
Young Writers Society

The Mirror's Curse (full!)

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:39 am
sylverdawn says...

The Mirror's Curse


Look not into the mirrors gaze,
Close your eyes and turn your face.
For those who stare into its depths,
Never again shall you know rest.

The dark reflection gives power to keep,
But madness too your soul will reap.
Shadow and darkness would be your home,
Forever tormented you would roam.

From ancient time, this power came,
For all to have, but none to reign.
Look not into the mirrors gaze,
Close your eyes and turn your face.

The world of faerie is a beautiful and dangerous place. A world where everyone from the smallest street kid to the most important king wields magic. It is a world where blueblood aristocrats rule and the strength of your magic can change your destiny.

Long ago a dark faerie sought everlasting life and power. In his quest to rule he forged many terrible things. But none of the objects were more fearsome then the Relics. Four cursed artifacts that were scatterd and hidden. Lost when the strongest faeries banded together and brought him down.

Legends and warnings about the Relics were passed down the generations. Until a group of opportunistic fae stumble across an old warehouse in the capital city. They sold the stuff scattering it through out the country.

Too late they realised that among all the old junk was one of the Legendary Relics.
The Dark Glass had resurfaced at last.

The mirror passed from hand to hand. And inevitably, some people looked under the protective covering without realising what it was.

The Dark Glass posesses the ability to amplify a faerie's already existing magic to enormous proportions. But along with the newfound magical strength comes a curse. For eventually all faeries that have been changed by the Glass are driven mad.

Worse, the Glass wasn't the only Relic in the warehouse. The Ring, the Sword, and the Book have all resurfaced and begun to work their dark wills on the people around them. War is brewing on the horizon. And the race to find the Relics is on.

You are one of the fae touched by the Glass. You now have the power to impact the coming chaos, if you dare to use it. Do you have the strength of will to fight the madness lurking inside you? Do you even want to?

RULES: The normal rules apply, no god moding, no killing off characters without permission, etc, etc...

CHARACTER: Please follow this character profile.

race- This is a magical world, there are trolls, and pixies, dragons, griffins, go wild. High Fae are the equivalent of humans and tend to pack the most magical punch.




magic- What are your powers like, do you have a specialty, or are you more of a generalist?

skills- more mundane abilities can you ride a horse, or track people, or pick locks?

other- anything that doesn't fit in the above categories.

Character Slots:

VuzzyCat- Kyler Noble, High Fae
sylverdawn- Rhyder, halfling Highfae/Skylord X
Griffinkeeper- Alekan, Gryphon
SubjectBlue- Hector, Dragon
Shadowlight- Itaeo Haruon, Death Magician

icebender28- Aritha Gett, High Fae
gleek456- Rosalie Levia, Water Nymph
Last edited by sylverdawn on Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:32 am
VuzzyCat says...

Wait, can I have a pet dragon? Or, a friend dragon? Something with a dragon?

Name- Kyler Noble

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Race- High Fae

Short brown hair, brown eyes.

Spoiler! :

Kyler has had a pretty boring life until he was given the mirror as a gift and was about to look at it, but decided to give it as a gift to his close friend/ girl friend, who later died. Kyler doesn't know how, but he knows that the mirror killed her. After her death, Kyler swore that he would never love again. Since then, he has been a loner.

Kyler is a tough guy and a loner. He's not very trusting, but is still very kind. He would help anyone who needed it and ask for no reward, but will leave before he is even thanked. He is clever, and is usually the first with a plan.

Magic- What are your powers like, do you have a specialty, or are you more of a generalist?
Kyler is best at fire magic, but can do other types as well.

Kyler can ride a horse, and is brilliant at tracking people. He is also really good at reading people; knowing what they are thinking just by the way they say it, their body language, etc.

I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:36 am
icebender28 says...

name- Aritha Gett
age- 17
gender- Girl
race- This is a magical world, there are trolls, and pixies, dragons, griffins, go wild. High Fae are the equivalent of humans and tend to pack the most magical punch.
High Fea

Spoiler! :
Imageusually wears black, and a hat

history- She wasn't very powerful until her friend bought the mirror and she saw it. Since then her powers have been blown way out of proportion. Shes in the later stages of going insane, as in, hearing a voice inside of her head, and that same voice taking over her when she sleeps, very often hurting anything and anyone near her, but she's not far enough into insanity to kill herself. because of this, she tries to distance herself from everybody, especialy people she cares about, by acting cruel, and after awhile, it became her true nature. She only uses her powers in dire need, as it seems to be hastening her dissent into madness.

personality- Cruel, to everybody and anything. Doesn't do teams, mostly because she can take care of it herself. Doesn't tell anyone her real name, mostly because she wants to give the impression that she doesn't trust them, and doesn't really want to be around them.

magic- What are your powers like, do you have a specialty, or are you more of a generalist?
She focuses more on spells that decieve people, like making them hallucinate the one they love, and then that person driving a knife through their heart.
skills- more mundane abilities can you ride a horse, or track people, or pick locks?
disappearing, being silent, fairly good at fighting with swords, can track anybody, anywhere, anytime.
other- anything that doesn't fit in the above categories.
She is trying to do everything in her power to find the mirror and destroy it, and anyone who gets in her way.
(What'd you think? PM me!)
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:24 am
sylverdawn says...

*Alright looks like this is shaping up pretty good so far. Both characters get the okay, they should mix things up nicely. And Vuzzycat do whatever you want with the dragon idea. The whole point of setting this in a faerie world was so that anything can, and sometimes does, happen.*

name- Rhyder
age- 19
gender- male
race- Halfling, a type of fae who's parents were two different races. A halfling takes on the strengths and weaknesses of both. Rhyder is a High Fae/Skylord cross breed.

appearance- Tall and slender with short black hair and dark red eyes. Tanned skin and huge black wings.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/wing ... t.jpg?o=56

history- Rhyder is a taboo child. The result of a forbidden union between a High Fae and a Skylord. At one time these two races dominated the world of Faerie. They were equal in power, but the winged Skylords were far fewer in number then the High Fae.

As the influence of the High Fae grew, the Skylord's power waned. But they were a proud people and fought fiercely against them. The two races warred for many years and when the dust cleared only a small handful of Skylords yet drew breath.

Rhyder's mother is the Queen of one of the central kingdoms. She was seduced by his father and when Rhyder was born with the wings of the Skylords she ordered them ripped off. She did not kill the boy, for she could bear no more children. Rhyder was her only heir.

As a child she sought to make him believe he was a pureblood. But Rhyder's birthright refused to be denied, when he was eight years old his wings grew back. When his mother ordered them amputated again. Rhyder fled the castle, the city, the country.

Growing up on the run Rhyder quickly became street wise. He started searching for other Skylords, his father in particular. In his quest to find the lost race Rhyder stumbled across the Dark Glass. His friend was transporting it for a client, and without thought Rhyder looked into it.

personality- Clever and charming with a ready smile. Rhyder displays the traits of a typical Skylord. Fierce, proud and independent. He has a definite superiority complex. Rhyder treasures his freedom above all else, including his life. He is determined to never again have his wings clipped, both figuratively and literally.

An optimist by nature Rhyder lives every moment as though it is his last. And is trying to make the best of the time he has left.

Despite the fact that he was exposed to the mirror two months ago Rhyder's naturally upbeat personality seems to help combat the more severe side effects. Still, he is never the less falling into madness. It's just taking him longer.

magic- As a Skylord, even a halfling, Rhyder's command over the storm elements is unsurpassed. Be it wind, water, or lightning. This triad of elements will do his will. He can also cast basic wards and search spells. The kind of magic any fae can do.

If he inherited any of the magic belonging to High Fae Royalty, it has yet to make it's appearance. And that's exactly the way Rhyder likes it. Unfortunately for him it's unlikely to stay that way.

skills- He can fly, track, pick even the most difficult of locks. A street kid due to circumstance. Rhyder is a natural born survivor.

other- After Rhyder figured out what the mirror was, he realised that the other Relics are out there now too. Rhyder has begun to look for them. But whether he searches for the Relics to keep them from other hands or for his own gain is a mystery even to him.

Up for love. Like any Skylord Rhyder like high places and can often be found on a roof or up a tree. He enjoys music and you can normally find him playing a battered old harmonica.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:02 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Name- Alekan

Age- 25

Gender- Male

Race- Gryphon

Spoiler! :

History- Alekan is an ambassador from the Mountain Aeries. He's been dispatched to investigate rumors of dark forces reawakening in the land below.

Personality- Diplomatic and intelligent. He tends to be cautious. He doesn't let people ride him, unless they are Gryphon Trustants, non-gryphons that have proven their trustworthiness to the Aeries.

Magic- Alekan is unable to cast magic. Instead, he is able to channel magical energy and direct it to various purposes. For instance, if a wizard was to cast a magical lightning bolt at Alekan, he could take that magical energy and redirect it to a friendly mage to use, divert it harmlessly into the ground, or even send it back at the wizard who cast it. The ability comes with a caveat: he can only control so much of it. If he doesn't direct it somewhere quickly, then he will lose control of it and bad things happen when that much magical energy becomes unstable. In addition to manipulating those magical energies, he is also able to detect them.

Skills- Alekan is an ambassador, but that doesn't mean the same thing as a human ambassador. A more accurate definition of ambassador would be "A person who is able to go into a potentially hostile foreign land and handle himself no matter what happens. Alekan is skilled in hunting, tracking, potions, flying, using steel talons (like brass knuckles, only sharper), orienteering, cartography, and cooking (ambassadors that cook their own food are less likely to get poisoned by agents).

Other- Alekan carries steel talons, potions and potion making materials, various maps, a compass, and food stuffs in a harness that is wrapped around his body.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:24 pm
SubjectBlue says...

Well, if it's okay, I'm gonna play this
Name: Hector
Gender: male
Race: Dragon
Appereance: Bronze colored scales, green eyes, big and winged
History: Born long ago, spent his life as a renegade dragon, terrorizing people and stuff. He came to contact with the mirror when attacking a trader, he was exposed to it only for short time before he was chased away by a large amount of guards, but he was effected by it's mere presence.
Personality: Unlike the more civilized members of his race, Hector remained a cruel, tyrannic, untrustworthy, hot tempered dragon, just like in the old tales.
Magic: he has no usage of magic, as a dragon, he is a creature of magic.
Skills: He is smart and manipulative. aside from that, just think classic dragon, he breathes fire, flies, armored, huge and so on...
other: none.

Hope it's okay, I just want to play a classic dragon.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:10 pm
Shadowlight says...

if this is still open I'd LOVE to play!

name- Itaeo Haruon
age- 23
gender- male
race- Death Magician (sort of like a wizard but the abilities are inherent not learned.) they are magical beings that can heal as well as reap the life of those who are at the end of theirs. they can be nomadic as well as inhabiting towns and cities. they can sense magic when it is close and they can sniff out people by their life force, as every beings is different.

appearance- he tall 6'6", built lean but muscular
Spoiler! :
itaeo.jpg (18.89 KiB) Viewed 847 times
he wears a white tunic type outfit that reaches his knees with one long red loose sleeve that covers his left hand and no sleeve on the right leaving that arm bare. He has an black iconic sun tattoo on his right bicep. normal black pants and knee length riding boots. he has a huge claw mark scar across his back given him by a great silver eagle. the arm under the red sleeve is bandaged like a mummy to the shoulder and across that part of his chest. Underneath the wrappings his arm is withered like a mummy and it's tattooed with death magician markings and seals.

history- Itaeo was born to a human father and Death magician mother in a desert country far to the east. He lived a normal human childhood in a small oasis town until his powers manifested when he was twelve. as Magicians of all types were common in his country nothing extraordinary happen when his powers manifested. when he was fourteen he was sent to be apprenticed to a older very powerful Magician, there Itaeo learned healing as well as reaping life. he finished his apprenticeship at age eighteen and went off on a self induced hermitage like many death magicians to connect with his powers and be giving his mission by the Holy One (there is religion in this RP right?) when he received his mission after two years he headed north, he was told by the Holy one that he needed to find someone in the north. while traveling he fell in with a traveling peddler who showed him the mirror in it's case. Itaeo knew it was a thing of dark magic as soon as he looked at it and he began to feel it's affects on him soon after. He continues his journey in hopes that when he finds who he is looking for things will become clear. He has been journeying for three years and still hasn't found "the one" he is searching for, and as he can sense the madness slowly taking over his mind and the evil growing in the world he himself is growing desperate to find this person. He hopes whoever he is looking for will be able to heal him of his madness.

personality- Not what you'd expect from a grim reaper type. Itaeo is a surprisingly well adjusted intelligent young man, considering his line of work. He has a sarcastic caustic tongue in his head and a good sense of humor. He can be a smart-ass at times but he really is a puppy when you get to know him. A hopeless romantic but he would die before letting anyone know. He is a social kind of guy and makes friends easily as long as he doesn't say what he does for a living. ;D Usually is a loner out of circumstances though,. The madness that is enveloping him has started manifesting itself when he is in some sort of confrontation or looses his temper. He looses all his sense of mercy or compassion and will become violent. He has killed two people in his mad rages, highwaymen who attacked him but had begged for mercy.

magic- As a death magician Itaeo has the power to reap life. he does this in two ways. The more violent is by touching his victims and they wither away into dust. The other is the usual gentle reapers technique, by closing the persons eyes with his hand the soul is drawn out. He has the ability to heal sickness and injury as wall. the way he heals minor things is by giving the person a little bit of his own life force or by making use of life force that is exhaled by other fae. If the injury is severe he can heal it by taking the injury upon himself. He can do this because death magicians are very hard to kill and can take quite a beating without suffering any harm (their life force is very strong). you have to know their weak point to kill them. he also as the ability to fade into a ghostlike wraith (so he can pass through solid objects). He has no magical ability beyond this but he cans sense magic whether for good or ill.

skills- He knows how to ride horses and use his weapons effectively (two small scythe attached with a long thin chain) He has learned through the years to speak seven different languages including some beastly tongues, and can climb almost anything.

other- He is an accomplished whistler. He's straight (does that count?)

Is this good? or do I need to change something?
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:09 pm
gleek456 says...

Name- Rosalie Levia

Age- Unknown, but let's say she's 18.

Gender- Female

Race- Nymph, a Water Nymph to be precise.

Appearance- Long, blonde curly hair, and shiny blue eyes, as to being a Water Nymph. She has a slender figure, and a lovely complexion. Others may see her as "pretty" or "beautiful" but she doesn't call herself that at all, she calls herself "just an ordinary looking girl".

Spoiler! :
Rosalie Levia
600full-amber-heard.jpg (268.98 KiB) Viewed 837 times

History- Being a Nymph, Rosalie has no parents, for Nymphs cannot give birth. Instead, she was born out of water. She has grown to become a beautiful young lady. When she was younger, a High Fae (male) used to come to the Springs, where she lives, and he would play with her. One day, that boy had the Mirror and died from it. Rosalie was a witness of this, but doesn't know how it happened. She had the mirror, and was afraid to look in it, so she threw it far away, hoping she wouldn't be affected by it later.

This is the Springs, where she lives:
Spoiler! :
Round-Spring.jpg (49.83 KiB) Viewed 837 times

Personality- Rosalie is a quiet girl, since no one really came to visit her when she was younger. Rosalie is kind hearted, and fun loving. She is a bit shy, and she isn't very talkative. Rosalie is pretty serious, though she might not look like it. Rosalie might have some mood swings.

Magic- As a Nymph, Rosalie has a healing ability. She can use this ability for people who "worship" her. As a Water Nymph, she can control any body of water. She pretty much can control water. A downside is, if a mortal sees her, she can make him completely mad. It's a madness without a cure. Rosalie is immortal.

Skills- Rosalie doesn't really have any skills, except for her magic. Rosalie can sing, but it only leads to confusion and sleep when someone hears her.

Other- She is up for love. Rosalie is a very delicate being. Even though she's immortal, she can still die. She can just defend herself from magic, not combat and non-magical things like knives and daggers.

(Hope this is okay!)

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:01 pm
sylverdawn says...

*There are three available female slots remaining, but we can get started once at least one of them is filled. If you can think of anyone who might be interested in this storybook by all means tell them.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:41 pm
gleek456 says...

sylverdawn: Can we just start with the characters that are already accepted? I'm excited to use Rosalie!

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:03 pm
sylverdawn says...

*Sure, we could always get more characters joining later on. Go ahead and start.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:14 pm
gleek456 says...

Yay! Okay, I hope I do okay...

Rosalie Levia:

Normal day in the Springs. The clear blue water is calm, the sky is blue, the trees are green. The usual. I perch myself down on a big rock that's right beside the water, dip my toes, and rest my hands on the rock, while leaning back. Yup, it's the perfect Nymph pose. It's pretty much the same thing everyday. I start thinking to kill time.

I remember when that little boy used to visit me. Whether it's about about a bug he found or a gift he got, he always seemed to amuse me. Until, he got that cursed mirror. He died, that's all I know other than the mirror being the cause. I wonder if anyone else has been affected by the mirror. I think I could be able to cure them with my ability, but I'm not certain it would work, and it might take up all my energy. I continue to reminisce and wait for some person to pass by and notice me, like I do everyday, since that's what I do. I could walk, but I don't know what I would be expecting. This is all I do.

Note: Sorry it's short, I didn't know how I could incorporate the other characters into my post.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:00 am
sylverdawn says...


Rhyder whooped as he soared through the sky. Beating his wings he turned and folded them, diving through the cloud cover. Hurtling towards the hard unforgiving earth Rhyder looked out across the wilds of Faerie. The thick forests and verdant fields the towns and cities with all their disparate peoples.

Somewhere out there were the other Skylords. Rhyder thought, and then he scowled. Somewhere out there were the Relics as well. He'd bumped into an old aquaintance in position of the Glass a few months ago. But before he realised what it had done to him it was long gone.

"Really." Rhyder thought irritably. "You would think it ought to be easy to track the Relics, just follow the trail of dead bodies. But no, it's as if it vanished into thin air. Rhyder flared his wings as he passed through the tree tops landing on the forest floor. As he walked along the path his midnight wings trailed behind him.

*Why don't we make it so that everyone starts off in the forest. Make it so they start off in the same general area.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:54 am
gleek456 says...

Okay! I forgot to mention in my profile, Rosalie always wears a thin, white dress that reaches her knees.

Rosalie Levia:

After boring hours of sitting and thinking, and quickly got up and started walking away from the Springs and into the forest. The breeze was refreshing, as I walked into the forest. I look at the ground. I'm barefoot, I don't really have any shoes, since I don't really walk around that much. I guess I'll have to deal.

I look up, and see a set of black wings, attached to what seems to be a human. It was flying around up above me. Amazing, I think to myself. I continue walking, thinking about finding the other missin relics. It would take forever to find at least one of them, since the relics are scattered around. I tried finding one once, boy was it hard. I believed that it would be easy, but it sure wasn't. I isn't believe in total power anyway, so I stopped searching after I got the Mirror.

I start humming to myself as I walked. I hummed the melody that usually caused sleep to whoever heard it. I feel guilty right after they fall asleep, but the melody is my favourite. I continue like this for a while.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:57 am
Shadowlight says...

have dyslexia so please forgive and punctuation mistakes you find. and I hope I'm doing this right'!

Itaeo Haruon

The trees rustled sleepily in the warm summer breeze, the noontime sun shown down through their foliage bathing everything in a strange green ethereal light. Only a few lazily droning insects were about. They heavens, or the glimpses you could catch through the branches, were a blue so pure as to make a sentimental man cry.

But unfortunately for the heavens and this banner midsummer day the only man about to take notice as this time was neither sentimental nor in a congenial enough mood to take notice.

Itaeo crashed through the underbrush muttering curses and slapping at insects. His bare arm was red and covered in tiny itchy welts and one of his hazel eyes had swelled shut from a bite to the face. Which rendered him blind on his left side. He had lost his path, and as he turned in frustration to find it again he caught a thorny bush on his blind side.

“Damnation!” he bellowed swiping angrily at the plant, which upon contact from his bandaged arm had instantly died and lodged a good number of thorns in the wrappings. Itaeo roared and waved his fists in the air. “Have I done something wrong today? Or are you just playing with me?” he shouted to the heavens. He had run out of water that morning and his patience the day before.

It seemed someone or something did have it in for him because the bush he had killed had been home to a swarm of those biting insects that had been his torment since he had entered as he put it “ this god forsaken forest” the little devils swarmed him biting any exposed flesh they could find.

To his shame Itaeo for once in his life tucked tail and ran blindly though the underbrush in an attempt to flee the little devils.

For three minutes he ran at the top of his speeds which in his overheated and dehydrated condition was not terribly fast.
He would have run faster but in his half blind condition he ran headfirst into someone and fell heavily on top of them. when he raise his head he was laying on top of a young woman and looking into the most pure blue pair of eyes he had ever seen.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.
— Thomas Fuller