
Young Writers Society

HQ: Atlas Rising

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Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:08 am
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Omni says...


The central terminal chimed and flared to life, emitting blue light. You and your squad circle around it. A figure appeared above the console. Commander Furia glanced tersely amongst you all, her lips pursed.

"All right Alpha Squad, listen up. I hope you've put on your brown pants, because shit's about to get real. No more training modules and crash courses; this is the real deal. You'll get no handouts or second tries." The module hummed, and a map sprawled out below the commander.

"Welcome to Site Oasis, a launch platform on the coast of Portugal. This site has been the host of a lot of controversy within the past few months. It's humanity's first exclusively AI controlled space platform since the end of the Mecha War. Last week, it launched its maiden mission: a space probe that will prep the Martian surface for colonization.

"However, that is not what happened. Right before launch date, Splinter infiltrated the launch platform. Local governments have assured us that they had it under control, and so we investigated without stepping in. In any normal day, we would have a hundred more important things to send a squad out to, but things just changed today."

The landscape surrounded a large telescope on the side of the mountain. A title flickered over the map: Site Oasis. "Splinter have taken control of the launch platform and it has activated, which means Splinter has something they want in space. We cannot allow that to happen."

Your Mission is this, Alpha Squad:

- Fight your way to the launch platform. Expect heavy resistance.
- Determine the object of interest.
- Locate the local source of the Splinter Virus.
- Inject the Countermeasure and eradicate the source
- Find the Splinter leader. Bring them in for investigation.
- Erase all evidence of your involvement.

Character Roster:

This is a Mission from the Headquarters

Create your agent and explore the world at The Headquarters.
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379 Reviews


Gender: Other
Points: 3949
Reviews: 379
Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:26 am
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Omni says...

Agent Lightspin - Alpha Squad

Lightspin popped a bubble of gum in her mouth, chewing noisily as she hung onto a handlebar at the top of the craft, struggling to maintain balance as they flew over the Mediterranean Sea.

She glanced at the monitor, raising a brow with a hint of curiosity as it flickered to life, popping up Furia's top half as a projection.

"Alpha Squad." Furia said in a monotone but assertive voice. Some of the others who weren't paying attention, like the surfer dude in the corner (who let them into Headquarters anyway? Let alone Alpha Squad. They were supposed to be the best of the best.) shot to attention. "Welcome to Portugal."

Commander Furia waved a hand and the wartable next to her flared to life, laying out a three dimensional model of Site Oasis, an orbital launch platform on the coast of Portugal. It didn't really look spectacular, but it was important enough for them to be called. Lightspin scoffed inwardly, chewing her gum because she had nothing better to do.

"This is Site Oasis, one of Portugal's premiere orbital launch sites. One of many. Until recently, the government of Portugal has been staying out of the global agenda and politics, preferring to launch civilian satellites and orbital platforms, much to the chagrin of the rest of the world. Not every country wants to be involved with international politics, but some countries expect every country to be active in the world scene. However, some internal struggles opened their eyes to the possibility of taking a seat at the world table. Today was supposed to be a show of Force by the INA, launching several war satellites and orbital platforms to aid in the Mech war in the East. However, some people aren't happy about the speed of Portugal joining the international audience, and its caught the eye of Splinter, who somehow managed to take control of the launch site.

"It's our job to quiet the opposition, either by silencing the voices or by being the louder one in the room. Now, while the public eye is concerned with Splinter's presence in the area, we are more concerned with their access to state-of-the-art tech and what they plan on doing with it. This is your first mission that will have an audience. The world is watching, so make sure to cause minimal disturbances, and if you cannot manage that, then make sure you are gone by the time consequences are to be had.

"You all have your missions. Furia out."

- - - - -

It was the middle of the night when Syndra received an email on her tablet, with just the title of "CLASSIFIED" and nothing else. At first glance, she counted it off as just some kind of spam, like a recruiter from the newest hot thing trying to get her to join them, but when she saw Furia's name attached to it, her curiosity piqued. Just, a little bit. Mostly, she didn't want to deal with the commander so late. She judged trying to pull off being asleep when her tablet flared to life regardless of her input.

Commander Furia's face stared back at her and Syndra sighed. "Commander."

"Agent Lightspin. I trust I'm not imposing on you."

Yes. It's past midnight. She sighed. "Not at all, Commander."

"No need to lie, I know what time it is. However, this is important."

Syndra raised a brow. Important stuff wasn't her strong suit. That was usually Ivor's thing. Syndra said as much, and Furia nodded. "Usually, I would agree, but on your next mission I have a mission for you and you alone. Do you know what that entails?"

Silence, secrets, shadows. Ugh. Shadows. Not her strongest area of specialty. Still, she nodded.

"Good. As you know, Portugal's space platform has quickly become the ire of the public eye. With lands and skies good enough for launch platforms in a country not very affected by the Mecha War, Portugal has quickly risen to the top of the space race. They have stayed out of international affairs for far too long. We must send them a message strong enough for them to step into the international spotlight, and force their hand. Whatever the cost. Your mission: Slip away from your team and sneak into the hangar bay. Sending you the coordinates now. Inside that bay is experimental technology that the government was trying to pull off as civilian spatial infrastructure. Destroy it. Record it. Release it. Remain anonymous."

With that, she vanished from the tablet and Syndra's room darkened once more. With a groan, she turned over and tried to sleep.

- - - - -

As the light of Commander Furia's face faded, Agent Ivor strapped a rucksack onto his back and turned to his team. Some of them looked fairly qualified, but Lightspin had her doubts all of them were making it out of this mission alive. She knew that Alpha Squad had regular turnover --she herself had only joined two missions before, and she was already one of the more veteran members-- but Headquarters must have really been struggling for new recruits if this aircraft held the best of the best of the best.

"All right Alpha Squad, listen up."

Oh boy, her favorite part of the job. Let's just get to the action, already. Lightspin looked on in a mixture of disinterest and disgust.
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Only the suppressed word is dangerous.
— Ludwig Borne