
Young Writers Society

Happy Halloween?

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Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:48 pm
Nike says...

Happy Halloween my dear friends,
Yes, I know what you're thinking. Who is this? Why am I scared?Oh, darlings, don't be scared.
Everyone gets what they deserve. Karma is a bitch. It does not forgive or forget. And, sometimes, you have to be Karma's assistant.
That is who I am. Of course I have a cooler name, but, I shall not reveal it. Every single one of you have either affected me in some way or have done bad or are caught in the cross-fire on accident. Those that are innocent should be careful, I will take them.

You deserve what you will be getting. Sleep with both eyes open, friends.

See you soon, X

I got the inspiration from MTV's Scream (Thx Scream, I love you). This Storybook will revolve around teens and young adults that live in a small town, trying to escape a murderer. Not everyone has to be involved. You can write a character that's a cop, or someone innocent that is watching from the side lines. Or a character that is caught up with the people that are getting hurt.
You can be a character that is being targeted.

The killer can be anyone, a character in the storybook or just a roaming one. If you want your charrie to be the killer, you can PM me, or not. Just let me know whenever you feel is right. The killer wants to rid the world of terrible people, their idea of terrible is that this person did something to the killer or they have done something terrible and they want them to learn their lesson.

Be afraid Residents of Clearwater, I am here.

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Fight or Flight?
Could they be the killer?
Last edited by Nike on Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:53 pm
Nike says...

Alexandra Kolbeck

The wind blew past me, sending shivers down my spine. Oh, October. I made my way to my school, Jefferson College Preparatory High School. Students were scattered around the perimeter of the huge building, smiling and laughing, walking to school. I had looked over the crowd and tried to find the one friend that I had made after moving here.

Sanya, where are you?

That's when I found her, nimble with Harry Potter glasses. Per usual, she had her face in a school book, looked like Shakespeare from here. I took in a deep breath, feeling the cool air go through my body and walked over to her. She lifted her head enough to notice me in front of her.

"Dude, will you ever see the world passed a book?" I giggled.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm book smart, Alex, not world smart. That's you."

"Right, right..." I sighed, looking around us for any other familiar faces. "Well, time for class I guess."

My phone vibrated in my hand, so I looked over at it. I noticed Sanya pull out hers as well. My notifications screen blinked showing a message from our High School's Twitter page.

URGENT NEWS! Swipe to read.

"This has got to be a way for he school to catch our attention for the Halloween dance that's coming up 'cause they need more volunteers." I said.

"Uhh, I'd read if I were you Alex..." Sanya zoned off.

I looked up at her and caught her reading her phone with her eyes wide. My heart skipped a beat as I swiped to read my own screen. The Twitter page switched on, so I scrolled down to find a pictures of...

"Rolland Perry, Fred Tominski, and Sandra Billings... they're dead?" Sanya gasped.

My stomach flip flopped as I read the article.

Last night at 9:15PM all three students' bodies were found in the abandoned shoe factory on 4801 N Opal Ave. They were found by Police Officer Steve Burgundy. We will be giving further information every hour.

Right now we recommend students to go straight home after school and if you know anything, please talk to the Police Station or the principal.

"What the fuck?" I gasped.

Sanya and I looked at each other.

"Let's... let's go to class Alex." She stuttered.


"As you all know our fellow students have passed last night. If any of you need someone to talk to, I will be available during lunch hours." Our Professor, Mrs. Lansing said with a sad smile.

The bell rang as all the students got up from their desks. The tension was s thick, I don't think anyone could breathe in it. My heart hurt as I remembered Rolland's laugh, his smile, the way his blue eyes lit up when he saw me.

We were so close to actually dating and crossing that friend zone. I came to this school at the beginning of the year and he was one of my first friends other than Sanya. Just knowing that I wouldn't be seeing him made me numb inside. I didn't feel like crying, or screaming, or anything really.

"Sandra and Fred... they were the best." Some girl said from behind me. "And poor Rolland. At least he doesn't have to degrade himself to being friends with that Alex freak."

My heart stopped and I took a deep breath before turning around and facing her. Oh wow, no surprise. All the other kids had left the class and I was just grabbing my things, these two were probably lagging behind just so I could hear bullshit from them.

One of them was Torii Penelope Francine Smith. How I knew her full name? Everyone did. She liked to make a point that she was some big shit. You could see her from a mile away with her platinum blond pin straight hair and pink on pink attire. She is the main bitch from The Bitch Clique. The second girl was her 'second in command' Rielly Popkins. She could be nice to you, as long as the other bitches weren't around her. She was the nicest of their group. She reminded me of Hilary Duff, so I always felt okay with her.

"Oh, shit, sorry." You could hear the sarcasm lining Torii's voice.

I huffed, "It's okay, whatever. Thanks." I smirked, turning back around and headed out of the classroom.

"I bet it's her who killed them... or maybe her awkward friend Sanga or whatever." Torii hissed as I walked through the doorway.

I drowned myself in the crowd of the hallway and made my way to my next class, excited to see Sanya there.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:32 pm
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belladonna says...

It’s the next day, Saturday, when I hear more about the murder. I was stopping by a drug store to pick up cheap makeup and face paint to use for Halloween. That stupid chatty clerk had to go and ruin my day. She says something about one of the bodies being ripped in two, and I freeze on the spot. The thought puts something in my head, little demons whispering to me. The first says “He deserved it,” while the other mocks me, saying that I would be the next body. That nobody would miss me. I choose to ignore both.

I continue on my way home. Every noise sets me on edge, and I find myself running the last few blocks. Out of breath, I enter my house, set down my goods, and check on my father. He is home from work today, and I am glad for that. He needs his rest. After I leave the house, I make my way in the opposite direction of the drug store. My workplace, 32 Below, is a small ice cream parlor. It can't compete with the local Cream Connection, but that means it’s more quiet for while I’m working.

My boss is a jerk, but it pays well for a job where I don't do anything. As I scoop out ice cream for whiny brats, I notice that everybody seems a little more somber that day. Even the annoying soccer moms are terse lipped. I only work a six hour day, so I still have plenty of time after my shift came to a close. I go down to the arcade to meet up with Alex.

I’m not very good at most games, but I enjoy them. When I get there, Alex is going to town on some dance pad. The regular guy is by the Spirit Gauge fighting game. I’m not sure what his name is, but he’s pretty cool. He’s shorter than me, but that doesn't mean much; most people are shorter than me. He has light brown hair in a short ponytail, with dark brown eyes. His main character is very technical, and it seems like he has every combo memorized. I can’t measure up to him, but I love the thrill of nearly beating him. I wave to him, and move on. I’ll challenge him later. I tap Alex on the shoulder,, and she gives a jump.

“Sanya, you ass! You messed up my combo!” I shrug and give her a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah. I heard something today, actually… about Fred.”

“What about him?” Wrong move. I should've eased into the topic, this is gonna get messy. Emotionally messy. I repeat what I heard, wincing when Alex turns an interesting shade of white. She is speechless for nearly a minute, so I swallow my pride and offer my support. I rarely have physical contact with people, but I felt compelled to give her a bear hug. Why did I do that?! I awkwardly pull away from her, and I lead her to a game cabinet. We play silently for the next few minutes, when she says it.

“Why would anyone kill them?” I wish she didn't say it, because it made me think. What motivation would someone have for killing three teens? I don't want to bring it up, but I know that Fred in particular could be kind of nasty to people. However, that wouldn't be reason for murder, just a trip to the counselor. Silently grabbing her arm, I bring her over to the vending machine.

“Don’t freak out, buy a water bottle. Think rationally about this.” She nods after a moment of consideration, and takes out her wallet. A business card falls out. Leaning over to pick it up, I see that it's for a tattoo parlor. I don't say anything, because I don't care about that kind of thing. I hand it back to her after she picks up her water. We sit down on a bench and she leans over, nursing her drink like my dad does after a long

One thing is certain. Until these murders get solved, I will not be able to rest.


After a tense hour of playing how we usually do, when there aren't any freaky murders, Alex calls it quits.

“I want to get home before night falls,” Alex says, and I honestly agree with her. I go home and I should start on my homework, but I'm really not feeling it, so I continue my knitting project instead. It is a green scarf with black bat designs on it. Before bed, I get a call from my mother. The reason why she isn’t living with us is not because my parents are divorced. It is because she has to look after my young cousins, whose mother was imprisoned. We used to all live there, in Mariupol, Ukraine. My father took me away to America when I was young, to get a better education than I could get there. We were well off, so the move was not difficult.

I tell her about the murders, leaving out the gory detail I learned earlier today. She is concerned for my well-being, but I brush her off. I love her, but if she worries like this it will only make me upset. I trade opinions with her about Russia's actions, and then she asks me. “Sanya, my son… I have been wondering something. I know it is not my business, yet I must feel that…”

“Yes, mother? You can take a minute to collect your thoughts.” Inwardly, I wince at her use of the word son. I want nothing more than to tell her that I am her daughter, but I know she wouldn't understand. I may have been born her son, but I am her daughter.

“I know you have said you had something to tell me about yourself. Are you comfortable doing it now? I think I’m ready for anything you can throw at me.” Panicking, I blather something about having to help my father with the laundry, and I hang up on her. I slouch over my phone in my lap, shivering. Suddenly, I become deathly still. I open my phone, start playing music, and sway to the beat, shaking once more. I do my erratic waltz about my room for quite a while, until I can’t stand anymore. I text my mother a quick “sorry”, and drift off to a troubled sleep.

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Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:56 pm
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Nike says...

Alexandra Kolbeck
Spoiler! :
@Mage @belladonna

Hearing about what happened just yesterday was terrible. Rolland hurt the most. But Sanya had told me about Fred... I don't even want to think about it. He was a decent kid. But I could not sleep that night.

I knew she couldn't sleep either. Lemme tell you why I give Sanya 'she' instead of 'he', cause that's how she identifies herself, as a 'she', and as her best friend, I respect that. Anyway, I wish she were here to comfort me. Sleeping while knowing there's a murderer on the loose doesn't actually work.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table, I swiped it open and texted Sanya.

I cannot sleep dude. :/

Taking a deep breath, I sat up in my bed and looked out the window. The sky was getting brighter, looks like it was around seven in the morning. There goes an all nighter of tossing and turning. School starts in two hours, might as well get up now.

My phone dinged and I looked at it, relieved that Sanya had texted me back. So I honestly was not alone, thank God.

Neither could I, wanna grab some coffee before school?

That's a great idea. Meet me at my house in thirty?


I got out of bed and got ready. After thirty minutes, my phone vibrated on the bathroom counter, so I answered it on speaker. I was still applying my makeup, it had to be perfect. I got obsessed recently with it.

"I am here, you ready?" Sanya asked.

"About, just finishing up my makeup." I said as I applied some blush.

"Alright dude, I'll be waiting." and she hung up.

I huffed, tossing my brush in my makeup bag. I took a look at my face, satisfied with the results. It was time to head out. I tried to be as quiet as I could to not wake my mother. She had to get up in an hour, so I want her to have that extra hour of sleep. I grabbed my backpack from my room and went on my merry way.

"One Pumpkin Spice for Alex!" The barista called.

Getting up from our table, I walked over to the bar and smiled, grabbing my drink. As I turned, I almost bumped into this cute guy. He had these deep brown eyes and his hair was in a pony tail.

"Oh fuck, sorry." I apologized.

He smiled, "It's okay. I'm sorry, you almost dropped your drink."

"Ha-ha," I giggled. "Well thanks for not causing me to drop my drink then."

And I walked around him, back to Sanya. She rose an eyebrow at me as she drank her coffee.

"Cute, huh?" I asked as I sat down.

The coffee house music was driving me bonkers. It was too elevator-y. It was full in here, everyone getting their fix of caffeine before facing the day. I took a sip of my coffee, already getting more energized.

"I guess... I saw him yesterday." Sanya said.

"At the arcade?" I asked.

She nodded in reply, fixing the beanie on her head. I took a deep breath and looked out the window, watching the street get filled with cars, all of them headed towards work.

"It's so weird not to have Rolland here." I looked away from the window and back at Sanya. "He'd normally drive me to school, only cause he lived so close... oh God." I paused. "He lived so close, what if I'm gonna die, San?!"

She rolled her eyes, "Dude, no, calm down. You're not going to die."

"How would you know?"

"The killer targeted popular kids, you're in the clear."

Taking another sip of my coffee, I let the pumpkin spice dance around my mouth. Sanya had took a sip of her coffee as well. There was an hour left until the school day would start so we still had some time to sit here.

"Sanya... has this happened before in this town?" I asked.

She sighed, "Yeah, this Kyle kid got killed. The cops have closed the case."

"Did they ever find the killer?"

Before she could answer, our phones lit up. I looked at the screen and took a sharp breath. It was a Snapchat from username: UnKnown. I felt my stomach flip as I swiped it open. I clicked the name and got a picture.

It was of a wall splattered with blood. In a caption it read 'Who's next, my friends? You decide. Do we continue with the plastics? Or do we get the wannabees?'.

"San..." I gulped.

"You guys got that too?" A guy called from behind us.

I turned to look and it was that same guy. Nodding, he came over to us, his face went pale.

"I'm Sebastian, you can call me Bas." He said. "I think we are gonna make quick friends."

"We need to find who this is before they kill anyone else." Sanya said.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:26 pm
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Nike says...

Simon Fitzgerald
Spoiler! :

With my headphones in, I walked towards the school entrance. It was packed with kids, standing around, waiting for the start of the school day. It's been two days since the reported incident of the three murders.

Fred, Sandra, and Rolland. They were all my friends. Fuck, I dated Sandra last year. I grew up with Fred, he was my neighbor, and Rolland was a good friend, we'd watch sports together. I could remember where they'd be right about now, waiting at the fountain before school, trying to hide their cigs as they waited for the rest of us.

"Si!" I heard a girl call for me. Name pronounced Sigh.

She was lucky I could hear her, my songs were just switching over. I looked up from my phone and smiled, seeing the hot bod Gab waving at me. She was a year older than me, but we all hung out anyway. Perks of being popular. I slipped off one headphone, letting it hang, and approached Gab. The wind blew past me, sending shivers down my spine. Damned October weather.

"Gab, hey, how are you doing?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Terrible, obviously. I loved Fred and Sandra and Rolland, even though he was a bit weird." She said.

I cracked a smirk, "They were our friends. It is going to hurt."

"We can't let that cause us to get depressed, I'm sure they'd want us to move on." Gab had said with a sigh. "But God, who would do such a thing?"

"Didn't you get the Snapchat yesterday?" I swallowed hard.

Nodding, she pulled out her phone phone her tight ass skirt and scrolled through it, and then showing me a screenshot from yesterday's snap. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I re-read the threat.

"I screenshotted it so I could show the cops. We can't kill this guy, they can." She put her phone back in her pocket and turned around, looking for someone. "Torii should be here soon with Rielly, I'm not going to class without them."

I sighed, "Of course you can't, Gab." I smiled.

Pausing Zedd, I slipped off my other headphone and stuffed them into my backpack side pocket.

"Oh God, you must be in a rut Si, I mean Sandra..." She gave me a sad smile. "Are you okay?"

My heart felt like it got run over, but I smiled. "Of course I'm not okay Gabby... but I can't do much."

"Oh, poor baby. We need to protect ourselves. Stay away from the freaks. They can be the killers."

Before I could reply to her, my phone vibrated as if I was getting a call. I pulled it out of my front pocket and read the number 333-666-9900. Peculiar. I swiped and answered it, placing the phone against my ear. My heart was racing, and I think Gabby noticed this was a weird call, cause her full attention was on me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello my dear friend, Simon, how are you?" The voice sounded manipulated, too deep for any regular human being. I adjusted my posture and stood straight, feeling like someone was staring directly at my back. "At a loss for words, Si?"

"Who is this? What do you want? This isn't funny, there is a killer on the loose." I huffed, gripping the phone a little tighter.

"I know! It's terrifying! I mean, look at Gabby. She looks like she's seen a ghost."

I looked up at her and she was looking passed me, her face pale as the moon. Gulping, I turned around and saw nothing but a field of students and cars driving through the school parking lot. I faced her again, and she was taking deep breaths.

"Oh, you missed the show --how pitiful. She got to see who the next victim would be. It's a choice between two people, do you want to know who?" He asked, his voice a little too happy.

"What the fuck?" I hissed.

"A car drove passed the entrance with two pictures on the side. She is the only one who saw it, and they only one that knows as of right now. Do you want to know?"

"I want to know why you're killing people you sick freak. I'm gonna get the cops to trace this phone number." I threatened.

"Too bad it's a Google number registered to your good friend Fred. Oh did he beg for his life!" He chuckled.

"You are a fucking BASTARD!" I yelled. "Why the HELL would you do this?!"

"Ha-ha, oh Simon, calm down. I don't think you want anyone to know who you're talking to."

I took a few short breaths and watched Gabby. She was on her phone, I guess calling up Torri. Her eyes were wandering the vicinity, probably looking for the car, or for the people.

"Remember that girl in Freshman year, the one who was brand new to the city and wanted to make all these friends. Do you remember the party at Sandra's house when you hooked up with her?" He asked, making my skin crawl as I imagined the girl.

"What about her?"

"I should hurt you for that using thing, but it seems better to destroy her, doesn't it? You'll have less proof that you were a player in your teens. And she's a nobody, it's not like anyone will remember poor little Alexandra."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I don't have to. You have another choice. This is where Gabby was freaked out. Herself. She's a little bitch, right? I mean, rid the world of her type, right?"

I swallowed hard, unable to get my mind to think straight.

"None of them, leave them alone." I hissed.

"You're making it my choice? Oh, wonderful! See you later, Fitzgerald. And if you tell anyone what I told you, all three of you will be dead. Bye Si!"

He hung up and I stared at my phone, unable to calm my anxiety down. Looking up at Gabby, Torii was on her left and Rielly was on her right. All three of them staring at me.

"We gotta tell Alex." I whispered to Gabby, and she nodded.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:16 am
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Remington38 says...


Simon was leaning casually against the wall near the entrance to school, his tee shirt sticking slightly to the rough and in my opinion ugly stucco. My hands were trembling slightly and I pulled myself together with one deep inhale and straightened my posture. I took long strides towards him and each time feeling my mini skirt scoot up a little. I grew up all modest and all that shit till about a year or two ago. My daddy doesn't care and I secretly think he enjoys the view when I don't want to cover what's I know I have. My mother on the other hand is a scarily Christian women and believes that I should cover everything. Heaven forbid I show my ankles around this woman. She used to go on and on about modesty and getting the wrong kind of attention. This morning was even worse, partially I think because everyone is on edge with these murders. I came downstairs are immediately start getting assaulted about my clothes then finally I had it.
"What is wrong with you?! Three of my friends were murdered and the murderer is going around still and you want to scrutinize me about my clothes!" I didn't wait to see her reaction and storm out the door. Luckily I am never home anyway, the bonuses of popularity and having people wrapped around my little manicured pinky.

Fred and I were really close, when no one else wanted me around he let me stay with him. I can't say that we didn't fool around, cause we did, but that's the way things were.

"Si" I shouted out his name and he looked up. I choose to ignore noticing him looking me over and I lean closely to him slightly regretting the decision to wear a mini skirt in October. I feel the heat radiating from his body.

"Gab, hey, how are you doing?" He asked and Leander his head back. I love talking to him because he looks at me and everyone like he actually wants to know. God how was he so calm! I still can't get over it, but I have to play my part in acting like I normally do.

"Terrible, obviously. I loved Fred and Sandra and Rolland, even though he was a bit weird." I say emphasizing on Fred. I didn't know Rolland all that well because he liked to venture beyond our crowd.

"They were our friends. It is going to hurt." I couldn't tell the emotions he was expressing behind this comment. He was unreadable when he is up to his neck in emotions.

"We can't let that cause us to get depressed, I'm sure they'd want us to move on." I have to breath so I let out a Gabby sigh. "But God, who would do such a thing?" Who would do something like this? All of the people that were killed were part of my clique. I am not even going to pretend I know how I liked we are by people so that second of panic hits me when I think of all of the people who might be willing to kill because they don't like us.

"Didn't you get the Snapchat yesterday?" He asks, his voice lowering. I nodded and pulled out my phone.

"I screenshotted it so I could show the cops. We can't kill this guy, they can." I put my phone back into my pocket and look around searching for Torii and Rielly's familiar face. "Torii should be here soon with Rielly, I'm not going to class without them."

, "Of course you can't, Gab." He smiled at me and I know he was thinking 'Oh Gabby.' He finally pulls out his headphones and gives me the full attention. I see him clear out all of the apps he was in previously and notice the one after music was his photos. The last one that you could see was of him and Sandra in their swimming suits lounging atop of each other and he as wearing her big glamorous sunglasses. I remember sadly of when that photo was taken. I mean I wasn't there exactly, Frank and I were out back and... I shake away the memory.

"Oh God, you must be in a rut Si, I mean Sandra... Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm not okay Gabby... but I can't do much." I flinch a little at his comment, fully aware that I am not the only one who has felt a loss with these murders.

"Oh, poor baby. We need to protect ourselves. Stay away from the freaks. They can be the killers."

I know he is going to make a comment about how I won't be able to protect myself, but he will be fully able his phone rings. A strange number rings and part of me is screaming telling him not to answer.

"Hello?" He asks hesitantly.

I cant hear a word that the person on the phone is saying, but all of the color drains from Simons face. I look at him as if to ask who it was, but he isn't paying attention to me. He is looking then back at me. He stood up a little straighter. When he want slouching he was a good few inches taller than me and he kinda frightens me as he grows.

"Who is this? What do you want? This isn't funny, there is a killer on the loose!" He is gripping his phone now so tightly his knuckles were turning white and that fear washes over me. A truck with two pictures drives past and I see one of that strange Alex girl and then the other is a picture of Torii. Alex is a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes and Torii's bright. Both are mocking me and in sloppy black paint it says "Choose." My stomach churns and Simons looks at me searching. While he is looking I see the pictures get covered up and the truck gets lost in traffic. Simons turns around too late, the person on the phone must have told him about the truck. I feel burning bile rose in the back of my throat and I swallow hard. I try to speak but the words come ot as small squeaks and puffs of air.

"What the fuck?" He says quieter. He seems to be more aware and cautious of people around. "I want to know why you're killing people you sick freak. I'm gonna get the cops to trace this phone number." He seems to be growing angrier the longer he is on the phone. I would give anything to hear what the person is saying.

"You are a fucking BASTARD!" He yells "Why the HELL would you do this?!"

While he is yelling my though jumps to Torii. Could she be the one that gets chosen? Is she already dead. Quickly I fumble around with my phone, trying to pull it out of the small pocket on the front of the mini skirt. I get angrier trying to pull it out and tell myself that I will put on something else when I get the chance.

"What about her?" What about who? What girl could hey be talking about? "You wouldn't." A thousand questions are flooding my brain.

"None of them, leave them alone." Them? Who is he talking about?!
Slowly, his hand still shaking he lowers the phone from his ears. When I see Torii beside me I hug her and she looks at me questioning face. Simon leans in and whispers in my ear.

"We gotta tell Alex" I nod in agreement and we rush away. I tell Torii I will see her in second period English and she walks off annoyed.

With Simon holding my hand we rush around school, searching for Alex and we don't find her. Then we see her slip into the girls bathroom. I go on after her. She is talking to Sayna about something quietly and I tap her on the shoulder telling her to go to Simons locker where we agreed to meet. She left and I take the one moment I have to change into the clothes I luckily happen to have in my bag. I replace my mini skirt with a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and my flats with a pair of Converse. I take off the blouse I have on and underneath I have a plain black undershirt. I shiver and regret I have something other than a tank top. I put the flats back in my bag and stare at the blouse and skirt. Out of anger and frustration I shove them inside the trash box beside the toilet that is stuffed with tampon wrappers and walk out of the stall. I shove my backpack into my locker and I walk off to find Simon.

When I get there he is finishing explaining everything and looks up at me. A strange expression crosses his face and he opens up his locker and hands me a big black pullover hoodie. Gratefully I put it on and see the Led Zepplin album cover on the front of it. Very much his style, and it smells like him. It's smells like a mix of cologne and cinnamon toothpaste. Which I didn't know even existed until I met him. It's warm on the inside from him, he must've just taken it off. Nervously I pick at my phones case peeling cracked case and look over. Alex has a frightened look on her face and I could see she is very uncomfortable next to him. I put my hand on her shoulder and I hope it comes across as comforting.
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Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:16 pm
belladonna says...

Sanya Lagunov

Nothing good can come from Gabriella bringing my Alex somewhere, so I go into a stall and linger until Gabriella leaves. I follow her at a distance until they arrive at her destination. I may be a little possessive of my friend, but that’s for good reason; she’s been tricked and screwed over by the popular crowd before. I don’t know what this Simon guy thinks he’s doing, but he’s in for a world of pain if he hurts her. Well, or not. I may be tall, but I’m not exactly the strongest person around. Best case scenario is getting some hits in with my collected works of Shakespeare. I have to hide behind a corner kind of far away from the trio, so I can barely hear their conversation. I can only pick out the words “killers”, “danger”, and a couple others that definitely did not make this sound like a happy conversation. Suddenly, Alex backed away from the guy, Simon, and shouted.

“Just leave me alone! I appreciate you telling me this, but please stay away from me,” she shouted, gradually getting quieter. Then I know I have to make my move. He’s getting closer to her, they’re closing her in like some kind of caged animal.

“I don’t know what your problem is, but you two need to get away from her right now.” Before saying this I crept up behind them, so I didn’t have to shout. My father always told me I was more intimidating when I was quiet. I don’t know what they see in my face, but Gabriella decides she doesn’t like it. She backs away, and I nod in acknowledgement. Simon, however, is playing the tough guy. He has his back turned to her to look at me though, so it is a slight improvement for her. I sneer at him, daring him to stop me as I walk closer. My long skirt swishes as I walk, and I feel like the angsty anti-hero from every book I’ve ever read. Gabriella has been quiet, but I suppose her pea-sized brain forgot the threat I pose.

“Fuck off, tranny,” she barks, making every word sound like a smear of poison on my mind. I grit my teeth, and stare her down.

“Creative,” I say. “What now? Gonna tell me to go back to Russia? I’m one hundred person Ukrainian, сука.” She’s bristling with anger, but tall, tan, and douchebag stepped up to the

“Could you stop? We’re just trying to talk to her.” Yeah right. That’s why she’s shoved between you and a locker. I glare at him, and reach out to Alex, who hasn’t moved an inch this entire time. She takes my hand, and we walk away. Simon shouts out behind us about being sorry for not listening to them, and I take out my headphones and put them over Alex’s ears. She doesn’t need to hear this. I put on something loud and aggressive for her, because I know how she likes to lose herself in her music. I walk her to the locker room doors, by the gym. It’s her first class today, and I don’t want those egotistical придурки to catch her on the way there. Once we arrive, she gives my headphones back to me and sits on the ground by the door, not caring if she gets her clothes dirty. I look down at her, not pitifully, but examining her. I don’t want my best and only friend to let them get to her.

“Do you, uh… need to talk about it?” She reads my mind and declines, thank god. I was just offering out of politeness, I would have no idea what to do if she looked to me for comfort.

“Simon said that the killer called him, on Fred’s old phone. He said that the killer is targeting me.” My words caught in my throat. I can’t think straight. What can someone say to that. An idea strikes me, and I reach into my bag.

“I read through the handbook when I first moved here to make sure I knew all the rules,” I say, hesitantly. “I found a pretty interesting rule. We’re allowed to carry pocket knives to school as long as the blades are only three inches or less long. Take mine, I have more at home.” She looks at the offered blade wide eyed, and I can tell she’s never really used one in self defence before. “Why don’t you come to my house after school and I can show you a few moves?” I offer, knowing that it will increase her skill with it if she gets used to it before she”s put in a situation where she needs it. She nods mutely, and I almost reach out to her, but I stop myself. I’ve been doing this ‘comforting people’ thing way too often since this whole thing started. The bell rings shortly afterwards, and I walk off to my first class of the day, giving her one last smile before I go.

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:59 pm
Nike says...

Alexandra Kolbeck

"The killer is onto us Alex," Simon said, unable to meet my eyes. "He wants to kill you or Gabriella."

"Simon, don't be ridiculous." I huffed, feeling uneasy. Gabriella was on my left while Simon stood in front of me, cornering me.

Sanya came to my rescue and lead me away from the two of them. My heart was still racing like hell, and I tried to drown myself in the music Sanya provided for me. I could imagine a killer, with a knife raised above me in a Scream mask. I shut my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

She left me to go to class and I said I'd head out too. But I didn't. I stayed in the hallway. It's dangerous to sit in the hallway, cause, hey, the killer could get you. There's no one else here.

My anxiety was so high, I couldn't stop my legs from trembling. I pulled out my phone and found Gabriella's number.

Gab, I'm terrified. What are we gonna do?

I looked around me, the sound of teachers talking drowning me away. The hallways were empty other than I. I didn't know what to do with myself. I wanted to run, far, far, away.

My phone vibrated, so I looked at it. I honestly don't know. Simon said we should meet him at his locker after school.

Swallowing hard, I replied. Alright, I hope you don't mind, I'm bringing Sanya with.

If it makes you feel safer, go ahead, bring the freak.

My heart stopped at that. I wanted people to know that San is amazing. But this small town is full of racists and homophobes. No wonder this killer wants to destroy us. But I'm accepting. So I don't get me. Why kill me if I am nice?

Can you not call her a freak? She's far from that Gabby.

Whatever, you're a freak too but at least I'm talking to you, feel lucky.

I took a deep breath and didn't even respond. I decided to look through Facebook, trying to zone my thoughts out.

"Hey, Alex." A guy called out.

I jumped, looking up. It was Sebastian with his cute ass dimples. Smiling, I stood up and gave him my full attention.

"Bas, hi."

"Is everything okay?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Uh... not really."

He shifted his weight and looked at his phone for a moment. He turned the phone around so I could look at the screen. It was a Twitter page. I read what was posted.

Don't be like our best friend Si. He did not keep his word. Now you'll be two girls short this year. The popular skank and the self loathing wannabe, they are dust tonight.

"Oh God, no." I gasped, feeling tears form before my eyes. "He means... he means me."

Before Sebastian can say anything, we hear a blood curling scream from behind us. I turn on my heel and bump into Sebastian, feeling safer that he's right behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders to calm me.

"Run, we should run. He's gonna be after you." he said, his voice uneasy.

"But that girl needs help." I swallowed.

"Don't be the hero Alex, we gotta fucking go."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:49 am
Remington38 says...

I was in the back of the science lab texting with Alex, who I didn't even know had my number. We were texting back and forth while I was doodling in my notebook. I was in the middle of drawing the ghoulish grin on my jack-o-lantern when my phone vibrated again. I pick it up and It's from Alex.
Can you not call her a freak. She's far from it Gabby.
As if. She is possessive and clingy, cause she has no one else. I respond
Whatever, your a freak too but at least I'm talking to you, feel lucky. I pressed send and instantly regretted it when I did. I set my phone down out of frustration and continued doodling and muttering under my breath.
"I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not! We were just trying to help her and she allows her stupid friends that follows her around like a lost puppy cause no one else wants to be her friend." I start scribbling angrily and get up. I ask to go to the bathroom and walk in with my phone in the front pocket of Simons hoodie.

I lean against the wall and slide down so I am sitting on the floor. I go through my contacts and stop once I hit the letter F's and click on Fred's name. His phone number and contact photo pop up and I click on his photo. It enlarges to him making a duck face. I makes me smile sadly and I just stare at it. He used to spam me selfies of himself in ridiculous places and making even more so faces. I feel a warm tear slide down my cheek and I wipe it off. I silently thank my mother that I don't wear makeup and I open up my photos. I looks through them from over the summer. Some I didn't even know I took from parties that I went to. Some were of me and Fred at the book store, he was holding up a Nicolas Sparks book that he was getting for himself, he had a handful of tissues too. The next one was of us having a Lady and the Tramp moment with Twizzlers from the movies. When I see some of the other photos I quickly exit out of the app and stare at my home screen. I get a text from Torii and I delete it before I even read it, not caring about her gossip at the moment. I hear the door open and I rush into one of the stalls.
I hear the sound of tape being dispensed and paper being shuffled. Once I hear the door open and close again I unlock the stall and look out. On each mirror is a picture and in red letters a word is written underneath. The first one is a picture of Torii and underneath it says "Plastic". Next is a picture of Sayna and underneath that is says "freak". It goes on with the other two mirrors then the last one is me and underneath it says "all of the above". There were some really crude names for the other two girls and who ever did this seems to think I am all of these. I take a picture as evidence and walk out. I go back to my class right as the bell rings. I send Simon a text asking if I can stay with him tonight, which I've never done before. I usually am at Fred's or Torii's but one is gone and the other I don't think I can stand to see right now. I grab my bag and head to lunch.
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Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:27 am
Nike says...

Simon Fitzgerald

I was sitting in Math class when my phone started vibrating in my pocket like crazy. Me being me, I'm in the front of the classroom, close to the teacher so I could actually learn. There was this girl next to me, she kept to herself... I think her name was Emma? Yeah, I think so. I slipped me phone out of my pocket and checked it.

Images and messages from Gabby. Shit, she probably needs me to see it right now. I looked up at the teacher, Mrs. Cooper. She was facing the board, explaining AP Calculus. How could the teachers teach when there was a killer roaming around? Well, there's really nothing else you could do.

"Mrs. Cooper?" I rose my hand.

She turned to face me, a smile on her face. She probably thinks I'll be answering the question or correcting her.

"Yes, Si?"

"I need to use the restroom, may I excuse myself?" I asked.

"Of course," She nodded, turning back towards the board.

I got out of my seat and headed out the door. Once I shut it behind me, I walked along the lockers and leaned against the row, facing away from the room. I pulled up the texts and looked at the pictures. What the fuck? The looked horrific. Who would do that? Plastering pictures on mirrors and writing cruel words underneath them. Only one person, and that one person was in this very school.

Chills ran down my spine as I turned to look around me, making sure no one was running at me with a knife aimed at my back.

I keep on viewing them, trying to decipher the penmanship. Maybe I knew someone that wrote like that. A door behind me creaked open and then closed. I turned around again and saw that Emma girl.

"Hey, I don't think this is the bathroom." She said, her voice almost at a whisper.

"Yeah... I just had an urgent message."

"From your friends? I know they were attacked, I'm sure you guys are scared."

"Uh," I smiled. "Yeah, fuck yeah we are. Did you see what they did in the girls' bathroom? I just got pictures of what happened."

She nodded, "I was there with Gabby,"

"Fuck, who do you think would do this?"

"I honestly don't know. And I'm scared to even use the bathroom myself." She paused. "Would you mind walking with me and standing outside the door? 'Cause I actually have to go."

I laughed, "Yeah, yeah, of course."

We made our way towards the bathrooms in silence. The chills wouldn't stop running through my body. She went inside and I leaned against the wall with my phone in hand.

Gabby, let's meet at my house after school. It's the safest, you know my dad is a cop.

I sent it to her and sighed, digesting the photos once again. I forwarded the photos to my dad, feeling my stomach flip.

"I'm good, let's head back or else Mrs. Cooper will send a search team for us." Emma said as she walked passed me.

I followed her and then felt my phone vibrate. I looked down at it, stopping in my tracks. That same odd number was calling me. My finger trembled as I swiped the screen to answer the call. I feel like not answering the call would cause hiatus.

"Hello Simon, good to see you." That deep voice said.

Emma had turned around and rose an eyebrow at me. Then she looked over my face and realized, this wasn't just a normal phone call.

"Where are you?" I hissed.

"You'll find out very soon if you contact daddy dearest again."

I swallowed hard, hanging up the phone.

"How the fuck did he know I texted my dad?" I huffed.

"Killers, they are dedicated."

My phone vibrated again but I declined the call. "I'm in class, I can't talk."

I got a text instead and opened it. It was an image, and not a pretty one, with a text message right underneath it.

Oh Simon, you think ignoring me will help you? Tell that to your good friend Alex.

It was of Alex, she was standing by her locker with her back faced towards the camera. He was with her. I swallowed hard as another message came up.

Here is her now. Try ignoring me again, you will want to answer this call to save your friend. Sorry, I meant, friends.

A picture came in and it was of Alex and Gabby, tied up to school chairs in a dark room with one light hanging above them. I trembled and looked up at Emma, seeking for some form of help.

"Alex and Gabby... are in danger." I managed to say.

“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:06 pm
Remington38 says...


I was walking towards the lunch room. I... I thought I saw someone walking into the auditorium and I followed them. There was someone that came out from behind me and I remember falling down... no it was like the ground was falling up towards me. The way the persons hands picked me up so easily, like I was weightless. There was a cloth over my face and the smell was rottenly sweet. I dipped into darkness like a endless puddle of ink. Now I am drowning in it. My hands are bound and I can't move. I can't see anything because of a blindfold and a gag stiffels my sobbing. It wasn't the idea that I was in danger that scares me, it's the nothingness. I am afraid of going back into the ink that drowned me. The darkness is so cold...

I dreamed of Fred, the way he would hold me, it made me feel like he was embracing me for the last time; like he meant it. He liked to go through my phone and look at all of the contacts I have. He would show me the contact photo and tell me to name them, then tell me one feature about them that I liked. We went on for hours playing this game, but it started a fight that way. He got angry

I dreamed of
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Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

Despite everything, it's still you.
— TobyFox