
Young Writers Society

Inncocent Blood (SB)

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Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:45 pm
Apple says...

Innocent Blood

The time of Darkness shall return to the people of Nyron.

The Kraken has awoken from its prison by another following in the ways of the dark magician.

Battle between good and evil will reek the lands till all whom live within become blood driven.

Only gold and silver can save Nyron and reunite the clans for a one final battle, a battle which will not be forgiving.


o Killing of others characters or controlling them so that they are out of character is not permitted within the storybook.
o Swearing or cursing to an intermediate level in denied to all players.
o Visual romantic scenes are not permitted, though romance is allowed. Fight scenes however must be visual.
o All character profiles must be fluent, as detailed as possible and lengthy.
o 150 words to each post, grammar and spelling must be accurate.

Nineteen hundred years ago, a dark magician entered the secret kingdom of Nyron, with words to give the kingdom over to him. The king, a man of youth refused the offer sentencing the dark magician to death.

The magician didn’t take to kindly to this statement. Cursing the kingdom and all who lived within, he vanished never to be for a few decades.

Years later, when a new king was placed into power, the dark magician returned, with him a Kraken, and a horde of monsters and dark fey.

Attacking the kingdom, Nyron fell and all in it died a horrifying death. Though, new warriors rose from the ashes.

Gold and silver. With powerful magic, gold and silver forced the dark forces back from the kingdom. Banishing the Kraken and destroying the dark magician once and for all.

Following their parents bitter divorce, twin brother and sister move to their grandmother’s small cottage in Westshire for the summer.

Accompanied by their nest door neighbour, the twins set off to investigate the woods behind their English cottage. Little do they know the trouble that will follow.

Nyron- A fae kingdom made up of brownies, trolls, dark fey, faeries, nymphs and monsters. This kingdom is at the heart of the woods which is enchanted by magic so the ordinary human eye cannot see.

Starla, A fallen high faerie, has awoken the Kraken sent into a slumber decades ago. Starla wants the prince of the Faeries, and will get him at all costs.

With the threat of the supposedly dead Kraken coming to reek it’s vengeance on the Nyron kingdom, the three humans, faerie prince, a mysterious dark fey and a troll set off to stop the kraken and Starla before it is to late.

Many places reside within Nyron, where the races are able to live without being seen or hunted. The following link gives an overview of the places.

NB. Please post all profiles into the DT. There is more information about the races, and the template on that link.
Last edited by Apple on Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I spy!

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:00 pm
Apple says...

Raena "Rae" Carmen

"Is anyone home?" I heard someone ask, knocking repeatedly on the door. I frowned dropping the sandwich I was eating. "Why it's noon," My Grandma said standing out from under her chair. "Who could be calling at such an ungodly hour!" I rolled my eyes at Austin, and he repeated the gesture. It was only 5:45 and already Grandma was going into her suspicious phase.

"Rae and Austin, a girl is here to see you," she called unwillingly over her broad shoulders. Biting into my lip, I stumbled from the chair following Austin towards the front door. "Kimichi!" Austin called friendly, a large smile glued to his face. Peeping my head around the corner I saw our next door neighbour standing on the porch.

In her hand was a torch, and what looked like a map. "Can we help you with anything?" Grandma asked, peering past Kimichi's shoulder. Would the demons jump out or something? "I wanted to speak to you two." She pointed at the both of us with the map, jiggling the torch in her other. "Isn't it a little late, Kimmy? Maybe you should go home and wait till tomorrow." Grandma flapped herself with a napkin, nervousness dripping off of her temples.

"Oh but Mrs. Carmen, this is really urgent. I have to speak with Austin and Rae straight away" Kimmy stepped into the hallway. She wasn't going anywhere now. Grandma wouldn't kick someone out if it was urgent. I stifled a giggle as she skipped towards the living room. "C'mon Rae. Don't dawdle, it's urgent!" Austin winked playfully.

I followed after him, under the pessimistic glance of my Grandmother. "You'll never guess what I found today!" Kimichi laid the torch and map looking thing on the ground. The grandfather clock chirped as the two hands rested on the number twelve and six.

"What?" Austin asked taking the words from my mouth. Kimichi pressed her palms and knees to corner, straightening out the curled sheet. "Rae, flash the torch on it would you." I nodded obediently flicking the torch on. Torchlight shafted onto the piece of paper revealing numerous letters and numbers scattered around.

"It's a map!" Kimichi yelped ecstatically. "And it leads into the woods."
I spy!

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:21 pm
Brea says...

Delse Ark’Likv:

The smell of heavy smoke entering my lungs made me gag. Holding my head high I watched my "Arranged Husband" walk out onto the yellow and red woven mats. His orange long hair was pinned into a high bun, and his skin painted with red blood.

"Tryko from Whitibarn Tribe and Delse from Swiken Tribe," A lady with a thick accent, and large head dress called from behind the roaring fire. "I bring you here today, under the stars for the joining ceremoney."

My jaw tightened. I don't want to get married! Not yet anyway, I was still young I shouldn't be tied down. A puff of smoke drifted into the air. The shaman began to chant, her throat singing loud and dronning. Grinding my teeth together I felt eyes on me. Tryko was staring at my bare thighs. I had a sudden urge to strike him where he sat.

The tent flaps suddenly opened emitting the bright light of a fire torch. "The camp is under attack, Dark fey have surounded us." Jumping to my feet I grabbed at my war hammer. The weight not bothering me. "For the Swiken Tribe!" I shrieked running out into the night air.

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:20 pm
Sins says...

Austin Carmen

"It's a map!" Kimichi grinned enthusiastically. "And it leads into the woods."

I couldn't help but laugh and roll my eyes. "Wow!" I said sarcastically. "I love the woods and all, but is there really need to get this excited?"

"C'mon Austin," Kimmy was still smiling. "Think of it as an adventure!"

An adventure? As much as I loved running around through a load of dead leaves, I still wasn't excited. Rae didn't seem very ecstatic about it either. Mind you, she didn't really get excited about much. Well, she didn't show it anyway.

Rae and I had met Kimmy on the first day we came to live with our grandma. She was in her garden while Rae and I were bringing our bags into our grandma's house. I couldn't help but notice her, she was really pretty and I kind of liked her. Not that I would ever tell her that; it would be painfully awkward. I didn't still feel liek that anymore though, I didn't think I did anyway.

"Austin...?" Rae nudged my arm. "You alive?"

"Huh?" I awoke form my daydream. "Wow, yeah, sorry."

Both Kimichi and Rae giggled. I really needed to stop zoning out at random times; it was pretty darn embarrassing. I tried - and failed - to look effortlessly cool.

"What do you think then?" Kimmy asked as Rae turned off the torch. "Fancy going to the woods, or what?"
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:58 pm
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LovelessSummer says...


"What do you think then? Fancy going to the woods, or what?" I waited excitedly for their answer. Oh, I just hope they'd say yes! "I know I might have been through the woods a million times but, this time, I have a map! Leading to something. Possibly a buried treasure," I said while raising my eyebrows." Austin sighed and raised his hands in the 'I give up' position.
"What do I have to lose?" I smiled wide and raised up to sit on my knees, looking expectantly at Rae.
"Well," she mumbled," If Austin's going..."
"Yay!" I jumped up and danced around them in circles. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" They laughed silently at me but I ignored them, picking up the map instead. I ran into the living room where I knelt down to give Grandma a hug. "I'll have them back before twelve. I can promise no more than that." Her face dropped as she went pale.
"Now, you just wait a minute Kimmy. I will not have my grandchildren running around in all hours of the night."
"Don't you trust me, Grandma?" I put on my best puppy dog face and stared right into her eyes.
"No. In fact, I don't trust you." Austin laughed somewhere behind me and I made a mental note to pay him back.
"Please, Grandmother," Rae spoke up silently, "we're big kids. We won't get into trouble." Everything was quiet for a moment while Ms.Carmen thought it over.
"Fine," she mumbled. Visibly worried.
"Oh," I exhaled," thank you! Thank you!" I kissed her on the cheek and doubled around to grab Rae and Austin. "Come on, guys," I said while pulling them out," we have to go!"
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:29 am
idratherbeagnome says...

. Estyneeanlo fel Triba .

"You lost the WHAT?" I could hear my eldest brother growling curses and threats at the unfortunate knight who knelt before him in his brother's living quarters. I was lounging on his loveseat with my legs swung over the armrest and my wings folding comfortably beneath me. They weren't crushed from my weight or anything. I sipped the citrus juice from the fruit itself letting my lips curl around the shaped grass straw.

Damianlo was furious. The knight had lost a precious map that showed most ways to get to the hidden grand Kingdom of Nyron, where I myself was third prince in a line of heirs. Lying there, I didn't really see what the trouble was. The knight had made a simple mistake. Sure, it was a map that showed their weak spots and if in the wrong hands could make the kingdom vulnerable, but Damian didn't have to go so far. "Let him be, Day," I drawled and tipped my head back to gaze at the looming portrait of the family sitting against the back wall. "It's not like he dropped your wedding plans or something. It's just a map."

"You know fully well as I that if that map comes to use for Starla, we'll all be in danger." Damianlo snapped a few brisque words at the knight, sent him half-running out of the room, and collapsed into an arm chair opposite me. I grinned when I heard the immediate crinkling noise of a tip of his wing. "Shut up," he shot at me, standing up again. He checked his crinkled right wing, fluttered it out straight quickly, and then sat himself back down more gingerly.

I chuckled and took another sip of my citrus juice. At the same time, Damian flicked his hand and the goblet filled with the best river water came floating towards him. A familiar breeze made us both startle and shoot up on our feet, wings outstretched in caution. "The Common have risen up in rebellion. They fly the southern border of the Royal Monarch," Aeriset's cool voice breathed through us. "Requesting royal assistance."

"Royal assistance granted," Damian breathed. He relaxed his posture tenfolds. I almost fell over. "Royal assistance for a rebellion?" I interrupted his new instructions to a swirling wind in front of him. "Tell Aeriset to get off his arse, take up an archery squad, and shoot them with leaf arrows." The Common don't deserve to be shot down for wanting financial assistance from the Crown, I thought to myself as I swung around and grabbed my own quiver of fine arrows and yew long bow.

Damianlo scowled at me quickly behind my back. He thought I couldn't see, but the Earth whispers to me its secrets and clearly Damianlo wasn't on its side. I saw him make a servant Faerie drop a basket of herbs while she flew ten stories up. That was probably it, his abuse of the Earth. I swung around and brushed my way towards the open window as Damianlo repeated the instructions to the wind. "I'll go observe and come back when it's over." I stepped off the ledge and soared off with purpose towards the woods that shielded us, those in the Nyron Kingdom.

Once you have people's attention, you have a greater responsibility to tell them something of value.
— Tobias Forge (Ghost B.C.)