
Young Writers Society

Soul Catchers [Started]

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:13 pm
Shearwater says...

Welcome to Soul Catchers!
Rated 16+ for violence and language.

In this world, souls are just as real as the touch of water on your hand. From the beginning of time, there has been a special, gifted group of people who have dedicated their lives to serving as the portal between the living world and the afterplane (A soul sanctuary, sort of like Heaven). These people are named Soul Catchers and Exorcists. Their job is simple…make sure all souls get to the afterplane safely. However, there a few variables to consider…

Soul Catchers

Their powers include extracting souls from demonic bodies and/or any other living thing. They are vessels, which means once they kill the host the souls inside will be transferred into their body where it acts like a safe house. Soul Catchers can only contain a few souls at a time for it drains their energy by 25% and doubles for every soul after one. Therefore, it is crucial that a Soul Catcher and his Exorcists work together and have a good understanding of one another during battle.


They are partners to the Soul Catchers and their main power is sending souls to the afterplane. Without an Exorcist to assist a Soul Catcher, the Soul Catcher’s life will be in danger for once a soul has entered a Catcher’s body, the only way out is through an Exorcist’s hands. A Exorcist can only send a soul if that soul is inside of vessel, contained. If the Exorcist is strong enough, they can even send souls from a demonic host (However this is a rare occurrence).

The Plot

Recently, there has been an accumulation of demons near large cities such as New York, London, Beijing, Paris, Chicago, Mumbai, Tokyo, Seoul, etc. The Organization believes that new portals from the underworld have been opened and more demons are being leaked through the gates. This is a major problem and before it becomes too dangerous, the Organization has sent out various squads to investigate who, what and why these portals have been opened.


You will play either a Soul Catcher or an Exorcist. Your mission is to investigate what is going on with the portals and the demons. There will be two teams of four and I will randomly select which team you will be assigned. If by popular demand, I might create another team but I’m sticking to two as of now. Only join this storybook if you plan on sticking with it.

Other Characters

(I will play these characters since they don’t have many lines but they can easily sway the story in any which direction. Some of these character might not even show up regarding how the story progresses. PM me if you really want to play one of these boring guys.)
Headmaster Carver: In charge of training squads and is a father-figure to all Soul warriors.
President Grey: Top of the Organization. He calls the shots
Secretary Amy Yevon: Does the background, non-important work for both Headmaster and President.

You must read the DT for more information.

Rules (Must read)
Spoiler! :
- All YWS rules apply
- Must have good grammar. If I see something that doesn’t make sense, I will ask you to rewrite it.
- Make sure your post is in sync with the post above to keep the storybook flowing easily.
- No God-modding.
- Swearing is allowed, although keep it to a minimum. No F words in every post.
- All characters will wear ‘soul catcher’ gear so no cloaks or ‘he wears a green tunic with a bunny hat’.
- Romance is allowed but keep things rated PG-13.
- Character name must be in bold at the top along with his/her classification (Soul catcher or Exorcists). When teams are formed you will put your team number in bold as well.
- No double posting, no killing other characters without both my consent and the user’s consent.
- If you plan to drop out, PM me and we’ll work something out. I don’t wish to kill off any characters so I might reopen the slot for anyone who wants to pick up on where that character left off.
- Every post should be around at least 500 words (Word document) or 2,500 characters.
- PM me if you have any further questions.


Spoiler! :
Squad 589:
Pair one
Soul Catcher: Adam Pierce (PinkShearwater)
Exorcist: Dmitri Abrams (*Coco)

Pair Two
Soul Catcher: Liam Moore (Skins)
Exorcist: Santana Velasquez (Lumi)

Squad 741 :
Pair one
Soul Catcher: Bartholomew Matthews (Tigersprite)
Exorcist: Rena Lowe (Aquamarine)

Pair Two
Soul Catcher: Bridget Collins (Jabberhut)
Exorcist: Caleb Sandall (Phantom of the potter)

If you have any concerns regarding your partner, let me know and I might shift them around. Don't worry I won't tell anyone it was you. I'll just shuffle again.

-Please keep profiles clean, thank you-
*Also, please read the DT, otherwise filling some of this out will be a little confusing.*
Code: Select all
[b]Soul Weapon:[/b]
[b]Normal Weapon:[/b]
[b]Up for love?:[/b]

Note: Other is optional. Age requirement is from 18 – 25.The reason is because Soul warriors under eighteen are considered ‘trainees’ therefore they do not go on large scale missions. Please create interesting characters that will contribute to the story. If your character is a loner who hates everyone I won’t mind, but you will have to get along with your assigned partner sooner or later so try to work things out.
If you have a problem regarding the parings, PM me and I might change it around. All teams will be assigned by random. (Picking names out a hat, seriously.)

Link to DT: topic73141.html
Link to Club: page.php?id=866
Last edited by Shearwater on Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:14 pm, edited 19 times in total.
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:17 pm
Sins says...

I'd rather not, but if there's a gender problem - too many guys - I'm willing to change.

Name: Liam Moore

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Classification: Soul Catcher

Appearance: Liam has dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. He cares a lot for fashion, and won't go anywhere unless he's dressed to perfection. He's always carrying a guitar on his back, even if he's fighting demons. It gives him some kind of comfort. He's weird like that. Liam also has a pile of tattoos at the top of his left shoulder and chest that runs down his arm, to about his elbow.
Spoiler! :

Soul Weapon: Liam uses his chest as his soul weapon. He likes this because it's a reason for him to get topless. This power is the main reason he makes sure he keeps himself looking fit. He can send out beams of silver light from the area of his heart (aren't I romantic?) that shoot at the enemy. The light terrifies the demon, startling it. The only thing it can see when the light is in its face is Liam, therefore, it believes that Liam is to be trusted. I suppose you could say it confuses the demon in a way. The problem is that this power only lasts for the average of ten seconds, thirty at the very most. It's good for stalling the demons though.

Normal Weapon: Anything sharp and pointy. He can't live without his Swiss army knife; it has so many uses. Other than that, he doesn't really have a weapon. He just picks things up along the way.

Personality: Liam's an outgoing guy and certainly lets everyone know, which can annoy some people. He does not stop talking. He doesn't care much for other people's opinions on him, so if he does annoy someone, it doesn't bother him. He's used to being judged because he's gay. He's had plenty of abuse and judgemental behaviour towards him and although he may not show it, it's made him doubt himself. Sometimes he wonders if it would be easier if he was just straight. He's even thinking of trying it out.

Even though he comes across as perfectly confident, if anyone brings up emotions, he shuts up. He has a tendency to lie because he's constantly paranoid of what others think of him. If something isn't going his way, he worries about it like hell, but hides it well. He might be screaming inside, but to everyone else, it's impossible for him to be sad. He's unselfish and if someone he cares about is in trouble, he'll forget about himself and help them. His ADHD is the main reason he's so loud and chatty, but it has toned down a lot since he was a young kid.

Likes: Boys, boys, and more boys. He adores music. He practically lives and breathes it. He loves pretending he's straight to the girls - whom he's very popular with at first - and then making them realise he's gay. He finds it rather amusing. A bit stupidly, he loves arrogant, cocky guys. This is obviously very dangerous and he's had his heart broken many times from falling for guys like this.

Dislikes: Boring people and homophobic people. He doesn't like people asking how he's feeling because he's the guy who cheers everyone up. He simply feels like he can't be sad himself. He despises being on his own due to being left on his own as a child. You could even class it as a phobia. He gets so panicky sometimes, it can even make him physically sick. He also hates people licking their fingers...It goes through him.

Up for love: So long as their chest is flat and their underwear is filled, Liam's there. Abs help.

Other: Liam wears a hat every two days for no specific reason whatsoever. It's kind of OCDish... His parents literally left him in a forest one day as a child, and he wasn't found until a week or so later. He went through some pretty scary things in that forest. This is why he's terrified of being left alone. Oh, and he's originally from the east end of London, so he has a strong cockney accent.
Last edited by Sins on Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:30 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:20 pm
Lumi says...

Editing throughout the day.

Name: Santana Velásquez

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Classification: Exorcist

Appearance: Tall and slender, Santana epitomizes a Latina goddess with her sleek build and exotic skin tone. Her facial features are all perfectly balanced, all set around a pair of late-autumn eyes. Santana has a dancer's build, and packs a major kick behind her legs.

Soul Weapon: Her soul weapon comes from a 'birthmark' stemming from the underside of her wrist, branched between carpals and seeping into her palm. The mark resembles a patch of thorns in design, though is rather discrete until utilized. When active, the Carpal Thorn will project a white-fire-consumed chain of briers; this chain functions similarly to a whip, only that it serves as a conduit of spiritual energy moreso than a physical attack. The fire is the main portion of spiritual light. The major drawback to her using the weapon, however, is the sensation of swift inferno in her bones; the pain is quick-to-fade, but it is insatiably fierce while it lasts.

Normal Weapon: Santana's normal weapon is rather unexpected in the modernized world: a barbed whip. As having such, she avoids melee combat at all costs, preferring to keep her enemies (and even friends) at a distance before extricating the necessary demon. She just loves the feeling of flaying skin and muscle, and when there's a ripping sound, she's thrilled.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Fiery and quick, just like her Latin blood, Santana will keep any point of interest on their toes until they are swept off their feet (preferably by a steel whip). She loves attention, and gets it from any source she wants, most of the time. She has a major issue with indifference, and believes that everyone has an extreme (to some point). She knows just how fiery she is, both inside and out, and takes advantage of this knowledge against/for any who are around her. She has a kiss like the Latin sun...

Likes: Blood and justice. Santana is vindictive and righteous all at the same time; she blames her upbringing. She adores pushing people to their limits and testing boundaries. She's good at violating boundaries, too. Santana takes joy like none other in the satisfaction of changing a person, and makes it a hobby whenever she can find a specimen. Santana loves a good party shot, and can take quite a few before feeling it. She finds it her personal pass-time to hook friends up together, and in training was dubbed Aphrodite for her uncanny ability to see connections. She's better than e-harmony.

Dislikes: Santana hates posers; she'll strike down anyone who opposes her, and will socially call someone out if they're molding themselves into a stereotype.

Up for love?: But of course, chicitos.

Other: While she may come off as one-sided and static, she has layers beneath the blazing sex appeal (read: her character will shine through as you get to know her).
Last edited by Lumi on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:35 pm
AquaMarine says...

Name: Rena Lowe

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Classification: Exorcist

Appearance: Short and curvy (although in her worse moods she calls herself 'Stocky'. Rena's hair is cut pixie short with choppy layers that stick out at odd angles when she gets stressed. Her face is quite round, and she has slightly chubby cheeks that accentuate her mischievous vibe. When not on the job, Rena wears square, tortoiseshell glasses, but you're more likely to see her without them and with contacts in. Clothes-wise, Rena wears a varied assortment of casual clothes - sometimes looking effortlessly cool, other times just looking like she's put no effort in. She does like to wear a nice pair of high-waisted shorts that show off her waist.

Soul Weapon: Spikes come out of her feet and she can use these against the demons.

Normal Weapon: A garrotte and two small swords strapped to her thighs.

Personality: Rena is one of those people who wants to squeeze every single drop out of her life that is possible. She puts a lot of energy into everything - her work, her friendships, love - and really enjoys seeing the product of this energy. When on the job, Rena is very dedicated and hard-working, mainly because she loves what she does but also because of her strong competitive streak. She won't admit it, but Rena enjoys knowing that she's done better than other teams. Rena also has a strong sense of right and wrong, which fuels her work ethic. However, her moral sense can be influenced if someone is particularly persuasive or attractive to Rena ...

Rena enjoys smaller groups of people compared to bigger parties, and is very loyal to her closer friends. She enjoys having a wide circle of people she likes, and in company is outgoing and funny. If given the chance, Rena does enjoy time to herself and sometimes feels that she would be just as happy sat at home doing nothing. It is easy to be Rena's friend, and she's quite enjoyable company, but would get annoyed if she was crowded. One of her major weaknesses is probably the fact that under her very sunny disposition Rena has a tendency to notice and exaggerate people's flaws. But if you're her partner then she'll fight to the death for you.

Likes: Book clubs, running, swimming in lakes and the sea, laughing and making people laugh, dark chocolate, Greece, being praised by superiors (not that she'll ever show it), feeling attractive, knowing when she's done a good job and knowing that justice has been served.

Dislikes: Dancing in clubs (Rena can't dance, at least not well), Demons, the thought of souls being lost, driving (she's terrified of killing someone accidentally). Rena hates people who spend their lives attempting to put others down, and her two biggest pet hates are pretentiousness and narrow-mindedness.

Up for love?: If it happens it happens.

Other: Rena doesn't really have any ... other. She's open, and doesn't have any secrets to speak of - she's much too open to bother trying to hide anything from people, if she's been crying you'll know she's been crying.
Last edited by AquaMarine on Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."


Click if you love cookies

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:41 pm
LiveLaughLove says...

Spot saved for a female soul catcher
If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music.
Thomas Carlyle

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:48 pm
Tigersprite says...

Name: Bartholomew "Bart" Matthews

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Classification: Soul Catcher


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Soul Weapon: Two discs of light that form in his hands when he needs them. They can cut through demons easily.

Normal Weapon: A scimitar.


Personality: He's a friendly guy, and loves to talk, especially about poetry. He actually aspires to be a poet, to this end he often recites poems aloud, whether or not anyone's listening. Can sometimes be friendly to the point of be annoying, and loves sticking his nose in things. He makes jokes during missions, though he is serious when presented with a direct threat.

Likes: Writing and reading poems. The sun. Sleeping and eating. The colour red, his favourite. His partner.

Dislikes: People asking about his parents. The dark (he is secretly afraid of it, though he tells no-one). He absolutely detests letting people down, and also hates people who can't stick to their word.

Up For Love: Sure.

Other: Though raised by a white, English family, Bart is actually Japanese; he was abandoned at the age of four. He was left alone in a locked house, with his parents promising to come back to him soon. Except they never did. After three days the neighbours heard his cries, he was rescued and put into care by Social Services. The experience of being left alone at night-times, however, has scarred him so that he an above-mentioned fear of the dark, and his parent's unfulfilled promise inspired in him a hatred for people who don't follow-up on their promises. He was adopted at the age of five by Mr John and Mrs Gretchen Matthews, and though he loves his adoptive parents and older sister, Tanya, dearly, he harbours a deep want to find his real parents, whose location was never discovered after his disappearance.

Bart refuses to tell anyone his birth name, because Bartholomew Matthews was what he was called after his adoption. However, he might tell anyone persevering enough to get past his jolly mask.
Last edited by Tigersprite on Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."
Nathan Leopold

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:33 pm
*coco says...

May I join your storybook please :D I'd like to save a spot for an exorcist.

Name: Dmitri Abrams

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Classification: Exorcist

Appearance: He’s about 6ft and has a thin but lean body, pale skin and sharp blue eyes. He has scruffy black hair and his ears pierced. He has a trademark smirk that is nearly always plastered on his face.

Spoiler! :

Soul Weapon: when he needs to send a soul to the afterplane, a cataract-type glaze forms over his eyes which acts as his soul weapon, sending out his pure light. When a demon stares at this light, it hypnotises them, bringing them under the complete control of Dmitri. The only downside to this weapon is that the longer Dmitri uses it, the weaker it makes him become.

Normal weapon: it isn't really a weapon, but it's his mother's rosary necklace. He likes to keep it on him during mission's for luck

Spoiler! :

Personality: Dmitri is nowhere near as serious as his job. When he’s not sending demons back to the underworld or studying new ways in which to send them back, he’s a charming, carefree life enjoyer and practical joker who can get along with anyone and everyone.

Likes: Catching demons. For him it’s a thrill that can’t compare to anything else.

Dislikes: Failing. It's happened once before and a little girl lost her life because of it. He's vowed not to let that happen again.

Up for Love: Yeah, why not

Other: He is the student of a famous Demonologist. His years studying have brought with it extensive knowledge on demons and the ways in which they can be sent back to the afterplane. Since graduating, Dmitri set up shop in his apartment where he worked as an exorcist, soon building up a reputation as the town’s most sought-after demon catcher.
Last edited by *coco on Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:16 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:49 pm
phantom of the potter says...

I'd like to take an exorcist, please.

Name: Caleb Sandall (Some people call him "Cal")
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Classification: Exorcist

Spoiler! :

Caleb has dark brown hair the is almost always mussed. He is muscular and about average height. Caleb almost always has a brooding look in his eyes. This can be unnerving at first, but most people eventually get used to it.

Soul Weapon: Caleb's spittle becomes his soul weapon. It is possibly the most impractical soul weapon invented, but Caleb has learned how to weild it competently. Caleb's spit begins to glow with a bright white light, and his usual method of attack is to bite and spit on every bit of the demon he can reach. The only time Caleb's soul weapon works with deathly accuracy is if he is able to bite through the demon's skin. Caleb's spit then acts like a sort of venom, and spreads through the demon's system sooner than you can say "spitball".

Normal Weapon: Daggers. Three of them.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Caleb's got a very dry sense of humor, and (on his good days) will use it to his advantage. But he's extrodinarily over-protective. (At the moment, at least. Caleb was not always like this, and so he may change as the story wears on.) Caleb is a big guy, and will use force to carry out his wishes, if necessary. But he's got a weakness for passionate speeches. Give him a long, passionate speech, and he will probably let you do whatever you want. [You'll want to look at the 'other' section before you'll understand the rest of his personality.] Caleb knows that he simply isn't as good of an Exorcist as he used to be. He fights against his grief every day, and sometimes it will show. Really, Caleb is very dependent at the moment. If a character catches him while he is vulnerable, that character will either become Caleb's best friend or worst enemy. When Ashley was still alive, Caleb was nothing but a softie. He has hardened since then, but the old Caleb is still buried in there, somewhere. Just give him time, and he will become the teddy bear he used to be.

Likes: Being alone (depending on his mood), passionate speeches, sunshine, flowering meadows (That's a story that dates back to Ashley's time), poems, and feeling like he knows his life's purpose.

Dislikes: Being alone (depending on his mood), pestering or nagging people, feeling like a situation is out of his control, hospitals, needles, and beeping noises.

Up for love?: Yes, but it will be a very long and probably painful process.

Other: (If this is okay) This is Caleb's second time being paired with a Soul Catcher. His first partner was a girl named Ashley. Together, they were one of the most powerful partners that the Organization has ever trained. Caleb and Ashley were a power-team extrodinaire. Caleb loved Ashley dearly, and she, him. One year ago, the pair of them were on assignment when Ashley's soul weapon did the unimaginable. It broke.

The next few months of Caleb's life were as close as Caleb will ever come to hell. Despite Caleb's protests, Ashley refused to be put out of work. Ashley was a bit of a scientist, and she was convinced that she could come up with a replacement soul weapon for herself. So she began to seek out demons to test her new materials. Eventually, she came across one demon that was simply too strong for her. Ashley was in the hospital for two months in agony before she finally passed away. It destroyed Caleb, because he feels that he should have done something to prevent her death. He still battles with the grief of Ashley's death, but insisted to the Organization that he be given another partner. This time, Caleb is convinced that nothing will ever happen to his new partner.
Last edited by phantom of the potter on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:15 pm
Shearwater says...

Name: Adam Pierce

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Classification: Soul Catcher

He is quite thin and tall but all his meat is muscle. He trained hard for his Soul Catcher body and believes that 'only the strongest survive'. His hair is usually a mess and he probably only combs it once a week. Even so, he always takes a shower and keeps himself clean and everyone always thinks he smells good.
Spoiler! :

Soul Weapon: Wristblades. White light, in the form of a sword, slide out from the top of his wrist. They are about two feet in length.

Normal Weapon: One black Katana.
Spoiler! :

Personality: He’s a cocky one. He thinks he’s the coolest Soul Catcher out there and thinks his team is the best, thus there are times when he becomes slightly competitive with others. He can’t stay still; he likes to move around and is constantly picking at something. He likes to be obnoxious and intervene on conversations which makes him a great gossiper but also the one with the most knowledge.

When a mission comes around, he bulks up and is usually in command. His skills are great but because he's a hot head, he messes up sometimes and usually those mistakes are big ones.

When he's angry, he's not afraid to show it. Although, he never usually gets angry and is quite a funny and friendly person, not to mention quite open about things. He enjoys meeting new people and making lots of connections and acquaintances. If he's feeling down, he doesn't show it because it's a side weakness and he hates to be weak or feel like a burden which is why he'd rather do things himself than let anyone carry around his luggage.

Likes: He likes those warriors with strong personalities. He likes hitting on chicks just because they flaunt over him like little ducklings but he doesn't date them. He enjoys the look of annoyance others give him because that only means they love him, at least that's what he thinks. Adam's favorite color is Navy and his favorite food is tacos. Yes...tacos...yum. He will pay you for your half eaten taco, he will.

Dislikes: Demons. He hates them with a passion and will stop at nothing to send them back to the underworld where they belong. He hates the fact that no one has found out a way to close the tears/portals to the underworld and is constantly looking for a way to do just that. He dislikes ice for some apparent reason and hates the cold. He doesn't like it when other people stop him from doing the things he wants to do.

Up for love?: What happens, happens.

Other: He has secrets...lots of 'em. Okay..maybe just a few but he doesn't like telling people his inner most deepest feelings because again, he thinks that's weak. A man should be able to hold himself together, strong like the statue of David. He will bear all rain, sleet, hail and tornadoes by himself and offer umbrellas to his friends.
Last edited by Shearwater on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:40 pm
JabberHut says...

Oh, sadface. There's eight people already. *twiddles thumbs*

H'okay, Miss Soul Catcher's a comin'!

Name: Bridget Collins

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Classification: Soul Catcher

Appearance: The basic features include blonde, curly hair and hazel eyes. For a Soul Catcher, she's not a muscular brute, but she is a very flexible gymnast.
Spoiler! :

Soul Weapon: Her manicured nails turn into bright white claws, growing about two inches in length.

Normal Weapon: A black hardwood staff.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Bridget is usually a quiet young girl who's focused on her studies. Sure, she's been in gymnastics for [deity] knows how long, but she loves to learn math, science, literature--the works. She's jealous of those human students who go to school everyday to learn new things and take interesting classes. Bridget? Forced training in her gymnast and Soul Catcher abilities.

She doesn't pride herself in her physical abilities. In fact, most Soul Catchers and Exorcists know they can't count on her for physical assistance. Her intellect is priceless, however. Because of her love for learning, she has a lot of knowledge and smarts.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty, Bridget is a hardworking Soul Catcher. She wants to do her job as best she can. She's very focused in what she's doing. One could say she's high-strung considering how she hardly ever seems to just relax. She's either working or learning. The only downside to her is that she never gets the time to sit down and read anymore. Not since she turned 18. This means she's slowly opening up more to conversation and interacting with people.

For as smart as she is, she doesn't brag about it at all. It's pretty well-known that Bridget knows a lot more than the average Soul Catcher, but Bridget, personally, knows she doesn't know as much as she could. There's so much knowledge in the world and so little time to learn it all -- so to speak, anyway.

Likes: As said countless times before, she loves to learn. Reading for fun does not make sense to her. She reads to learn facts. Textbooks would be examples of what she loves to read. Besides this, she does enjoy her gymnastics and can be found training almost anywhere--as long as there are some sort of bars or branches to swing on or an open space for flipping. For what's not already obvious, Bridget loves to laugh and smile. Her favorite animal is also a fox, as will be obvious later in the profile.

Dislikes: Being put on the spotlight. She doesn't like it when people focus their attention on her. Being in front of people makes her uncomfortable, even if she knows them very well. She gets nervous very easily -- sweaty palms, shaking hands, the works. However, because of her friendly nature, she hates seeing her friends in danger, which is why she would never sit out of a fight. She'll always fight alongside her friends, even if it means putting the plan on standby.

Other: She wears a silver necklace and ring given to her by her mother and father respectively before they passed away in a fire while she was away at school. She's always wanted a charm bracelet to complete her silver set here, but she never got one.
Spoiler! :
I make my own policies.

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:33 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Last edited by MilkNCookies on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:12 am
MilkNCookies says...

Last edited by MilkNCookies on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:16 am
Shearwater says...

President Grey – Organization Headquarters

I was in my office, eying Headmaster Carver as he stood in front of me with his hands behind his back. His thick glasses sat low on top of his nose and his brown suit seemed to be a size too small for him, not to mention out of date. I couldn’t blame him; he never had much of a taste for fashion anyway.

“We have a problem,” he stated without blinking.

“I’ve heard,” I answered. Slowly, I rose from my seat and walked to the flickering flames. The wood crackled and popped as the fire devoured it with haste. “What’s the plan? Apparently these demons don’t know when to stop…” I picked up the long silver stick and poked the logs, taunting the flames.

“In the last six months, four new portals have been opened in larger cities all around the world. The older, inactive portals which were close to actually closing are now becoming active, three of which have actually widened,” Carver noted. From the reflection above the fireplace mirror I could see the look of concern in his faded brown eyes. “Our branch in Asia has already had three new tears in Shanghai, Beijing and Taiwan. The European branch is complaining about rifts in London, Paris and Rome. By the looks of how quick the demons are spreading, we’ll be outnumbered in the next year.”

“We’ll just have to kill more,” I answered. The sensation of heat traveled up to my neck, choking me with its invisible fingers. “Right now, we don’t have any other choice. The scientists haven’t found a way to close the tears. So we’ll just have to keep…fighting.” I turned around and faced Carver. “Assign two new squads as well as one pair and send them to the European branch to investigate the rifts in London.”

Carver’s chest rose with a deep breath. “Alright,” he answered. I knew he didn’t want to, the coward was afraid of losing his precious pupils in the hands of the demons but as far as I was concerned, this was the beginning of a war and I wasn’t about to lose.
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:17 am
Shearwater says...

Adam Pierce – Soul Catcher

“Aish, you vermin…I know you’re here,” I hissed. My eyes adjusted to the growing darkness, scanning the deep alley.


The demon was long and lizard-like with dark red, burnt skin. Wingless, wonderful. His razor-sharp teeth were dripping with sticky blood, that of a human who lay lifeless under his long nails. The man’s limbs seemed torn, covering his white shirt in smudges of red. His eyes were open and watched me lifelessly. The demon lifted his head, his yellow eyes beaming defensively.

I stepped closer, feeling the energy rush from the core of my heart into my wrist where the power was building. The demon watched my advance and then snarled, lowering its head. With another step, my slits opened and white light lit the alley, casting our shadows onto the building walls. The wristblades slid out from under my palm with a spark.

“Tsk, tsk, should’ve found a better hiding spot, demon. I can’t let you get away with that soul,” I said to it. My foot lifted again and this time, the demon let out a piercing cry and jumped over me and landed on the other side.


Within a second, he swerved the corner and disappeared. Instead of wasting time with the dead body, which I would contact the authorities about later, I bolted into a run. I deactivated my soul weapon and entered the busy traffic during Chicago’s nightlife. I turned left and right, trying to find my prey. A honk from a nearby vehicle pulled my attention. The demon was on top of a minivan as the man inside tried to hit it with his cane. Was he stupid? The last thing a human should do is tempt a demon. Instantly, I broke into another sprint before the wild thing could have it's seconds.

The demon caught my movement and leapt off the minivan onto another car and then another, making a run while hopping cars. People began to cry out in fear while horns honked and tires squealed in effort to avoid death itself. My feet slapped the pavement as quick as my heartbeats and I knew that I wasn’t going to be the only one getting tired. The demon made an illegal left turn and was hit by an oncoming red sedan. The hiss of the tires circled the crossroad and I could make out the horror in the woman’s eyes as she screeched to a stop. Her bumper smashed into a light pole near the corner of the street, the echo of the accident left the area silent.

The demon was stuck between the light pole and the car. Blood ran down the side of its mouth while he moaned and shrieked with pain. Suddenly a loud piercing scream erupted from the lady in the car. I covered my ears.

“Holy crap, chick, calm down!” I snapped. Reaching into the open window, I tapped her shoulder and put a finger over my lips. She sniffed, staring at me with red eyes and a hand over her chest.

I looked back at the demon that was clawing the front end of the engine in a failed attempt to pull itself out. “Oh no, you’re not going anywhere,” I growled. “You think you can just come up and take these souls like plucking flowers from a field, eh? I’ll show you what happens when you mess with my garden, fool.” I had to extract the soul while it was still breathing…I need to touch it’s chest without getting hurt and the only easy solution I had was to cut off its limbs from having it try to scratch at me.

“I suggest you close your eyes, sweetheart,” I said to the lady. With a gulp, she obeyed. In one swift movement, I activated my wristblades and slashed down. The demon released a thundering cry that was gone as soon as it came. Quickly, I mounted the front engine and placed my palms over the hard, scaly chest.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the foul dying breath of the demon before me. Through my fingertips, I could feel the soul rush in like a stream of running water and work itself through my veins, charging up and flowing fast until it tackled my heart. I gritted my teeth, making sure I didn’t lose my hold while it transferred. It was like flying, feeling high with susurrus winds blowing through your hair. With a snap, I was pulled back to reality when the process faded.

My chest felt tight, constricted but I was used to this by now. I pushed my palms harder onto the demons chest. He was dying but I wasn’t going to give it the chance to heal itself. Demons were known to spontaneously re-grow limbs. I activated my wristblades again, and I felt the light pierce its heart. Whether or not it had one, I wasn’t sure.

The demon let out one last goodbye cry before disintegrating into a pile of dirt. I let out a long sigh of relief. “What a day…all I wanted to do is get a cappuccino from Starbucks. Instead, I ended up chasing a demon half through the city.” I turned back to the lady who had actually fainted in the car. “Figures.” From the left, ambulance and police officers were already making their way to the scene. I jumped off the hood of the car, rubbing my chest vigorously.

Suddenly, my butt pocket began to vibrate. I pulled out my cell phone and answered the unregistered number. “Hello?”

“Adam Pierce, you have been summoned by the Organization. Head to the Headquarters in D.C. immediately.” The woman’s voice sounded slightly machine-like and I knew exactly who it was.

“Ah, Amy…it’s about time you called me. I was getting bored.”

I just wanted to get a basic demon hunt in there for reference or something.
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:12 am
*coco says...

Dmitri Abrams - the exorcist

Dmitri sat reclined in his chair behind his desk with his feet up, hands interlocked behind his head, a toothpick in his mouth and a baseball cap pulled down the front of his face. He was shirtless, his chest revealing a lean, toned body.

All in all it had been another boring day. He’d got called a few times to deal with some demonic possessions, but those were all easy cases with amateur demons, they were nowhere near as nasty and evil as the ones he used to face when he first started practising exorcism. He practically craved for the challenge and thrill he'd get back in those good old days...

“D...” a dark male suddenly popped his head out from behind the office door.

“What is it, Bishop?” Dmitri answered his friend, in a bored way.

“You’ve got a phone-call.”


“I dunno, some chick...I think her name was Amy...”

Dmitri removed the toothpick from his mouth and loosened his baseball cap as a wolfish smirk appeared across his face. He immediately got to his feet and reached for a t-shirt before yanking it over his head and walking down the hallway of his apartment until he reached the living room. Once he stepped inside, Bishop threw the cell phone into the air. Dmitri caught it with ease and brought it up to his ear.

“Dmitri Abrams, you have been summoned by the Organization. Head to the Headquarters in D.C. immediately.”

“About damn time,” Dmitri smirked before hanging up.
Last edited by *coco on Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

You, who have all the passion for life that I have not? You, who can love and hate with a violence impossible to me? Why you are as elemental as fire and wind and wild things...
— Gone With the Wind