
Young Writers Society

The Hunger Games - Done

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:43 am
Calligraphy says...

Pink, you can receive a small package containing a bandage for your side, needle, and thread (for stitches), but nothing else.

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:04 pm
Calligraphy says...

So, no one is going to post?

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:13 pm
pinkangel54123 says...


When I come to, water is lapping at my back. For a second, I'm confused. Did I fall out of the tree into a pool? I felt for the string that I'd tied around my stomach, and it was still there. When I look out, I see water surrounding me on every side. I immediately panic and start to flail around to get away from the water, but the pain in my side stops me from doing that much longer. Considering that I'm still tied up, I should be safe unless the water rises some more. Just as I dip my hands underneath me into the water, a silver parachute lands on my stomach.

I snatch it up without a second thought; my mentor would have been pissed if it fell in the water. The needle and thread lets me know that my wound is bad enough that it needs to be stitched up. I grab a twig off the tree and clench it between my teeth as I stitch up my side to keep from bleeding. The tugging and pullin motion makes the blood spill even faster, but when I'm finished, I wrap the bandage around my entire midsection.

This time when I put my hands beneath my back to untie myself, I'm met with muggy air, but no water. The water must have receded while I was sewing myself shut. Idly, I wonder if Kace survived the flood. It would be no skin off of my back if he didn't.

**FYI, Kace died during the flood if that's okay with everybody.**
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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:23 pm
ultraviolet says...

Acacia Lane

I woke up to sun light and the sound of a splash. Considering how tired I was, I was fairly certain that I hadn't slept more than a few hours, rather than to the next day.

I was drained in every way possible, but my persistent nature wouldn't simply let me fall back asleep, so I got up, using the recording booth counter to pull myself up, and slowly, making sure not to splash water around, walked to the window. Outside was a tribute I recognized as Ivan.

My first thought was to take him out--I withdrew my dart gun and poison, even raised it to blow--when a thought struck me; Jeremy was probably dead, and if he wasn't it would be almost impossible to find him. There were twelve, including me, tributes left, if Jeremy were still alive. I needed another ally, and I needed one quick.

Dart still poised, I walked outside. Ivan's back was turned and he didn't hear me come out.

"This is dipped in poison," I said calmly.

He whirled around, facing me. He sized me and my dart gun up against him and his foil. Apparently he warranted me enough precision to nail him, so he didn't try to attack or flee.

"Why do you say that?" he asked. Obviously he was wondering why I didn't just shoot him, but of course he couldn't ask; perhaps I simply hadn't thought of that, and it would be totally idiotic to put murderous thoughts in my mind.

"That way you think before making any rash decisions."

"And what decision would that be? To attack you?" Apparently he couldn't figure out what other use he might be to me.

"No. The decision of whether or not to accept my offer of an alliance."
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:54 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Ivan Istor

I stood dazed at Acacia's request. She was asking for an alliance when she could have easily killed me. She really wasn't giving me much of a choice, but the fact remained that I needed an alliance partner and this situation was proof of it. I let my guard down, if I had Andi with me, she would have noticed the threat and this would have never happened. I looked her straight in the eye.

"I accept." I said. She lowered her dart gun, but didn't loosen up at all. She was probably thinking that I'd kill her as soon as she let her guard down, "I'm not going to kill you." I said calmly.

"How would I know that. You are a career, you can be saying exactly what I want to hear just to get your chance. Or your partner a chance." I could see the gears turning in her head. She was thinking of all the possible outcomes.

"Well, you were the one with the request," I said, "but there are two things you need to know about me. First, if I was going to kill you, it will not be when your guard is down. I have a code, I fight with honour and stabbing someone in their sleep is not honourable."

"What is the second thing?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of me.

"I am currently alone in the games. My partner is dead, and I need an alliance as much as you do. Probably more, since you are the one that can kill me in an instant." I said. The memories of how I failed Andi flooded me. I would not fail a second time. She will make it to the end with me. Then, we can fight on equal ground. Funny how I can trust so easily and others have such a hard time. Maybe it's because I assume everybody has the same code as me, but Acacia had poison darts, a weapon designed to kill from behind. I would have to be careful with her.

I rose my hands over my head and away from my weapon to show that I was looking for peace. She relaxed a little, but I could tell it would be a while before she completely trusted me. Then I remembered my apple. I hadn't eaten it yet, and I was hungry, but Acacia looked like she hadn't eaten in forever. I slowly took it out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked completely baffled at my offer, "Be careful," I said, "it's my last one. Now, why don't we discuss our next move." She just nodded and led me to her hiding spot in a recording studio.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:57 pm
Junglelover says...

Sorry I haven't posted for a while!!

Izzy Fox--5

We kept on walking even as the water got higher and higher."Guy, I think we should head for high ground. But it's going to be hard."
"Izzy, can I talk to you?" Ryan asked. He walked up to me and pushed me a few feet away from Chase.
"What is it?" I ask.
"It Chase, I don't think it's a good idea to have Chase on our team. She not weak, I think it's just an act. She might even have more weapons."
"Well, maybe your right, she not the kind of help I thought she was." I whispered back. "I think you can have your bow back, for a bit." With that being said we set out again in search for a high place, Ryan got his bow back, and Chase was whining. The water was about up to my chest when we found something to climb up on. "Ryan you go first, then Chase, then me." Ryan nodded her head, and started climbing, then Chase started. She was moving really slow, and I was just about to say something when I heard something. It sounded like a waterfall, but much way bigger." Oh crap, Chase move!!" I yelled
Chase went a bit faster, but not much. Then I started climbing. Ryan began to panic, "Izzy, hurry!" He started climb down. I saw a hug wave coming, my eyes widened with fear. I hung on tight, but I knew I won't be able to hold on. "Ryan!" I yelled as the overgrown wave crashed into me, and broke my grip. I floated uselessly away, I couldn't do anything. I held my breathe as the water dragged me under.

Izzy is dead
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:45 pm
pinkangel54123 says...


Yet another death on my hands, and I feel nothing. I even chuckle a bit to myself before I remember how close Ryan is to me. Tears fill my eyes, but I let a sadistic smile creep onto my face. "Isn't it just a shame about, Izzy?"

"She's not dead," he growls.

I tilt my head to the side and listen for the canon. The smile edges its way back onto my face before I can stop it. "She's not dead, eh?" He lunges at me, but before he can bridge the gap between the tree branches, I whip out my dagger. "My dagger vs. your sword. But the odds aren't in your favor, so get out off my way." I shove him a bit and he teeters on the tree branch. I jump from the tree and he sets his arrow towards me. I just laugh off his pathetic attempt at intimidation. He's nothing but a gulliable pushover like Izzy, and I tell him so.

"You don't know anything."

"Well then come over here and teach my a lesson," I goad. He climbs around the back of the tree so that I can't see him anymore. I'm positive that he's no threat to me.
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Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:45 pm
Calligraphy says...

Guys, no one has answered the question in the DT. It is in my last post. I need your answers.

A. S.

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:17 pm
ultraviolet says...

Acacia Lane

I led Ivan into the recording studio, so we could talk strategy. The thing was, he gave me his apple. Stupid move, but very, very smart. It showed he wasn't messing around, he wasn't simply using me. Well, he was, but he wasn't just going to stab me in my sleep then run off. I trusted him, to an extent. He wouldn't cheat me of supplies or my life. I didn't know how I knew this, but I did.

Because I did, I decided to show him my supplies. They were only my share that I had portioned out earlier, but it was more than he had.

I showed him my dart gun and poison - which still had yet to be used -, my water bottle, my pocket knife, and a tarp. He showed me his foil and map, which was a very valuable. We decided just to keep our own things - there was no reason to split it up; we were pretty even as it was.

After that, we made plans.

"We should camp out at Animal Kingdom," I said. "There's clean water there. There's also a lot of animals we can hunt, beause they've all congregated by the water."

"Sounds good," Ivan said. We set off.


When we got to Animal Kingdom, it was a ghost town, figuratively speaking. All of the animals had left, and the water was no more than green goop, like the rest of the park.

"I thought you said the water was clean," said Ivan, dipping his fingers into the horrid "water".

"Of course," I said, mostly to myself. "They wouldn't keep it there; that would be too easy for us. They must've moved the clean water." I turned to Ivan. "All we have to do is find the animals, and we'll find the water."

Ivan spread his map out. "Where do we start?"
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:53 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Leon Echelon

I'm still alive. I have no clue how. After setting the traps, I collapsed and woke up in a completely different area. The sign said the 'Wilderness Lodge'.

You need fresh water

The spear was right. All I had was what I had in the bottle and it was running low. The water on the ground looked terrible and I didn't have the energy to filter it anymore. The bug bites were better, but there was a slue of other problems that I had. I had a massive sunburn on all of my exposed flesh, I was extremely thristy and hungry, I looked like I was dead and I was talking to a spear that I couldn't even use as a weapon without falling over from the weight. Trust me, I tried. Then I saw the weirdest sight walking in front of me. Elephants. A whole herd of them walking towards the beach resort.

They must know where the water is

"Yeah." I said. The animals couldn't survive on the stuff I was seeing all around me, but if they were all migrating they must at least have an idea of where it is. If not, then I would die with them since I made the decision to follow them. I drank the rest of the semo-clean water in my water bottle and walked to the beach resort. Once I got there, I would set some snare traps and drink all the water I could. Perhaps catch some animals to eat. Food would be nice. The chameleon would survive!
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:12 pm
Junglelover says...

Ryan Hunt--5

After a few hours of depression, I decided to come down from the tree I was in. If I ever get my hands on Chase, I'm going to ring her neck! I must of look really weak to the people watching me, my face was red from tears. I got to stay strong, think like Izzy. What would she do? "She would find water." I told myself."But wear?....Caribbean Beach, there's plenty of water there. hopeful no one else is there." I started walking. The woods around me were beginning to thin, and soon I was out in the open. The sun was beating on the back of my neck, and I had a headache. I had to keep going under the water that I was walking in. Which didn't smell very good at all, and was very, very dirty.

I had been walking for what seemed to be hours,I came across a clump of trees. So, I decided to bed down for the night. The shad was very affective to cool me off, but I still had a headache. I after setting up my bed, I curled up, not even worried about who else might be around here.
I jolted awake with the sound of a twig snap. When I opened my eyes, there was a sword *Is it Ivan who has a sword, right?* at my throat, with a boy at the other end. "Any last words?" He asked.
I tried clearing my throat, but the sandpaper feeling didn't go away. "Please," I cracked,"Please, need to live."
"Why?" He asked.
"This girl, killed my friend. She's still out there." My throat felt worse with every word I said.
"Who, the girl with the black hair!?" He asked madly.
"No, she the one I'm trying to kill. She's insulted Izzy, killed Izzy, and insulted me. I'll give anything to kill her."
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:23 pm
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Calligraphy says...

Good, just remember that no one knows where the clean water is. Actually anyone who didn't go to animal kingdom when there was water doesn't know any of it is clean.

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:53 am
Junglelover says...

oh, yeah.... I guess he could just be walking around for water.
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:46 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Jungle, yes Ivan was the one with the sword. Sorry for not posting at all yesterday, I only had time to agree to the alliance. :smt003

Ivan Istor

The man, who I think was Ryan was just talking in histerics. But he mentioned something about a girl and I was sure he was the one who was with Chase that time when she killed Andi. A part of me just wanted to kill him right there and then completely forgoing my current strategy of only honourable kills. I was much too tired to want to even care about something like that. Maybe my trainers were right. There was no honour in the games and I was a fool to try. No, I must get that out of my head. Ryan obviously had something to say. I glanced over to Acacia and her eyes were telling me to just kill him and we can move on. I gave her the 'one minute' finger and turned back to Ryan taking a small breath to calm myself.

"Okay," I said, "what girl are you talking about here?"

"Chase." Ryan croacked. He sounded terrible, but the name was the one I wanted to hear.

"And she killed your partner in alliance?" He nodded to my question. Chase definitely wasn't one to underestimate here. She was hiding her startegy from even her alliance to gain their trust, then she would kill them when they least expected it. In a way, she was worse than Samantha. At least I knew what I was dealing with when facing her.

"Ivan," Acacia said, "what are you doing?"

"I'm seeing if he will be helpful to us. He was in an alliance with someone we may have trouble getting to on our own."

"What are you saying?" Ryan said hoarsely.

"I'm saying that, if Acacia agrees, we can be in an alliance to give you your chance to kill Chase personally." Of course I was lying about that much, I was the one who was going to kill Chase. I promised Andi that much, but Ryan didn't need to know that. I turned to Acacia for her answer.

*I noticed Leon is slated for death next. I want to give him a couple more posts, then I will let people know if they can kill him off or if I want the honours. I haven't decided for sure yet. I will post for him sometime today.*
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:59 pm
ultraviolet says...

Acacia Lane

Hmm... "Sure, whatever. He can join us." It'd be best to keep him close, that way I didn't have to track him down. I wasn't worried about him stabbing me in the back; I doubted he could actually kill, even if he wanted to. The only one I was worried about was Ivan, and for some reason I trusted him enough to believe him when he said he wasn't a backstabber. Literally.

Ivan helped Ryan up, which I thought was overkill. "Come on," I said. "We're trying to figure out where there's clean water. We're going to zigzag around this place, starting with Typhoon Lagoon, then going to Carribean beach, then Saratoga Springs, and so on. I know there's water here somewhere."

As we walked, Ryan tried making idle chitchat, but I ignored him and Ivan seemed to be thinking about something. Eventually he gave up, thank goodness. We hadn't been partners for an hour and he was already starting to get on my nerves.

The sun beat down on us, and I could feel my white skin tightening, breaking, burning. I pulled the tarp around my shoulders, trying to keep the sun off, but instead it reacted like tin foil, slow cooking me instead of frying. I wasn't sure which was worse.

Since I was the only one with a water bottle, we all took turns sipping from it. At this rate, it wouldn't last long.

After a few hours we made it to Typhoon Lagoon. I knew right away that there was no water here; the place was deserted.

"There's no water here," I said, turning around.

"How do you know?" asked Ryan, obviously not trusting my judgment. Stupid boy.

"This place is deserted. If there was water here, it would be teeming with animals."

"Well I'm going to check it out anyways," Ryan said, not quite arrogantly. I doubted anything he said could sound arrogant, he was just that pathetic.

"Fine, I'm going."

"Guys," Ivan said. "We have to stick together. How about I go with Ryan while you wait here, if you're so opposed to going, Acacia." He must really want that Chase girl dead.

"Fine," I said. "I'll be in here." I ducked into some sort of shack that held a lot of tables and counters, probably a diner or restaurant once upon a time.

I sat down and started whittling on a stray piece of wood I found lying on the ground. I did this for maybe an hour, and the whole time the rumbling in my stomach got louder and louder. Finally I caved.

Pulling out my apple, I cut a chunk off and popped it into my mouth, savoring the sweet, yet tart flavor, soaking the cool juices in my mouth. In the next five minutes I had half of the apple cut off and eaten. I'd save the rest for Ivan, seeing as it was his apple. I just had to make sure to sneak it to him, other wise Ryan might whine for some and Ivan, little mister chivalrous, would give it to him. And that wasn't why I was telling my stomach to shut up.

I just hoped they would get back soon; the apple wouldn't last long in this heat.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


seeing this tag and going "oh what's this? :)" then getting slapped in the face with shady's good grammar is the worst thing that's ever happened to me
— SilverNight