was to valuable for that. Ladnar looked up at the factory roof, and leapt up onto it.
"Subject 16, you were able to achieve a 9 inch higher jump than predicted, and from a lower roof than the one I pointed out. I will make a note and update your physical when we return to base."
What that dumb computer didn't know was that it was anger that had fueled his jump.

Alexandru turned to the hybrid he called for.
"Alright Hugo, this is your big chance. One of our nerds needs some help, and your going to be the guy to help him."
Hugo smiled, looking forward to slaughtering zombies on his way to the factory.

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:12 am
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Ciblio says...

Hanley Simmons

I climbed out of the old bed, and rubbed my eyes. I sighed, dreading doing the same thing that I'd been doing for the past few days.

How long was this going to last? This apocalypse? Was it going to go on for forever? If so, then are we living for no reason?

As my thought deceived me, I sat next to Matthew, staring at my torn up converse.

There was silence for a while, but I couldn't help but open my mouth and speak my thoughts.

"What are we going to do? Just sit here, day and night? Not eating because it's too dangerous to go out? We can't do that! This...it's not a way to live!"

But of course, he didn't say anything. He just sat there, expressionless.

Wasn't he hungry? Didn't he understand that we needed food? Agh, of course he did. He is human.

Maybe I just needed to give it a break. Get used to this life..if it was even a life.

I shook my head, and stood up. Maybe I could find a book in his room.


I lay in the bed, on my side, with a book propped up against my arm. It was called 'To Kill a Mockingbird' -by Harper Lee.

I'd found it under an old shelf, and so far, it was pretty good.

My favorite character was Boo Radley. Well, Arthur Radley.

But what pushed me away was how they treated Arthur. Like, they spread a whole bunch of rumors about him, which earned him the nickname Boo.

Anyways, I was almost done with the book. Just about 7 or 8 pages left. I didn't know how long I'd been in here, but it as long enough to make both of my legs, and arms to fall asleep. At least I was comfortable, though.

There was a low tap on the door, and I flicked my eyes toward the sound. I knew who it was, the only other person who was in this house with me.

"Yeah?" My voice was low, breaking every once in a while. Dry throat? Eh, most likely.

The door creaked open slowly, and Matthew stood in the doorway. "I'm...just making sure you're alright."

I made a disbelieving face. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He shrugged, and was about to turn away, and go back to where he was before, but I cleared my throat, and sat up, making my limbs go stiff, and make them feel all weird. "...do you wanna sit in here with me? I mean...like, there's a bit more light in here...and I could use some company. This books making me kind of bored now."

Matthew turned toward me, fixed his beanie, then nodded slowly. "Sure."

I sat up, and folded my page over so that I could finish it later. I might as well build the friendship with him. After all, he was letting me stay here.

As he sat down next to me, I opened my mouth, and told him about...well, everything. Amber, mom, dad, what happened when it all...happened.

But I had to admit, he was a pretty good listener. Maybe now he'd tell me a bit about himself..
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


Talent is something that comes from within; it has nothing to do with age.