
Young Writers Society

Amidst the Roses

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:40 am
Shadowlight says...

(He is off the ice! XD)

Gareth/Praesa's house south country:


There was a strange sound, like a steady drumbeat, or the boot tread of a soldier.

"Is it working?"

THe drumbeat got louder, even timed beats like a well trained percussionist.

"Yes auntie, it's working. I've got a steady heartbeat- now the lungs."

The sound of snow sliding off roof tiles. Pain, searing mind numbing pain.

"He's breathing now and I think His souls attached fully to his body."

The pain lessened slightly, replaced by a tightness everywhere- almost unbearable.

"Praesa my dear when can you fix the..um.. well he looks like a corpse still- albeit a breathing one- but corpse still the same."

"He has to drink my blood for that to happen, I only reanimated him Auntie like you asked."

Warm, silky liquid. The strong sent and taste of iron. Warmth and a strange vitalizing tingle.

"Well he swallowed it easily enough. Now we just have to wait."

"For how long?"

"It depends, he had been dead for a while-a few hours?"

"A few hours? I don't have that long Praesa,I have work to do!"

Shuffling footsteps, and the swishing of heavy brocade fabrics as someone moved away.

"I'll leave him to you niece, send him to me when he's fully awake and functioning."

"Alright auntie."

Two sets of footsteps now retreated away, slowly senses were coming back that had been dead for a time.


((This is all I got so far. I'm going to write him in first person but I needed to get this out so I can move on!_)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:48 am
thestorygirl says...

It was about time that I actually had an animal to ride. My wolves were great in combat, but there was no way I could ever ride them. Hopefully I could get to the South Country before the end of tomorrow. Praesa had to have me.

I could tell my horse was uneasy, she was probably tired, and wasn't used to the the running. She was a carriage horse. I came across a clearing in the thick trees. I heard a loud call, "Timber!", a man's voice cried. I rounded a large tree, and saw a big tree lying on the ground, and a big man staring fondly at his ax.

He noticed me, and put down his ax. "Are you in search of some wood?" Ugh, gross. "For... you know, fires and stuff. I'm going to take some back for my fire, but I can chop you a few logs as well."

I felt the blades in my sleeves, and didn't feel at all scared that he could hurt me. He looked like a typical woodsmen type person, though he could have been wearing a shirt. I guess he was handsome. I told the horse to wait at the tree, and came a few steps closer to him. I was cold, and there was no way my ax could cut down enough wood to make a fire. Plus, I hadn't made a fire in years. "That'd be nice. But, I can't remember how to make a fire." I heard a low growl. Apparently the wolves had a problem with this man. I turned around and gave them a look. Sentenil whined and retreated to the shadows.

"Are those your wolves?," he asked. I nodded, "What's your name?" He twiddled his thumbs awkwardly, taking a moment longer then I would have expected.

"My name's Edward. You're the Wolf, aren't you." He said it quietly, as if it was a swear word. I suppose word had gotten around that I'd killed Gareth. I'd completely forgotten about Praesa. She'd probably risen him by now. Gareth is going to be seriously dysfunctional.

I'd used a poison arrow. It wasn't normal rose poison. It was dragon blood. There'd been one up north, the day I had went hunting. A bear had gotten it, and it was bleeding all over the ground. I took some of it's blood. The wound was across the chest, and I could tell the dragon was begging me to put it out of it's misery. When I did, I coated the arrow meant for Gareth. I didn't know then it could eat away at your mind. That night half a drop of the blood dripped in my water.

It was a strange blueish color, but I didn't realize that it would start eating away my mind.

My mind most have zoned out for a while. He was staring at me like I was insane. I probably was.

"I have a question," I said, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you mind if I stay with you 'till morning? If you don't want me to, it's okay." I really didn't mind. On cold nights I would just lie in a ball with all of my wolves around me.

Spoiler! :
I hope this is alright.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:04 pm
Sunshine says...

Posting to move along the Suirin/Taris/Elia plotline a little.

Prince Taris- East Kingdom Castle

Suirin patronizes Elia for more minutes on end, but the mute girl doesn't really seem to mind. They both seem to be getting along swimmingly, and Prince Taris can't help but smile. Perhaps with Elia at the castle, Suirin would reconsider her foolish ideas of following Taris to the Middle kingdom. Maybe even enough... Taris glanced at the fanciful sundial set by the window of the extensive library. At this hour, the parade his father had set up for his trip would be ready. He could sneak away, while Suirin was distracted by Elia and get away before Suirin could mutter another word. As Rin led Elia over towards one corner of the library, Taris stood up quietly and shuffled back towards the door. With one last look at his sister, he pushed the door open and snuck away.

Shoving his last cloak into his pack, Taris grinned with a bit of anticipation. He knew his mother to be asleep in corridor and snuck around the library, exiting through the heavy wooden door's. There, his father stood waiting.

"Taris." The man greeted his son with heavy eyes. "Be safe, my Crown Prince. I shant lie to your mother about where you have gone, but I will prevent her from going after you. You have my blessings, son."

The Prince gave his father a nodd, climbing onto the back of his favorite horse. The guard and carriage full of food and materials surronded him, giving him a sense of false security.

"Thank you, father. I shall be home as soon as I can. Do watch over Suirin, however. She has a strange longing to head west with me."

"That I will." With not another word, his father waved his hand at his son.

The boy and his honour guard kicked their horses, speeding away into the fading woods.

There. I'm not particularly proud of it, but it'll further along the plot enough!
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:57 pm
StellaThomas says...

The Enchantress is just floating until the necromancy's all done and dusted- if you need her, give her a shout!

Princess Suirin- The Princess' Chambers

"And then the Duke and I danced the last dance while poor old Gisele just watched!" she finished, twirling and laughing. Elia was grinning to. Suirin flopped back down on the chair and surveyed her. She liked having an audience who didn't interrupt her.

"I wonder where 'Ris is," she continued. "He usually comes up to collect me for dinner and then we go down together. Our parents will love you, they'll have so many questions... I mean," she suddenly tried to recover, "not that you'll answer them but- oh, the food is delicious. All the mussels in vinegar you can eat- do you like seafood?"

Elia paused, eyebrows knitted, then frowned.

"I mean, there's other food as well. I think we're having venison tonight..." Elia's face once again lit up, as if all she had ever wanted was to eat venison.

Suirin was considering leaving to go and find Taris when a maid put her head around the door. "Your Highness? Dinner is served."

"Where's my brother?" Suirin asked, disgruntled and suddenly there was a knot in her stomach. The maid shrugged. Such insipid creatures.

"You and your ... guest... can go downstairs."

"I'm perfectly well aware of what I can do, thank you," Suirin said with a snap. "Come on, Elia."

Elia seemed to give the maid a sympathetic look before hurrying out after Suirin. Suirin could hear her footsteps behind her but she wasn't paying attention, already storming down towards the dining room.

"Suirin, darling-" her mother began.

"Where's 'Ris?" she demanded.

"'Rin..." her father said slowly, then glanced at Elia. "Who's this?"

"I think she's a mermaid," Suirin said with a shrug. "Where's Taris?"

"A mer-"

"Where's Taris?"

Her mother folded her hands. "He has... he has gone," she said, biting back tears.

"What?" she shrieked, glaring at her father. "You let him go?"

"It's his duty-"

"Taris has no duty to that girl- none whatsoever! Besides we knew of the curse, we knew this was going to happen-"

"We had hoped not."

"Hoped is not the same as not knowing! I can't believe you sent him-"

"He wanted to go."

Suirin scoffed. "Taris wouldn't know what he wanted if it reached up and slapped him- much less what he needs which is far more important."

"Suirin dear, why don't we just sit down and eat?" her mother asked shakily, not looking up from the table.

Suirin glared at her father for what he had done. "Did you even think about Mama?" she asked. Her father bowed her head. Suirin bit her lip and looked at Elia, who seemed entirely shocked and not sure what to do in this situation. "I'm not hungry," Suirin said and turned to begin back up the marble steps out of the dining room. The quiet patter of Elia followed.

They came back into the light colours and the smell of the sea in Suirin's own bedroom, where she immediately opened her trunk and took out her own riding cloak. It was made of the same material as Taris's. She looked at Elia and asked, "I was wondering... perhaps you'd like to come on an adventure with me."

Elia's face split into a grin.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:09 pm
Skorpionne says...

Praesa Sturnus | South Country
(In case you haven't noticed, I'm going to be very very awkward and write Praesa in first person/present tense, and Snow in third person/past tense. Just to confuse you.)

Alone. In the dark. With a corpse. Not the most comfortable of experiences.

A corpse that could awake at any moment. Even less so.

A corpse that will most likely attack me when it does awake. God, get me out of here.

...Ho hum...

Gareth wasn't all that bad looking. If only I were older... Although, I hear older men are the fashion these days...

...Ho hum...

My thin dress is clearly no match for the night air. Shivering, I pull arms tight around myself. Inside, I can see the fire that Auntie obviously lit. Oh dear...try not to think about how warm she must be, try not to think about how warm she must be...

...Ho hum...

The stars really are beautiful tonight, the perfect conjunction to pick more lavender. If only I wasn't hooked up with this Gareth person...

Quicker than I could see, two pale hands were around my neck. My father's old ghost stories came into my head just as fast. Black spots pierced my vision. No air, no air, no air!

Yeah, that was rushed. Sorry.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:01 pm
Rydia says...

Edward the Woodcutter; Somewhere in an unknown forest with Asta the Wolf

Eddy's first impression was that she was young and kinda pretty, but more seductive than beautiful. She didn't have the eyes. But that was good. Because Eddy wasn't in danger of being stupid for some girl who didn't have the right eyes, right? Right, maybe. She did have nice skin though. And wolves. Uh... that was a new one. But then he realised who she was. Bad, bad. This could never be good because there were wolves. And the last time Eddy met a wolf, he'd cut him open to help a little old lady climb out of his belly, but this wasn't just any wolf. This was The Wolf. She was even worse than the last one and Edward didn't know what to say. Uh hi there, I'm Eddy. I think I killed your friend last year.

"My name's Edward. You're the Wolf, aren't you," is what he settled for. And it was a while before the girl answered, her face went all blank, like when Eddy wasn't sure about something, and he wondered if maybe she'd forgotten who she was. But she was The Wolf. Surely that was very hard to forget.

"I have a question," she said. "Do you mind if I stay with you 'till morning? If you don't want me to, it's okay." Huh. Should he invite her to his fire? She'd probably done something bad because The Wolf was always doing bad things, but Eddy thought she seemed like she needed help and he was lonely. And it wasn't right to leave a young girl alone in the woods without a fire and a pack of wolves chasing after her. Even if the wolves happened to be her friend.

"Just until morning?" Eddy thought hard about that and then nodded. "Alright. I guess I'll show yer 'ow t' build a fire then." Bending down, he gathered up as much of the chopped wood as he could carry and headed back to where he'd left his pack and the little pile of moss. Which was only about five big man strides away so he needn't have bothered to carry so much of the wood over, but never mind. The Wolf saw his pack.

"I don't suppose you can spare me some water for my horse?" she asked. Eddy was pretty surprised to hear she had a horse. He'd thought maybe she ran on all fours like her wolves or something.

"Sure thin', darlin'. I think I can manage that. But first, the fire." Eddy settled himself down by his pyramid of twigs which needed a little re-building since the wind had blown it askew. Or maybe it had been The Wolf. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down. Well Eddy didn't have a house. Phew. No danger of that happening then. "First what yer need t' do is make yersen a wig-wam. See this moss 'ere is the floor, an' these sticks are the walls."

"That looks easy enough," The Wolf said, a small smirk playing along her face. She slipped down beside him and leaned in closer for a better look while her pets whined and whimpered but stayed away. One or two even let out an occasional snarl but wither they feared the woodcutter or their mistress' wrath.

"Yeah, then yer gotta ligh' it." Edward brought two stones out of his pocket, one dark and dull and the other glittery and rough. "Some people use tinder boxes or clever lenses, things like them. But 'ere I've got some flint an' some pyrite an' if we strikes 'em together, we gets li''le sparks." Edward held the glittery pyrite in his left hand and struck it with the flint in his other. Once, twice and the sparks jumped to the moss, crackling into life. After that he showed her how to stack the logs slowly so as not to suffocate the flame and then more quickly once the fire was well established. And he showed her how to find big rocks and place them around the fire in a tight ring to make a safe guard. "Yer don't wan' t' go burning up the forest," he explained in a friendly tone. He also dug around in his pack until he found a container of water and handed it across to her along with a hand carved, wooden supper bowl. "Fur yer 'orse," he explained.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:44 am
Shadowlight says...

(Skor I beg a thousand pardons for being to tardy!)

Gareth/Praesa's house/south country:

I felt heavy- wooden almost. I tried to open my eyes, to move, to speak but my body didn't want to obey my commands...

-My body?

Suddenly a thousand different sounds, sights, feelings- all my senses in fact were bombarding me, it was truly overwhelming.

-I was dead, wasn't I?

I forced my eyes to open, feeling my pupils shrink as the dim candle light caused me pain. Pain. For once it was a good thing to feel. My last memories were of feeling nothing, of dying and not knowing how it felt.

-Dying, I had died. I had been dead. Was I alive again? Could I be alive again or was this yet another cruel test I had to be put through.

I slowly sat up, my limbs were heavy, almost like when they fall asleep after leaning on them for too long. I looked about the room and tried to gather my thoughts into some sort of cohesive sense.

It was a plain comfortable room, like a wizards study,

-could a wizard have brought me back?

Book filled shelves lined the walls and I could barely see a dimly glowing fire though a half opened door. I myself was sitting on the edge of a table in the middle of the room. I looked down at my body frowning.

-had I actually died? could it have all been a dream?

Then I smelled it, blood, but it wasn't mine. For some reason I knew it wasn't mine, I looked sharply to the smell. A silver bowl was stained with the stuff, a dribble making a iron sticky ring on the wood. Next to the bowl were sheaves of lavender- my blood ran cold. Lavender was a grave herb, and more importantly a Black magic herb, Necromancy.

-Oh god...

I made a half strangled gasp and nearly fell of the table.

- I had died! all of it wasn't a twisted nightmare, oh god....

I felt sick, my head was reeling and my hands trembled uncontrollably. my emotions were a mess of confusion and raw physical feelings all mixed together. But the longer I sat there two emotions rose higher than all the others, choking out anything else.

Anger, and horror.

Horror, I had been dead. I knew I had been dead, and now what was I? Some horrible creature controlled by the dark arts? was I nothing more than some magic users golem to be played with like a poppet? I stood to my feet, wobbled a bit but steadied- my limbs were coming alive again.

-Was it I who was moving me or someone else?

This thought made me feel sicker, but my anger grew as well. There was some black hearted magic user who dared to play with Necromancy?! even the most daring of white magic users wouldn't even dream of touching the stuff. I disliked all magic myself but Necromancy filled me with hatred and fear.

Dead things were dead, they should stay that way. One should never play with fate, nor tempt nature to play this kind of a game. I looked about me again and for the first time noticed the figure standing just outside the other door, it was obviously the front door for she stood amid the grass holding herself against the cold wind than blew in.

I slowly made my way towards her, trying to be as quiet as I could. I knew enough about magic that if you killed the creator of the spell, the magic would die. Maybe if I killed this black hearted witch I would die again, nature could resume it's course.

-I wasn't meant to be alive anyway.

I had gotten right behind her, she didn't even take notice of me at all, just stood there shivering in the wind. I clenched my fists once tightly then closed the slight distance between us. I clamped my hands around her neck, throttling the life out of her. I could actually feel the life leaving her, her blood pounding under her thin skin, her gurgling breaths.

I found it frighteningly entertaining,

-I was enjoying myself? I was enjoying killing another living thing?- wait, a living thing. I'm not living.

My grip had lessened slightly and she feebly fought me and turned around slightly- then I caught a look at her face and I felt my heart give a little stutter.

-Oh god, she's a child!

I immediately released my hold on her and watched in horrified fascination as she fell, my instinct drove me then and I caught her before she hit the ground, and picked her up- she barely weighed enough to be noticeable. I looked into her face my mind racing, my heart aching.

-she was just a child. I had almost killed a child, murdered a child.

After seeing her, killing her was no longer an act of justice or honor- killing a child, however evil, was despicable. I carried her inside and laid her on the table, then began to pace the room.

- I needed to kill her. she was a witch, she used necromancy and brought me back, she needed to die! but I couldn't kill her, even in my worst rages had I ever harmed a child. I deserved to die, I wasn't meant to be living anyway, but she? who knows what drove her to necromancy.

I sat down in one of the many chairs surrounding the room and watched her, my internal battle raging on...

(I hope this was alright, I wasn't really sure where to take it.)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:50 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Elia | On an adventure

"Come on, hurry up, little mermaid!" Suirin shouted back at Elia as the latter attempted to stop her horse from tottering so badly. "At this rate, we'll never catch up with 'Ris, you know!" I like Suirin. Elia adjusted the straps in front of her. And she was pretty smart to figure out I was a mermaid. But I swear, sometimes I wanna drag her up to some balcony and kick her off from there. I've never ridden a horse before, for crying out loud! However, Elia just offered an apologetic smile, unable to voice her thoughts.

"If he goes, then I go. I am, after all, much better equipped and much more smarter than he is!" Suirin was sniffling to herself, her mood changing with every sniffle. "Can you believe how easy that was, Elia?"

Elia nodded, unable to do anything else. Frankly, she hoped the King and Queen would be alright. They seemed like good people. "I swear, Momma and Poppa are so easy to fool at times! Ohohohoho! Oh, look here!"

Suirin had stopped beside a sign that pointed "To Middle Country". "Let's go Elia! We're just halfway there!"

Elia doubted they were just halfway there very much.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:45 pm
StellaThomas says...

The Enchantress- Briar Rose's Palace

The light filtering through the windows was picking out pink highlights in the princess' tangled hair. Like roses amongst thorns, the Enchantress thought, and laughed to herself.

There were cobwebs up high in the tower ceiling. Her spell hadn't covered the creepy-crawlies of the palace, but now she was worried. The spiders were harmless enough, some people- Praesa, for instance- would probably think they added to the ambiance. But the earthworms, the termites... if one was going to freeze a palace, one couldn't have it decay.

The princess was a pretty girl, the Enchantress thought. She had her mother's nose, sloping like a valley of South Country. It would be a shame if the creeping things got at that face.

She gathered up her powers- and her sleeves- to perform the spell to bind them, to send them all to sleep as well. Everything. Just to be sure.

The Enchantress opened her mouth to say the incantation when there was a tremor. Just the slightest of shakes in the ground. If you didn't have magic, had never been touched by magic, you wouldn't have felt it.

Oh, but she felt it, alright. Something- or someone- had come back.

Finally, Praesa. She loved her niece- most of the time- but she could take a long time.

The Enchantress finished her creeping-things spell quickly, then blew a kiss to Briar Rose. "I'll visit you next week, Your Highness," she said, then climbed up to the roof of the tower. Her forest stretched miles and miles- it was growing. The Enchantress shut her eyes and thought of her niece and the last piece of her plan that awaited her.

She found Praesa lying on a table as if she had just been resurrected herself. "What on earth- Praesa?" She touched her niece- she was still alive, at least. The Enchantress flicked a little animating energy into her niece who awoke with a start, sitting up with eyes wide and wild.

"What exactly do you think you're doing? Why were you unconscious?"

"He- he-" Praesa gasped. "He attacked me!"

"Who did?" the Enchantress demanded- needlessly because of course she knew who it was. Praesa looked around the room and shakily lifted a hand to point a finger.

The Enchantress slowly turned around to see a dark heap. The heap slowly raised its head.

King Gareth had a pallor that could only be described as deathly. But, the Enchantress had to admit, it somewhat suited him. All that dark hair and those big soulful eyes, sunken into a white face.

"Why am I here?" he asked.

"Because I want you to be," the Enchantress said intrigued, checking her hair for stray strands as she went over to the handsome dead king.

"And who are you?"

"The most important person you'll ever meet." She offered him a hand to help himself off the floor so she could get a better look into that face. "I'm the Enchantress, but you can call me Elvara."

Behind her, Praesa groaned. "Really, Auntie?"

The Enchantress rolled her eyes and gave Gareth a once-over. Even reanimated, he was still in danger of decaying. Another bug spell would have to be performed.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:05 pm
thestorygirl says...

When Edward handed me the water I thanked him for it, and walked over to my horse. When my bare feet crunched against the leaves, it sounded too loud and rang around my skull. I poured the water in the bowl and handed it to my horse. I decided to name it Gestohlen. [Gestohlen is the German word for stolen, which is what the horse is.]

I coughed, a sore pain racheted up my body. Convulsing, I fell to the ground, blood dripping out of my mouth. Edward was next to me in a second, trying to pull me off the ground. I fought him off, I didn't want anyone to touch me. I coughed up more and when I felt as dry as the West Country I finally stopped.

I got up slowly off the ground, and slowly lowered myself on a log. "What was that?," Edward asked. His face was concerned, but still scared. I couldn't understand why it'd happened again.

"I need to go."

"Why?," Edward asked. He clearly had no idea what had just happened, I'd recovered really fast.

My voice raspy, I replyed to Edward, "I need to figure out what this is about, and talk to Praesa."
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:53 pm
Shadowlight says...

((sung to the tune of "my boyfriedns back")..... Basty's back and the shiny things are in trouble-hey-la, hey-la basty's back!
...Yeah.... I know I'm really weird. Also Basty's POV is switching to first. :) ))

Sebastian/ still in the rose forest's

I was spending another action packed afternoon doing what I always did- nothing.

-Heavens above! I was dying of boredom in this oversized flower box....

I was lying on the top of the gates, on my back with my tongue lolling out.... not a very flattering pose but what did I care? there was no one to see me for miles around.

The afternoon sun was warm on my scales, lulling me to that lovely sleepy place that left me only half conscious,

-Not a half bad way to spend an afternoon if you asked me....wait, there is no one around to ask me anyway...Lord I'm SO bored!

I rolled over back onto my stomach and looked about for SOMETHING to do.....nothing the whole castle was asleep, even the bugs were asleep! It was right then that something caught my eye.

Through one of the castles glass windows something glittered and did a shiny dance as the light hit it. I sat up abruptly and stared. The shimmering and glittering continued unabated, it even seemed to shine brighter.
...It was shiny. I liked shiny.
Ever since becoming a dragon I had slowly developed a- shall I say appreciation for shiny objects...

-alright I confess more like a full blown obsession, but could anyone blame me? they were so pretty! and shiny!

I quickly as I could in my half sun kissed comatose condition crawled my way across the courtyard and up the side of the wall- like a ungodly large gecko and looked though the window, and nearly died.

I was looking into the windows of one of the castles treasuries! it was full of shiny things! and really nice shiny things: Gold coins, bricks, why even a few gold suits of armor, silver was strewn about like chicken feed and then there were the precious stones- those were my favorite! they looked so pretty and never lost their shine.

I had to find my way into that room! I couldn't just break the window to get in though, the Enchantress would have my head and eat me alive!

So quick as a wink I climbed back down the wall and into the castle- it was time to explore this slumbering palace and try
to find that heavenly room!


(hope this was alright- I am trying to make him a little less emo as he was in my first few posts... Gareth is emo enough for the both of them! XDD)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:39 pm
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Dreamwalker says...

Beast - forest (North Country)

Death didn't seem like such a bad thing. Not really. Not when he could be free for this moment, and that was a wonderful feeling. He was with her now, and she needed him. Whether or not she would admit it, she needed him. There was nothing he wanted more than that.

The words bubbled on his lips as he imagined what he could say to her. What he should say to her and not really knowing how. Nothing was ever really easy in that sense, as he thought of her and what they needed to accomplish. And they would have to accomplish it as fast as possible. With so little time left, he needed to know she would be safe, and she wouldn't be until they found Briar Rose.

"I..." he paused, the words dying once again. And he wanted to tell her. He wanted her to know everything, but the words never came.

"It's okay," she said, without looking at him. "I don't need to know."

Good, he thought. Its better if you don't know.

And now, as they traveled forward, he pondered what they would do next. Or what they could do now. Without the mirror, it was going to be quite problematic trying to find her lost friend. In fact, all too problematic. They had no leads. No real idea of where she could be. They moved forward without so much as a thought on if they were even going in the right direction.

But any direction was better than no direction. And time was of the essence.

He thought of the rose again. The beautiful, wilting rose that would haunt him. Or, at least, that's what he probably should have felt. Haunted. Instead, he felt an ache. An ache that spoke of not being able to finish what he had started, or that he would never accomplish what he set out to do.

He had Beauty, though. He had her and that was definitely a start.
Last edited by Dreamwalker on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:06 pm
gleek456 says...

Sorry I haven't been posting! Okay, I hope this is right...

Susan Madrival- Eloping With Dominic, I think

"We ride?" I asked, to clarify. Prince Dominic smiled, while mounting his horse.

"We ride," he repeated. I nodded and mounted my horse. I don't know what this marriage has gotten into the Prince. I don't know if he has met this Princess, and she was horrible, or if there's someone else in mind. I'm going to have to get the chance to ask later. I looked towards Prince Dominic- I don't know if I still have to call him that-, who nodded, and pulled on the reigns of the horse, riding away from the palace. I followed him close behind, thinking about what we're doing.

Marriage. Why does that word seem so... longing? I guess I've wanted to get married, and now, it's Prince Dominic's time. He should be happy, and not want to leave the palace. My mind is racing, and soon after, we stopped for a break. Perfect chance to ask, I thought to myself. Prince Dominic helped me off my horse, even though my ankle was feeling a tad bit better. We both sat down beside the lake, and I started playing with some rocks while the horses took their drink.

"Why?" I asked. Prince Dominic raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"What do you mean by why?" he asked. I looked away from him for a second, to find the right words to say.

"I mean, you're getting married, right? So, why would you want to leave? This is doing both you and your Kingdom good," I said. Prince Dominic looked down, as if he was trying to avoid the question.

"Well? Did Prince Dominic run out of words?" I asked. Prince Dominic chuckled and looked me straight in the eye.

"Because," he answered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Because? That's your answer? Because? I've been waiting for how long to ask you this, and you're answer is because?" I scolded. Prince Dominic looked astonished, it almost made me laugh, but I held it in well.

"What a logic answer," I muttered with sarcasm.

(Take it away Princess!)

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Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:35 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Prince Domonic-

"What a logic answer," I tried not to flinch.

"I'm riding because ...because..." The words were on the tip of my tongue, and I sighed. Because I love someone else, I blinked and twirled a blade of grass between my fingers. Why was it so hard to tell her?


"My bride will be here in a week. I want to pass the time,"

She frowned at me, and I swung onto my horse, letting her mount her horse herself, angry at her and myself. As I marched toward, Susan trotting to keep up, I heard voices.
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Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:23 am
StellaThomas says...

*sniggered rather loudly at Susan's last location*

Suirin- Middle Country

"So... that looks like it," Suirin said, swinging herself off her horse and moving towards the massive tangle of thorns in front of her. "That's... well. That's... big. What do you think?"

Elia responded by falling off her horse in a heap onto the ground. Suirin rolled her eyes. "I suppose they didn't have horses in the ocean," she said sarcastically. "But you could have done your research."

Elia glared for a moment, but then moved as if drawn magnetically towards the plants. She reached out a slender hand- so pale from living underwater for so long- and touched one of the stems. She hissed in pain and Suirin saw ruby drops of blood on her finger.

"They're thorns," she said patiently as Elia put the finger in her mouth. "It's the roses' way of protecting themselves."

Elia made a face and shrugged to imply, What do we do now?

"Well, I'm presuming Taris is in there somewhere," Suirin said, and sighed. "Of course, he probably just cut through them all with his sword." Suirin carried a knife- what princess wouldn't? But that was no match for this.

Elia crouched down, looking at a cavity in the wall of thorny branches. "I suppose we could fit through," Suirin said unsurely. "We're both rather small. But if you think I'm crawling all the way from here to Briar Rose's palace, think ag- what are you doing?"

Elia had ducked through the gap and disappeared. Suirin stared through, but there was only darkness. "Elia? Elia, are you- well, you're hardly going to answer. Elia, if you can hear me, come back out and tell me- or show me- what it's like in there."

Silence. There was no rustling, no head poking back through the gap. "Elia?" Suirin said, starting to panic. "What's happened?"

Still nothing. Suirin glanced around at the horses, her beautiful mare. But she couldn't bring her with her, no. That would be impossible. She sighed and crouched, rocking her body through the gap-

and into a clearing. Of sorts. The sky was hidden, and it felt more like being in an upturned basket. But there was a tunnel. Not really a tunnel, she supposed, but a mass of broken branches as if something huge had passed this way. Elia was already starting down this.

"Elia?" Suirin called. The girl did not turn and Suirin began to jog. The roses were closing up for the night, blooms in crimson and ivory, their smell gorgeous like the gardens at home, only they even smelt wild. "Elia, come back!"

But Elia wouldn't listen, continuing on her way. Suirin would kill her as soon as she found her.

Then Elia stopped short, staring at something Suirin couldn't see. She turned the corner to look.

A dragon.

Heavens above, a dragon. Wearing a lopsided crown like a jester, with ropes of pearls wrapped around his fore limbs, cradling a pile of sceptres and jewellery.

And Princess Suirin was lost for words. This was happening all too often lately.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

You cannot have an opponent if you keep saying yes.
— Richard Siken