
Young Writers Society

The Curb (Started | Full)

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:17 pm
Lavvie says...

The DT

They appear to be seven rather normal teenagers living in the London alleyways. They scavenge for food from the dumpsters and have no shame in shoplifting necessities. They have no need for useless luxuries. They live a simple poverty-stricken lifestyle and yet they are as pleased as anything with it.

Little do they know, each of them possesses one extraordinary ability or aptitude greater than any of the most genius of humans. Where did these abilities/aptitudes originate from? No one knows and few even realize that these teenagers, whose abilities are both a blessing and a curse, exist with the powers.

But the certain few who do know of these teenagers are the members of the Salacin Corporation. These members originate from the Research & Development branch of the Salacin Corporation. The Researchers have a goal in mind. They want to use these seven special teens to create a very small but very forceful army to use against the government, in hopes of overthrowing it and taking the power for themselves. The teenagers are not aware of these plans.


The teenagers spend their time before entrance into the Compound on the streets of London, England. However, when the Researchers move them, they are entered into an old, abandoned castle on moors some north of London. This is called the Compound.
Spoiler! :


You may have only one ability/aptitude. Not one of each and they must not be too powerful. For example, if your person possesses an aptitude in hunting, it wouldn't be totally fair if your character could always shoot an animal or if distance didn't bother them. Still stick to reality, a bit :P

The difference between:

Abilities: An ability is more like a "super hero power" in a way, I guess. It is something that is more magical in characteristics. For example, an ability could be mind-reading or telepathy.

Aptitudes: An aptitude is genius in a certain skill, like cooking or hunting. They excel at this more natural thing. An example could be that the person never fails at calculating good "game" plans, but yet they cannot quite predict the opponent's exact move. Prediction/future-telling would be more of an ability.

Be aware that your ability or aptitude should not be too good to be true ;)


1. No god-modding,
2. When something's too good to be true, it usually is. (In fantastical limitations, of course ;) )
3. No extreme twisting of the story line
4. Stick to your character profile, generally.
5. Keep swearing to a minimum. No F-bombs, please.
6. Romance is allowed, but nothing really sexual. Perhaps kissing is all.
7. Don't double-post. You can post, have someone else post and then you can post again, but please don't do it often.
8. Posts must be at least 430 words. No less. There isn't really a maximum, but write in moderation, 'kay?
9. Co-moderated by ScarlettFire and LavenderBlue.

Character Profile and Slots

If, when you post your profile, and we deem it not yet suitable, we'll let you know what you should fix.

Profile for a teenager
Code: Select all
Name: (first only)
Age: (15-19)
Ability/Aptitude: (regard guidelines above)
Personality: (be descriptive, looking at both positives and negatives)
Appearance: (include a written description as well as a photo. no manga or anime or drawing please)
Strengths: (from sympathy to swimming)
Weaknesses: (from spiders to self-esteem)
History: (be brief, but explain how they got on the streets, how long etc.)
Up for love:
Other: (no pets please)

Profile for a Researcher:
Code: Select all
Name: (first and last)
Age: (24+)
Appearance: (photo and description and no anime or artwork)
Up for love: (now, they're older. they can still fall in love but it also might not be best considering they're supposed to be cruel lab researchers using teenagers as soldiers pretty much ;) )
Other: (no pets please)


1. Ashley - ScarlettFire
2. Innocence - LavenderBlue
3. - Apple (shoplifting/stealing aptitude)
4. Kimberly (Kimmy) - Kaywiia
5. Lotta - Fictionfanatic
6. Nick - RedBird
7. Chimere and Denise - Razcoon
8. Rudy and Rodney - Redfang18
9. Kyran (Kyr) - sylverdawn

The Researchers
1. Adrian Stent - Charlie II
2. Alison Bishop - ScarlettFire
3. Sally Hawke - Lydia1995
4. Fatima Afzal - LavenderBlue

TWINS: If you would like to have twins, please run it by one of us. Also, when writing your posts, the twins will be in the same post. Also, they only take up one character slot.

If you have any questions about any of this, please drop either ScarlettFire or me a line. We are moderating this SB together.
Last edited by Lavvie on Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:32 am, edited 18 times in total.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:06 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Kimberly "Kimmy"

Age: 15

Ability/Aptitude: Voice Control, which gives her an ability to fake accents well in addition to a controlled singing voice.

Personality: She's a bit of a fake diva, and tries too hard to be cool. She's really insecure, and has issues dealing with stressful situations. She acts punk and bad, but she's actually a sweet girl. She just has a tough time expressing her feelings because of some emotional scars from her past. She is an attention seeker and always tries to one-up people. On the bright side, she is pretty innoccent and when she's not wrapped around her latest drama does her best to be a helpful person. She is very giving.

Appearance: She is about 5'4'' with a very thin waist and a large chest. She has tan skin year round and large green eyes.

Spoiler! :

Strengths: Accents, she can do cool stuff with her voice, doing hair and makeup, winning arguments, she is also very persuasive when she wants to be. She knows how to get what she wants.

Weaknesses: She's anorexic, has a very poor self-image, she comes across as very fake, emotional.

History: A more recent edition to the streets, Kimmy ran away from an alcloholic father and crazy stage-mom. Her mother wanted to put her oh-so talent daughter up on Broadway, regardless of the fact she doesn't exactly have a pretty singing voice. Sure she can do cool stuff like make very realistic dolphin noises, but thats not a thing for Broadway. After telling her mom she was going to study music with her cousin in London in a private school, she booked the flight, but didn't go to her cousin's house. Instead she beelined for the streets, but once there didn't know what to do.

Up for love: Yes.

Other: Her normal accent is American, but she fakes a brittish accent while in england.
Last edited by Kaywiia on Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:17 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Name: Lotta (pronounced Lot-Uh)

Age: 15

Ability/Aptitude: Can see into the future (she can sometimes select when it happens and how far she sees, but sometimes it just randomly happens)

Personality: Lotta is a very head-strong, stubborn girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's normally pretty quiet and won't speak unless she actually has something to say - she's not one of those mindless, talk all the time about stuff no one cares about people. However, she is pretty outgoing. She's not afraid to put up fight, and refuses to back down from one, unless she knows for a solid fact that she'll loose. She mostly just keeps to herself, won't be afraid to call you an idiot, and can get a tad aggressive. She loves to fight and she hates when people contradict/oppose her. Since she's very stubborn, it's very hard to talk her out of things once her mind is set. She's not one of those people who are afraid to let people in because she's been hurt, she just thinks must people are idiots. The few people she does let in, well, they'll see a side of her where she can be sweet, caring, and a bit maternal towards them. The people she lets in are the only people who have a slim chance of talking her out of things. Some may describe her a fiery girl whose not afraid of anything.

Appearance: Lotta has straight, dirty blonde hair that goes to about her shoulder blades, though she usually keeps it in two braids. She has large, emerald green eyes, fair skin, rosy cheeks, and a very small divit in her chin. Her face tapers at her chin and she always wears small, silver hoop earrings. She stand at five feet five inches, she's very petite, and her lips are a tad large, but fit her face well.

Strengths: Headstrong, stubborn, sees into the future, great fighter, not afraid of anything.

Weaknesses: Doesn't know how to back down/off, stubborn, will often storm off if you annoy her, and doesn't like listening to people

History: Lotta was the middle child of three, her older brother at 20 and her younger sister and 11. Lotta was never fond of her brother, because he was always rude, stupid, tried to make her do things she didn't want to, and would often fight with her and get her in trouble. That, and he's just not a very nice person. Lotta's mother left them when Lotta was about 8. Two years ago, her father became extremely ill. He was always suffering, always in pain, and it was sure he was going to die, but not soon enough for him. So he asked Lotta to do the unthinkable. He asked Lotta to take his life so he could leave the pain. Hating to see her father, whom she loved so much, suffering, she did it. She killed her own father. Shot him, to be exact, where the spine connects to the head so it would be quick and painless. No one found out it was her who did it, so she never got in trouble for it, but since her father was dead and her brother, Shawn, was 18, he got costudy of her and her sister. Lotta refused to let this happen and ran off. And now here she is, adn she has been for two years.

Up for love: Sure

Other: She has a tattoo on her wrist of a charm bracelet (in black ink) with chinese lettering. What it reads she refuses to say as well as how she managed to get it.

*Hope this is alright.*
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:31 pm
Redfang18 says...

I would like to reserve a spot for...um...twins, if that's OK with you two. If you need an even gender-ratio, I want to portray twin boys. I'm better at males, anyway.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:32 pm
Lavvie says...

Kay-- looks good, only the picture is incorrectly placed. It's probably just a typo of yours...and it seemed to have posted numerous times =/

Fiction-- seems like it was posted after all :) Looks good so far.

Redfang-- Due to a small amount of slots, I'll say no. Sorry. We aren't going to have one person with two charries just to make it fair. If, however, we can't fill all the slots, I'll let you know.

Also, The DT.

EDIT: I'll discuss more slots with Scarsy later today.

EDIT 2: It'd be great if you could portray a male character, if that's not a problem.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 pm
RedBird says...

This sounds like tons of fun!

Name: Nick

Age: 16

Ability/Aptitude: Teleportation. He can teleport himself and up to 2 other people to any location that he has been before, along with any objects that he and the others are touching. Also, even if he isn't touching an object, but knows exactly where it is, he can teleport it to himself.

Personality: Nick is an easy-going kind of guy, but can be prone to sarcasm. He likes to be the center of attention, and loves to crack jokes. He is also fiercely protective of his friends, and would do almost anything to keep them safe. He's a good fighter, but prefers to talk things over than resort to fists. He is blind and has been for as long as he can remember.

Appearance: Nick is of average height, with a mop of red hair, and a ton of freckles. He has light blue/gray eyes, but they are clouded, as he is blind. He has battered, old trench coat that he likes to wear, as well as an old pair of converse.

Strengths: He is fiercely protective and is fun to be around. He is also an amazing runner, and even because he is blind, he has a more acute sense of hearing that acts like primitive echolocation, e.g. he clicks his tongue and can get a vague idea of the dimensions of an object/person/room.

Weaknesses: Nick is prone to be over-confidant sometimes, because of his new-found ability, and can also come across as overly flirtatious due to his attention-seeking.

History: Nick vaguely remembers his parents. Up until he was about five, they lived in a small, ramshackle apartment on the outskirts of London. One night, someone who had drunk too much accidentally set light to the building, trapping he and his parents inside. Nick's door had been shut tightly, so the smoke didn't get to him as quickly, but his parents asphyxiated in their sleep. Nick couldn't see anything, of course, but he could hear the screams and smell the smoke. All Nick can remember of that night was wishing with all his might that he was somewhere safe, and when he woke up, he was lying in the nearby playground. He's been on the streets ever since, but only joined the group about 4 years ago.

Up for love: Yep!

Other: He's bisexual.
Last edited by RedBird on Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:56 pm
sylverdawn says...

*I'd like to reserve one of the teenage spots, will post later today.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:17 pm
Lavvie says...

Name: Innocence

Age: 16

Ability/Aptitude: The absorption of memories. Innocence can select when to absorb memories and when she does, she can use these memories against the victim. Like psychological torture but it's nothing fancy the torture. She'll simply talk about the memories she wants, usually the hurtful ones on enemies, which could really get to them.

Personality: Innocence is really rather sneaky and mostly deceptive. She's known to be always quiet, portraying a shy personality, but it's all a cover. She's always curious and getting into business that isn't her own, which can be obnoxious to some. Despite her deception, Innocence can still be sweet when she wants to. When she gets close to someone, she'll make it her job to assure the safety of that certain person and will do anything she can to make sure they could pretty much be out of harm's way. Along with her awesome ability, Innocence can be manipulative and almost villainous. Deep down, though, she has a good heart.

Appearance: Innocence looks very youthful and possesses a small frame. Her hair in long and a slight red colour and has bluey-green eyes.
Spoiler! :

Strengths: A strong core. She won't put up with any nonsense and being small she can sneak around easily without being noticed. She also knows how to swim.

Weaknesses: Useless with handling weapons and she can be as gullible as some of her victims. She's also a little egotistical which can incite problems within her friends.

History: Innocence was quite the trouble-maker at home and her mother, a single parent, was finding it hard bringing up such a high-maintenance girl and three other children. So, promptly, the mother kicked Innocence out on the street. Innocence, despite her even more sour attitude back then, stayed out of the lures of the street (drug etc.) and fell into the group of these odd teenagers. Innocence doesn't like to recall her rough upbringing.

Up for love: Yes.

Other: N/A

EDIT: I'm making another Researcher. UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

Name: Fatima Afzal

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Personality: Fatima is one of those people that genuinely appears to be a nice person, but, in fact, isn't. Her smile is quite deceiving which Fatima uses to her advantage most times. She's not afraid of going to lengths to get victims/suspects to talk (i.e. torture of any kind). She's very courageous in that point, you could say. She's extremely straightforward and/or frank/blunt. Usually, her words can come as a blow or verbal torture to seem, but like mentioned, Fatima isn't afraid of doing awful things to other people. Overall, she's a really nasty person and therefore as a Researcher for Salacin it works well for Fatima. Due to her unconditional cruelty, Fatima lacks compassion and/or mercy and is rarely kind. She has no friends except for her coworkers (and they're more acquaintances) and nor does she really want any. They aren't her thing.

Fatima never seems to show emotion and maybe that's because she hardly ever feels emotion. If she felt it, she probably wouldn't be as awful as she is. Sometimes, though, she may need time alone to gather thoughts which is all too understandable. But never would Fatima break down publicly because she would consider that as a weakness. If ever it did happen, it would have to be for something really terrible that happened. Fatima is also never easily discouraged and won't give up on anything no matter what it takes. She'll go through with most anything and if she is displeased with someone, that someone better watch it. Fatima can be quite the trickster.

History: [to be completed]

Appearance: Fatima, because of her Arab ancestry, has olive-coloured skin that's even throughout and dark hair, but that's not quite black. Her eyes are dark: it's a debatable colour between dark brown or black. She stand about 5'8. She has a great smile that may be a simple trick for others because it quickly vanishes when she gets to work. She dresses rather professionally, usually with subtly coloured blouses (robin egg blue, white, cream, light pink, light green, tinged yellow) and high-waisted grey or black trousers. Her hair is worn often long but in the lab she pins it up or puts it in a ponytail.
Spoiler! :



Up for love: No.

Other: N/A
Last edited by Lavvie on Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:18 pm
Lavvie says...

Due to lots of interest, I've added more slots without consulting Scarsy. I think she'll be fine with it :P

EDIT: We need researchers. Of course, a teenage spot is very desirable, but the SB can't work without Researchers! I won't be accepting Teenager requests for now unless you've already contacted me (Razcoon).

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:31 pm
RedBird says...

If we've already posted a teen character, can we keep them?
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:34 pm
Lavvie says...


What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:49 pm
Razcoon says...

Name: Chimere and Denise

Age: 18

Ability/Aptitude: Telepathy, mainly with each other, but they can speak to any person inside their mind, though only other people with telepathy can speak back. People without telepathy tend to think the thoughts are their own. When the girls dream, they share the same dream, and if it’s lucid, they can speak with each other.

Gender: Female

Personality: The girls are like two puzzle pieces that complete each other to make one big picture. Denise is the practical one, and Chimere is the wild one. Chimere is overly trusting, and won't hesitate to throw herself into danger, as she has no fear for her own well being. She'll die without hesitation if it's for something she loves or believes in, or for any person, especially her sister. She's not completely selfless, though. The reason she'll die for anyone is half because of her pride, which she'd lose if she let someone die. She'll do anything for the thrill of it, no matter whether it's wrong or right. She's mischievous, and often puts thoughts into peoples' heads just for the fun of it. She can fight surprisingly well, but she'll never deliberately hurt somebody unless they hurt her or Denise first.

Denise tends to think things through more thoroughly. She only uses her ability when necessary, and goes with her sister everywhere to protect her. Often, she's had to direct someone's thoughts away from Chimere because of something she'd said or done that put her in danger. Denise has as much pride as her sister, but us unlikely to die for anyone other than her sister. She's never loved anyone else enough to put herself in that kind of danger for, or feel for humanity as a whole. Denise remembers the important things, where Chimere might only remember the little things and overlook major details. She learned how to fight from being around Chimere, and is actually better, though not quite so eager to use her skills. She's also quite charming and can talk herself and her sister out of most situations, though she tends to get the cover story telepathically from Chimere.

Appearance: Chimere and Denise both have fair freckled skin and rich brown eyes, dark and warm. Their hair is the same color as their eyes and falls in thick ringlets to the shoulder. They have soft features, and their noses have a slight bump. Chimere's eyebrows are slightly thinner and more angled than Denise's, and their eyes crinkle when they smile. Both girls are five feet exactly, with lean muscle. Denise has a soft, sweet smile and Chimere's smile tends to be wider and often devious.
Spoiler! :

Strengths: Both girls have a way with people. Denise can make people trust her more easily, and Chimere has a contagious form of happiness that people like to be around. They both have an energetic vibe. Also, being twins, they can easily confuse people as to which one is which. They can show each other exactly what they see or have seen. They’re strong, and fight each other to become stronger. Denise is clever, and Chimere is loyal and willing to take risks.

Weaknesses: They both have a phobia of anything with more than six legs. This includes spiders and centipedes. Denise is guarded and constantly paranoid, and Chimere is too reckless. They’ll do almost anything to hold onto their pride. They sometimes lose sight of what’s really important when things get tough.

History: The girls lived in France for twelve years, but when their family went to visit London, Chimere was separated. The parents didn't notice when Denise slipped away from them to look for her. They just turned to find both girls gone. Chimere and Denise found each other in a matter of minutes, but never saw their parents again. They've spent the last five years in England.

Up for love: What do you think? Yeah!

Other: They're twins, obviously.
Last edited by Razcoon on Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:50 pm
Charlie II says...

If you guys will have me, I'll see what I can do!

Edited: 04/06/2011 -- Added brief history to character profile. ;) Is it ok if Adrian has seniority in The Compound? At least until another researcher character is added?

Name: Adrian Stent

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Personality: Very efficient and impatient with those who are not. All his emotion seems artificial. He has little regard for the teenagers apart from their importance to Science and the aims of the Salacin Corporation. His blind faith in the Corporation leaves no space in his heart for anyone else.

History: Born to a wealthy family in rural England, Adrian lived a life quite different from those of the teenagers. Even as a young boy he preferred solitude to socialising, and as such grew to be the introverted man he is today.

His parents sent him to a private boarding school at the age of seven and he soon became the best student his school had ever known. Unfortunately, becoming "The Best" so quickly led to a quiet arrogance which made him feel far superior his peers and, indeed, his teachers.

He attended the University of Bath for Biochemistry as an undergraduate and successfully completed his doctorate in Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge to earn him the title Dr. Stent. The following year, he narrowly missed out on a Nobel Prize for his work, and has never really forgiven the scientific community for this.

After his doctorate, he was between jobs for almost a year before the Salacin Corporation found him. His academic ability and efficiency meant promotions came easily to him, even if speaking to his colleagues did not. Most recently, he was given the responsibility of the "collection" and "introduction" of the teenagers to The Compound -- a position that he will perform just as diligently and mechanically as any other experiment...

Appearance: Takes great care in his physical appearance. His muscles are toned, but from careful exercises, not outdoor sport. His skin has a "healthy" tan, but not from the Sun. He is obsessively clean and organised, and can be seen wearing a blue checked shirt and black trousers. Occasionally wears an immaculate white labcoat. Hair is dyed a dark brown and his eyes are a similar colour. There is little about him that is not, in some way, artificial.


Strengths: Problem solving, analysis, and discipline.

Weaknesses: Compassion, people, deferring to a higher authority.

Up for love: Nope. :P
Last edited by Charlie II on Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:45 am
ScarlettFire says...

LavenderBlue wrote:Due to lots of interest, I've added more slots without consulting Scarsy. I think she'll be fine with it :P

Haha. I'm fine with it, Lavvers. You know me too well.

Also, profile.

Name: Ashley.

Age: 17.

Ability/Aptitude: Empathy; the ability to feel the emotions of others. She can also become overloaded by the emotions and releases a kinetic outburst that knocks people out or, in the worst cases, unconscious or even kills, but that is rarely.

Gender: Female.

Personality: Despite her somewhat distant and arrogant first impression, Ashley is actually kind, loving, caring, smart, determined, playful, loyal and fierce, though very easily distracted. She hates to see those she cares about hurt. She can get really defensive if someone she likes is harmed. Try not to make her mad, as she has a bit of a fiery temper that she tries not to lose often because she ends up in trouble. She’s definitely quiet and thoughtful more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something, especially when she's doing something. She likes to plan things out, if she can, and dislikes when her plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And she has made a few mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. She also hates being called helpless or a coward—it’s another downfall of hers. She may have a blank, cold and uncaring edge to her expression, like she’s lost all emotion or just doesn't give a damn about the rest of the world. This is because she's feeling sad. She also has trouble with authority figures.

Appearance: Ashley is tall, around 5'8", with long, blonde hair, lightly tanned skin that would be really pale if she stayed out of the sun and very pale grey-blue eyes. She's slim, athletic and much stronger than she looks, yet she still has a bit of 'softness' to her--but be warned, she'll probably break something or someone if you tell her she's soft.
Spoiler! :

Strengths: Ashley is fast on her feet, has had training in martial arts, fencing and self defense. She will be a natural with her ability when it manifests.
Weaknesses: Dark, confined spaces. If she were to be locked in, say, a cupboard of some kind, she would panic. Badly. Deep water; she is intensely freaked by it. She also has a problem with authority figures and the government in general. She hates being controlled.

History: Ashley has been on the run since she was 13, after her parents failed to notice that her sister had been kidnapped. By who? She never found out, but she assumes it was some government plot for somethings. She's fond of conspiracy theories and the like. Her parents were rich and arrogant, mostly ignoring her and her younger sister in preference to their older brother, Lucas, who plans on being a lawyer. Ashley's parents didn't even appear to notice her sister's disappearance, or her own when she decided to disappear into the streets of London. Ashley has been looking for her sister ever since she landed on the streets.

Up for love: Sure.

Other: Has a younger sister who is 15, but her location is unknown to Ashley.

Edit: Lavs, since we're low on researchers, I'm going to edit in a researcher profile soon. We kind of need them. o.O

And here she is.

Name: Alison Bishop.

Age: 48.

Gender: Female.

Personality: Despite her somewhat kind first impression, Alison is actually cold, distant, cruel, smart, determined and very hard to distract. She hates to see people who care about others and about hurting those they love, but often gets really defensive if someone she really likes is harmed, but be warned--if you start asking questions about her business, she’ll snap at you and drive you off, to the point and beyond physical violence. Alison doesn't get mad easily, but when she does, look out and find cover. She's explosive and sometimes extremely violent, which is definitely not a good thing. She can lapse into quiet moods for hours and more often than not thinks a lot before speaking or doing something--unless it's to cause pain.

She likes to plan things out, if she can. Especially her scientific studies and the like, and highly dislikes when her plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes--usually mistakes made by those below her. But she has made her fair share of mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. It's not her fault if something goes wrong, she's the one issuing orders, after all. She also intensely dislikes being called names especially 'coward' or the like. Alison often has a blank, cold and uncaring edge to her expression, like she’s lost all emotion or just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the world. This is usually the norm for her. And besides, she'd never tell you what, exactly, her plans are.

Vindictive and cruel would be the best way to describe her.

Appearance: Alison is tall, dark and beautiful--that's often the way others describe her. As a scientist, and even more importantly, the second in command and on equal footing with Adrian, she's strong and capable. She stands at a little over 5'9" tall, with dark red hair that's going grey, pale green eyes and lightly tanned skin. She's slim and athletic, and much stronger than she looks. She has muscle, but only if you look closely--not that you'll see it under all that clothing. She is most likely to be seen in expensive business suits with a pristine white lab coat over the top. Alison has a few scars, the most noticeable being the one snaking down the left-hand side of her face; the result of a past experiment gone awry. Alison wears a simple gold ring on her left-hand ring finger (And yes, it IS a wedding ring).
Spoiler! :

History: Alison's early life was pretty easy. She was a smart child and her parents were rich, so she pretty much got whatever she wanted--with a lot of acting to do so. She had the best of everything; the best tutors, the best music teachers, the best foods, the best schools. Everything. Up until she left high school and started college, she got what she wanted, but after a few years in college, her parents cut her off.

Two years later, both of her parents died, leaving her as the sole heir to their fortune. Alison used the fortune to finish her long study of Human Biology, Chemistry and several other fields of research that would apply to what she wanted. You see, she once had a sister. The poor girl was very, very sick, but she had a secret. She could move objects without touching them and Alison suddenly realized what it could mean.

She became obsessed with it. She studied and she researched and eventually, she found a job with the Salacin Corporation and rose swiftly through the ranks to one of the Heads of the Research & Development branch of the Corporation, and together with a team of fellow scientists, she's created a secret compound, hidden away on moors north of London, where they capture teens with strange abilities and run tests on them, trying to turn them into the new ultimate soldier.

Strengths: Alison is very Intelligent, very independent, good at solving problems, especially problems that arise during testing and experiments.
Weaknesses: Alison has flaws. Big time. She has little-to-no compassion, dislikes most of the people she's ever met, has a nasty, somewhat violent and vindictive streak and tends to treat her human test subjects like animals.

Up for love: Apparently, she's married. Not that it's ever stopped her before.

Other: N/A.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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32 Reviews

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:37 pm
Redfang18 says...

If Razcoon can portray twins, then why can't I? Razcoon can play twins, but I can't?! If I can't play twin boys, then count me out.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.
— James R. Cook