
Young Writers Society

fate's victims

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:55 pm


I’ve always believed in fate, just in different ways to most people. I believe fate pick people, in other words, some people are free, and some are bound by destiny. I believe I was chosen by fate.

I’m quite a good looking boy; I can get most girls if I want to. My name is Jamie Trembath. In most ways I’m ordinary, but in one way I’m not. I am a victim of fate, which is why I am telling this story. It isn’t really a story, this really happened, just as I tell it.

Sorry I haven’t really introduced myself. You know my name is Jamie, but that is all. Well, when this happened I was 13. I lived with my mum, Hellen. I don’t know my Dad, destiny didn’t want me to know. Right, now I’ve got that out the way, let me tell you my story.

It starts at lunch time, I normally play footy, but I’ve just caught sight my kind of girl, and she’s alone. She is blonde, and she has bigger knockers than a sumo’s arse. I walk towards her. As I get close I smell perfume (now I’m turned on). I also sense something, something I’ve never sensed before. Time to pull the oldest trick in the book. I pretended to trip, and knock the girl (what a perfume). She turns to face me. “Sorry I…” I start, but don’t finish. I know why I felt weird…….

I turned away to run... too late she has got me. No one is around, I’m on my own. “You know what I want” I pause, a man’s voice. I sensed destiny about this person. But it was my destiny I felt. I turn. The girl is now a man. “Who are you” I ask, “that isn’t important” he replies “tell me what I need to know”. Something triggers, and somehow I know what he wants. “She is at home she will come to pick me up in about three hours”.

In a car, the man just picked me up and ran with me over his shoulder. I’m scared; he won’t tell me who he is, although when I find out, I wish I didn’t.

We get to my house, he needs my mum. He gets out a and somehow, opens my door. He walks in; my mum sees him and screams.
“I knew I should of changed the locks” she cries, grabbing a knife. She has fear all over her expression I start to ask what’s going on. “Why did you bring him” she yells, ignoring me. I’m getting impatient soon I’m gonna shout, soon I’m going to….
“CAN SMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!” too late, I go berserk, shouting and waving my arms around like a mad gorilla. “I didn’t want you to know”, mum says crying.
“Son look…” he gets no further.
“SON!!!” I yell.
“No, I didn’t...”
“just tell him” Mum has controlled herself again.

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 82
Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:07 am
misspriss says...

I believe this goes in a different section...not in storybooks...

But answer me this: how can a story end happily if there is no love?
— Kate DiCamillo, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane