
Young Writers Society

Blazed (Closed/started)

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:52 pm
icebender28 says...


If you've seen X-men, this is kind of like that. The government is kidnapping people and giving them specail powers. Each person that has powers are marked with a kind of Japenese looking thing, somewhere on their body. Problem was that it hurt, a lot. Most of the people they gave powers to started a rebellion, but some thought it was a gift, their powers. so to thank the governement, they are now the soldiers fighting against the rebellion.

*Regular Storybook rules
*Keep the cussing down. Please.
*We can have relationships, but absolutley NO sex scenes. NONE.
*Don't let you characters be too powerful. It wouldn't be fun.
*We can have like brother and sister type things
*Try not to have more than two characters per person
*Have fun! Please try not to have your characters fight non-stop. It's fun, as long as it doesn't cause the story to stop.

For each character's profile, please have-

Government or Rebellion:

Our characters so far-

Thanks for reading! :D I hope we can all have fun! :) YAY! GO DT!! ----> [url]Topic ID: 88463[/url]
Last edited by icebender28 on Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:23 am, edited 8 times in total.
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:28 pm
gleek456 says...

Hey Ice! How goes it? I really like the X-Men, so I'll join! :) Oh, and you kinda forgot the "Appearance" and "Age" category, so I'll just slip it in here.

Name: Camille Rosie Huntington, otherwise known as "The Ice Lady"

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Camille has long, curly, brown-ish blond-ish hair, with blonde streaks. She has a pretty good bone structure, and has a bit of freckles on her face. Camille always has red lips, and slightly rosy cheeks. She used to wear black-rimmed glasses, but now has contacts. She has piercing blue eyes, which could be the reason why the government gave her ice powers. Camille has the model height, and is pretty slim and skinny. Because of her powers, she takes pride in it by wearing white. So, usually, you'll see her wearing white dresses, shoes, accessories, etc.

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Power: Camille's power is ice and coldness. She can manipulate ice, and control how cold an area is or how cold someone is. She can basically make it snow, and control the season of winter. Camille has pretty good control of her powers, and knows her powers well. Her alternate power is mind projection. She can control what people are thinking and dreaming. She can practically give someone a good dream, or a scary nightmare. Her favourite attack is the "Frozen Kiss". She blows a kiss to her opponent, and once it touches their lips or cheek, their whole body freezes.

History: Camille was born in Bristol, England, to a scientist mother and business father. Her family was pretty wealthy, and as an only child, she was definitely spoiled. Camille lived a pretty good life, until she went to college. She did not have a pretty good college life, at all. Her mother and father disappeared on a business trip, and no one knows if they're alive or dead. She had glasses, and short hair, and basically looks like a 19 year old lawyer. People tended to stay away from her, until she changed her whole appearance.

Now, she practically looks really good. This definitely landed her the dream job she wanted, to be a scientist like her mother. She worked for Gallows Lab (made up Lab) as assistant scientist for the Director. On her way to work, she got kidnapped by the government, and got her powers at the age of 22, so recently.

Personality: Camille, likes her powers, is cold, cruel, and harsh. She is pretty sarcastic, and takes advantage of the people she first meets with her beauty. The only people she's kind to is the Government people, and loved ones. She honestly hates the rebellion people, but could probably deal with them. Camille is a taunting little princess, and takes pride in her powers.

Camille has an obsession with manners. She is very polite, and loves etiquette, but when it comes to other people's manners, she gets ticked. If someone is being impolite, she will use her powers and freeze them, or just take a book and hit them on the head with the spine. Yes, she's cruel like that. She believes that if you're an adult, you should know about manners by now. "Has your mother taught you anything?"- Camille.

Government or Rebellion: Government, definitely Government.

Other: She is up for love, and forbidden romances (rebellion romances are fine). Being born in England, she has a British accent. She can play the piano and violin. Camille has a theme song:

Last edited by gleek456 on Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:52 am
Redfang18 says...

Name: Zeke Zoroark, aka "The Fox of Illusions" and "Smooth-tongue"
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Spoiler! :
Before: Image Minus the piercings.
He's very thin at the waist, but very athletic for his age. His normal human eyes are blue, but ever since he got his powers, his eyes are green like a cat's eyes and hair is black as night. He's pale as white marble and is stronger than he looks.
Spoiler! :
Now: Image

Power: He has the power of illusion and occasionally has visions. He creates life-like illusions to make escapes or for his own amusement. He's a master at this power, but has a problem with his visions. Every time he gets a vision, there's a backlash that happens depending on the vision itself. If the vision is bad, he suffers a headache and tends to get very cranky. If the vision is good, he feels so calm it's written all over his face.
History: Zeke was born in New York City, New York, to a therapist and an artist. His parents didn't know what to do with him- since he was both an artist prodigy and a smooth-talker- so they homeschooled him until he was eighteen. The government tried to nab him two months after his eighteenth birthday, but he managed to escape from the authorities until he was twenty years old. That was when the government caught up with him and he was given his powers. He escapes again, this time using his power of illusion to scare the guards away. He's been loose for a year now.
Personality: He's sly and clever as a fox, but is greatly loyal to his comrades when ever he's called. Because he was homeschooled his whole life, he's not very good at socializing with others. He's actually a consummate loner.
Government or Rebellion: He's for the Rebellion, in spite of his social life as a loner.
Other: He's up for love and is straight. His theme song is this: This suits him because he's normally on his own when he's called upon.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:01 pm
icebender28 says...

(Sorry for forgetting that, and thanks for joining! Alright, here's my character...)

Name: Atila Reding
Gender: Girl
Age: 17
Appearance: Long red hair, curly, brown eyes, tall, but only a little bit over average, thin, and is almost always wearing black t-shirt and jeans.
Power: Fire. So can shoot fireballs but has a limit. When she's really mad, she'll catch on fire. She can move fire, or anything that's hot.
History: She was completely normal. Grew up in a nice family, had a lot of friends. Then she got in a car accident which led to her whole family dying. At the hospitol, the government got her. She was the first one to get powers, so hers are not as predictable as most. Occasionally, she'll light something on fire, usually when she's very emotional.
She believes that the government is responsible for her family's death, so she started the rebellion.
Personality: She hates the government to a fault. Otherwise, she's usually pretty nice and can stand almost anything. She likes taking charge of situations, but has a short temper. She is very caring.
Government or Rebellion: Rebellion.
Other: She's straight, and is up for love, though she thinks guys are idiots. She has a little black cat that follows her around.

Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:20 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Complete it later.

Name: Astral, a.k.a QuickSilver

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: She has short white hair with black streaks and piercing blue eyes. She is avergae height and pretty if you like the unusual look.

Spoiler! :

Power: She can turn into mouldable silver that can take on any form.

History: She grew up with two loving parents, but then she was kicked out when they found out about her talent. She moved in with her Uncle until he was killed by the Goverment. She was taken when she was 10, and spent 5 years being a bunny rabbit for the Goverment. She escaped and has been living around ever since.

Personality: She is brave and determined. She is quite strange,but that's really a mask. Ever since she was taken by the Goverment she has became more and more silent.

Government or Rebellion: Rebellion. Very much Rebellion.

Other: She is deffinatly up for love, if you're willing to work with her.
Last edited by PrincessOfDarkness on Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:31 pm
apple96 says...

Name: Xandria (Xandi)

Gender: female

Age: 20

Appearance: Xandria has hip length dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. She has a few frackles on the bridge of her nose, which she is very self concious about. She is taller than most women her age and loves wearing green clothes.

Power: Xandi can telepathically control animals and communicate with them. Be it any creature from insects to lions and wolves Xandi can control them, the only exceptions are humans.

History: She is the daughter of a vet and a horse riding instructor. Her parents loved nature and Xandi learned to as well. Though she was born in Durham, England, Xandi and her family moved to a remote area of Canada when she was 10. While Xandi was on her way to the airport to meet some relations arriving from England to visit she was kidnapped. She refuses to go back to her family because she doesn't feel comfortable about her powers, especially in a remote area with lots of forest.

Personality: Xandi finds it easy to get on with most people but is wary of people who don't like animals. Xandi isn't quite in control of her powers, which make her scared to be around other people, as sometimes people who upset her end up being mauled by wolves or bears. Xandi is practising controlling her powers and is gradually getting better. At first Xandi was grateful to the Government for her powers but when someone she met ended up being attacked by a brown bear after making her angry Xandi realised this was less of a gift and more a curse.

Government or Rebellion: Rebellion

Other: Up for love, many animals follow her but she has a soft spot for a small rat which can often be spotted running alongside her but it can sometimes be seen curled up around the back of her neck or sitting in her coat pocket. She has named the rat Pheonix after her Aunties old pet rat, which she remembers from when she was younger.
'Are you saying Ni to that old woman?'
'Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history'

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:16 pm
Audy says...

Sounds interesting! This will be my first storybook in years, so be patient with me :)
Edited! 10/5

Name: Wesley Snipes
Gender: Male
Age: 24

Appearance: He's 6'2 in height, an athletic frame. He is real pale and has jet black hair and strong jawline, his face is rather long and rectangular. Most distinctive is his nose, large and hooked like an eagle. He has cold, gray eyes. He tends to adopt an aloof, yet serious expression.
Spoiler! :

Power: He has insane speed and reflexes, not only physically but mentally as well - he can usually make split second decisions. So yes, he can dodge most basic attacks - but his stamina runs out pretty quickly since he utilizes a lot of energy when he uses his powers. When he's at top speed, he can maintain it for about half an hour and just gradually begin to slow down until he collapses. To give you a general idea of his speed: On a typical day (that is 24 hours) he'll usually "sleep" 24 times a day for 10 minutes at a time ;D So, to put it in perspective, if he were to function at top speed with frequent breaks for sleeping, he'd be able to accomplish in a day what we'd accomplish in a month. Does that make sense?

His powers make his sense of time pretty unusual, and his "sleeping habits" can be inconvenient for everyone else, so he tries to balance it out and work/function at a "normal" pace for as long as he can stand it (which isn't long by our standards, I'm sure - but if he keeps his mind busy he can handle it).

History: He has no memory of his past, no memory of family members or friends. He was basically raised by the government for as long as he could remember. He showed them promising results and they took him into intensive training. His entire life is devoted to combat training, target practice, and strategy. He has been what he is for as long as he can remember, since he was about 12, so he has years of experience with his powers.

He's well-traveled (I mean, he can go halfway around the world in no time) and has seen and experienced much of the world (he can do in seconds, what takes people hours). His powers are a gift and have saved him and offered him many an opportunity on more than one occasion. He views his position as a duty. Though the government like to exploit his powers so they'll usually pile up everybody's paperwork on him because they know he can finish it in seconds ^^;

Personality: He's logical. He's a very meticulous and cool-headed guy with an ambition to gain recognition from his superiors and move up in rankings. He has a superiority complex/male ego, so I imagine he's not quite popular with many, and has no experience with women.

His life is centered on his career. His life is his career. He's the kind of guy who would get the job done and often is trusted with many responsibilities (he certainly gets his job done quickly enough). He does not like to mess with emotions, so he keeps his repressed as he doesn't want anything to get in the way of his work. When he's not working on a case, he's training his mind and body. In the rare case he fails to keep his emotions in check, well that will be his breaking point, I imagine.

Sometimes he can get really impatient with people and when he's frustrated or bothered with something he begins to talk faster, and faster, and faster until the words come out so fast it sounds like a jumbled mess to a normal person's ears. Normally, he's very serious and aloof. He absolutely cannot make or take a joke. In fact, he can't even remember the last time he's ever laughed or experienced real emotion.

Government or Rebellion: Government

Other: He has a weak spot for children. He also wears a special suit that protects him from air friction and momentum and such as he's running. Also up for love, though good luck with a personality like his.
Last edited by Audy on Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:13 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:41 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

Save me a spot for a male rebel please! Although, I guess the gender doesn't really matter....but oh well.
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:04 am
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MisunderstoodDreamer says...

Name: Devlin Cosst

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Appearance: Though it may not look like it, he's very strong:
Spoiler! :

Power: Telepathy. He can read minds and is can move things with it. He's still working on moving bigger and bigger things. This also allows him to be fairly smarter and quicker-thinking than a normal human when it comes to certain things. He still has trouble with math, though.

History: His family was very wealthy, but even as an only child, he was never spoiled. In fact, he was very respective and mannerly. His parents were both involved in very important parts of the government. They worked together on many classified government projects. This, they understood, made their child a target. He had much security. He never went anywhere alone.

Unfortunately, his parents weren't allowed to know everything the government was doing, such as kidnapping their child to give him super powers. He was caught one night when he was walking home from a soccer game. Though his bodyguards were strong, the government had stronger men. He was only 13, as his power required lots of training. When his parents found out, they were furious, but the government wouldn't tell them where their son was no matter how hard they pleaded. They were smart enough to know there was no hope in finding him, but they never stopped missing him, and someday, he swears he'll find them. That's why he joined the rebellion. He hated how the government betrayed his parents when they helped them with the most important projects of our society.

Personality: He's sly, very smart, and also very nice. He's charming and smooth, a real ladies man! He will do anything to get the job done, and get it done right, and to protect his loved ones. He cares for everybody, even those working for the government, though he thinks them mislead. He has a great sense of humor and can be very sarcastic at times. At important times, though, he's optimistic and serious. Nobody's perfect, though. He doesn't tolerate when people are messing around or being stubborn.

He likes to be the leader. He has a bit of a temper at times like when people are being stupid or not obeying important orders, even when he's not the one directing them. He can't when people get cocky. He tends to get himself stressed by giving himself too many responsibilities, but once things quite down a bit, he's really chilled and loves to hang with friends. He is noble and loyal, and stands strong for what he believes in. He is very respective and mannerly. No matter how angry he gets, he always tries to contain it.

Government or Rebellion: Rebellion

Other: He is very agile and stealthy, but because of his brains tends to be the stratigic one of the group. He's great at thinking through every possibility, but at the same time, is amazing at just winging it when needed! Unfortunately, he gets really clumsy when he's nervous! Most of the time, that's with girls, even though he's quite the ladies man.

((Sorry it's so long. I'm very detailed. You really don't need to read the entire thing to get the gist of him.))
Last edited by MisunderstoodDreamer on Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:33 am
EnchantedPanda says...

Estelle Van Pragog



Spoiler! :
Short girl who has short black hair with blond and brown highlights which stand out in the light. She usually wears dark clothes but she isn't fussy about what she wears. She has large hazel eyes which can almost be green if in the right light. She has a very dark look but is very smiley at the same time.

She can withstand incredible amounts of pain and is very strong. She can go into a fight against someone twice her size and walk away without even a scratch or a bruise. This is why she is such a powerful asset and someone who you would want to be allies with.

She doesn't have much of a history. She was living on the streets with no friends or family and the government found her on the street and kidnapped her. Then experimented on her, this is how she gained her strength and incredibly high pain threshold. She eventually got tired of the government testing on her like she was a lab rat and escaped from the government.

Tough but at the same time very caring and understanding. Very much a pack person and will stick up and stand by anyone who earns her trust. She enjoys having people around her because she has never had a family but she can survive on her own for amazing lengths of time.

Government or Rebellion:

Up for love
Last edited by EnchantedPanda on Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:47 am
SubjectBlue says...

I'd like to reserve a spot for a government male, if that's okay.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:40 pm
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Daisuki says...

Names: Sire and S’oul

Genders: Sire- Male, S’oul- Female

Ages: Sire- 19, S’oul- 12

Sire is the type of person you might notice on the street, but never really think about after that. With a bit of a street-gang look and a bored expression, you might wonder if he has any idea where he’s going, in life or otherwise. At a bit more than six feet, he’s moderately tall and has short black hair with bangs long enough to keep him blowing them out of his eyes, only for them to fall back. His eyes are technically brown, but so dark most people refer to them as black.

S’oul is a very strange girl. Her hair is a very, very light brown, almost like a cappuccino with extra cream. It’s naturally scruffy, and unlike Sire, she keeps it short enough to where not a strand of it can fall in her eyes. Her eyes are a similar color to her hair, and she’s usually seen to be wearing clothes that are some shade of brown or white. Her prized possession is the thick, tough collar she wears at all times. Shortly after she and Sire met, S’oul picked it out and Sire bought it for her. She’s worn it ever since.


Sire’s power cannot be used alone. It requires a blood exchange with another person, after which he can supply them with his own power. This can also be used the other way, where he can drain the other's energy. He has sufficient knowledge of martial arts to defend himself against normal people, but when fighting stronger forces or others with special powers he needs a partner. His life force and energy were abnormally large before the government got a hold of him, and now he can actually put them to use, even if he himself cannot fight. His last resort when aiding someone else with his energy is to sing. It doesn’t matter the song, but it directs his power into concentrated amounts. If he does it too long, however, the energy will start to come from his very life. The volume of his voice controls the flow of power.

No one is quite sure what the government was trying to do when they gave S’oul her powers. She was animal-like before, and perhaps they thought she’d be most powerful if they built on pre-existing traits. Anyway you look at it, she can now leap much higher than a normal person, smell better, run faster, and has a generally animal-like demeanour. Her powers are obviously increased when she fights with Sire, but her most powerful state is when she goes in to Rage. The blood pact she had to make with Sire to be able to use his energy reacted with her own powers, and now when she smells or sees his blood, she goes absolutely insane. Her pupils expand to make her eyes nothing but black, and she’ll attack anything in range.

Sire was a normal teenage boy with parents, however he used to be involved in drugs and gangs. Toward the end of this phase, he picked up the habit of singing to calm his nerves. One day, he got in some kind of trouble and the government captured him. S’oul, on the other hand, was an orphan. They met in the government research facility and have travelled together ever since, becoming as close as siblings. Both their powers and their personalities seem to be a good match.

S'oul was captured and recieved her powers at age 8 and met Sire eight months later. They escaped in another four months. Sire was captured and got his powers when he was 15. They've been together about three years.

As mentioned before, Sire used to be a normal teenager. He had parents, he went to school, he had friends. He had a fairly good heart, but managed to get involved in gangs and drugs, and ruined himself before he could break ties with the people and things that had ruined his life. Being a teenager, he always had the normal pride and longing for independence. Since being captured by the government, escaping, and having his world turned upside down, he’s thought a lot more about life since then. His power requires him to work with another person and makes him step down and not be the main hero. The things in his life have humbled him and he looks back on his old life, his parents, with regret. He loves S’oul as his sister and vows to take care of her no matter what. The way he acts depends on who he’s talking to, but generally it’s a bit reserved although he has his social moments. He has a habit of singing under his breath when stressed.

S’oul speaks only when she has to. Sire believes she is actually quite bright, but her movement and actions are more like a dog than anything else. She smiles when she is happy and gives a low growl or whine when intimidated or sad. When fighting, she’ll often shout to regulate her breath. She loves her head patted or scratched by people she trusts, and is very loyal to Sire. Generally she is attentive and engaged, but when her Rage starts, her mind is lost and she can only trust Sire will stop her from doing anything she’ll regret.

Government or Rebellion: Rebellion

Other: I’m hoping I can write believable dialogues for these characters. I’ve become really attached to them, but I feel they’re a little cliché? Any thoughts?

Up for love? S'oul definately not, but for Sire you should probably ask him about that. I'm kinda thinking he's not into that right now, seeing as he has enough on his mind. Plus, S'oul wouldn't get as much attention and probably get jealous (even though their relationship is sibling-type).
Last edited by Daisuki on Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:12 am, edited 9 times in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:46 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

Name: Mishta Angeli

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Spoiler! :

Power: Mishta is what you call a Seer. She can see your weaknesses all the way down to your soul. She can either manipulate them or help them. She is an anomilly to the government. The government did not create her powers, but enhanced her visions.

History: Mishta doesnt really remember much about her past. She remembers that before teh government took her, she had visions. All that she knows is that she was found on the streets one night by the Government. After that, the rest is history. She got tired of their controlling ways and joined the rebellion

Personality: She is quiet and reserved. She rarely ever talks. When she does, she commands the attention of anyone in the room. You rarely ever find her without a book. Mishta has a problem with space, so she tends to spend her time outside where she can breathe. She is a bit clumsy at times.

Government or Rebellion: Rebellion/Governemnt...Dont know if this is ok..maybe she could be working for both sides?

Other: Up for love? (:
Last edited by *singerofthenight* on Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:14 pm
icebender28 says...

Thaks guys so much for joining! Yes, we can have more characters, but let's try and keep it below 15, alright? I just don't want to get people confused and hectic. So, tomarrow, we can start, because people are joining so fast! :D I'll post the DT tonight, in case you guys have questions or concerns, and especailly for ideas!
Thanks again for joining! :D
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Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:52 pm
Audy says...

We're starting at some point today right? Link above wasn't working, so in case anyone missed it:

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