
Young Writers Society

Masked Resistance vs Aradian Tyranny (Started/Still Open)

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:21 pm
Redfang18 says...

Spoiler! :
Aradia is a land where sorcery is rampant; with even the common peasant using it to do his or her chores, it is a part of everyday life. As much as personality differs from person to person, however, so does their magic; two people may have the same type of magic, but they use it in different ways.
However, recently, a certain fact has come to life; children unable to use magic are increasing, and in dire numbers. No one knows where they come from, or why. What people do know about these "Abnormals" is that they drain a person of his magic entirely with a single touch, oftening rendering them completely senseless and in some cases, drained to comatose or death. Attempts to understand these children are fruitless; they themselves are usually without awareness, unable to answer anyone's questions.
With this happening all over, the people have taken up arms against the Crown, believing that it is the work of the person who stepped up as Ruler of Aradia a few years ago - and certainly, they have reason to be suspicious. It is since his reign started six years ago that these occurences have started to pop up everywhere. Others are prophezing the end of all magic, and are advocating technology as a counter-measure - and as an answer to all the issues that have risen up. Interestingly, the Ruler himself is behind this movement, despite he being one of the most powerful sorcerors of the country.

Who are you: a normal, or an Abnormal? One of the members of the resistance or a regular ol' sorcerer? Are you someone who is close to an Abnormal? Or are you just a bystander, watching the world go by, and not wanting to do anything about it?
Note: When thinking about technology, think steampunk. E.g., clockwork, gears, chains, wires.

Principles of Magic:
Spoiler! :
- As stated, people in this world have different magical systems, each to their own. Some may share types of magic, but the way they execute it is often different, and the way they use it is often different as well. For example, take two people of the Earth Magic type; one may be able to grow plants with the flick of a finger, but another person will be able to create cracks and even earthquakes in the ground. They won't, however, be able to replicate each other
- Magical power often depends on years and years of learning; and sometimes, it might be related to genetics. Someone from a family of powerful sorcerers is expected to have a good amount of talent. Magical power is judged by how many people you can affect with one fell swoop. (For example, someone who can grow plants might not be considered powerful; someone who can animate them, however, is quite a different thing.)
- The more magic you have, the higher your standing in society. This means that people with less talent in magic are stuck doing the lower jobs of society.
- Choose your spells wisely - oftentimes, a range of small castings can be more effective than a single strong spell.
- Magic is typified into six elements: Earth, Water, Wind, Air, Metal, and Lightning. However, don't confuse people of the same type as having the same advantage against another element. It differs from ability to ability.
- Almost everyone in this world has learned their magic since...well, kindergarten, you could say. It is a part of the basic curriculum. (Think, subject named Magic that takes place on Thursdays, for example.) After graduation, most sorcerers learn their craft by practice; and self-study.
- There are also those who can talk to animals; this is a very rare type of magic, and these sorcerers are naturally thought to be of the Earth type. However, most people tend to stay away from these sorcerers, since their magic is rather...odd, compared to the other abilities.

Aradian Elements: (The Main and Corrupted.)
Spoiler! :
Main Aradian Elements: the land's magic.
-Fire: very offensive and can be dangerous if not properly controlled. Fire can be genetic or earned but never stolen. Sorcerors/sorceresses with this element believe that fire comes from one's fury, therefore only the calmest could control fire without self-consequence. Fire sorcery consists of burning almost everything in one's path and other fire-related magic. This element, being genetic, can be made known by the user's anger. The element feeds of Anger and Ambition.
-Water: more of a healing element than an offensive type of sorcery. Water can be genetic or earned but never stolen. Sorcerors/sorceresses with water are said to be healers, but some who learn from experience can also control ice if the occasion calls for it. Water sorcery consists of healing properties, cleansing, and any kind of magic water-related. This genetic element can be known either by the user's coldness or sorrow.
-Earth: one of the offensive types of sorcery and also a healing element. Earth is entirely genetic, which can also be stolen but never earned. Anyone with earth has different powers entirely- one could control plants and make them grow; the other could create landslides and other earth-related disasters. Earth sorcery consists of healing properties, earth-related magic, earth-related disasters, and plantlife-control. This element, when genetically gotten, is made known by the user's sheltering nature and calmness. When stolen, Earth makes the thief become nurturing for his/her fellow thieves. The element feeds off of Kindness and selfishness.
-Wind: offensive, but not offensive enough to hurt anyone. Wind is mostly genetic, but can be stolen as well. Anybody with this element are known to have certain differences- some cause windstorms or hurricanes, others (when band together, depending on the group's size) can cause either a whirlwind or a tornado. Wind sorcery consists mostly of wind-related magic. This element is made known by either fury or calmness to those who have it genetically.
-Metal: offensive and defensive, depending on the class. Metal is the only element that is entirely genetic. Sorcerors/sorceresses of the lower class use this element for trade and are often masters of the trade. Metal sorcery is mainly consisting of smithing, but there's sometimes the occasional alchemy at some point. This element is made known by the user's body build- strong-muscled with rough hands.
-Lightning: The second most dangerous element, lightning can very rarely be inherited it can not be taught, but can be stolen. User's of this are very few and are normally ranked very powerful within the society, even more so if the user is trained. If used wrong, the lightning generated can pass though the user's heart and cause the heart to go into a fast paced beating causing cardac arrest, if used properly lightning alone is supposed to rival the kings powers. Advanced user's can charge metal weapon's, and power eletric machinery this is in high demand as the steampunk era is rolling in. The element feeds off Ambition and Desire.
-Dark: the most dangerous of sorcery and greatly discouraged by the other sorcerors of Aradia. Dark Sorcery is not genetic or be stolen, but can be earned by apprenticeship. Unlike most sorcery in Aradia, the element Dark can consume the user into darkness. Some future apprentices believe that Dark sorcery can cause immortality, some can't handle the strength of Dark sorcery and die before apprenticeship is complete. Dark sorcery consists of necromancy and curses. An apprentice of Dark sorcery is very rare since most who tried have died fighting to control such terrible magic. This element feeds off dark desires and thoughts, also feeding off the desire to create and the desire to destroy.
Corrupted Aradian Elements: These corrupted versions of the elements that can be stolen by a thief, the thief can maintain ONE corrupted element at a time. The corrupted versions are optained though stealing the magic from another user, when finally used the thief will see its not exactly as they had hoped. These corrupted versions have there own name.
-Rotting Earth: The corrupted version of earth magic, this magic does not get the unqiceness of its orginal user. There for no special powers come out of theving this power other than the exact reverse of what Earth magic is supposed to be. Rotting Earth instead of healing, can actually worsen a wound. Sometimes even cause infections, diseses, and cause more bleeding from an open wound. This is capable of destroying an entire victims body if the chance were to be given, truely a dangerous element.
-Windburn: The corrupted version of Wind magic, this magic is not much different than its pure form. The thief who uses this needs little knowledge of the element to cause speeding winds that cause windburn or if really used to its full extent can create a giant tornado that can destroy anything. The thief who steals this element is caught is almost certain to be put to death quickly because of how dangerous this element can become when stolen. Threatening the entire nation with its very power.
-Black Lightning: The only element that can not be stolen back, Black Lightning is superior to its purified form. This would indefinitly exceed the King's magic if it were used against him, but somewhat like Dark magic this eats away at sanity, slowly ebbing the user from the inside out until they ruthlessly use this element without mercy or care for who they use it on. The user is able to use this in rapid fire from there palm, or summon a storm to strike down an enemy in a powerful thunderclap. Fear for ones life as this is a truely someone to fear for it takes only a single user to be able to challenge the king for the throne, but how long would someone last on the throne when this god-like element eats at insanity?

Profile Template:
Spoiler! :
Name: (Both names, please.)
Gender: (Uh, duh? Must we spell it out to you guys?)
Age: (Age range is from 16-38)
Appearance: (Pics are optional, words are absolutely necessary. Anime pics are acceptable.)
Skills: (This is where your sorcerer's magic type and ability description goes. Minimum 50 words.)
Personality: (Minimum 50 words. Be descriptive.)
History: (Details, we want details. At least be one paragraph long, and none of this they don't remember nonsense. Even if they don't, explain WHY they don't!)
Up for love: (Yes, no, and what orientation.)
Other: (Anything forgotten.)

Spoiler! :
- All basic YWS rules apply.
- Minimum two paragraphs for every post or you will find them energy-sucking vampires on your doorstep. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- Keep cursing to a minimum, unless you want to find yourself as a tadpole when you wake up next.
- No sex scenes absolutely, but romance and kissing are allowed. Caution: If disobeyed, you will be obliterated by this storybook's guard bot. You have been cautioned.
- No godmodding. Refer to the former rule to see what will happen if this is disobeyed.
- Up to two characters per person.
- This SB is modded by Redfang18 (yours truly) and LoyalHeart. Whatever we say, goes.
- Have fun fun fun

Character Slots:
Spoiler! :
-Morgan Darkrai [Leader of the Resistance](Redfang18)
-Garnet "Princess" Ashtaroth [Heir to the Crown] (LoyalHeart)
-Leopold Thaertus (AdventurerDaniel)
-Kjolir Jokibi [Abnormal Resistance Member] (kayfornight)
-Mercury Quinn [Resistance Member, Lightning Sorceror] (VampireSenshi512)
-Anair Ashtaroth [Princess of the Crown] (AriaAdams)
-Jormungandr "Jake" Ashtaroth [King of the Crown] (LouisCypher)
-Analies Lefevre [Water sorceress, Resistance Member] (KindredSpiritBee)
-Anaki Shadowflame [Fire sorceress, Resistance Member] (ShadowVyper)
-Corva "Cora" Tailwind (venividiandvici)

DT's this way.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:44 am, edited 11 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:25 pm
Redfang18 says...

Name: Morgan Darkrai (Everyone else in the Resistance call him the Metal Master, but the Crown only knows him by the Ninja of Retribution.)
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Appearance: Parchment pale with pitch-black hair and hard but kind colbalt blue eyes. He's as tall as six-foot three-inches with slight muscled-up arms and rough hands. He's as skinny as a rail, but has well-muscled legs. During bladesmithing and other metal-related work, he wears a smith's apron and black sleeve-less shirt and matching jeans as work clothes. When he has to get a mission done in spite of his age, he wears a ninja suit that seems to hug his muscles. He doesn't wear a mask when he's among his recruits or working undercover as a bladesmith all day. When out and about at night to cause trouble with the Crown, he wears his signature mask to hide the rest of his face (the ninja suit's got a turtleneck shirt that helps hide the lower half of his face from plain view). On the right side of his chest is a scar that hasn't fully healed in spite of his efforts to heal it shut. The scar was the result of a private mission nearly gone wrong, but he keeps that to himself to protect his recruits from making the same mistake he did.
Skills: A master of bladesmithing - by family rights - and expert healer in the terms of water. Due to his physical health, he's skilled with the sword and dagger when the occasion calls for it. He's hard to break at some degree, but there's always a crack in the dam that is his reserve and only few can find and hit that crack. Also at his command is a dragon spirit named Nemesis, to honor her cunning and vengeful ability. Nemesis takes orders from Morgan like a faithful servant, but has a tremendous ability to cause retribution - hence her name - to those who wrong others. She's a fire dragon, so she's also a secret help for Morgan during his time in the forge. To Morgan, who she calls Master, she's his chance at getting back at the king for the wrongs Morgan suffered. Retribution is her specialty and she'll do anything for her Master - even blow a fireball the size of a five-year-old's fist just for amusement. She appears alive to Morgan, but that can also apply to others if she wants them to see her. Her true size is rather large, so she has the ability to shrink herself down to where she can perch on Morgan's shoulder at any time.
Personality: Morgan is no person to be fooled with. With Nemesis on his shoulder, he's able to tell who's lying to him and hates being lied to. He's also somewhat of a child at heart, since he tends to use his Water sorcery just to fool around with his recruits when he's bored. Deep down, he's mentally scarred from spending thirteen years of abuse by the hands of castle guards and highly protective of anyone who are beginners or rookies. He may not look like it, but he harbors a grudge against the king and keeps this to himself. Why does he harbor a grudge? His history explains that.
History: Morgan was the son of a Metal sorceror and a Water sorceress, both of which he took after. From the age of three to eighteen, he was trained in healing and metal-related work. He discovered Nemesis when he was thirteen and kept the bond between them as quiet as he could. After he came of age, he was sent on his way to continue the family trade in another part of the country by order of his father. Upon the first two months on his own, he looked after himself until he was pushed around and beaten by several castle guards (many times he was beaten in front of the king, who just ignored Morgan's pleas for help because the Darkrai family was rumored to have Dark magic borne into them - which hasn't been proved so far). When he turned twenty-one, he was bombshelled by the news that his parents were murdered and asked the king for justice. Like the times he was beaten up by the castle guards, Morgan's pleas were ignored. During his mourning period, Nemesis offered Morgan comfort and assured him that he will give the king his just desserts. After he was finished mourning, Morgan began to recruit as many people as he could to found and form the Masked Resistance while carrying on the Darkrai family trade - which is bladesmithing - as a cover-up to keep his rebellion against the Aradian Crown a secret. He's been the undisputed leader of the Masked Resistance since he was twenty-two and have been known as the Ninja of Retribution for the past ten years to this day. He knows that acting as the Ninja of Retribution's a rather dangerous job to have while being the leader of a rebellion, but - since he's still a child at heart at a basic degree - it makes his life more exciting since the excitement and action seems to be good for his health.
Up for love: No. He's bisexual, but as the Leader of the Resistance he needs to stay completely focused on the matter at hand. He wanted to have a family before he formed founded and formed the Resistance, but it seems that no woman would want him due to the rumor upon his family.
Other: Because he's a bladesmith by trade and blood, he forged his own weapons to prepare himself for battle. The weapons on his person are a kantana sword he calls Justice and a dagger he calls Karma.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:46 pm
KingLucifer says...

Name: Garnet "Princess" Ashtaroth

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Garnet is the sexy daughter of the emperor originally had a dark shade of green hair like her father, but she had died it a golden red. She has an hourglass figure, she has blood red lips and black redish eyes. Unlike her father she tends to wear regal robes but never dresses, those are saved for very rare occasions. But she does sometimes go with old fashioned clothing sometimes just getting into a plain t-shirt and plain jeans, Other times she tends to be intimidating as to wear an entire black outfit.

Skills: She has a Dual Sided Scythe Staff, which ironically, was made by Morgan Darkrai.
Spoiler! :
Garnet is very skilled with this weapon in her hands, she fights like a tornado, almost no movement is ever wasted.
__Double_Scythe___by_AbscenceOfH-1.jpg (7.31 KiB) Viewed 1322 times

For her side weapons, she can split her weapon into two sickles, and use them as aerial projectiles for airborne enemies, she has mastered three different fighting styles in her life and each one has a different purpose in combat, an offensive aggressive fighting style, a defensive, watchful fighting style. And a fighting style that balances between the two while spicing things up by throwing in the use of magic. She also knows the layout of the entire city, and knows the castle layout. But her magic proficiency isn't limited to just Metal and Dark, she has knowledge of how to use her secondary magics aside from Metal and Dark, is Lightning and Fire.

Personality: Garnet is the snobbish daughter of Emperor, normally shes respectful of people around her, she learns much since the age of ten, and is expected to take over her fathers position as Ruler of Aradia. Once he finally passes on into the afterlife. She has inherited her fathers ideal's of caring for the lower class of Araidia, and plans to keep the people happy and life simple for them.

Tho she is aggressive in battle, she is certainly no push over as she is a fully trained warrior, and is said to be the second strongest Mage alive in this day and age. She leads an assault unit in the upcoming war.

History: Growing up she is the daughter to Jormungandr Ashtaroth, having been spoiled rotten early in her years she does care for the lower classed much like her father did as he became king. She had never known her mother because she had died sometime after she had given birth to Garnet, this had scarred and shut down her father emotionally. Leaving him to raise Garnet with the help of the servants in the castle, her father once telling her that she so closely looks like her mother. Now she has mastered Metal Sorcery and Dark Sorcery, she began studying Lightning and Fire soon after there Mastery, and now she acts as a willing pawn in her fathers plan for world domination. Tho she has unfinished business with the Resistance, and plans to fully eradicate them along side her father.

Up for love: Yes she is! Bisexual, tho she wants a Male Partner. (Those who want a relationship with her MUST contact me first before flirting with her.)

Other: Theme: Calling to the Night
Last edited by KingLucifer on Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:12 am, edited 8 times in total.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:39 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Name: Leopold Thaertus
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Leopold is roughly 6 foot 3 inches, with a slightly muscular build, his skin is slightly pale, and his hair is light brown and touches his shoulders when not held up by a black ribbon he wears to keep it in a small pony tail. His favored form a clothing is a light colored shirt and dark black leather vest, dark brown flare legged leather pants, and pointed toed boots. Leopold family crest is twin blades crossing a shield that have the traditional symbols for the elements. Leopold's mask, which looks like the face of a falcon, bears the crest as well do the back of his vest and his pants. The only difference in his combat clothes are his vest and pant which have a layer of metal added to them, the shins of his pants and the knees are the only place metal is added in the pants. His swords are kept on his waist being shorts swords they disrupt little movement. Leopold's throwing knives are kept in a belt that he wears strictly when fighting. He also has what he likes to call his tools of the trade he puts on a comedy mask and carries a lute on his back and a flute on his belt and becomes a one man band using wind to play the instruments.

Skills: Leopold is a master of twin bladed sword fighting as well as being skilled with throwing knives. His magic is something to behold when combined with his combat skill he's a master of Lightning and Wind magic and it's obvious with the speed of his attacks. His weapons are made of steel with a thin covering of copper to increase their conductivity and boost his electric attacks. Leopold has a very small amount of fire magic as well seemingly harmless, until he combines it with his air magic boosting it's power to more than lethal levels. His favored attack when using air and fire is to create a massive fire ball. When using Lightning and Wind though he uses it to boost his speed until even the fastest eye couldn't follow it and the lightning to make his blades and even his bare fist attacks five times as lethal. Leopold's throwing knives come in to play when he uses wind to move them about allowing them to even cut a tank in half combined with lightning they make a dangerous electric explosion.

Personality: Out of battle and when not training Leopold is a fun loving guy, relaxed and witty, and eager to entertain. He cares little for battle and prefers to relax with his fellow comrades. When in battle though his friendliness goes away and he becomes intensely lethal. In battle he is a gifted tactician and the last person any enemy wishes to meet on the field of battle. He leads the men placed under him with efficiency but also treats them as his dear friends and family. Leopold considers every man not serving the king his brother he is patient kind and gentle. Leopold has moments of depression and uncertainty though regarding the length of the struggle wishing they could just slay the king and end it. Leopold is also a hopeless romantic as well which perhaps is his most amusing aspect.

History: Leopold is the last of the once proud Thaertus family. His family was hailed as one of the strongest in the land master of magic with some that could use all forms of magic at a level that would take thousands of years to learn. The Thaertus family's greatest secret was that it did. They had gained such skill in magic that they had learned how to pass skills down to their descendants posthumously. Leopold was going to be one of the greatest magic users in the land someone that could oppose the king with ease. But great power breeds arrogance one of the king's scribes had learned the secret of the Thaertus's power and had told the king. So the king searched for the greatest assassins in the land and killed the entire clan. Save for Leopold whom at the time was traveling far from the family estates a celebration of having finished school at 18. When he returned he found the estates burned to the ground, and the catacombs, that stored the skulls of his ancestors that held the knowledge of magic from over a thousand years, completely destroyed. Leopold could not accept the destruction of his family so easily, so immediately he began his search for the Resistance more than eager to join. Morgan upon hearing his story took him in and treated him like a son. Leopold had sworn vengeance upon the Aradian Crown and Morgan promised it to him. He swiftly rose through the ranks gaining trust among the Resistance and respect. He was given the title the Falcon Without Wings due to the fact that he could fly and struck without warning but had no wings with which to fly.

Up for love: Yes, straight.

Other: He frequently carries on conversations with birds while some people look at him oddly when he does he uses the birds to gather helpful information. His profession is actually the owner of a small tavern while he receives money from it he only visits on occasion, the Resistance comes first.
Last edited by AdventurerDaniel on Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:55 pm
kayfortnight says...

Are we able to make an abnormal?
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:17 pm
kayfortnight says...

Name: Kjolir Jokibi
Gender: male
Age: 19
Appearance: Shoulder length, ragged, reddish hair, bright green eyes, sharp, sculpted looking face, fairly muscular.
Skills: He's an abnormal with wind magic he stole. He's mostly untrained, however, so the most that tends to happen is a strong breeze when he's upset. Kjolir is extraordinary with an axe due to his heritage, and strong. He can also throw an axe 30 feet and expect it to hit his target. He has good woodsmanship, and is good at hunting with a shortbow. He can track in the wild. He knows a lot about what's safe to eat and what isn't, and can create a fire from green wood as long as he's in the woods.
Personality: Bitter. Kjolir feels that the world is out to get him, in a way. He's generally rather curt and doesn't like to talk. He's experienced enough loss in the past to not want to make friends. He's quick to anger and takes degrading insults about how he's a woodsman and therefore must be dumb very seriously. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and is very protective of women and children, which could cause problems if he ever ended up fighting a woman. He's fairly blunt, not often evading the issues. In spite of all that, he has a loyal wolfhound that follows him around everywhere. (The wolfhound is peppery gray, with blue eyes, and he calls her Luna.)
History: Kjolir was an unnamed baby abandoned in the woods because he was an abnormal, though he didn't find this out until later. He was raised by a weaver and her woodcutter husband. The family adopted any child who was alone or abandoned, and his adoptive parents were both abnormal. Kjolir was the eldest, however. When he was eight, he became the man of the family because his father died from a large tree branch landing on him. When he was seventeen, he fell in love with a girl from town. The girl proved to be a wind mage, and when they had their first kiss, he absorbed her powers. He fled when she fainted and the townspeople attacked him. Back at home, he accused his mother of hiding things from him, and she told him about abnormals. The next day, however, soldiers of the king came to kill him. He had to flee, but when they discovered the others were abnormals too, the soldiers killed them. He came back a few days later only to find his home as a burned out shell. He spent the next few years hiding in the woods, trying to get a handle on his newly found power. He still couldn't control it, though, so he went to the city to find someone to teach him how to handle it, in secret. That was where he picked up Luna, a starving stray who had been a hound to a lord, but when the lord decided he was annoyed by her constant attention had let her loose in the city. That was also where he met Morgan, who agreed to help him. Kjolir joined the Resistance.
Up for love: No. Straight, but his first love betrayed him when she found out he was an abnormal.
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Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:38 am
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VampireSenshi says...

Name: Mercury Quinn
Gender: Male
Age: 23

- He's tall, slender, but he has muscles - He has dark brown h hair with sharp blue eyes, a scar over his right eye. He wears a regular white shirt with a black suit jacket that have the sleeves rolled up, he wears metal bracelets on his wrists. And of course he wears pants, slimmer fitting (which he believes is setting a trend). He also wears a black hat similar to the hat in the picture, but of course it's black. He wears it even with his mask (it's his very favorite hat)

A picture -
Spoiler! :


Mercury is a Lighting Sorcerer, his skills range from the control of lightning to the charging of metal objects. He keeps many many knives and daggers and concealed weapons on his person, electrically charging them so they do more damage. By controling of lightning he can blast things with tiny bolts of lightning, or he can shock you with a touch. Also charging tiny mechanical creatures he tinkers with, that carry messages to people.

Mercury is quite mad, actually. He comes from a troubled past, which scarred him mentally. He has mood swings, twisted emotions, but he's very very smart and well versed in things like tactical forms and He's a little extroverted, talks to people for no reason and often talks to himself a little bit. He gets to laughing and talking with everyone, being mad he'll even smile and laugh under intense torture or stress. He has his moments, if you can imagine the doctor, jack sparrow, and Sherlock. But he's a tremendous asset, very trustworthy.


As explained above, Mercury comes from a troubled past. He was born the son of a commoner, his father a inventor and his mother a waitress. They were kind parents, they weren't harsh or mean. They got him a good education, he never went hungry. But when he reached the age of twelve, both his mother and father got into a tiff with the kin of the Family of the Crown. They were killed by the royal guard. It was mentally scarring on Mercury, he vowed he would end the tyranny of the royal house. Quickly learning the in's and outs of Lightning Magic. And that's why he joined the Resistance.

Up for love: Yeah - he's a terrible flirt, but not a whole lot of people can get around the insanity. He's straight.

Other: He doesn't sleep, because he has crippling nightmares about hit parents being murdered.

Mask -

Spoiler! :

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:19 pm
KingLucifer says...

Garnets profile is redone, considering I have no major players for the Crown, Garnet has been made to be able to fight the resistance on her own.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:42 pm
crossroads says...

Name: Anair Ashtaroth
Gender: F
Age: 17

Appearance: Short, hourglass shaped, with long thin fingers. Her skin is pale, her hair is a dark shade of green (after her father) with silvery tops (after her mother), and her eyes are light gray. She doesn't seem physically strong, always wears loose dresses with long sleeves, and mostly has her hair in a big bun on her head. Her chin is slightly pointy, and her lips are full, but still paler than lips should be.

Skills: She manipulates Metal and Lightning by birth. She survived the apprenticeship at a Dark Mage, and that part of her magic took a toll, so though she's very powerful, she doesn't ever use her strengths to attack, often lost in her own world. She's particularly interested in cheating time and death, and she's skilled in making very tiny clockwork and similar using her Metal magic. She wants to master all magic types, but not by stealing them - that is, unless bringing a dead Mage back to life as her minion and forcing him to teach her is considered theft, but magic or memories often fade when one's brought back to life.

Personality: On the best days, she's playful and curious and very imaginative. On her worst days, she's sadistic, destructive and still very imaginative. Mostly, Anair is calm and quiet, reads a lot, does her experiments and wander around without causing any trouble. When she does speak, she's witty and nice to people and they usually like her, though that's partly because they don't want to make her very mad, very sad or very scared. In case she does get one of those, she loses herself to the personality or Riana, who doesn't care about learning new magic if she can't use it to dominate all the others. Anair knows about her other side, and knows that dealing with Dark magic and mixing it all together is slowly destroying her, but she's more curious of how far she could go than of what life is offering her as is. She's not at all easy to manipulate, even if you manage to catch and hold her attention for long enough, and she doesn't really manipulate others around her.. They just tend to do as she wishes, and she doesn't really care for their reasons.
Also, though often in a cute way, she's pretty much crazy and rarely keeps her mind focused on reality and problems around her for a long time.

History: Anair is Garnet's half-sister. They share a father, but after the death of Garnet's mother, he remarried, and got the second daughter with the other woman.
Born a Metal Mage after her father and a Lighting Mage after her mother, Anair was thought to have a future of becoming the the next ruler. But her father had an older daughter, and Anair's mother had other plans. She was the one to teach her as much as she could about magic, and found her a Dark magic tutor. He was nine years older than Anair, 18 at the time (she started very young because her mother wanted to take it slow), and by the time she mastered Dark magic, he's already lost himself to it. He was the first person she brought back, using more or less her other two abilities, but in the process he seemed to have lost his own abilities, staying a regular person with only theoretical knowledge of magic. Anair's mother hated the first daughter of her husband, and the way he always talked about his first wife. She lead a rebellion, and challenged her husband to a duel, but her magic turned against her. She died when Anair was 15, but Anair never even thought of rev engine her. In her eyes, her mother's death was her own fault, and Anair didn't want to challenge her father or her sister - partly because it was possible to win and she didn't know what would she do with the throne when she gets it, but mostly because she simply didn't want to hurt her family and didn't care about the whole dueling thing much. There are words in shadowy places, whispering about the days of her mother's rebellion, and it's said that some of those rebels still live, some in the lines of the Resistance and some even still among the royalty. They talk about Anair being the new leader, and she even now and then talks to some masked members of her so-called army. Not always the same man is seen leaving her home, though, and she thinks that should be enough of a proof that she isn't into any rebellions. But they keep coming, sending gifts and secretly celebrating her name, for reasons she doesn't even think about.

Up for love: She lives with her former tutor, and they love each other. But, realistically speaking, he's dead and he's kind of her slave, so maybe you could still try to win her heart.

Other: She never brings back family members. That's because she's smart enough to know that, if she gets emotional, her magic will turn against her. Oh, and she loves flowers, of all kinds (they sometimes tend to die around her, though). Her lover/tutor/experiment is, for now, the only one who can calm her when her other self takes over. She also has a friend who she hides, a little girl who's a big threat to her magic but loyal enough so Anair is certain she's safe.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:24 pm
Caesar says...

Name: Jormungandr "Jake" Ashtaroth

Gender: Male

Age: 36



and this

Use this for comparison:

Spoiler! :

He wears 'un-kingly' clothes, however, he does adhere rigorously to a single style, in this case a elegant, if somewhat old-fashioned jacket, with golden buttons, over a crisp white shirt, black pants, held by a leather belt, and polished shoes. He forgoes a crown, and instead wears a bowler hat. He figures, if people don't know he's king even without a crown, they really should be paying more attention to what goes on in their kingdom. He also wears leather straps over his hands, which host a few nasty surprises.

Skills:Jake started off as a Metal sorcerer. He was extremely good at it, crafting his own weapons, which have still served him after twenty-six years of use. However, even in his magic he had greater ambitions. He learned how to experiment with artificial re-animation and alchemy, and was marginally successful. However, after he learned Dark sorcery, he quickly specialized in bringing his creations to life and aiding his experiments, to the point he's a master necro-alchemist. He has one other deviation of the power of darkness, the Glutton Fang: a gigantic snake of darkness can materialize from him at any given moment and strike. It's his ace and last resort, as nobody, not even his daughter, have seen him use this attack. As it happens, not one of his common subjects have ever seen him use anything, and only his most elite and trusted circle know of his dark and horrible experiments.

him using the Glutton Fang

Personality: Jormungandr started out as a simple, uncomplicated apprentice weapon-smith. From there he inherited his extreme sense of discipline and order, which moves most of his actions in the kingdom. However, his one great flaw and drive is his ambition: he yearned for more, wanted more, and plotted, conniving until he obtained his ultimate goal, kingship. He was ruthless in obtaining the throne. Many forgotten graves and spots of ash were once his opposition. Once he reached the kingdom however, he -- apparently -- grew lax, retreating into his experiments and studies of magic. He never leaves his eyes off the kingdom though. He ensures taxes are bearable for the people, and takes care of infrastructure and education. If you asked a, say, common peasant, he wouldn't be defined 'an evil king'. 'The land has suffered much worse,' they'd say. 'Certainly though, he comes down a sight too hard on those that even smell of rebellion'. Jormungandr's ruthless streak hasn't abandoned him. Nor has his cunning. Most assassinations are done in silence, and many a plot and counter-plot exist to fool opposing political parties. All this behind a friendly mask of politeness and courtesy.

History: He was born in a family of weaponsmiths. He continued his father's craft, and excelled at it, but he wanted more. He took several part-time jobs and saved up money so he could get a higher education. He studied, behind the backs of all, the secret philosophies of the previous Dark sorcerers, and believed unyielding ruthlessness was the best key to securing and maintaining power. However, once he joined the world of politics, he traveled to the poorer areas of the kingdom, and understood that keeping the people happy was the solution for a long life as king. That still remains implanted in his brain. He joined forces with another nobleman politician of similar ideas, and they worked their way into the former king's grace. But the late king wasn't stupid. He saw something in Jormungandr that made him unworthy of ruling, and kept a wary eye out. This was when Jormungandr made a deal with a powerful snake archdemon, Ezra. The demon taught Jormungandr all he needed to know about Dark sorcery and the means to depose the king, and in exchange Jormungandr would set the demon free. And once Jormungandr became king, he set the demon loose on his remaining enemies, and allowed it to ravage on the other kingdoms that threatened war, ensuring a temporary peace in his land. He can still call upon Ezra's power at will. Theirs is an uneasy but mutually necessary alliance, as the demon knows Jormungandr can banish it with a thought.

Up for Love: Probably not, as his wife died, leaving him scarred and shut down emotionally.

Other: He prefers to be addressed as "Jake", as he thinks that is easier to pronounce and much more friendly. He also keeps many weapons hidden about his person. The straps at his knuckles can shoot poisoned spikes, and he keeps triple blades up his sleeves.
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Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:56 pm
Redfang18 says...

Spoiler! :
Anybody who's making a profile after this post has to put the profile in the DT.

Morgan Darkrai~~~~Castle Aradia (Nightfall)

The castle itself, in its towering glory, was bustling with night guards, making it almost impossible to get in unseen. In spite having extra sparring practice with Leopold before I left the underground stronghold, stealth was never my best physical element. I've told Nemesis for the past four years that I was getting too old for all this stealth business, but I had to get it done so my parents would rest and I could get my life back in order before I die. With my suit and mask already on my body and Nemesis perched on my shoulder, I slunk around in silence. Several times Nemesis had to shoot a small fireball to keep the guards from catching sight of me.
I groaned at remembering the night I was almost caught by the guards, courtesy of the princess. I was trying to find the king's chamber to take him down myself when Princess Garnet spotted and attacked me. She was quite the fighter for a young lass of fifteen back then, almost strong enough to best me single-handedly, but my biggest regret in our first encounter as rivals was that I hesitated when I saw her dual-edged scythe. I ended up coming back to the stronghold with a bleeding chest. I've been trying to heal my chest completely for the past five years, but without any success. The scar on the right side of my chest was curved from my right shoulder down to the center of my stomach. If I had been younger and less experienced in combat, the eldest princess would've killed me with just a swipe of the very weapon I had built with my hands. It was harsh on my part, since I was a master bladesmith - hence the common nickname in the stronghold the Metal Master, which Nemesis had often told me suited me - and it would be a disgrace to the Darkrai line to have one of your own creations used against you. I sighed at this memory. One of these days, I'll have to tear that scythe apart and make sure that nobody uses it against me like Garnet did. As much as I like her as a friend while I was in the forge, her father the king didn't help me when I asked or needed it. When I was pushed around by the guards, the king just ignored my pleas on account of a rumor that all Darkrais were born with Dark sorcery. It brought a black mark on my family name and I didn't have many friends until I founded the Masked Resistance, myself as their leader.
Getting around wasn't at all easy, since I haven't been in the castle long enough to know my way to the king's chamber. Damn, I hate doing this, but I have to if I want some peace in my life. At least I'm giving an inside contact some information. I didn't intend to betray the Resistance and wasn't even starting to. I knew I was walking a thin wire to begin with since I got almost caught by the two princesses on seperate occasions, but they were lucky I was a gentleman. It's not like me to hurt ladies like them, even if their father was an ignorant fool to believe a rumor that never was proved. I slunk around more, getting frustrated that I wasn't getting anywhere. Nemesis, this damn place is a maze. It's so confusing, I can't tell which way's up.
Nemesis sighed. Master, you haven't been here since you got spotted by the younger princess last moon. You're just lucky she made friends with you instead of fighting you like her half-sister did. Nemesis was always with me whenever I was out on these private missions. My recruits had no idea what I do as the Ninja of Retribution, so I intended to keep it that way.
After two hours inside (one hour wandering aimlessly, one hour conversing with my inside contact about the castle gossip in exchange for a lesson in Water sorcery), I slunk out of the castle and returned to my cottage. It was a small cottage to say the least, next door to the forge where I worked as a master bladesmith although the forge itself was mine to begin with, but it was the first home I had since I moved out of my parents' house outside of the village. The cottage was my private sanctuary and hideaway when I needed it. Under a carpet where my bedroom was hid a trapdoor, the entrance to the underground stronghold of the Masked Resistance. I had Nemesis cover the trapdoor after I went in, climbing down a ladder and into a tunnel where I walked through to discreetly reach the stronghold. I removed my mask once I reached the training room where Leopold was.
It always surprised me that Leopold, although being as tall as I was in spite of his age, was a kinred spirit. He lost his family to the king and wanted vengence for their deaths. I took him in after hearing his story and grew to love him like he and I were blood-related. His family and mine had quite a deep history together, so it was no surprise between us that we became friends and kinred spirits. I treated him like he was my own son, so no doubt I was like a surrogate father to him. Or so I could always think. I never really knew what was going through Leopold's head, but I knew he was a powerful asset in the Resistance. I unshealthed Justice and cocked a grin. After two hours in the castle, I could use the sparring exercise. I whistled for Leopold's attention. "Care for a little friendly match? I may be getting old, but I don't want to get rusty on my sparring skills."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:42 pm
Caesar says...

King Jormungandr | his private villa | nightfall

The King toiled at his desk, bent over long parchment, thick with Jake's cramped cursive.

The only sound in the room was the scritch-scratch of the quill pen as it moved from the ink bottle to the paper. Jake frowned in concentration. While he did indeed possess a fountain pen, he preferred using his own ink in his documents. It was made of a particular ink, a mix of powdered blood and crushed sageberry. Only those touched by dark magic could see what was written within.

Shadows were flung across the room by the tall, guttering candle in the corner. It made seeing rather hard, but Jake had no real need for proper light. Even a shred was enough.

The king was humming to himself as he wrote, a soft, haunting funeral dirge. Sometimes, unbidden, a small grin would touch his lips. The day had been a good one. His advisors had confirmed rebel activity was minimal. Unless they were especially cunning at hiding, then there couldn't be more than a few dozen. As they were now, they had neither the number nor the power to cause civil unrest. The latest information was good one. There had been not plague nor famine, and the masses were relatively happy.

His meeting earlier with Caddimus had concluded this was the time to declare war. Versh wasn't particularly great of a country. While they enjoyed an advantageous mercantile position over the rivers, they had no fear of attack. Protected from imposing forests from one side and the Ara-Varsh Treaty in another, they prospered blithely. But that would soon change, oh yes. Jake's pen skittered across the parchment in eager anticipation. His daughter Garnet would spearhead the attack -- it gave her something to do, at the very least. Heh.

There was a brief tap at the window. Jake looked up, carefully. He stood.

Flexing his left wrist, he moved forward, and in one fluid motion he drew back the blinds, ready to stab a potential attacker.

…It was a bat. Aradia didn't get many bats, and this was no ordinary one. Big and black, it seemed to have a very definite purpose in mind. Nodding, Jake opened the window.

The bat entered, and fluttered in circles until the king stepped back. Then it circled down, morphing into a hooded, black-clad man, kneeling before Jake.

"The Consortium sends you?" he asked.

The figure nodded.

"The plan proceeds smoothly. There have been no set-backs. Do you have a message for me?" Jake asked, quietly.

The figure shook its head.

"You may go." Jake turned, not bothering to check whether the servant had.

He decided to call it a night.

Jake headed to his four-poster bed, already clad in his robe, and lay down, sighing contentedly. The staff would attend to any unfinished business. Tomorrow, he would do something about the remaining rebels. Oh, and speak to Anair…

Jake snapped his finger, and a gust of cold wind spat the candle out.

The king closed his eyes, and dreamed of the future.
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Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:44 am
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VampireSenshi says...

Mercury // Resistance Headquarters

It's really early, like too early to go and tell someone to make me coffee. And I don't think I want to wake anyone up to tell them to. I don't really want to go make my own, and I don't want to get out of my chair...

This was my thought process early in the morning, another night of sleeplessness. I wasn't particularly busy, not like I had ever been particularly busy. God forbid Morgan trust me with a job or anything.

Maybe I'll ask him about that...

Later today when I'm not sitting in this chair.

Oh wow that might take a while

A female rebel strolls past, out of the dorm area - I give her a tip of my hat and say,

"You have a very nice day m'lady..." she smiles and then continues walking.

Hmmm, I bet if I -

I open up one of the drawers in my desk and remove a small metal bird, a pad of paper, and a pen.

"This should do the trick."

The note reads:
Dearest Mr. Morgan Darkrai / Metal Master

I regret to inform you that I have recently fallen into what I can only describe as a pit of melancholy and pure, unadulterated boredom and I'm still sinking. So much so that I have started shocking younger rebels and cadets as they pass for a giggle.

Although this may not make a difference to you at all, I'd greatly appreciate if you'd consider my consultation on ANY further measure or action or delivery that you may require of me. And I do mean ANYTHING when I say this.

Your appreciation is greatly... appreciated.



I touch the little bird on the head, sending a gracious jolt of electricity through it's tiny metallic body. It jerks and buzzes to life, the sound of copper and iron gears erupts. I take it close to my mouth and whisper into it's ear.

"Find Morgan..." I let the bird go, and it flys through the doors of the Headquarters, out on it's little quest with my letter in it's tiny copper talons.

NIGHT is always watching...

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:06 am
kayfortnight says...

Kjolir/Resistance HQ

My axe flies perfectly straight across the room, giving a single twirl before burying itself deep into a target. I strode across the room, pulled it out, and gave the target an extra thwack just for good measure. If that had been one of the cursed Aradian soldiers, he'd be dead. A breeze suddenly wafts across the room and I grimace. Tone it down, Kjolir. Not everybody needs to know you're upset.

Behind me, Luna whimpers softy, nuzzling my leg. My anger instantly evaporated, and I lost the desire to run around outside, chopping down soldiers. I ruffled her head. Luna could always calm me, and she was the most beautiful wolfhound I had ever seen. No doubt if I had met her earlier in my life, my family would have taken her in, instead of just me.

"Sorry, Luna," I murmured. "It's just...today's rather important to me, and it makes me angry." Talking to her always helps me straighten my thoughts. Maybe because she never responds. It's harder with people. "It's the anniversary of my family's death, or at least when I found them. I have a very strong desire to go cut some soldiers down." I glanced at the axe, which had required so little effort to use. "Maybe I should practice on something I actually have to work on."

I backed off to a corner so I wouldn't be in the way for anyone wanting to use our practice room. Normally, I'd go outside, but tonight, I don't think I could trust my reaction if I saw soldiers. Closing my eyes, I raised my arms, and the wind quickened. The power that had cost me my family and lover.
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Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:33 am
crossroads says...

(Her "laboratory", somewhere under the city)

Touched by the tip of her finger, the wheels moved. Slowly, as one type of magic curled around the other, changing their shape slightly so it would all work smoothly. They made a clicking sound whenever they touched, and she closed her eyes to listen to it for a moment. Tick, tick, tick. Like a clock, only not so regular, slower than heartbeats.
She pulled back her sleeve, and put her hand on the heart. Blood seemed black in her poorly lit chambers, and warm against her skin. Still so warm, though the girl died almost a day ago.

Calling the person on the table a girl may have been wrong, though, when one would consider the fact that she was older than the princess.
Anair liked her. Her skin was cold and pale, her lips were dark and slightly bluish, her eyelashes were long, and while she was alive, she must have had a pleasant voice to listen to.
Closing her eyes, the princess made her magic flow. The third one, this time, the hardest to control and the hardest to resist. She never tried mixing Dark with the other two before. It was invisible - it was dangerous, and it made her thoughts fly. She opened her eyes, and the young woman on the table did the same.

They were once a pretty shade of blue, yet now the black dots tainted it, appearing as if some invisible hand leaked ink into the white of those eyes.
"Interesting," Anair muttered. "Do you feel that?"
The woman opened her mouth. Slowly, then closed them and opened again, as if testing if she can do it. She made a shrieking sound, her irises moved and she fixed her eyes on the princess's. Anair slowly smiled. The woman was in pain, obviously - she guessed that a big cut through one's chest and a couple of organs removed would do that - but even though she couldn't speak yet, she was alive. Back. More or less.

Keeping her thoughts on it, she removed her hand, and the heart kept on ticking. Not beating. Ticking.
Then she put the thin metal panel over the Object's chest, and a tear black as night ran down the woman's cheek. Interesting. She can cry.
"Shhh," Anair whispered, tugging the woman's hair behind her ear. "It will make you stronger. You don't need to eat.. Or breath."
She started sewing. One by one, from her navel up. As if sewing a dress. A pretty, white dress. For a wedding, maybe.

I wonder what mother wore on her wedding. Dad must have known - maybe Garnet too - but where were they? They never came down to see Anair, never, as if she was no more than a ghost. Of course, that was because no one knew where exactly she was. Maybe I should tell them. Should I? Dad would never come, and nor would big sister. She was always too busy with herself to pay attention at Anair, and he was always too busy with his plans to pay attention to either of them.
She shook her head.
That is mean. You shouldn't think like that. Mother was too busy with her plans to take care. Dad and sister are not like her. They understand how important family is.

She blinked, feeling something warm on her fingers again.
Oh, look. She is bleeding now. And screaming.. How long? Anair sighed. She didn't even notice the woman finding her voice. And now she was screaming, so loud that she could barely hear her own thoughts. The princess put her hand over the woman's eyes, feeling strength leaving the body and returning to her. The woman was a Fire Mage. She could have been such a powerful creation, and Anair could have learned so much from her.
"It's so wrong," she said silently, closing the woman's eyes again. "We could have been friends. I had a nice future for you, so much better than the one that was expecting you when you were put in that prison.. I asked them myself to send you to me, you know? I wanted you here. I wanted to show you to my family. You would have been a present." Anair turned her back to the table, left the room and moved a curtain, finding herself in her own chamber. One of them, that is. The other was up, with more light, and there people could come and see her. No one came to see her here.

Her lover laid on the bed. He wasn't sleeping, of course - he was never sleeping - so he got up as she walked in. He was taller than her, but that was easy, Anair wasn't very tall. He knew that he now has to go and clean, he always did the cleaning. But the princess didn't want him to go yet. She wanted him to be close, as she felt that she's losing herself again.
I don't like losing myself.
She approached him and he hugged her, gently stroking her hair. Closing her eyes, she listened to his heart. Ticking.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

I communicate much better on paper than I do when I open my mouth.
— Aaron Sorkin