
Young Writers Society

Darkness Descending- Battle Will Come (Not started/Open)

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Points: 290
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Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:05 am
TheNeoAceofAll says...

AN- Please be patient with me, i haven't done one of these in like a year.

For thousands of years, the Mystical Beings- witches and warlocks- have lived in peace among the humans. These beings, either created or born, have been gifted with incredible powers, mainly centered around the elements. With their amazing magic, they have guided and created the modern society of today. Mystical beings have formed Covens together, all aiming to improve both the human and Mystic world. All live in peace amongst each other... Until the arrival of the Dark Covens.

With magic comes a certain peace within a person. Those with the gift of magic (referred to as "the craft") seem to develop a wholeheartedly good disposition. The Craft, attuned with the natural world, has the ability to eradicate the hatred and horrors of human nature in its blinding light. However, within the last 5 years, that fact has changed. A group of witches and warlocks gathered together and, for reasons unknown, evoked some form of evil- resulting in their horrific transformation. Their magic has become corrupted, making them hateful and demonic. All the compassion and peace left their bodies, leaving an empty shell in its wake. This "Dark Coven" then realised that they could spread their infection to other witches and warlocks (and perhaps humans???), all almost immediately joining their ranks. They have begun to take over the human world as well, pushing their minions into positions of power and plan to lead the humans into self destruction. For the remaining Mystical Beings, is their any hope? Can they stop the spread of darkness, or at least survive? One thing is certain... Battle will come

Meet The Heros (and I use that term lightly)
Our story follows the North Compass Coven, a relatively wealthy clan living currently in Denver, Colorado. This clan consist of many different types of Mystic beings, all mainly living in the Compass Tower, a massive skyscraper consisting of apartments and offices alike. The coven works in the city trying to better it in any way they can (this is a common setup for Covens) working to help the homeless, preserve the natural landscape of the Rocky's, and open new hospitals. However, news of the Dark Covens haunts the group, resulting in a constant fear looming over them all. There has been rumors that they are coming to the midwest soon, but nothing has been confirmed. Many fear for friends and family on the east coast, now almost completely run by the Dark Coven, some even suspect the potential for a trader amongst the mits. There is fighting amongst the members about a plan of action, yet one thing remains unanimous: when the Dark Coven comes, they will fight to the end.

The Craft
How Mystics are created
There are 2 ways to make a Mystic. One way is to be born one- with 2 magical parents- or to be created by a very powerful Mystic. It is the responsibility of the parents or the person who created the Mystic to train them to properly use their powers. THERE IS NO SCHOOL THIS IS NOT HARRY POTTER.

Spoiler! :
Mystic beings grow at the same rate of humans, however when they reach maturity, they stop aging. They then can live for hundreds of years at around the ages of 18-25.

In this world, all Mystic Beings have the same basic powers, some, but not limited to, are-
-conjuring of small organic matter i.e- apples
-levitation (of themselves or other things)
-extra senses i.e- can tell someone is listening, can tell when a friend is in distress. somewhat ambiguous, don't overuse this.
- communication amongst each other via "telesence"- kinda like a little portal, think skype for magic people (a Mystic receiving a message from this can deny it).
- The ability to manipulate humans- NOTE: among the "good" covens, the use of this power is taboo and is only used in the most extreme circumstances. Among the Dark Covens, this is used quite often. However, this exercise can be draining depending on how extreme the manipulation is. ie- getting a person to believe that they never saw you is easier than getting them to believe a pig flew across the sky.

Spoiler! :
All Mystic Beings (both good and bad) have some form of specialized magic. The power choses the person, so most people with the same power have similar personalities. There are 5 types, relating to the elements. They are-
These Mystics, notorious for being slightly destructive, have the ability to manipulate and control fire. Their power is viewed as a way to cleanse and allow for rebirth. They can create fire and control it completely. They have a reputation for short tempers, but not all meet this mold. However all feel great passion in all their endeavors and feel every emotion to the fullest.

These Mystics are known for their control over water and ice as well as their incredibly healing abilities. Their power is viewed as a creator of life, water being the basic need for all living things. They are viewed as the most calm and rational Mystics, but this does not apply to all. However, they all are intelligent and cunning, with a real love for life.

These Mystics have the ability to manipulate and control organic matter (plants). Their power revolves around life and its creation, often typecasting them as "hippies". Most are still very attuned with the natural world and find great comfort with animals. They are notoriously headstrong and determined, never wavering from their goals.

These Mystics can control the air and manipulate the wind. Their magic is most commonly associated with freedom and adventure, all feeling the need to experience life to the fullest. Their power is often considered the wackest of them all, yet when angered (which is rare), they can literally be a force to be reckoned with. They have a reputation for being slightly "flaky" but this is not true for all. Most of the Wind Mystics feel a need to avoid ties and try to find instant gratification.

These Mystics control the fifth element- energy. These extremely rare Mystics have the ability to control and generate raw energy, manifesting it in different ways. They can give it to someone else who has lost their own, or they can manifest it as its most pure form- lightning. These Mystics are natural leaders and will mostly be found governing Covens. They are level headed and crafty, with great charisma (most of the time). However, they do have a reputation for being slightly domineering and a little bossy at times.

Character templates
Spoiler! :
Affiliation (good or bad):
Description (personality and appearance):
Type (Gay, straight, bi, etc.):

Character slots
Spoiler! :
North Compass Coven
- Jessica North (TheNeoAceOfAll)

Dark Coven
- Samantha North (TheNeoAceOfAll)


Spoiler! :
Basic Rules apply
-No god modding
-no killing characters
-romance/sex ok, but don't overdo it. Nothing extreme
- cursing ok, but nothing too extreme. only like 2 times a post
- etc.

Thanks and join :)
Last edited by TheNeoAceofAll on Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Gender: Female
Points: 290
Reviews: 2
Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:14 am
TheNeoAceofAll says...

Quick thing, my 2 characters (forgot to say, no more than 2) will be up soon. I would do them now but it took me like 2 hours to write the story book and its late and this Ace is sleepy :). anyway, sign up, this will be fun

“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents!”
— Little Women