
Young Writers Society

Babylon 5

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Sun May 13, 2007 5:24 pm
Zawisza Czerny says...

Babylon 5 is a nation-wide famous television show that changed the way we look at sci-fi. It had everything from state-of-the-art special effects and computer graphics, to excellent actors, to an impressive five-year story arc. It has also been made into six feature-length films, and an all-new television series, Babylon 5: The Lost Tales, has been released. Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert comic, once cameoed in one of B5's 110 episodes, and publicly stated that B5 was the best television show ever made. This storybook will be for B5 fans only, because I'm not going to go into an explanation of what B5 is all about, because it would take up dozens of page-long posts. So, let us begin by creating a character to portray, in the following format...
(All lines marked with a * are optional.)

Name: Todd Kryczek
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
*Planet of Origin: Mars
Hair Style/Color: Long and unkempt, colored black
*Eye Color: Blue, though is rarely seen because of his frequent use of dark sunglasses
Personality: A nerd/geek hybrid, slightly withdrawn and shy, prefers to be left alone
Occupation: Works in Maintenance and is also a part-time Star-fury pilot
*Biography: None

I'll be back to post some story for you guys to base yourselves on. In the meantime, feel free to post your characters.

Oh yes, and in Captain John Sheridan's words: "The year is 2261. The name of the place is Babylon 5."
Last edited by Zawisza Czerny on Tue May 15, 2007 12:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'm not paranoid, but I KNOW YOU THINK I AM.
But the voices say I'm sane!

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Sun May 13, 2007 7:05 pm
gyrfalcon says...


I absoloutely LOVE B5, I'm so glad there's a storybook for it now. Here's my character:

Name: Melissa Ferro
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Planet of Origin: Earth
Hair Style/ Color: cropped close, copper-colored
Eye Color: green
Personality: cool, but sometimes cocky, she’s a good judge of character and makes friends with anybody who likes her, but rarely fully trusts
Occupation: whatever needs doing—she’s a jack-of-all trades that prefers to shade towards smuggling and other such semi-illegal activities
Biography: an orphan, but no sob-story. Her parents had her late in life and loved/raised her well. father died of medical reasons when she was fourteen, mother of old age (or effects thereof) a year later. Both parents enjoyed the reckless side of life as well as she did, father taught her how to fly, mother taught her how to bluff.
"In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function...We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." ~C.S. Lewis

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6 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 6
Mon May 14, 2007 10:24 pm
Zawisza Czerny says...

The nightmare happened, again. He ran through the tunnel, trying to escape the Shadows and Anna. He saw the light coming from the sky outside. He was almost free. From outside he could commandeer a ship, and fly off this damned wasteland.
But it was no use. He stood on the main balcony, looking for an escape route, but there was none. All that existed was the canyon he had seen earlier, its bottom unseen. He gasped heavily, the sweat dripping onto the ground.


Sheridan, startled, glanced quickly behind him. He saw Anna, a few meters away. He looked around, now sure there was nothing he could do. Now he would have to join these freaks with their anarchic ideas - or worse, be trapped in a Shadow capital ship and have his mind warped like his wife.

"There's nowhere to run. Come back inside, we can work this out. I know this isn't the same Anna you knew. What I am is what I was made in her...a new personality. She can never come back. But I can love you as well as she did."

Two Shadows came out of the...well, shadows and walked towards him, their terrible red eyes staring back at him. They were coming ever closer now...closer...

He gazed up into Z'ha'dum's sky, thinking hard. This is the moment I was born for, he pondered. If I have to die in the process, so be it. He reluctantly tapped the activation code on his left wrist. He knew he had just signed his own death warrant, but it was worth it. The flagship of Babylon 5's new fleet, White Star One, along with two thermonuclear bombs, was programmed to plunge into the ground of Z'ha'dum's capital city...which just so happened to be where he was. He could see it now...while from here, it merely appeared to be a passing comet, it was the ship he had arrived here on...

He looked back at Anna. She was getting closer now, and without his PPG and two Shadows at her side, Sheridan knew he wouldn't survive a fight.

Jump! Jump now! he heard in his head. Aw, hell, he decided.

Sheridan climbed onto the ledge, and threw himself into the abyss. Up above, he saw Anna looking down at him...and then she saw the White Star; she screamed.

Sheridan awoke, gasping hard, and relaxed once he realized it was all a dream. The alarm next to him was screeching. He turned it off, and then read the clock. 6:45. "Son of the devil," he thought aloud, "I'm going to be late for breakfast..."
I'm not paranoid, but I KNOW YOU THINK I AM.
But the voices say I'm sane!

I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good... then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor - such is my idea of happiness.
— Leo Tolstoy