
Young Writers Society

Arranged Marriages (second try...) ~Restarted~

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:02 am
yubbies21 says...

Aris - Princess of Yililia

I listened as the proceedings continued and the matches were made. I kept sneaking glances at Jackson. His olive skin was expected, him being from Harrow. His black, wavy hair was not unlike many of his people, but his eyes were a bright, shining silver, like moonlight on the ocean. He had protested angrily at the pairing of his sister to the large, disfigured Bryni prince. Even though he had an outburst, he soon contained himself. There was something about his manner and wanting to protect the other young girl that reminded me of August. If he is anything like August, he is perfect.
The feast continued long into the night. I retired shortly after ten o’clock, heading to the Yililian quarters. Once there, I stripped off my dress, threw on a nightgown and tumbled in between the thick covers of the plushy bed. Sinking into the mattress, I felt like I was being eaten, swallowed whole.
That night, I dreamt of Harrow and the prince, Jackson. I had limited knowledge of his country, so my imagination ran wild. The hot sand, vivid in my dream, blistered and boiled my skin. The city was cramped with markets and winding roads that smelled of rotting things. I was in an alleyway, smothered between two buildings, unable to see the sky. Skinny cats screeched warnings in window sills, their fur sticking straight out. A dozen tall men creeped through the shadows garbed in long black tunics, masks obscuring their faces. Knives, daggers, and swords glistened from inside their tunics, up sleeves, by their chests, and tied around ankles. The closest man spoke in a wheezy, rasping voice.
“Welcome to our fair capitol. Unfortunately, your stay will be very short.” He pulled away his mask, revealing the same silver eyes I had noticed at the feast. A scream rose in my throat but never left my lips as the Jackson in my dream stabbed me in the stomach with a cruel curved blade. Maniacal laughter bounded in my ears as I fell to the ground, a dagger buried up to the handle in my stomach. My hand went to touch the wound, maybe pull the dagger out, and came away bloodied. I started coughing and hacking, blood rising up my throat. A metallic taste filled my mouth as I choked and bled to death, Jackson standing over me with hard silver eyes, laughing.
Thrashing and screaming, I came to as August splashed me in the face with water. It was dark out and he stood over me as a shadow, seeming relieved that I was finally awake. I was on the floor quite a ways from my bed, which was in a tangled up mess. “You gave me quite the scare.” He sighed, bending down, helping me unsteadily to my feet. “Nightmares?” he questioned?
“Yeah,” I hiccupped. He reached out for a hug and I disappeared in his steady embrace. “It was horrible,” I said into his shoulder. “I just wish that I never had to leave you.” I looked up to see his face. There were tears in his eyes and his voice was husky.
“Me too, Aris, me too.”
We didn’t try going back to sleep. We sat upright on my bed, holding hands, leaning on each other. We both cried quietly, talking. The hours slipped past as I told him about my dream and we recalled happy memories.
“Remember that time when we were little,” I began, “and we begged Father to let us have a pet alligator? I was five and you were eight at the time and we thought the grandest thing to have would be an alligator. We wanted to ride the alligator up and down the hallways, and you said he could live in your room. We were going to feed his apples and carrots, making him a vegetarian so he wouldn’t gobble us up.”
August chuckled quietly. “Yes, I remember. We were going to name him Alli Gator. We were so good at coming up with creative names.”
And so it went, us bring up good memories for hours until we drifted to sleep, still sitting on my bed and holding hands, made strong er by each other.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:11 am
Liv says...


A shattering scream echoed through the hall and made its way into my room, causing me to wake with a start. The screams ended, and I was left in the eerily quiet darkness. With a hesitant breath, I peeled the comforter away and swung my legs over the side of my bed. The cold floor stung my feet, so I ran quickly over to Jackson's bed and flopped onto it.

Silver eyes opened to look at me, and Jackson gave a tired groan as he flung off the blankets. With a grin, I climbed over to him and settled myself beside him.

"Did you hear the-"

"Yes." Jackson said sleepily, wrapping an arm around me, "Now go to sleep. Big day tomorrow."

His silver eyes disappeared as he went back to sleep, his breathing quickly falling into a slow rhythm.

Pressing my head against his chest I listened to his heart beat, moving my icy feet against him to soak up his warmth.

Closing my eyes, I whispered, "I love you, brother."

"Love you too, Rosemary." He mumbled. Guess he hadn't fallen asleep.

Smiling to myself, I whispered a "thank you," and went to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open as I felt the sun shining. Rubbing my eyes, I climbed out of Jackson's bed and stumbled towards the window. Peeking through the heavy drapes I saw the sun beginning to rise, shining upon the green land.

Beaming, I dashed over to my trunk of clothing and threw it open, tearing off my night gown and dropping it to the floor. I replaced it with a plain green dress and hurriedly tied up the back. Sliding my feet into my shoes, I tied a black cloak around my neck and rushed outside.

My smile grew as I walked through the grass, and I couldn't help but kick off my shoes and run. As I ran, I came across a stable. Curiosity got to me, and I ran over to it. Pulling open the large wooden door, I entered. Inside were horses of every color, all of which turned to look at the person who interrupted their sleep.

Breathing a sigh of content, I approached one of the horses and placed a hand on its nose.

"Between you and me," I whispered to the beautiful creature, "I've never actually been near a horse."

"Wuh...what are you doing here?" A voice said, causing me to jump and hide my hands behind my back. Standing in the entrance of the stable was Briac.

My breath caught in my throat, and I replied, "Just....talking to the horse." I prayed he hadn't heard what I said to it, "What are you doing here?"

"....this is my stable." He said hesitantly.

Heat rushed to my cheeks in a blush, and I looked to the ground at my grass stained bare feet, embarrassed, "I....I'm sorry....I didn't mean....I just...." He walked closer to me, now standing right in front of me, and I looked up at him as he stared down at me.

"It's just," I said, watching his eyes carefully for any emotion, "I....I've never....touched one before. We don't have horses in Harrow."

His brow furrowed in confusion, and he questioned, "...why would you apologize for that?"

Biting down on my bottom lip, I replied, "I don't want to make you angry with me, especially before we're...." His puppy-like eyes blinked sweetly at me, causing me to stop for a moment before finished, "before we're married and....everything."

Confusion crossed his face and he searched my eyes. As his mouth opened to respond, I whispered, "We aren't supposed to be alone, you know."

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:27 am
Liv says...


The sun was just starting to peek through the sides of the curtains, hardly enough to light up the room. I had woken about an hour ago, when it was still dark, despite the feast and endless hours of memory sharing with Aris.

I looked over to Aris, whose hand I still held, as she sleeped peacefully. Her dream from last night still worried me, and perhaps was the reason I had woken so soon. Could the silver eyed boy hurt my sister even though he fights for his own? And what of the stories, the ones saying he cried for weeks when he witnessed his brother's death? Is a man like that capable of hurting her? But at the same time....those things didn't matter. All that matters is my sister, and the fact that she seemed to fear either him or a life with him.

After serious contemplation, I came upon a realization. The silver eyed boy had come with an older woman, who from what I had limitedly seen seemed like she couldn't be anything but his old nurse. After all, I had seen the woman discretely smack him across the back of his head shortly after his outburst, and who else would be allowed to do so? So, I decided, I would talk to the nurse, try to get some information about this man. There may be rules against talking to the other princes and princesses until the ball, but there were none against talking to nurse mates.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:54 pm
fictionfanatic says...

King Arthur and Queen Amelia of Draconia

"Fionn," Amelia said, placing a gentle hand on his arm, "I understand that you worry about your daughter, but I implore you to trust my son."

"Cecily is but fifteen!" He said, his heart obviously broken.

"Three years? You're worried about a three year age gap? Then perhaps you should more concern yourself with the young Harrow Princess and your son! The girl can't be older than sixteen, and your son a man of 21! That's five years, Fionn!" Arthur grumbled in defense of his son. He may not be strong or outgoing...but he surely would never hurt a fly.

"That is a different ordeal entirely! That is to end the feud that has raged on between our countries for forever!" The King shot back defensively.

"Oh bother, you only care about your daughter, no one else's!" Arthur said back.

"That is ENOUGH!" Queen Amelia shouted, "like it or not the lot of us are going to be related, so shut your mouths before you say something you'll regret!"

The Kings hushed, turning their gazes to the rising sun peeking through the window.

"I guess we are already a true family," Queen Margery quipped, "fighting like this all night. Now look, the night is over and Amelia and I have yet to het our beauty sleep. They promised she will be okay, Fionn."

With a smile, Amelia held out her arm and asked, "Walk me to my room, Margery?"


I awoke with sun in my eyes, which at first tried to ignore but it seemed like someone had left the curtains wide open. And by someone, I knew it was Rosemary.

I kicked of the blankets and placed my feet on the ground with a shiver. It sure is cold here compared to Harrow. Walking over to the window, I saw green land spread as far as the eye could see. So that's why Rosie disappeared. She went exploring. The silly girl had never been here, so the green grass must have been captivating.

With a smile I shook my head and moved to my chest of clothing. I put on the traditional Harrowan layers. Funny, though, that this time I was fighting the cold instead of the heat. The clothes almost instantly warmed me, and I smiled. It felt nice to be back in my clothes. I'd gotten so used to wearing hardly any clothes to bed to escape the heat that I hadn't given it a second thought last night until Rosemary placed her frozen feet against me. By then, I was half asleep.

Back in my traditional clothes, save the cloth covering my head and face, I set out to find Lissy so we could explore the castle some.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:21 pm
Shadowlight says...

Briac/Bryni Palace:

I woke with the sun as usual. When I was on a military expeditions with my men I always rose early, and it was something that transferred to normal life as well. Up with the sun and to bed with the chickens.

I laid in my bed for a while- just looking around my room, at the tapestries, and just lost in thought. Trying to get my mind wrapped around the thought of soon I'd be sharing this bed with someone.... With Princess Rosemary. I wouldn't touch her. I had made up my mind about that. She was sixteen and too young. I wouldn't touch her. Even if all the advisers pressured me to produce an heir quickly I wouldn't- I couldn't do that to her.... she was so innocent and small.... she needed protection, not deflowering.

Sitting up with a groan I rubbed the spot where my arm should have been- sometimes, even now I still felt it was there, and it hurt. The healer calle it Ghost Pain- but whatever it was, I didn't like it. The flagstones were cold on my bare feet as I went to my clothes chest and pulled out my well worn tunic, britches and ever faithful boots- I didnt' bother with my leather over tunic- It was too early in the morning to be expected to look regal- with my simple clothes I could slip out of the palace unnoticed by our guests- they would think me just a simple stable hand- as long as I kept my head down.

Taking my window and Jumped to the ground and headed for the stable, as I neared it I could hear the horses moving about- and a soft voice speaking- one of the hands was in the stalls this early? Shrugging I strode in then stopped dead in surprise- Rosemary was standing there stroking my fathers horse.

Wh-what are you doing here?” My voice gruff- I didn't mean it to be. Gods be gentle, she's a little girl for Gods sake man!

Rosemary paled and looked like she had seen a monster, my heart gave a little painful twist. I know my face is disfigured, and I don't mind... but I do mind when children are frightened of me.

“Just.... talking to the horse.” She whispered- and I could see her trembling. “What are you doing here?” She asked. I blinked at her for a moment.

“This is my Stable....” She looked at her feet, she reminded me of a startled deer. I walked closer, when I got near to her I realized just how small she was- I towered over her.

“I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean.... I just.....” She stammered “I just, I've never touched a horse before... we don't have horses in Harrow.”

I was thunderstruck- no horses? Gods how did they survive? I looked down at her- her eyes on her feet- why was she so timid? Was I really that frightening? She really was only a little girl- my heart went out to her.

“Why would you apologize for that?” She bit her bottom lip in the same way my mother did when she was thinking.

“"I don't want to make you angry with me, especially before we're...." She trailed off- I tried to smile, to show her I wasn't scary- I really just wanted to know. "before we're married and....everything."

Ah.... Made sense she was more frightened then I about this... she was so young, and didn't know anything about me. I knew I'd never hurt her, I'd treat her with all the honor and kindness I could- but of course she didn't know that.

Her next words were spoken so softly I almost didn't comprehend them.

“We aren't supposed to be alone you know....” I looked at her, and smiled shyly.

“We aren't exactly alone Milady.” I glanced around at the twelve horses comfortably stabled, She looked up at me- I wasn't sure If it was confusion or surprise at my attempt at humor. I turned away from her and pointed- whistling softly,

“Tempest- come.” My big black stallion lazily pushed open the door to his stall and walked up- Rosemary's eyes nearly started from her head and she took a step back- my War charger bigger then all the other horses here. “It's alright Milady- he won't hurt you. He's more an overgrown lamb.” I patted his strong neck- murmuring to him in my language.

Tempest seemed interested in the Princess- for her craned his neck around me to look at he- big brown eyes gently examining her.

“Would you like to pet him?” I asked as I got his tack box- I groomed both my horses ever morning when I woke up- it was a ritual I was loathed to skip.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:23 pm
Liv says...


I gentley placed a hand on the horse's neck where Briac had his just moments ago. Briac stood next to me and began to brush Tempest.

I watched him groom the large creature until something caught my eye and I questioned, "Briac, what happened to your arm?"

He stopped brushing the horse and looked at me with startled, suddenly saddened eyes. I stared up at him, and grabbed the cloth of his shirt on his right arm.

"Your sleeve is all....torn up." I clarified, giving him a questioning look. Why did he give me such a look?

His face changed, and he stared at me dumbfoundedly, "It....it's just.....I'm not really sure, actually. Most of my clothes have rips and tears, Milady."

I let go of his shirt and turned back to the horse, suddenly frustrated and muttered, "My name is Rosie."

"What?" Briac asked, either not hearing the first time or checking to see if that was what I had said, looking down at me . I figured out why he looked at me like that.

"My name is Rosie or Rosemary. And I'm not six years old, so stop looking at me like I'm a toddler. Please call me by my name and treat me with some inkling of acknowledgment to my true age."

I felt him staring at me, and turned to look him in the eye.

"I'm not afraid of you, Briac." I said boldly. I don't know what came over me, but the way he looked at me had annoyed me to no end. He looked at me as if I would break if he touched me, as if he expected me to fear him. But now he just stood there, looking as if he had no words.

Seeing the gentle giant stand there like that made me sorry for reprimanding him, actually a bit guilty. He hadn't meant to. Everyone looks at me like that except my brothers......well, brother.

I felt my face soften, and I bit back down on my lip in contemplation. Stretching my arms out I quickly wrapped the bear of a man in a hug. Shock was evident throughout his entire body, so I let go and went back to petting the beautiful horse.

"So," I asked, wrapping my fingers in the horse's mane, "will you teach me to ride one?"

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:52 am
yubbies21 says...

Rhay - Draconian Prince

I decided to spend the entire day with Mee-on-thulth. In the early morning hours, I scrawled a note to my mother on leathery parchment explaining where I was going. I left it folded neatly in half on the small table beside her bed. I made sure to stick my dagger in my belt before I left, just as a precaution.

When I arrived in the kitchen, it was mostly deserted, except for a lone baker who was just taking steaming trays of bread out from the flaming oven. I cleared my throat quietly after the bread had been transferred to the counter. The heavy-set man jumped, startled. His face wore a long, graying mustache. Recognition flashed in his pale, sunken eyes.

“Prince Rhay-Runi-Yowa of Draconia, how may I be of service to you?” he bowed forward slightly, extending his hands to the sides.

“ I’m going flying today,” I replied, “and plan to return late this afternoon. I would like some food to take with me.”

“Of course, your highness. You may take anything from the larder, there.” He bowed again, and gestured to a large cupboard.

“Thank-you, but please, call me Rhay.”

“Anything you wish, Rhay.”

I grabbed a loaf of still cooling bread, some pale cheese, and three plums from the larder. I then thought of Mee-on-thulth. “May I take some jerky for my dragon?”


Mee-on-thulth was already awake when I reached him and I saddled up in record timing. Soon we were soaring a thousand feet above the castle spires, looking down to the earth below. The sky was hollow, cloudless, and empty. There was nothing but the flat blue horizon meeting the green earth. Only a whisper of wind rustled my clothes as we flew north east, away from the castle.

Just before noon, a different blue strip appeared on the horizon. “What is it Mee-on-thulth?” I questioned.

“I believe, Rhay, that you have just spotted the ocean.”

Ocean. The word rushed through my mind in a whirl of comprehension. Water. Lots of water. Salty water. I had never seen an ocean, so the concept was foggy.

Mee-on-thulth set down on a grassy knoll thirty feet from the narrow silver beach. We had an hour to rest, talk, and enjoy the oceanbefore we needed to return swiftly to the palace for the grand ball this evening. The castle had disappeared in the hours of flying, now only a grey smudge. I fed Mee-on-thulth. the jerky strips and listened to the waves crashing on the beach. I myself ate half of a loaf of bread, a bite of cheese and two plums before the temptation to walk in the surf over-whelmed me.

“Hey, Mee-on-thulth, let me take your saddle off.”

A question flickered in his eyes. “Alright, and then what?”

“We play in the water.” That statement seemed to stun him, but he laughed and soon agreed.

The water sprayed my face as footfalls pounded the surface of the water. The rolling waves unsteadied my feet. Losing my balance, I went under the thigh-high water.
Stinging pain erupted in my eyes, nose and throat. When I groggily resurfaced, Mee-on-thulth was standing over me, a fiendish grin on his pointed face.

“Haven’t you heard that the ocean water is salty?” He nudged me to my feet, laughing at my puffy eyes. “That will be charming this evening when you meet your bride-to-be.”

“Thanks alot.”

“Your very welcome!”

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:54 pm
Shadowlight says...

Briac/Bryni Palace:

My cheeks were on fire

Gods above have mercy.... I offended her. I have barely met the girl and I have offended her!

I wished the floor would swallow me, that I would be struck down with heavens force- something then face the anger in the two silver eyes looking up at me- she made me feel the worst of villains for thinking of her as a child.... I was the little boy who was caught red handed in the cookie jar- I inwardly groaned.

This was it. I ruined any possible chances of a good start to our relationship... as usual my lack of social graces had doomed me.

"I'm not afraid of you, Briac." She said, silver eyes accusing me- I felt even guiltier.

“I'm sorry...” I breathed, but she didn't hear me- she just stood there looking at me angrily? Upset? Hurt? I couldn't' tell which one- take your pick they were all bad.

I was about to go when all of a sudden she stepped forward and hugged me- her tiny arms barely fit around my middle but there she was embracing me- face against my chest. I was too astounded to do much for a second, I went rigid, then I welt myself tremble slightly- I swear she almost nuzzled me and that's when my cheeks caught fire- Oh my GODS.

She must have sensed my discomfiture because she only held on for a moment longer before going back to petting Tempest. I stared at her- she was a puzzle, she was so young, yet didn't seem afraid of any of this... I myself was scared out of my mind. She didn't stare at my scars, though she was obviously curious....I couldn't figure her out.

She pet tempest gently- tangling her fingers in his mane. My big war Stallion seemed to enjoy it- snuffling her face- nosing her hand- social butterfly that he is.

“So,” Rosemary's voice bought me out of my thoughts, “Will you teach me to ride one?” I only managed a nod, “Soon?” Again I nodded, she frowned, “Well say something.” I gulped,

“I-I'll teach you....” she blinked,

“you already agreed to that- I meant say something else.” Gods why was she torturing me?

“D-do you w-want to start n-now?” I murmured softly- cursing my stuttering tongue. She suddenly looked unsure and turned back to the horse.

“I don't think it would be proper... You and I....Alone.....”

“I w-won't h-hurt you Princess.... I swear.” She shrugged still looking unsure- I had to mend this, I needed to at least try to fix my mistakes with her.

Galvanized into action I got Tempest's well worn saddle and bridle from their hook on the wall and brought them over- I could saddle my horse blindfolded so he was tacked up and eager for a ride within moments. All this time Rosemary watched me- her strange eyes seeming to try to take all my movements in- tightening the girth, slipping the bit into Tempest's mouth- all the little subconscious checks I did while tacking up my horse. I lead him out of the cross ties and into the Stable-yard- the cocks in the eastern barn just beginning to stir and test out their calls, the cows were lowing in their paddocks and I was just able to make out the distant smell of the kitchen fires being stirred up. I beckoned to Rosemary.

“Come h-here.” She followed me out and stood beside me. “Th-the best w-way to l-learn it to just ride... M-most of us were on the back of a h-horse before w-w-we could walk.” She nodded- not sure what I was getting at. Sighing I just gave up explaining- words were never my strong suit.

Placing my hands onto her small waist I lifted her up onto Tempest's strong back and swung up into the saddle- the girl before me. She gasps, body going rigid.

“It's alright, I-I-I just want you to know what being on a horse feels like.... we won't go far.” I waited for her reaction- suddenly painfully aware at how right she felt in my arms.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:12 am
Liv says...


Every nerve, every worry seemed to disappear when Briac secured his arms around me and grabbed the reins of the horse.

I looked back at him for a moment, his eyes staring back at me so kindly, and I replied, "My brother would kill me if he knew." With that, I felt a smile light up my face and I turned to face forward and added, "Well come on, then! Teach me!"

Behind me I could feel Briac shaking, as if....chuckling. He flicked the reins and Tempest started to move, earning a scream from me. Slapping a hand over my mouth I felt my cheeks heat in a blush. For goodness sakes, I had ridden camels before, why would this be any different.

Briac erupted into a booming laughter at my reaction to the horse, his entire body shaking as he breathed, "It's fine, Princess!"

"Oh, I'd like to see you on a camel!" I said, but couldn't help but smile.

Placing a hand on Briac's, I urged excitedly, "Come on!" But then I remembered...."Briac, I've lost my shoes!"

"D-don't worry P-princess, you d-don't n-need any." He said, and again prompted Tempest to begin moving.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:32 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Lissy? Lissy, where is my tunic? The one with the silver emblem of Harrow on the front?" I asked, running about the room in only my under clothes in search for it.

"Well how should I know?" She asked, not taking her attention from the window.

"Oh, bother. Now where is Rosemary? She'll make us late!" Just as I said that, the girl slipped into the room.

"Rosie, where in Gods name have you been, what did you do to yourself!?" I said nervously, taking in her muddy skirt and grass stained skin.

Her silver eyes sparkled and her face wore a bright grin as she handed me a yellow flower she had held, "I was just exploring, brother. Have you seen the horses? They're absolutely brilliant. I'm not sure where my shoes went off to, though."

"Never mind the shoes!" I said, my nerves about the ball getting to me, "Go take a bath and get dressed! Quickly now!" I turned to Lissy, who now held my tunic with a sly grin. I took the black and silver tunic from her a pulled it over my head.

"Lissy, get out Rosie's dress for her, will you? The black one with the silver lace I got her for her birthday? The one that matches my tunic - she likes to match."

After I finished dressing and my sword was fastened around my waist, I paced back and forth about the room. I'm never this nervous, why would I be this nervous? Well....I do get to talk to Aris for the first time. Approaching the looking glass above the dresser, I swooped my hair back in a ponytail. I did that about ten times, but each time pieces in the front fell out. Frustrated, I left it in the ponytail.

"Jackson?" Rosemary said, standing near her bed dressed in her under garments, "do you remember when we all used to play outside in nothing but our under clothes? Our skin would get so burnt up Lissy would have to put that green stuff on us."

"I remember," I said with a smirk as she pulled her dress on - she never did have to bother with corsets, being so petite. But I knew what she was doing. She could tell I was nervous.

She brushed her hair, saying, "We couldn't even sit comfortably for a week! But we'd still go out the next week when the burn was gone and start all over again. That used to make mother and father so mad."

She burst out laughing, tying a black ribbon in her hair as I had, small pieces hanging in her face, "Do you remember the time you and Tristan were so burnt you decided to take off all your clothes, only to find out that mother and father were throwing a party? Oh, how the people screamed at the sight of you to in just your under garments! Father kept you in your rooms for a week after that!"

I laughed at the memory, just as mother pushed open our door. A smile graced her face, shining in her brown eyes. "Look at my beautiful children!"

Father came in behind her, a sad smile on his own face as his silver eyes watched Rosemary. My own smile disappeared when I remembered why he looked at her like that.

Clearing his throat, his switched his gaze to me and said, "Well, children, come. Let's meet your betrothed! Even your mother and I haven't gotten a chance to speak with them."

I saw Rosemary look down to the floor, and sent her a questioning look. She gazed up at me, but only smiled and followed our parents. I followed close behind, and as we approached the ballroom I could already hear the music playing, smell the sweetness of the wine and bitterness of the beer, and hear the chatter of the countless people.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:37 am
yubbies21 says...

The creature staring back from the mirror was unrecognizable. Her fiery hair was swept back and clasped with a seashell comb. Large, confident green eyes, ringed with charcoal eyeliner, shone and sparkled mischievously. Elongated eyelashes fluttered like a silk robe left out in the wind to dry. Graceful cheekbones, regal nose, pale skin, and lips accentuated with a hint of red. A shimmering green gown adorned her curvy frame. In the smooth glass there was a girl that gave the aura of courage, boldness, and bravery. But inside, there was a pitiful fifteen-year-old unready to find her place in the world. However, she looked like she was prepared, and that gave her just enough courage to move on.
As soon as the massive doors were opened, Aris saw that the ballroom was filled with people dancing, talking, eating, and laughing. The room itself was large, spacious, and decorated with precious metals. Windows as tall as the roof had their curtains drawn back, letting the full moon’s light waft in gently. The smells were of hot, roasted pheasant, smoked fish arranged on silver platters, and baskets of steamy bread. Brightly dresses courtiers announced them, the Yililian Royal Family, as Aris curtsied to the crowd who paused to glance in their direction. August bowed deeply beside her, bending at the waist.
Aris moved toward where a few of the other prince and princesses were gathered, chatting quietly. She stepped timidly into the cluster, noting that Jackson had just arrived and was making his way towards the group. Aris steeled herself and felt confidence rising inside her, along with a quiet, nervous flutter.

Spoiler! :
The dress!

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Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:50 pm
Shadowlight says...

Briac/Bryni palace:

I walked into the ball room- already blazing with candles and torches- and full of people.
Smiling I took in the smell of the roasting meats, the cold cider and ale, and the mountains of food on the tables- the Mistrals and bards in their corner playing as if heaven's choir had descended.

I took in the royal parents grouped about- deciding last details of their offspring fate, then I looked around For Rosemary.....Rosie.

Was, was I actually looking for her? Wanting to see her? I shook myself hard and went to get a pint of ale to try and clear my head- but I never made it.

Rosemary was standing a little apart next to her brother- her dark tresses shone iridescent in the dancing light of the torches, her slender frame looked almost womanly- I had to shake myself again and remind myself of her age- but the pint was forgotten and mustering my courage I strode over to her- My red Velvet Tunic embossed with the heraldry of Bryni- the fell Wolf contrasted sharply with her light gauzy dress.

I walked right up and bowed.

“Princess Rosemary.” I said, schooling my voice- my mind wandering back to how those long black tresses had gotten all windswept during out ride- I was struggling to hide my smile- and it almost seemed to me, that Rosie was having the same trouble.

“Prince Briac.” She said talking down her pert little nose at me. Her brother giving me a strange searching look but I ignored it- I offered Rosie my hand.

“Will you Dance with me?” she seemed surprised that I asked her, and I waited for her reply.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:08 pm
Shadowlight says...

Saja/Bryni palace:

I clung to my brothers hand as we entered the Brightly lit Ballroom- it wasn't like the ballroom at home- or any ballroom I had ever seen. It was just the great hall- but I liked it- it was different, it was rustic and there was dancing! Almost trembling too much to write from excitement I quickly scribbled a note to Rhay, he glanced at it.

“Saja.... I don't like dancing...” I gave him my best puppy eyes, handing him another note,

~~Please Rhayray- I love this song and I really want to dance!~~

“No, I want to just sit over here for a little while.” and he moved away- my heart leddened slightly watching him go- he had been so sad lately, even more so then he usually was.

Sighing heavily I turned towards the room- watching all the people- the dresses of the other princesses were so beautiful- I felt a little out of place in mine, like I was a wren among Birds of Paradise. I walked around for a while- admiring the dresses, the dancers and the music- but I felt left out.

I knew people were looking at me- Me, the mute Princess. I sighed again and tried to act like it didn't bother me- I could see my parents across the room beaming at me. They wanted this for me so much- I just had to make it work. I walked up to an old serving woman and handed her a quickly scribbled note,

~~Where is Prince August?~~

The old woman gave me a strange look and only pointed at a knot of the young men chatting quietly in a corner- my stomach tightened. I was brave- but not that brave. I wouldn't just go walking up to all those boys. Quickly I turned away to go sit- I was a wallflower anyway. No one liked to dance with me- even at home,

Plopping down in a seat I smoothed my skirt.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:13 pm
Liv says...


"Well, on the contrary, no." Jackson replied to the light haired man. Politics. They were discussing politics at a party. Such a bore.

I looked off and spotted Briac approaching me. He gave a low bow at the waist once he reached me, looking up at me with a smile playing on his lips and mischief in his eyes. I tried to suppress a grin, but it found its way through.

"Princess Rosemary."

"Prince Briac." I looked him over, his hair still appearing tangled from our ride and his red velvet tunic looking soft to the touch. I could feel Jackson's eyes on us.

Briac offered me a calloused hand and asked, "Will you dance with me?"

I was shocked, to say the least. The only people I had danced with were my brothers and my father, save a few noblemen here and there briefly at parties. Besides, the dancing in Bryni is surely different than in Harrow. I bit down on my bottom lip and looked at his still outstretched hand.

My smile returned to my face as I accepted his hand. His large one enveloped my small one as I turned to look back at Jackson, "No more politics, boys. Jackson, go dance with Aris!"

Briac led me into the middle of the room where dozens of pairs danced, causing me to grow suddenly very self conscious.

"Briac-" I started, but was cut off by a reassuring smile. Briac looked down at me carefully and wrapped an arm around my waist, still holding my hand in the other. I draped my free arm around his neck and looked up at him.

"Don't get too comfortable, Briac. I doubt your parents would believe sweet Briac would be a ball of jitters meeting every girl but me."

A chuckle escaped him, shaking his chest, and he laughed, "Rosemary, I think they'll just be glad I haven't scared you away yet."

I laughed and whispered, "I'm serious, my brother would lock me in a tower if he found out! You're Brynian! We've hated each other for years, even before my brother was killed. Jackson would go completely mad. Did you not feel him staring at us just a moment ago? Seriously, how can-"

I didn't get to finish, though, because before I could Briac released my waist and spun me away from him, then spun me back in after a moment.

Briac's arms wrapped around me as my back rest against his front and he joked, "Who is the nervous mess now, hmm princess?"

I rolled my eyes as we began dancing again but couldn't help but crack a smile.


The group of us all let out a heart laugh at Balthazar's quip - he surely was the witty one of the group. As he went on telling his story I looked over and spotted Saja sitting by herself. Turning to the group I excused myself and made my way towards Saja as Balthazar continued his story.

I weaved my way through dozens of people and nearly knocked over a servant by the time I finally crossed the hall to get to her. When I finally stood by her side, though, she didn't even notice me, instead looking at the dancing couples.

Clearing my throat, I offered a bit nervously, "Saja? Hi. I'm August....would you care to dance with me?"

She looked up at me in surprise so I offered her my hand and a kind smile, "Come on, I won't bite, I swear."

Her face lit up with a smile and she carefully grabbed my hand.
Last edited by Liv on Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:50 pm
fictionfanatic says...


God, where did I know him from? There was something so familiar about Briac, I just couldn't quite place my finger on it. I watched Rosie and Briac dancing, laughing even, and went to get a pint. But once it was in my hand I began to question my sanity - I don't drink.
I brought it to my face to smell, but felt my nose wrinkle at the stench of the alcohol. Discarding my drink, I turned to see Briac spinning Rosemary.

Something about him...."Hello Jackson," someone said, cutting off my thought.

I turned to see a beautiful, fiery red head standing beside me, her green eyes glistening. I was at a loss for words.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and cocked her head, so I cleared my throat and replied, "Uhm, hi Aris. How are you?"

"I'm great," she said with a sweet smile, "you?"

"I'm good....yeah, good." I said, looking out at the groups of chattering people.

It was quiet for just a moment, then I looked back over to Aris with a grin, "I'm sorry, I've been a little out of it for a couple days. Would you like to dance with me?"

She gave an understanding smile so I took her hand and whisked her onto the dance floor. Okay Jackson, this is no time to be nervous.

"You look stunning, by the way" I complimented genuinely with a large smile as I wrapped an arm around her waist.
Live, Love, Laugh

The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
— Helen Keller