
Young Writers Society

City of Six (Started and Full)

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:33 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Yes, we're restarting it again.

Tanshein is a land of splendor and beauty. It stretches wide and far, filled with grand forests and vast mountain ranges. The strangest, and often the most beautiful creatures roam the wilderness. The north-west is one of the few populated areas in the whole land, where the city of Toliaz rests, and in the center of that city is the palace. But it isn't the city or even the palace, or the north-west corner that grabs our attention here. No, what holds importance for us is the even grander City of the Walkers, carved into the central Togiel mountain range.

This city is but folk-lore in the eyes of many, and the Night Walkers prefer to keep it that way. Nobody knows of this city, and few remember the myths of old. The Night Walkers are gifted with powers granted to them by their King.

Two young Walkers hold more power than one could ever wish to wield, and they have been in training with it since they were young. These two are different, they were not born within the secret city. They were born in Toliaz. Lulu was said to have simply vanished three days after birth, whereas Zaberiel was said to have died along with the rest of his family (His younger sister was the only survivor) in a fire that took place when he was twelve. They have been sent on a mission to find and protect a group of six from Toliaz. The six aren't well aquainted, nor have they much knowledge of the Walker myths. Problem is, the six are descendants of Walkers, and are nearly as powerful as Lulu and Zaberiel.

Using their powers, Zabriel and Lulu must guide the six, and test them along the way, and their test is to go unseen or undiscovered by the Six for as long as possible. Only the King knows what the six are being protected from, but whatever it is, it's rotting Tanshein from the inside out. A battle will begin, will the six be ready?

Spoiler! :
- Most importantly: As well as myself, Isha will be modding this SB, as it's originally hers. All credit goes to Isha for it. Please listen to her, as much as you listen to me.
- Usual YWS/SB rules.
- ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak.
- Please keep in mind that Zaberiel and Lulu are extremely powerful, even for Walkers, don't make your powers exceed theirs.
- Please try for 1000 characters minimum or 250 words for those of you using MS Word or other writing programs. (Check the little box below your text!)
- No god-modding or perfecto characters. It's just not fair, is it? And to be truthful, somewhat annoying.
- Swearing is most certainly allowed, but keep it to a minimum.
- Romance is allowed but nothing detailed. No one needs to read it.
- This is set in a medieval era, so please keep charrie appearances and such true to that era.
- Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Forest, etc.
- Please PM me and the creator of a character before killing them off or state in your profile if you are going to die before the end of the SB. No one likes it when they're randomly killed.
- Isha and I are leaving you to create the creatures of the land. (tame or wild) Create them as we go, give them names and looks, etc... Post images in spoilers if you must, though a written description will be good enough.
- Please don't disappear halfway through! It ruins it for other people, so do tell us if something comes up. You know, give us a little warning, yes?
- One last thing. Please make sure to read these rules, as I'm going to be a little strict on somethings. Such as the not being committed, not putting your character's name at the top of a post, god modding/perfect characters and character appearances, since the setting is NOT a Modern.

SLOTS: The Six
~ Girl - Cypress - ninjacookiemonster. [Accepted]
~ Girl - Malis - LezaleanWitch. [Accepted]
~ Girl - Fumusia - Ava (aweqs). [Accepted]
~ Boy - Conleth - Cspr. [Accepted]
~ Boy - Aridian - Dragon (MilkNCookies). [Accepted]
~ Boy - Dax - Jae (Octave). [Accepted]

SLOTS: Walkers
~ Boy - Zabriel -Isha. [Accepted]
~ Girl - Lulu - Em (Puzzle). [Accepted]

SLOTS: Evil Walkers
~ Girl - Charna - ScarlettFire. [Accepted]
~ Boy - Pravus - Lethero. [Accepted]
~ Boy - Varik - Lumi. [Accepted]

Note: No more slots open.

Spoiler! :





Powers (up to 5):



Fears and Flaws:

Preferred Weapon/s (Up to 3):

Brief History:

Up For Love:


Link to DT: Yes, this is the old DT
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:17 am, edited 23 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:13 pm
Cspr says...

((I believe I shall join--since I adore Storybooks. ;) ))

Name: Conleth

Age: 14 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark, rugged. Stands about at 6'1", tall for his age. He seems older than he is in general. He has shaggy dark hair and muddy brown eyes, with suntanned skin. He tends to wear darker colors, patterns that make him fade into the background.

Personality: Compassionate and kind, but very unsure of how to do anything to actually help people. He doesn't like being the center of attention. He can be zealous about some things, but he normally keeps his opinions to himself. He also doesn't do well in crowds, preferring the company of animals to people. He can have a quick temper, nonetheless, when he's pushed far enough.

Powers (up to 5): Has an odd ability to be able to control animals1 and plants2; he can calm his flock of sheep just by talking to them and even when it hasn't rained in weeks his family's wheat fields seem to be thriving. He isn't sure how he manages that. He also seems good at doing illusions3, to the point where a few of his village's people claim he's a warlock. He has been known to make minor quakes2 and to accidentally know something he shouldn't. All in all, that's: 1. animal control, 2. plant manipulation (earth manipulation, in general), 3. an ability to make things from other things and animate them, and 4. he can read minds to a weak extent.

Strengths: He has an innate ability to control situations, which has led a few to believe his powers of control go past animals into humans. This isn't really the truth, though, he's just easy going and logical. Well, that's what he thinks. He generally is good with children or disoriented/hurt people, from the sole fact he tends to be a silent, calming presence.

Weaknesses: He has a major fear of heights and he dislikes blood. He has a problem bonding with people in general and he really doesn't want your help--he can do it on his own. He is a horrible conversationalist. He is also easily swayed, if he doesn't already have a firm opinion on something.

Fears and Flaws: We're back to mentioning he's really quite freaked if he even has to step up a foot into the air and that he becomes light-headed when he thinks about blood. Once again, he doesn't really enjoy your presence--he'll put up with you and maybe act nice, but he probably doesn't like you. Oh, and, yeah, he's quite gullible.

Preferred Weapon/s (Up to 3): Staff, or hunting knife.

Brief History: He muddled through life as a shepherd, taking care of his family's expansive farm once his father fell ill and his older brother moved off with his wife. His Mum died when he was twelve and he's been more or less on his own since then. He's always seemed to have trouble making bonds with people and he doesn't seem to really care for anyone, but he's doing all this out of responsibility, not niceness (maybe niceness, but not totally).

Up For Love: Sure?

Other: When nervous, he has been known to have speech problems. If you call him "simple" (or a variant) or some sort of freak, he may punch you--repeatedly. (He's full of contradictions like the normal human being.)

((This okay? And, yes, I'd like him to be "good" since he's not enough of a jerk to be "evil".))
Last edited by Cspr on Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:21 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Lulu

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: At first, Lu doesn't trust anyone. Her first impression usually doesn't stick, and she warms up to everyone after a while. Unless of course you give her reason not to. At first, if she doesn't like you, she'll make sure you know that. If you get her to warm up to you, she'll be as loyal as hell. She usually isn't first to hop into a fight, but she is prepared to fight if she must. She doesn't speak much, the only people she'll socialize with are her mentor or Zabe.

Powers (up to 5):
-Agility- graceful, swift, and flexibility.
-Earth manipulation- Not plants, earth as in ground, dirt, clay, stone, sand.
-Heat pattern vision- seeing living objects through basic walls *not stone, concrete, ect.* but not the person them-self, just their heat pattern.
-Speed- She can run up to seventy miles an hour without breaking a sweat.
-Invisibility- She can turn invisible. Meaning, you can't see her.
-Strength- She can lift up to three times her body weight.

Strengths: Her strongest power is her Agility, she can bend so well she could be stuffed into any space. She's capable of being awake for days at a time without complaint. And is very focused.

Weaknesses:Her weakest power is her strength, she can lift three times her body weight but it strains her muscles. She has a weakness for children and her past. She also can't swim, and she's deaf.

Fears and Flaws: Afraid of being left behind and forgotten, drowning, seeing death,

Preferred Weapon/s (Up to 3): Dagger, and
Spoiler! :
Her babyImage

Brief History: When Lu was too young to remember,her and her mother were abducted and brought to the city of the Walkers. She never knew her father, or if she ever had any siblings. For the most part she was happy, living with her abductors like a perfectly normal little girl. Until her abductor showed her, her true power. At first she was frightened, he mother seemed thrilled. Day by day, her mentor would teach her how to use her powers, enhance them, and be one with peace and harmony all at the same time. Lulu was a very happy eight year old girl.

Until that one fateful day.

One day when she was returning from training, she found her mother dead. Some suspect a murder, but there is no proof. So her death remains a mystery to this day. After that, Lulu's world came crashing down around her. She would train for days on end, not sleeping, not eating. She would avoid socializing, speaking. For a while, everyone believed Lulu was not only deaf, but a mute as well. She was certain her life had become meaningless.

Then there was Zabe. Brought to the city not long after her life had hit rock bottom. At first, Lulu did not like Zabe in the least, and took every chance she had to show this. Little by little, she warmed up to him. Now, he is one of two people who has Lu's full trust and love (family love). If anyone laid a hand on her figurative big brother, she would kill them.

Up For Love: YES

Spoiler! :
Her mother gave it to her, but she doesn't know what any of the letters stand for.Image
Last edited by SisterItaly on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:23 am, edited 6 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:30 pm
eldEr says...

Name: Zabriel Demosuss

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Longer dark brown hair (is often mistaken for being black-haired) and dark brown eyes. He's somewhere around 6ft, and is quite fit. He has muscles, though he's no excessively buff body-builder, either. He doesn't smile much, and always looks more serious than he feels, which is probably due to exhaustion. He walks straigt, though, and only slouches if he's been thinking excessively.
Spoiler! :

Personality: He's extremely soft-hearted and will go out of his way to protect. He's usually quite quiet, and hates violence unless it must be enforced. He's peaceful, and thinks very, very deeply most of the time. He enjoys solitude, and is quite secretive. He speaks in riddles most of the time, which earns him a reputation as wise. He's got a fierce side, however. You hurt anybody he feels obligated to protect and you have just walked yourself into a nightmare.
He's loyal, and very dedicated. Stubborn at times, and independant, though the mentor has beat it into him to ask for help when he needs it. He hates it when people see him hurt, or when he has to see others hurt. When people see him afraid or weak, it makes him feel even more so. He tries extremely hard to hide this sort of thing. When he has a mission to complete, he will go to extremes to complete it.

Fears: Being left behind or forgotten, failure, letting his true emotions show, losing the ones he loves. He's secretly afraid being alone in a dark room, even with his ability to control light. His biggest fear though, is that he'll never find his sister.

Weaknesses: He is often attacked by horrible night-mares, and loses a lot of sleep because of it. This can leave him exhausted and quite unaware at times, which makes him vulnerable. His left him is weak just behind his elbow, due to an accident in the fire. If you hit it right, he'll end up dropping everything and will be in a lot of pain. His temper can run on a fuse, however rare, if he's over-exhausted or stressed out. He tends to keep everything bottled up until it all comes out at once, which is never a pretty sight.

Prefered Weapon: Axes, swords and throwing knives.

Strengths: Zabe is an incredible swordsman and even better with axes, as he practiced hard in his father's armory, which also means he's fairly strong. He's got excellent survival skills and is quick in body and mind. He has a talent of sneaking around silently, at one point he's at your side, the next he's halfway down the hall. He's usually fairly wise, and tends to give helpful advice when it's needed.

-Light manipulation. He has the ability to manipulate/capture light and bend it, cloaking himself, blinding opponents or whatever he feels he should do with it. This can be draining after a while, and he likes to save it for when it's absolutely necessary.
-Lightning manipulation. He can create/control lightning bolts. Usually uses it to coat his weapons. Using this in larger doses is more exhausting than just using light, however, and he tries to save it for stronger opponents and surprise attacks.
-He has the ability to transfer thoughts to others, as well as read thoughts directed to/about himself. This is an easy process for him, and he tends to use it to communicate with Lulu more easily. He can also transfer images, but it can leave him in dizzy-spells if he tries too frequently.
-Dream manipulation. He can create/manipulate other people's dreams and nightmares, though he can't do this to himself. This is a strong powerful, and is much more useful than one might think.
-Healing. He has the ability to heal wounds, though this is one of his most draining powers, as it requires him to give the other peson some of his own energy. He can not bring people back from the dead, nor can he completely heal fatal wounds. (He'll black out before he finishes.)
The extra power:
Memory manipulation. When somebody is emotionally open or reliant on him, touching their skin will literally allow him to see all of their memories and steal/manipulate them as he pleases. If he steals a memory, he has to live with it his whole life. Memories that he simply views are often easily forgotten. He can stop himself from entering other people's memories if he's well-prepared, but if you take him by surprise you'll find yourself suddenly unconscious, with a very irritated Zabe strolling around your mind.
He cannot leave unless he steals at least one memory first.

Brief History: Zabe lived with his mother, father, and two younger sisters. His father owned an armory at one point, and his mother was a baker.
He had a pretty quiet life until he did something that completely upset the kingdom, when he was 11. He keeps this a secrret from everybody. Only Lu and his mentor know what happened that day, and he doesn't even like them knowing.
His whole family died in a fire set by the people of the kingdom. He knows that his sister is still alive, and he's been trying to track her down for years. (Unsuccesfully of course) The rest of his family was killed, and all that he remembers was passing out in the flames and waking up in the city, his mentor hovering over him.
The first day went by horribly. Lulu did not take kindly to him in the beginning. After a few fights, a few heart-to-heart conversations and a bit of encouragement from their mentor, the two grew very close. They have a very closely knit brother/sister relationship.

Up For Love: Yep

Other: He has burn scars covering his back, which are always, no matter what, covered. He tends to keep his cloak nearby, and it's rare to see him without it. He wields two axes at once, but only one sword. He uses the axes more, as he's more skilled with them.
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :
Last edited by eldEr on Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

got trans?

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:39 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Cspr, can I just ask you to define his powers a little more. This means, he'd have four or five powers. But it's up to you. Oh, and there looks to be a sentence cut off in the Weaknesses section. And sure, he can be good.

Anyhow, my profile.

Name: Charnette 'Charna' Serkan (Lady Serkan).

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Charna is tall, about 5'5, with dark red hair and eyes so dark a murky brown in colour that they often look black. She's often seen wearing a dark blue dress, or a dark shirt and black cotton pants with the Black and Red armour of the house of Serkan.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Cruel, evil, violent, cold-hearted, fiery, distant, determined and without mercy, Charna is a force to be reckoned with. As a child, she used to be kind, loving and all things good until a certain evil man found her wandering on her own and brought her in. He beat the kindness out of her and replaced it with darkness, with evil. Charna does as he says and has changed because he changed her. Charna does not like these changes and is very afraid of herself. The only thing she kept from her old self was her temper, which is very short, very fiery and sometimes very violent. It's best if you don't make her mad--or then again, maybe you can distract her by making her angry (just call her Charnette). She's also very loyal to her adopted father and his family, his cause.

Powers (up to 5): Shadow manipulation: Can control the shadows and wrap them around her so she disappears. This is one of her strongest powers.
Metal manipulation: Can call metal to her, twist it, bend it, melt it and shape it, etc. Also a fairly strong power.
Shape Shifting: Can change into any animal or person she wishes to, but must shift back before an hour is up or she'll be stuck in that shape for anything from a day to a week. This is her weakest, which is why she only shifts for such a short time (and takes so long to build up the energy to shift back).
Water Manipulation: Can work with water and control it, but only if the water is already there. Freezing, thawing, etc. Controlling water drains her strength though and she rarely uses this power. Also a strong power, but rarely used because of it's side effects. Charna might use this if she's desperate and has no other options.
Telekinesis: Moving objects with one's mind. She uses this power often and likes to flaunt it, too, though it's not extremely strong. Average, almost weak but very handy; it allows her to move objects, though she's not sure, when moving metal, whether it's metal manipulation or telekinesis.

Strengths: Charna relies heavily on her powers, even though she knows how to fight, and fight good (and dirty), with a sword, a dagger and the bow. Her favourite, and not to mention preferred, weapon is the bow, as she prefers long range combat to close-quarters combat. She also prefers her mercy dagger: Never think she's unarmed; she always has a dagger stashed somewhere on her person.

Weaknesses: Charna has an injury that she'd prefer you not to know about: she limps and hides it pretty well. If you were to strike her right knee very hard, she would fall. When her 'father' found her, she'd been attacked and her leg had been broken just above the knee, as well as the knee itself being damaged. Take away her ability to use her powers and she's not such a good fighter. She might get angry and distracted if you call her 'Charnette' and not 'Charna'. She hates her full name.

Fears and Flaws: She fears herself and what she has become; she wasn't always evil, you know. Charna suffers from a combination of Claustrophobia (fear of small/confined spaces), Nyctophobia (fear of the dark) and Atychiphobia (fear of failure). She also relies on her powers way too much---a possibly fatal flaw of hers.

Preferred Weapon: Bow & arrow and her mercy dagger.
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Brief History: When Charna was a child, she had her leg broken and hurt her her knee (both on the right leg), and was limping around a small, quiet town in the south. She was around six years old, and that was when a Lord Serkan (the man she now calls 'Father') found her and took her in. He healed her as best he could and then started teaching her and training her to be a warrior, and not to mention evil. She is now seeking revenge on the walkers, as she believes that they killed her family (even though it was really her 'father'), and is waging her own private war on them. Once she was told the lie, she never stopped believing in it. If you try to turn her, you'll find it's going to take a lot of persuasion to even plant a seed of doubt. Her 'father' has her brainwashed, and from such a young age too.

Up For Love: Yeah, sure--if you can reach her.

Other: She wasn't born evil, and she limps. And her 'father' is a traitor, and a murderer. Do not call her Charnette, she hates it and it's a sure way to piss her off and make her distracted.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:40 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Name: Cypress

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: Cypress's got dark, thick hair that she's usually got in a messy bun, and dark, almond shaped eyes. She's got a vaguely foreign look about her, like she's from some place and time that no one's seen. Very lightly tanned from the few months where she was dodging about in the sunlight, tall, and athletic, with a harsh, fierce, warrior's air. Ignore the clothes- she's usually in ripped leggings (gray) and a rather loose, equally torn, red cotton shirt, with the sleeves ripped off, and suede boots that lace up to the knee, over her leggings.

Spoiler! :

Personality: She lives up to her appearance. Cold, fierce, intimidating, and unforgiving. She's cool (not popular, like uncaring and rather mean), sarcastic, and a survivor. She's had a rougher past than you, and she knows it. Don't try and soften her up. It won't work. She's not a people person by any means, and would rather spend a night on the cold cobblestones of Toliaz, alone, than a warm, comfy night with a crowd of people. She has severe trust issues, and has gone through enough in her fifteen years to know that people shouldn't be trusted. At all. She lives off of scraps and the need to prove the world wrong; the need to take revenge on them for making her like this, by living to be stronger. It's part of the reason she bounces back so easily, and part of the reason she seems invincible. She is absolutely set on living until she's made it as far she can.

Fears: Large crowds, broken glass, abandoned houses. Claustrophobic, too. Is scared of getting attached to people as well- every time she's gotten close to someone, they've ended up dead or worse. You really can't blame her. Has an unyielding fear of forest fires, for reasons she can't puzzle out. And the government, for reasons she remembers all too vividly. Mice- the sight of a mouse will send her into a state. Not because she's girly- for entirely different reasons.

Weaknesses: Severe trust issues, quick temper, and violent. Memories of her past will send her extremely out of balance, and she doesn't play well with others in any sense of the word. She will try anything to get away from what others call 'duty' or 'for her own good'. She doesn't eat hardly enough, and has trouble sleeping. As in, the most she remembers ever sleeping at one time is two hours. And that was after going without sleep for a week. She doesn't do well with long blades, either. When her emotions get out of hand, her powers go nutso, and she becomes a destrction magnet.

Preferred Weapon: Throwing knives. No other words needed.

Spoiler! :

Strengths: Incredible, incredible aim. She can hit a target the size of a pinhead from a hundred yards away- blindfolded. Kid you not. She works incredibly well alone- she's done so for eight years. She's a skilled fighter, and fast as heck. Really, really fast. More than a few people owe her, so she's never completely without resources. She's got strong stamina, too, and is physically strong. An expert at lying, and at hunting out shelter, and a scavenger to the extreme. A good climber, too, and stealthy as a ninja. Oh wait. She practically is one.

Powers (up to 5): Most commonly, she'll use water manipulation. Exactly like it sounds- she controls and summons water, often turning it to ice. This also helps her with thirst; that's one thing she'll never die of. It's one of her most powerful powers, and she needs nothing but air to create and control water.

Second most commonly is her telekinesis- moving things with her mind. This is most prone to spiraling out of control, though, so she prefers water over it. However, flying, by means of the telekinesis, can only result (in her mind) in faster speeds if she loses control; running, water boosters, and flying are how she usually gets around.

She also has ramped-up senses- night vision, thermal sensing, super-good hearing, and the ability to track something, tell who and what's come in contact with it, and occasionally it's past, by smelling it, or touching a part of it. (Don't call her bloodhound, or she'll kill you.) Sometimes she wonders if her senses are so heightened because of natural adaptation added to her power, or if it's just plain old power, no environmental affection involved.

So, in a nutshell: ice, unnaturally increased senses, and her natural resilience and determination.

Brief History: She remembers nothing before she was six. Then, only flashes; the only things she remembers clearly are the things that happened when she was seven. A beautiful noblewoman taking care of her in secret, being raised by the kind maids and laundry women, eating well and being loved. Then... well, then the noblewoman's husband found out about Cypress. Accusing the woman of adultery, she was hanged the next day, the maids only barely, barely being able to save Cypress, and then getting executed themselves. She's stayed away from that side of town since the day the head maid snuggled her into the arms of a strong-built innkeeper. By the time she was eight, in the space of a year, she'd managed to get three more people, including the innkeeper, killed, indirectly. Hence the lone-ranger style. She's lived on the streets since the last caretaker got stabbed- seven years of solitude, of fighting for herself and stealing and lying, to the guards, to the children around her, to herself.

Up For Love: We'll see how much she warms up.

Theme Song (why yes, I did add this): Walk Away from the Sun, by Seether.

Other: Sometimes wears these:

Spoiler! :

And often these; when she touches ANY human, she'll know where they've been and what they've touched. Gets annoying, frankly.

Spoiler! :

In times of great distress, she will do exactly one thing: Encase herself in ice. An elongated sphere of soft-glowing ice, really. The ice is virtually unbreakable, and preserves Cypress from time, attack, and any danger. It's often where she sleeps or just relaxes. Some think she meditates in there. Unlike most, she likes being alone, thrives on it. She's a soloist by nature.
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:19 am, edited 7 times in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:14 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I actually have to drop this to many SB's at once.
Last edited by Ladyofthedeathroses on Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:06 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Okay, I have a Notice. As you may have noticed, something has been added to the main post. If you take a look, you'll see [Accepted] or [Pending] beside you name. This is here for a reason. Please don't start posting until you have [Accepted] next to your name.

Therefore, LOTDR, Lezal and Leth are currently Pending. Everyone else is accepted. Please don't feel daunted or intimidated by the profiles. Isha, Em, Ninja and I have rewritten our profiles a few times already. If you have any questions, don't be shy. PM me or Isha, or post your questions in the DT. Link to DT is at the bottom of the main post.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:47 pm
Lethero says...

Name: Pravus Caliga

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is tall, standing roughly six and a half feet. He looks like a complete contradiction of his personality. He has brown hair, blue eyes, and tends to dress in breeches and tunic. Most people consider him handsome, and many girls have fallen for him only to have their heart broken or torn out.

Personality: Cruel and short-tempered. He enjoys watching people in pain, especially if he is the one inflicting it. Has been considered a very evil child since birth. At a young age he tortured animals. Once his parents found the barn cat strung up on hooks in the barn, its limbs removed and heat cut off, though they couldn't prove it was him. His first human kill was his parents when he was only fifteen. Though he can act loyal to a person's cause, he is only in it for himself, and if he can see a gain for him in someone's pain or death, he will take it.

Fire Manipulation: Pravus can control and direct fire. He used his fire to torture his victims, sometimes opting to roasting them alive under a fire while they are stung up on hooks.
Pain: One of his favorite powers. He can inflict pain in a person as long as he is in direct contact with them. He can control it from a moderate prick to where they are screaming pain and wishing they were dead. Most people die after their heat gives out from too much pain, but otherwise it leaves to lingering marks.
Nightmare: Can summon a creature made of pure shadows. The creature can then enters victims’ minds and make them experience nightmare like images. A person won't even know they have the Nightmare in them. They will see things that seem real and terrifying to them.
Regeneration: He can heal faster than a normal person, and if he has a limb removed, it will grow back. His healing isn't instantaneous; it can take about two days for a broken bomb to heal or a removed limb a month to fully grow back. A minor cut will seem to heal instantaneously though. If can still die from blood loss or removal of head.
Swordsmanship: He is extremely skilled with a sword, better than most people who have years of practice on him. His sword arm moves faster sometimes than most people can see as well.

Strengths: He is very intimidating. A lot of people fear him, even his allies. He has no mercy and very little regrets about what he does. He will kill all who get in his way, and he is very cunning on seeing how events will unfold.

Weaknesses: He has no real friends. His tendency to operate alone means he is almost always venerable to numbers. Suffers from nightmares himself, so he doesn't sleep often.

Fears: An ironical fear he has is the fear of being tortured. He enjoys torturing people, but is afraid of it happening to him. Fears his Nightmare ability because when it's not out affecting other people, it turns on him. He has learned well though to sometimes distinguish reality from the forms Nightmare causes. His main flaw is the images his Nightmare creates, though he has learned to figure out what's real, sometimes his Nightmare can summon up something that he even thinks is real.

Preferred Weapons: Knife and dueling sword (long and skinny sword)

History: At a young age, he began torturing every creature that was unlucky enough to fall into his grasp. At fifteen he murdered his parents, and ran away. He spent many years in the forest, preying on travelers. Now has a room in a house he bought recently that is secret and filled with various instruments of torture.

Up For Love: As long as you go for the torture fetish. :P

Other: Doesn't like ravens or crows.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:56 pm
Lumi says...

Name: Varik -----

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Varik stands as a Goliath among normal humans. He towers at an immense 6'8" and is built to last through even the most rigorous physical assault. A pure tank through-and-through, he wields enough muscle mass to cleave a boulder. He has violent green eyes and a long cascade of earth-tone hair. Only his face and neck are exposed to the elements as he most typically keeps his body clad in light-yet-sturdy blue armor and a black tunic. He carries a Wicked Blade and a shield on his back as well as a pack of powder-based explosives somewhere on his person.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Varik is blunt and succinct. What he wants, he will blatantly work his way to achieving, and he is unafraid to go by any means necessary. He has no reserves for killing a person, be they a man, woman, or child, and he is notoriously a killing machine. However, he will not superfluously assail someone unless provoked or ordered by his superiors. Once enraged, however, he will not stop until his irritant is annihilated. The world is black-and-white to Varik. He sees no in-between and merely walks one way or the other. As for the storybook, he acts as Charna's lackey and is her guard dog, in a way. While there is nothing particularly sinister about Varik, there is nothing redemptive, either. He has found that aligning himself with those of nefarious reputation expedites his goals, so that is where he stays.

Earth Mastery: Varik possesses the ability to wield the forces of the Earth. Between earthquakes, shifting stones, fissures, and terrestrial assault, he utilizes his in-tune-ness with mother Earth as a mighty weapon. This ability is particularly useful in the creation of shields and obstacles. This power stems from the Earth, but also encompasses general stones (including those used for building).
Force Mastery: Varik may yield basic kinetic forces to his will in the power of blunt attacks at a distance. Whether it's packing more energy behind a punch or delivering a blast of power at a target, it gives Varik a bit more diversity in attacking to make up for his lower speed.
Quick Healing: Whenever Varik takes a strong hit, his wounds are quick to recover, giving him a greater longevity in longer battles. This ability is directly associated with his Earth Mastery, and therefore diminishes in strength as he grows further from the rocks and soil. (i.e. high altitudes, in the ocean, on a ship)
Dexterity: Varik can take a hit or thirty and keep on fighting. This does not apply to his energy consumption when wielding power-based attacks.
Pain Threshold He may take damage; he may be about to die, but Varik will not stop fighting because he simply feels less pain than others. Given that, he's less affected by cold and heat and can withstand extreme environments without taking too much disablement.

Strengths: He can both dish out and take in hits. He has a high power-level and a high pain tolerance, and can keep on going when the fighting gets its toughest.

Weaknesses: As per his great size and strength and dexterity, Varik lacks in speed and agility. He doesn't let this handicap get to him, though, because he knows that his prey can very easily come to him. Or, of course, he could trap them. He has a weakness against electricity and wind, and could, of course, fall to someone were they to out-power him. Speedy foes could prove to be a difficulty unless he gets clever.

Fears and Flaws: He's not that fond of heights or anything incredibly imposing. He once raided a lighthouse with a northern general and made quick work of his opponents merely because he wanted to get down. He also secretly fears water in great amounts (read: the ocean), so he would prefer to not be on ships for long voyages.

Preferred Weapons: His Wicked Blade and explosives. Oh, and his own two fists.

Brief History: Varik was raised in a war-torn town on the brink of extinction. That extinction was due to false trade agreements with Tanshein that ended up hurting the starving civilization. After he was old enough, Varik left home to begin mercenary work for battle generals and vigilantes across the continent. He has traveled to every sort of place imaginable and has killed many. His parents are dead, to his knowledge, and he has no living family.

Up For Love: No. He is not attracted to anything.

Other: He's a big boy.
Last edited by Lumi on Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:45 pm
aweqs says...

Hope this is finally okay,
Im sorry I was making myself too powerful etc etc,
if it isnt, sorry again xD

Name; Fumusia

Age- 18


Good ... But could be swayed :O

- Short Spiky White hair, and big purple eyes. Freckles. She very tall, and always appears in a long grey cloak, which seems to be made from smoke and mist. Kinda skinny. She has fairly high cheekbones, and full lips, but she rarely smiles. Her eyebrows are arched and dark in colour, she always had quite a sardonic look on her face.
Spoiler! :
bad quality photo sorry xD

- Friendly- she isnt scared to make the first move. Hot-headed but only when provoked, and stands up for her beliefs. She is passionate about her interests. Inside though, she is fairly soft-hearted, and will try and become someones friend before you get on her bad side. When you become her friend she opens up and will be very loyal. She has a very dry, sarcastic sense of humour, and many people do not get her "jokes". She doesnts particulary care what other people think of her, so she can come across as arragont and snide.

Powers- 1 weather manipulation- she can make places rain, clouds to clear. She more powerful in places with less people, for example, in a city she could only make a slight rain, but in the middle of the desert or sea, she could make a huge storm, or even a very small tornado. This is her strongest power because the weather ,almost automatically responds to her mood.
2- wind control- she can create storms, snow storms, hail and generally strong winds, however, not anything like hurricanes or tempests. Once again, the amount of people restricts her power.
3- Walk through solid objects- She can pass through walls, trees, and basically anything. The only thing she cant pass through is people.
4- 'time' manipulation- She can slow down time for an extremly short time. This comes in use in battle since, she can make a move whilst time is slowed, or stopped. She can only completely stop time when there are hardly any people about. This is her weakest power, because of the restrictions.
5- Dispersation- She can almost disperse herself into just a poisonous gas, and can knock out/ kill many weak people at a time. However, this takes alot out of her (no pun intended), and she only uses it in an absolutely desperate situation. Plus, she cant choose who the 'gas' knocks out.

Strengths- Shes a good debater, has great aim, clever, and it takes alot for her to get physically tired. She is also extremely loyal to friends, and uniquely pretty. She is generally friendly once she knows she can trust you, and generous. Also, she can make smoke reach out and get her stuff.

Weaknesses- She can seem arrogant and obnoxious ( no matter how friendly she is), and dives into battle without much thought. Fire is almost deadly to her. Most of her powers are restricted by amount of people, which is frustrating for her. She finds it easy-ish to make friends.

Fears and Flaws- Severly claustraphobic ( fear of small spaces) and Arsonphobia (fear of fire). She can make a bad first impression, but people generally warm up to her. She has thought about going onto the 'dark side' , and it wouldnt take much to sway her from the good side.

Fave Weapon -1- her weather skills
2-classic sword
3- spiky boomerang-uses her good aim.

Looking for love
- why not? She's a very open person :)

Brief History- Abandoned as a baby, Fumusia grew up in a dark alley in ther centre of Toliaz. She is still uneducated about her history, and parents- although this doesnts affect her. Her first memory of her power was when she was around 6 years off age. The local restaurant - she got her food from their leftovers- had been closed down, and she was starving. Screaming with anguish, and starvation, clouds filled the night sky, rain poured down and thunder boomed.
Later that night, when she had calmed down, a woman found her; this woman was to change her life forever.
Janis Ferriday, the City of Walker's power potential scout, who was based in Toliaz, saw the huge storm and was drawn to the feeling of magic that was emitted by Fumusia. Famished, and easily coaxed into trusting Janis, Fumusia found herself living in a warm, grand house, with a room of her own, and daily training of her prominent talent.
She has helped in other small tasks throughout her lifetime, but nothing as dangerous as this mission...

Other- She's been followed by a shadowy figure since her last memory; always nearby, but never attacking her or anything. Although this unnerves her, she has learnt to live with it... But will its true colours shine out soon? She likes crows, and has a special bond with one she tends to call Hermit. He follows her around, and has helped her at times.
Last edited by aweqs on Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 14 times in total.

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:27 am
MilkNCookies says...

Can I claim a boy from the Six? And dare dragons and everything ok? Kind pf don't understand the first thing, but i'll try!

Name: Aridian(ari) Amadaius.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: He keeps to the shadows with his 'friends'. He usually keeps his 'friends' away from his fellow people of the city. He's solemn and afraid of everything. His 'friends' always love to help in. Sometimes, he can't control them at all, but he always makes it seems so.It'll take a while for him to be your friend, but once he does, his 'scent' rubs off on you and the immortals are nice (tolerant) of you also. He doesn't have many friends. He's got a tough shell and doesn't get angered very easily.

Powers: 1) Can sense immortal (magical) beings, like dragons and basilisks.
2) can speak to them
3) can summon them, but it's at their will to obey or not. If he tries hard enough, he can make them obey.
4)Can speak to plants (is that taken already?)
5)Can bring dead plants back to life.

Strengths: His friends, his abilities, his ability to keep a cool head

Weaknesses: Scared of everything, likes his immortals more then any human (might change), fighting

Fears and Flaws: Scared of almost everything.

Preferred Weapon/s : 1) Daggers
2) Bow (he has very good aim)
3) Short sword

Brief History: He lives in Toliaz. He keeps his friends as far as possible, where they can still speak, for their safety. His father left her family wen he was a baby. His grandmother died when his was 6, and his grandfather died shortly after. His mother became dramatically ill when he was 16. She's recovered, but she's never been strong after that. he fears leaving, because he knows she needs him.

Up For Love: Sure, but he doesn't stack up to the competition ;)

Other: Wished he was a girl sometimes.

Often talks aloud to his pets (he calls them the gang):

Spoiler! :
Gradually grows into:
Very young. the 'mother' dragon couldn't take care of her and gave her to Ari. It's sort of random, i know, but when she whistles she can unlock doors.

Elli(white) and Jelly(black):
Spoiler! :
They're twins. Thy have really long ears that they can fly with. he found them a long time ago. he doesn't know what they are, really. They don't have any important powers, but they are good companions.

Spoiler! :

He's a noble creature that has a mind of his own. He does things his way. He loves adventure, as do all griffins. They meet in the forest a long time ago when a cougar tried to attack. Since Ari's going on an adventure, so if he.

Is this ok? No more for a while (creatures).
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:44 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:36 pm
Skull3670 says...

Last edited by Skull3670 on Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:05 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Okay. Skull, Jae and Lezal are all Pending at the moment. Isha or I will let you know when your Accepted.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:00 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Name: Malis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Malis is considered rather pretty, with messy light brown hair and sharp bright blue eyes. She is of medium height, and has a lithe figure that falsely frames the build and bearing of a dancer rather than a battle-trained girl. Image:
Spoiler! :
wood06.jpg (154.94 KiB) Viewed 644 times

Personality: Aloof and mysterious, Malis's persona is intensified by the fact that she has had no friends in her life. She is deeply distrustful of other people due to the same reason, and is rather headstrong when it comes to opinions, which makes her 'unladylike' in the eyes of Toliaz. However, she has a soft spot for children, especially orphans, and visits every week at the orphanage to help there.

Fears: Even though Malis will never admit it, she's scared of getting close to other people. She is also afraid of lakes and the like, because she once almost drowned in one.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Malis is physically weak and has a low endurance, but she hides these by being an agile opponent. She is also a weapons expert, which makes her even more formidable to other people.

Preferred Weapons: Weapons that she makes herself, especially short blades such as short swords or daggers, such as this one:

Spoiler! :
The_Immortal-2007_Gil_Hibben-Autographed-GH2040A.jpg (15.55 KiB) Viewed 591 times

Powers (up to 5):
- An ability to repair almost anything - She has always had an affinity to metalworking, and chose to develop this skill in making weaponry, instead of jewelry as her uncle had wanted.
- Farsight - Malis doesn't know why, but she has always been able to spot things farther than anyone else has ever been.
- Telepathy - An untrained ability Malis is not quite aware of, but she does hear snatches of thoughts from people now and then, and wonders what's all that about.
- Sensory manipulation - Another ability she isn't quite sure of, but whenever Malis had wished for someone to notice or not notice things, people had always acquiesced for some reason. Malis can manipulate all five senses.
- Extreme grace - Malis's dancer build allows her to be incredibly balanced and flexible, and also gives her increased speed and agility for short bursts in exchange for her weak physical strength.

Brief History: Orphaned at thirteen, Malis had been taken in by a kind uncle, who gave her freedom to do whatever she wanted. By this, of course, he had expected her to develop as other girls did. But Malis, having had a bad past with her deceased parents, instead showed an interest in other things, such as metalworking and fighting with short blades, much to her family's dismay. As soon as she turned sixteen, she ignored their pleas to reform and separated from them, setting up shop in the town centre and becoming one of the more acclaimed weaponry experts in the town.

Up For Love: Sure, if you think you can handle her. :P

Other: Malis has a tendency of lying to others, making them distrust her as she does them. In spite of being a tomboy, she has a preference for feminine things such as gowns and flowers, but she won't ever admit it.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:00 pm, edited 5 times in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good... then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor - such is my idea of happiness.
— Leo Tolstoy