
Young Writers Society

The Monstrumologists (started/all spots reserved)

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:25 pm
crossroads says...


She was still standing next to the bench, lost in her own mind and thinking about the red man's words, when Nathaniel appeared. He seemed relieved to have found her, but she made her eyes seem cold. If he wanted to take her side, he could have just done it right away.
"What? The meeting is over?"
"Yes, we-"
"Did you congratulate them on their little mission?"
He looked angry - and confused, and tried to hide both.
"If you haven't noticed, I'm here, and they're not," he said. "I had nothing to do with that, I thought you know that much."
Darcy felt guilty to have attacked him, yet still not enough to apologize.

They will hate you too, they just don't know it yet.

She frowned.
"Have you discussed the aswang?" She asked to change the subject, realizing how cold her hands are as she held tight to the photograph.
"We are on our way to Torrance, but he's having a lunch break." From Nathaniel's voice, it was obvious that he couldn't believe that Torrence could have a lunch break while there was something important to discuss. "Did you notice anything strange about it back on the field?"
"I noticed that it left and hid in the crowd just in time so that we don't catch it while we have the advantage." He seemed kind of surprised, and her lips turned into a half smile. "Not the thing you thought of when you asked?"
"Not quite," he confessed, "but it fits. We think someone's may have.. Interfered."
"Someone?" She replied, lowering her voice without even noticing it. "People?"

We can understand you, Aislinn.

She felt as if she was shaking from the inside, and Nathaniel observed her carefully.
"Come, we should report all together." He reached his hand, but she didn't take it.
They hate you, because they don't understand.

"I don't want to see them," she said. "For their own good."
"Wow." Nathaniel blinked. "You really loved that tree, did you?"
"It's not dead yet." She said, picking up her notebook and crossbow from the bench and stuffing it all in her bag. "Fine. Let's report."

Spoiler! :
Now should someone else tell how the meeting went, as I have no idea how to write it xD And after it, Darcy goes to rest in her room..

• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:24 pm
FermentingFruit says...


It went down quickly. Too quickly. We were in the Monstrumarium. I was standing with Jonh. Anton and Jaegar were nowhere to be found. Darcy was with her pacifist friends, engrossed in the stuffed monsters. I could admit I was a little less interested in all the monsters. If they were alive, they were interesting. If they were dead, well it wouldn't do anything good to put a bullet in a stuffed creature. I was with John, and we were making small talk, when Jaegar and Anton arrived. Almost on cue, Darcy had to leave. It was like we were a plague, she couldn't be around us or she'd die. I just snickered as she left. It was long though until she returned.

"You had no right to do that. It wasn't yours to interfere, neither me or it has done anything to you!" she yelled at Anton and Jaegar. Ooshit, somebody's in trouuuble I think to myself. Things got way more serious when she raised her crossbow at Anton, and shoved him back. This girl had balls, or guts, or... whatever, you get my point. Somebody had to put her in her place. But not now. Her finger was on the trigger, and I wasn't taking any chances. I kept on hand on the hilt of my sword, and the other on my pistol, just in case. Turns out that wasn't needed. Darcy lowered her crossbow and left.

"What did you guys do," Nathaniel replied.

"We took care of the problem. I don't know why she thought it was a good idea to keep a man-eating tree in her room, and I don't know why you idiots didn't do something about it before we had to interfere. Have some brains next time," Jaeger said. He was right, it wouldn't be long before the stupid bitch got us all killed. Somebody had to do something about her. And then a plan hit me. I didn't have time to explain it before Korina exclaimed.

"I think I've found something!" I'd almost forgotten that we were supposed to be working. She pulled up a newspaper article on the computer, and started to read aloud. It was something about a past aswang attack in London.

Nathaniel looked up, "D'you think—"

Korina interrupted him, "That's not all," she said, flipping threw a little more. "It says later on, an organization known as the Bloodletters, who claimed responsible for many more killings around Britain and mainland Europe'," she looked up at us, "It all fits!"

"Maybe," Anton said, "But it could just be someone playing copycat, or something." I knew he was wrong. This aswang was released in a very populated, very crowded area. It was put there to do damage. These people were probably back. I kept it to myself though.

"It doesn't matter though, if it is," Alex responded, "Because whether they are just copying the Bloodletters, or actually are the Bloodletters, we can use past accounts to predict their actions. We should tell Torrance," he finished.

"Yeah," Nathiel says, "Let's go up now, see what he thinks." They were about to leave when I speak.

"Anton, Jaegar, John, I need you guys for a second." They quickly hurried over. "I have a plan. But first, we have to keep them," I looked over at Alex, Korina, and Nathaniel, who were walking away "away from Darcy's room."

"Okay, I'll do it." It was John, I was glad, because he was still neutral to them at least. He walked over to them. He started talking with them, and they were gone. It was just me, Anton, and Jaegar.

"Alright guys, I have a plan. It's really risky, but it just might put Darcy in her place." They all leaned in closer. "Earlier I noticed a live Dobhar-chú in there. They perked up. We take it, chain it in her room, and she'll have to kill it if she wants to sleep again. It won't hurt her, but it may just teach her a lesson about the true nature of monsters." They looked shocked, but they both nod in response.

* * * *

We entered Darcy's room. It was empty, but the tree that was mentioned was still there, trying to grab us. Jaegar is holding the Dobhar-chú, and it's snarling and trying to get him. "Hold on a second," I walk in and move over to the tree. It had started to wilt, and it was true that it was dying. "Stupid bitch," I mumble under my breath. I kick the pot, and the tree falls on its side. I look back up at them. "Just for good measure."

Anton piped in. "Wait. How did she know how we killed the plant? She wasn't watching us, she was in the Monstamarium. Or was she? He walks over to Darcy's bed and looks up. He snarls, and snatches a camera from the wall. He looks at it for a second before smashing it on the ground. "You're a very bad Dobhar-chú, now aren't you?" he says smiling. And then we get to work.

* * * *

"There," Anton says. We had successfully chained the Dobhar-chú to the back of Darcy's room. When she walked in, it would jump, but if the chain held, it wouldn't be able to reach her. That outta teach her, I think to myself as we walk away.

Spoiler! :
Wow, that was long. Hope that was alright with Jaegar and Anton. Darcy, do as you will. Just remember you can't kill us without permission :P
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:44 pm
Alvarin says...

Anton Wolfe
We were waiting outside the principle's office, waiting for Nathaniel and Darcy. I really hoped that she would learn her lesson and kill the damn monster. How was she supposed to survive our following missions if she her compassion held her back? Not that I cared whether she lived or died. I didn't even want to be in a team in the first place.

Eventually they came. Darcy glared at me and Jaeger, I glared back and Jaeger wore his usual fake smile. "Lets go inside," Nathaniel said. Someone would have to take him down a notch later, but for now we probably needed a leader.

I pulled the hood down over my eyes as we entered. The principle had a big window on one wall, which let in loads of sunlight. It was far to bright for my sensitive eyes. I made sure to put Jaeger, who were a bit taller than me, between me and the window.

I didn't pay much attention as the others spoke, mostly Nathaniel. My eyes hurt and I wanted to leave this damn office. The talking suddenly stopped and I could feel them staring at me, even though I didn't look up. I had been cracking my knuckles, so I stopped, and they continued talking.

When the others were about to leave I finally said what I had wanted to say ever since we were informed of our new little team. "I want to leave this team." The others stopped to listen. "I'm far more effective on my own."

The principle sighed. "I know that." Before I had time to ask, he continued. "but the last time I sent you on a mission alone you killed the last existing Cherufe, though I ordered you to catch it. I'm not sending you on a mission alone again, unless you prove that you can follow orders." He didn't sound angry, but I could see it, barely contained in his eyes.

"Or you could send me on real missions." I muttered. I had been thinking about joining a group of hunters for a long time. There I could do what I wanted, and I wouldn't have to bother following ridiculous orders from the society.

He frowned. "Either you start following orders, or you'll be stuck with a babysitter. It's up to you."

I glared at him, seriously contemplating to stick one of my daggers in his chest, but stormed out before I had time to do anything stupid. I almost knocked over Alex on my way out, but didn't bother apologizing. They could all go to hell.

Spoiler! :
In case anyone wants to find (or kill, in Darcy's case) Anton, he went to the training area (I assume they have one) and is practicing with his throwing knifes.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:18 pm
crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
Ok, I apologise, this one is REALLY long. But I put in the meeting part too (slightly changed after Alvarin's post).. Huh.


The Society's principal was serious, stiffed and younger than she's imagined him, and observed them all with unchanging face before he spoke to Nathaniel.
"What is it now, have you reached some conclusion?"
As far as Darcy knew, Torrance was close with her uncle, yet he barely looked at her - she was grateful for that, whether if he just did his job good or really had no idea who she was, as she really didn't want to be the one everyone start starting at. Miranda, and Jaeger did already anyway, so she gently stroked her crossbow, just to let them know she notices their looks.

"We have reasons to believe that the Aswang was modified-"
"You told me that already."
"-by humans", Nathaniel finished, and Torrence seemed slightly more interested - and slightly closer to panic.
"Why do you think anyone would do so?"
Darcy almost smiled sarcastically. It was obvious that he knew - probably even before them. Something had to put him in the position he was now, and she doubted it was a family connection.
"We think that the organization called the Bloodletters might be behind this," Nathaniel said, and Korina nodded.
"Or someone copying them," Alex added, ignoring Anton's look. "But still, it's equally dangerous."
"And we can study their methods by going through the old cases."
"The Bloodletters," Torrence hummed. "Well, if they're back, that is not good news at all. And you will need more than what's written in those files in Monstrumarium."
Nathaniel frowned.
"More, sir?"
Torrance got up, walked to a closet and unlocked a safe-resembling container on one of the shelves, taking some papers out of it. He handed them to Nathaniel, who still didn't stop frowning.
"These are the most detailed and most recent information the Society has. They haven't been seen nor heard of in a long time, and every investigator we sent came back with nothing - if he came back."
"You even have pictures," John sounded impressed, looking over Nathaniel's shoulder.
"Not clear enough to tell who's on them, though", Jaeger muttered in his I-don't-care-how-important-you-think-you-are-I-will-break-you-the-bad-news-anyway style.
"Do not attempt of making better ones," Torrence warned. "All of the investigators I mentioned were older than you. Tallow." Nathaniel looked up as he said his name. "I hold you responsible. I know you're smart enough to make decisions, and you others should follow them. Do not go after the monsters if there's no absolute need. You have phones, you have pagers, there are pay phones in the last case, call for seniors to handle it. You're the best Academy had, and I don't feel like adding your faces to the Hall of Heavens, even if you liked those shiny black frames. You understand?"

They all nodded, but Darcy could tell not one of them will listen. Nathaniel will do is best, of course, but even he will sooner or later have his reasons to break the rules. She knew of the Hall of Heavens, even been there a couple of times. There was a long wall dedicated to the Monstrumologists under the age of twenty. And Darcy knew there was far more deaths in their profession, not including civilians, than any wall could fit pictures.
She didn't want to look at the pictures in Nathaniel's hands - she knew they will show a man in shadows, with a top hat and a walking stick, wearing the suit in colour of blood.

She left Torrence's office with the others. John left first. Right after him, in the same way, left Miranda, giving her a strange look and followed by Jaeger, and they both eyed her with just wait for it written all over their faces. Anton stayed longer and talked about something more with the principal, leaving with a killer face and almost pushing Alex to the wall on his way out.
She frowned.
"I'm sorry about the tree," Korina muttered, and Darcy sighed.
"I may be able to save a root yet."
"Hellhound poison," Alex slowly said, as of talking to a child. "I must say I somehow doubt it."
"I'll see. Where will we go through this?" She showed at the papers in Nathaniel's hand, and he turned to her.
"Well, the others obviously don't care about orders," he said, sounding older than he was. We could go to that park."
Darcy couldn't stop herself from making an uncomfortable face.
"Eh, let's not take the park. We can come to my room. I could show you I wasn't lying about the tree."
Alex eyed her suspiciously.
"Didn't you say you'll hunt and kill whomever enters your room?"
She grinned, for the first time feeling the way she wanted to feel.
"I said uninvited," she said, and they nodded.
"Fine with me," Nathaniel said. "Meet you there in few minutes, I'll jump to the Monstrumarium to get those other files anyway."
Korina and Alex decided to go with him, and Darcy stalled.
"I think I'll take the time to clean my mess a little," she said, remembering how her room looked like last time she checked, after Anton and Jaeger did what they did.

She froze as she opened the door. I should have waited and let them come with me.
She recognized the creature standing on her bed, part of a broken chain swinging next to its leg. Whichever idiot chained it up, they should have counted on its teeth and strength. She noticed the tree on the floor and blinked rapidly. What the hell do they have against me?

Darcy slowly put the bag down, closing the door behind her. There was no need to involve anyone else, and especially not to let it get away and get killed.
She reached her hand to it, looking it in the eyes, calming her breathing. If she shows she's scared, that will make the monster's instinct react instead of its brain, and she didn't have such a wish.
"Hey," she said silently, putting all the serenity she managed to obtain in her voice. "I won't hurt you."
The monster stopped growling, closed its mouth and stared at her. There was something in its eyes that made Darcy feel like lunch, but there was also the other thing - the one she liked to see, the one that told her that her words were heard. She wanted to believe they were also understood.
Stepping closer, she could hardly breath at all. It wasn't true that she wasn't afraid, as someone may think if they saw her. She was afraid, she was scared to death, as she was smart enough to know of all things that could go wrong - she just knew how not to show it. Not to the monster, not to the others.
She was now close enough to touch it, and it still just looked at her. She knew she was safe at that moment; if she could get that close, without it striking yet, it won't attack her at all. She smiled.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, knowing she won't get an answer. The Dobhar-chús didn't talk. "Who put you here, what are you doing do far from water? So far from home?" The monster opened and closed its mouth, and Darcy sighed, kneeling in front of it. She'll have to take care of her tree later, as well. "I know how you feel. I come from Ireland too-"

The door slammed open, Darcy twitched and the Dobhar-chú made a loud sound, pushing her to the floor.

"Darcy! We brought tea and cook-" Korina froze, her hands busy with the plate. Nathaniel came right after, with a bunch of papers in his hands, and Alex followed, carrying a small statue of some monster.
"Stay," Darcy said, trying to get to the Dobhar-chú to calm it again, finding herself stuck as her tree grabbed her and pulled away from the other monster.
Nathaniel moved forward, as Alex put down the statue and moved Korina to cover, and Dobhar-chú screamed again. They should have stayed calm, they should have just closed the door again and leave her to handle it. But no, of course, the boys had to be heroes.
"Darcy, don't move, I'll -"
Dobhar-chú moved in a blink of an eye, scared by new voice, jumping and opening his teeth-filled mouth, and Darcy didn't think anymore. Maybe they will hate her, maybe everyone will, but she didn't hate them enough.

The arrow pierced it through heart, stopping it moment before it touched any of them. Her tree let her go, probably figuring that there was no need to keep her away, and her entire body was shaking as she got up.

Korina, in ways that Darcy never managed to understand, succeeded in keeping all the cups and cookies on the plate, and put them down on the desk. Then she sat in an armchair, as Alex carefully observed both the monster and the chain, and Nathaniel just stood and stared at her.
"Thanks," he muttered after a while. "What was it doing here, do you know how dangerous they are? You could have been killed... Darcy?"
She didn't find the words to answer him in proper way.
"It was just scared," she whispered. "Of new voices, and so far from water. It didn't hurt me, and I just.. I just.." She couldn't stop the tears, and all the three seemed surprised. Well, of course, she couldn't remember the last time anyone saw her cry.
"That was the best choice you could make, and one of the best shots I've ever seen," Nathaniel confessed, putting his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. The next moment, she was crying in his arms, repeating in her mind the number from the red card.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:54 pm
kayfortnight says...

I think Torrance believed us. There wasn't too much skepticism present, anyway. He looked very worried as we turned to leave, however.
Anton stopped before we left, though. He told Torrance, "I want to leave this team. I'm far more effective on my own." Good riddance. But then a thought stops me. If Anton leaves the team, most likely Miranda, Jaegar, and possibly John would, too. Maybe Darcy as well, since although she didn't have a particular dislike of Nathaniel, Alex, or I, she didn't want to kill the monsters. Our team would shrink very quickly, and I had the feeling that it would fall apart altogether if we even let Anton leave.
Not that I really want to be on this team myself, but there are children like Isa dying every day out there due to those monsters. If I can help them, she would tell me I should before I do anything for her.
Luckily, Torrance quickly rebuffs Anton's request. The way in which he does it, though, worries me slightly. We're with him to control him? How many of us can control Anton? I glanced at Miranda and Jaegar. How many of us want to control him?
He stormed off. I just shrugged my shoulders. I had more important things to do than go yell at him. Nathaniel, Alex, and I were going to meet Darcy in her room in a few minutes. First, we had to visit the Monstrumarium to get the extra files.
I waved Nathaniel and Alex ahead when we entered the Monstrumarium. "I need to check something." They shot me inquisitive glances but headed to the file room.

I opened up the book I carried everywhere. It was the most comprehensive guide to, mythology and magic I had ever seen in years of searching, but it didn't have everything. Therefore, I had marked up the pages and added my own notes in a folder in the back, including any information I had ever found about Monstrumology. And I was sure I had seen the name "Bloodletters" before today.
I skimmed the index. There was a single paragraph briefly mentioning them as a group who gathered monsters from around the globe and set them free in a single town. "I need to know more!" I muttered in frustration.
My own notes didn't have many more details. They seemed to have fiddled with every single monster on the planet and gone everywhere. But there was nothing about who their leaders were, nothing about why they did this, no connection between the places or people they targeted, at least not to me now. I slammed the book shut in frustration. Fat lot of good it does; no cure for Isa, nothing to help my friends. My intelligence is useless!
"Hey, are you ready to go?" I looked up to see Nathaniel and Alex, clutching the remaining files. A touch embarrassed over my temper tantrum, I got up and we left.

After a quick stop to pick up tea and cookies-I figured we all could use them-, we stood before Darcy's door. Opening it, I said cheerfully, "Darcy! We brought tea and cook-" I froze, because the scene beyond the door was not something expected to see.
Dobhar-chú. From Ireland, it usually lives in water, and looks like a dog-fish, a sleek otter monster. This one definally matches the description. I would have thought it wouldn't live very long out of water. Surely Darcy knows that, too, so I get the feeling there's something more going on here.
"Stay," Darcy said, but her tree pulled her back.
Nathaniel moved forward, as Alex put down the statue and pushed me off to the side, and the Dobhar-chú screamed again.
Nathaniel said, "Darcy, don't move, I'll -"
The Dobhar-chú moved in a blink of an eye, probably frightened, jumping and opening his teeth-filled mouth, and Darcy fired an arrow straight at it's heart. It dropped to the ground.
I carefully put the cookies down on the desk. Then I just sat in one of her armchairs. I never thought she could kill one of the monsters...I'm still not sure I can, sickened even by imagining it.
"Thanks," Nathaniel muttered after a while. "What was it doing here, do you know how dangerous they are? You could have been killed... Darcy?"
"It was just scared," she whispered. "Of new voices, and so far from water. It didn't hurt me, and I just.. I just.." Poor girl. She was crying now, and it seemed something I would never have seen her do.
"That was the best choice you could make, and one of the best shots I've ever seen," Nathaniel confessed, putting his hand on her shoulder. The next moment, Darcy was crying in his arms.
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Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:37 am
Ranger51 says...


"I think I've found something!"

I looked up from my exploration of a reported Chupacabra attack in Chicago, as did others from their own research.

Korina was showing Nathaniel an article, which he read aloud, describing an aswang encounter much like ours - including the missing proboscis. Later, the book described that there were many similar attacks in London, all attributed and claimed by a group called the Bloodletters.

"It all fits!" she concluded excitedly.

"Maybe," Anton conceded, "But it could just be someone playing copycat or something."

"It doesn't matter, though, if it is," I argued. "Because whether they're just copying the Bloodletters or actually are the Bloodletters, we can use past accounts to predict their actions." I looked around; everyone was actually listening, I realized. "We should tell Torrance," I finished, then stepped off of my metaphorical pedestal before half of them remembered that they didn't like me.

And so it was decided.

And postponed. Apparently Torrance was on lunch break. Of course. A discovery, a breakthrough, and a conclusion fit to start a small war, and he was on lunch break.

After a moment, Nathaniel went to get Darcy and try again, and Torrace was there this time. We entered his office, sharing our conclusions with him. He looked worried - almost surprisingly so. He gave us some pictures and information he'd recently attained from other suspecting monstrumologists, and told us to be careful.

"You're the best the Academy had, and I don't feel like adding your faces to the Hall of Heavens, even if you liked those shiny black frames," he told us gruffly. "You understand?" We all nodded, although each of us knew that no one intended to leave any monster running loose through the city. Even Darcy probably considered that a bad idea.

As I left, I heard Anton arguing with the Principal about leaving the team. He shoved me aside on the way out. My shoulder slammed against the wall painfully.

"Hey!" I shouted after him, but he ignored me, storming off. "Jerk," I muttered, rubbing my shoulder. I almost wished the Principal had agreed to let him out of the team.

Nathaniel, Korina and Darcy were talking, apparently ignoring Anton's behavior. We agreed to meet somewhere more private to go over the files - none of us trusted the other four that much. Vaguely, I wondered if that was wrong of us, but then, they were the ones who refused to listen to anyone but themselves. Darcy offered her room.

"Didn't you say you'll hunt and kill whomever enters your room?" I teased.

"I said uninvited," she answered, grinning, and we all nodded.

And so it was arranged - Korina, Nathaniel and I would go to the Monstrumarium to grab the other files, while Darcy cleaned up what she described as 'my mess' and was probably the mess Anton and Jaeger had left.

After grabbing the files, Korina thought we should bring food up - since we'd never had lunch, we may as well snack, so we grabbed some cookies and tea. I hauled along a statue of an altered monster, while Nathaniel carried the rest of the files.

Korina knocked lightly, then opened the door with one hand, the tray of food balanced on the other. "Darcy!" she greeted brightly as she pushed it open. "We brought tea and cook-"

She stopped in mid word, and we all stopped in mid-motion, as we saw the creature.

Sleek and otter-like, it screeched at us, shoving Darcy to the ground as she tried to restrain it. After a moment, I recognized it - a Dobhar-chú.

It was snarling at Korina, who was frozen and fumbling with the plate. It was about to pounce on her. Terrified for her, I shoved her aside, dropping my statue and ready to keep the thing off of her.

"Darcy, don't move, I'll-"

Nathaniel was cut off by a screeching howl from the Dobhar-chú. It leaped at us, teeth bared, and suddenly I wasn't so sure we should be standing in the doorway. I screamed, trying to step back, but a part of my subconscious accepted that I was going to be torn to pieces-

There was a thwack, and the beast yelped once, jolted to the side by some invisible force, crashed to the ground, where it didn't move or breathe. An arrow peeked out from its chest - it was dead.

Darcy had killed it.


"Thanks," Nathaniel finally said quietly. Then he looked up at her, concern filling his face. "What was it doing here - do you know how dangerous they are?" he demanded shakily. "You could have been killed!... Darcy?"

She was staring, her eyes wide. She looked... shaken. Really shaken.

"It was just scared," she whispered, her voice shaking. "Of new voices, and so far from water. It didn't hurt me, and I just... I just..." She seemed to lose the ability to speak, and I stared at her, frozen. She was sobbing - crying. Darcy was crying.

Nathaniel rushed over to her, gently placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "That was the best choice you could make," he consoled, "and one of the best shots I've ever seen." Suddenly Darcy collapsed into his arms, and he stood there holding her comfortingly. Korina had half-collapsed into a chair and was staring wide-eyed at the beast that had almost killed us.

Suddenly I was angry. Really angry. The dead beast lay on the ground like an abused dog - it hadn't done anything wrong. Just what it had thought it had to. Darcy hadn't done anything wrong either. And neither had Korina, or Nathaniel, but all four of us had almost just joined the Hall of Heavens despite the Principal's lecture.

"They crossed the line," I growled. Korina and Nathaniel looked up at me, uncomprehending for a moment. "Anton and Jaegar," I said, feeling my voice harden. There was no one else who would have done this - it looked like they'd tried to chain the monster into the room. "Probably John and Miranda, too. They're either trying to kill us, stupid, or both. Probably both."

I had to deal with them. Whirling around, I stormed out of the room, fists clenching and unclenching as I walked. Korina caught up with me.

I heard shooting by the training area. That was probably them; shooting and killing was all they cared about, and anyone who thought differently than them apparently deserved to be mauled by a sea-beast.

I slammed open the doors, and all four of them turned to face me. Ignoring the fact that Jaegar had his knives and Miranda her gun and sword, I stormed over to them, grabbed Anton by the collar of his shirt, and gave him a shove.

"What is your problem?" I yelled, letting my fury amplify my voice.

He just looked at me with smug, fake innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about." While I registered this, he added, "You've got something on your pants, I think," pointing down near the cuffs of my jeans.

"You're right," I snarled. "It's probably blood, because the monster you laid up in Darcy's room tried to kill us all!" The others looked a little surprised. "What? You thought it would all end up great, because you did it? Yeah, well, turns out Darcy invites some friends over, and the Hall of Heavens almost filled four more frames!" I took a deep breath, trying to keep some semblance of control over myself. It occurred to me that this was stupid, but I couldn't stop myself. "You have one chance to explain yourselves," I growled.
"We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?"
-Fahrenheit 451

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:45 am
crossroads says...


She didn't know how much time passed, as tears just ran down her cheeks. She was never crying, never in front of others, not even her uncle, and now she just started acting like a little girl all of the sudden. Alex said something about Jaegar and Anton, and the other two seemed to listen, but she couldn't catch her own thoughts. She never had real friends - not even at home, and especially since she left Europe - but attempt of murder was something she didn't quite expect. How can someone hate another person enough to put everyone in danger?

Remembering where she was, she turned from Nathaniel and Korina, walked to her tree and put it back to its normal position. It was weak, its branches barely moved when she touched them, but even though it was still strong enough to hold her during the attack before. Darcy knew she'll have bruises from it, but she also knew she could have finished without body parts - the tree wasn't going to hurt her, it was trying to save her from the other one. She just knew.

"Darcy?" Korina called her first. Maybe because she thought it would be easier to talk to a girl, maybe just because Nathaniel did something else - or left, as Alex did. She didn't turn to check.
"You should go," she said. They shouldn't have came in the first place, then she'd maybe manage to calm the monster enough to get it out of the room, or to leave it long enough to report it. She shook her head, telling herself not to think like that. They didn't know. They almost died. Neither of the three of them is to blame.

She knew they won't listen easily, so she turned and stared at them - no tears anymore - until they just decided to obey. Alone again, she covered the Dobhar-chú's body and closed the door.

She spotted the camera missing, frowning as she remembered that it gave her all the information she needed the last time. But she didn't really need it now - except if the Bloodletters broke into her room, and they'd either leave it unchained or chained with something stronger, she knew who did it.
Anton and Jaeger hated her. For no good reason but being different, at first, and since lately also for pointing her weapon at them. But to revenge like that? No, Darcy knew - almost hoped - that it wasn't their style. They would come at her directly, maybe even challenge her, say something and prove they're not afraid, do something to make her look bad on a mission.. Guys did that. Guys proved themselves. Girls did vengeances like this one, and especially girls still stuck in high school despite the job they had, girls who knew they couldn't fight her directly. One girl, to be precise, and from their own lovely team. And Darcy was sure that girl wasn't Korina.

To tell the truth, she had to admire all three - or four, but she hasn't done anything to John to deserve his vengeance - for keeping themselves from killing the Dobhar-chú before they chained it in her room. The whole group was to blame, and to suspend just for being stupid enough to think nothing will go wrong, but Darcy knew who's idea it was. She was as certain of it as of the fact that her tree wasn't going to hurt her.

Darcy left her room, stepping over the monster. She couldn't deal with that now. She didn't know what to do with it anyway, and the blood on the floor and arrow was more than she could handle.

They will train you how to kill. The voice of the man in red echoed her mind as she crossed the street.

She dialed the number as she found herself in the park, using her phone and making sure no one is even watching.
She knew who it was who answered.
"Miss Aislinn."
"Mr Anonymous." She said, and she could almost hear his lips curling in a smile.
"That will do. I didn't expect your call before the hunt at the factory."
Darcy frowned, remembering she never warned the others. But what could she say anyway? That the Bloodletters told her? That wouldn't make them very happy.
"I know who you work for," she said, surprised and pleased by the coldness of her voice. There was no more crying, no more shaking, no more anything. And Darcy didn't feel bad about it. "You were right, they did try to change me."
"I know," he said. "And now you know who I work for, what will you do?"
Darcy bit her lip, letting the silence get too long to handle.
"You control them," she said then, "don't you?"
"We have our tricks," he was as careful as she, and Darcy almost smiled. Almost.
"So do I," her voice was silent. "If it attacks my... Friends... I will hunt you down."
He chuckled.
"And tell me, miss Aislinn, what if it attacks your enemies?"
"Then I guess they will kill it."
"We don't like our monsters getting killed. You know how that feels. I told you once and I'm telling you again, we understand you. You belong here, not with them... I have a proposition."
She calmed her breathing. She wasn't even sure why she called him. Not for a revenge to Miranda and the others - she didn't want anyone else to interfere with that - but there was something in his words that she couldn't hear in any of her teammates. He didn't wait for her to answer. He already knew she'll want to hear what he has to say.
"You make sure it lives," he said. " And we will answer all your questions. You make sure it lives... And next time, we will not send the whole army."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:47 am
FermentingFruit says...


And Anton was gone. He had stormed out of the principal's office, shoving Alex into the wall. "Hey!" Alex yelled, but Anton ignored him.

"I got it," I said. I strode across the room and out the door. Then, I started to run. I probably shouldn't have, as I had a loaded gun in my pocket, but oh well. Luckily I was really fast. I caught up to Anton in no time. "Wait," I called. Anton turned around and looked at me.

"What do you want?" He was angry. There was violence in his eyes.

"You can't do this, leave the group." I said.

"And why not?" Anton replied.

"Because, we need you. You might not think it, but if you leave, then it'll all fall apart. Darcy will take an excuse to leave, then others. Soon, it'll be just Nathaniel. And where'll you go? You don't have a family. We're your family now. Me, Jaegar, and John."

"You don't know about my family. I'm fine on my own!" he continued to walk again.

"Anton. Wait. There'll be lots of more killing to do if you just stay here." That didn't get his attention. But then I thought of something that did. "If you leave now, you'll never find out what happened with Darcy." He turned around and smiled.

"Maybe just one more day," he said. He walked over to me again.

"Now, let's blow off some steam. When they find out, they'll come to us. Follow me," I walked away, and Anton followed. I lead him to the training area.

"Wait." he said. I don't have my—"

I cut him off. "Here, take this. I've got extras if you need them." I grabbed my .44 and put it in his hand. He smiled, and we went in. There were targets around, and we just had fun. That's how I would describe it. I pulled my katana from the sheath, and just went around hitting stuff. Anton was going crazy, I had to refill him at least 4 times. Jaegar and John walked in a few minutes later. John didn't have any weapons, but Jaegar did. Jaegar didn't both to use any though. They just sat back and watched us. Hearing the constant booms made me happy, it made me feel at home, something I hadn't felt for a long while. But all good things have to come to an end. The doors, slam open, and in comes Alex, fuming. I smiled, I knew they'd discovered our surprise. He moved straight to Anton, not seeming to notice that he was the one with the gun.

"What is your problem?" Alex yelled, and he yelled. He was mad.

Anton just looked at him, acting like he didn't know anything. "I don't know what you're talking about. You've got something on your pants, I think," he pointing down to Alex's pants. Blood. They had killed it. I smiled.

"You're right," he said. "It's probably blood, because the monster you laid up in Darcy's room tried to kill us all!" We all just looked at him. "What? You thought it would all end up great, because you did it? Yeah, well, turns out Darcy invites some friends over, and the Hall of Heavens almost filled four more frames!" He paused, waiting on us. We gave him nothing. "You have one chance to explain yourselves," he said.

Spoiler! :
I'll just leave it there.
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:10 am
RedBird says...


It happens so fast. One minute, Korina, Alex, and I are walking along, chatting, the next, we're at Darcy's door opening it, and seeing a full-grown Dobhar-Chú on her bed. We're frozen for an instant before springing into action. Alex shoves Korina out of the way, and I reach towards Darcy.

"Darcy, don't move, I'll--," is all I can get out, before the beast lets out a characteristic shriek and launches itself at us. I stumble backwards, but before in the dog-otter reaches us, there's a thwack and it tumbles to the floor at our feet, a crossbow bolt embedded in its chest. Darcy is standing at the other side of the room, breathing heavily, her crossbow still pointing at the creature. I take a gasping breath.

"Thanks," I finally say, in a soft voice, before looking concernedly at her face, "What was it doing here--do you know how dangerous they are?" I'm thinking about John and his mauled leg, "You could have been killed!...Darcy?"

Because she is staring at me, wide-eyed, her whole body shaking.

"It was just scared," she whispers, "Of new voices, and so far from water. It didn't hurt me, and I just...I just," her voice breaks into a sob, tears streaming down her face.

Without thinking, I rush up to her, and put a hand on her shoulder, "That was the best choice you could have made," I say soothingly, unthinkingly, "and one of the best shots I've ever seen."

And then Darcy collapses into my arms, and I hold her, not saying anything, patting her on the back. Alex says somthing angrily about Anton and Jaeger, about "crossing the line" and storms off, his loud footsteps fading down the hallway. I let go of Darcy after awhile and sit down on the bed, gazing at the corpse of the Dobhar-Chú. Darcy just stands there, taking deep breaths. Korina is looking at her, concern etched in her features.

"Darcy?" she says hesitantly, and Darcy looks up.

"You should go," she says brokenly, not even turning around to see if I'm still there, and Korina and I leave. As soon as we're out the door, I am filled with anger, such as I've never felt before.

"Alex is right, they did this," I snarl, and Korina hurries after me.

"Nathaniel, wait," she says, "Yes, they did this, but it's not their fault, not really," She says, putting a hand on my arm.

"What do you mean?" I ask, slumping against the wall of the hall.

"Their pasts, well, except for Miranda's, have been hard. Jaeger was basically forced to fight, and Anton lost both his parents to hellhounds,"

"I lost both of my parents as well," I retort, "You don't see me killing everything that moves."

"Yeah, but you were far away when that happened. You only learned about it after it happened. For Anton, it was personal and close. He watched them get torn apart," Korina's voice trembles slightly.

I sigh, "You're right, of course. But we can't let this just go by. I have to talk to Torrance or the others or...something. I don't know anymore," I pull my hair out of its ponytail and it falls in front of my face. Korina sits with me for awhile before walking off. I remember the papers in my hand, and start looking through them, but I can't concentrate. That is, until a passage about the Bloodletters' prophecies (they were a religious cult, in some respects) catches my eye:

And it shall be decreed that the wrath of the Lord Almighty will be brought down from the Old World upon the New. For the greatest of cities and the most sinful shall rise upon the sea and the purge of the Beasts will fall down upon it.

"'...shall rise upon the sea,'" I mutter under my breath, "'From the Old World to the New...,'"

It all clicks. It's talking about New York, without a doubt. The others need to know. I spring to my feet, and happen to look out the window. Darcy is crossing the street, towards Central Park. I feel something unfamiliar, deep in my gut. A sort of happy warmth. I shake my head, and make a snap decision. I run down the stairs and out the front door, after her.

When I catch up, she's sitting on a bench, talking softly into her phone. She hangs up as I approach.

Spoiler! :
Hope this fits for Darcy
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:20 am
Sassafras says...

Jaegar Pen

I sat back and watched the others as they went wild. It looked like a good time, granted, but my Ax lay next to me, unused. I gave it a longing look but turned my head away. Boundaries, I needed to control myself if this "good person" thing was ever going to work out. I need to practice being nicer, practice calming down more. I folded my legs under my and rested my hands on my knees. Deep breath in, then out. Grandpa always stressed the importance of meditation, and the grunts and moans of practice in the background were familiar and comforting.

Deep breath in, then out.

Ah, I hope Darcy appreciated our little surprise. It was hard work, that thing almost torn off my other arm - and I kinda like that arm so I plan on keeping it around. Still something inside of my stirred, I don't know what, but the feeling was uncomfortable so I pushed it down until it went away. I opened my closed eyes and watched as Anton, John, and Miranda practiced recklessly in the room. It looked so fun. I want to join.

Deep breath in, then out.

This was stupid. Who meditates anyway? I want to hit something.

As if on cue Alex bursts into the training room, on instinct I groan loudly and roll my eyes.

"What is your problem?"

He yells at us, at us. What made him think he had the right? I stood up quickly, Ax already in hand, and feet already moving towards him. I wasn't really going to hit him with it, I don't think. I don't know. It felt right. So right.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You've got something on your pants, I think," Anton replies. I smirk at the comment.

"You're right," he said. "It's probably blood, because the monster you laid up in Darcy's room tried to kill us all! What? You thought it would all end up great, because you did it? Yeah, well, turns out Darcy invites some friends over, and the Hall of Heavens almost filled four more frames! You have one chance to explain yourselves," he said.

That infuriated me. I finished my stride over to him and pressed the blunt of the Ax into his chest. I could feel my breathing becoming labored and I tried to remember what Grandpa said. Deep breath in, but it didn't come back out. I narrowed my eyes.

"I don't know who you think you're talking to like that, but I'll be more than glad to let you know. What, a little monster has got you all frazzled? You hellhound-huggers are sad that you had to kill it? Get the stick out of your asses and try and calm down." I scoffed and grabbed his shoulder with my other hand. "We don't have much time for tears here, do we? So I suggest you go and find that girl and tell her to suck it up."

I pushed him back and closed my eyes.

Deep breath in, then out.

"Nobody got hurt, stop being babies and get over it."

I sat back down at my spot, stared down at my reflection in the blade of my Ax. Grandpa and Grandma wanted me to be a better person. Sorry, but it's not working out so well.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:46 pm
crossroads says...


As he said his last line, Darcy couldn't move for a moment. She sat there, playing with little vial of poison that she wore as a necklace. It contained rare poison, mixed from a several monsters; depending on the dose, it could have effects from sleep, to paralysis and death. It wasn't quite the same as the one she'd used for her arrows - this one was dosed exactly so the person who drinks it has time to close their eyes before falling asleep forever. She didn't keep it for monsters. She kept it for herself.

Hanging up, she noticed Nathaniel approaching. What's he doing here? She wondered if he was mad at her. For sure, he could think she was crazy. She looked away. Maybe he got the message, or maybe he didn't know what to say either, so he sat on the bench next to her and kept silent.
She hated herself for some not quite obvious reasons.
"I didn't cry because I killed it," she said slowly, feeling bad for crying at all. "It wasn't its fault, but it attacked you."
Nathaniel smiled a little.
"You did all you could," he repeated, "and you did safe us, you know. It was them, wasn't it? Anton an Jaegar..."
"Miranda," Darcy muttered. "She thought of it, I'm sure." She smiled a crooked smile. "I even have a tape. They took one camera, but I had others."
Nathaniel opened his mouth, maybe to say that they should report to Torrence, do she just put the camera in his hand, starting the tape. He frowned at first, and turned to her with a strange face as he got to the part where she was calming the monster.

"They really do listen to you."
She nodded, stopping the camera as her arrow flew through the air.
"I told you. There's no need to kill them. And the tree? It wasn't attacking me, it was holding me back. Protecting me. Why would I kill it if all that takes is a little care?"
"It's sometimes too dangerous to try," he said, and she shrugged.
"I've been in my battles. That thing Miranda and others did, trying to.. To train me.. That's just stupid." Her voice was clearly showing how mad she was, but she didn't care. "I'm as much a Monstrumologist as them, and I can very well use my weapons when I must. I didn't say I never kill or that I can't. I just don't want to like it."
"I know," he said, with something somewhat dark in his eyes, and she looked at him this time.
"I would kill antrophophagi for you," she said silently, and he turned to her, seeming surprised.
"How did you.."
"We all have our demons. All it takes to see them is to take a good enough look."

Around him, it was so easy to pretend that she has nothing dark in mind. So easy that she wondered if she was the same Darcy that called the number of a Bloodletters member just a few minutes ago.
Nathaniel was still looking at her, and she wondered what would he do if she told him. I can't. He would never forgive me, and if I lose him.. Then I'll lose Korina and Alex as well, and then what?

The red men told her she's one of them, but Darcy didn't feel like it. She didn't feel like a part of any group - she just wasn't good at it. Remembering what he told her and what she just said to Nathaniel, Darcy felt torn apart. What if the monster she promised to save proves to be the same kind as the one that killed Nathaniel's family? What side will she take then?
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:04 pm
kayfortnight says...


"Alex is right, they did this," Nathaniel snarls, and I hurry after him. There must be some way to calm him down. I think Alex is already going to get himself killed because of the way he stormed off.

"Nathaniel, wait," I say, "Yes, they did this, but it's not their fault, not really,"I rested my hand on his arm. I haven't lost anyone permanently, after all. At least, I hope not. I pushed the thought away. Now is not the time.

"What do you mean?" he asks, slumping against the wall of the hall. Can't he see it?

"Their pasts, well, except for Miranda's, have been hard. Jaeger was basically forced to fight, and Anton lost both his parents to hellhounds," I said. Miranda's just a brat, but I kept that thought to myself, since it wouldn't help my position.

"I lost both of my parents as well," he retorts, "You don't see me killing everything that moves."

"Yeah, but you were far away when that happened. You only learned about it after it happened. For Anton, it was personal and close. He watched them get torn apart," My voice trembled slightly. Even I...I didn't know what happened to Isa until afterwards.

He sighs, "You're right, of course. But we can't let this just go by. I have to talk to Torrance or the others or...something. I don't know anymore," I sat with him awhile, not knowing what to do, but eventually got up and left.

I strode quickly through the park, passing Darcy, who was chatting on the phone. My destination was one of the few old graveyards left in my area. Rather sensible, considering who I was visiting. I tied a blindfold around my eyes before I entered.

I knew where to go by feel alone, since I had traversed this path so many times. When I reached the right chamber in the old crypt, I untied my blindfold.

Hard, all hard. Musty, damp tone. Silence, everything is silent. A neverending dull gray gaze. Cold, so cold. Everything about the statue is perfect down to the eyelashes, but Isa is missing something she once held in life. Breath. There is no life in a statue. It's my job to find that missing life. I reached out to hold her hand.

We were playing hide and seek. She was hiding, I was seeking. If it had been the other way around, would I be the one standing here now?

"I've been trying to be the kind of person you were, Isa. No, that you are. A peacemaker. The others can't tell that when I find an article or spout off a recitation of all the characteristics of an Aswag I do it at the perfect time to stop the arguments. They just think I'm the genius who won't touch a gun. They don't understand why." Because of Isa. She's been against them ever since so many of her kindergarten classmates were murdered by the shooter.

I feel a scaly bumping against my legs, like a cat rubbing it's head against someone's legs. I know I'm disobeying the Society, but Isa would hate me if I went for revenge. And there's the other factor.

I'm not talking just to Isa anymore; I'm speaking to another. I know he can't understand me, but maybe my tone will show my intentions. "You know I wouldn't kill you, right? It's not your fault you have this ability. But nobody's ever examined a live basilisk, and maybe that's why they can't cure petrification. I've never told the Society that you're still here. I don't want to hurt you." Slowly, with my eyes closed, I reached down and felt...empty air. It had fled while I talked.

I sighed in frustration. Every time, when I thought it was listening, it would leave. Nathaniel and Alex would think I was suicidal. Darcy would understand. Isa would. "I tried again, Isa. But I can't stay longer. I have to go back to the Society."
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Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:10 pm
Alvarin says...

Anton Wolfe
Alex stormed in, grabbed my collar and shoved me. I stared at him, unbelieving. I had expected him and the others to be angry, but stupid? He'd better stop, for his own good. I was still holding Miranda's gun in my hand.

"What is your problem?" I yelled, his face too close to mine. It made my ears hurt, even more than the gunshots.

I clenched my fists in an attempt to calm down and tried to look at him as innocently as I could, which wasn't much. "I don't know what you're talking about." He had the scent of blood on him, monster blood. "You've got something on your pants, I think," I said an pointed to the cuffs of his jeans.

"You're right," he snarled. "It's probably blood, because the monster you laid up in Darcy's room tried to kill us all!" Oh, could he stop shouting? "What? You thought it would all end up great, because you did it? Yeah, well, turns out Darcy invites some friends over, and the Hall of Heavens almost filled four more frames!" Shouting again. He was starting to really piss me of. I glanced down at the gun in my hand. No, I told myself firmly. No, you can't kill him. Calm down. "You have one chance to explain yourselves."

My hand clutched the gun even harder, my heartbeat sped up. No. Calm down. Luckily Jaegar got up and pressed the blunt side of his ax into Alex's chest, just as I was raising the gun. I could barely hear their conversation over my own raising heartbeat. The room became painfully bright as my pupils dilated. He had to leave. He had to leave now, I couldn't keep my anger chained up much longer.

Suddenly Jaegar went back to where he had been sitting before. I hoped that Alex would leave, but no. He just had to go and make it worse. There was more shouting, other voices involved this time.

"You could have killed us! Or was that what you wanted?!" he shouted and I winced as the sound cut through my head. I looked away, and fought the urge to cup my ears. He shoved me again, and I almost fell over.

That was it. The chain broke. It felt as if my blood was boiling, and the sudden surge of energy in my muscles made me want to hit something, or someone. Hit it again and again and again until it turned to dust. I put the gun against his forehead, a grin filled with malice creeping onto my face. Alex's eyes widened and he finally shut up. John made a move to stop me, but Miranda held him back. Why was she doing that? Did she think that I wouldn't kill him?

"Are you done?" I asked softly. No, I couldn't do this. I had to stop. Why weren't they stopping me? "Good, because I'm getting fucking tired of hearing you whine. You, Darcy, Nathaniel and Korina, you're weak. Do you know what happens to weak monstrumologists?" The memories of my parents being torn apart flashed by. "They die. They die, or they get in the way and get their teammates killed."

The hellhound. Eyes glowing red, blood mixed with poisonous drool running from it's open mouth. It had already bitten me, and I knew I was going to die, and then they would feed on me, like they had with my parents. It was the biggest one of them, the alfa of the pack, that was coming towards me once again. I had picked up my fathers gun, 'cause I refused to die without taking one of them with me. I aimed carefully, and pulled the trigger.

A loud gasp brought me back to reality. Alex was staring at me, eyes wide and face sickly pale. He backed away as quickly as he could, as I examined the gun. "Out of bullets," I mumbled absentmindedly. That was why Miranda had held John back.

"There something seriously wrong with you!" Alex spat before leaving.

As soon as the door closed Miranda started laughing. "His face, did you see it? Priceless!"

I shoved the gun at Miranda. My hands were shaking violently and I felt nauseous. Jaegar looked at me with a perplexed expression. "You knew it was empty, right?"

I shook my head. I hadn't known. I had really tried to kill him. Miranda's laughter died of as quickly as it had come. I could feel them staring at me, but I refused to look up from my hands.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:38 pm
crossroads says...

Mr Anonymous

The room was poorly lit, only by candles. Under the reign of their little flames, objects and people casted shadows that could fit giants, and no one could help feeling small. That was intentional, of course, but it still made even the Organization's members feel uncomfortable.

"Is it ready?" The First asked. He nodded.
"I prepared everything. We will release it at the factory."
"Good. Will you be there?"
"As always, sir. Taking care of the details."
The First - the Boss - moved a little in his seat.
"You may go now."
"Sir," he said slowly, and all the eyes around the table turned back to him. "I have more to tell you."
"Yes?" The voice was as deep as always, this time with a touch of boredom obvious in the tone.
"The girl called me," he said, feeling proud, and both Boss and another man leaned forward. The latter was looking at him without blinking, his shaded eyes cold as ice, almost piercing to his soul. If he could, he would have given himself the same look - little miss Aislinn was an interesting person, losing her too soon would be a shame indeed. "I told her she must make sure it lives. With company she has, I guess we need to start preparing the army for the next time."
The Boss leaned back again, and lit a cigarette.
"They are the best of the Academy - soon enough, best of the Society. Don't let yourself be fooled and give them the chance to act like a real team. Fights are good. As long as they're fighting each other, they are not a threat."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:35 pm
Lothbrok says...

"This is fucked up." John spat. "Keeping monsters in rooms, planting monsters in rooms, threatening to kill each other now trying to kill each other?"
The others stared at him.

"We chained it up." Miranda put in.

"Well either they overreacted or you didn't do a good bloody job!" John put his knife back in its sheathe - having a sharp weapon in your hand was not a good thing to do when you were pissed off. "I thought the one thing we all agreed upon was that monsters are dangerous. They're not a spider or a firecracker to shove into someone's bag, they're fucking monsters!"
John needed stress relief and he was in a room made just for that. He took a steel baton from the wall and went to town on the room. Too many times he had seen the aftermath of people keeping dangerous things as pets - a lion in South Africa that escaped from the small room its owner kept it in and mauled a neighbour. An akhlut captured by fisherman in Canada that massacred his whole family on its way out. Animals and monsters do horrible things to people who stand between them and freedom.

John continued to trash until he looked down and realised the baton was now bent. With a cry he threw it against the wall. Miranda was still watching him, an understanding look in her eye.
"Why?" He asked.

"We understand that monsters are dangerous. We had to make sure they do to. With them with us we could save more lives." She looked him straight in the eye. "Are you still with us?" John nodded

"To the death." He climbed to his feet and marched to the door. Before he could touch the handle his pager went off, there was only one thing that meant - another attack.
If at first you don't succeed then destroy any evidence that you ever tried

Always do what you are afraid to do.
— E. Lockhart, We Were Liars