
Young Writers Society

When the World is Dying

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Wed May 11, 2016 1:55 am
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Eternity says...


"Hey, Low," This girl walked over and bent in front of him. Her voice was so smooth and soft. She gave a smile. Low relaxes slightly, realizing she's no threat. "My name is Wyvern, and this is Matt. We have a camp in the forest. We're heading to England because apparently it's a safe zone. Would you like to join us?" Wyvern... That's very pretty.

Low blinked in surprise. W-What? "Umm..." He glances at Matt and then back to Wyvern before nodding. "Y-Yeah, sure."

"But you'll need to help us bring the deer back to camp," she pointed back at the deer. Food.

"Yeah, yeah, I can do that," Low perked up. By then, he was up and helping Matt. They walked to the camp sight and Low ventured against a tree. He paid no attention to the physical words being said around him. It was more of paying attention to the surroundings and his mind.

They actually helped me... Confusion rushed over Low as his focus was steadied on Sam's hands. He watched as Sam skinned the dear.

Why was Wyvern so nice to him? Why did she help? He shook the idea out of his mind. He has help. Perhaps he could survive now. Perhaps

Spoiler! :
Sorry it isn't long at all. I'm dealing with a lot (check out my wall for more) and I'm having writer's block as well, but I'm still trying. I hope it's okay.

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Wed May 11, 2016 2:14 am
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

Samuel awoke some time after Matt and Wyvern had left. He noted that they were gone, but he wasn't too worried about them. Not only were they immune to the infection, but all of his stuff was still near him. So they hadn't made off with anything. Wyvern and Matt's supplies were still nearby as well which meant the they were planning on coming back.

It seemed that he had been volunteered for babysitting duty. The guy he had found the past evening was still unconscious and his wolf was still standing guard over him like a sentinel. Gathering a few logs to bring the fire back to life, the wolf gave him a low growl when he got too close.

With the fire crackling and smoking, Samuel pulled out a bag of the jerky he had made the day before and ate a few strips. Tossing a few strips to the wolf, he greedily ate them, making Samuel smile a little under the mask.

The rustling of leaves brought Samuel's attention to Wyvern arriving from her little expedition. "We're back!" she sang.

His eyes narrow a little in irritation. Had the girl forgotten that the infected were all over. "Hurray," he grumbles in sarcasm. Matt mentions more food, the deer that they brought could feed them for at least two weeks if the meat was preserved and rationed properly.

The new recruit didn't look someone that would normally survive in the world as it is now. Surprises seemed to be everywhere. They were starting to get at a point where anyone else would start to become cumbersome.

"I'm going to assume you're the one that skinned and deboned the cat, Sam, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could do the same for Mr Deer too," Wyvern said patting his shoulder as she walk passed him and over to the pile of bones near her pack. "Thanks for that, by the way."

Samuel grunted out loud enough to make sure that she heard. "My name is Samuel." Going to the deer he inspected it for bites or any rotten areas. He ties his rope to its hind legs and raises it up into the tree to start dressing it. He expertly cuts through its skin as he needs to first peel off its hide and them start cutting strips of meat out. He hands them to Matt to put near the fire to make them into jerky again.

As he worked Matt was talking about what can be made from the deer, about half way through stripping down the meat, Samuel noticed that the new guy, Low, was watching him dress the deer. With a quick flick of his wrist he spun the knife around so that he held the blade and offered Low the knife. "Wouldn't hurt for someone else to know how to dress a deer," he said gently. It was the first time that his voice had been anything but flat.

Spoiler! :
No one likes Samuel. XD Everyone is put off by him. lol

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42 Reviews

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Wed May 11, 2016 7:25 pm
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Vellichor says...

Matt Walker

The boy opened his mouth to speak again and fear was clear in his eyes. I felt bad and was just letting the arrow down when Wyvern pushes my bow away from him. I look over in surprise. Change in heart, much? I do smile though. Maybe there's hope for us all yet...

"Hey, Low." Wyvern takes a few steps closer. "My name is Wyvern, and this is Matt." She gestures back towards me and I wave sheepishly with an apologetic smile. "We have a camp in the forest. We're heading to England because apparently it's a safe zone. Would you like to come with us?" For a split second I feel hesitation in the back of my mind when I remember what Samuel said about a group. We need to find others, regardless of age- no. The youngest should be taken great care of. They will inherit this ruined earth when we are all dead and gone. It is our duty to make things alright for the future generations. I shake my head and smile. Wyvern is right, I'm getting wayyy to excited about this.

Low looks as surprised as I am at Wyvern's sudden outreach, but he has at least let go of some tension. When he first emerged from the bushes, he was visibly coiled and ready to spring. "Umm ... I ..." He looks over at me and I offer another sad smile. Note to self, apologize for bow-pointing. He looks back to Wyvern before speaking. "Yeah, sure."

She tells him that he'll have to help us with the deer and he eagerly obliges. When Wyvern turns back to me I give her a confused look. I'm glad of this chance meeting in the woods, but what made you act that way? She sticks her tongue out at me, and I roll my eyes. Back to being sassy, I see. I head over to the deer and pull the arrow from the buck's neck, dipping it into the lake and then drying it in the grass before replacing it in my quiver. As I hoist the deer, Low falls in to bear the weight of the back half and I smile in appreciation before turning to Wyvern. "You'll have to walk ahead, Wyvern. With your wounds-" She cuts me off. "Yeah, yeah." Her voice is low and it's clear that she doesn't like the current state of things. "Don't want to open them."

We walk mostly in silence, but luckily it doesn't take long to reach camp again. "We're back!" Wyvern calls out." Samuel looks up and narrows his eyes. "Hurray." Still as friendly as ever, I see... "We have more food, too. " I say, sighing as we let the heavy deer down in the clearing. I gesture at Low. "And a new recruit." Low waves and offers a small "Hey."

Wyvern speaks up again, this time directing her voice to Samuel. "I'm going to assume you're the one that skinned and deboned the cat, Sam, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could do the same for Mr Deer too." She pats his shoulder as she walks past before crouching down and inspecting the pile of drying bones. "Thanks for that, by the way."

Samuel only grunts in response and walks over to the deer. "I could make more jerky with the tougher bits, but I was thinking that we could all use a steak in our bellies. I know a thing or two about gourmet camp-cooking." I chuckle at my joke but let the smile drift from my face when Samuel doesn't respond except with another nod.Alrighty then... "Well... I'll be here, when the skinning is done, um... Just let me know if and when I can do something." I take a few steps back and almost trip over Low, but then I turn and look at the boy. "Hey, Low, I didn't mean anything by that whole bow-in-your-face thing, you just surprised me is all. Let me know if you need anything, ok?" I smile and head over to my pack to do an inventory check before turns back around. "Oh and there's already some jerky by the fire if you're hungry before the deer is ready for cooking."

Going through my pack, I discover my old holsters and hesitate for a moment before looping one through my belt and the other under my shoulder. It's been a while since I actually carried my guns on me, but... Can't hurt to be ready, right? I place the two handguns in the holsters, the compact in the shoulder holster and the full size Beretta on my leg in the drop holster. I do the same with the knives that were formerly just tucked into my belt, sliding the machete into a thigh sheath and the combat knife into my boot sheath. I look down at the bow I've placed beside my pack and then over at Wyvern. That cat destroyed her bow yesterday...

Standing up, I make a split decision and scoop up the bow and quiver before heading over to where Wyvern is picking through the pile of cat bones. "Hey, Wyvern." I rub my neck slowly and try to find the words. "I was thinking... I have all these other weapons and that cat broke your bow, so I mean... You have use-.... You can have this one, if you want. I mean at least until you can make a new one. I think it's safe to say that you're a better shot than I am and I always have my guns if things get hairy so..." I place the bow and canvas quiver on the ground beside the pile. "It's there if you want it." I offer an awkward smile and I'm sure I'm as red in the face as a beet, but I continue. "Just because I was thinking that using a knife would probably increase your chances of opening those wounds again, not because I care or anything..." I add emphasis and try at a joke. What are you doing Matt?! You aren't funny! Stop it this instant! You're a survivor, not some stuttering school boy with a crush! Get over yourself!

"So ah, yeah. That's all I think." I stuff my hands into my pockets then and turn on my heels, heading back for my pack and to finish my inventory check. Real smooth talking there, Walker....

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Wed May 11, 2016 7:37 pm
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Eternity says...


Lowette was focused. He didn't think much of anything as he watched Samuel skin and cut the deer. He watched as Sam looked up at him and spun the knife around so that the knife was offered to him. Before Low could respond to his movement, Sam added, "Wouldn't hurt for someone else to know how to dress a deer."

"I-I..." Low stuttered. He bent down next to Sam, taking the handle of the knife in his right hand. Clueless, he looked at Samuel and waited for instruction.

Low killed very few animals. He lived off of berries and scavenged food from abandoned houses. He remembered the time that he was nearly killed, and that's how he ended up with all the scars on his arms. His clothes were tattered and he was skinny. Very skinny.[/b]

Low was skittish. Any raise of the hand and he flinched. Quick movements startled him and any demands scared him. He was afraid of many things. Being on his own for many years caused him to become one with nature instead of people. He didn't know how to speak without stuttering because people [i]scared

Seeing these people--these non-infected--made him satisfied with the fact he still had a chance to survive. He hated strolling into the forest in general because he met the challenges of the wild, but he managed to make it this far.

"S-Sam, I'm not sure how I-I do t-this." He gulped. He looked at Sam, unsteady.

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Wed May 11, 2016 7:51 pm
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

Samuel nodded at Matt's request. A few good cuts of meat to fill their bellies would be good right now. Especially for Low. The boy was as thin as a twig.

"S-Sam, I'm not sure how I-I do t-this," Low gulped before looking at him.

"First, my name is Samuel," he said firmly. "Second, you need to relax. You can't cut meat with a shaky hand. Lastly, I'm going to step you through it." Samuel then moved the other side of the deer where all the meat was still attached. Samuel started to explain where all the muscles were and where the different cuts of meat were. He didn't expect Low to memorize all of the cuts immediately. But a general overview wouldn't hurt.

With one of his other knives he would start a shallow cut in the muscle of the dead deer so that there was an outline to follow. He explained that the best way to cut meat is across the grain, showing the fibers that the meat was made of. "And don't worry. This take practice. You might get a perfect cut and you might not. It's isn't going to really hurt the meat any. It will still cook. So don't worry about how it looks. Just get the motions and movements down." Samuel's voice softened a great deal as he taught the younger boy how to clean the deer.

"How well can you handle yourself when you're in trouble?" he asked Low needing to get a feel of what the kid could do. Wyvern had already proven how good a shot she was, and for Matt to snag a deer with a bow was proof enough, but this boy hadn't shown anything yet save for a knack for surviving, which seemed to be the only thing that they all had in common.

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Wed May 11, 2016 8:07 pm
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Eternity says...


"First, my name is Samuel," Samuel said firmly. "Second, you need to relax. You can't cut meat with a shaky hand. Lastly, I'm going to step you through it."

Low listened to Samuel carefully, nodding as he talked. Samuel moved to the other side of the deer, explaining the cuts and muscle of the deer. He carefully outlined a few parts of the deer and Low nodded. Seems easy but is it really?[/b]

"And don't worry. This take practice. You might get a perfect cut and you might not. It's isn't going to really hurt the meat any. It will still cook. So don't worry about how it looks. Just get the motions and movements down." Samuel told Low softly. Low nodded, thinking he got the basics of it down. As Samuel began to explain a few more things about the deer, Low began to calm down. He knew the group wasn't going to hurt him. He needed to focus. His focus on the deer was cut off by Samuel's next question.

"How well can you handle yourself when you're in trouble?"

Low paused. All I ever do is run. Run until I can't anymore.

"I-I.. uh.." He stammered. Stop stuttering, Low.

"I've survived this long because of my gun. I have a good shot with it, but it's too loud." Low scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Attracts too many of those creatures. I'm also good at tracking. My dad taught me a great deal when he was still alive. He was probably the only one in my family that cared." Low looked away from Samuel, shaking his head. "I ran away quite a lot in my younger years, and I always ended up going back. I learned a lot out here. All of this started when I was one. My mother abused me up until she was torn apart by the Infected. I ran, not helping her." He paused once more and groaned. "I'm sorry, that makes me sound like a really bad person. I just couldn't help her. I've made it six years out here by tracking animals and killing them with my gun, then running with some part of it. I lived off berries and other things like mushrooms for the majority of my time out here. I also scavenged up some food from the abandoned houses. All I've ever really done was run, scavenge, hunt, and run some more."

Low sighed, "Sorry, I shouldn't have gone on a full history background." He looked at the dead deer that lay beside him and his stomach grumbled.

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Wed May 11, 2016 8:46 pm
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

"I ran away quite a lot in my younger years, and I always ended up going back. I learned a lot out here. All of this started when I was one. My mother abused me up until she was torn apart by the Infected. I ran, not helping her." He paused once more and groaned. "I'm sorry, that makes me sound like a really bad person."

Samuel didn't hear much after that. The boy struck a chord so deep in him, that he didn't even think it was there anymore. His eyes visibly softened. The scars that were hidden beneath the armored shirt that he wore seemed to ache from the remembrance of each one.

"Not helping her doesn't make you a bad person," he said gently. "Whatever she did made her a bad person. Trust me. I know." He pulled the collar of his shirt down and the side a little, showing just a few of the multitude of scars that covered his torso. "I know exactly how you feel," he whispered. He showed Low how to add his shoulder into the motion to get a better cut with less effort.

"When we're done here I want you to find a couple of good sticks about three feet long," he stated suddenly after they got back to work. "I'm going to teach you how to keep yourself safe without using your pistol." Samuel didn't look at the Low. He didn't know if he could survive it. Even from his peripheral he was damn sure that his younger self was standing there beside him now.

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Wed May 11, 2016 9:11 pm
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Eternity says...


"Not helping her doesn't make you a bad person," Samuel said to Low. Low noticed his voice get lower. "Whatever she did made her a bad person. Trust me. I know." Low watched Samuel pulled the collar of his shirt down and to the side a little, showing the scars that covered his torso. "I know exactly how you feel," he whispered.

Low looked at Samuel and sighed. He looked away once more and sat quietly with the knife in his hand still. He felt a small pain in his stomach, but it wasn't that he was hungry. It was more the pain of sorrow and unforgiveness. He couldn't find himself to forgive his mother for what she did.

"When we're done here I want you to find a couple of good sticks about three feet long," he stated suddenly after they got back to work. "I'm going to teach you how to keep yourself safe without using your pistol."

Low was now determined he get this job done. He was excited more than anything because he could learn something new from Samuel. Although they had just met, he felt as if he knew Samuel like he'd been friends with him for a while. Friends... He had none. Low had no friends, ever. But these fellows may be the change of that.

Low felt a connection with this group and he noticed that they all seemed to calm down near him. Why was that?

Low was with a group and they were willing to help him.

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Thu May 12, 2016 3:40 am
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

The steaks that Low cut out were perfect, but they were decent. Setting out the steaks on the stone around the fire. "The bones can be sharped to make arrow heads, knives, spear heads, and fishing hooks," Samuel explained as he began cutting the ligaments that held the bones together. "The guts we get rid of, but you can usually use it for bait for fish."

Samuel sat down and kept an eye on the steaks. He could remember what his father used to do to him on a nightly basis. As the steaks finished cooking, he would pass them out holding the hot food with his calloused hands. Without plates or silverware, they were out of options with serving. He barely felt the heat anymore on his fingers.

When Low got the sticks, Samuel stood up and took one giving it a few swings to get the weight. "Alright, I'm going to teach you how to fight with a one handed weapon. You can apply this to anything from a machete to a club. The secret to fighting is that all your power comes from you hips...not your arms." Samuel began. He started with Low's stance keeping him balanced but mobile. They went through blocking, dodging, and striking as a quick overview. "Now for practice I want you to go to that tree and go very slow. I want you to take each motion slowly and concentrate on how your body is supposed to move." Samuel drew the sword at his hip. "When you have good technique and form..." Samuel made a quick slash, making a clean cut through a inch and a half thick branch, "you can generate the same about of power as a heavy hitter for the Yankees."

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Fri May 13, 2016 2:53 am
Basil says...


I stare at the bow and sheathe of arrows in front of me, eyes wide with surprise.

"Wyvern," Mum says softly.

"Yeah?" I look up at her, smiling.

"I want to show you something," she nods her head, indicating I follow her.

We walk outside, into the brisk evening air. It was my birthday a couple of days ago, and Mum said she had a surprise for me that wasn't quote ready yet. I wonder if maybe that's what she has to show me.

Mum walks over to the small shed she built after Alex was born. She makes me wait outside until she comes out of the shed, a small bow in one hand and a sheathe of arrows in the other. She grins wide as she hands both to me, and I stare at them in amazement.

"You mean ... They're for me?" I ask in awe.

"Of course, sweetie," Mum nods. "You're only eight, but you're never too young to start learning. Besides, this one is just for you, I made it to suit only your stance."

I marvel at the bow before throwing my arms around my mother. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal in delight.

She bends down to kiss my head. "No problem," she says softly. "Want to show your sister your new bow?"

"Yes!" I hold it above my head and trot triumphantly back into the house like I own the world.

Shaking my head, I pick up Matt's bow and inspect it. The string is nice and strong, but will need to be replaced soon. The bow itself is sturdy, and properly made, unlike my piece of crap that snapped under a big cat's paw.

I can't take this? Sure Matt made some good points, but still! What if it's a gift from someone? Although what if he'd just found it? But still. Sighing, I look at the bones and bite my lip. It will take me ages to make something usable with those. I could make a bow using the ribs, although that would take a lot of time and foraging for things to bind the bones together. And I can make two knives and plenty of arrows. And if I snag some deer hide, I can make a sheathe big enough for said arrows. I guess Matt's bow is needed after all. But not right now.

Standing up, I walk over to Matt and sit down beside him. He gives me an odd look and then looks at the bow.

"Wyvern –"

"Right now, I have no use for this. I know you gave me your arrows, but I'm really particular about arrows. And I have the bones so I can make new ones," I smile at him and hand him back his bow. "Thank you for the bow, Matt. Can I ask for it when I have some arrows made?"

He grins at me. "I was worried you were going to flat our refuse it," he says. "Of course I can hold onto it for you."

"Thanks Matt," I smile at him, our eyes locking. My heart starts to race, and my eyes drop to his lips. I quickly look away and clear my throat. "Well, I should get to it. Those arrows won't make themselves."

I stand up and brush my legs down awkwardly before walking back over to my pack. I pull out my carving stone knife, and a filer I'd stolen from an abandoned tool shop. I pick up a bone – I think this one was from the foreleg – and start carving away at it. My eyes flicker up to Matt for a split second before returning to my carving. What on earth happened just then? There's something about Matt that's really alluring. I haven't been around people for so long, and I thought I was content to forever be alone, but now I have to get used to being around others. And they're all guys, too. I bet even the wolf is a male.

There we go, I've gone and given myself a headache from all this thinking. Sighing softly, I put the bone down and stand up, making sure my other two knives are secure at my belt. No one spares me a glance. I could easily slip away, never come back. Run away and continue being alone.

"I'm going for a walk to the river, I'll be back in a couple of hours," I announce.

Samuel grunts in response, explaining how to skin something to Low. Matt looks at me and waves, smiling wide. I fight the blush threatening to crawl up my cheeks and turn away, walking into the trees.

I purge all thoughts from my mind as I walk, listening to the sounds around me, feeling the soft breeze ruffling my clothes, kissing my skin as it moves through the forest. I stroll through the trees until I come to a small brook. Bending down, I stare at the water, aware that I haven't had a proper bath for a while. Now is probably a good time as any.

I gingerly pull my jacket off, followed by my shirt. I take off my boots and place them under a tree branch. I hang my jacket and shirt over the branch and take off my jeans and underwear. I unclip my bra with a wince, the wounds on my back protesting slightly. Carefully, I unwrap the bandages around my torso and pull the gauze off. I try to twist around to look at the wounds on my back, but it hurts too much.

Stepping into the water, I ignore the cold and wash myself as quickly as possible. I dip my hair into the water to wet it and scrub my scalp. Once I'm as clean as I can get, I step out of the water and shake my hair, wrapping it up in a crude bun using strands of hair. While I wait for my skin to dry, I count the scars on my body.

Five silvery scars on my left leg, fourteen on my right. There is a jagged scar running across my waist where I'd fallen out of a tree a few years ago. I have claw marks across my ribcage, and a scar running across my right shoulder where someone had tried to knife me. I don't really have many interesting stories behind the scars, most of them are from Infected biting me. Although the knife scar could be considered comical, except it could have ended my life. I wouldn't tell anyone how I got most of these scars, not because I don't trust them, but because I don't want to bring them back up.

Satisfied that I'm dry enough, I wrap the bandages around my torso and pull my clothes back on. I carry my boots in one hand as I go back to camp. When I return I place my boots on the ground near my lack and walk over to Matt.

"My wounds might need to be redressed," I inform him.

"What?" He barks. "Why?"

"I had a bath," I shrug.

He shakes his head and reaches for his medic kit. "Alright, sit down," he pats the ground before him.

Sitting down, I pull my jacket off and lift my shirt up so that Matt can look at my back. I cringe and hiss in pain as he dabs at the cuts before finishing up and wrapping the bandages around my torso again. He pulls my shirt down and hands me my jacket.

"Thanks," I say shyly, walking back over to my stuff. I sit down and pick up a bone to continue carving an arrow out of it.

What is wrong with me?

Spoiler! :
Sorry this is so long, I had a lot of time on my hands and got a bit carried away.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Fri May 13, 2016 7:14 am
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Amnesia says...


Spoiler! :
I don't really know if I really caught the correct mood or what she should be doing atm so let me know and I'll try and edit it


"Julie come catch me!!" Jayden says running towards the "home tree". Julia, walking at a steady pace behind her brother smiles.

"Jay you're such a brat." She says.

Out of nowhere an infected appears out of the brush. Before she can scream a warning or draw her gun it grabs Jay. Julia draws her gun and walks slowly towards the infected and her brother.

"Jayden don't move a muscle." She says sternly, and she starts circling the infected when it happens. It happens so quickly she didn't even have time to register it. The infected bit Jay and then took off into the trees. Julia didn't even have time to shoot because she as busy catching her brother.

over the course of the next two days she waited for him to convert fully before making him bite her. before she put the bullet through his head.

End of Flashback

Julia felt around herself, after finding nothing but the cool grass behind her she jerked awake and started calling for Jayden to come back to bed. A few minutes later once her mind cleared she remembered that she had in fact had to murder her baby brother and cried again.
I want a Harry Potter reboot with Benedict Cumberbatch as all the characters~~Mem
<3 Formerly Remembrance <3

This page supports the LGBTQ community

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Wed May 25, 2016 7:53 am
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Vellichor says...

Matt Walker

Before Wyvern leaves, I dread having to speak and I can feel my face get hot when she places the bow back at my feet. "Wyvern-" Thankfully, she cuts me off and my faltering voice is all but silenced.

"Right now, I have no use for this. I know you gave me your arrows, but I'm really particular about arrows. And I have the bones so I can make new ones," I smile at him and hand him back his bow. "Thank you for the bow, Matt. Can I ask for it when I have some arrows made?"

I blink and can hardly do anything to stop a relieved grin from spreading across my face. Whew. False alarm. "I was worried you were going to flat our refuse it." By now I'm sure my cheeks are about the same shade as a rose. "Of course I can hold onto it for you."

"Thanks Matt." She smiles at me and her eyes flit down and away. She clears her throat and stands up quickly, brushing off her legs. "Well, I should get to it. Those arrows won't make themselves." She heads off back over to her pack and where Samuel laid the bones earlier, by now becoming bleached in the sun that filters through the trees.

I shake my head and return to my inventory. What the hell is wrong with me? The world has ended, and I still get shy when there's a pretty girl near me? No. Of course it isn't like that, there's just something about her that makes me feel weird. Not unpleasantly weird, but..... weird nonetheless...

Some time later, Wyvern stands from her task and announces that she will be taking a walk. Samuel is his usual chatty self and offers a simple grunt in response while I smile over at her, trying probably too hard not to look like an overexcited puppy. I consider asking if I could tag along but decide against it when she heads off into the woods. She can take care of herself, and she certainly doesn't need your painfully-awkward butt following her around. I sigh and lean back against my tree and close my eyes.

Some time later, I wake up suddenly as padded footsteps break my light sleep. Wyvern is standing at the edge of the clearing, heading towards me. Her hair looks wet. "My wounds might need to be redressed." I sit up too fast and cough up a panicked reply. "What? Why?"

Did she have to run from Infected? More wild animals? Other people?

"I had a bath." She shrugs and I can feel my shoulders relax. I shake my head and pull my kit from the larger bag. "Alright, sit down." I pat the ground in front of me before realizing I'm patronizing her and limply lay my hand on my lap. You're just a killer with the ladies aren't you, Walker?

I make a face and clear my head as she sits down in front of me and exposes her back once more. The wounds already look slightly better and I mentally pat myself on the back. Maybe not a total loser at least...

I pull a cotton swab and dab at the cuts with rubbing alcohol and wrapping them back up with fresh gauze and antibiotic ointment. My voice is still not cooperating and I simply pull her shirt down for her, handing her jacket to her as well.

"Thanks." I just smile lightly and put my eyes down. No use making yourself look like any more of a fool than she probably already thinks of you. She heads back to her things again and resumes her work on the bones. I realize that I'm staring and almost clap my hand to my face before I stop myself and occupy my time with simply drawing patterns in the dirt and sharpening my own knives. The afternoon is almost entirely silent, save for Samuel's coaching of Low on skinning. It's gonna be a long way to England....

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Wed May 25, 2016 11:52 am
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LordZeus says...

Harry Falconer

Harry awoke feeling that all was not quite right. Blitz was sleeping peacefully next to him, which was normal. But he still didn't feel quite right. He realized that he was on his side and quickly sat up. The moment he did, Blitz awoke, lifting up his head alertly.

Harry saw a couple of tents set up nearby and realized that he was in a campsite, right in front of a tree. How did I get here? he wondered. He tried to get up but felt too weak to do so. So instead, he leaned back to relax, and tilted his head up to see a girl's face looming over him.

"Yaaah!" he yelled, humping back with fright and surprise, banging his head against the tree trunk.

"Ugh..." he muttered, feeling dizzy after the knock.

The girl dropped down from the tree and gave what looked like a forced smile before saying, "Hey. It's okay, I'm not infected." making calming gestures with her hands.

Harry scrambled back against the tree, staying as far away from the girl as possible. While she didn't appear to be infected, his recent experiences with Slavemaster Yuko and his men made him suspicious of the clean as well.

"Hey man, calm down!" said a voice to his side suddenly, and Harry yelped and leaped away from it, hitting his head hard against a tree branch and causing Harry to sit down hard on his rear.

"You okay?" asked a boy had just come into Harry's field of vision, and made to approach him, but Harry snatched out his pistol from it's holster and pointed it straight at him.

"Stay back!" snarled Harry, waving his gun around. Two more boys came up behind up the first, one staying back, looking at him fearfully, but the other was glaring at Harry, his hand on the hilt of a sword.

Feeling his chances of intimidating the lot of them (and thus making them stay away). falling drastically (though he was generally good at intimidation) he called his ace.

"Blitz!' he called out. "Attack them!"

Blitz stood up, looked critically at Harry for a moment, and then sat down and started licking his paw. Well, you're a real help. thought Harry disdainfully.

He flushed with embarrassment as he noticed the looks of amusement on the faces of the people in front of him. "Hey, wipe those grins off your faces! He's a lot more fierce than that!"

The group of four looked at Harry for a tension filled moment of silence before the boy with the sword spoke up. "Hey, calm down! I found you unconscious in the woods, and brought you here."

Harry frowned. All his instincts told him the boy was telling the truth, and Harry was great at reading people, but he was still unsure.

"You brought me here?" he muttered doubtfully.

"Yup." replied the boy. "Then Matt here saw to your leg bite."

Remembering the infected dog biting his shin, Harry looked down to see that the wound was bandaged. Reaching his free had down to his foot, he pressed on the wound.

"It doesn't hurt..." he muttered.

"Yeah, I think I did a good job." said the boy who had spoken to him first, who seemed to be Matt. "Um...could you put down the gun now, please?"

Harry hovered in indecision for a moment before he grudgingly dropped the gun. He then sat up, and immediately felt waves of dizziness.

"I don't feel too good..." he muttered.

"Yeah, you took a couple of hard knocks to the head." said Matt, his brows furrowing.
"You need anything?"

Harry licked his dry lips and said, "Got any food and water?"

He nodded, and ran to one of the tents, and came out with a flask and few strips of what looked like jerky in his hands.

He handed them to Harry, and he drank deeply from the flask before tearing through the jerky, not realizing how hungry he was until he took the first bite. As he ate, hi new acquaintances introduced themselves, and then Harry did too. After throwing the last piece to Blitz, he sat back against the tree with a contented sigh.

The boy with the sword (who was called Samuel) regarded the wolf gobbling up the meat with frown. "You shouldn't have done that." he said. "The wolf ate his fair share this morning."

Harry shrugged. "Sorry."

Wyvern looked at Harry with interest and said, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up unconscious in the woods? And how did you get that mark on your forehead?"

Realizing that he would have to explain his vaccination and his period of bondage with Yuko to tell them that, he sat up. "Alright, I'll tell you." he said. "But you may want to sit down first. It's a long story."

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Wed May 25, 2016 2:01 pm
XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

Samuel kept up his practice with Low. The boy seemed to have a good sense of balance to him, something a lot of people were lacking. The would back and forth taking turns attacking and defending to get the feeling of striking and blocking with smooth motions.

Samuel kept an eye on Wyvern and Matt. If the human race stood any chance of surviving this apocalypse, it lied with them. The Immune. Whether they were willing to admit it or not, a blind man could see that there was an attraction there. The two just seemed to be either fighting or ignoring it at the moment. That would likely change with their journey.

Wyvern left for a bit, Not a smart idea Samuel thought, but he only responded with a grunt. The strong silent type seemed to fit him to a T. Wyvern returned after some time and got bandaged once again by Matt. He was quickly becoming the rag-tag groups medic. A small smile cracked on his features. A sharpshooter, a medic, a swordsman, and a squire. All the makings of a fantasy novel ready to hit the road. But this wasn't a novel and there was no fantasy in it. They were in a horror film that only seemed to get worse the longer they watched.

Suddenly, the boy that Samuel had carried to camp awoke with a start. It wasn't all that strange for the boy to freak out at being in a new place and surrounded by people that he didn't know. That just proved that he was still human. He walked into view to tell the kid to keep it down, or he'll risk calling some of the mold covered dead to them, when the boy pulled out a pistol and aimed at them in quick succession. His right hand flew to his sword and drew it an inch, the bright steel shining in the firelight.

The boy gave an order to his canine friend, which he promptly ignored. If the boy knew anything, the lax behavior of his companion should have clued him into the actual level of danger. Having had enough of the boy's clear attempt to intimidate them, Samuel removed his hand from his sword, the steel clapping down to the sheath guard, and spoke in a stern voice, "Hey, calm down! I found you unconscious in the woods and brought you here."

A small explanation of his treatment was given and the boy asked for some food and water. With their present luck of hunting and the stream nearby, the group had enough to spare.

At the questions to how he was unconscious and the wound to his leg, the boy seemed to be hesitant to say anything; but, it would seem the boy understood that if he wanted to remain he would have to explain himself. Samuel leaned against a nearby tree and folded his arms across his chest.

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Thu May 26, 2016 12:00 am
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TheForgottenKing says...


"Move your ass soldiers!" My eyes snapped open at the sound of my C.O screaming at the top of his lungs. Was that smoke I could smell?? I groggily reached for my light and flipped it on. My eyes widened at the chunk of flesh missing from his arm." We're being overrun!" He shouted as he grimaced, pain evident in his eyes.

I leapt up, pulling up my combat pants, my squad mates going just as fast, maybe even faster as we all hurriedly dressed, the sounds of the Infected getting closer. We were all Immune, so there was two ways that they were here. Either one of the doctors somehow became an Infected.... Or someone let them into the compound. I was snapped from my reverie by Jeremy and Maria, who handed me my gear. It took us a bit as we all got outfitted, and when we were finished, Sergeant Brown smiled wickedly.

"Let's bring these bastards to hell."

We were a team, trained to do this. Moving from room to room. Shots filled the night, as well as the screams of the dying when an Infected got ahold of someone. We used up so much ammo in that single night. I watched Maria get torn apart by an Infected dog. Jeremy was covered in blood as he put her out of her misery.

Everything was mechanic. Soon, the first light began to show as the sun was rising. We were exhausted, sore,covered in blood, and morale was low. But we had cleared the compound of Infected. Now, we had to find out who... Or what had set off the attack."

I leaned against the wall, releasing a sigh of pent up exhaustion." Command wants us to go scavenge for medical supplies. The ATV's are getting gassed up as we speak. Regular 4 man patrol. See you out there in a bit." Jeremy said. I nodded, wiping sweat from my brow.

"Let's go fill up on ammo and equipment before we head out." I suggested. Jeremy nodded as I led the way to the armory.

"Always thought Maria would be gone before me." Jeremy said, putting bullets into a magazine. I nodded." She was always so safe and careful. And I was the risk taker." He added, before putting the magazine into his chest rig. I followed him out to the ATV's, where two other soldiers were waiting. I started up my ATV as the gate slid open.
Last edited by TheForgottenKing on Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I make my own luck"- Shay Patrick Cormac

You got rid of them. Yes, that's just like you. Getting rid of everything unpleasant instead of learning to put up with it.
— Aldous Huxley, Brave New World