
Young Writers Society

The Dollhouse (Accepting)

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Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:35 pm
ultraviolet says...

Spoiler! :
This SB is a retry of The Toy Box, which dwindled off.

There's a new epidemic is hitting, bigger than dog fighting and more entertaining than cock fighting: doll fighting. But this sport is not for people who lack wealth. It cost big bucks just to get the Humanity Chip, even more money if you want it professionally installed into your doll. Once your doll is fully functioning, you can ship them off to the Dollhouse. The Dollhouse is a private island somewhere off in the Pacific; you drop your doll off there, along with their weapons, and send them off to fight. There are hidden cameras all over the island so the owners can watch the chaos erupt.

Your Role

You're a doll. You have been ever since "awakening" in the stale operation room. In the back of your little plastic head is a chip -- your Humanity Chip -- giving you all the characteristics of a regular human. You can walk, talk, love, cry, and feel pain. You belong to multi-billionaire Tom Willows. Along with a bunch of your fellow dolls, you must survive the Toy Box and make it out with all your pieces intact.

There are as many teams as there are rich people who want a team. The size of the team depends on how many dolls the rich person -- or people, if many chip in -- can afford. Because there are many teams, you often get a break while other teams battle it out.


1. You can only kill another by removing their chip located in the back of their head.
2. Your limbs can fall off, so be careful. Unless you get completely shattered, there are ways for you to be put back together.
3. No killing your teammates.
4. Romance is allowed.
5. Swearing is allowed.
6. No god-modding of any kind.
7. You may have two characters, but if you do, be prepared to have one of them die (it's not really all that realistic if the other teams' obliterated and we all come out in one piece, is it?). No one can kill your character unless you give them permission.


I am only going to make one team, because only one team can make it out alive and I don't want people fighting over who survives. Twelve people are on your team. Like I said in the rules, you can make more than one character, but both can't survive -- it's too unrealistic. If we start before all twelve slots are taken, I will make basic profiles for the empty slots that way we all know who's on our team. Try to keep the gender ratio even.

1. ultraviolet - Luna - Girl
2. ReisePeicey - Kirill - Girl
3. ReisePeicey - Ivan - Boy
4. allmixedup - Petsha - Girl
5. DragonWriterFanatic - Cleo - Boy
6. ninjacookiemonster - Kai - Girl
7. LoVeLeSs - France - Boy
8. Isha - Zion - Boy
9. Apple - Kite - Girl
10. Calligraphy - February - Girl
11. Calligraphy - Shey - Boy
12. Twitchy - Ribbon - Girl


Spoiler! :


Appearance. Written, picture, or both (If you post a picture, find a doll from this website):




Up for love?:


Post your profile in the DT.
Last edited by ultraviolet on Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:28 am, edited 8 times in total.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:44 pm
SisterItaly says...

takign a girl spot, it's MINE
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:55 pm
MilkNCookies says...

girl spot~ post profile later when I find a good pic!

Actually- if I could get a boy instead that would be great.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:59 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Riiiight. Moved.
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:03 am
ultraviolet says...

"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:04 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Heh heh... -^.^-
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:23 am
Calligraphy says...

I claim a spot... I don't know if it will be a boy or girl, but I am making it right now :D

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:01 am
ultraviolet says...


I stared out the window of the private jet. It was larger than ever before, but the more we win the more money Tom makes and the more dolls he can afford. There were Kai, Kirill, and Ivan -- who'd been here since pretty much the beginning -- then France and Shey -- the total newbs -- and everyone in between.

Ivan, ever the leader, stood up and began his regular rules reading slash speech.

"Some of you may already know the rules of the Toy Box but, for those who don't know," he glanced briefly at France and Shey, "I will go over them again. The objective of the game is to kill off the other team by removing their chips. Try not to shatter or get your chip removed. I want all of you on this plane back home in one piece. Understood?"

Expressions like frightened deer, France and Shey nodded.

"Great." He looked out the window. "Okay, guys, we're here!"

France, one of the newbies, looked like a scared puppy; lost and helpless. I decided to stay around him, maybe comfort and reassure him, have his back in battles, help him find his way around the island, that sort of stuff. He was new, so he was a safe friend; he had too little experience and too much to lose to turn on me. And in this game, I was sure I would need an ally.

The thing was, Kirill and Ivan were controlling this show, no doubt about it. There was something fierce and experienced in there eyes, something that told me that they were out there for themselves and each other, and that if they had to they would turn on the rest of us.

See, while we were in teams now, I honestly wouldn't put it past the humans to change that. They were cruel that way.

We walked off the plane onto the deserted island. I half-smirked, half-smiled as I smelled the fresh island air. This was home, in a way. No, not a safe home, not a sanctuary, but rather the only place I had ever been alive and not in a repair shop.

"Okay, guys," Kirill said, her voice in planning mode, "I know it's our first night here, but we need to start taking out the other team." Kai nodded sternly and I could briefly hear France's breathing quicken. "We need to find their base and take out one of their team members. I don't want to have to deal with more than one person, so Ivan and I will be sending in a team of two to preform a quick sneak attack." Kirill nodded towards Ivan and backed up a bit, giving him the spotlight.

"I'll be sending France and Luna," said Ivan. He and Kirill were a tag team, of sorts. "As they carry out the mission, we'll be setting up camping, searching for food. Luna knows where and how to find us if we move. Once they get back, we'll work on finding the enemy base camp, if they didn't. Any questions?" There weren't.

Perfect, I thought. It would give me and France a chance to work together.

I wasn't at all surprised that it was us who were picked; they always called on the newbies. I had been picked my last two times here. Both times I was the only one who got out in one piece, and, my first year, with their humanity chip in place. These sneak attacks, they were dangerous. A full team waiting for the attack, and only two meeting them. That's why the newbies were chosen; they were expendable. If either Kirill or Ivan were taken out, or even injured, we were doomed. Period.

They probably would've picked Shey to go with France, but sending them both out was a suicide mission. At least with me -- short earned, but extensive experience in place -- we had a chance. Not a good one, but a chance.

I walked over to France. He looked nervous, a little freaked out, but mostly scared. I figured he was as much; all newbs did. I did. I wouldn't doubt even Kirill and Ivan and Kai did, ruthless and frigid though they seem.

"You excited?" I asked France, who looked over at me, looking like a frightened deer.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:02 am
Apple says...

Kite "Wings" Rose:

Wind billowed through my hair, the taste of salt water flicked at my lips. Pushing my hair out of my face, I looked down at my plastic hands. I grunted with disgust. Grabbing at another stick of wood, I sighed heavily. Being a doll sucked. I wanted to be human, maybe then Lisa wouldn't have left me to be ripped apart. Bending down, I picked up a nut of sorts and craddled it between my fingers.

"Kite!" Ivan had yelled once he had given everyone a job and sent them on their way. I thought he was going to forget about me; being the smallest in the group and all. That and I played the innocent, fearful girl. "You can also go find some fire wood. Make sure it is dry."

I brushed my hand lightly over the back of my neck afraid that if I applied to much pressure the chip would break. I was going to survive, I had to! I would prove to Lisa that I wasn't trash and that I am not just a doll to sit in a mantle peice. Wind bustled through the trees making the dress around my thighs billow. The chain of my weapon dragged across the floor like it usually did when I couldn't be bothered to hoist it up under my ribs.

"I should probably be heading back now," I stumbled over a bush. This wasn't what I had planned. I wasn't new to the toy box. Kind of, actually. I was pulled out of it last time before I could even begin to really fight. It took me a heck of a long time to be able to get back in. Shuffling the sticks into one hand, I grabbed at the chain and fiddled with the links. I loved this weapon...

I had a plan to survive this. Act innocent, not fight to much so that I looked like the dead leg. Then, when everyone in the opposite teams thought I was the lame one, I would strike at them with all I have. It would be hard, though. Not joining in the fight. I do so love using the sharp end of my blade. An evil smile cradled to my lips. The sound of voices suddenly pulled me back. Taking in a deep breath, I shook my hair so it looked a little less dishevelled and rushed into the camp.

Purposely crashing to the ground, I put my hands on my knees. "Sorry," I said through gasps. "I swore I was being followed." I looked over my shoulder to create a bigger effect. I don't know what this team was capable of, but they were going participate in achieving my goal whether they liked it or not. A few of the others had returned and at my statement they looked around fearfully. Of course there was no enemy, that part was a lie. I just wanted to make myself look like a scared doe and that seemed to be working.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see the boy Cleo stand up from where he was sitting. Petsha, another name I had heard on the plane, looked up from the crab she was watching. I tried my best at a wonky smile getting a sympathetic look from the both of them. Cleo grabbed at his weapon and looked around hurriedly. Petsha stood up beside him, her eyes moving quicker then his.

Ivan stalked towards me, placing his hands behind his back. "Did you see them?"

I shook my head, forcing my bottom lip to tremble. Cursing, Ivan began to pace in a circle mummbling under his breath. Looking through a lock of hair I realised someone was watching me. Leaning casually against a tree stood a boy with black hair and strip of gold through it. What was his name? I had heard some of the other dolls talking about him...Zion! His eyes bore into mine as if he saw through my sharade. I gulped quickly looked away. I'd better watch out for him. He might give my whole plan away before it has even begun.
I spy!

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:25 am
SisterItaly says...


Everyone was talking to someone. Well, almost everyone. That didn't matter, I was having fun. The way the crab moved over the ground was interesting. I poked him again, and he skuttled one way, I poked him again, and he'd skuttle back. It was amusing, and interesting. Eventually I completely blocked out everyone, and was interested in the crab, and everything aroud it. A dragonfly flew by me, so I descretly stood and followed it into the woods. I could have sweared I saw that one guy... Zion I think it was... watch me leave. Oh well.

When I was far enough away from the others, I ran after the dragonfly. His paper thin wings beating so rapidly I coudln't keep up with him. I looked over to a small climbing rodent type animal, possibly a ferret? I wasn't sure. But I followed him up into the tree anyway. I hoisted myself up on a branch and looked out over the breath taking scene. I could see just over the trees, it was like looking over at a sea of green. All the trees seemed to have a different shade of green. Simply, breath taking.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:42 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I was definitely the most relaxed here. Ivan and Ki were talking with bent heads, and the new dolls? Honestly, they made me smile. Their skin was flawless, and they were all still in their costumes from doll days. Well, I was too, but mine were actually made for this. And my skin was still traced with hairline cracks, healed up nicely. A lot of them had swinging weapons, which made me kind of sad. What happened to actual blades? Lunging, parrying, feinting, disarming with ease? I pouted.

I'd been lying in the grass for a while now, keeping my hair firmly over my neck and my hood up over that. Rubbing my thumb soothingly over the hilt of my sword, staring intently at the horizon, searching fiercely for a skyline. Something bright, something modern. Not an entirely too green island. I tucked my feet up slightly, letting my arms hang over my knees, and examined my boots.

Soft-soled and with more than a few buckled straps criss-crossing over them, and with a few zippers here and there, that my skinny cargo pants (much less confining than skinny jeans, with all the glory of cargoes) were tucked into. Underneath my jacket, with one hip-to-shoulder zipper, one down the middle of the hood, and buckles crossing over my chest, middle, and arms. My dagger was strapped to my leg, my sword to my back.

Kai chic. It's what Ivan called it, anyway.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:13 pm
Calligraphy says...


I watched everyone in silence. That is just what I did. Instead of having a conversation of my own I studied other peoples. There reactions what the other person did to calm them. It was all fascinating, and by listening to other conversations I learned things. A&D stood out to me. He just sat on a log completely in his own world though I didn't believe it I mostly noticed the long sword in his hands. I suppressed a shudder. I felt it gouge into my flesh ripping tearing.

I sat down next to him, drawing my knees up to my chest. I fiddled with the straps on my boots. The blade shimmered in the rising sun it was memorizing me. I suddenly realized that I was leaning in towards it. I drew back suddenly going ridged. What was I doing? I really hated myself sometimes. For one moment I had let myself slip and look what I had done. He glanced at me a questioning amused look met my eyes. I stared them down for a moment, but he looked away, not even sorry, shaking his head like I was a clown. I scowled. Well, let him be that way. I looked in at myself what I must look like. I did not think of him that way. My voice was stern. I told myself how awful it would be if I was with hi-any one.


I watched as France... and whats her face went off into the unknown. Why did they get to go? Didn't they think I would survive? Was I that pathetic to them? Yes, they hadn't seen my weapon, but they knew I had one. I snatched up a piece of wood. Why was I told to do chores while France the all powerful got to go jaunting off to kill the enemy

Once I had got and armful I went back to the pile and dropped it. I glanced up as I hear rustling behind me, but it was only Petsha. I walked after her. I just watched her until she climbed up a tree. Didn't she know we were hill to kill the other team? They could attack us at any second. I climbed up the tree, but she completely ignored me. Finally I put my hand on her shoulder. She straightened up.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She swept her arm across the landscape as if to explain. I looked, but only to humor her. It was beautiful. Mist was floating amongst the tops of trees and the sun made all the to shine. "It is beautiful." I trailed off. Then I realized that we were still in danger. "You have to come back to camp. You just can't wonder of like that. It is dangerous out here." She still said nothing. So, I took her hand. "Come on." I sighed. How was this girl going to kill anyone? She followed me back towards camp, but very slowly every so often stopping to look at something.

When we got back to camp I saw that everyone was busy. No one was just sitting down. It made me feel a little bit better. Kai, A & D, Zion, and February were gone. I assumed they had gone hunting because they seemed to have the most appropriate weapons for that sort of thing. Everyone else was gathering wood and making sort of a ramshackle camp. Down the beach a ways there were Some huge boulders that would be good for blocking wind. I walked over to Ivan, "So the others are hunting?"
"Yep, you two can start to to weave the sticks through each other so they stay. This camp will have to do for a while."
"K" I started to weave.

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:12 pm
ultraviolet says...


"If excited counts as nervous, then yes, I am very excited," France said.

"They always send in the newbies," I said while shaking my head. "Were expendable."

"Then why didn't they send Shey?" he asked in a tone that said Why me?

"Simple. Sending any more than two people in a sneak attack is dangerous unless they're experienced, and sending two newbs is even more so. At least with me along you have a decent shot at getting back."

France gave me a look that said "That's really helping." "When are we going?" he asked.

"Soon. As soon as Ivan tells us where to head towards."


I walked over to where Ivan and Kirill were talking strategy.

"Where to, boss?" I asked.

Ivan looked up. "We were thinking you two should head up north, towards the river. There's usually a good chance of finding people there."

I nodded. "Got it." We headed out.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:37 pm
eldEr says...


I watched silently as Shey led Petsha back into the camp. She didn't seem to want to go back; her gaze was constantly drifting over her shoulder, eyes darting along the ground. What she was looking at, I couldn't see from back here. Too far. I hadn't really seen her before tonight, though I can't say she was a total newbie.

I shook my head, wandering through the trees surrounding the camp. It would probably be a good idea to go socialize a little bit, walk in and drop off fire-wood or food or anything really, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had never really been one to socialize; it was a waste of time.

Rustling in the bushes behind me caught my attention. I frowned and turned slowly, eyes scanning the forest quickly. A small rabbit jumped out of the bushes, staring at me with beady eyes for a moment before scampering off. "Nothing to be worried about," I muttered to myself. But there was an uneasy feeling gnawing at the back of my mind.

Some one stepped into the bushes on my left and I turned quietly, smiling to myself. Petsha, running after a moth that seemed to like getting away from her. My eyes wandered back to the camp, searching for any sign that she had been noticed. Not this time. Not yet anyways.

I followed her, keeping my distance. I was honestly doubting that she wanted me following her, but couldn't' help myself. There was always the slim chance that she would get herself into trouble, and even though I didn't act like it, I cared-at least slightly- about what happened to my teammates.

The moth came to rest on a treetrunk, probably exhausted. Poor thing had no light to be drawn to or follow. Then again, there had been the fire back at camp. Petsha reached up quietly, hesitating.

I smiled, clasping my hands behind my back. "Having fun?" I asked. Huh, I had actually said something to one of the other dolls, could you imagine?

got trans?

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:52 pm
MilkNCookies says...

... post soon sorry!
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


I sleep with reckless abandon!
— Link Neal