
Young Writers Society

The Fortress Anaxis

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:30 pm
Anoia says...

The sandy walls tower above a plain that was once alive with grasses and grazing beasts. Surrounding the isolated fortified city an army of black-clad soldiers drill, the smoke from their endless camp fires hanging in the thick air and enveloping the sea of tents so that inhabitants of the fortress see only a sea of grey from the battlements, as far as the horizon.

Anaxis has been under siege for as long as anyone who lives there can remember, even the old men who sit, maudlin, over their bottomless tankards. Life goes on as it always has for them- market on a Wednesday, any post that manages to get through the airspace above the enemy army arrives and is distributed on a Thursday, Fridays are when rations are inevitably reduced as the siege draws on longer than they have supplies for...

There is a way in, via the catacombs, but many who attempt it are never heard from again. Otherwise, the people of Anaxis are alone, save the Order. A handful, maybe, of individuals who have qualified to join the organisation almost solely through their ability to survive long enough to do so. This Order is the last hope of the hopeless, it is said, but only in hushed voices and when the more fanciful were out of earshot.

[Normal rules apply, just have fun with it!]
"What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it might...travel."

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:48 pm
Anoia says...


Whirling around in careering circles, my senses are almost overwhelmed by the multitude of colours, voices and smells that bombard me. I laugh aloud but stop when I catch the look my master is treating me to. One of his most disapproving, down-his-nose stares.

Shame colours my wind-tanned cheeks as I sway on the spot, the world still rotating around my head mockingly. "Sorry," I mutter, knowing that I have showed up my master, in this place where anyone could be watching.

"Remember, boy, remain always conscious of yourself in situations where image is everything," sighs my master, rubbing his short grey beard unconsciously- a sure sign that he is stressed. I know that my conduct cannot be helping, so I hang my head and stand obediently by his side.

"We must find our contact... the message did not make clear his name, only that he is to contact us here..." The concern that tinges Master Alvis' voice is not his alone; even I am worried about meeting this mysterious being who knows so much about us and we so little of him. If it even is a he, I remind myself, eyes peeled for anyone trying to draw our attention and coming up blank.

"We will be alright, won't we Master?" I hear myself asking before I can quash the childish insecurity. A terse smile tugs at his dry lips, much to my surprise and relief. "Yes, child," he murmurs, the words spoken without thinking. He looks at me then, and I feel my cheeks burning in embarrassment. "I will not let anything happen to you," he says reassuringly, and I gape, wondering how he has guessed my fear.

"Not guessed," Master Alvis replies to my unspoken question, "Felt." I curse then- how could I have forgotten our bonding, as is traditional between a Master of the Order and his apprentice? But my master looks nonplussed and simply tousles my unruly toffee-coloured, tumbling curls affectionately. I have been apprenticed to Master Alvis for six years now- since turning eleven years of age- but I am sure that I will never become accustomed to his swings between a glare that burns like wildfires and that gentle twinkle that makes his blue-grey eyes seem as if they are smiling.

I am shaken from my thoughts by a movement at the very edge of my vision. Turning slowly, I see the shadowy figure of someone who is clearly watching us and does not wish to be seen doing so, but has little or no expertise in the area. I am about to alert my master when I realise that he has already seen, notified through the bond of my discovery. He moves closer to me, his stance unconsciously protective as the figure begins to edge closer to where we stand.

[These characters are only just developing- they are for my new book, so whoever you conjure up to test them, please don't break my creations just yet? They're only just learning how to be them, so please also excuse inadvertent or unavoidable discontinuity in their personalities? Thank you!! ^.^]
"What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it might...travel."

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:22 pm
whitewolfpuppy says...

The dark figure slowly rests upon the terrain, watching the two in the distance. She remain's unseen for the moment. Watching the two, she waits. If they came up to her, she wouldn't be hostile. If they attacked her first, she would kill both of them quickly. Turning towards her weapon that lays beside her, she gently places her hand on the grip.

Her weapon was long, sharp and dangerous. Pulling the weapon closer to her, she gently runs a finger across both blades. Her choice of weapon was indeed a double blade scythe;hand carved to her own perfection.

Slowly picking up her weapon, she stands tall. She walks forward towards the two. She wondered, why are they standing around aimlessly here? She shook her head, knowing it was best that she didn't bother asking. The closer she got to the two, the more she realized who the older gentlemen was. She pulls out a piece of paper with a seal on the front. Hoping that this was the right person, she got close to the two.

"I can expect that this letter belongs to you?" She asks, now in full view. She had long white hair that touched the ground with hazel gold eyes. In her left hand she carried her double blade scythe and in the right was the letter she was giving the older gentleman. Her body was thin, almost too thin for a girl of her age yet her eyes and face looked healthy. She just stands there, waiting for the man to reply as she never took her eyes off of him.

[Sorry its so short! I didn't know what to say so I hope this is good enough to continue the story! :) Thanks. ]
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:43 pm
Anoia says...

[No worries, that was great! Most intrigued about your character too...]

"Ma-" I begin to say, as the cautiously approaching figure seems to vanish, but before I can spit the word out it is beside us. A lithe woman with impossibly long, snowy hair that puts me in the mind of a tamed blizzard. She is handing a piece of carefully folded parchment to my master, and as he takes it I cannot help but notice his pupils widen slightly, though he does not speak.

I nudge my master's mind tentatively, and he allows me to read the letter through his eyes. It is in his own distinctively spidery hand, and I feel my heart stutter at the words:

...situation hopeless...weeks at most...desperate...I humbly beg your assistance...

I pull back into my own head at these words. I hate the idea of Master Alvis begging anyone, even in words alone. He is too... I search for the right word.

/Venerable?/ projects my master, and I suppress a smirk. /Proud,/ I send back, and am gratified to see the amused scowl that he cannot quite keep from flitting across his brow.

The woman stands, statuesque in her immobility, watching Master Alvis' face as he reads. I am about to speak when I remember just in time that, as far as she is concerned, I have no idea what is going on. She fingers the hilt of a magnificent blade in a show of what, in anyone else, I would have taken to be nerves. /Master.../ I pulse uneasily. He glances up at my concern and he too sees her. She reminds me of a coiled spring, somehow. "All appears to be in order," my master says calmly, offering her one of his most diplomatic smiles. She does not reciprocate, though I am not surprised. "Shall we?" he gestures to a curtained trap that has drawn up alongside us.

I feel a little smug when her expression lifts in surprise, albeit fleetingly, and she steps inside following a cursory inspection of the innocuous cart. Master Alvis shoots me a warning glance and holds out his arm to help me in after her. I treat him to my most innocent, wide-eyed, would-I-ever? expression before accepting his arm and returning the favour in our comfortable routine - he proffers his arm and I take it to subtly help him up the step. It allows him to pretend like nothing is wrong and maintain his dignity, so it is the very least I can do.

"So," the woman says through a toothy smile once we are all seated comfortably, "to business."
"What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it might...travel."

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Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:04 pm
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whitewolfpuppy says...

Slowly ambling into the cart, sitting down upon the soft leather. Fixing her body to a more comfortable position while setting the weapon beside. Gold eyes fix upon the two that walk in behind the young girl, the rough tongue running along the top of her teeth as she wait for them to sit down as well.

"So, to business I presume?" Claiming as she rest her hands down on her lap with a sweet smile of innocents. Tilting her head once more towards the door. Watching it close, studying how the functions work. Her gold eyes turn back towards the two boy's, or so she claims them to be.

"Is there anything that you had wished me to do? Would you like me to return a letter or does it seem that I must stay and offer my services towards you and your young comrade beside you?" Her voice was soft and light, almost as if she didn't wish to be there. Her eyes show guilt and pain, almost two conflicting emotions she didn't want to show anyone.

She waited for the other two to answer her questions, waiting if they needed her service or if she would return to her homeland to finish what had started. Everything she was doing, all depended on what their answer.

(Didn't know what to really put... :O )
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:02 pm
Icleminiangel says...

I watched the three ride off in the cart and can't help but feel a little smug. They didn't notice me yet they noticed the other one. I and watched two of them for a while now, the old man and the boy-he looked about my age-,they were part of the order and I wanted to be part of it too. I had the skills and the talent but they turned me down. They wouldn't do that if they'd known I knew the way in and out of the catacombs and hadn't been caught. I began to follow the cart leaping from branch to branch through the trees, silently. My family were still at home and didn't know I had come out here but it was for the best really. The cart stopped

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Fri May 24, 2013 4:25 am
neko says...


I pull the cowl of my dull red cloak lower over my eys and block out the irritating sounds of everyone else, concentrating on the first and foremost thing on my mind - me. I slip unnoticed past people, barely touching anyone. I speak to noone, and noone speaks to me. A stopped cart catches my eye, and I slow my pace, watching it and the figure crouching in the tree above it and grin, muttering under my breath.
"now THAT seems interesting"
Listen up!
The future is bulletproof!
The aftermath is secondary!
It's time to do it now and do it loud!
Killjoys, make some noise!

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Fri May 24, 2013 6:32 am
Icleminiangel says...

The cart stops so I do, usually I wouldn't have followed them this far but I want to know what they are doing. I shiver and look around, it's odd I don't think anyone's seen me but...
I turn my attention back to the cart which is now moving again but I can't shake off the feeling of being watched

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Sat May 25, 2013 12:46 am
whitewolfpuppy says...

As she waited for the two boys to answer, her mind drifted elsewhere. Wondering its way back to her homeland, her brother and her comrades. They all mean the world to her, yet she was stuck here. Delivering a message that could easily be resolved. She did as her superiors ordered her to do, yet she waited. Neither of them spoke as the cart stopped and moved along.
The cart was ridged, old looking. The colors didn't match as well as they should have. Nothing seemed to be "normal" as one would say. Then who would ever call her normal? She glances towards her double blade scythe. A prize weapon she used as a comrade in her own fights. Then her eyes glance back towards the two that were so silent. The silence was calming yet mysterious, she still waited for an answer.
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Mon May 27, 2013 1:25 am
neko says...

As the figure moves with the cart, so do I, putting on an act of wandering aimlessly through the street, watching the figure out of the corner of my eye. Yes, they are certainly following that cart.
I move closer to the tree the stranger is currently in and study the cart closely. Nothing special, rather shabby looking. But the people inside could be more... interesting. A shiver of excitemont runs down my spine and I grin, pulling the cowl further down over my face.
Listen up!
The future is bulletproof!
The aftermath is secondary!
It's time to do it now and do it loud!
Killjoys, make some noise!

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Thu May 30, 2013 1:26 am
whitewolfpuppy says...

She smiles just a bit, looking down at her lap as if she was trying not to laugh. The cold heartless gaze she gave turned towards the window of the cart. Studying the people that walked around. She smiled as if she was playing a game, a game she knew that she was going to win. A game that was more intense as her eyes still studied the people. Her hands slowly place themselves upon the seat near the double bladed scythe.
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:03 am
neko says...

I casually move closer to the cart, trying to look inside while remaining inconspicuous. I slide the hidden blade from my sleeve and into my right hand, slowly moveng closer.

(I know its short... sorry ^^')
Listen up!
The future is bulletproof!
The aftermath is secondary!
It's time to do it now and do it loud!
Killjoys, make some noise!

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Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:56 pm
whitewolfpuppy says...

Yawning as she was awaiting for the game to commence. She heard nothing of the two boys in front of her. Neither of them spoke, which caused a great deal of impatience. Bitting on the inside of her cheeks, she only drew her golden hues gaze towards the window to the right of her body. Looking outside to find something that interested her. Keeping a straighten posture as she was still sitting her rump on the seat of the shaggy cart that seemed to ramble on and on. Waiting for a destination or something to happen, her patience was going to run out and after that, her offer to help them will vanish.
(Do something fun! -Was on vacation...- SORRY! <3 )
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:08 am
neko says...

In a single motion I move up next to the cart and swing open the door, letting my blade dance between my fingers.
"Hello there!" I say cheerfull to the shocked faces inside
Listen up!
The future is bulletproof!
The aftermath is secondary!
It's time to do it now and do it loud!
Killjoys, make some noise!

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:15 am
Icleminiangel says...

I've been following the cart for a while and was thinking of giving up when a strange person jumped onto it with a knife. What were they doing? They didn't look familiar and I don't think I have seen them interact with the old man or the boy before. Maybe he knows the girl? Its doubtful but all I have to go on. I reach for my bow for reassurance. The question is should I help them?

"In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls -- with the great outside world."
— Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery