
Young Writers Society

The Robin Hood Gang 3: A World Joined (Ended)

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Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:16 pm
RedSun says...


I took over. Sense Riley was set on complaining over one little bullet in her leg, someone had to take over. And the rest of them were just staring at her like she had two heads. And by the rest of them, I meant Reg, Howard and James.

"Reg, stay here with Riley. If a cop gets by us into the house, she needs protection. The rest of us," I gestured to me, James and Howard, "will go help the others. The ones at the mansion should be here soon."

They stared at me. "What if," James started.

"We don't have time for 'what ifs', James. Let's go." I walked out the door, and hoped for their sake they were following me. Otherwise, I turned around and shot all of them. Thankfully, I heard footsteps behind me as I descended the staircase.

When I burst through the front door, I saw exactly how much trouble we were in. I took my gun out and began to fire, as everyone else was.

Suddenly, I saw Jimmy. He was fighting two cops. And a third that he seemed unaware of had a gun to the back of his head. I shot all three officers, then tossed Jimmy a gun. He looked at me, and I smiled.

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Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:36 pm
Kaywiia says...


I almost yelled at Alis for taking charge when I was still conscious, but she was out of the room before I could say anything. With my hands I pushed myself against a wall and sat down, then took a roll of bandages out of my pocket. With them, I began to tie up my leg to stop the bleeding.

"You should 'ave Eve take a look at tha'." Reg said, looking down at my half-bandaged leg. I had worse before, and survived. I had no question as to whether I would survive this. The pain was just sort of ticking me off. I leaned against the wall, doing my best to think of a plan.

"I will, when we get this over with," I said, referencing the gunshots that paraded from outside. "I wish I was out there," I cussed at the fact I had to be stupid enough to get my leg shot. I knew Reg would probably rather be fighting, too, but Alis was right. If someone got through and came after me I was dead meat.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:20 am
Fox says...


I heard gunshots not too far away, a lot of them at that, and I knew we were getting close. When I saw the mansion, I stopped the car abruptly and got out. Aurelie and Ace followed me silently. I was planning on taking the car and running over some people, but I didn't want to risk running over some of our own people.

A bullet skimmed passed me, almost hitting my hip. The others looked a little worried, especially Aurelie. There went the element of surprise.

We ran as fast as we could until we were right where the battle was. Alis, James, and Howard, the people who should have been inside, were out there too. Where were Reg and Riley? I stopped thinking about that when I remembered that people were shooting at me, but it still worried me. More cops could still be inside.

I was about to shoot one cop, when he grabbed Maitea and put a gun to her head. Great, there were going to play that game. I wasn't a big fan of that game, and I wasn't going to let it stop me. He wasn't the smartest person. He was taller than Maitea, so I had a clear shot at his head. He figured that out, though, and raised her up. Shoot, he was strong too. That wasn't going to keep me from killing him. That only made me more mad. I quickly aimed my gun at his foot and shot.

He dropped Maitea in pain, and she turned to shoot him. I smiled at me, glad I wasn't the one to finish him off. I was a little worried about something, though. I didn't seem too bothered by the fact that all these people were dying.

Oh crud. I thought to myself. I'm getting used to it!
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:14 pm
Kaywiia says...


After a minute of being patient, I gave up. I attempted to stand up, but just fell down again. Reg held out his hand, and as much as I would have liked to be able to get up myself, I knew I couldn't. He effortlessly pulled me up, and I leaned against the wall.

After catching my breath, and with the assistance of the wall, I clambered over to a seat by the wall. I sat down to watch was was going on outside. I watched a bullet whizz by James head, and without thinking, opened the window and shot the guy who had attempted to kill James. The bullet didn't hit him very hard because of the distance, and he didn't even collapse. I had hit his arm, though, and that was a plus.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then I was on the ground. I watched as a bullet whizzed over the place where I had just been.

"Are you mad?" Reg asked, looking at me.

"Now they know I'm in here," I sighed, "that wasn't a very bright move."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:48 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

"Wonderful," I muttered as I pulled out a small 9mm Glock and hung it at hip level towards the door. "Right'o, Riles. I know you ain't gon'a like this one trott, but you listen to what I'm 'bout to say, right?"

Riley rolled her eyes, "Reg, it's only a leg wound."

A couple of cops interrupted us as they burst through the door, their MP5 semi-automatics raised. They fired a burst at Riley, but I pushed her out of the way to her knees. Quick thinking filled the next steps of my movement as I shot two rounds into the first cops chest. He went down, but his jacket was bullet proof. He squealed from the pain of the impact and I turned my attention to the other cop. This time I raised my gun to his head level and shot twice. He dived quickly and I missed, but Riley made sure that she didn't and shot him straight between the eyes whilst he was in mid role. The downed cop regained his co-ordination and took advantage of our distraction. He pulled a pistol out from his hip-holster and blew two rounds into my chest. I fell backwards against the wall and cursed in pain. Riley shot the cop dead there and then.

"Shit! Reg, you alright?" she cried.

"Shu'up Riles, I got'a vest-" I started.

"That vest didn't do nothin', Reg," she yelled at me, dropping her pistol and gripping my hand, "Reg, the bullets gone straight through you. Why the hell didn't you wear your vest?"

Then, I remembered. That morning I'd decided to wear my stab-proof vest instead so that the others could take the bullet proof vests. Seemed like a stupid decision now. Hell, I'd be too lucky to survive. I peered downwards before I started to shake uncontrollably; I'd known this happened when a bullet got you where one had got me. Straight through the bottom of my left lung, and the other through my right kidney. I'd bleed out regardless of hospital help, but long before I'd go into a cardiac arrest, black out and most likely fall to a coma. I could make out the wounds, blood oozing from them. I cursed, then looked to Riles.

"Riles-- you listen to me," I stuttered, "L..Look through the window, yell at James for help. H-he'll take care of ya. Don't worry 'bout me; 'tis just'a wound."

Her eyes looked unsure, "Reg, that isn't just a bloody wound, you need help."

"No. No, trust me Riles. I've been through worse, ok?" I sneered, "Now go find James. Get out'a here and don't come back, hell, don't even look back. Understand? -- I'll see you b-back at the mansion."

I cried in pain as I pushed my hands down on the wounds, but since they'd gone through, there was no way I got stop the bleeding from the back, nevermind internally. I looked at Riley, who hadn't moved or said anything since I spoke. I knew there'd be a whirlwind of conflict in her mind right now.

"GO RILES," I shouted angrily, "Morality ain't a bloody issue here, now! Get the hell out'a here and find James!"

Riley nodded and staggered up to the window. She pulled herself through and I helped lift up her feet with the remaining strength I could recover and then she was out of the window and I was left alone. The shivering grew worse now, my heart rate was slowing considerably and I knew now it'd only be a matter of time before I blacked out.

There was a faint noise as someone yelled, "James!"
He would take over my promise now...

***Btw, Reg doesn't die. He is discovered by the team of Cops and is taken to a hospital holding facility. They question him, etc and I'll re-appear at the gang in RHG4, when everyone thinks I'm 'dead'. You can come back and look for him, but all you'll find is a bare wall room, with one wooden chair and a blood-stained corner.***

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Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:03 pm
Kaywiia says...


I didn't remember much after that. I remember calling for James, and running through the chaos. I could still feel the wind the bullet that nearly killed me, and someone pulling me into a car. I remember feeling the wind in my hair, and my efforts not to cry.

But what I didn't remember was how I got onto this bed. I heard low voices in the hall, I caught my name, but I didn't catch much else. It sounded like they were talking in a foreign language, though some part of me knew it was English. Eventually,I turned back to my senses. James walked in.

"Where's Reg?"I asked. James didn't look particularly pleased that this was my first question.

"Dead," James said. I sensed no emotion in his answer. I couldn't bring myself to believe what he had said. It wasn't possible. Reg had always seemed so...permanent, not like he could be broken. I had never considered the possibility of not having him around.

"Reg's...dead?" I hated putting those two words next to each other. I couldn't help myself, I broke into tears. It seemed odd, my sister died, and I could control myself. But Reg, that was different. I had never really liked my sister, but I loved Reg.

I had always thought he was a brother to me, but now I realized he was more. He had been, but I never noticed. But now that he was dead, it was obvious. It was cruel, how life worked out. My sister had been in the way, and kept me from realizing the truth. Now she was dead, and so was he. and Reg would never know the truth. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. This was going to hurt James, if I ever decided to tell him. But, then again, why tell?

"Did we loose any others?" I asked after a minute of silence. I needed to stay calm, for the rest of the gang, even if I had broken inside. I needed to stay stron,g no matter what happened.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:08 am
MayApple says...


I stood talking to Eve and Cleo outside of Riley's room. I knew how much loosing Reg would hurt her, and I also thought that maybe having her forget about Reg would be the best.

"It would wipe the rest of her memory, too. She wouldn't know who we were. Her memories of Reg go about five or ten years back. You couldn't do that to her." Eve contradicted my idea to just wipe him out of her memory. I knew it would be like that, but wouldn't it be better.

"I could wipe out him dying, and then lie to her. I could tell her that he left, and that she hit her head."

"She'd go after him," Cleo contradicted. I knew she was right, and it made me mad.

"I am going to go talk to her, see how she's doing," I said, stepping into her room. I waved James out with my hand, and he left.

"Riley, how are you feeling?" I looked into her eyes, and I saw what she wouldn't tell me. She was in a lot of pain, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. She was silent for a minute, probably coming up with a lie she thought would please me. Feeling the silence around me, I said, "We had Eve look at your leg. It's all bandaged up now. You shouldn't feel it at all."
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:20 am
Kaywiia says...

This will be the last post of RHG3.....


I looked at Maitea, "I am as good as I can be under the circumstances. And, I'd like a favor. I'd like to speak to everyone, I have some unfortunate news."

"They know about Reg," Maitea informed me.

"I know they do!" my voice was sharper than I intended, "please, just get them all in the dining room." I wasn't in the mood to be nice right now. I just wanted to talk to them all.

I got to the dining room before they did. I stared at the wall, wondering what was going to happen to us after this. It was obvious that it was a trap, the cops showing up at the mansion. We weren't safe anymore, and it was showing. We needed to start moving, as a group. If individuals wanted to break off, best of luck to them. I didn't really care at this point. Before long the group was assembled before me, each of them waiting with eager eyes for my news.

I looked at them, my eyes boring even through the dim light, "We aren't safe anymore. We have fallen into trap after trap, and this is the last time. Pack what you need, we are leaving as soon as we can, before the cops hunt us down."

"Riley, why are we leaving?" Eve looked as confused as the rest of them. I looked at her, and then leaned back to look at all of them. Not a sound was heard in the room. They all waited for me to say something. After a minute of dead silence, I spoke.

"We're being hunted."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:29 am
Fox says...

Last edited by Fox on Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:57 am
Kaywiia says...

Fox, I said my post was the last post. Chapter four is accepting now.....
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:19 am
Fox says...

Sorry. Didn't see that.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
— The Bee Movie