
Young Writers Society

Atop the Crags of Alsotrath

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Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:39 am
TheForgottenKing says...

The Great war between Malkoth and Donderath has been fought for the last 3 years. King Merrick of Donderath has been leading the weary Donderians towards the Malkoth capitol in hopes of ending the war. In a last ditch effort the Malkothan mages have led a preemptive strike against Donderath, destroying the homes and families of the Lords of the Blood, ancient bloodlines directly descended from the original men and women who anchored magic to their bloodlines. With the loss of these families, magic has no anchor, and has gone wild. Mages have lost the ability of to harness magic for their uses. All magic is gone. The magic that kept a door from squeaking, to supporting bridges. The capitol has burned, as well as most major cities. Magic storms have struck, causing mayhem and destruction as well as death. Warlords have risen. With no law, they have made themselves the law.

Only 3 Lords of the blood still survive. Or at least, those who have inherited the responsibility now that they are the last of their bloodline. It is now that responsibility that drives them to seek to the return of magic.

Whether you are a Lord of the Blood, or a member of their party, seek the Crags of Alstorath, and the restoration of magic.

Lords of the Blood
Spoiler! :
Nearly 500 years ago, magic was harnessed by 13 people of renown and power. anchoring magic to themselves and their bloodlines. The anchor only passes to the firstborn son, and doesn't pass through a daughters line.Yet magic has been known to make its own decisions, and the anchor has been known to occasionally pass to a daughter if there was no son to be passed down to.

Creatures and Peoples of Donderath
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The only creatures one need worry about is the biters. Also known as vampires. Vampires have been a part of Donderath for all time, and are well known. Some are friendly ones who drink deer blood, but others couldn't care less, considering humans to be livestock for their personal pleasure. Werewolves are a lot less common, hunted down by vampires and humans alike.
Vampires: Vampires can only move a round during the night. In the daytime they sleep underground or in crypts. they can read blood, making them useful at looking for spies and the warlords who can afford them, use them nightly. Vampires are also beholden to their creator. If their master commands them, they follow. if their creator were to meet the Final Death, so would they.

Werewolves: Werewolves are well... werewolves. Silver, full moon, and an uncontrollable blood lust once changed. when they arent in their more beastly form, werewolves experiance heightened speed, strength, stamina, and sesnses. As well as a hankering for raw steak.

Character Profiles
Spoiler! :
Race: *if you want to be a werewolf or vampire, go ahead. But understand their limits. No "i discovered how to stay alive after killing my master" or " as a werewolf i have learned how to control my bloodlust once changed" nada.
Career Before Cataclysm:* Perhaps you were a mage, who went to the university in the capitol, only to feel you're magic ripped from you the night of the cataclysm. Perhaps a soldier fighting under King Merricks banner, or a sellsword wandering the taverns. Thieves, assassins, and even cooks are allowed. Whatever you were before, you sure aren't now.
Personal History:

First posts will be the night of the cataclysm. The next will be 1 month afterwards. Long detailed posts my friends.

Available Chracters

Lords of the Blood (only allowing 3)

"I make my own luck"- Shay Patrick Cormac

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
— RazorSharpPencil