
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Wed May 21, 2014 2:24 am
AlmondEyes says...


With Lena's help, I was finally able to get everyone out of here. They didn't have to go home, but they had to get the hell out of here. Plopping down on the couch, I gave sigh of relief. Lena came to sit down beside me after turning off the music.

"Finally," I stretch like tired kitten. "everyone is gone."

"Yup," Lena nodded. "so you can tell me about this guys that's got you all hot and bothered.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I don't look at her.

"Liar," she smiles wide. "Tell me tell me!!"

"There's nothing to tell," I shrug.

"So there was a guy then!" she smirks. "Spill. You know you want to."

"Ok!" I give in. "just stop looking at me like that."

She stuck her hands in her lap, a huge smile on her lips that made me glare at her. Why the hell did she care anyway? "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because in the time that I've know you, I've never seen you react like this." Lena said. "He must be some guy to illicit such a reaction from you."

I wanted to bury myself in a hole right now. I had no idea what to tell her. I've never been on to open up to other females before. Then again, I was never one to have such a strong reaction to a guy before, so I guess there's a first for everything. I took a deep breath as Lena waited patiently.

"I went to the movies the other day," I started. "and it was a scary new movie that had just come. I'm not really scared of much, but i'm a little baby when it comes to scary movies, which is why I usually went with my uncle Sealy or my brother. My uncle canceled on me, so I went by myself. A scene from the movie scared the hell out of me, and I jumped into a guy who was sitting next to me's lap."

She stared at me for a second, as if she didn't believe it. "You....Jumped into another guy's lap?"

"Yes," I felt like burying myself in a grave somewhere. "I jumped into his lap. The first thing I thought about was how good he smelled and how soft his skin was. His body was so hard, and really warm. My reaction to him was... Intense to say the least, ad it scared me. I'd never reacted to anyone like I did him."

"And you never had this reaction to any of the others guys you dated?" she turned towards me, tucking her legs under her body.

"No. I've never dated." I hid my face in my long bangs, feeling completely embarrassed. "Never been kissed..."

"Never...Had sex?" Her eye popped wide in utter shock. "How is that even possible!?"

"Not exactly, but yes." I sigh.

I should have kept my mouth closed. From the look on her face, that 'not exactly' comment hadn't gone by her unnoticed.

"Not exactly'?" Lena frowned. "What does that mean?"

"Are you going to let me finish?" I avoid her question.

"Wait. What did you mean when you said-" she frowned.

"Look, I just remembered I have to go now." I stood up. "My mom is getting home tomorrow and I want to make her breakfast in the morning."

Without waiting for her reply, I went looking for Jane and told her I was heading out. I headed for my car, turning it on and putting it in gear. The Grey by Icon for Fire blared as I pulled out of the drive way. I listened to the lyric as I drove.

I'm standing on the edge of returning or just running away.

A line in the sand that i'm standing at, not knowing which way to go. I'd felt like this for the last while, and I still had no idea where I was going, though after what had just happened with Lena, the choice had become a tad more clear, the way I ran after Lena asked one simple question.

How cold have I become?

It seems like I had become so cold after years, that I couldn't even feel myself anymore.

Caught in the Grey

I'd been in the Grey for so long, i'd forgotten I was even there. Meeting Chayton that night seem to have sparked something in me that I didn't know had been there.

In your deepest pain,
In your weakest hour,
In your darkest night,
You are lovely

Was I really? In all of my deepest pain, weakest hour, and darkest nights, had I been lovely? When all of those men my Father gave me to told me I was lovely, right before they violated me, including my father, had I been lovely? Had I really? That question rang through my head all the way home, in my bed, and my dreams that night as I slept. I would probably wonder that for the rest of my life, and never truly know the answer.


The next morning when I woke up, That question still loomed in my head, but I pushed it away as I got out of bed. Checking for her car and finding it in the driveway, I smiled. Mom was finally home from her case. I promptly began getting preparing breakfast, making, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and fruit. Just as I finished, Mom came walking into the kitchen with her robe on, yawning. I pulled my mom into a huge hug.

"I'm glad you're home," I smiled wide.

Mom wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me tight as she always did. Like she was afraid i'd disappear. "I'm glad to be home sweetie. What's all of this?"

"You were gone for while," I shrugged. "I thought you could use a home cooked meal."

"You're an Angel," mom kissed my cheek.

Mom sat down at the large marble island we had with a sigh. I made mom a plate and watched her dig in.

"Please tell me we have milk?" she looked at me.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the gallon jug of milk we kept, grabbing a glass from the cup board. I poured mom a tall glass and sat it down in front of her. She took a drink and sighed happily. I took a seat at the island with my own glass of milk and sat in silence as my mother enjoyed her breakfast. I'd been so deep in thought I didn't hear the clank of silverware on a plate stop.

"You're not eating?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not hungry," I shook my head. "Luther will be home soon, so the food won't go to waste."

"Where is your brother?" Mom asked.

"He had something to take care of last night." was all I said. "He should be back soon."

She said nothing about it. Mom went back to eating her breakfast. When she finished, I told her to head back upstairs to rest more. She still looked tired. Mom thanked me for the breakfast, kissed me on the cheek, and went back up stairs while I began cleaning. I put on some music as did to pass the time. The Sun is Rising by Britt Nicole came on, and I sang along to it, loving how good it felt to do so. I had the music relatively loud, so I didn't hear the front door opening or Luther walk into the kitchen. I also didn't notice him while he leaned against the counter and listened to me sing. I did when he started clapping.

"How long have you been standing there?" I smiled.

"A few minutes." he answered. "I wanted to listen to you sing."

Of course he did. When we were little kids, he would always ask me to sing him a song.

"Are you hungry?" I pull out another plate. "The food is still warm. Mom just went back up to bed."

"Please and thank you," he kissed the top of my head as he took a seat at the island.

I grabbed the containers i'd put the food in and made a plate for Luther, then one for myself, suddenly having an appetite.

"I could have made my own plate, Luna." Luther said through the food he was chewing.

I poked his arm. "No talking with you mouth fill."

Luther laughed but said nothing. He made quick work of his food, then helped himself to more. He finished that and the cleaned up the rest of what i'd been doing, including my plate after I finished eating.

"That was good little sister. "Luther congratulated. "Thanks."

"No problem," I shrugged.

"I'm gonna head upstairs and do nothing." he said.

"Alright. I'm gonna go out and do something a little later." I tell him. "Wanna come?"

"Sure. Just let me know when." and with that, he was gone.

Heading back up to my room, I gave it a quick clean up, and then hopped into the shower after coming out all squeaky clean, I picked out clothes to wear for later and pulled out an old t-shirt to laze around in. When I was done lazing around an hour later, I got dressed and told Luther I was heading out.

"I'm starving," he told me. "let's get some lunch."

"You just ate two hours ago you bottomless pit." I rolled my eyes.

"Growing boy's gotta eat." he smiled wide.

I rolled my eyes again. To lunch we go.


Pulling up to a restaurant Luther picked, I parked to car and we got out. Half way there I realize I forgot my phone and tell Luther to go ahead on as I run back to get it. Stepping over the thresh hold of the restaurant, I look for Luther, when I hear a familial voice call my name and frown as I look around, then spot Avery waving her hands like a madman and a wide smile on her face. I smile back widely as see her. When I turn my head and see the guy from last night, i'm completely shocked to see him sitting at the same table with her.

"Come on Luna! I want you to meet my new friend!" she calls over.

Her friend? The one Leo was talking about introducing me to! Holy hell. He was the friend!? Great. Just great. Taking my gaze off of him, I turned back to Avery who was still waving like she'd lost her mind and walked over to her. She got out of her chair and threw her arms around me in a big hug as I waved at Leo.

"Hi!" she smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm having lunch with someone," I say, trying my damnest not to look at him.

"Well why don't both of you join us?" Avery motions to the table. "We have plenty of room."

As if on cue, Luther comes in out of nowhere, and every sure as hell notices him as he does. No one here has ever met Luther before. The look on Avery's face is priceless.

"There you are," Luther stops in front of me. "I thought you were just going to get your phone?"

Everyone looked at me, including him, and he doesn't look very happy.

"That's my fault," Avery smile at Luther. "If I had know she had such a handsome date waiting, I wouldn't have kept her."

I slapped the palm of my hand on my forehead and sighed.

"I'm not her date," Luther chuckled. "I'm her older brother Luther."

"Oh," Avery says slowly. "Well, it's nice to meet you Luther. I'm Avery."

He firmly shakes her hand and gives a charming smile, winking at her. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

She cheeks pinken slightly as he lets her hand go. That's when Leo stands up and holds his hand out. "And i'm the boyfriend, Leo."

I almost smiled to myself. Most guys didn't want Luther near their girlfriends because of his charm, and it looked like Leo felt the same way.

"Nice to meet you," Luther smiled.

That's when he stood up, holding his hand out to Luther. The air seemed to grow thick with the tension as Luther stared back. Uh oh. They stared at each other for a long moment. Something was wrong. Had Luther caught him staring at me? Maybe he'd picked up on something I hadn't.

"I'm Chayton." he introduced himself without a smile.

Luther took his hand in a hand shake that didn't look anywhere near friendly. It looked like they were trying to break each other's hands they were squeezing so hard. Or a least Luther was. The flat and cold look on his face told me he hadn't taken to Chayton very well, which surprised me. Luther had never taken to such an intense reaction toward another person like this before.

"Ok then," I touch Luther's arm. "we should get going."

Chayton and Luther look at each other for a moment before letting go.

"I've lost my appetite." Luther said. "I think we should go."

"I'm sorry, you guys," I sigh. "Maybe next time."

Maybe never was more like it. With the reaction Luther had, it was clear something was up with Chayton I wasn't aware of.

"But you just got here," Avery frowned. "Please stay?"

"We came here in my car," I shook my head at Avery. "I wouldn't-"

"We can give you a ride home." Leo jumped in, looking at Chayton.

I turned to look at him, seeing something in his eyes I didn't recognize. I turned away from him.

"Do you want to stay?" Luther looked at me.

I bit my lips for a moment, looking at Avery. I knew if I left it might hurt her feelings, and I didn't wanna do that. "It would be nice to catch up with Avery."

I put the keys in his hand and kiss his cheek. "I'll see you back at the house?"

He nodded but said nothing. Kissing me on the top of my head, he turned and took his leave. Everyone looked after him as he exited the restaurant.

"So," Avery tried breaking the ice. "i'm gonna go use the rest room. Be right back."

"You want me to come with?" Leo asked.

"No sweetie," Avery smiled. "It's ok. Help Chayton and Luna get to know each other better."

She walked off, leaving us. I sat down in the seat beside Leo's and they both followed suit. I still Didn't look at Chayton, though I knew he was looking at me. Instead I just hid behind my bangs as I looked at the menu. Leo watched us for a moment, and then spoke. "So... Does anyone wanna tell me what's going on before Avery gets back, or am I going to have to guess?"
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Tue May 27, 2014 7:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue May 27, 2014 7:09 pm
Sunshine says...

Spoiler! :
I never said thank you to that compliment awhile back, @Nike. It was pretty nice. :)


I fall in love every day.

Yesterday it was a blue-haired girl, her roots just beginning to show. She wears 'too much' make-up (I honestly don't know what 'too much' make-up is, but it looked like an awful lot). I honestly don't know what her name is, besides the fact that it starts with an m... Mara...? McKenzie? Makayla? She's in my Music Theory class, and I made a joke that was actually sort of clever, and she smiled. It was a beautiful smile, the sort of smile that lights up the eyes, and I fell in love. Five minutes later, she was playing with her nose ring and frowning, and I stumbled just as quickly out of love.

I don't like discussing this process, and the weird after effect it leaves. It makes me sound dumb and fanciful, so I don't talk about it. I don't even like acknowledging it, because I've fallen in love with some pretty odd people; and not always girls. That's the embarrassing part, the sensitive part, the I'll-discuss-genitial-herpes-with-you-but-I-won't-talk-about-that. My love lasts minutes, or it lasts a year, or anywhere in between.

I fell in love with Kristen. It was a day, our date really only an aftereffect of the way her enthusiasm made me feel. It was over. It ended. That's how things go.

Today, I see her across the hallway, putting up art. The picture is watercolor, and the fact that she's putting it up makes me think that she did it, chose the colors with select care. She turns around, swinging around her hair, her bracelets clinking together.

I can't really explain how I feel in that moment, but I felt something. That something I always feel.

I want to talk to her. I go over to her, before she leaves. "Hey. Is this your picture?"

She looks surprised, and raises an eyebrow. It's also a very nice eyebrow, and an elegant movement. If eyebrows could dance, that's what a waltz would look like. "Yes."

I can't read people very well, but even I know that she looks tired. "I really like it. You did a good job with the color choices. You're a very good artist." I reach out my hand. "I'm Taylor. I don't know if we've met before."

She takes my hand, and shakes it a little. "I'm Lena." It's almost a smile.

I'm not sure really what to say. I take a drum stick from my pocket, run it through my hair. "Will you show me how you did that?"


"Draw for me. Let's go get lunch, I'll pay. Bring a sketch pad. What do you say?"

Yeah, so I'm in love.

Last edited by Sunshine on Wed May 28, 2014 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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131 Reviews

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Tue May 27, 2014 11:59 pm
Sunshine says...

@Nike: I think it's time for a little bit more character/relationship development with these two. More conflict would result in a break-up, and we don't want that. ;} I'm in the mood for a bit more fluff.


We drink coffee.

I've never much liked coffee, only the buzz that it gives you after you finish a cup. I'm one more for the fanciful drinks, ones that taste more like ice cream and less like coffee.

Jane likes coffee, though. I know that. I'm very proud of knowing that.

We sip. We chat. Nothing happens for minutes, and I don't really mind the nothing happening. I don't get enough of nothing.

"Lacey's gone." I have to tell her this, because I hope it'll make her relax. "She's really gong to emerge herself in her school this time. Going to audition for the pit orchestra. They're putting on Wicked. She's pretty excited."

Jane plays with the lid of her coffee. "I'm glad."

That's all she says, and I'm a bit disappointing. I don't know what I wanted to get out of her, but I wanted something.

"What do you want to do? I feel like we should do something."

Outside, it is evening.

Jane see's it too. She finishes her coffee. "Let's walk, Emmett. That's what I need. A walk."

I nod. The Starbucks is on the edge of town, and we have plenty of open grass and trees to wander through. We don't talk. The colors of the sky disappear at our backs, and leave the vastness of a darkening sky.

In the trees, I hear rustling. Maybe it is the rustling of small animals, maybe of kids who shouldn't be doing whatever they're doing at that moment. I try not to care, but the world, like the cars and their lights, pass by quickly. I grasp at things that fall from me, because I think I have the chance of holding them.

It's really not very late. The sky still holds some color, as though it is tired of going to bed as early as Winter sent it. We are at the edge of a nice field.

"Lay down with me?"

She smiles and cringes, all in the same moment, but belly flops on the grass before I can even get there.

I lie down. The Summer creeps into my skin like a mosquito sucking my blood. All the hope carries on the strand of sunlight, but it ends with such a sobering realization.

"Do you write poetry?" I ask, hands on my belly, my eyes scanning the sky line. Traces of stars peek out.

She's propped up, looking at me. "No. I mean, not anything good. Few and far between, I guess."

"I bet you'd be great at poetry."

She chuckles. "It was all depressing. It was really, really bad."

"Isn't hurt supposed to make art?"

She does not reply.

I still don't look at her. "Jane, I want you to open yourself up to me, please."

She clears her throat. "Emmett-"


"No, that's my poetry. It's you."

I'm quiet.

"Write more, then." I say after a moment. "Please write more."
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed May 28, 2014 2:56 am
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
I LOVE YOU @Sunshine SO FREAKING MUCH. You are such a great writer, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold that in.

Jane Wills

"Write more, then. Please write more."

This is why I loved him. I mean, I really loved him. It's like, he deserves more, but yet, I should be his more. We work so well, that, I'm not going to fuck it up no matter what. I need him in my life, oh God, I don't know what I'd do without him.

"I thought you said romantic comedies were too fake too watch." Emmett mentioned.

I gave him a side look and caught a smile on his face.

"You remember that?" I asked. "I recall never saying that now."

His fingers slid next to mine as tingles ran down my arm. It felt good, right, to have his hand in mine. His soft, warm hand.

"You said that on one of our dates?" he questioned.

"I said that when I woke up in your bed hungover. You thought it would be good to take care of the new girl." I smiled at the memory.

We walked into the movie theater, tickets in hand. I begged to see a Rom-Com with Kate Winslet in it. And somehow, he was thoroughly okay with that idea. The place seemed dead, as only the workers walked around. We found our way to the room with our movie. The building was old, seemed old, and still looked like it did when it first came up. I guess re-decorating isn't in the agenda for these guys.

Finding our seats, we sat down and got comfortable, our hands still together.

"Can you tell me about how you were in your old school?" Emmett asked out of nowhere.

"Why?" I shot back, feeling my heart crush. He wouldn't want to know what I was. He would hate me. "Not now," I added.

"Why not?"

I slipped my hand out of his and thought for a moment. We were good just now, why did he have to ruin it with that? I can fix this.

I shifted in my seat so I could face him. His eyes met mine and I smiled.

"Later, okay?" I said.

He nodded. And the movie started.


I had my hands in his hair and he had his on my waist. He was easy at first, afraid to touch me at all. But then, the kissing relaxed him and he just fell into it. My tongue danced with his as I felt the weight of the world lift away.

We made it to his house before we started to make out. It's like we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. And I didn't mind one bit.

"Emmett," I moaned into his mouth. This made him pull at my shirt. I really wanted him, so badly wanted him. Pull off my shirt Emmett. Rip off my skirt. Pull my hair.

It's been so long since we've been near each other and all I wanted to do was take advantage of him because who knows how long I'll even have him? The pit of my stomach felt hot as I move my lips to his jaw line, softly kissing him.

I felt his body lean into me and I leaned back, pressing myself against him. This felt so good. His built chest was warm and all I wanted to do was rip his shirt off and kiss his chest.

From his jaw, I went to his neck, then collarbone. I teased him there, sorta of playing with the hem of his shirt and sucking on his collarbone. My tongue ran against his skin, I tasted the sweet sweat and salty skin.

"Jane..." he trailed off.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:55 am
Sunshine says...


I'm supposed to be the responsible one. I know this, because Jane isn't, but is it really so wrong to lapse, just this one time?

Everything about her feels new to me, and I love this; I love touching her, and I love everything about the sensations I'm feeling. She tangles off my shirt, and leans into me like I'm built, which I'm pretty sure I'm not. I guess I should exchange the favor.

We kiss for a really, really long time. I don't stop it and she doesn't push.

Is she learning? Is she better already?

I can't say, but when our oxygen supplies run dry, we just stop. We lay back in my bed and I spend the rest of the night examining what I can see of her skin.

I wake up very tired.


It's early, Jane's sleeping, and my parent's are home.


The sound of my realization is combined with the sound of my alarm clock falling off the bedside table, which is enough to wake Jane up.

"Emmett?" Jane opens her eyes.

"My parent's are actually home. My Mom doesn't care, but my dad might get upset over something that didn't happen. So, if you could ASAP on the clothes..."

Jane shoots up, almost with panic, until she sees that she's still semi-clothed. She grabs her shirt and skirt off the floor. I watch as she puts them on.

"You're really beautiful, you know." I tell her.

She leans over, top half-on, and kisses me. We get out the door once I'm clothed and Jane's had her pick from my Mother's muffin pile.

I drive home, feeling wide awake, despite my hours of sleep.

"Do your parents know?" She asks, eating the muffin.

"Yes. My Dad's just... very like Lacey. He doesn't think it's a good idea."

"I understand. I don't like it, but I do."

I guess that's it. I guess she's getting better.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Reviews: 267
Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:17 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

Everything with Emmett is great. I sure hope I don't jinx it. He's perfect and even though I'm not, I think that it works. And maybe his family will believe in us. I'm not an easy person to like, and what I've done will not make it any better, but maybe, just maybe, it will work.

"So... you are good with him now? Like, it works?" Lena asked me.

We were at Oliver's Starbucks. That's what I called it. She asked for a surprise from him, and he said yes to that option. Ends up he made his own spin on a mocha cookie crumble, adding java chips and extra chocolate. And Lena seemed to enjoy it. I got the iced vanilla mocha. I liked the things that are simple, and normal, I don't like change.

"Yeah, it really... it's really good." I smiled, breathing the words out. My heart somehow felt light.

"Awesome. Oh Jane, I'm so happy you two are back together. You two are so perfect." she gushed.

"Now you sound like a white girl." I laughed.

She shook her head and sipped on her Frappe.

"Have you met Luna's brother, Luther?" Lena asked.

I nodded.

"He's cute,"

I snuck on a soft smile and that made her cheeks get red. Taking a sip of my drink, I placed it back on the table between us.

"Isn't he though?" I said.

The music changed to Lorde, which oddly seemed to surprise me. I looked up at the counter and saw Oliver smiling at me. Shaking my head, I smiled. That guy was a funny one. Whenever I was here, he tried to play his own music, just to entertain me. My stomach felt hot as I looked away.

"I think Harley likes him though, so, talk to her before you make a move, Lee."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not crazy about him. I'm just mentioning."

I finished my drink and caught her pulling out her phone. When we hung out, we never brought anything that would distract us because we wanted to talk like normal people. This must have been something important.

"Lee?" I asked.

She looked up from her phone like a deer at headlights. And then a soft smile grew on her face, a blush fighting to show.

"Something happened the night of your party..." she said.

I couldn't hold back a smile. But before she could continue, somehow plopped down next to us. Looking over, I saw Kristin smiling from ear to ear. She had a drink in hand, s little note was written on the cup. It was probably Oliver who wrote something cute. A note was something personal so I didn't even bother reading it.

"Girls, hey." Kristin said. "What's up?"

"Just chilling, what's up with you?" I asked.

"Just happy."

Lena awkwardly went back to her phone, oblivious to Kristin. I mean, she acknowledged her by giving a smile, but then started texting. This is so important to her and it's killing me to know. She couldn't tell me because Kristin came. It's personal.

"I got a modeling gig! And guess who it's for!" Kristin gushed. But before I could even guess, she spoke up. "Don't guess cause you'll never get it, American Apparel!"

"Holy shit!" I jumped in my seat. "Congrats! Wow!"

"I know! My session starts tomorrow. I'm gonna be a cover girl."

Lena looked up from her phone. "That's great, Kristin." she said. Somehow, she was still lost in her own world. Kristin smiled back at her than stood up.

"I have to run, Ave needs me. I'll stop by later, kay?"


And she was out the door. I looked back at Lena and saw her getting her stuff together, as if leaving as well.

"Leaving already?" I asked.

Lena was caught off guard for a second, looking at me as if I spoke in a foreign language. "I'm gonna meet up with a friend. Sorry, I need to take care of something."

"It's Will, isn't it." it was like I was psychic. Her cheeks got pink.

"I'll tell you later, okay?"

I just nodded and she disappeared through the door. I got up as well, walking up to the counter. It was time for Oliver's shift to end, so I'll wait for him.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:07 pm
Ciblio says...


After spending another night with Cali, I'd started to forget about what was bothering me so much. Although, I still remembered what it was. But it didn't even faze me that we weren't together anymore...which slightly scared me, cause I thought he was the one. Lately, though...I've had a certain guy on my mind. Luther.

I know, it's weird to be thinking about a stranger...but he was just so..kind. Don't get me wrong, Will was kind. But this...this was a different type of kind. Luther takes kind to a different level.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" Cali blurted, interrupting my train of thoughts. Without letting me answer, so spoke again. "We should have another girls day out!"

I smiled. "That would be...nice."

"Ooh, but it'd be WAY better with more girls, don'cha think?" She asked, glancing over at me.

We were watching Criminal Minds, weird show. But it was pretty cool.

"Yeah, but who else would we go with?" I questioned, not looking away from the TV.

Cal paused, obviously thinking about it. "That girl you were talking to at the party. Seemed like you guys were sorta close."

"Who, Jane? We're not really...close. She's Will's ex, or something like that." I replied simply. "But we're friends. She's actually pretty kind.."

"So call her! This is GOING to happen, Harley Mae!" She finished, a big grin on her face.

I shook my head, smiling. "Alright, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go call her."


I sat on Cal's bed, looking through my contacts. I wasn't even sure I had her number!

"What am I doing? She probably won't even want to go somewhere with me.." I grumbled to myself.

Clearing my throat, I frowned when I saw the name 'Jane' in my contacts. When did I get her number?

I contemplated deleting her number, and telling Cal I didn't have it, but that wouldn't really be fair...so I hit call.

The dial tone rang through my ears, then a familiar voice picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Jane?" I asked.

"Yeah! Who's this?"

"Oh, sorry. It's Harley."

"Harley! What's up?" She asked, her voice automatically becoming friendlier after I'd said my name.

"Um.." I paused. "Nothing much. I was just wondering if maybe...maybe you'd like to have a girls day out with Cali and I? It would definitely mean a lot, and-"

She cut me off. "YES! I'd be happy to! Oh, I need a girls day out!"

I heard her laugh from the other end, and I sighed in relief. "Alright! Uh, do you think maybe..you could invite some others? It could help me meet more people..ya'know, and gain more friends.."

"Definitely!" She exclaimed.

Her enthusiasm made me smile. "Oh! I almost forgot..Cal and I were wanting to do it tomorrow. Think you can work with that?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"Okay! Erm, I'll text you and tell you where we should meet up. Sound good to you?"

"It does!"

"Alright. Thank you so much for this, Jane!"

"You're so welcome!"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

After she said 'goodbye', I hung up.

Well, looks like we're going out!
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:58 pm
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Sorry it's not very much, but i'll be doing a post for Luther in the next little while.

It was the first class of the day, and I already wished I was somewhere else. School hadn't yet started, so people were still finding their way to their seats, wandering around like zombies. It was a Monday, ya know. I was one of the first people in, and there was still about ten minutes before the first bell of the day would ring. I just sat in my chair, playing with my mechanical pencil. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone walk in and turn to look. What was her name...Harley? I think so. look at her again. Hm. She was the girl Luther took took care of after that party at Jane's place. She turned down a row of desks, ending up in the one next to mine.

I scratch my head, wondering if she'd always been in this class, and if we'd been sitting by each other this entire time without realizing it. I turn to her, watching as she got comfortable in her seat.

"You're Harley, right?" I finally say.

She jumped slightly, then shot her head towards me. After a few seconds, her gaze softened, and she nodded slowly.

"Y-yeah..? Um, I..do I know you from somewhere? You look slightly...familiar." She said after a few more seconds of silence.

I nodded, letting my mechanical pencil twirl through my fingers effortlessly. I never broke eye contact with her as I said, "I was at Jane's party."

Her mouth formed an 'O', and she pushed her hair behind her ear. "Huh...I think I saw you there...but I feel like...hm, I don't know. You remind me of somebody. Weird.."

I look at her, studying her features. Dark brown hair that went past her shoulders with bluish-gray eyes. I couldn't tell how tall she was, though I knew I was taller than her. She seemed to grow a tad uneasy of me as I continued to stare at her, and I almost smiled. At least she couldn't see my eyes through my thick bangs.

"You did, though you were probably drunk at the time," I break eye contact with her, watching my fingers as they played with the mechanical pencil.

"So, uh...what's your name?" She asked, still looking at me.

"Luna." is all I say.

Harley stuck her hand out towards me, and again we made eye contact. "It's nice to officially meet you, Luna."

I look at her or a moment before, grabbing her hand and shaking it a little hard than I meant to do. "Like wise."

A moment of silences lapses before I ask, "So were you ok after the party? I know Luther left with you after things started to wind down."

She seemed to freeze for a few seconds, then settled her hands in her lap. "U-um..yeah, I guess. Luther took me to a hotel, let me sleep in..then took me for coffee the next day. I don't really remember anything, though. I basically only know what he told me about the night. Wait...that's what you remind me of. Like...your facial features. They remind me of him..."

"That's because Luther's my twin brother," I nod. "so our facial features are somewhat familiar, as you noticed."

Harley's eyes widened a bit, but then she smiled slightly. "That makes a lot of sense..."

"Yup," I look down at the mechanical pencil flitting through my fingers, then back at her. "It does."

"So," Harley started. She twisted her hair around her finger, and started down at her desk, occasionally looking up at me. "tomorrow...a few of my friends and I were gonna go out, spoil ourselves. You can, um...if you'd like, you can come with us. It'll just be me, my friend Cali, Jane, and a few other girls Jane's inviting...I don't really have much friends."

I raise an eyebrow."Oh? Is that right?"

"I...uh...I mean, you don't have to. But I would...I would like it if you did." She said quietly, not looking up.

The mechanical pencil stops and l look at her before it begins again. "And Luther?"

I didn't miss that little spark in her eye at the mention of big brother.

A small blush formed on her cheeks, and she nodded once. "It's a girls day out, but he can come..."

I nod slowly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear with thinking about it. "Right."

Clearing her throat, Harley looked at the other students in the room. "So...should I..um...do you..? Er..." She shook her head, and looked over at me. "I guess I'll give you my number, and if you don't mind, you can give me yours, and I'll text you later, telling you where to go tomorrow..?"

I look at her for a long moment, just watching her. So she had a thing for my brother?

"...are you okay, Luna? You look a little...off." Harley asked, her brows furrowed.

My lip twitched before I said, "So i've been told. I'm fine. Sounds like a good plan as any other."

Harely was silent for a moment, then reached for her notebook, tore off a piece of paper, and wrote her number down quickly. "I don't have class tomorrow, so we might go a little early. If something comes up...I guess text me."

I saved the number in my phone, texting her my name and slipping it back into my pocket.

"Okay, well...I guess I'll text you later, Luna." Harley said, as their teacher came in, shushing everyone.

We didn't talk for the rest of class, and when it ended, she was up and out without a word. The rest of the day was bit of a blur, and when it came to to head home, I was more than happy to hop in the car and do so.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:27 am
Pinkiegirl13 says...

Name: Izanami White Penny
Nickname: Ana
Year and Age: Freshman; 14
Appearance: She have a red shit and blue pants. She also have red polo shoes.
Personalities: She is outgoing, kind, and quiet when she is around other people.
Family: Naomi Penny(mother), Hunter Penny(brother), Joe Honshu(her mother's boyfriend)
History/Problem They're facing: Izanami was born in White haven. She had never seen of her father since she was born. When she was eight, her mother met Joe. He abused her mother including her brother and her. She had a hard life and wanted to disappear. She always stay quiet to keep people from knowing her.
Quirks/Habits: She shakes her leg with she is nervous, and she talks to herself when she saw her crush.
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I hate myself!

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Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:45 am
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak
Spoiler! :
I have not wrote for her for a while... whoa.

"Just two minutes, okay Bradley? Two. And there is no more waiting."

It's like the whole world hated me. The buildings were going to collapse, people got ready to scream, and the oceans would flood. That's how I felt at this very moment and I couldn't help myself.

Ever since that one day I got in a fight with Ashton, he's been gone. Or, well, he left me. I knew that this secret would get between us, but I tried so badly for it not to. I need him in my life, and since he is gone, left me, it's not easy. I see Avery all the time, and she just reminds me of Ashton. Is it too much to ask to have him back?

The swarm of people seemed to diminish as the boarding process started. I was at the airport, flying to France. There I was supposed to film a movie for a few months. I told Ashton about it... it was the movie he would take part in too. I don't know if he's going to do it or not.

Probably not.

I took in a deep breath and shut my eyes for a moment. My head was pounding so hard, it was as if all it wanted was to make a loud enough noise for people to hear that I'm heart broken. I opened my eyes and met with an airline agent, smiling down at me. I gave her my boarding pass and she scanned it, just the next second handing it back to me.

I followed the people through the door and into the jet bridge. It felt sort of claustrophobic in here with all the people and tight space, but, okay. My wig felt itchy. When could I take this piece of shit off. Sigh.

My agent, well, my airline agent Clarisse, was standing behind me, yapping on the phone to someone. She was my travel companion, yay.

My sarcasm was getting out of hand.

Somehow the line quickened and I was shoved into my seat, business class, of course. The place looked sharp and uncomfortable. But, I sat in the seat and shut my eyes immediately, ready to doze off. I heard people rustle onto the plane.

"Brad, are you alright?" Clarisse, how many times do I have to ask you to leave me the fuck alone?

Instead of opening my vulgar mouth, I just nodded. Opening my eyes, I saw a stewardess walking up to me with a tray of drinks in hand. She had on the most fake smile I have ever seen in my life. But, I took it and smiled back.

"Anything to drink, madam?" she asked, her French accent sharp.

"Just a water, thank you." I said.

She handed me my drink and I took it, setting it down on the small table in front of me. Just as I thought we were preparing for take off, the crew started to bustle to the front of the cabin. That got my worry triggers up and running. I sat up in my seat and looked over at Clarisse. She had her eyes on me, very wide too. I will tell you this, for a girl just a few years older than me, like, twenty four or something like that, she looked older, more mature. Like almost thirty. But still, very pretty.

"Don't worry. Must be nothing." Clarisse promised.

And should I take that promise? God knows.

Someone came running through the door, the one that was still connected to the jet bridge. An airline agent, ah. His face was pretty great to look at so I hoped he'd stay a little while. He walked over to the crew and hushed something to them. The few of them nodded and he turned back. But before he could get off the plane, his eyes landed on mine and I felt my throat close up.

Can hot get hotter? like what the fu...

I couldn't finish my thought as someone ran into the plane, standing just in front of Hottie. And my focus averted to that person. I regretted it right then and there.

He wouldn't want to see me.

Holding my breath, I tried to look away. I started to breathe again, but couldn't manage to hide myself well enough. His grand eyes found mine and all there was was us and that's all that made it okay. Just a two week separation, and yet, it felt like years.

Oh I wanted him so badly. Just to hug him, kiss him even. But I knew I couldn't, because us has ended a while ago.

And it's all because of Bradley.

I can't even have my Ashton back, and he's right there. The world is oh so cruel.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:58 am
AlmondEyes says...


"So guess who invited me to a girls day?" Luna asks, buckling her seat belt as I put the key in the ignition and start her up.

"Who?"I put the car in reverse and back out slowly.

"Your damsel in distress from the party," Luna put the back of her hand to her forehead and sighed dreamily.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help how curious she'd made me. "You mean Harley?"

I'd been thinking about her since that night, and couldn't get her off of my mind. Her pale eyes and dark hair seemed to go with me everywhere.

"That be the damsel of which I refer to," she smiles wide. "Knight and shining Armor."

I just shakes head head and laugh, turning out of the school parking lot.

"Ya know," Luna began, looking at me out of her peripheral view as she strokes her jaw with her finger.

She was up to something. Every time she gets that look on her face, it's because she was waiting for something. "She said you were welcome to come, too."

My hand tightened on the wheel. "Is that right?"

The thought of seeing her again appealed to more then it should. I mean, I've only just met her, and she was already stuck on my mind. Luna smiled, but said nothing. The rest of the ride home was silent, giving me the chance to think. most of them centered around Harley. By the time we got home, she was still on my mind. Hoping to get her off of my mind, I headed into the living room to find a movie that would keep my mind occupied. Something was already on, so I just settled on that. I wouldn't say it occupied my mind as I watched it, but it did keep my mind off of Harley. For the most part, I just sat there staring at the screen. Luna snapped me out of it when she plopped down on the couch next to me.

"What are you watching?" she looked at the screen.

"Um," I blinked. "I don't know."

She nodded like she understood. "Still got Harley on your mind?"

"Trying not to." I admit.

"What's bugging you?" she turns to face me.

"Her invitation extending to me," I scratch my head. "I just don't get it."

"It's just her way of showing her thanks." she tells me.

"Really?" I look at her.

Luna nods. "And why wouldn't she want to show her thanks? A hot guy she doesn't know takes her to a hotel that doesn't take advantage of her, and instead takes care of her? I wouldn't be surprised if you left an impression on her."

"You think so?" I asked.

"Luther," she looks at me. "You're not like most guys. Our past has separated from large percentage of others, and in a way, we stand out. We've seen and experienced pain that most people can never begin to understand or comprehend, and it gives us a perspective of the world that others don't have."

I nod, understanding where she's coming from.

"What we've experienced effects everything we do, Even the smallest things," she continued. "Like the way you are with Females, and my attitude towards Men. I can bet you there plenty of guys out there who would have taken advantage of Harley while she was like that instead of looking out for her the way you did. "

"Sounds about right, I guess." I sit back, looking at the screen, still not really seeing it.

Luna leaned against me wrapping both arms mine, laying her head down on my shoulder. "There's no guessing about it, big brother. It is right."

She kissed me on the cheek before settling back down where she'd been to look at the screen with me. I laid my head atop hers, and we just sat there together.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:30 pm
Nike says...

Oliver Hemingway

Oliver Hemingway

We are here to inform you about the case. You are no longer a suspect to this investigation.

Sargent David Herley

I shut my eyes, feeling a boulder rise form my shoulders. This was grand news. I opened my eyes and shut the laptop. The apartment was quiet other than the slight hum of music coming from Jane's room.

"Hey, Jane?" I called out.

Just a few seconds later she comes to me, seating herself next to me at the kitchen island. She has on a soft smile and is holding a book in her hands. I take a quick peek at the title.

"Really? What is this, the fifth time?" I smirked.

A blush came upon her cheeks as she gripped the book even tighter, looking at the title as well.

"Oli, I love this story, okay?"

"Okay," I breathed out.

And she laughed, her blush growing deeper.

"Sometimes you remind me of Gus," Jane admitted.

"I try, Janey."

She shook her head and looked at my laptop, noticing it was shut. Flipping it open, she waited until the screen loaded and read the email I had just gotten. It was just a few words but it took her a while to read it. I guess she was re-reading it.

"What is this about? When were you ever a suspect?" she looked at me, her eyes got wide. "Oli, what the hell happened?"

As she spoke, the book fell from her lap. I leaned down and picked it up, handing it back to her. My heart was racing.

"My friend got..." I took a deep breath, trying to meet her eyes, but couldn't. "Jane, my friend was murdered..." and she didn't let me finish.

"And they thought you killed her?" she blasted.

I ran my hand down my face. "Yeah, they did. But I didn't."

"Of course you didn't. Why would they think you did? Oli, you're so good. So good."

I looked up at her and saw that sparkle in her eye. The one which made her emotions show. How happy she was, how confused, how heartbroken. And at this moment, she was terribly heart broken.

"They shouldn't have thought that." her voice was weak as tears streamed down her face. "Oliver, gosh... you're not a killer."

I placed my hand in her and felt her squeeze. Our hands fit perfectly, just like always. Smiling, she shut the laptop and looked back at me.

"This sucks, you know. You should have told me." her voice quivered.

"I didn't want you to over react."

"I don't care, I thought I was important to you."

"You're so emotional every time you read that book."

She licked her lips and set the book down on the counter. The blue of the cover reminded me of her eyes. So weird that I would even think that.

"This is serious Oliver, why didn't you tell me?" she urged.

"Jane, because I knew I was safe. You would over react and there was no point for that." I tried to explain with a gentle tone.

"I know you, I would be scared, yeah, but I know you." her eyes met mine.

"As much as you know Hazel?" I joked.

She smiled and just sat silent, looking at me. It was as if she was trying to read my mind. And this odd urge made me want to touch her face. Just, stroke her cheek. I don't know, I didn't do it.

"You're really good Oli," she paused, looking at my lips. "Kristin is so lucky." and that's when she broke contact and pulled away from me, hoping off the chair.

She made her way back to her room and I felt cold all of a sudden. The sound of keys dangling alarmed me and I looked at the front door just behind me, noticing Jane's mother walking in with some groceries. I got off the chair and helped her with the bags.

"Someone had to make a run," she smiled. "Thanks Oli."

We put the stuff away and once we finished, she sat down next to me at the counter, sipping the rest of her Starbucks coffee.

"How's it, Oli?" she asked.

"Ah, well, and you?"

"Formalities, I see. Professional." a smile came across her face, like Jane's. Not too wide and soft on showing her teeth.

She has been teaching me work ethics for a while now. i have been looking to get a job in a higher business and she said talking is the way to go. Speak helps with everything. My British accent is more than enough, her words, but she wanted more proper words. I guess my high vocabulary wasn't enough.

"How is Jane?" I asked her.

"As usual, why? You see her everyday." her eyebrows rose together in question.

"I meant... yeah. Um, Emmett." It's like forming words left my brain.

"Oliver..." she teased. "Are you into my daughter?"

"No! Of course not!" I defended. "No,"

She shook her headed and hopped off the chair. "I gotta take care of some work. If you need anything, I'm in my office."


Kristin was on the other end of my phone call, singing to some music she was listening to. I had no idea what it was, but I smiled anyway to the sound of her voice.

"Don't you think it's great Jane and Emmett are together again? So cute," she gushed.

I took in a breath. "Yeah,"

"And us... it's like the world got happy again."


"Oli, you okay?"


I shook my head. "Yes, I'm great. Kris, I love you."

I could hear her smile. "I love you too."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:55 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
Hey guys. Mikey and I are going through some rough patches, and he's been busy with work and school, so we haven't had time to post. Sorry for that. But i'll be posting for him for the next few weeks. Just so ya know. And i'll make sure to post daily. Oh, and I will be inserting a new character soon ;p hope you guys like her.


"Down...or up..." I say quietly to myself, in the bathroom of the vietnamese restaurant.

My long curly hair doesn't know what to do with itself. I finally decide on wrapping it up in a tight bun on the top of my head. I check both sides for flyaways, and smile at myself in the mirror when I don't see one.

As I'm checking my makeup I mentally pat myself on the back for introducing Luna and Chayton. I mean, who would have thought of that pairing? Hell, I definitely wouldn't have. And Luna will help Chayt forget about that bitch he met yesterday. Everything falling together nicely.

But as i'm walking out I notice that Luna is walking out of the front door while Chayton and Leo death glare at each other.

"Atleast you actually got her number this time." Leo hisses at Chayton.

Chayton rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, right before you kicked her out in fear of her stressing out your impregnate-"

I loudly pull out my chair so that it scrapes on the ground to grab their attention. They both whip their head up and stop speaking immediately. I sit down looking between the two of them and wondering what all of the hooblah is about.

"Soooo why did Luna leave?" I ask, looking at both of them.

Chayton is about to reply but Leo quickly cuts him off.

"She had somewhere she needed to be, love. I do wish that she could have stayed but...well atleast Chayton got her number."

My eyes light up as I turn to Chayton excitedly.

"Seriously? Oh my goodness, thats so frickin awesome! So are you gonna call her?"

Chayton sighs and looks down at his phone.

"I'm not sure. I really don't want to bother her. I mean...if she didn't want to talk to me last time why would she this time?"

"Wait...last time-"

"In his dreams babe." Leo says, cutting me off and laughing. "He told Luna that he's dreamed about a woman like her before. That's all,"

I roll my eyes and shrug.

"You both are acting weird but whatever. Now...has everyone ordered?"

"Wait...what? Call Jasmine now, dipshit! You have to tell her the truth."

Ashton painfully sighs on the other end of the phone.

"How does it sound...for me to get raped. It sounds like the biggest piece of bull crap that i've ever heard."

"Just be honest with her Ash. One, you were drugged. Things can happen, when you're drugged. Two, Jas loves you. She misses you. She thinks that you hate her. You can't put her off forever."

The line stays silent until Ashton sighs again, only this time his voice sounds thick.

"Avery...she's gonna think that I cheated on her. And that i'm just trying to come up with some bullshit excuse. I don't know what to do..."

"Just calm down, alright? Your father and mother are in France. And that movie that you're supposed to be in, no? So go. And relax. Think about things. Spend time with your parents. Do what you love. Smoke pot. I don't know just take your mind off of it for a while. And then come back and talk to her. Capisce?"


I hang up the phone and walk back into my bedroom. I climb into the bed next to Leo and cuddle onto him while he does stuff on his laptop.

"Lee...when are we gonna get married?"

He looks down at me, his aqua eyes searching my own.

"When do you want to get married?"

I shrug as I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger. He shrugs as well and goes back to doing stuff on his laptop.

"I don't know. I kind of just wanna do it. But there are so many factors to figure out before we do ya know?"

"Like what?" he asks, still scrolling around.

"Like finding your biological family. And having them come."

He stops moving and his eyes widen.

"My dad and mom have been working on it for a while now. But they finally have some type of lead, along with the private investigator."

He remains silent.

"Think on that. And tell me what you think in the morning." I try to shut down the conversation quickly. He seems mad. I turn away from him and scooch to the farthest point on my side of the bed. I listen as he remains silent and still for a straight five minutes or so, then I hear his laptop close, and hear him scooching as well. He molds his body into the back of my own, puts an arm around my waist, and lays his head in the crevice of my neck.

"Thank you Avery. Thank you so much." He says quietly, as he rubs my protruding belly lovingly. "Just...thank you. I love you. And I love him and her."
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:20 pm
MikeyG says...


I roll my eyes and don't respond to Leo. Luna still looks shocked and stays silent. i sigh and turn to her.

"You wrote me an IOU card. Why?"

She shrugs nervously and blushes cutely at the thought.

"I was nervous...I don't know. I mean, I don't jump into random guys' laps all the time.It was embarrassing for me. I'm sorry."

She looks me dead in the eyes as she apologizes, and my stomach immediately liquefies and turns into a puddle.

"Its no problem at all. We all get nervous. And scared some-"

"Luna do you mind leaving? I'm sorry, I just don't want any drama stressing out Avery. I'm sure that you understand."

Luna nods quickly and begins getting up while I stare wide eyed at Leo..

"But before you go, do you mind actually giving Chayton your number?"

She looks back with a small smile and tells me it quickly before continuing to leave.

"Leo...what the fuck. Her and I were actually getting somewhere."

"Atleast you got her number this time."

"Yeah, right before you kicked her out in fear that she may stress out your impregnate-"

I'm cut off by Avery loudly pulling out her chair while watching Luna leave. I sigh and drop the situation.

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Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:43 am
Nike says...

Jane Wills

It was the next day and I was ready to make Harley have the best day ever. It would be perfect. I liked that girl and she deserve more friends. I mean great people should be known, right?

Oliver's alarm was going off at four in the morning, he had work at five. The simple pleasures of working at a coffee house. Normally that didn't wake me or my mother, but sadly, today, it did. Well, wake me that is. I could hear Oliver sluggishly get ready for work.

I got out of bed and joined him in the bathroom. With the toothbrush hanging in his mouth, he looked at me in surprise.

"Need the toilet?" he mumbled.

"No... I mean, yeah, but not now." I said.

He rose an eyebrow and went back to brushing. The foam from the toothpaste was gathering at the corners of his mouth and I couldn't hide my smile.

"Your alarm woke me up so I decided to, wake up. Want me to join you this morning?" I said.

A smile pinched at his cheeks for a second, then he cleaned out his mouth with water and slipped the toothbrush into the holder. I picked up mine and slathered it in minty goodness, plopping it in my mouth.

"Won't you be tired the rest of the day, Jane? You are hanging with the girls and waking up early will make you cranky..." he explained.

I just shook my head and kept brushing. "I'll be fine," I mumbled.


"Harley!" I smiled all giddy when I saw her.

She was wearing just the cutest thing and it made her more her. A friend was next to her, looked sort of familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on it. Wait, her name's Cali.

"Hey Jane!" she smiled back, a little shyly at that.

Kristin was next to me as was Luna. Lena was coming in in a few minutes. We decided to meet at a Chinese buffet because we were all hungry. Luna had mentioned that Luther might tag along later since Harley had wanted him to come. Odd. I thought this was a Girls Day Out? Unless of course, Harley had liked him. Than that was just fine.

We all hugged, saying our hellos and got to our table. A small sheet of paper was on the table, a number 4 written on it. table 4 reserved, for us. We set out stuff down and walked over to the buffet area which was pretty small, but contained great delicacies.

It took us a few minutes, but once we were settled, we were all smiling. Chinese and just us girls, it's a pretty fun day.

"Hey hey," Lena smiled as she got to our table. "Sorry for the tardy, got caught up at work... which also happens to be a Chinese place. It's like I can never escape the yummy." she said with a laugh.

We laughed with her and she got some food for herself.

"So after eating, what are we doing? Shopping? Seeing a movie...?" Kristin asked, setting her chopsticks down for a second.

"I thought that maybe we could go to the beach." I suggested. "It's pretty warm and there is a volleyball game happening, high school versus high school. It's for the start of summer break!"

Luna nodded in approval. "Let's do that,"

Lena got back to the table and sat next to me, already chewing on something. That girl could eat and never get fat, amazing.

"And after that, how 'bout a small party just for us?" Lena asked in between bites.

"Where?" I asked.

"My place. Avery wouldn't mind at all." Kristin smiled. "Seriously, and I just got new booze, all the fun we girls need..."

And just as we went on with talking, Luther stumbled upon our table, all smiles. His eyes landed on Harley right away, as if their attraction was literally that strong. Luna had her attention taken away by an intense conversation with Harley's friend, Cali, that she didn't notice her own brother walk in. I gave him a casual nod of hello and he gave it back. The tension between Harley and Luther was so strong that I felt pulled into a vortex of sex, sex, sex.

"Hey," Luther gave a smirk to all of us.

Now Luna looked up and smiled at her brother. "Hey brother," she said.

"Join us," Harley practically stuttered but managed.

"I just ate, but, thanks anyway. I wanted to take you girls out somewhere."

I dug back into my food, devouring the rest of the plate. My stomach would not thank me for this later, but damn. Just as I finished I looked up and saw the rest of the girls leaning back in their chairs, giving Luther a strange look.

"We made plans for the beach already." Kristin retorted.

"That volleyball game?" he rose an eyebrow. "Okay, yeah, let's go then."

Looking at my phone, I saw a text message from Emmett. A burning sensation came from the pit of my stomach as I clicked it open, reading the words.

Hey Jane, how are you? Are you busy today?

I could feel the smile linger on my face as I wrote back.

Sadly, yeah. I told you I have a girl thing. Girls day out. Wanna join?

Just a second later he responded.

I miss you, but I'll pass. See you later?

Later, yes.

Next stop, BEACH.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

"I think; therefore, I am."
— René Descartes