
Young Writers Society

Running from 'wolves' (More understandable...I think)

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:11 am
Lindsaroo says...

Okay. This is the old storybook, but without all the comments and stuff. So if you have'nt ever seen this, it's more understandable, and feel free to join in. And if you've already posted on it, feel free to continue where we left off. Thanks. :D

1.)Ok If you put up a character, you can make the font any color you want, except red, just make sure it is a color though (Green, blue orange etc.)

2.)Please stick to one character at a time. And only make another one if you see it truly necessary. And pets or such, you can have as many as you want added in there. And...I have no Idea why I said that...but oh well.

3.)Please post any comments in red.

4.)Try to keep it clear, as in...No sex scenes...sexual humor is fine though, but don't be sexist as to not hurt other members feelings. But as much blood and gore and language as you want.

5.)And each time you post, you can take characters into your own hands(but don't kill everybody off unless you have permission from the person who made it)

*Oh! and yes the supernatural is allowed. Duh!*

And that's it for all the boring rules. Yay!

Lacy Daynan
hair color=light brown
eye color=green
personality=Sweet, loving, SO NOT shy
Other=Nothing supernatural, really pretty, Super smart

Lacy kept seeing those things all over the place. The wolves...No! Not wolves, they were too big. They had black fur too, with HUGE teeth, almost the size of her arm. And so powerful. She recalled a memory of one ripping apart a bus all by itself. Of course she knew it couldn't be true. These couldn't be her memories cause she knew she had never seen one, at least in person, neither had anyone else. She hoped she'd never have too either.

She walked outside from the library. Well, she was actually kicked out since it was past 10:00 pm. She walked out with 7 books in her hand and headed home to her small apartment. She still had that word/name in her head: Tarkens She wondered if that was what the name of the 'wolves' were...she shrugged it off.

The 'wolves' can be a character too.

gender- female (duh!)
powers- telapthy, telecenisis, teleportation, the ability to copy other powers, and colorful deathrays
age-2300 (appearence of a 23 year old)
personality- cold, uncaring, except towards the 'wolves' she hates them
bio-was madly in love with a mortal when she became a vampire, when she told him he tried to kill her. She has since killed every mortal man who looked anything like him. In the early 1800s she fell in love with another vampire and was happy for about 30 years, and the 'wolves' killed him.

shmegan bob's back: name:Alea Aisaka
gender:female(why are we answering this?)age:16
hair:black with brown strikes, goes down to the hips
powers:super strength and super speed but doesn't look buff
bio:straight but is still open
other:pretty, not a girly girl, not a tomboy(these 2 things may be mistaken at times)

Staring_at_ceiling:She turned the corner and heard some strange growl. She looked around and saw two glowing, yellow eyes staring her. She broke into a run. She crossed a street when the light was green and was close to getting hit. She heard a screech and crash and then some curses but kept on running. She slammed into someone and came tumbling down.

"Oh. Sorry." she said getting up and looked into the eyes of the girl she had bumbed into.

shmegan bob's back:It was Alea
"watch it freak"
She turned around and kept walking. Alea headed towards the sound Lacy went running from. Was she meaning to go towards the sound?

EmiSukotto16:Jessica McCormick

Race- witch

gender- female

powers- she can do simple spells and complex ones (if she has her spell book) and focuses on water-based magic


personality- warm and outgoing but when someone asks about her family, or private life she becomes emotional and becomes anti-social for a while
bio-She lost her parents to the 'wolves' and had begun to learn magic from her grandmother until she died when Jessica was fourteen. She has since then lived by herself in an abandoned mansion her grandfather had left her in his will. she has vowed to avenge her parents deaths.

Sean Pendr:Name: Baek
Race: Werewolf
Abilities: Super fast healing, super speed, super strength, resistance to all magic except binds, is hurt by silver.

Baek was bitten at the age of five, after his parents were killed by his maker. The local pack found out and took him in to learn the ways of wolfdom. Thinking himself a savage beast, he ran away and has lived the last two years as a street urchin and orphan hiding himself at night not wanting to die and not wanting to kill. When not hiding as a wolf he lets his instincts take over only on the full moon, when he can’t control his body, mind, or sanity. While human he smiles and laughs often, and usually forgets about his beast until the sky begins to darken. As with all werewolves he changes every night unless the moon is lesser than half full. But even then the pain of delaying the change is nearly unbearable. He is kind hearted and pure. He considers most people his friends and doesn't tell anyone about his secret for fear of hurting them. He has little memories of his time with his family and knows only that he has one older sister who he believes is in this town, his sole dream is to be reunited with his unknown sister and to find a way to break or control his curse tough any means necessary, minus hurting those who are kind to him.

EmiSukotto16: Jessica stared as the girl rushed passed the cars and slammed into a bystander. She was obviously spooked by something. If Jess hadn't been paying attention and controlled the car brakes, that girl would have been dead.

She slid her spell book into her messenger bag and crossed the street, watching for cars.

Staring_at_ceiling:Lacy saw the girl go into the bushes, but she didn't really want to know what the girl was doing. She looked around for the 'Wolf' but saw nothing so she rested against the wall so she could catch her breath. Her side hurt SO bad. She waited by the wall for a while and started to head home again. She kept looking back to see if anything was behind her. Nothing. She opened her apartment door and flung herself onto her bed. Not even bothering to change.

She had a horrible nightmare that night. It was about a young man. He was standing outside in the night and started to howl. Then his form changed into a wolf. His clothes ripped as they fur covered his skin. He ran at her. He had a murderous look in his eyes. She tried to run but she was nailed to the floor with fear. He lunged at her....

Her alarm went off and she sat up quickly covered in sweat. Her heart was beating really fast. She went into the shower to calm herself. When she came out after her hair was dried, She sat on a chair and took one of her books and started to read. She was so happy she didn't have school anymore, for she had skipped 7th grade and just graduated from high school two months ago. It was a very peacful morning after a very terrifying night.

shmegan bob's back: the next morning Alea woke with a horrible head ache. She ignored it and slipped on her shoes.
She walked down the street to wait for Baek on the corner of the street.But after about ten minutes, she left.
Now where could that mutt be?

Author13: Samantha enjoyed toying with her prey when she hunted. She loved the smell of fear as it came off of him. She threw books around and papers and even book shelves. Anything to freak him out, she'd scare him and feed off of him quickly, leaving behind a disorented person who had the feeling of being laid and getting drunk, but not remembering either.

shmegan bob's back :Alea has been long friends with Samantha but even then Samantha sometimes freaked her out. Alea open the door to a book store on the corner. Samantha, binging a book craze and all, would usually be there. She looked around through every aisle. Samantha wasn't there.
Where is everyone? She walked out and headed home. While she was walking, she saw the girl who ran into her the day before. She glared at the girl and thought with the anxiety to kill her.

Staring_at_ceiling:Lacy had finished her book and decided to go out for a stroll. She thought of going to the bookstore but thought better of it, considering she still had stacks of books all over her room that she needed to read. And she knew that if she went in she would buy something no matter how strong her will. So she walked down the street past the store and saw the girl she had run into last night. The girl was glaring at her and it chilled Lacy to the bone. She thought she might be ok to talk to her even though her instincts were telling her to run away. She walked over to the girl with the nicest smile she could muster.

"Hey. I'm Lacy. I think I ran into you last night. And I didn't get to properly say sorry. So yeah...I'm really sorry and I hope you didn't get hurt, I was just a little spooked." Lacy said sticking out her hand.

The girl just glared at her and Lacy set hand to her side figuring she looked stupid with her hand out like that.

author13:Samantha rounded the corner that led her to the book store and came across Alea and Lacy. "Hey Alea." She called, and Alea looked back at her.

"Hey Samantha, this is Lacy apparently."

"Hi. Is the book store open?"

"For us it always is."

"Cool." Samantha walked in drawing Lacy and Alea with her.

shmegan bob's back: Alea gave up with her will to get on Lacy's nerves and was dragged beside her into the bookstore. Alea walked over to the mangas and searched for some strange titled book with a picture of a girl and a guy on the cover.
She peered out the window to her right, a man came running by with some sort of thing wrapped up in a blanket. He came into the store and hid behind a wall. A huge dog came passing by and ran into the woods. She didn't move one bit, she looked back down and picked up a book and then three others.

EmiSukotto16:Jessica leapt out of the way as an enormous dog dashed passed her as she came around the corner.

She blinked in surprise and looked around to see if anyone had seen the beast. There was no one around.

"Weird." She mumbled as she opened the bookstore's front door. There were only a few people inside: the frantic girl who nearly got run over, the girl Frantic Girl had run into, a terrified looking man, and a pale woman.

Jess headed straight to the section where the store kept the "spellbooks" (or so they called them).

shmegan bob's back:The man kept looking down at the small bundle. Alea picked up a stack of about ten or so books and headed to the checkout desk. She paid for the books and said bye to everyone. As she walked out of the door she turned back noticing that the man was gone but the bundle was still left on the floor.

author13:Samantha shop lifted about twelve books without being noticed. One of the glories of being a vampire you could minuplate people's minds and make them forget stuff. Like the chasier, she made her not care about the hundred dollars worth of books that she was shop lifting.

When she had gotten all she could fit in her bag she wnt outside and joined Alea.

"What's that?"

Alea shrugged, "I donno."

Sam bent over and picked it up. It stirred in her arms and cried. She parted the blankets to see a baby. It's aura wreaking of demonic creatures. The poor baby, it wasn't demonic or supernatural in any way. It was just passed through the wrong hands.

"Alea, look its a baby."

"Awww... I wonder what it's name is," Alea looked around the blankets looking for some identification.

"We'll have to wash its aura off and then we can tell."

shmegan bob's back:"Ehhh, have fun with that. I have to get home right away. I'll see you tomorrow."
Alea left with a look of worriment. That wasn't an ordinary baby, it wasn't even human. She could tell from it's only two teeth that were sharp enough to cut through the skin, it's eyes were red. Something was bound to happen and why would a dog chase a man with a baby? Maybe that wasn't a dog possibly a wolf.

author13:Samantha cringed at the baby in her arms. She wasn't good with kids.

EmiSukotto16: "What a cute baby!" Jessica said as she exited the bookstore with an antique spellbook. She eyed the woman holding the child. "Is it yours?"

Staring_at_ceiling:Lacy was confused. First she's dragged into a bookstore with two people. Then those two steal books. Now some baby is left here. She walked over to the girl named Samantha and saw the other girl there.

"Hi I'm Lacy! Who are you?"

"I'm Jessica. Nice to meet you." she said with a smile.

"Dude...Who's baby is that?" Lacy asked. "Do you mind if I hold it?"

"Sure go ahead." She tossed the baby to her. Lacy just barely caught her. "Are you Crazy!? You almost killed it!"

"Well, what is it?" Jessica chimed in.

"It's a boy. And I don't think it should be anywhere near you." She said glaring at Samantha.

"Look, I'm not good with kids! I'm sorry." She said with a flare in her eye.

"Sorry...I over reacted." Lacy said looking at the little boy. "He's really strange don't ya think?"

shmegan bob's back:Alea went home and headed straight to her computer. She turned on the internet and looked at the IM member list. It said Baek was offline. Baek never turns off his internet and almost never forgets a promise towards people but he has now done both.
" God where could he be?" Alea offenly became very defensive towards the few she cared about, she doesn't act like it though. She left him a message and then shut down the computer. She went back outside and headed towards the park.
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:06 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

hope yall dont mind if i join.
Siren D
race= shape shifter
hair color=brown with natural highlights
eye color=sharp blue
personality=Sweet, loving, but only to friends, she'll kill if someone hurts one ofher friends.
Other= She is very pretty but her hair is usually draped over half her face. She has a dog that goes around with her every where. it is a little mutt that looks like a minture germen shepard.

Siren has been taken from her family at a young age by a witch. She was some how turned into a shape shifter. She loved her powers but she wanted to go back to where others humens were. She escaped only to figure out that life amoung humens was harder then she remembered.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:57 pm
Lindsaroo says...

Not at all!
Lacy watched Samantha walk off. She held the young boy in her arms and looked around.

"Where is your mother child?" she asked the baby. It stared back at her, then smiled. He was so cute. Well, besides the red eyes, but maybe it was some disorder. She decided he must be hungry. She bought some formula and a bottle at the store then took him home.

"What can we call you? How about Jack?" He looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Okay, yeah, that's stupid. I've always liked the name Clayton. How about that?" He smiled.

"Okay then...Clayton."
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:08 pm
Sean Pendr says...

(new Version)

Baek awoke in his bed...yet again. sighing he sat up only to feel a searing burst of pain and fall backwards twisting and writhing, tangling the bedding underneath him. The bout of pain finished leaving him covered in sweat and shivering. Shakily he got to his feet, cautiously awaiting another series of pain. It didn't come. He let out an exasperated sigh and left his room, walking down the stairs, content to not dress in anything other than his undershirt and boxers, it was his house alone in the first place.

Upon entering his kitchen Baek pulled a chair to the edge of the counter top and stood on it reaching for two things, the painkillers and the largest knife. Setting them both down on the counter Baek opened the bottle and swallowed four of the white tablets. Baek make a face of disgust and rubbed his tongue along his set of fangs. “Ugh…disgusting” he muttered to himself. Baek turned to the fridge. Opening it he found it was bare except for a carton of expired cream and a large glass bowl covered in tin foil. Ignoring the milk he pulled out the bowl and set it on the table in the center of the room. Shutting the refrigerator door he eagerly turned his attention back to the foil wrapped bowl. Baek ripped off the foil and stuck a clawed finger into it stirring the contents, allowing a delicious rich aroma to pass his sensitive nose. Grinning he pulled a long strip of raw meat out of the bowl. Tilting his head backwards Baek opened his jaws wide, dropping the satisfying piece down his throat. He took another and shoved into his mouth animal like, hungrily eating it like a starved beast, chewing and swallowing, growling softly each time he swallowed. He ate three more pieces, reluctantly placing it back into the fridge. Walking over to the couch he vaulted over the armrest, planting himself firmly on the plush cushion.
Last edited by Sean Pendr on Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
I do not want the first pithy lines that pop into your head. I'm not interested in that. I want plot, real characters, sharp dialogue. Plan, dream, live your story, then write it. Novel writing is not for the impulsive. ~Kitty15

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Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:51 pm
Rydia says...

Name= Litvia Timewood
Age= 194 (appears to be 19)
Race= Dark Elf
Hair= Indigo black, waist length
Eyes= Large and violet
Complexion= Her skin is almost the shade of ivory
Figure= Average height and slim but not dreadfully so
Clothes= She tends to wear hunting clothes. Black trousers and black tops that mould themselves to her body and black walking shoes. A belt holds a wide variety of weapons and herbs.
Powers= Litvia has a lot of skill with many of her weapons and is an advanced healer. She also has better hearing, is faster and can phase through walls.
Personality= Dark elves are by no means evil but they are strong willed and Litvia is no exception to this rule. Litvia has a good heart but she lacks many essential social skills.
History= Litvia is a hunter and has been since her fourteenth birthday. Litvia has never known any of her real family. Dark elves are not the type to bring up their own children and a family of humans brought Litvia up many years ago and have since been laid to rest in the local graveyard. Litvia lives int the wood, forest, graveyard, old warehouses anywhere that is vacated and at night she hunts the 'wolves' and has killed many. In fact, she is quite an expert at it.

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~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:03 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

Siren walked down the road and looked around, this was yet a new town and she didn't want to get run out of it like she had in the other towns.

'New town new start' she thought.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:25 pm
Rydia says...


Today I was sleeping in the crypt. That's right. Today. I hate trying to sleep with the sunlight slipping through gaps, reaching out to carress my face and draw me into the waking world. The world of day that is never open to me but sits there teasing, flaunting her beauty. I sighed and rolloed over, brushing hands against a coffin. I don't like to sleep with the dead. I hate this place but there is a new presense in the wood and the abandoned warehouse is too far now. I could never make it without being seen.

You may ask why I don't want to be seen. Well I'm not normal. Apparently my race is called 'dark elf.' That's about all I know of them but I am beginning to realise that I live far longer than the frail humans whos lives are an insubstantial mist, soon to drift away, on to the next plane. I also seem to be stronger. Both mentaly and physically and certain other doors are open to me. Like the fact that I don't need doors to leave a building.

You might ask what my purpose in life is. There are these creatures called 'wolves.' Or at least that'sthe name the humans give them these days. They are souless creatures that live forever unless you put a stop to their lives. That's what I do. A stop to those dark, pulsating hearts. That has to wait until night though. For now I sleep.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:29 pm
EmiSukotto16 says...

Jessica walked home, much to her disgust. Her home was pretty far, and, unlike the witches in movies, she couldn't hop on her little broom and fly, walking was the transportation of the real-life witch. A car would be nice for the modern witch, if she had a liscence.

Jessica entered the trees of the forest, following the small curving path through the dark trees. She walked this path every day, and no matter how bright the sun was, it was always like nighttime in this place. The minute you turned the curve, all daylight was lost.

It was very quiet and Jessica was sure she could feel someone, or something, watching her. She looked around, but kept her casual pace.
Llama 1:"Shh! Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness."
Llama 2:"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!"
Llama 1:"That is what forgiveness sounds like; screaming and then silence."

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:01 pm
Lindsaroo says...

Lacy woke up from falling asleep on the floor and looked around. Clayton was gone. She went paranoid and looked around frantically. She skidded into the kitchen when she had the shock of her life. There was a young boy, around the age of 16. He was ripping into a package of raw meat.

"W-w-who are you?" she asked. He looked up at her with blood on his face and smiled.

"Do not member me? Me, Clayton. You say so self."

Lacy's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.
"C-Clayton!?!" She was so amazed. She would have hugged him if it weren't for the fact that her wasn't wearing clothes.

"Oh god." She turned away, slightly embarassed. "uh....lemme go get you some clothes. You stay here...I'll uh...be right back. ok?"

"Me stay here. ok" Lacy nodded and smiled. She grabbed her purse and walked out down to the nearest Men's clothing store and bought a good amount in clothes. She came back in and her kitchen was a mess. But Clayton was still there. She handed him the clothes, keeping her eyes averted and went into the living room.

He walked out a few minutes later. "Me look good?"

She let out a small laugh. "Very good indeed."

She decided to take him out to lunch. They went to a small resturaunt near the edge of the city, close to the woods.
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:10 pm
Rydia says...


The day advanced and one again I found myself awake. I sighed and decided to venture out anyway. I took up a cloak and wrapped it around my body, pulling up the hood to shadow my ivory face and entrancing features. I stepped out into the day and smiled up at the sun before checking my weapons. All there. All ready.

I stole through the dark alleys of the streets, towards the woods. A lot of the 'wolves' loitered in that area but they were getting bold. They were beginning to show themselves to the humans more and more. That had to be stopped. I reached the trees and saw a young woman ahead. Why was she wandering through the woods? Then I saw the 'wolf.' Great.

I stalked forward and drew a dagger. Taking aim I threw the weapon and the 'wolf' let out a shrill howl as it dug deep into his flesh. It whined and growled, writhing about as it tried to shed the extra weight of the dagger. Finally the 'wolf' lay still and his eyes glazed over.
"Who'sout there?" A voice called out with a hateful glance at the 'wolf.' Not surprised or curious, just hateful. Cursing myself for forgetting her presence, I back away, phased through a large tree and crouched behind it.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:27 pm
EmiSukotto16 says...

Jessica held up her hand, palm up. "Lumen."

Latin. The weaker language of spellbinding, but the easiest to learn. The light was bright enough and didn't affect her vision as she held her palm forward. Why did the forest have to be so dark?

A large lump of something lay in a pool of dark liquid. Jessica realized it was a giant wolf, but it was to big to be a natural wolf.

Mystical. She thought. She glanced around and stood up.
Llama 1:"Shh! Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness."
Llama 2:"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!"
Llama 1:"That is what forgiveness sounds like; screaming and then silence."

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Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:01 am
Lindsaroo says...

She walked into the woods with him to relax in the cool night air. She could barely tell where he was. Sometimes he wandered off but he always came back.

"Clayton? How come you were a baby and now your...well...not?"

"Me baby 18 year. Just look it. Really big boy."

She Smiled. She loved to hear him talk like that. She guessed he was some type of mystical being. SHe didn't like to believe it but she knew it was true. He must just change once he turns 18...or he was spelled...Nonsense! It's just...Oh She didn't know!

She saw a dark mass ahead. Lacy screamed. It was a 'wolf'. Clayton went to it and she realized it was dead.

"Yuck!" She said.

"Yuck!" He reapeted.

Lacy colapsed against him. He held her as she hugged him. Clayton looked around. Alert. She heard the leaves rustle.

"W-w-who's there?" She heard a growl and tried to scream but it wouldn't escape her throat. Clayton got on all fours and growled. For a moment she thought she saw tan fur growing from Clayton, but at that moment the 'wolf' attacked Clayton, slamming him into a tree. It came out. She screamed loud and shrill.

"Clayton!!!" The 'wolf' turned to her and bared it's teeth.

"Help." She wimpered.
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:00 am
Rydia says...


Light streamed past me on all sides and suddenly the spell began to penetrate through the tree. I had no idea what it would do and wasn't about to take my chance. Carefully I phased through the tree, through the spell and then realised I was heading towards the witch. What a stupid idea. She arched an eyebrow at my opaque form.
"It's just a light spell, wont hurt you," She snorted. Feeling even more foolish, I carefully dropped the phasing and allowed the spell, the harmless light to caress my body.

"So who are you wolf slayer?" The witch asked but a loud shout for help saved me from explanations. With a very unsociable shrug, I turned and ran towards the voice. I did not need the light to find the girl but then I saw the strangest thing. One of the 'wolves' was fighting with a half wolf. That's right. A half wolf. He appeared to be a human boy but he had sharp, pointed teeth and just a little more hair than was normal. I wasn't sure what to do about him. My first instinct was to kill him but he was fighting against the wolves so I changed my mind and instead I hurried forward.

I drew a dagger as I ran and then kicked at the solid mass that was both the fighters. In surprise, they stumbled and fell apart, both bruised bleeding in various places. With many years of perfected skill, I approached the wolf and embedded my dagger into it's neck. Springing away to avoid the teeth, I watched my poison do it's work. A normal dagger was hopeless in these situations which was why I always tried to retrieve my poisoned daggers and renew the poison whenever the opportunity arose.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:27 pm
EmiSukotto16 says...

Jess emerged in the clearing to find the strange girl, a boy, another 'wolf', and the girl from the bookstore.

"What's going on?" Jess asked the wolf'slayer. "I know these aren't natural wolves. They're mystical, but they've been missing for three centuries."

The Slayer wiped the blood from the dagger with her cloak.
Llama 1:"Shh! Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness."
Llama 2:"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!"
Llama 1:"That is what forgiveness sounds like; screaming and then silence."

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Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:06 am
Rydia says...


"Not missing my friend and I suppose if you know that much, a little more information wont help. They have been hiding, waiting as their numbers grow; an event I have attempted to prevent. These creatures have been known by many names. Tarkens, Shadow riders, Lunars and hundreds of others others but most who have seen them, think of them as 'wolves.' They are dark, evil creatures and for almost two centuries I have gathered information on them, killed as many as possible and tried to keep them away from the other inhabitants of this planet."

"Two centuries? But only vampires live that long!" The girl with light brown hair and pretty green eyes huddled beside her... friend. I rolled my eyes at her ignorance.
"There are some elves who still walk this path and there are some dark elves. I'd have thought a girl who seemed comfortable around a witch and a half 'wolf' would have known that." And once more the girl's eyes opened wide and she stared across at the other woman.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

“Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine. I couldn't get the boy to kill me, but I wore his jacket for the longest time.”
— Richard Siken