
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang 4: The Hunted (Ended)

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:38 am
Howler says...


Call me some sort of "Wanna-be hero", but I didn't want to just let a leader to fend for themselves for doing something more than understandable. A bullet into a brain for some justice? It may have sounded crazy, but she had her reason to do it, and I didn't want to let her get picked off without helping her out.

I'd go alone if I was an idiot, but as it was, I was safer with the crowd, and I never wanted to burn the safety net I had with these people. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and I for one had needs of many. I wish I could've hated Alis to death right now, but all I could do was stare with anger. The safety first principle curse of mine was feeling worse and worse, and I just hoped I could take it.
"I'm fearless in my heart
They will always see that in my eyes
I am the passion, I am the warfare
I will never stop
Always constant,
"The Audience is Listening", by Steve Vai

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:27 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

I clambered into the adjacent hallway and staggered along passed the door to the torture room. The Professor would be expecting me by now and probably have more suspicion than any of us would've liked. It wouldn't matter though, he'd be useless in a fight if I wasn't tied down. I managed to turn a corner into another row of cells. This time two of them had locked doors. Remembering the code I'd used to unlock the door to my cell section, I decided to have a crack with the doors in here. On the first cell it didn't work. The door remained stationary as I gingerly waited for the familiar grinding noise. I decided I'd have another go on the other locked door.

To my surprise it opened, into another blank white expanse of a room. Yet there, lying on the bed, was a uniformed Admiral. Probably in for treason or something. There'd be no charge less so that would've gotten them in a mad house like this. That's what it was. A god-damn mad house. I walked up to the lifeless body and shook it awake. They were female, with subtle make-up applied. I'd assumed she was relatively new here. Abruptly, she awoke and turned quickly to face me, her arm up in defence as if I were an attacker. I held out my hands and smiled bluntly. It was good to have someone there was wasn't a government mercenary. I needed to talk to someone, it might just save my mind.

"Who are you?" the woman demanded.

"I opened up your jail cell, love. I think it'a be only polite if you introduced yourself first," I grinned and turned to face the open door. "On second thoughts, I don't know how much'a time gap I got to get out'a here. And I need to get out. You comin' or shall I leave you 'ere?"

"I'm coming," she said, her serious face turning to one that portrayed more of a delight.

"Good," I replied, stepping out of the door and looking both left and right before turning to face her quickly one more. "M'name is Reg. Reg Carter."

Her face froze in surprise. "The Fisher's Reg?"

"Christ, I don't like fans," I scowlded and gripped my torso as a sudden throb of pain flooded through it. "C'mon, we can do pleasantries later. I got'a get some attention - Medical attention."

"You know Ace?" she asked quickly, grabbing my arm and staring me down like a starved animal.

"That whine-bag?" I muttered, "'Course I do. Now stop with the questions, Admiral. You're makin' me nervous."

We walked out of the cell and took a left. No more doors seemed to arise for a while as we weaved in and out of blank white corridors. To my surprise an alarm hadn't gone off yet. It was admirable and worked in our favour, but it also made me too nervous. Two dead guards, two released prisoners and a mental professor with no-one to torture. Something was wrong, but they'd obviously not realised it yet. Eventually, after a long silence and me leading the Admiral around the houses in a tired effort to find a way out, we reached a door. The only reason the door seemed so significant is that it wasn't the same as the others. There was a red logo, incredibly small, weilded to the wall near by. Despite it's size, we'd noticed it a mile off, in a white expanse like this, the thing stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Now what?" I said, cursing the fact the code I'd memorised didn't work here.

"If I had a phone-" the Admiral started.

"Ha," I interrupted, "Have you not bloody noticed where we are? Sorry, love, but your chances of finding any phones 'ere will be like you tumblin' across Nelly Furtado in the Sahara desert."

Her eyes rolled, "Ace was right, you do have a temper."

"It ain't no temper, Miss," I snarled, "It's simple logic dressed in some't you might find easier to understand. Besides, you still ain't given me your name."

"Finn," she said, huffing under her breath. "Gracie Finn."

"Well, Miss Finn," I smiled. "How'd you get yourself in this mess-up?"

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:10 pm
Kaywiia says...


I looked at Howard, who's face gave me an idea what he was about to say. I held my hand up as he opened his mouth, "Don't even bother, unless you're trying to get yourself shot."

"So we let Riley fend for herself?" he demanded.

I glanced around the room, "Yeah, pretty much. Riley needs to learn her own lessons." I leaned against the wall. Anyone who spoke had both me and Alis against them. The odds weren't good for them. I knew it could come to a fight any minute. Alis seemed to share my thought, and her hand went to her gun.

Maitea looked us over," Is this really what we've come to? Ready to kill each other over something stupid like this?"

"Maitea, this is war. We are at war with the government. If Riley wants to go on a suicide mission, any of us could obviously replace her as leader. Obviously, though, it would be me. I'm her cousin, so, naturally, I'm in charge of the lot of you."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:03 pm
Vanadis says...

Gracie Finn

I couldn't believe he'd called my kid a whine-bag. Well. Nevermind. Ace had always been a little bit melodramatic. I'd seen him so sick he was bordering comatose before, though, so his whining was a welcome change.

Staring at the door, I ran through my options. I was a pilot, not infantry; I knew very little about kicking down doors, though I knew enough about spraying bullets.

Bullets. That could work.

Running back, I grabbed four guns from the fallen guards and handed one to Reg. That was two for me, and one for the door. It was then that I remembered him asking how I landed myself in prison. "Well," I said. "You know that little computer Ace uses? Yeah, that's a million-dollar piece of equipment that's not available to civilians, for one. Furthermore, I buy anything he feels he needs on the job. For another thing, I've been sort of keeping him alive, when the police want him dead. Hell hath no fury like a woman stolen from her baby. Now. Get back." Reg looked at me for a moment. "I said stand back!" He did, and I aimed one of the pistols at the door's keypad. Before Reg could suggest that it might not be a good idea, I aimed carefully and unloaded the entire clip into the keypad.

"Well, a lotta good that did, Miss Finn," Reg said sarcastically.

"I'm not done yet." I knew that there was probably an alarm going off somewhere, but I just waited a moment for the metal to cool before I started gutting the inner mechanisms of the door. I shoved my body into it, trying to get it to open, but it wouldn't. "Damn!" I yelled. I was going to have to kick it in, and maybe even that wouldn't work. And I was wearing heels.

I started backing up, and then I slipped my shoes off. I saw Reg's eyebrow raise ever so slightly. "Let's hope this works." I took a running start, focusing on the weak spot I created in the door. With an instinctive yell, as Sensei had always made me do, I delivered a forceful kick to the white door, right underneath where the keypad once was, throwing all my weight into it on impact. It didn't look like it moved much, but I leaned down to inspect the hole once more. The sheer force of the blow had knocked the lock loose, and I was able to take the entire mechanism out of the door and push it open. I grabbed my shoes. "Ah, I can't believe that even worked! Awesome! Now let's go!"

I hoped that Reg had taken a good look at the door and made this connection: if I ever heard him call my son a whine-bag again, that would be his face.

Spoiler! :
Also. Gracie.
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We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:54 pm
ridersofdamar says...


The bomb had gone off perfectly, and I had watched as all the guards had gone to inspect, only to be mowed down by the turrets I had placed. Most of them were there now, shooting at people who weren't really people. The HUD on the eye patch pulled up everything. Maps, cameras, electrical grid- everything. I was watching the massacre, and watching the map for any emergency signals at the same time. The sheer magnitude of it astounded me. The suit was the same way. It was form fitting, but supple, which allowed for freedom of movement, but it also blended in to the surrounding area, like a gecko suit, and it was slim enough that I was able to wear it under my clothes.

As I watched the map a red dot appeared -probably showing some alarm going off- at a door leading from the lower holding cells to one of the upper levels. That must be him. I unzipped my jacket and took off my pants and quickly the suit turned an off white. From my bag I pulled out a bullet proof vest that I had dyed white and slipped it on. It was minimal protection, but it would have to work. I fit several pistols in their respective holsters and loaded up on ammo. I was sure resistance would be low, but I didn't want to take any chances.

I started running through the halls, the thin shoes moving silently over the polished floors. As I ran I hoped that Reg would still be there and that the alarm hadn't alerted the guards.
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:12 pm
Fox says...


"Guys, Riley knew what she was doing. Haven't I already proved that to you?" I asked, standing up. "She didn't kiss the captain, the captain kissed her, and she stabbed him." Howard nodded. "We need to go help her." Alis just folded her arms across her chest. Maitea looked conflicted, so I was mainly trying to persuade her.

"Look, we've all learned our lessons. Riley needs to learn her's." Tia said. Maitea nodded, and I just sighed.

"Fine, but I'm going. If Riley dies, that means that Howard will be in charge." I nodded my head towards Howard and couldn't help but laugh a little at his expression.

"I'd rather have him in charge than a loony." Tia said. "And besides. The new guy wouldn't be the leader. I've been doing this for longer than he has, so I'd be the one in charge.

"You just joined the gang! And I've been doing this for a very long time!" Howard shot back at her.

"I mean on the good side, and I've been in other gangs. I'm her cousin for crying out loud."

"Guys, are you really fighting over who'd be leader if Riley dies? This is mad! She can't die. That would solve a lot of problems." I said. Howard sighed.

"You're right. Let's just go," he said. We started walking out the door, but right before I closed it, I yelled back at them, "Besides. Everyone knows that James would be the leader, and if not him...possible Alis...okay probably not Alis." I quickly closed the door before they could protest. I hated arguments.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:23 pm
Kaywiia says...


I really, really hated Eve right now. I took out my gun, and opened the door.

"Have I made my point clear?" I pointed the gun at Eve, seen as she was the most defiant. Howard took out a gun, and I moved my gunned hand between the two of them.

"Alis?" I asked. She shook her head. Stupid girl, I thought she was on my side. Apparently not!

"This is going too far," she said. "But I think we should all stay." She cast a forceful glare at Eve.

"Just let us go," Maitea said.

"If it weren't for you and your idiotic boyfriend I wouldn't have a gun pointed at Eve's head, now would I?" I demanded, looking at her. I saw Ace's eyes narrow. I turned to him, "Think before you speak, lover-boy." Maitea turned her gun on me. This was getting nowhere.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:02 pm
Vanadis says...


"If it weren't for you and your idiotic boyfriend I wouldn't have a gun pointed at Eve's head, now would I?" Tia sneered.

So that was what she thought, was it? That we were the reason for all this? Screw that, I thought, narrowing my eyes viciously. This was not the time and place for that. Really, I hadn't even intended on going, but I supposed I'd have to now that I was brought into it.

"Think before you speak, lover-boy," she said.

"Lover-boy, maybe but at least I'm not the bitch who everyone hates. It's all of us against you, so obviously, you are the one doing something wrong. Not us."

"I told you--"

"Shut up!" I screamed. "You are not the leader here! You have been voted off the island! So either you shut the hell up and let whatever happens happen, or you likely get shot. And, just to remind you, we have more guns than you do." I pulled mine out of my pocket and pulled the hammer back. I meant business. And if she turned her gun on me, well, I had one foot in the grave anyway. I didn't think she knew just how sick I was, and I used that to my advantage. She could shoot me, and hell. She'd probably be doing me a favor. And it would just open her up as a target to the rest of the gang.

I lowered my voice, keeping my gun at eye level and pointed at Riley's cousin. "Riley is not dead yet. She's still the leader. So I suggest you back off and keep your mouth shut. What's it gonna be, huh?"

I don't know what possessed me to stand up for our real leader, when I'd had a pistol pointed at Riley's head just the night before.

Call it intuition.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:51 pm
Fox says...


This was going too far, and it was getting us nowhere. It was odd have a bunch of people pointing guns at each other. I didn't pull mine out, though.

"Ace, stop it." I said, then turned to Tia. "Look, I've been in this gang for a while now, I know everyone in it well. I even said that Alis wouldn't be a good leader. The only reason I thought that was because she's been in it for a long time. I took that back, though, thinking about it more. Sorry Alis, but you do have a tendency to kill more often than needed." I glanced at her, my voice calm.

"I would be a good leader!" she said angrily, then thought. "Okay, so maybe I do shoot a little too much, but still." I groaned. Why did I even have to say anything. I always screwed things up.

"Okay, fine, I don't know who'd be leader. I'm sorry for saying anything! But go ahead, shoot me anyway. See if I care." I watched as Tia placed her finger on the trigger. I knew, and she as well, that if she shot me, she'd die too. Guns were pointed at both of us, and it made me really uncomfortable.

Tia lowered her gun, as did the rest of them. I sighed with relief. "I'm sorry." I said. "I always seem to say the wrong thing. Riley's not dead yet, though, and we can worry about it when she is." There was silence. "Fighting isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Actually, it's easier to hide if there are less of us." Alis stated promptly. I sighed but didn't say anything. I didn't want to make a big scene again. It was silent for a while, but finally, Ace and Maitea walked inside, and Howard and I started heading to Riley. I didn't know if Tia would follow or not.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:40 am
Howler says...


This showdown was truly ridiculous, and everybody knew it. The whole time, all I had was a firm grip on my gun, but I was more prepared to flee if bullets flew. We all felt and embraced the release in tension as we began to split off, but at the same time, it was a nightmare. I wished we'd all be more together and happy, but maybe this was how it was meant to be. I came into this group thinking people could be at peace with each other while they all had their joint attachments and goals, but as time passed, I realized things weren't nearly as simple.

When Eve tried putting peace to the battle, she was showing more maturity than anybody else. We both had in mind that Riley was somebody important that we wanted to help, but she took the stand that I could follow; I couldn't lead, I only could follow. Maybe I did it out of fear, taking the safe approach to everything, but it still lead to its important decisions for me to make, that could or could not get me killed for nothing. But following Eve, going to Riley, I knew I made a more than confident decision.

"Lead on", I told Eve. I wanted everybody with us, but if the two of us was it, I knew we'd manage. There might be safety in numbers, but bigger they are, harder they fall, too.
"I'm fearless in my heart
They will always see that in my eyes
I am the passion, I am the warfare
I will never stop
Always constant,
"The Audience is Listening", by Steve Vai

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:31 am
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

As soon as we were out of the door and into a distant memory of a corridor, with windows and staircases, offices and posters, my mind seemed to wonder back into reality alot quicker than I would've first anticipated. Gracie Finn's kicking down of the door was impressive, but it wasn't intimidating. As much as I'd like to offer her that, my mind was too set on other things to worry about the fear of an Admiral. Especially one related to Ace.

Gracie was heading quickly down the corridor for the main door, but I grabbed her shoulder before she could advance any further. I pulled her back and gestured to the window. There was gun noises outside as if a massacre were occuring. I'd assumed someone had either come for the Admiral, or the Fishers were stirring up trouble. Either way, it would provide a half decent smoke screen.

"Break the window," I yelled. Finn's face suggested she wasn't used to taking orders. Tough luck I thought. We weren't in a planning room now, here, she'd listen to me. Even seasoned members of the Fishers knew where they stood in this situation. "Do it!"

Finn grabbed a trashcan from down the hall and threw it into the window. It smashed as fragments of glass blew outwards. There was a big drop below, but luckily some idiot had laid the ground with sandbags. Gracie Finn jumped out first and landed fairly well, forward tumbling onto the concrete from the sandbags and getting off with a minor scratch or two. When I left the window the sun hit me first. After two months it had seemed so surreal, and at first I was in total awe, before the sight merely became blinding. Then the impact. My legs crunched onto the sandbags and instinct took over, pulling me into a forward roll. My mind was completely off task and I fell along the concrete, again receiving minor wounds. The refreshing feel of freedom soon made up for it though. If the bastards were going to retake me this time, I'd make sure I died for this. I sure as hell didn't want to end back in there.

When I stood up, to my surprise I saw a familiar face. A Fisher's face. As he came jogging around the corner with a bag strapped along his shoulder, Gracie raised her pistol to him. I battered her arm downward before she could shoot and gestured that he was a friendly. She nodded in acknowledgement and holstered her gun.

"James," I smiled. "Cheers for the distraction. You the only one 'ere?"

"I owe you, Reg," he replied bluntly and then waved his arm for us to follow him. Like most government state strongholds, the area surrounding the holding areas was fairly expanse, resulting in a fairly long run to get out of the place. It wasn't exactly preferable for either side, but it gave them the advantage of finding us.

"Who's doin' the shoot-ups?" I asked, twisting my head in the general direction of the noise.

"HUD-operated turrets," James stated as he began to cut through the wire fence.

"Stylish," the Admiral quoted.

I knelt down by the side of James and said, "When we get out'a 'ere, I need some clothes. This darn overall is givin' me an itch."

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:53 pm
Kaywiia says...

Guys, just make sure Reg, James and Gracie find Riley before Eve and the others do. I'm not sure how, but we can work it out...


I decided against going after them again. They weren't worth my energy. I sat down on the couch, and rested my head against the wall. This life was getting more and more difficult by the second.

Out of sheer boredom, I grabbed the laptop that was resting on the couch, and pulled it onto my lap. I looked at the screen that still was focused on the party. I noticed where the Captain had been shot was swarming with cops. The audio was bad, so I couldn't hear anything, but I could guess what they were saying. Some of the cops were doing a fingerprint check. This wasn't good.


After running for about ten minutes, I eased into an alley and sat down on a crate. How did my sister do this? She wore dresses every day, or close to. I had trouble wearing it one night. It was my weakness, and it was kind of pathetic. I took a deep breath, and tried to calm down. I was tired from the running, and needed something to drink.

I admit, this wasn't one of my better laid plans. I knew it would work out, I just had no clue how. I sort of wished I had told Alis where I was going, just in case something like this happened. But, no, I had to have a solo revenge mission.

I wished I had brought a bottle of water with me, but I didn't. After what seemed like an hour, or maybe it was only minutes, I stood up and walked back towards the street. I needed a plan, and a way to get back to the motel.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:12 pm
MayApple says...


I gave up, and followed Howard end Eve. As much as I hated Riley, as much as I kind of wish she'd die, I really didn't want Tia as leader. I would take Riley over Tia any day of the week.

"Okay," I said after a minute, "we have no idea where Riley is, and no way to get there."

"She can't be far from the resort..." Eve said.

"That's great, how do we get to the resort?" I sat down on a fallen tree by the side of the road angrily. There had to be some better way to do this. "We can't walk..."

"We could ask Tia..." Howard started.

"As if she would help us. Face it, we're doomed." I put my head in my hands, trying to sooth my headache. Realizing I was low on energy, and it was making me negative, I took a swig from the vial around my neck. I realized I was almost out, and I would need more. I made up my mind to stop at what Alis called a Devil's Market as soon as possible.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:02 pm
Fox says...


It wasn't long before Maitea joined with Howard and I, but Tia never came. I really hoped she wasn't going to hate me forever. I didn't like it when people hated me, but I knew it was going to be impossible to please everyone. Still, she seemed like a nice person, and I wanted to get to know her a little more.

"As if she would help us. Face it, we're doomed." Maitea said, taking a quick drink from a vial. I wondered what was in that, but I just shook it off. That wasn't the focus right now.

"We can try." I said, turning around.

"Eve, do you really want to risk her getting angry at you again?" Maitea argued. I just sighed.

"Look, if she kills me, good for her. I'm probably not that much of a loss to the gang. They survived for a long time without me before I came. Besides, she might not." I said. Howard started following me back to where Tia was. He didn't talk much anymore. Maitea hesitated to follow us, but she would have nowhere to go if she didn't. She was the one that doubted that we'd find Riley, so she wouldn't go searching on her own.

I heard a sigh from behind and looked back to see Maitea following us. I smiled. It didn't take long for us to reach Tia.

"Uh...guys, we've got a problem." Tia said when she saw us. "Cops are getting fingerprints from the Captain's body." I put my head in my hands.

"Great. That's just what we needed. Do you have any idea where Riley might be?" I asked her, raising my head to look at her.

"I don't know," she said defensively. "but she can't be too far from the resort."

"That's what I said!" I said, looking at Maitea, who just glared back at me. "Why don't you just come and help us find her? You've got nothing to loose! You said yourself that you're one of the only ones who doesn't have people after them." It was quiet while she though, then she sighed.

"Fine, I'll help you look. But I have my reasons why, so don't get all excited like I like Riley or anything." she said. I smiled and the four of us started off again.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:10 pm
RedSun says...


I looked at Tia, "Look, as much as I agree with you, we're outnumbered. I know when the fight isn't worth it."

"So you would give up then?" Her voice was taunting. Was this girl trying to tick us all off enough to get us to kill her, or did she not realize what she was doing?

"It's not giving up, it's being smart. End of discussion," I went over to look out the window. As much as I hated to admit it, I was worried they wouldn't come back. Eve was right, there was safety in numbers. If Riley came back alone to just me and Tia she would freak.

I looked back at Tia, deciding whether my next statement would just open up an argument. "Look, Tia, I'm going with them. If the cops show up, your on your own." I pulled a jacket over my shirt, then checked to make sure my gun was loaded.

Eve came in after a minute, and talked Tia into coming with them. I stayed behind, staying with Ace would probably be best for him. After a minute, I gave up, deciding he could take care of himself. I tossed him a loaded gun, and then walked out the door.

I caught up with them in no time, seen as they all had stopped to talk about the plan.

"Need one more person?" I asked, barley able to see them through the cold night air. I could see my breath as it formed a cloud around my mouth, and I felt bad for Riley ,and anyone else who was outside in similar attire.

The heavens laugh with you in your jubilee; my heart is at your festival.
— William Shakespeare