
Young Writers Society

island games *details inside*

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Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:33 pm
Razcoon says...

Since I posted before you, I'll go get Emmy....
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:55 pm
SisterItaly says...


I laid awkwardly in the tree, she looked more comfortable then me.
"Goodnight." I mumbled closing my eyes.
"Night." She mumbled back. I wondered where thorn had run off to. Crim had better be watching her like he said he would, if she got even one more scratch, I'd hold him responsible. I drifted off to sleep, thinking about thorn.


Well, i was alone now. Isn't that wonderful? I climbed up a tree, kind of happy crim wasn't around, cause i was making a fool of myself. Weak arms, i would have to fix that wouldn't I? I finally got up into the canopy of leaves, that shielded me from sight, I tried to get comfortable, that was a waste of energy. I gave up and laid in my awkward position. Drifting off to sleep.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:58 am
Razcoon says...


A light snoring sound is coming from Dylan's tree. He's asleep before I am, and he's the one who'll probably wake up with an extremely stiff neck, judging from his position. Nowadays, I don't even ask myself how I know something. I just do.

I lay awake, thinking about everything. So much has happened and it's so overwhelming. In such a short time I found that I was drugged and thrown on an island, just to get off and live. They - and I don't know who they are - set traps and are probably watching us. The people I've met...already one is head over heels for another. Crim is...Crim, and that one girl Allegra is...come to think of it, I really don't know.

I fall asleep wondering where Allegra is now.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:04 pm
eldEr says...


I inhaled the night air deeply. Silence. Now that was something I had been missing out on. I sat perched in my tree on the edge of the forest, staring at the "Lounge" that wasn't really a lounge at all. Something was moving around the corner of the building and I craned my neck for a better view. Allegra.

I sighed. That girl was going to get into some sort of trouble, I could feel it. She seemed more drawn to it than even Thorn was. I scaled down the tree quietly and ordered Stealth to stay put. He stared at me with glowing eyes and laid down lazily, letting out a yawn. I shook my head before turning and creeping towards the building.

The girl was humming. A grin crept across my face. That was actually kind of cute to tell the truth, maybe I'd take it up. I leaned against the wall, avoiding the shattered windows at all costs. Allegra giggled at something or other before taking a quick step back accompanied by a gasp. I frowned. Something had startled her?

A low hissing sound followed by a small pop filled my ears. Another pop, then another. What the heck? Whatever it was, it didn't sound what I'd call safe. There was a short bang followed by Allegra's shriek. I jumped up and raced around the corner to see and incredibly startled Allegra staring at the flaming ground.

I wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her back. Not so bad... More pops sounding and another long hiss. Something errupted and I twisted my body, shielding Allegra. Something hit my back and I winced before falling to the ground. I caught myself on one arm before I had the chance to crush the poor girl.

I scrambled to my feet quickly, pulling an incredibly startled Allegra up with me and staggered a few steps forwards. I was breathing heavily, trying to ignore the flaming pain that was running up and down my spine.

got trans?

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:01 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Oh my god! Crim just saved me! With a shaky breathe I said "Thank you Crim." He nodded slightly and I could see I look of pain in his eyes. "You're hurt." I said in a concerned tone. When I advanced a step he held up his hand and said firmly "I'm fine."

Giving him a disappointed look I said "Never say you're okay when you're not. It's lying to yourself."

He put his hand down and this time when I advanced he made no movement. Walking behind him I placed my hands on his back and he winced.

I took his shirt and lifted it slightly "Do you mind?"

After a moment of hesitation he shook his head and I lifted his shirt.

"What the hell?" I muttered. Something hit Crim's back and hit him hard. Blood dripped down his back from a gash.

I gentely wiped off the blood and examined the cut. I touched it carefully and he flinched. "Sorry." I said quietly.

I looked around for something sharp. Once I spotted it I cut off the bottom of my shirt with it. Crim looked at me like I was insane but I just gave him a smile.

"Take off your shirt." I said to him as I cut the thick strip of cloth in half.

He pulled off his shirt and I knotted the ends of the cloth together.

Wrapping it around him I said "I'll make you a better one in the morning when I can see but this'll be fine for now."

To lighten the mood I said "There. Now you look just like me. Beautiful."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:35 pm
eldEr says...


"There. Now you look just like me. Beatuiful." Allegra said, stepping back.

I chuckled and pulled my shirt back over my head. "Thank you for that by the way." I offered a slight smile before turning and walking away again.

"Where are you going?" Aleggra asked.

I turned my head and shrugged. "Back to the forest. To sleep. You might want to do the same, I have a funny feeling tomorrow is going to be... interesting." I continued to stroll into the trees, ignoring the pain in my back. Whatever had hit me had been sharp. Thank god for women who were willing to tear the bottoms off their shirts and use them as bandages.

God... if he was really out there, surely he would have time to answer a quick prayer from a messed up teenager who knows nothing about himself? Was I religious back home? I sighed, wishing I could remember. Ah well, it was worth a shot wasn't it? Just in case I was religious after all. Dear God, help me get off the forsakin island alive. And let the others live, too. Simple enough. Maybe it had been heard and maybe it hadn't.

I scrambled up a tree and tried to get comfortable, which was difficult with the cut on my back. I gave up trying to sleep and stared at the sky, wishing.

got trans?

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:15 pm
SisterItaly says...


When i woke up, my head was killing me and my mouth tasted like pennies. Did someone drug me in my sleep? I blinked awake, I was sitting against a tree. How did i get down here? My wrist hurt. I moved it and heard clinking metal. I looked down, a handcuff? I trailed up the handcuff. Someone was handcuffed to me. I followed up the arm. I smiled when i saw who it was. I didn't mind this one bit.


My head was killing me, had i fallen asleep in a more painful position then i thought i was? My back was against a tree. Wait, was that grass i felt. How did I get on the ground? Did i fall out of the tree? I opened my eyes, ya i was on the ground. My mouth tasted like pennies. What was up with that? My wrist was also hurting. I heard clinking metal, and something brushed up against my wrist. I looked down at it. Someone was handcuffed to me. I trailed up the arm, and gasped when i saw Dylan looking at me.
"Morning." He chuckled. When i caught my breath i screamed.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:44 pm
Razcoon says...


Yawning, I stretch out over the branches, my stiff back and neck cracking. It feels good. "D-Dylan?" I mutter groggily.

"How's it going up there?" I open my eyes fully and look down. Dylan and...is that...? Thorn?

"What the hell happened?" I ask frantically. It must be something urgent if she came to Dylan. She actually looks kinda pissed. Dylan's obviously trying hard not to smile.

"Climb down, I don't think you can see from here!" I climb lower until there's only trunk, and hug the tree as I slide the rest of the way down. I stagger over to Dyan's tree and look at them. Thorn and Dylan, side by side, connected by a pair of handcuffs. How convienient for him.

I stare for a moment. After a while, I finally ask, "Where'd you get the handcuffs and how did you manage to get them on Thorn?"
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:05 am
SisterItaly says...


"I didn't do this I swear! I just woke up, and they were, there!" I said defending myself, thorn groaned, tugging on the handcuffs.
"Firstly, stop making hand gestures, and secondly, you better not have. Or i'll break your nose for even looking at me." Well, back to square one. Kade giggled.
"Well then. I guess our sick minded friends have decided you two are a great pair."

He defended himself, making me wonder all the more if this was his doing. He waved his hands as he talked, jerking my arm around with him, which hurt. Wrist pain, great, how could i cut myself when I'm chained to him? He finally stopped, i jerked on the handcuffs, getting his attention.
"Firstly, stop making hand gestures, and secondly, you better not have. Or I'll break your nose for even looking at me." I looked up to kade as she giggled.
"Well then. I guess our sick minded friends have decided you two are a great pair." Yah, I would bet my money he'd be first to go. The sickos wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:51 am
eldEr says...


I must have ended up dozing after all, because I was awoken by Thorn shrieking. I pushed myself up and darted over to where they were sitting, tripping a few times due to swimming vision. When I got there, Kade, Dylan and Thorn were already arguing. Thorn and Dylan were handcuffed together.

"Umm..." I didn't really know what to say to that one. Allegra was suddenly at my side, staring at the odd prediciment.

"What happened to you guys?" she asked.

Thorn glared at us. "I have no idea."

I automatically felt like I had failed on some major level. I should have stayed awake... Stealth plodded up to us, happy as ever. He snarled at Dylan before sitting down beside me and rubbing his head against my hand, begging for attention. I rolled my eyes and stroked him.

"I can't believe I let this happen," I muttered, sighing.

got trans?

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:59 pm
Razcoon says...


"I can't believe I let this happen," Crim sighs guiltily. Followed by an eye roll from moi.

"Look," I mutter, hand on forehead, "as I said before, our little "friends" decided they'd make a great couple!" He looks confused, so I break it down into simple words. "It's. Not. Dylan's. Fault," I say slowly. "You know those people who brought us here? Yeah, it was them. So now I'm stuck listening to them argue." I point to Dylan and Thorn, who's glaring straight ahead.

Turning to Allegra, I ask, "So where have you been? I haven't really seen you."

[Sorry for the short post!]
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:46 pm
Razcoon says...

[Ficfan, as I told Isha, if YOU don't post I will get the others and we'll plot against you so that you're dead and/or eaten.]
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:15 am
Razcoon says...

[Sorry, ficfan. We all agreed this was for the best.]


Just as I say the words, an arrow comes out of nowhere and slices straight through Allegra's throat. Shocked, we all watch as she falls to the ground. Her wide eyes tremble as she starts coughing up blood. There's nothing we can do to help her; she's as good as dead.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:52 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Oh cripes guys! What a way to die!

I'm so sorry! I was on vacation!

But I guess since I didn't tell you guys it's fine. Sorry. But i'll keep reading to see what happens.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:15 pm
craftywriter says...

Name: Kevin

Age: Maybe 20?

Gender: Male

apperance: I'd rather describe. Short and spikey blond hair. Also has deep brown eyes,freckles, and a medium nose.

Weaknesses: Works too hard and is easily tired of island life.

Strengths: is a good hard worker and gets along with most (shows strong dislike of thorn)

Likes:Heidi(is found of doing her work for her), working, and late night bonfires

Dislikes: Thorn, slackers, the island, and the fact he doesn't know who he is.

Personality: A good-natured guy but can be rather short tempered. Very eager to know everyone if he has time.

Are you up for love: Yeah, if he has the time.

Other:Has a southern accent but has no idea were he got it from.

Attention is the beginning of devotion.
— Mary Oliver, Upstream