
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang 4: The Hunted (Ended)

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:56 am
Kaywiia says...

The Gang

The World's governments have a big problem. Until 2030 most gangs took money for themselves. Not anymore. In the year 2035 someone got the idea of Robin Hood gangs. In other words those are gangs that steal money from the rich and distribute it to the homeless. Gangs like this formed all over the world in a matter of ten years from its starting place in America.

The year is 2096; most gangs have been eliminated in America, but in Spain many still wander the streets. The last RHG in America, the Fishers, are still helping people. That gang is still on the loose. They have escaped many attacks by the government, and fights amongst themselves.

Brieghton Evans (who everyone calls Bree) was a leader of a gang from Spain, the Wolves, but she went to join her sister, Riley, in America. Riley, who leads the Fishers, realized she needs more people. She asks Bree to bring her gang to America, and they agree.

Now, the fishers have fought the paradise killers, and won. They have also had confrontations with plenty of cops, and made it through every time. But the death of two members, Bree and (or so they think) Reg, has torn them apart. Internal conflicts are doing more to hurt them than the cops are, but they have a bigger problem, and it might just ruin them.

The government has been after them from the start. But now that Reg went and killed the president, the government has doubled their efforts to kill every one of the Fishers. The gang is on the run, and some have even left. But they are still doing their job as a Robin Hood Gang, and won’t give up. But it could be the death of them. And the question everyone’s asking is: will the Fishers rise to glory again, or die in the attempt?

Are you in? The gang needs you.

Previous members: Copy and paste your old profiles. Make any necessary changes of you need too. Glad to have you back!

New members: I only have two or three spots. They are pre-set profiles, but you do have some choices with the characters. PM me if you want to look at your options. I will tell you what we have left, and hopefully you can join us.


*No descriptive sex scenes

*no gory violence

*all YWS rules

*you know what, its a gang, you can swear, just not every other sentence
Last edited by Kaywiia on Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:23 am
Fox says...

Name: Evelyn Lerrin (Eve)

Age: 20

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: Canada-North

Languages You Speak: English, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Italian

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: 3rd

Vehicle: http://wikicars.org/images/en/thumb/d/d ... c_Blue.JPG

Personality: Smart, Sweet, Clever, Sneaky, Doesn't like when people mess around, Perfectionist.

History: Her life was simple, she got up in the morning, ate, and then studied. That was all her parents wanted her to be, a genius. Before she was ten she was fluent in three languages and could read Latin. When she was fifteen, she ran away. She was captured by a gang member, and they fell in love. Then things turned for the worse when he was shot. She went to America then, hopeful for a new life. She hopes to put her genius to use.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes books, writing, fruits, and animals. Dislikes stupid people, lazy people, and chocolate.

Up for love: No. (With her luck, she'll fall in love, and then he will get pushed off a cliff....or shot...or pushed into a vat of lava.... something like that)

Other: n/a
Last edited by Fox on Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:03 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Riley Evans

Age: 21

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: She is a mix of America and Mexico, North and South

Languages You Speak: English, Spanish and some of French

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Vehicle: (Motorcycle or car):
Spoiler! :

Personality: A strong leader, but can be very sweet and open when she wants to be. A encouraging person. She keeps the group together. She over-reacts to rule-breaking, though. She will not stand for anyone to disobey her.

EDIT: After the death of both Reg and Bree, Riley has turned into a dictator. She is cold, unfriendly, and pushy. Everything has to be perfect, or else. She doesn't talk unless she is giving an order or yelling at someone for doing something wrong. She lost most of her regard for human life, and runs her gang like she's back in Mexico.

History: She was raised on a farm and when she was 15 ran off to Mexico. In Mexico she joined a group called the Foxes, who the Fishers associate with. Finally, at 17, sick of the leader of that gang trying to boss her around, she goes and makes her own group in America. After a few years with the beginnings of that gang, Riley had her sister come to America. Some of her gang from Spain soon followed. She was always leader, and will remain that way. Now, after loosing both her sister and Reg, Riley has completely lost it. She has turned into a total dictator. And she is set on revenge for what happened to Reg.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes good action, a bit of adventure in life and sushi. Dislikes a boring day and people she knows and respects dieing.

Up for love: She figured out, that she is in love with Reg (after he died), and is torn up after that. Not really up for love.

Other: BenFranks is co-running this with me.


Name: Tia Reynolds

Age: 28

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: England

Languages You Speak: English (she doesn't see the need to learn any other languages)

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: n/a

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is very blunt, and will give you an honest opinion on anything. Quite frankly, she's too honest. Doesn't white lie, unless it is going to benefit her. She doesn't go out of her way to be nice, and will say anything that's on her mind. She just says what she wants, and doesn't care what others think of her. She doesn't get mad easily, and acts on impulse. She questions people a lot, and always wants to get her way. She isn't the most likable person, but after a while people either learn to ignore her or respect her. Sometimes, though, she has a point when she gets a good idea.

History: She was born in California, but when she was three her parents moved her to England. She came to visit Riley in the states a few times, but lost touch after Riley left for Mexico. When Tia was 17, she started martial arts, and became a second degree black belt eight years later. She started dating a guy who, unbeknown to her, was in a RHG. She followed him once, suspicious that he was cheating on her. Because she watched one of their meetings, she knew too much. She could either join or die, and she chose to live. Now, because of most of the rest of the world is being rid of RHG's she is going to join her cousin in America.

Likes- speaking her mind, fast cars, showing off, dogs, getting her way
Dislikes- when people tell her off, people who try and kill her, not getting her way, stupid people

Up for love: Sure, if you can put up with her

Other: She has a very strong British accent.
Last edited by Kaywiia on Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:21 pm
MayApple says...

Name: Maitea Donerez (may-tee-ah)

Age: 17

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: Has more of a Spanish personality, but now lives in the USA

Languages You Speak: English, Spanish, Italian

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: 2

Vehicle: Car
Spoiler! :

Personality: She is really a sweet girl. She is a fabulous mix of kind and clever. She loves to have fun and just help people. She is a great friend and eternally loyal. She is intelligent, as is willing to be leaded. Very optimistic. She also is very knowledgeable about the different kinds of poisons, and it is her first choice of a weapon. She has become a bit more serious, but still tries her best to stay optimistic.

History: She actually was the daughter of a member of a gang, and her whole life she has grown up with a sense of belonging and being on the inside. She grew to be a really great person through her mothers teachings. She became awesome at hand-to-hand combat from her fathers teachings. She doesn't know much of life outside of being in a gang.

When she came to America to join Riley's group, she found herself and displayed her fighting abilities, despite her small size. She grew to love it and wouldn't leave if she could.

Riley's gang changed her, and she has toughened up a lot. Her boyfriend, Ace, being sick has left her with many nights where she won't sleep, and she doesn't eat much anymore. It is weakening her, but she tries to stay strong.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes sunny days, swimming, and music.

Up for love: In a relationship with Ace.

Other: She plays guitar and loves to sing.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:23 pm
ridersofdamar says...

Name: James MacTavish

Age: (17-30) 22

Spoiler! :
He is about average height and well muscled. His eyes are an ice blue and his hair is dirty blonde.

Country and Global Location: America at the moment

Languages You Speak: English, French, and Russian.

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: All

Vehicle: (Motorcycle or car)
Spoiler! :

Personality: He's a quiet guy. He doesn't talk much, and prefers to let his actions say whatever needs to be said. He is deeply methodical and logical but still emotional. His upbringing has made him emotionally unstable (see history) and thats why he leaves so much. He does still care about the gang, and Riley, but he doesn't know how to show it. One wouldn't go so far as to call him a cold hearted bastard, but it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination.

History: He was one of the first members of the gang, and although one of the closest to Riley he is also the most absent (my fault, sorry). He used to be Riley's support, but then he took off to tour South America helping rebellions and revolutions. He came back, but the gang was completely different and he ended up leaving again. Now he's back, and although not part of the gang he's still looking out for Riley, and watching for the Paradise Killers next move.

His father didn't want a son or even a family. He wanted a dynasty. As a hitman, his father wanted James to be one as well. As soon as he could walk he was drilled to be fast, strong, and smart. He trained in firearms, and martial arts as soon as he was old enough. This left him completely unexposed to life outside, and so he desired to be free more and more, and when he was 17 he broke out, killing the house guards and living in the streets. His skills allowed him to make a living and eventually he was picked up by the gang

Likes/Dislikes: His pistol, his car, the clothes on his back, and good classic rock (its all he can stand to listen to). He drinks chocolate milk with everything, and almost always has a bottle with him. He dislikes the Paradise Killers, and now the cops. He is disgusted with the way society has turned out, especially in America.

Up for love: I'm not so sure any more. I think he's trying to work something out with Riley, but he doesn't know.
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:45 pm
RedSun says...

Name: Alistara Carso (Alis is her nickname. Pronounced like Alice)

Age: 18

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: America, North, but she is more of a Spanish Girl.

Languages You Speak: English, Spanish, French and German

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: 2nd

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is rude and overconfident. Basically evil, in a sense. She is a excellent fighter. She always knows her enemy's weak spots and attacks those first. She is sinister, and clever. Not afraid to fight. Doesn't have much of a regard for other people. She's selfish, and wants to be in the middle of the action.

History: She was a member of Bree's gang for a while, then went off on her own. When she heard there was a strong gang in America, she packed her bags, didn't bother to call Bree and asked if another person would be welcome, and came over.

Before that she was the daughter of a military officer, and took eight years of martial arts. She really was a born fighter. She developed both sheer strength and agility.

She is warming up to Riley's gang, but still often questions Riley's authority. Her sister came and went from Riley's gang, and Alis was happy to see her leave. Alis never really liked Sal anyway.

Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes people who underestimate her, people who bug her, people who irritate her, perky people, optimism....you get the idea. Likes her pistol and killing people who make her mad.

Up for love: sure-ish

Other: She was Bree's best fighter before she left. Don't make Alis mad, she'll probably kill you.
Last edited by RedSun on Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:24 pm
Kaywiia says...

Thanks to everyone who has joined already. I am just waiting for someone new to PM me so we can have Jack and Mark played.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:21 pm
FadedHeart says...

Sorry, but I'm not brining Cleo back. If anyone asks, she went back to Greece. (AKA Alis got ticked off and made her leave)
Don't know, don't see, just fade.....

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:28 pm
Sins says...

I'm not going to bring Jimmy back either. I didn't really know what to do with him so he didn't do much... :lol: I'd like to stay in this but I don't think I'd really be able to do much with Jimmy, so yeah...
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:11 pm
BenFranks says...

Name: Reg Carter

Age: 31

Spoiler! :

Languages: Reg isn't someone who particularly thinks smartly about being bilingual, English is all he particularly needs and he knows he can be threatening in it. Although, he is known to speak very little Russian.

Previous RHGs (if any): Reg has appeared in both 1, 2 & 3.

Country/Global location: USA

Vehicle: 4x4
Spoiler! :

Personality: Reg isn't much of a talker and never really has been, most people in the gang - despite what they may say - realise he's the glue that holds Riley's gang together. He's friendly, but generally doesn't come across that way as he mainly appears cold and arrogant, he doesn't care much for amateurs. He's scary and fierce, strong and big.

History: He attended school when he was young, but only to drop out after killing both his parents. Some say this was wrong, but his parents were killers. He did it for good. No-one really knows what happened after this. He rarely spoke again. Some say he did some mercenary work, others say he just hid away. The past is his life focus now. He's now established himself as the "Muscle of the group" and recently fulfilled his past by killing his uncle Freddy... however, will he truly be free of his hauntings?

After RHG2, Reg saw himself married to Bree and established as the second in command after helping to rid his past of The Ghost who was secretly undercover as Marcello, who was Riley's contact and close friend. Reg has got to know the current members of the gang on terms that they're happy to realise he's boss, except Riley - who knows him best.

After RHG3, just as Reg was getting settled in his position as the "glue of the gang" and fulfilling his promise to keep Riley and his Sister's secret safe, he is caught up in the trap as they try to embark on a mission to rob the local Governor. Due to Reg's vengence and hunger to kill anyone who threatened his Sister, he had put the RHG in a lot of trouble, most prominently after killing the President. He recently met with Jane, an old friend, who explained the horrifying situation. Upon the mission that ended RHG3, where Reg got shot twice in the torso, the gang believes him to be dead. He left James the task of protecting Riley no matter what, but when he wakes up under Government security, he realises that he needs to escape... Just like he had in the past

Likes: Reg likes Guns and 4x4s because they get the job done and get him from A to B. He likes less small talk, more action and a bit of healthy competition. His favourite food is baked beans and his best memory is of his Sister, who is under Witness Protection; the only two who know she's alive is Riley and Reg.

Dislikes: People who whine and don't follow orders. He hates traitors and can't stand people who get him into trouble.

Up for love: He lost his wife, Bree, in RHG3 after Maitea murdered her. Since then his emotions have been kept down low. He's slowly coming back though, despite his memories of Bree.

Other: He's cold, but behind his hood there is emotion. Also, I'll be helping run this SB.

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:25 pm
Howler says...

Name: Howard Hodgins

Age: 36

Spoiler! :

Country and Global Location: America!

Languages You Speak: English, French, Spanish, and a little Chinese

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: RHG3

Vehicle: SS' Manhattan (Newly painted)
Spoiler! :
manhattan.jpg (63.79 KiB) Viewed 1082 times

Personality: Pretty social, energetic, polite, but doesn't actually care about anybody other than himself most of the time. At the same time, he doesn't accept gifts from others; he lives the belief that he has to earn and get any physical posessions on his own.

History: If you want the long version, http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic65592.html.
To put it in a short form, Howard started out as a born-rich thrill seeker, who used his money to fund a treasure hunting job. He went around the globe, fought criminals to get the treasure, and sold it off. During an average hunt, he ended up being found by a member of the serial killer society of the Paradise Killers (PK), Max Washman. Howard beat Max in a fight, and found out about the PK, and Howard got the idea that he could rob the PK, take some money for himself, and give the rest back. Two days after Howard joined, the RHG hunt began. Howard still hated the PK, so he never killed another person, only buried them and left behind instructions for others to find the victim. Before Max (who was his only friend in the PK, I might add) left the PK, Howard found out that both Max and SS (the boss) had broken into Howard's account and home, and sold off everything to help fund the PK. It goes without saying that Howard was insane with anger, that his only friend in the team stole everything he owned. Howard only ended up killing one person his time in the PK before it all crumbled; Max. He shot him with a taser and buried him alive, as all the PK were ordered. He spent countless days walking, living off of what money he had, to find out if he really had nothing, and it was true. He needed his beloved action lifestyle, and had nowhere to turn, except for one place. Howard got the idea to go back to Nevada and take the rest of the PK money, but he couldn't live off of it, if they were really as poor as Max told Howard in the beginning. So, he got the idea of another start; go to where Max did. Howard had one of Max's cell phone numbers, and is made a call with a shot at big money, and his job offer. And as it turns out, they gave him his requested chance.
Wow, this is the short version?

Likes/Dislikes: Loves money and action. Hates gifts.

Up for love: Sure.

Other: Nope
Last edited by Howler on Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I'm fearless in my heart
They will always see that in my eyes
I am the passion, I am the warfare
I will never stop
Always constant,
"The Audience is Listening", by Steve Vai

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Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:47 am
Kaywiia says...

I now have someone who will likely play either Jack or Mark. Soon enough we will have this show on the road.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:41 pm
Kaywiia says...

Depending on how long it takes for Bondgirl007 to get back to me, and how long it takes to find someone to play the other person, we should be able to start by Saturday.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:50 am
Vanadis says...

Name: Ace Finn

Age: 18

Spoiler! :
I'm such a dork that I found a better picture and then Photoshopped the hair blue. Hahaha...

Country and Global Location: Has dual-citizenship in the US and Japan (his mother is Japanese.) However, he spent most of his life in the US.

Languages you speak: English, Spanish, and Japanese.

Which RHG's were You In Before, If Any?: 2 and 3

Spoiler! :
Car. Mid life crisis car, to be exact. However, he blacked out at the wheel and crashed it.

Personality: Somewhat quiet; a good listener, but not much of a speaker. A bit short tempered, but tries his hardest not to take it out on anyone--his escape is a drive, alone, with music blasting. He used to be very removed from others, but now he's starting to make attempts to warm up to people and make friends. He tries to be optimistic most of the time, but fails miserably.

History: Son of a pilot and a doctor, both high-ranking military officers who support everything he does, regardless of the legality of it. He grew up in the US. When he was in high school, he ended up caught in an abusive relationship that he just couldn't get away from. It started to compromise his grades and tear down his self esteem. He tried to cry for help, but all his attempts were smothered by his significant other. He started to contemplate killing himself to get away from it, but then realized that if he wanted to run away, he could do it literally. So he took all of his savings and hopped the first plane he could book--to Spain. There he found a group he somewhat fit in with and hoped that he could learn to protect himself better.

He got his revenge. Now, he's with the gang because he doesn't feel like his place is with his family anymore; he's fierce loyal to them and would be a mess if he left. He believes that if he ever leaves the gang, it'll be by dying. The hopeless romantic in him now believes that his place will forever be by Maitea's side.

In the third installment, he lost his little brother to the Paradise Killers, who were trying to abduct his mother, a flight admiral. He nearly ended it right there, but she (and a jammed round in the chamber) stopped him. Soon after, his leukemia relapsed, and he still feels he needs to hide it. He carries on in the gang with random bouts of sickness, but still works on heists as if nothing was wrong.

He isn't really a great fighter, but makes it up with superior knowledge of the newest and best technology and gadgets. And how to hack them.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes EBM music, dancing, technology (and hacking it,) his family, the gang, blue things, and veggie fried rice. Dislikes his past, hospitals, crowds, meat that isn't fish, and having his illness put out in the open, and especially hates being told he's weakened by it.

Up for love: In a relationship with Maitea.

Other: He is mildly neurotic--he finds he has to wave at things, and sometimes he'll feel a sudden urge to clean everything when he's nervous.
Last edited by Vanadis on Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:19 pm
Kaywiia says...

Glad to have you back Vanadis!
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

'The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,' said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
— Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy