
Young Writers Society

The Poor Scarecrow

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Sat May 05, 2007 9:18 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

After reading da Naruto-high-school thing a couple pages back, I decided to start my own.

The storyline is this: (set a few years after Shippuden, Sasuke's back, etc....)

A few weeks before our RPing starts, Kakashi cheekily suggests to the Godaime what a five-man squad could do, when trained from Geninhood under the right person. Tsunade, to get revenge on Kakashi, assigns him a five-man Genin squad....but THREE of them are girls.
She gets away with this by claiming "last order as Hokage" as she is going to give up da red hat to Naruto in a few weeks.
So Kakashi's stuck. XD

The three Genin girl slots I've already filled (Emi, Ayumi and myself).


1#: ABSOLUTELY NO JINCHUURIKIs, Mary-Sueing or "GOD"ing.

Yeah, yeah, I know you all wanna be a jinchuuriki and astonish the rest of the players by uberly-saucesome bijuu powers, saving the day when the rest of us have kunais in the chest, but that tips the balance of the scales rather unfairly, aye?.

A Mary-Sue is a character in fanfiction who is "perfect" in all senses of the word.

To test your character for mary-sueism, check this test:http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm


You should all know what "godding" is, but if you don't, check the storybook rules, it's a sticky.

#2: No starting off with uber-weapons.
Yeah, this is basically the jinchuuriki thing. We all wanna have Temari's fans or Asuma's daggers, but we're going to be Genin here. If you want to have a weapon gained later in the storybook, PM me and I'll consider it.

#3: No previously-created fanfic characters. (Sorry, Ayumi and Emi)
Starting from scratch here.

#4: Please keep the spelling and grammar up to standard. It helps everybody.

#5: You are allowed to have a previously-mentioned clan-name as a last name. This goes for Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, Haruno and Aburame, though I would prefer it if you were totally original here.
As for Uchiha, if you really really wanna be a Fire-fan, PM me with the character stats and I will consider it.

#6: I will be playing Kakashi, all NPCs and if we can't find someone to play the other two guy characters, I will also play them. Whilst mentioning other's characters in your post, please try to keep them in character.

I retain the right to modify and add rules as I see fit.

Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

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Sat May 05, 2007 11:14 pm
EmiSukotto16 says...

Name: Emi Sukotto

Age: 15

Appearance: waist-length dark-blonde hair, royal-blue eyes, a slight tan, always wears blue nail polish, 5’6” with average build, wears black capris, black boots, and a blue and black tank-top.

Jutsu: mainly water, some lightning, and healing

Inherited Powers: Hyoton

History: Emi was adopted into a small ninja family in Konoha. Her family had died in combat in Hidden Waterfall. She possess the kekkei genkai, Hyoton

Bio: adventurous, quick-thinking, usually a laid back person, but can have days when her attitude is bubbly and unpredictable
Last edited by EmiSukotto16 on Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:11 am, edited 9 times in total.
Llama 1:"Shh! Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness."
Llama 2:"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!"
Llama 1:"That is what forgiveness sounds like; screaming and then silence."

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Sat May 05, 2007 11:22 pm
piepiemann22 says...

Now I join

Name-Isumi Yoko


Apperence- Gray medium lenth hair, red shirt with black pants, Dark blue eyes.

Jutsu- Water, taijutsu, small amout of fire.

Keki genki- Can sense other peoples chakra.

personality- easy going, yet loves to get involved. Will give his life for what he believes in.

Can you fill me in on a basic story line, or post before me and I'll fallow?
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sat May 05, 2007 11:42 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Name: Ayumi Gosu

Age: 15

Appearance: Shoulder length blonde hair that is steadily turning red, blue/gray/green eyes, 5'7", slight build

Disposition: kind and caring unless annoyed, bad/short temper and very aggressive if truly angered

History: moved to Hidden Leaf to live with her cousin Emi Sukotto and her family after her parents were killed in a civil war in Hidden Mist

Bio: likes being outdoors, exploring, reading/drawing

Jutsu: some water, but mostly fire

Kekkei Genkai: hohyoton
Last edited by AyumiGosu17 on Fri May 25, 2007 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Sun May 06, 2007 3:19 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

Name: Kuugatsu Kisa

Age: 15

Appearance: Medium-length brown hair in spiky ponytail, 5.4 ft. in height, black wrapped-at-the-bottom pants and sleeveless brown jacket. Arm and shin guards. Hitai-ate around head in normal position.

Disposition: Calm and gentle, good at persuading people. Tends to keep to self, but has a somewhat random sense of humor.

History: Average girl with a knack for trouble finding her rather then her finding trouble. Lives with grandmother, parents dead.

Bio: Enjoys sketching, reading and watching people. Will sit in a crowded area and simply watch people for hours.

Jutsu: Raikou & Suiton

Family Ability (Not techincally a Genkai): Phaze (can turn intangible at will)

Okay...we'll give this an extra day to see if we can find someone to fill slot #5.

If we don't find someone by then, I'll cobble something together.

As for the plot, as I mentioned, Kakashi suggested to Tsunade what a five-man squad could do when trained by someone very skilled. Tsunade, being very devious -not to mention she enjoys mocking Kakashi- gives him the squad, but three of them are girls, which makes everybody sensible go :SWEATDROP!:

So, by tomorrow evening, I'll write a scene where Kakashi receives his doom note. :mrgreen:

Thanks, all!


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Mon May 07, 2007 12:53 am
piepiemann22 says...

If you need someone to fill the final spot I'll do it is you can't find anyone else.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Mon May 07, 2007 1:07 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

[Seikyo's character sheet removed so Hatter can post his own]

"Kakashi, I have another mission for you."

Kakashi looked up from the latest Icha Icha, a surprised look in his visible eye.

"Oh? What?"

A devious grin crawled onto Tsunade's face, making a shiver go down his spine. When that woman looked like that, nobody was safe.

"Regarding your idea on the five-man squad, I have decided to give you what you suggested, to prove to me your idea." Shizune handed him five files.

"With all respect, Tsunade-sama, wasn't training the future Rokudaime and the last Uchiha enough?" he said, leafing through the files. "Oh, crap..." he muttered.

"Something wrong?" asked Tsunade sweetly.

"Three of them are girls...TEENAGE girls..."

Tsunade smiled wickedly. "I trust you have enough memory of Sakura's teenage years..."

Kakashi shuddered. "Do I ever..."

"You meet them next Friday, this is only until they pass the Chunin exams. Lighten up."
Kakashi was talking to Obito, mentally seething at Tsunade.
"As if I didn't have enough to do...."

Looking up, he saw Sasuke crouching on a nearby branch.

"Oh, sorry, Kakashi. Am I interrupting?"

"Iie, iie. What brings you to this neck of the woods? Hiding from the fangirls?" Sasuke grimaced.

"I've only been back a month and I already have about a thousand fanletters. Anyway, do you have anything to do next Friday?"

"Ano...maybe. Why?"

Sasuke grinned.

"The idiot and I want to fight you again."

"So you're warning me? Sasuke, have you learned nothing for four years?"
Sasuke scowled.
"This ain't gonna be a spar..."

"Well, never mind that, I'm busy that day anyway..."

"Saturday, then?"

"No, probably not."

Sasuke made an annoyed noise and scratched his chin.




Kakashi sighed a groan of the long-suffering.

"I've been given another squad of Genin to train."

Sasuke blinked.

"No way. Why?"

Kakashi sighed again.

"Because I cheeked the Godaime and she is a vengeful Hokage."

Sasuke stared at him incredulously.

"Aren't there any loopholes?"

"It's only until they become Chunin."

"That's not too bad, though."

Kakashi grimaced under the mask.

"It's a five-man squad...and three of them are 15 and fourteen-year-old girls."

Sasuke gaped at him openly.

"I'll light some incense on your grave."
Last edited by Sumi H. Inkblot on Mon May 07, 2007 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon May 07, 2007 1:16 am
MadHatter says...

TOO MANY NAMES I CAN'T UNDERSTAND!!! I would post, as i was hoping to do...but i have NO clue who these people are or let alone how to pronounce their names. Please tell me what these words mean so I can add. I really want to.
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Mon May 07, 2007 1:23 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

MadHatter wrote:TOO MANY NAMES I CAN'T UNDERSTAND!!! I would post, as i was hoping to do...but i have NO clue who these people are or let alone how to pronounce their names. Please tell me what these words mean so I can add. I really want to.

(((It's really specific to the anime Naruto, it's no wonder you're lost, it's a lot to take in when you aren't familiar with the story. XD
Tsunade (Suu-nah-day): the Godaime Hokage (Fifth Fireshadow), elderly woman with inhuman strength and healing abilities.
Kakashi: (Kah-kah-shEE): Elite ninja pervert.
Sasuke: (Sah-sue-keh): Ninja who came back from being a rogue, one of Kakashi's former students
Kuugatsu Kisa: Kuu-uu-gah-tsu Kee-sa: my character.
Haruno Sakura: Medical-ninja with pink hair and green eyes. Trained by Tsunade, teammate to the Idiot and Sasuke.
Rokudaime/The Idiot/ Uzumaki Naruto: Tsunade's successor, Sasuke's teammate.

Okay, everybody, at the beginning of your first story posts, explain how to pronounce your character's names to simplify it for Hatter :) ))

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Mon May 07, 2007 1:33 am
piepiemann22 says...

Okay, so (e-sue-me)

Isumi wake up early and ready to go. Today was the day he met his new team. Haveing no idea who was on it he spead of towards the forest to find Kakashi sensei. To his dismay, There were three girls there waiting on the rest of the team.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Mon May 07, 2007 1:46 am
EmiSukotto16 says...

Emi (Ee-mee) rolled over and tapped the "Snooze" button on her alarm clock. She always got up at 6 no matter what day it was or what she had to do. Today, though, she had a new squad and a MISSION. She slipped out of her bed and shook Ayumi lightly, waking her.

"You ready for the mission?" Emi asked, excited. Ayumi said nothing, but gazed around for a moment, as though she were seeing the room for the first time. She returned her gaze to Emi before nodding. "Get up, then!"

Emi left Ayumi to finish waking up as she went to her dresser. She pulled her uniform and hitai-ate out of the drawer and hurried behind her changing screen. Ayumi pulled her uniform from the chest at the foot of her bed and changed behind her own screen.

Emi and Ayumi arrived at the forest meeting another girl, but no Kakashi-sensei.

"Wonder where he could be." Emi muttered as they approached the other girl. Ayumi just shrugged.
Llama 1:"Shh! Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness."
Llama 2:"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!"
Llama 1:"That is what forgiveness sounds like; screaming and then silence."

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Mon May 07, 2007 3:10 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

Kisa stood with her back to the approaching figures, gazing at the memorial with a blank look on her face.

One...two...where are Kakashi-sensei, and the two others? she wondered, not turning.

The footsteps stopped behind her.

"Ano, excuse me..." said a voice. Kisa, lightly flicking a twig off the memorial statue, turned to face them.

Taking in their somewhat nonchalant appearances, she wondered if they thought that missions were going to the mall, not life-and-death situations. They certainly weren't dressed as if they thought they were, but maybe they felt enough confidence in their abilities.

"Ohayo gozaimasu," she said, in the friendliest voice she could muster, waiting for others to start the introduction.

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Mon May 07, 2007 4:07 pm
MadHatter says...

Well, i'm in computer class and i'm really short on time so i'll just put a bio on of my character

Name: Ka-shuri
Age: 40
Hair Color: Black
Power: Fire

Bio: A former monk who was the last to survive a horrible raid at his monastery. He has sworn to kill the raiders and protect the weak and gentle
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Mon May 07, 2007 4:20 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

MadHatter wrote:Well, i'm in computer class and i'm really short on time so i'll just put a bio on of my character

Name: Ka-shuri
Age: 40
Hair Color: Black
Power: Fire

Bio: A former monk who was the last to survive a horrible raid at his monastery. He has sworn to kill the raiders and protect the weak and gentle

((Um...what??We're Genin, here, around the age of fourteen...I don't think you'll be able to pull this off, Hatter...))

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Mon May 07, 2007 4:23 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Ayumi (ah-YOO-me) tried not to swing as Emi shook her early in the morning. She was always a hard sleeper that was best woken from a distance...

Emi was excited. "You ready for the mission?"

Ayumi looked around, slightly drowsy, but nodded. She reached for her own uniform as Emi, obvious a morning person, took off across the room and darted behind a changing screen.

(I wonder who else we're paired with. I hope our sensei's not too strange...) was all she could think about as she followed Emi to the forest.

(Where is he?) Ayumi watched the other girl closely, curious about her personality. (And who is she?)
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

The Twelve Makeovers of Haircules is the stuff of legend. He defeated the Erymanthian Beard. One could say it was a hair raising adventure.
— KateHardy