
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang Five: Times Changed (Previous Members Only)

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:08 pm
Kaywiia says...

The Gang

The World's governments have a big problem. Until 2030 most gangs took money for themselves. Not anymore. In the year 2035 someone got the idea of Robin Hood gangs. In other words those are gangs that steal money from the rich and distribute it to the homeless. Gangs like this formed all over the world in a matter of ten years from its starting place in America.

The year is 2102; They have escaped many attacks by the government, and fights amongst themselves. But the gang collapsed six years ago after Riley's house burned and they were betrayed by a former member. Most of the gang members have had little to no contact. Some wen't, changed their names, and lived a normal life. Others stayed in the life of crime, or joined gangs in other countries.

The government is satisfied, thinking they eliminated all the Robin Hood Gangs in America. But they're wrong.

A group in America is posing as the Fishers. It's up to the true Fishers to set the story straight and join together after six years to eliminate the posers. But after so long apart, can they come together to clear their name? Or will the Fishers finally be eliminated?

Here's the profile I need you to follow.

Spoiler! :

Age: (remember, six years have past)

Picture/Description: (you can use the same photo or a new one, I don't care)

Current Location:


Past RHG’s:



History Before the Gang Split:

History After the Gang Split:


Up for love:



*No descriptive sex scenes

*no gory violence

*all YWS rules

*you know what, its a gang, you can swear, just not every other sentence

The DT: http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic58625.html

MOD Edit: Title Spelling Correction - 15th Oct. 2010
Last edited by Kaywiia on Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:11 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Riley Evans (Jolie Benedict)

Age: 27

Spoiler! :

Current Location: New Haven, Ma

Languages You Speak: English, Spanish and French

Past RHG’s: All

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is still a natural leader, and has a very strong personality. She tends to over-react to things sometimes. She has a real soft spot for her daughter, though, and can be really caring and sweet. She has softened over the years. She still hates it when people say she can't be anything. She is very athletic, and doesn't like to sit still.

History Before the Gang Split: She was raised on a farm and when she was 15 ran off to Mexico. In Mexico she joined a group called the Foxes, who the Fishers associate with. Finally, at 17, sick of the leader of that gang trying to boss her around, she goes and makes her own group in America. After a few years with the beginnings of that gang, Riley had her sister come to America. Some of her gang from Spain soon followed. She was always a leader, and will remain that way.

History After the Gang Split: After leaving the Fishers, she ran into a guy named Nicholas. They became fast friends, and spent a lot of time together. Nick promised her he could help her get back to living a normal life. He was once part of a RHG called the Ravens, most of whom members were killed by the government. Nick brought Riley to a party one night, and drugged her drink.

Soon enough, Riley was pregnant with his kid. He left her once he figured out, and she never saw him again. Nine months later, she gave birth to a daughter. Riley never regretted having her daughter, and loves her a lot. She hates Nick, and would hunt down and kill him if it wouldn't affect Charlie (her daughter). Riley died her hair red so she would look like Charlie; and obviously so she wouldn't be recognized. She changed her name and got fake documents as well.

Riley works two jobs to support her and Charlie. During the day she gives private self defense lessons and at night she works at The 700 Club as a waitress. It's all to support Charlie (who’s full name is Charlaine Grace Benedict). Otherwise she wouldn’t be doing it.

(Charlie's Profile/picture in DT)

Likes/Dislikes: Likes good action, a bit of adventure in life, Charlie and sushi. Dislikes a boring day and people she knows and respects dying.

Up for love: Still loves Reg, after all these years

Other: Her theme song would defiently be "Meet Virginia" by Train. This describes partially her old life, partially her new one. I heard this song on the radio, and knew it was definetly Riley. ('Cept she doesn't wear heels ;) )
Last edited by Kaywiia on Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:30 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Tia Reynolds (Stacy Benedict)

Age: 34

Spoiler! :

Current Location: New Haven, Massacussets

Languages: English, and Spanish

Past RHG’s: 4th

Spoiler! :

Personality: Basically the same as before. She doesn't go out of her way to be nice, and will say anything that's on her mind. She just says what she wants, and doesn't care what others think of her. She doesn't get mad easily, and acts on impulse. She questions people a lot, and always wants to get her way. She ususes sarcasm a lot. Sometimes, though, she has a point when she gets a good idea.

History Before the Gang Split: She was born in California, but when she was three her parents moved her to England. She came to visit Riley in the states a few times, but lost touch after Riley left for Mexico. When Tia was 17, she started martial arts, and became a second degree black belt eight years later. She started dating a guy who, unbeknown to her, was in a RHG. She followed him once, suspicious that he was cheating on her. Because she watched one of their meetings, she knew too much. She could either join or die, and she chose to live.

History After the Gang Split: For a while she left Riley, and went back to England, but when her cousin told her of what had happened she rolled her eyes and packed hr bags. Since then she has been helping take care of Charlie. When Charlie is at school, Tia works as a reporter for the Boston Herald. She picks up information at sites of intrest, and gives it to the writers. Tia also works at a bar on the weekends to help bring money in. She has her own apartment in town that she lives at when not taking care of Charlie.

Likes- fast cars, showing off, dogs, getting her way
Dislikes- when people tell her off, people who try and kill her, not getting her way, stupid people and Charlie

Up for love: eh, probably not

Other: She still has a bit of an accent.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:14 pm
MayApple says...

Name: Maitea Finn

Age: 23

Spoiler! :

Current Location: San Diego

Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, and a bit of Japanese (Ace taught her)

Past RHG’s: 2nd, 3rd and 4th

Spoiler! :

Personality: She's basicallly converted back to her sweet bubbly self. She always seems to be smiling, and she's really clever. She's intelligent, and optomistic. She has become a bit of a gossip, and hates being left out of a secret. She talks a lot, and laughs just as often.

History Before the Gang Split: She actually was the daughter of a member of a gang, and her whole life she has grown up with a sense of belonging and being on the inside. She grew to be a really great person through her mothers teachings. She became great at hand-to-hand combat from her fathers teachings. She doesn't know much of life outside of being in a gang. When she came to America to join Riley's group, she found herself and displayed her fighting abilities, despite her small size. During the last chapter, Ace proposed to her and she accepted.

History After the Gang Split: Ace and her found a chance to get married. They paid off the government to clear their names, and have been lying low. Maitea works as a hairstylist at a salon she is a co-owner of; Hair Haven.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes music, sunny days, doing girl's hair for prom and singing. Dislikes inco-operative clients, cats and forzen yogurt.

Up for love: Um, she's married....

Last edited by MayApple on Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:33 pm
RedSun says...

Name: Alistara Carso

Age: 24

Spoiler! :

Current Location: She doesn't really have one home, she drifts around. She's somewhere in Vermont now.

Languages: Spanish, english, French and German

Past RHG’s: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is rude and overconfident. Basically evil, in a sense. She is a excellent fighter. She always knows her enemy's weak spots and attacks those first. She is sinister, and clever. Not afraid to fight. Doesn't have much of a regard for other people. She's selfish, and wants to be in the middle of the action. She has a bit of a soft spot for Anthony, though.

History Before the Gang Split: She was a member of Bree's gang for a while, then went off on her own. When she heard there was a strong gang in America, she packed her bags, didn't bother to call Bree and asked if another person would be welcome, and came over. Before that she was the daughter of a military officer, and took eight years of martial arts. She really was a born fighter. She developed both sheer strength and agility. She is warming up to Riley's gang, but still often questions Riley's authority. Her sister came and went from Riley's gang, and Alis was happy to see her leave. In he end she betrayed the location of the Fishers to get her name cleared.

History After the Gang Split: Her name was cleared, and she fell in love with the general she had been working with. Four years later, he proposed to her. She's currently engaged. She and Anthony both have jobs working for the US government. Anthony is a US Marshall, Alis is a hired assasin. The goverment sends her out to kill people they want dead.

Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes people who underestimate her, people who bug her, people who irritate her, perky people, optimism....you get the idea. Likes her pistol and killing people who make her mad.

Up for love: Engaged

Other: She was Bree's best fighter before she left. Don't make Alis mad, she'll probably kill you.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:16 pm
Vanadis says...

Name: Ace Finn

Age: 24

Spoiler! :
miurasmile.jpg (33.16 KiB) Viewed 507 times

Current Location: San Diego, California

Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish

Past RHG’s: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Spoiler! :
g6.jpg (15.72 KiB) Viewed 507 times

Personality: In the past few years, Ace has definitely calmed down. He can control his emotions a lot more easily after finally breaking down and getting therapy for it as well as medication. He is still not particularly outgoing, but can face people when the need arises and even be a little charismatic, though that's normally just on the job. For the most part, he's happy. He's developed a kind of offbeat sense of humor. Ace is loyal, above all, to his wife and his mother, and is somewhat protective over Maitea and Gracie, but not overbearingly so. He's not a homebody at all and likes to take Maitea to new places, whether close to home or not. After nearly dying twice, he's determined to have fun with life because he knows it can end at any time.

History Before the Gang Split: Ace was born in Japan to a fighter pilot and a doctor, but moved to San Diego at a young age and stayed there until, after putting up with all he could of an abusive, obsessive best friend, he ran away from home, booking the first available ticket--to Spain. There, he became part of Bree's gang and later part of Riley's, working mostly as a hacker, though give him a gun and he can hold his own fairly well. He was rubbish at hand-to-hand, though.

For six years (12-18) he battled leukemia, which nearly killed him twice and left him with scars from a brain surgery and a kidney transplant. Maitea, desperate to save him, traded her secret recipe poison for a plant that would boost the strength to fight the illness, and he hasn't seen any symptoms of it since.

In the fourth chapter, he finally got up the guts to propose to Maitea. She accepted.

History After the Gang Split: Ace and his parents used their connections and their bank account to clear his name and Maitea's as well. They were married soon after the gang split and live a happy, quiet life with Ace's aging, stupid, yet affectionate black lab, Constantine, whom he's owned for ten years; he outright refused to let his parents keep Connie. Ace is a self-employed programmer and does jobs for homes and businesses around San Diego and Los Angeles areas, and he loves his work. He is also an adjunct professor for a few different colleges, teaching computer classes when the college is understaffed; however, he only does this occasionally. He's currently taking this semester off from teaching, which gives him more time with Maitea. In fact, the only thing that would make him happier is a child, but he's not exactly sure how to bring that subject up...

Likes/Dislikes: Likes his home, his job, his family, music, computers, cars, cooking, scary movies. Dislikes living in the past, hospitals, crowds, spiders, and meat (unless it's fish.)

Up for love: Yeah, if you're Maitea.

Other: Constantine
Spoiler! :
blacklab.jpg (84.11 KiB) Viewed 507 times
Last edited by Vanadis on Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:33 pm
BenFranks says...

Name: Reg Carter

Age: 37

Spoiler! :

Languages: Reg isn't someone who particularly thinks smartly about being bilingual, English is all he particularly needs and he knows he can be threatening in it. Although, he is known to speak very little Russian.

Previous RHGs (if any): Reg has appeared in all the RHG storybooks.

Country/Global location: USA

Current Location: A deserted village in Ohio, there is two wooden shacks and one grocer's shop, which is ran by an elderly man (called Mr. Coombes). The other shack is owned by an old friend and Doctor, Mr. Dean.

Vehicle: None, but his 4x4 (in image) is still where he left it - an apartment in Tennesse.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Reg isn't much of a talker and never really has been, most people in the gang - despite what they may say - realise he's the glue that holds Riley's gang together. He's friendly, but generally doesn't come across that way as he mainly appears cold and arrogant, he doesn't care much for amateurs. He's scary and fierce, strong and big. Since the gang split up, his personality has got into an even more reserved feeling. He only talks when he needs to and he hopes everyday that Riley is still alive: it was his promise after all.

History: He attended school when he was young, but only to drop out after killing both his parents. Some say this was wrong, but his parents were killers. He did it for good. No-one really knows what happened after this. He rarely spoke again. Some say he did some mercenary work, others say he just hid away. The past is his life focus now. He's now established himself as the "Muscle of the group" and recently fulfilled his past by killing his uncle Freddy... however, will he truly be free of his hauntings?

After RHG2, Reg saw himself married to Bree and established as the second in command after helping to rid his past of The Ghost who was secretly undercover as Marcello, who was Riley's contact and close friend. Reg has got to know the current members of the gang on terms that they're happy to realise he's boss, except Riley - who knows him best.

After RHG3, just as Reg was getting settled in his position as the "glue of the gang" and fulfilling his promise to keep Riley and his Sister's secret safe, he is caught up in the trap as they try to embark on a mission to rob the local Governor. Due to Reg's vengence and hunger to kill anyone who threatened his Sister, he had put the RHG in a lot of trouble, most prominently after killing the President. He recently met with Jane, an old friend, who explained the horrifying situation. Upon the mission that ended RHG3, where Reg got shot twice in the torso, the gang believes him to be dead. He left James the task of protecting Riley no matter what, but when he wakes up under Government security, he realises that he needs to escape... Just like he had in the past

History after the gang split: Reg Carter travelled to Asia on a boat that was organised by his good friend, Dr. Dean. When he arrived in Asia he went to the Witness Protection safe house near St. Petersburg. It was strange that it was still labelled as a government building based on the fact no-one knew about the location, thanks to Carter. He met his sister, who was fine and well, but worried that Reg would bring history with him. Reg described how he'd protected her and her sister said she was forever in debt, but now had her own life. She wanted to be free of the past, like Reg did, but unlike her, Reg couldn't let go of one thing: his promise. He's sworn to protect two people in the world and both have left him. Feeling abandoned, he returned to the USA and moved into a small abandoned shack in a tiny village in the desert. Dr. Dean looks after him and he buys his groceries from the local small farmer, Mr. Coombes. He feels like he's dead.

Likes: Since the break up of the gang, he's never really had baked beans, guns and 4x4s. He deals with one pistol, a collection of dry-farmed vegetables and loves the quiet. He is appreciative of his good friend, Dr. Dean and is trying to look for a new purpose. Sometimes he thinks of looking for Riley, but he respects her choice.

Dislikes: People who whine and don't follow orders. He hates traitors and can't stand people who get him into trouble.

Up for love: He lost his wife, Bree, in RHG3 after Maitea murdered her. Since then his emotions have been kept down low. Despite his memories of Bree, what her sister, Riley, said at the end of RHG4 has haunted him ever since. He likes Riley, but has always seen her as a sister - or someone he must protect. "It's complicated" ;)

Other: He's cold, but behind his hood there is emotion. Lives the 'simple life'.

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:58 am
Guess says...

Name: Jack Cortez

Age: 31

Spoiler! :

Current Location: Chicago, Illinois

Languages: Spanish, English

Past RHG’s: 4th

Spoiler! :

Personality: He’s more formal now, goofs around less. He’s been straightened out, and he’s almost serious now. He is sullen a lot, and doesn’t talk as much as he used to. He thinks on his feet, doesn't really take time to plan, and just does what he wants. He isn’t as selfish as he used to be, but still doesn’t value human life, except his own.
History Before the Gang Split: He grew up in Arizona, on a ranch. He loved that life, but got caught up with a gang there. They were a form of Robin Hood Gang. At thirteen, he ran away to live with that gang, but a year later they broke up. When he was 14 he joined the Foxes in Mexico. When he was 18 he took over the gang by killing it's leader. He has stayed leading the Foxes ever sense.
History After the Gang Split: For a year, he got into drug dealing. He brought heroin from Mexico to America and vice versa. With a help from and old friend from the Foxes, though, he pulled out of it. After that, he joined the army for four years. He used a false name, and moved his way up to be a lieutenant. This toughened him up and straightened him out. He left the army because of mental breakdowns because of his last life, though. In his sixth year, he met a girl named Carmen. He became very close to her, but they got in an argument one night. He got mad, and shot her. He won’t talk about her, and nearly cries whenever someone mentions her name. He now lives with his uncle in Chicago and works at his restaurant.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes- his life in the army, pretty women, and his uncle. Dislikes- talking about Carmen, thinking about his past life with the gang.

Up for love: uh, no, he’s given up on relationships

Other: Theme song: “I Don’t Care,” by Fall Out Boy.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:10 am
Kaywiia says...

Fox won't be in this chapter, at least for now, and I haven't heard from Howler, so I am going to assume he's out too. Tomorow we can start this up.

For your first couple posts, just sort of establish a 'daily life' or something like that before I throw in the big news story.

I'll make the first post tomorow.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:57 am
Fox says...

Bye everybody! :(
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:32 pm
Howler says...

I'm going to do a single short story for Howard, but yeah, I'm not going to be in the SB. After Max, Howard, and the PK, I will say, it's been plenty fun though. Best of luck in the storybooking!
"I'm fearless in my heart
They will always see that in my eyes
I am the passion, I am the warfare
I will never stop
Always constant,
"The Audience is Listening", by Steve Vai

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:54 pm
Kaywiia says...

Riley (Jolie)

I ran down the stairs, hurriedly running a bush through my hair. I ran into the kitchen, and kissed Charlie on the cheek.

"Have fun tonight, mommy," she said, looking up from where she was coloring a picture of a dinosaur. She looked down at my feet, "Mommy, why aren't you wearing any shoes?"

I ran my fingers through my hair, and ran back upstairs. I put on a pair of small black pumps, and looked again in the mirror. I was reasonably in order, flowing black shirt, jeans and pumps. I took a second look at my hair and braided it. Before I forgot, I grabbed the picture off my bureau, and shoved it in my jeans.

I walked back downstairs, and found Tia sitting in the kitchen with Charlie. She drummed her fingers on the table near her coffee cup and sighed. "You'd think I would have better things to do on a Wednesday than babysit a five year old," she grumbled. "And look at you; you look like you’re going out to dinner,"

"You know good and well I work every night. If you’re going to come over here every night and complain, I can find a new sitter." This wasn't the first time I had threatened to replace Tia, but every time I tried to actually tell Tia to leave Charlie put on her little sad face and wrapped her arms around her 'Aunt Stacy'. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my purse off the counter top.

"See you later," I said, and walked outside. I strapped on my helmet, and drove off towards the 700 Club. It was the typical greeting from my boss, who didn’t particularly like me. He said I was nothing but trouble.

“Late again, Jolie?” He shook his head, and made a note on his damned clipboard. I put on my apron, and went back to the kitchen. A minute later I came out, and went to go start waiting the tables.

I got home around eleven, later than usual. I walked in, and saw Charlie sitting in front of the TV screen with a bag of popcorn, watching a horror movie. “I’m gonna kill her,” I mumbled under my breath, thinking about Tia, “and she wonders why Charlie has nightmares.”

“Get to bed Charlie, come on,” I lifted her up, and shut the TV off. From there I carried her off to bed, and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead, “Good night, sweetie, I love you.”
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:12 am
Guess says...

Kay said this was okay.... ((and you thought this plot couldn't get any more twisted))


"Ready to close up?" My uncle leaned across the counter of the bar, and raised an eyebrow. I took the towel I had been whiping down the table with, and slung it over my shoulder. I sighed, and hopped over the bar counter. Uncle Robert looked at me, and grabbed the towel off my shoulder to whipe off the bar counter. "Watch where you put those dirty paws of yours," he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say, uncle." I grabbed the keys out of the kitchen, and put my coat on. "God, and I thought October was supposed to be warm still,"

"Nope, welcome to Chicago, boy," he clapped me on the back. I rolled my eyes at him, and got on my Harley.

"See you back at the apartment," I said. My uncle gave me a concerned look, but waved his hand.

"Don't drink too much. If you aren't home by two I'm coming after you," He worried I had a drinking problem. He didn't know how wrong he was. The last thing I was was addicted, actually I had been sober and drug free for alomst a year now. Carmen's death had brought on my drinking problem, but my uncle had helped me out of it.

I pulled up at the bar ten minutes later. "Jack," Nicholas said, "good to see you."

"Good to see you, Nick," he clapped me on the back, much the same way my uncle had.

"Come on, you look down, have a drink," I sat down, and he handed me a beer.

"So," he smiled, "how was your week? How are things at home?"

"Average week, Robert's doing great. He's happy to see me getting better, he's glad I'm around. He needed the help at the resteraunt anyhow."

"I can imagine he did,"
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:56 am
Vanadis says...


My parents came over for dinner that night, like they did fairly often, I guess to make up for all the family dinners we missed after I ran away or something. Or maybe they were just bored. I don't know. While I was cooking, Dad was in the den playing some shooter game. Ma was perched on a barstool at the counter with a glass of red wine and a few pieces of salmon sashimi, chatting and petting Constantine, who lazed on the floor, with her foot.

"So when's Maitea coming home?" she asked just as the door opened.

"Right now," I smirked as I took a pot of pasta over to the sink to drain it. Looking over toward the front door, I called, "Hi beautiful!"

Maitea hung her jacket up and put her keys in the keys/change/various stuff bowl and came over. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her. "Some more sashimi if you want. It's probably going to be another half hour before dinner. Got a late start."

She went to sit and munch on some. "Did you get home late, Ace?"

"Yeah. I had a job over here and then one over in L.A. I've only been back for an hour or so. The one up there was pretty much Hell. I'd expected to be there for an hour, but I ended up working on the damn system for three. They did a whacked DIY job, after they called me the other day, asked what I recommended, and I recommended them not doing that." I returned the noodles to the pot and threw some olive oil in before starting on the boiled potatoes. "Nobody listens to me."

"Yeah," Ma rolled her eyes, "nobody listens to me either. Ace Hideki. If you had listened to me--"

"I'd be dead," I interjected. "Wouldn't have met the people who saved me, would I?"

She sighed and sipped at her wine for a moment. "I guess...I was just never destined to keep both of my boys. It had to be one or the other, didn't it?"

"Um, so how was your day, Maitea?" I asked, feeling really awkward and desperately wanting a subject change. I didn't expect Ma to let it go, but I didn't want her bringing it up on what was supposed to be a fun time, either.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:54 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

The sand was still floating in the systematic winds as I stepped out of the shack and pushed a small cigar into the corner of my mouth. I lit the end in the dry atmosphere of abandondness and took a puff before dropping the hand wrapped around it to my side. I began to stagger across what may've been a road once upon a time, but no longer today. The sun was beating down on the back of my neck and the cowboy-like leather hat that was perched on my head was thick with sweat. The other two shacks were pinned about forty feet away from each other half a mile down the old road. It was lonely at some points, most notably without electricity, but all the same I had learnt to put up with it. I saw my two old friends every day, just like they saw me every day. Three lonely men in three lonely shacks.

I pushed open a door to a shack standing angular to the road, it's wooden cut structure dusted with a breeze of sticky sand. Inside it looked empty but fairly larged, with several brown sacks piled high in one end of the room. All the shacks were made up of four rooms. Each had one large front room, a small narrow bedroom, a tiny hall and an old-fashioned bathroom. Without plumbing, the fesces of the three populants was always given to Mr. Coombes, whom shack I was in now, who would use the excrement for fertilising his dry land crops out the back. Mr. Coombes was a handy old man for Dr. Dean and I. He'd feed us and take away our rubbish, he could ever give us hot water with the supply of gas he'd found half a mile off into the dry land, along with soaps and variants of deodrant. Likewise, Dr. Dean was helpful to Mr. Coombes and I. He was not only a good talker and entertainer, but he'd cure us in times of unwell and encourage us using his psychology knowledge. Me, on the otherhand, they saw as someone new and that was good enough for them. I was someone they could trust and a new face to talk to.

Mr. Coombes walked out of the tiny hall, yawning briefly before his grey eyes gleamed at the sight of me taking another puff of my cigar and gingerly flicking it out of the window. He smiled, nodding in gratitude that I had respected his terms for no smoking around his crop and then walked over to the sacks in the corner of the room.

"That stuff will kill you, any'oo," Mr. Coombes muttered to himself. "No good for your lungs, I hear."

"Shouldn't believe all ya 'ear in the papers, Mister Coombes. It ain't all like that in the real world; too much bad stuff goin' on for it to be a dwell 'ere and there on some cancer jibberish," I grunted in reply, "Anyway, I've left you the fertiliser out the back near the sack o'carrots. Special one from me last night."

Coombes laughed abruptly. He liked Carter's humour and was glad someone had bought a wee bit of life to his. He turned and studied Reg momentarily before saying, "Look, I'll bring your crop 'round later. You go off and see Dr. Dean, now, he's got some more of them lung-killers you can smoke."

"Thank you, Mister Coombes," I replied. All the Mr. this, Mr. that business would've driven him crazy in the old days, but he had a certain respect for Coombes and Dean, they'd been the only real decent people he'd ever truly met.

"Bye now, Mister Carter!" Coombes called back as I left the shack.

[while trapped in a bucket of popcorn] You know what the worst part is? It's not even butter. We're gonna be destroyed by... ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING!
— Blake Bradley, Power Rangers Ninja Storm