
Young Writers Society

Teen Spy Agency

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:09 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Am I forgiven?" I asked. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left hurridly. I felt myself smile and I checked my watch. Lunch time. I headed to the dining hall for yet another gag meal. I snatched something at random. I found out that if you don't know what you're eating it's easier to get down.

I sat at a table and began forcing down food. Puppet sat infront of me and said "Nice poetry." I rolled my eyes "I'm no good at that stuff. I'm guessing you laughed when you read it?" She smiled but shook her head "Nope." We sat there just eating. Not able to get anything else forced into my mouth I stood up and dumped it in the trash. I stretched my arms and said "We've got sometime before next class but i've gotta get ready."

She threw her food in the trash and said "Yeah, i'm ready but that food is disgusting." I smiled and we headed to our rooms. I stopped in front of my room and puled her back by her arm. I kissed her lightly on her cheek "Tag, you're it." I examined her arm and said "Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:35 am
Kaywiia says...


I begin to stretch. Joined Group Physical Training is in ten minutes and I need to be in top condition. Carson is sitting in a corner, quietly reading a book.

"Your hopeless." I tell her.

"I don't see why I bother taking this class, I am not a fighter." She responds.

"It's helpful to know how to fight anyway."

"Not when all you have to do is plan strategies."

"Maybe we have something more planned for you."


A few others start coming in slowly. Shockingly, Adrian came by himself this time.

"We should let him sit out." Carson says, pointing to Adrian.

"No." I respond. He didn't give us what he wanted, he needed to pay the price in full.

"Please?" My sister asks.


"I hate you sometimes. The way your going he will end up dead before you know it..." My sister is yelling now, most of the people have stopped talking to watch her.

"Fine, see if I care. And for that outbirst, Duke Jr. can do an extra twenty push-ups, just on you." I say coldly. She bursts into tears and runs out of the room. I don't intend on carrying out my threat, but she needs to toughen up.

I glance at the two new stealth agents, Tyler and Puppet.

"Tyler, Puppet!" I call. They come up.

"What?" Tyler asks.

"Go with my dad for some special training." I pause, "Ihe rest of you, start stretching!" I yell. My dad comes in and leads the two away.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:16 am
LovelessSummer says...

" Have you ever thought about getting a tatto?" I smiled a bit and shrugged my shoulders.
" Well, actually-"
" Tyler, Puppet!" Colby called. I jumped a bit and Tyler groaned.
" I wonder what he wants this time." We walked over and stood over in front of him.
" What," Tyler snapped.
" Go with my dad for special training." I bit my lip as Colby yelled for the rest to keep stretching.
" Special training," I asked, turning towards Tyler. He just shrugged and looked around. I turned towards the door as Carson's and Colby's dad walked in. He looked much scarier in the light.
" A pleasure seeing you two again." I restrained the urge to bow.
" The pleasure is ours I'm sure." I heard Tyler groan. I elbowed him in the side, getting a louder groan in response.
" Follow me," was all Mr.Bossman said before walking away. After a moments hesitation, I followed. We emerged in a black and white room with all types of weird equiptment and machines.
" Ummm."
" Since you two are our stealth leaders," Mr.Periso started," I'm going to put you two through special training. Now, I'm assuming you two are phyiscally up to par." Tyler scoffed and flexed his muscles.
" Not too bad, if I do say so myself," he bragged. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled a bit.
" Yeah."
" Great! Well, we'll start with flexibility tests," my eyes lit up, I was pretty flexible. " First tasks are the sensor beams, the most popular inturder defense." At the end of his sentence, a spiderweb of red beams covered a wired-off space. " Who's up first? Puppet?" I shrugged and tugged at my tank top.
" I guess," I reached into my pocket and pulled out a rubber band. Wouldn't want my hair triggering one of the beams. I stood at the edge of the obstacle and sighed.
" Here goes." The first few beams were easy, but as the course lengthend the spaces between the beams grew smaller. The last beam was most difficult though, I had to pratically break my back to get around it. When the course was done I stretched and groaned a bit.
" How was that?"
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:03 pm
Kaywiia says...

Juts because I feel like it, I will wirte in Mr. PEriso's POV. And I won't be here today or tommorow. Keep it going, though.

Mr. Periso

The talent of the girl-Puppet-astounded me. Thats exactly what I was, astounded. I clap my hands together.

"Very good, if only Carson had the skill you have. your special, Puppet, you are." I say honestly.

"Thank you." Puppet says timidly.

"Tyler, its your turn." I say with a grin. He does the course with slightly more trouble than Puppet, but completes it, none the less.

"That was good Tyler." Puppet says to him as he walks back.

"I think, I might have a mission for you soon. Someone will need to go to scotland with Colby to check the locations on the map that Duke boy, Adrian, gave us." I say with a grin. Carson wouldn't go. I knew that ahead of time. She had grown too soft, too weak.

"Seriously, Scotland?" Puppet asked excitedly.

"Possibly." I repond, thinking up a plan.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:14 pm
ridersofdamar says...

I will be gone for the next week, so I wont be able to post, or even access the internet, sorry
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:15 am
fictionfanatic says...

No problem rider


I went through the course easily at first. But towards the end I had slight more trouble. My bigger build made it harder to get through where as Puppet's petite figure made it easy for her.

"That was good Tyler." Puppet says to me as I walk back.

"I think, I might have a mission for you soon. Someone will need to go to Scotland with Colby to check the locations on the map that Duke boy, Adrian, gave us." He said with a grin.

"Seriously, Scotland?" Puppet asked excitedly.

"Possibly." He said.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets "That's cool."

When we finished the second test, which was easy and yet difficult, we headed back to our rooms, done with training. I opened my door and waved Puppet in. She slowly entered. I motioned to the wooden chair "Sit." I got out all of the necessary things. I opened the containers. Puppet looked at me kind of funny but I ignored it. I got out the tattoo needle and said "Where and what do you want?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:38 am
LittlePetRock says...

Could someone please introduce my character?

Name: Cara Hartford

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Picture: http://fav.me/d2musfd

Country: American

Allegiance: America. Duh.

Skills: She has a 1st degree Black Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. Knows her way around computer encryption.

Flaws: She shows no emotion at all. So she comes off across as cold, but really she doesn't mean to.

Personality: Friendly and funny, though she sounds like a robot. It takes her a while to trust people, but once she does she expects the same for them. When she has an objective, she will stop at nothing until it is done.

History: She grew up in a small Florida town with her father and her younger brother. Her father knew she was not a normal child, so at five he took Cara to a phycologist. As it turned out Cara has difficulty expressing herself emotionally. She began TKD lessons when she was seven years old. She grew up without a mother figure in her life and quickly became a tomboy. She played on the football team, if you can imagine that.
When she turned fourteen she became interested in government, she excelled in her martial arts and joined the JROTC.

Up for Love: Yes, if someone can look past her emotionless personality.

Other: Not really... Sorry I joined late, you can kick me out.
Last edited by LittlePetRock on Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Star light; star bright,
It is time to take flight.
Off I go through the dark of night.
All my hopes and dreams in sight.

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:55 am
fictionfanatic says...


After training I was beat. I was tired but I didn't want to go back to my prison of a bedroom. Wiping sweat from my forehead I bumped into someone. I smiled and said "Sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention." Her emotion didn't change so I said "My name is Tessa. You are?" She looked at me warily and said "Cara."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:48 am
LovelessSummer says...

"Where and what do you want?" I swear my heart skipped, at least, two beats. A tatto? Now?!
"You can't be serious," I mumbled. His expression didn't change as he moved closer.
"Either you pick or I'm picking for you." My head spun a bit and I looked down.
"Oh my. This is crazy..."
"If you don't want a giant dragon running down the full length of your arm, I suppose you make haste with the tatto picking." I swallowed hard and looked down again. Okay, um, let's see. A flower, no. A butterfly, no, too girly. Maybe a- I can't believe I'm really considering this.
"Time's a tickin', Puppet dear," he said with a hint of impatience. The needle was tapping lightly against my arm. Oh my!
"I...I don't know." He shrugged and dipped the needle in red ink.
"You had your chance." He pressed the needle against the skin of my arm and I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Will this hurt," I whimpered.
"Yeah...probably." I groaned and shut my eyes tight, wincing when the needle pressed tighter against my skin. "You ready?"
"Okay, good. Here we go."
- - -
"Come on now, it wasn't that bad.
"I wiped tears from under my eyes and sniffled.
"T-that really sucked!" He laughed and hugged me breifly.
"But the tatto looks great!" I sniffled and looked in the mirror. It was a ring of fire going around my upper arm. It actually did look pretty cool, Tyler's a great artist. I poked it and then sucked in a huge breath.
"Don't do that," Tyler sighed, as if he was telling a three year old not to stick a fork in a socket. He rummaged through the box again and pulled out some cream and wrapping gauze.
"What's that for?" He rubbed the cream on my arm before covering it with gauze.
"To make sure you don't ruin my art work." I rolled my eyes and sat down. My arm still throbbed.
"Don't worry, it'll stop hurting soon."
"I can't believe I let you do that! Never thought I would be one to get a tatto." He ploped down next to me and laid back.
"Why not? It suits you." The bell rang for dinner and I got up.
"Sure, if you say so."
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:45 am
fictionfanatic says...


"I do say so. And so shall everyone else." I stood up and followed her out. She kept staring at her arm so I had to steer her in the right direction so she didn't run into walls.

"It looks great." I said "I think that and so shall everyone else." She tripped and I caught her before she fell. I grabbed her chin and forced her to look up "But for now we need to focus on keeping you from falling on your face. Careful not to touch her right arm I pulled her into the dining hall. I grabbed a tray without looking. Handed her a tray I warned "Don't look at it."

We winded through tables until we found an empty one. I threw the tray on the table and stuffed the mystery food into my mouth "Okay, so you can unwrap it tomorrow before dinner. When you take a shower don't entirely immerse it in water. To wash it use a cloth and don't rub, just wrap it around your arm for a minute. Your skin may start peeling but that's normal."

***next day***

I banged on Puppet's door and when she answered I grabbed her right arm and tore the bandage off. I balled it up and threw it in the trash can. I again grabbed her arm. Twisting her arm I examined the tattoo "Looks good. Let's go see what other people think." We walked into the dining hall.

I grabbed the first person I saw and said to him "Hey, look at her tattoo and tell her that it looks amazing and that the artist is the best person in the world and that he is awesome." Puppet hit my arm. "What?" I asked innocently. She rolled her eyes. I grabbed someone else and said "Hey, look at her tattoo. Like it?" The person looked at Puppet's arm and said "It's fine I guess. Like if you're into that kind of stuff I guess it's alright."

I walked away and sat at a table. I didn't feel like choking today so I didn't get any food. Puppet sat down and said "I still can't believe I have a tattoo." I shrugged "Just be glad you didn't get a dragon wrapped around you. I mean, you could pull it off and all but you're to pretty for that."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:28 pm
LovelessSummer says...

I smiled a bit but frowned and poked at my food.
"Thanks." I gazed at my tatto and poked it again. I winced and Tyler grabbed my wrist.
" You still can't do that," he sighed. I looked to the door as Tessa walked in with someone else. She had no expression on her face and was walking stiffly. I waved them over.
" Hey, Tess, who's that." Tess smiled a bit and pulled the girl to her side.
" Oh, this is- Is that a tatto?" I smiled and nodded.
" Sure is, thanks to Tyler." Tyler gave a sideways smile and finished observing my arm.
" Oh, cool! Anyway, this is Cara. She doesn't talk much." I smiled at Cara and held out my hand.
" Nice to meet you, Cara." She looked down at my hand blankly and looked up at me. Her hard eyes revealing nothing.
" Hi," her voice was flat and monotone. I grimaced and put my hand back into my lap. I kicked Tyler under the table. He sucked a hiss of breath and sighed.
" Morning Tessa...Cara." Cara looked at him blankly and mumbled a barely audible 'hello'. Carson and Colby walked in and started rambling off today's plans.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:44 pm
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fictionfanatic says...


I kicked a chair out for them to sit in. Tessa sat down and Cara pulled out a chair to sit in. I hadn't meant for them to sit down. I was just being polite. But I guess if Tessa was Puppet's friend it was alright.

I rested my feet on the chair infront of me and said "So do you guys really like Puppet's tattoo?" Tessa nodded "Yeah, it looks good." I looked at Cara but she gave no expression and said nothing. I crossed my arms as I watched them all try to choe down their food "Do you guys want one?" Tessa's eyes got wide and she said "Oh no! I mean, you're good and everything but I don't like needles." I looked to Cara and she just stared.

I shrugged "Whatever. I won't force you to." Puppet kicked me again "Ow! What was that for?" She rolled her eyes "You won't force them but you'll force me?" I thought for a moment and said "Um, yeah. Pretty much. But I only did it to you because it's your symbol." Puppet rolled her eyes but smiled. I smiled back and said "I'm going to let you in on a seceret." I leaned in close and she did too. "Even if you had chosen something I still wold've given you a ring of fire." She kicked me again "Ow! You're going to bruise my shin!"

"But seriously," I added "It's not like I would've given you a heart when you're Fire. How does that make any sense?" Puppet smiled and I grabbed her chin. I kissed her forehead lightly "Besides, Fire suits you much better."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:20 am
LittlePetRock says...

Everybody's awkward glances made me furious with myself.
Why can't I just be normal? I thought.
"I might get a tattoo," I spoke, trying so hard to sound friendly; with no luck.
"Oh really? What kind?" Tyler's voice was so full of emotion and life.
"I don't know," my response was numb. I kept battling my demons inside, losing the battle. I sipped my water and sat the glass back down.
"I might as well get this over with," I made myself sigh. I informed them that I couldn't show my emotions, that I really wasn't so cold.
"Woah, that's really..." Tyler's voice trailed off. Tessa just sat there is shock.
"Weird?" I finished his sentence.
"This is funny," I spoke. Inside I was laughing, but outside I was flat and boring.
Oh why can't I be normal?
Star light; star bright,
It is time to take flight.
Off I go through the dark of night.
All my hopes and dreams in sight.

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Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:07 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Do you want me to do your tattoo? I've got my stuff in my room. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it." Tessa just looked at Cara in shock. She whispered something to her and Cara shook her head.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:51 pm
fictionfanatic says...


I stood up and stretched my arms. Pulling Puppet up by her tattooed arm I said "Well, we have that stupid special training whatchamacallit so we should get going." I pulled Puppet to my body and wrapped my arms around hers "And you, little Missy, need to stop showing off. You're making me look bad in front of the boss!" She laughed and broke free from my hold "Yeah right." I slitted my eyes and glared at her. I bolted and screamed "Race ya!" She sprinted after me "That's not fair!" I laughed boomingly "All isfair in love and war!" I screamed back.

People looked at us like we were insane but I ignored them as I normally did anyway. We reached our practice room and I stopped in front of the door. Puppet slammed into me and fell back. She sat on the ground and I laughed "Wow, you should really work on that." She made a face at me and the next thing I knew she brought her legs around and I was on the ground too. Mr.Whateverhisnameis opened his door and glared at us. We stood up and he wove us into the room. Puppet began laughing as we went through so I quickly clasped my hand over her mouth "Shut it Fire." I whispered. "You'll never get to see Scottland if he kills us. Look, he's glaring at us with his laser vision." I said teasingly.

Puppet began cackling harder and I pressed my hand tighter over her mouth. Mr.Whateverhisnameis ignored her and began speaking
Live, Love, Laugh

A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.
— W.H. Auden