
Young Writers Society

Journey to The Safety Zone- Started - OPEN

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Wed May 01, 2013 5:44 pm
NicoleBri says...

Spoiler! :
No one is posting so I will post again.


I ran off passed where the camp was, just in time to see Regina kiss Gab. "Wow, she really thinks she can make me jealous?" I mumble to myself. Continuing to walk, I didn't want anyone to find me. I needed some alone time. After I kissed Alison, I saw Q just standing there, I felt bad, I hope Q doesn't think I lead her on, that wasn't what I was doing. I think to myself. I tell all my friends sweet things, I don't mean to hurt people's feelings, I like Q but I just want to be friends with her, at least that is how I think I feel. I told myself.

I layed out in the grass in my secret place I found and I just looked at the sky, that was the best view I had seen since before all this mutant stuff happened. "I miss you dad." I say aloud talking to the sky. He is the one I always looked up to when it came to talking to girls.

I closed my eyes, and that is when I heard a weird RAWR come from the side of me. I jumped up, it was a mutant. "Asshole!" I yell. Then I threw my knife at him and it hit its head. Falling to the ground it went, so I just stood there and eventually walked back over to my thinking spot.

"Are you okay man?" someone else asked. I rolled my eyes and looked over, it was Mr. Winters. "Yes, I'm fine." I reply. He smiled a half smile and walked over to me. "Do you know what is going on with Q?" he asks. "She is down in the dumps and we need her to focus." he says again. I sighed, feeling bad, "I think she is upset because of something that happened with me, her, and Alison, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, if I did." I say back.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed May 01, 2013 6:02 pm
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barefootrunner says...


Ayumi clicked safety back on and relaxed her grip on the Beretta. She tucked the end of the sheet in, shouldered her pack and huffed impatiently.
"Men are never anything but trouble," she snapped, striding past Gabriel. "Trouble, trouble, trouble."
"I'm sorry," Gabriel said. "I really didn't know."
Ayumi stumbled over the hem of the sheet, which was sticking to her body and limiting her movement.
"Kuso!" she yelled and kicked at the sheet, which made her nearly fall over.
"Wait, I'll help." Gabriel grasped the bottom of the sheet before she could object and tore it up her knee. He repeated the process on the other side.
"Try it."
Ayumi calmed her breathing and started walking more slowly.
"Your name is Gabriel," she asked without inflection.
"Yes. Call me Gab," he replied. "Look, I know you don't really like guys..."
"Don't like?" Ayumi echoed. "You can hardly..." she searched for the word.
"...conceive what you guys have done. Will do. You..."
Ayumi circled her hands helplessly and reddened.
"You had bad experiences?"
Ayumi paused. "Can you hear anything?" she murmured.
"Mutants," she hissed.

"Get ready to fight!" The voice came from somewhere nearby.

"Q!" Ayumi exclaimed and broke into a run, Gabriel trailing behind her. Ayumi clicked the safety off with a finger and was already aiming to fire when she broke through the shrubbery and came upon the fight. She sent her six bullets into the spinal cords of six mutants with cold precision. It was not an enjoyable act to her. She ejected the magazine and refilled it with six bullets. A mutant lunged at her with long arms. She ducked under them and stabbed a thin dagger into the back of its neck. There was an explosion that ripped her legs out under her and several mutants fell down dead. Ayumi had no doubts as to the source of the explosion.
Arrows, bullets and knives tore through the remaining mutants until they were standing on the edge of a slaughtering.

"We must keep moving," Q said, slinging her bow over an arm.
The company moved off again and Ayumi positioned herself by Q, who seemed strained. Her eye was twitching and there were unwiped blood splatters on her jaw, which was set at an acute angle. Ayumi could sense, however, that this tenseness was not due to the mutant attack, or the impending journey. Q didn't even notice Ayumi's strange garb. Her eyes stared straight ahead.
Ayumi gave a small cough and asked with her usual lack of inflection, "What is wrong."
She examined the agent's face and almost thought she could discern a single tear running down from her eye. But then Q lifted her chin and the tear was gone, along with any proof that it had ever existed.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Thu May 02, 2013 1:24 am
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winterbites says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry guys, I'm writing in the first person! Hope no one mines.


I admit, it was kinda cute when Ayumi was stumbling over the sheet hopelessly, I had to make sure I kept a straight face... Or, I would of been dead."Men are never anything but trouble," I guess we are, I closed my eyes, woman aren't much better. I chuckled.

"Hey." It was Regina, I smiled and raised my eyebrows, being put out of my daydreaming. She didn't give me time to reply, before gripping my neck and pulling my head down to hers. What the hell is she doing? She pressed her warm lips to my cool ones. She pulled away as soon as our lips touched. I frowned, not understanding. She looked around, "Dangit!" She yelled and walked away cursing.

That B- "We must keep moving!" Q said to everyone. They had killed the mutants, I felt so hopeless that I couldn't help, because of my arm. Not that I wouldn't be able to fight, it was just Z's orders so that it heals.

Everyone started walking down the dirt road, looking about for anything that needs to be slaughtered. I walked slowly beside Jaydon, "Hey, mate." I kept my voice low. He looked at me smiling, "Keep me outta ya bloody mess. Got it?" I said and stopped, he kept walking. I drifted around the back not paying attention to anything.

Spoiler! :
Okays, Gab is Australian, ahaha, cause I am. But when he said
"Hey, mate." I kept my voice low. He looked at me smiling, "Keep me outta ya bloody mess. Got it?"
, when I was writing that, all I could think or was a Hugh Jackman voice, he is and Australian actor, a really good/sexy one.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY74pp9LSoE&feature=youtube_gdata_player Okay, he is the Easter Bunny, and just listen to that part where he is saying mate, I melt everytime<33 BTW, this is the best movie ever!
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Thu May 02, 2013 1:37 am
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NicoleBri says...


Walking beside Gab, he looked at me and said, "Hey mate, keep me out of ya bloody mess, got it?" That's when I looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you talking about?" I yell. He turned around and glared at me as if I knew what he was talking about. "Regina is what, you seen her man!" he said back.

"I didn't do anything to her or with her Gabriel so I have no clue what your talking about."

"She kissed me! To make you jealous Jeydon!" he said as he walked back over so no one would actually hear.

"What do you want me to do about it Gab? I ain't jealous of you or her. I have my own problems." I reply and walk off back from the way the group was walking.

I'm sick of all this bull crap. I hate Regina! I really do. I say to myself. Gab stood there looking at me as I went the other way but didn't say a word, not even an apology that I knew I deserved.

Waiting a little bit, I finally walked back to the camp they had set up. I seen Q and Z talking and she looked over at me, her smile fell to a frown. I walked over to where she was and said, "Q, I...I..." but I couldn't bring myself to finish it, so I walked off.
Last edited by NicoleBri on Thu May 02, 2013 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Thu May 02, 2013 1:38 am
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littleauthor says...


Q was still pretty pissed at everything right now so she didn't Ben feel bad about ignoring Ayumi. She could feel the sticky blood in her cheek but she didn't dare let Jeydon know that she was in pain, so she stayed stiff. She walked next to Z still not saying a word and didn't want to.

"Q, come on, what's wrong." Z said at one point looking her straight int he eyes. Q shook her head and Z wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "come on, you can trust me."

Q sighed and looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I'm having boy drama."

Z looked at her an laughed. "That's seriously whats wrong? Wow Q, I thought that you didn't have time for boys."

Q shrugged and leaned her head into Z neck and kept walking. I guess it I's pretty stupid. She almost said out loud. She laughed a bit and realized it wasn't worth it.

"There ya go, the old Q is back." Z said ruffling her hair. She laughed and he leaned over to wipe the blood off her cheek. Q smiled at him and she walked with him her arm around his torso, and his around her shoulders.

They finally had to take a break after another hour and decided to set up camp for the night. Q and Z set up hammocks in the trees for them selfs and 2 tents for the others. The recruits almosts immediately went to their tents as soon as they were set up, so Q and Z were left alone outside.

"When do you think this will all be over?" Q asked sitting next to Z in his hammock. He shrugged.

"I don't know, hopefully soon though." Z said throwing knives at a tree maybe 30 feet away. Q sat next to Z covered in a blanket listening to the sound of the forest.

"What are we going to do when this is over?" Z asked putting down his knives. Q had never thought about this.

"I'm prabably going to be in the army or something like that." Q said leaning in Z growing very tired. He nodded wanting to do the same thing as her. She curled up next to him and whispered right before she drifted off. "Wake me up when your ready to sleep."
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu May 02, 2013 1:47 am
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brittbritt12347 says...


Everyone was setting up camp and getting ready to sit and rest, Q was laying against Z talking practically about to fall asleep. I had seen the small argument Gab and Jeydon went through and I heard my name so I know it was about earlier. I felt a little bad about doing what I did, especially to Gabriel.

I walked over to Gab and he put his finger up telling me not to come closer, I smiled a little because I just loved a game between myself and a guy. I felt different around Gab though, especially now, after that crazy kiss. "I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry." I say to him. He laughed like I was telling some kind of joke. "I'm serious, and I don't apologize much so consider yourself lucky." I say.

He just looked up at me like I was the last person he even wanted to speak to. "You made a fool of me Regina. You used me like a dog." he says. A tear came from my eyes. I don't even understand why I felt so bad. "I'm sorry." I say again. Then I stand up to walk away.
The truth will come out baby, and you'll be the only one lost in the dark >:)

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Thu May 02, 2013 5:18 am
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winterbites says...


Drama! Everywhere I looked, turned, breathed! It was taking over.

Regina had earlier this afternoon walked over to me to apologise... I didn't take any of it. Yeah, I felt kinda sorry for making her cry, but I am not here to be used like a mut, I wont have it, none, zip, nil!

"What up your nose grumpy?" I looked up to see Caroline grinning down at me. I was hunched over holding my pack to my chest. I rolled my eyes and ignored her, "Gab, Gabriel, Gabriel." She poked my arm a few times. My face broke out into a smile.

"You know, I heard there way a lake not too far away." I lifted my eyes to hers, "I will not hesitate do throw you in."

"Was that a threat?" I hear Ayumi say from behind me. "Careful, he might steal your clothes." Caroline made a face of disgust.

"Ahh, Yumi." I joked.

"Its, Ayumi. Anata baka." She hissed at me. "Do you know nothing?"

"Well, love, its a good thing I half listened during my Japanese class, isn't it?" I smirked standing up. "I know things.." I stood straight making myself taller then her, "Lots of things." She took a few steps back. "Like you just called me an idiot."

"Anata wa nani mo shiranai." She said smirking. I laughed, What the hell did she just say? "you know nothing. That's what I said." She took a step forward. "Don't mess with me."

"Yes, Ma'am." I smirked, "You need to let that water incident go." She huffed and turned to walk away.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Thu May 02, 2013 9:37 am
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ToBeMe says...


After the mutant attack Ash grabs one tent from the pack and begins to set up.

Just then Q goes darting past her, with a hurt look on her face to where Z stands at the edge of camp, obviously checking for mutants.

She just finishes setting one of the tents up when everybody else that went out after the mutants starts to come back into camp.

Ali and Jeydon are standing off together somewhere as Regina- the new recruit and Jeydon’s crazy-jealous ex- is standing off the edge, glaring straight at the two.

Ayumi and Gab are arguing. Caroline Is running around seemingly trying to help everybody and Mr Winters is probably off somewhere working on one of his newest creations.

So much drama here now.

She shakes her head thinking of the whole episode between Q, Ali and Jeydon.

You’d think it was some episode from some old fashioned TV show.

She sinks to the ground, tugging open her bag to stare at the mixtures inside, thinking of all the possibilities. Then she just shook her head.

Just couldn’t be bothered at the moment. I’ll think of something later.

She reached further into her bag and her fingers grasped the edge of the worn hoodie at the bottom that was almost completely grey now.

Oh, well. It’s still kind of warm. And it’s not like we’re in the middle of a fashion shoot. Only a mutant apocalypse. Zombie apocalypse. However you want to say it. Colours don’t really matter.

She looked back towards Ayumi and Gab and noticed that Ayumi was still wrapped the sheet.

She let out a sigh, grabbing the hoodie and begins making her way over to the other two.

“Uh, hi guys. Gab. Ayumi,” she held up the hoodie with an awkward smile on her face feeling mildly relieved when the other girl took it with what could almost pass for a grateful smile.

“I know it’s not much, but he, I figured that it was better than just wearing a sheet. And y'know It's still actually pretty warm, considering...”

Spoiler! :
Hey, sorry this is a bit short. I haven't been on in a while. Because, school has been a bit hectic. So, this is my attempt to catch up with everything, I guess. :)

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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Thu May 02, 2013 12:42 pm
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therealme says...

Spoiler! :
I know how you feel ToBeMe. School takes up so much of my time! I've been so busy with school work that i barely ever get to do anything I want to do such as posting on this storybook. I'll post next possibly :)
"It is our Light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."

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Thu May 02, 2013 1:24 pm
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brittbritt12347 says...


I sat on the edge of the cliff, the wind blowing my hair. It was a beautiful starry night. I smiled up at the sky and just let the wind whisper in my ear. Ayumi walked over towards me and sat beside me as she put a hoodie on that the Ashlee girl gave her. "Hey." she says. I look over to the side of me and smile and tell her hey. "Why did you kiss that Gab boy earlier? You know getting back at people don't always work and I hate saying that because I seriously HATE jeydon with a passion." she says.

"You just have to get to know him Ayumi. Guys aren't all bad, especially not him. I don't think Gabriel is that bad either." I reply. She rolled her eyes when I talked about both of the guys. One was bad, but two? That is a nightmare. "Well, I don't know much about what's going on," Ayumi says, "but it will all get better." she says again with a smile.

Ayumi and I layed on the cliff for what seemed like 2 hours, Gabriel walked over to talk to Ayumi but she didn't really say much. I looked over at him with a smile, but not meant for him to see. "Maybe I don't regret what I did earlier." I mumble to myself. "It was bad to do it to make Jeydon jealous but I don't regret kissing him." I mumble again. A smile was wide on my face just thinking about his warm lips that were pressed against mine, even if it was only for a second or two.
The truth will come out baby, and you'll be the only one lost in the dark >:)

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Sat May 04, 2013 6:23 pm
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barefootrunner says...


Ayumi polished her knives gingerly with wisps of grass — the scent of the poison lingered. Some residual mutant blood had encrusted the blades at the hilt, and the edges had blunted almost imperceptibly.

"Hey, Ayumi!"
"Gabriel." Ayumi allowed herself a small smile. She ejected her Beretta's magazine and started slotting in cartridges. Ash's hoodie was very warm and comfortable. The sleeves were slightly too long, but Ayumi had rolled them up and had even managed to pleat Gabriel's sheet into a more comfortable skirt. She could never quite get used to fighting in a dress, though.
"What're you doing?"
"Cleaning my weapons, aho. Don't you have something better to do?" She tested the point of a needle.
"Hey! Enough of the insulting Japanese!" Gabriel sat down beside her and toyed with an extra cartridge.
"It is almost time to go again. When will we reach the edge of the island."
Ayumi could sense that her English was improving, but sometimes the inflection would still escape her, especially in questions.
"Q is getting very tense. It can't be long now," Gabriel replied. He extracted a knife from somewhere on his person and started cleaning it with a rag.
"Is that... That looks like my pants!" Ayumi growled, swiping the rag from Gabriel's grip. It was only about the size of a dishcloth and was stained with blood and grime.
"Ugh, you keep it." She flung it back at him. "At least it's still being used."

There was a sound of breaking bushes from the left. Ayumi jumped to her feet, dagger at the ready. A group of men broke out of the forest and stumbled into the middle of their camp. The rest of the journeyers immediately drew an array of weapons and circled the newcomers. The men responded by forming a defensive clump bristling with short-range weapons.

"Who's the leader here?" Z barked, pacing around the ring. His finger was on the trigger of his gun, eyes examining every aspect of the men. There was a slight tremor in his hands clenched around the automatic weapon, but his eyes glinted fiercely.
There was no answer.
Ayumi grabbed an unwary man by the back of the neck and pressed the tip of her needle to his spine.
"Feel that?" she hissed. "That is the tip of one hundred percent batrachotoxin pressing against your skin."
The strangers stiffened and shifted uncomfortably, but did not speak.
"Watch it, Ayumi," said Q through clenched teeth. The tip of her dagger made hungry circles in the air. "We don't want to kill them yet."
"Come on, out with it," Z yelled, raising his gun slightly. "We have no intention of killing anyone here, but our safety comes first, and you are currently a threat to our safety. Come on, work with us here."
Ayumi drew a drop of blood with her needle. The toxin was smeared about halfway up the shaft of the needle, so she was still in clear territory. The man's knees started to tremble.
"What's wrong with you?" Q shouted. "Do you want to be killed?" The veins in her arms were raised and her right hand clenched into a fist. Tension was running high.
Ayumi slid the needle further under the man's skin. Q gave her a warning glance.
The man's breath was coming fast and shallow. There was still an inch of space before his death was certain. But then, before she could respond, the man gave a desperate cry and flung himself backwards onto her needle, which sank deep into his flesh. Ayumi's eyes widened as the man fell in a silent heap at her feet. She raised her hands slowly and stepped backwards as all eyes were turned to her.
"I — I really..."
The men stirred, but still nothing was said. Then there was a shout from the bushes and a large contingent of men hurtled out of the undergrowth.

"Drop your weapons! I said drop it now!"
Z was on the ground, pinned down by a man holding an automatic weapon to his temple. A group of five men struggled to control Q disarmed. Regina twisted and jerked in the grip of a man twice her size who had hold of her hair. Gabriel was on his knees, overwhelmed by a group of six men. Ayumi turned too late to fend off a strong swing to her face and hit the ground with blood filling her mouth. Immediately two men were on top of her, restraining her. She arched her back and gave a tortured scream. One of the men hit the back of her head to silence her. She felt the razor pressure of a knife blade on the back of her neck. The tables had turned.

"I see you have met our hunting party."
Ayumi turned her head slightly and squinted through dust-filled eyes at the speaker. A tall man in camouflage with a large machine gun slung around his neck. He paced slowly around the restrained journeyers.
"Now, I can say with equal sincerity that we did not mean to harm you. But we seem to have a casualty on our hands already." The man strode over to the dark heap on the ground, where Ayumi's needle still extended from the spine. She saw Z turn under the pressure of the gun to look at her from the corner of his eye. The thick blood started to trickle out of her mouth and stained the ground a dark colour.
"A pity. He was a loyal fighter. Now, may I have the honour of being introduced to your leader?"
Ayumi moved a hand to wipe the blood from her lips.
"Don't move!"
"Keep your hands down!"
The rushing heat of panic suffused Ayumi's spine again and she shrieked in pain and fear, struggling desperately under the hands of her captors. For a moment she might have broken free, but then a third man discharged a single shot into her arm. She squealed and curled up into a ball, clenching a hand over the wound. Warm blood trickled through her fingers, smearing in thick strokes over the ground as she shook uncontrollably.
"Leave my people alone," Z growled, starting forward under his own restraints.
"Oh, I see we have a taker."
"He's not alone," Q spat, heaving in the grip of five captors.
"Two, then. Well, the more the merrier. Now to decide what to do with you..."
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Sat May 04, 2013 9:59 pm
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MrWinters says...

Mr. Winters

What the hell is going on here!
Winters was furious, it was bad enough that the group had been ambushed, but now they were being dragged off to their attackers’ camp. Ayumi had accidentally killed one of their men, and now the survivors’ leader, a man by the name of Rufio, decided that a fitting punishment was needed.
The new camp was sloppily set up, and any ragtag group of people could easily escape. Of course, they would have to get past the wall of machine gunners. What Rufio’s camp lacked in technology and commodities, at made up for in mass numbers and brute force.

Once they had reached the camp, everyone was forced to lineup against a large boulder. Rufio made his way down the line, slowly examining his new captives. Occasionally, he would make a snide comment, or attempt to intimidate someone. Winters, always eager to put scum in their place, decided to have some fun with his captor. As Rufio began inspecting the metal plated giant, Winters made a quick jolt towards, scaring the smaller man to the ground. A group of men aimed their rifles at him, while a mischievous twinkle gleamed in Winters’ eyes. The riflemen were the first to back away from the showdown, recognizing the mutually assured destruction. Rufio motioned to have a few extra men guard Winters, just to be safe.

“So,” Rufio began, “it’s time to decide what to do with you. You killed one of our men, it seems only fitting that one of you should die as well. Maybe even two, to compensate for all the trouble you’ve put us through.”
Winters saw Z and Ayumi try to say something, no doubt trying to volunteer as the captive.
Idiots! They’ll never manage to figure out how to get out of this. Heck, they’d probably even accept their fate without trying to put up a fight!
Cutting off the would be sacrifices , Winter spoke up before anyone else could do something stupid, “Hey, small fry, why don’t you let me come along with you? It’ll probably be more interesting than going with them.” Rufio jumped from the sudden boom of the maniac’s voice, but he saw this as a chance to make up for his earlier humiliation. “So it can talk? Well, maybe the mecha-dunce can tell me why I should take him, much less let him live.”
Recognizing the challenge Winters was quick to deliver a retort, “It’s obvious I’m worth at least two of these men, and easily better than ten of yours. You might even look a little bit respectable with me.”
After all, anyone how manages to survive me deserves all the respect in the world.

Though he was irritated by Winters’ blatant disrespect, Rufio had to admit that the mechanic would work wonders for his mini-militia. “Alright, if you think you can handle our regiment, than you can stay. At least until you’ve outlived your use.” Rufio motions for his men to tie up his prisoners. “We’ll take the rest of you out a few miles in the morning. Assuming your savior here can manage to fix a few of our trucks.”

The trucks were in a state of utter chaos, but Winters knew he could fix them in less than an hour. Knowing he would need a ticket out, he gave one of the men guarding him a list of parts he would need for the trucks, including a few of the harder to find parts for his plan. The guard was suspicious at first, but he was quickly convinced when Winters gave him an evil stare.
It took Winters a few more hours than he expected, after all, he needed to make sure the extra parts were well hidden. Amazed by Winters’ success, Rufio almost forgot to have him tied up. After Winters managed to convince him that the truck had been improved, Rufio finally agreed to let Winters go unguarded; although, he was to remain tied up in a secure part of the camp.

The captives had trouble sleeping that night. The man they feared would betray them all had just saved their lives. Some even started to reminisce about his mutant prank with a sense of fondness. Ash was by far the most upset by her friends sacrifice. She had been the only one in the group that Winters had shown any kindness to, and even though she was a bit suspicious, she had to admit he was fun to be around.
Her thoughts were cut short when Winters snuck up behind her. He quickly put a hand over her mouth before she could say anything. For this to work, nobody else could know he had escaped. He slowly removed his hand and held a finger up to his lips, begging for her silence. She instantly mouthed a quiet How?, wondering how on earth he escaped. In response to her unspoken question, Winters activated a set of spike on his mechanical armor. He had original added them for aesthetic purposes only, but they came in handy when he needed to cut the ropes binding him. He deftly untied her, and whispered as quietly as he could, “I need you to collect some things for me. I know it’ll be hard to find some of them, and it will be extremely dangerous if anyone finds out, but I need you to be brave. After you come back with the things I need, and I know you’ll come back, I’m going to have to tie you back up to keep anyone from getting suspicious.” Ash couldn’t hold back her tears, she was too glad to see her friend alive. She talked Winters with a hug, hoping she was just having a nightmare. Winters slowly stroked her hair, reluctantly saying his goodbye, “You have to be brave. Nobody else should know about this, not even our group. Just be strong, okay? Everything will be alright.”

Ash never could figure out why Winters asked her to retrieve those things for him. Most of it seemed like junk to her. After all, what could he possibly need a marker and a pack of smiley face stickers for?
After being driven a few miles, the small group was thrown off of the trucks and left to fend for themselves in the wilderness. After a few minutes Z and Q found what should be the right way towards the edge of the island, but Ash refused to go along with them. She insisted that they should go back and try to save Winters, but nobody seemed willing to try to save him. To everyone’s surprise, Ayumi suddenly joined Ash’s campaign. Nobody expected her to rush to the aid of any man, much less the guy who scared the crap out of everyone. Even Ash was surprised to have Ayumi’s support, she had already considered that route a lost cause. “It was my fault that we got into that mess,” Ayumi declares, ”now it is my job to help get him out. I may not like him very much, but I cannot leave his debt unpa-“

A sharp squeak interrupted her speech. Everyone turned around to see Melon standing by the side of the road. They had forgotten all about him, and nobody could explain how he had gotten there. With another happy squeak, Melon motioned for the group to follow him. Ash was the first one to listen to him, rushing forwards in hopes of finding her lost friend.
They finally arrived at a small clearing in the woods, but Winters was nowhere to be found. Eventually, someone noticed a group of bags at the edge of the clearing. The bags were neatly arranged in a row, each with the owner’s name and a small sticker of a happy face on it. After sorting through the bags, they realized that everything that had been stolen from them was returned, and a few extra rations and supplies had been added to some of the bags.

“So, did you miss me?”
Everyone was astonished to see Winters sitting in the branches of a nearby tree, calmly eating an apple he had no doubt taken from the enemy camp. As he jumped down from his post, a small group of the team talked him with hugs, chief among them was Ash. A barrage of questions assaulted him from every direction. How did you get out? How did you know where they would take us? What happens when they notice that you’re gone? What if they come back for us?
Winters hushed the crowd and gave a quick synapse of what he had been up to at the camp. “There was only one road out of their camp, and the trucks only had enough gas to make it about this far and back, so I knew they wouldn’t take you much farther. As for what they’ll do, I’m fairly certain they won’t bother us again,” he says, looking at his friends with a smile. “A left them a nice little note on a hunk of metal that was left in my place. I even covered it with smiley face stickers so that they know I meant no ill will towards them. Now, let’s get going. The sooner we get off this island, the better.”

Winters calmly walks in the direction that Z and Q had previously indicated, with the grin never leaving his face. Every watched in bewilderment as he skipped along, whistling some old tune he forgot the words to. It was like nothing had ever happened. Nothing, it seemed, could ever lessen the man’s spirits.
They slowly started following his singsong pace, but it was never that simple with Winters. A thundering boom sounded over head, and an immense shock wave almost threw them to the ground. Quickly recovering, everyone turned around to find an enormous mushroom cloud where the bandit camp had been. If they had been half a mile closer, they probably would have died in the explosion as well.

“Oh yeah,” shouted Winters, never breaking his stride, “there’s also that.” He continued on, whistling an upbeat tune, while the others stared in wonder and astonishment at the strange man who had saved them once again.

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Sun May 05, 2013 12:18 am
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brittbritt12347 says...


Gabriel this. Gabriel that. Is all I can think of. "What has he done to me? " I ask myself aloud. "well maybe, it is what have you done to yourself." someone behind me said. I turn around, it was Jeydon. "I really don't know." I reply. Jeydon walked a half circle in front of me. I felt like I was being set up but with only one person involved.

"You should have known, kisses are very powerful." he says. "Yeah, yeah Jeydon. That explains everything." I say sarcastically. "You can't hide your feelings with rudeness from me Regina. I know you far to well." he says again.

"Obviously." I say. "Really, what do you want?" I ask him questioningly. He smirks a little and shakes his head as to say nothing. "I do still love you." he replies. "you hurt me and now your trying to get me back?" He says once more.

"I told you before, Jeydon, I didn't mean to hurt you. I had to do it for us." I say. "It's over I get it. I think I want Gabriel." I say in sort of a whisper.
The truth will come out baby, and you'll be the only one lost in the dark >:)

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35 Reviews

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Sun May 05, 2013 8:58 am
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winterbites says...


We are in the middle of the world ending here! Everyone is a complete disaster, going after each other I though as I kicked a small pebble along the track. Mr. Winters had just saved us all from dying, thank goodness, if we didn't have him we'd all be dead, even though, Ayumi is a great fighter, sometimes she acts on impulse. She sure does. Shut up, stop thinking of her. Z is a great leader. He has brought us this far, I don't think anyone has really thanked him, or Q. Mental note: Thank Q and Z

Jaydon, I swear he is just here for a fun time. I smiled to myself, I'm sure he is serious, but honestly he needs to choose his girl, and maybe less leading people on. This is were I come to, Q and Alison, two of his victims. Girls are always taking the niceness as us guys as flirting, I don't know what they learn from those girl magazine's, but they are all wrong. But, in my opinion, they should get their priorities straight.

Then that brings me to Regina... Wow, she doesn't mess around when trying to get a man. She doesn't hesitate to use anyone, even if its a scarred boy like me. I don't think I made it clear, I don't like many people. I don't like it when they try to push their way into my life. I really hate it when people use me... I'm sure she is a nice girl, but, what she did left me looking helpless, an I don't like the either. I am a man, not a tool to be used, then thrown out when thing don't go their way.

"Can we please stop?" Caroline groaned and plotted down on the dirt road. Everyone stopped to look at her.

"Come on love." Ayumi said grabbing her hand.

"It won't be too much further." Z said from up front. Caroline stood up with Ayumi's help. "Lets keep going, just in case..."

"Want me to give you a piggy back?" I smile at her. Caroline smiled and jumped on my back, covering my eyes, "Wooah, hey, up there, I can't see." She laughed.

"Sorry Gaaaab." She giggled and moved her hands from my eyes.

"Hey, who turned the lights back on!" I laughed. Not to boast, but teens/kids have always liked me. They don't see me for my scars, they see me as Gabriel.

We walked for about another hour, "How much longer?" It was Ash who complained this time.

"Well, we're here." Z smiled at us.

Spoiler! :
This was kinda just how Gab feels about the others xD
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sun May 05, 2013 10:18 am
ToBeMe says...


Ash trudges along with the others as they make their way towards...

Well I don’t really know where the hell we are going. Just this place Z said would be safe and get us closer to the Safety Zone. Wherever it is it’s A LONG WAY AWAY because let’s face it, we’ve been walking for how long?

She kept her eye closely on Mr Winters as he skipped on ahead- not quite up to where Q and Z leader but not that far behind either- and once again thought back to the ‘incident’ earlier that day, wondering of the enormousness of it. They’d been friends and even though mostly all of the others were still wary of him she’d felt he was probably one of the only people she could trust. And probably one of the only people in the camp she’d felt close to. She was scared to death when he’d ‘abandoned’ them and everyone was sure that somebody was going to die. Maybe more than one person. But nobody had. Because he’d come back and saved them all.

Just like that.

And of course, there was that explosion. That was pretty hectic. I’ve got to remind myself to tell him that later.

Suddenly a strange buzzing sound cuts off her line of thought and Ash looks passed the people ahead of her but can only make out a strange cleared area ahead of them. That’s where the sound seems to be coming from...

After a while everyone seemed to take notice of the strange sound and Z gestured for them to slow down.

“We’re close...”

He looked down at the strange device in his hand- supposably the thing that connected him to X- the boss. The lead assassin/agent/spy dude- and nodded.

Q seemed to tense up as they kept walking and Ash began to wonder.

“How much longer,” Ash asks a little uncertainly.

Z turned to face her, with a hopeful smile on his face. “We’re here...”

Just what is it that we are walking into here?

Then they walked into it.

The first thing Ash saw was the plane. It looked old but fairly durable and it was painted in a strange camouflaged pattern.

So, what? We’re flying to the safety zone? I guess I figured all along that it wouldn’t be on this island. Nothing here has ever been really...safe. Not by any definition.

Then her mind took everything else in. There were powerlines just about everywhere. Some broken. Some still standing. But everything was... electrified.

Ash looked towards Q and Z silently. She understood that they needed the plane to get off the island and, hey, it’s not like there’s plane’s just sitting around everywhere but...
She turned her gaze away from the agents and watched Mr Winters who was observing the scene with curiosity.

Just then Z turned back towards them.

“This is it...” he looked a little confused himself which Ash thought was one thing.
“That’s what we have to take to get off this island.”

Ash shook her head for a second not fully comprehending it. Her gaze drifted back to Mr Winters over to the side who was now looking around at the area in curiosity.

Well, that's one thing, right? She thought, trying to see something in all of this. If anyone can fix it then it's him... And Z has to know what he's doing... and if he doesn't then the other guy does. X? He didn't send us this far if we were just going to die...

Spoiler! :
Gah. Had NOOOOO idea what to write here. I know it couldn't posssibly be anywhere near as good as some of the 'earlier' posts (and let me just say for the record -YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!! Meh. I hope this is alright. :)

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.
— Ellen DeGeneres