
Young Writers Society

Blazed (Closed/started)

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:01 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Nope, your posting just right (;

QuickSilver ¬

"Yes," I reply. I hadn't had tea for as long as I could remember. It brought images of roaring fireplaces and the smiling faces of my parents. I'd been sipping tea on the night my parents were killed. The fireplace was smashed and my parents didn't smile, not even in death like they do in the movies. Uncle had made me visit them, none of us liked the arrangment, but as I was about to leave, the Goverment had killed them all, Uncle and my parents. On that visit I'd only managed to make them smile once: When I told them I' was being bullied at school. "On second thoughts, no thanks,"

He looked at me curiously, but I just shrugged, trying to banish the thoughts from my head. I moulded by hands back to normal and kept my hair silver. "He had a vision, a bad one, what could it be about?"

Images of the Goverment flashed through my head and my whole body turned silver. I sighed and shifted to normal, no silver on me. They must think I was a right weirdo. "I'm sorry." I admitted, and said no more on the matter.

The boy shrugged and said, "It could've been about anything,"

I smiled. I was waiting. Was he like me? Did they both have powers?

"Do you have powers?" I asked. "Rebellion or Goverment?"
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Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:35 pm
apple96 says...

Xandria (Xandi)

The wolf on my lap jumped up and began to snarl.
"Whoa, no, calm down," I soothed as I gently stroked its head. The grey wolf began to calm down but kept pacing back and forth anxiously. "What is it?" I asked looking into the wolf's eyes. "Go on. Show me."

At this the wolf padded into the trees before breaking out into a run. I did my best to keep up and managed to stay not too far behind. The wolf led me out of the trees and past a small spring before snarling again. I frowned as I walked towards him, he was standing at the cliff edge, growling down at a car which was speeding across the sand.
"Come on," I said as I began to turn away from the cliff edge and head back towards the trees. The wolf didn't follow me but instead stayed focused on the car, watching it intently. I followed the wolfs gaze carefully and caught sight of red hair.

"Atila," I gasped looking back down at the wolf who was now padding along the edge of the cliff following the car. I smiled slightly and began to follow him. I knew there was a path down this way, it was the only way to get up or down the side of the cliff, this cliff which seperated forest and desert.
'Are you saying Ni to that old woman?'
'Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history'

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:39 pm
Daisuki says...

Sire and S’oul | The Den (Zeke’s House)

I laughed a little and replied, “I would I hope I wouldn’t be in the home of a Rebel if I weren’t one.”

She nodded. “Powers?” she asked again.

“We both have them,” I stated, then remembered. “I’m Sire.” I extended my hand to her, and she hesitantly took it. Her fingers were slim but strong, and maybe a little colder than mine.

“And this is S’oul,” I continued, setting one of my hands on the small girl’s head. She simply stared at QuickSilver, taking her in. I wasn’t sure if I should coax a reaction from S’oul, in case QuickSilver got offended.

(OOC: Sorry it's short, I wasn't sure what to do)
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:04 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

QuickSilver | Zeke's House ¬

I shook Sire's hand, smiling. He had warm hands, which was nice, because being mouldable silver always meant I was slightly cold. It sometimes made me wonder if I'd melt if I came into conatact with anything hot.

He introduced me to S'oul, who I inclined my head at. The affectionate way he patted her head formed a knot of jealousy in my stomach, but I immediatly dismissed it. I was used to being alone.

I shook myself once and coloured myself silver. I sighed and rubbed my face, waiting.

"What do we do now?" I asked, glancing at Sire. He caught my eye and I looked away, suddenly hot. I was surreptitiously glad I was silver at that point; at leats he couldn't see my blush... or did I blush blue when I was silver? I didn't know. I phased back to my normal self and sighed. I paced anxiously around the room. I tried to turn Silver and found I couldn't. It felt as if the room had caved in on me. The only time I'd not been able to turn was when the boy had been around. He stopped my powers. I rushed outside, flinging the door open. A car trundled past, and inside were Goverment people. One of them noticed me. I slammed the door shut and nearly fell into Sire.

"The Goverment!" I hissed. I threw myself up the stair into Zeke's room. "Zeke! Get up, the Goverment are here!"

I ran back down the stairs as the door flew open. "Sire, S'oul! Run!"

[[[ Ack! I think I got a few detail muddled up, so I'll change it if I need to. ]]]
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Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:33 pm
FruityBickel says...

Name: Ambrose DaVinchi
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Black divisheled hair, wirey glasses, thin, green jacket over black shirt,skinny jeans
Power: can make anything of his imagination real.
History: A goth boy that grew up on the farm and wasn't liked much by his peers, Ambrose turned to drawing to let his imagination flow. One day, he was drafted by the government for his art skills. Once they had kidnapped him, they gave him the ability to bring whatever he wanted to life by drawing it or imagining it in his mind. Ever since then, he's been fighting against them to try and gain justice for the pain they caused him.
Personality: major rulebreaker, always looking for a fight. His thin frame allows him to fit in spaces most others wouldn't be able to, and he prides himself in his art skills and hates his not-so-well intellect.
Government or Rebellion: Rebellion.
Other: N/A

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:10 am
Daisuki says...

Sire and S’oul | The Den (Zeke’s House)

“Sire, S’oul! Run!” QuickSilver screams at us.

I hear her, and automatically grab S’oul and head for a back window. But there's something wrong – she's lagging. I turn to her and see that her eyes are unfocused, like she cut out her sight to strengthen another sense. We don’t have time for this!

I haul her onto my shoulder ungracefully, taking a tiny bit of her energy to give me a boost and make up for her weight. She doesn’t stop me, doesn’t make any move at all. I climb out through the back window and only now notice that the back of Fox Boy’s house borders the woods. Well, at least there’ll be cover. I start to run and thank God a million times that S’oul is fairly light.

We get maybe an eighth of a mile before S’oul starts squirming. I put her down, expecting her to run with me, but she shoots off in her own direction. I guess it's a little diagonal – we are still putting distance between ourselves and the government, but not as much as I’d like.

S’oul reverts to all fours, her hands striking the ground with every stride. She runs not on her knuckles or her palms, but the second joint in her fingers, curiously. I always wondered why this was, but not now, because all my attention is consumed with trying to keep up. The effort is in vain, of course, with my normal legs and her animal-like body. But I can sense the connection between us, and for the most part follow her. Once, she stops, her chest heaving quickly! quickly! like a scared rabbit as she listens or smells or who-knows-what. I'm so close to her, I reach for her collar to stop her, but she darts in that moment and my momentum takes me forward to fall flat on my face.

I get up – which is no small task – and follow her.

She finally stops in a small clearing. My head is pounding by then and my vision fading, but habit forces my hand to put two fingers in S’oul’s collar and an arm around her waist. Despite my want to protect her, I'm not so much holding her back than using her for support.

When my breath calms and my eyes more or less work properly, I look up. Her eyes are locked on something, and I follow her gaze. A wolf – silver, slate grey, and sleek. Its hackles are raised part way, but it simply holds us in its cool eyes. Behind the wolf, a girl. A girl with hip length brown hair, and a look of slight surprise on her face.

I believe I passed out right around there.
Last edited by Daisuki on Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:12 am
icebender28 says...


The government jerks kept driving, but they at least looked at each other nervously. I nodded. "You should pull over. I wouldn't make Mishta mad if I were you."
We drove past the line of houses that lay beneath the cliffside, seperating forest from desert. Only one house had light on, strict kerfuw of grovernment. I decided I should try and get a signal out.
I positioned my elbow on the window button and pressed it so slightly that only a strand of hair fell out. That should work, since there wasn't many people with bright hair.
It may sound like I was keeping a cool head, but on the inside I was freaking out. Going back to the government wasn't on my bucket list, or any to-do list of mine.
I see movement, and smile.
The driver sees it from his rear-veiw mirror. "What are you smiling about?" He asked.
"Because you don't stand a chance." I said. He rolled his eyes and gets back to looking out the window.
"Hey! Sam, there's lights on over there. We should probably go check it out." He said.
"Why?" The other one sounded like he wanted to go home.
"Because it's past kerfuw. Plus, who else would be up at this hour other than rebels?"
The man and girl contemplated, but said and did nothing. They just kept on driving. That was fine, my little "rebel friends" had cars too.

(Mwhahaha! Sorry this is so short. I didn't know what to post, so if this ruins something, let me know! :D Oh guys, let's try and keep the sarcasm on the DT low, unless it's to be funny. No Rudeness! It doesn't help the storybook. :) )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:49 pm
Audy says...

Wesley Snipes | driving government car | Government.

I feel uneasy. Atila gazes at me throughout the entire night, this uneasiness grips my mind and I can not seem to shake it off of me. A part of me knew that Samuel was right. Still, a part of me questioned. Why would she say that to me in the middle of a confrontation? Why would she say the government were killing children if it weren't true? Was she really only trying to psyche us out as Samuel said? And the blind one. What did she mean by scars...?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, my grip on the wheel tightening. I am Wesley Snipes. I have no scars. I try to convince myself. Only Samuel's presence relaxes me, and I must admit, a drink sounds just about what I need. His confidence and his power comforts me. I am determined to get the answers to my questions as soon as I turn these two troublemakers in. I should be allowed to ask them questions during their interrogation - and this thought pleases me throughout the duration of the ride.

Then, a movement catches my eye. I glance at the rearview mirror just in time to see Atila's window pulling up.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask.

"Because you don't stand a chance," she says ominously. I clench my jaw at her ignorance. She can't be trying to escape? I am tired of all these mind games.

Then I notice yet another suspicious aspect to top off the night. A house lit up after curfew. The offense was minor, but I couldn't yet ignore it. It cannot be a coincidence that the one called Atila would roll down her window just as we were passing by this house. I voice my suggestion aloud, but Samuel seemed uninterested. Perhaps he was right. Afterall, our objective is to apprehend these rebels; a pit-stop now could comprimise the mission. Our duty cannot be delayed.

I pass by the house without another thought and we continue driving along the road for a few more minutes. I am glad that it is late, for there is much less traffic at this time of night. In fact, the night is utterly soundless. There's that uneasy feeling again. I speed down the empty road, passing through all the red-lights. Driving a government-issued vehicles had its perks.

Suddenly, I see a dark figure up ahead crossing the road. She glances up, her face illuminated by the headlights, and I see her bright, green eyes widen in fear. She bows her head, sprinting across now to avoid me - but I had noticed it. The fear in her eyes and the clothes on her back. Prison garb.

I screech to a halt, opening the front door in the process.

"Samuel, take the wheel! There's been a jailbreak," I yell.

Stepping out of the car I feel uplifted, adrenaline running through my veins and my body no longer constrained. Every molecule inside of me is aching for speed. I see the girl now, running straight towards an abandoned alleyway, her figure diminishing in its darkness.

It's useless to run from me, I smile. This is my forte. This is what I was made for.

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:27 pm
SubjectBlue says...

The mood in the car seemed to lighten- passing by views, relaxing- yet I could feel Wess discomfort.
We passed by a lighten house- the watch showed an hour way too late for such a thing- and Wess even suggested checking it out- "Wess, bringing the targets to the facility is more important"- I coldly noted, Cam nodded behind.
After that- we kept driving silently threw the streets, when suddenly-
an awful screeching sound as the car stopped, a girl was standing on the road, Wess leaped after her, yelling something about a breakout- leaving me to drive.
Idiot! he should have ran her over, quicker- and safer. I cursed in my mind- but kept on driving, Wess can take care of himself...
Cam shifted uneasily in her seat- "About what she said..." she started, speaking in a deep, harmonic, British accent.
"I already told you, Cam, it's the lies of a criminal trying to talk her way out, nothing more. not surprising she tries to avoid responsibility- she's a rebel."- I calmly explained- although at that point my patience was already quite burnt.
"That's a good point, but what if she isn't?! Children, Sam, children! I can't just ignore that!"- What was it about this accent that made every emotion so empathized?
I sighed- "Camille, that's exactly what she wants you to feel, don't you get it?! She's a rebel! She can't be trusted!"
"and you!" I turned my anger towards the second rebel- the blind one- I don't know what kind of mind tricks you're trying to play on my friends- or me- but it's not gonna work! you get me? It's not!"- I lashed out at her.
I returned to my driving, we were quite close to the facility by now- when suddenly someone in police uniform appeared from the dark.
The car stopped, and he slowly walked in a side to side, self assured, smug way towards the vehicle.
"So, what are all of you doing outside so late- don't you know there's a curfew?"
I knew he was going to use that tone- and that smile, he was the kind of low-life man who enjoyed any power he could have over others.
"One driver, three ladies- one of which under age... planning a big night?"- My blood boiled, if it hadn't been for Cam- I'd probably would have faced charges of assaulting a fellow officer.
"Camille Huntington, EGI sector- we're escorting some high profile rebels, any reason why you're slowing us?"
The man went pale- Cam had quite a name- all of us had, and nobody wanted anything to do with EGI: "I'm so sorry- I thought"-He started mumbling.
"Next time, leave thinking to your superiors, as obviously your not yet authorized for that." She sharply cut him.
Those moments were the ones I remembered why I admire Cam...
"I'm afraid I can't let anyone any closer- not even you, ma'am- there's a lock-down on the facility."
"Believe me," I started- "We're not 'anyone'."
"I'm telling you- move out, nobody goes in!" He yelled at me.
I had no choice- the mission was a priority to everything- and he really enraged me, too.
The sounds of shots echoed through the street, followed by the humming of the driving car.
I rested the gun back at it's place- I was just too angry to think of a more civil way.
I turned to Cam- who seemed quite shocked: "Sam, he was on our side!" she protested
"If that was true, he wouldn't have stood in my way." I coldly stated- "I hope it's not a problem."

(OOC: EGI stands for Evolutionary Gifted Individuals)
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:46 pm
*singerofthenight* says...


She could feel the pain coming on, seeping into her very bones. She bit her lip hard, drawing blood to keep from crying out. She threw her glance to Atlia, hoping she could distract the other people in the car. A silent red tear rolled down her cheek as pain shot through her spine. Damned power. It was useless trying to hold back the pain, so she let go. A wave a bright green energy shot through the car, temporarily blinding everyone. She just hoped Atlia would take teh opportunity to escape.

"What...the hell?" she heard someone yell. But she didnt care, all she knew was the pain, the flames and needles that where burning her skin, impaling her body to the bone. She let out a deafening scream, blood red tears falling freely now. God help those in the car. She tried to get free, tried to run, but being blind didn't help. She screamed again, another wave of energy shot out as her power tried to consume her.

So she did the only thing she could. She gave herself over to her powers. Her dark red hair brightened, and her dark brown eyes turned motlen silver, glowing as she latched onto a target. A girl sitting in the front seat was looking at her in horror and Mishta smiled. Her mind was telling her to lash out, to use the girls weaknesses against her, to help her escape. Her instincts were screaming at her to run, to leave before she hurt someone.

It was at that moment she swore to bring down the government with everything she had. They gave her this power...now it was time to deal with the consequences. To hell with them all. She lashed out at the girl with her powers, sending painful memories into her mind, opening the scars that she was trying tt hide. She laughed when the girl cried out.

"I told you to pull over." she snarled and turned to the man in the drivers seat and clenched her hands. He had scars. Deep. Though it seemed they didn't really bother him. They would now. She glared at him, hoping he felt her fury at the government and every thing with it.

"Your gonna pay for this!" she hissed as another pain shot up her spine and knocked her out. The last thought that she had was, Why me?
Last edited by *singerofthenight* on Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:48 pm
apple96 says...

Xandria (Xandi)

I watched from the shadows as the back window of the car opened and a strand of bright red hair flowed out. Atila, I'd known it. I looked down at the wolf who was now glancing over its shoulder and sniffing softly.
"What now?" I asked, keeping my voice low. "Do you hear something else?"

Only a moment after I'd spoken I spotted movement as something . . . no someone bolted through the trees towards us. I watched, curious but not worried, after all I was standing beside a wolf that would obey my every command and the forests were filled with other creatures I could control. The wolf sniffs the air again and pushes its ears back against its head, hackles raised, watching, waiting, ready. I watch too, carefully squinting at the movement as it gets closer.

It was only moments before the thing came out from the trees that I realised it was only a girl.
"Leave," I commanded the wolf, which made it calm down again as it realised that it wasn't under threat. Then some one else stumbled out of the forest, a man this time. He took a hold of the girl before falling to the floor. I glance back to the girl who just stares at me with a strange look on her face.
"Is he alright?" I asked moving towards them slowly. The girl didn't reply and instead just cocked her head slightly. I tried again, "Who are you?" Again the girl simply looked at me. I managed to get close enough to the man to see him properly, he was tall with dark hair. Shaking my head I croached beside him and looked at his face properly, damn I didn't recognise him.

The wolf padded up beside me and nudged me with his nose. I gave him a small pat on the head before turning to the girl again.
"Rebellion or Government?" I asked slowly. At hearing this the girls eyes widened as she gazed at me.
"Rebellion," she replied softly.
'Are you saying Ni to that old woman?'
'Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history'

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:48 pm
Dynamo says...

I hope it's okay for me to jump in. Thought I might even the scales a bit for the government.

Name: Ray Hudson, Codename: "Dynamo"

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: Tall and lanky, white hair, stark yellow eyes, likes to wear treandy clothes and always has a set of headphones around his neck to listen to music with whenever he's bored.

Spoiler! :

Power: Has the power to generate and control electricity. Subsequently, his powers gives him momentary bursts of speed and reflexes whenever he wills it. Due to his power his body is surrounded with a weak electrical current that he is unable to switch off, so whatever electrical equipment he owns or uses has to be specially made to withstand the constant voltage. On a human though, the field is too weak to do any damage and is barely noticeable.

History: Ray's father was a marine in the Iraq war, his mother a simple woman the man had a brief encounter with on leave. He learned many militaristic values from his father, but only cared about the ones that involved killing an enemy. His childhood was rough as he got into a lot of fights and hung around some bad crowds. His last day in high school had been when he beat another kid to death with his own hands. That's when the government took him in and used him for their experiments. At first he was pissed at them for kidnapping and using him, but when he recieved his powers his tune changed.

Ray had been one of the first few kids the government had kidnapped when they first started their experiments. When he got his elecrical powers he was regarded as success #3. Ray, codename Dynamo, is called in whenever a situation is in need of dire assistance, but mostly his tasks involve assassinations. The government gives him a lot of free reign due to him being one of their first and more powerful successes.

Personality: Sadistic, misogynistic, full of himself, likes to get on people's nerves. He has no moral compass, if he wants something he'll take it, even if it belongs to someone else. He's one of the few government agents that not only kills willingly, but enjoys it. Laughs at the concept of friendship and comradery. He likes it when people are scared of him. His signature is to send out a giant bolt of electricity into the sky before he enters a fight to let his enemies know he's coming.

Government or Rebellion: Government

Other: Open to permanent death, if anyone is able to kill Ray. Not open for romance in any form. An all-round bad guy for the rebellion to fight against. The Japanese symbol is located on his right palm.

Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXDxYIWA ... re=related
Last edited by Dynamo on Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:01 pm
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Daisuki says...

S'oul and Sire | Woods

I feel my Sire’s arms around me. My Sire is heavier than usual as he is leaning on me, and then he falls.

I do not look down at him. I can hear his heartbeat. It is like the footsteps of a running beast. I can hear his breath, and it is fast, but he is okay. So I let him rest and I look at this girl. I like her. She gives off good vibes that make me want to go to her and get her to pet me, but I don’t. I stay by my Sire.

She asks me questions. Is he alright? She means my Sire. Who are you? I am S’oul, but if she needs to know this, my Sire will tell her. Then she says, “Rebellion or Government?” I think for a moment. I think my Sire would want me to tell her. I open my mouth and use my voice. My voice is quiet, raspy like I ate sand (but I didn’t).

I tell her, and as the word comes from my mouth, I am just a little disgusted. I do not like words much. They make me control my voice and shape the sounds. Howling. I like howling. It is not tamed, and it is free. Like me - I am not bound! Well, I guess I stay with my Sire, but that is a tie I choose.

My Sire stirs. His breath is slowed now, and he starts to get up. I try to help. He stands, and leans on me. I am proud I can help him. He speaks to the girl, and I listen a little. I see some red on his hand, and I grab it and look. He got cut. On the scratchy brush? I feel a little tinge of sad, because he was chasing me. So I lick the blood up. I know my Sire has told me not to before (he said people will look at me strange if I do), but I know it must be cleaned. I do not know how I know this, but his skin will become red and angry if it is not cleaned. So I clean it. He is too busy talking to the lady that he does not pull away.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:44 pm
Redfang18 says...

Zeke |Outside his house

I was in the bushes, hiding from the Government men. One of them was Samuel- or as I called him behind his back the Canceling Serpent. When I was a prisoner of the government, he tried to make me feel like my powers were a blessing when I know it was a curse. I was never treated for the headaches I suffered from the terrible visions I had during my captivity. I had to escape so I could have some medicine for my headaches. All the government cared about was my visions, but never counted on my power of illusions.
Once I was sure they were gone, I took to the forest and hid in an old cabin. I decided that I have to keep running until I was home free. I made my grandmother's mint tea and sipped it calmly. I took two sips, then dropped a sleeping pill in my cup on purpose. Once I was sure the pill was fully disolved, I downed the tea and went to bed. It took a while for the pill to kick in, but once it did I was sleeping deeply.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:33 pm
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apple96 says...

Xandria (Xandi) - Rebellion

I watched carefully as the man on the ground began to come around. The girl watched too, and helped him up as much as she could. When he was standing again, though he was still wobbling slightly and using the girl for support, he frowned at me.
"Who . . .Who are you?" he asked looking from me to the wolf which stood beside me and back again.
"Huh, you really think I'm going to tell you that. I won't tell you anything, I have no proof that you really are in the rebellion," I said with a slight smile.
"So you're a rebel?" he said with a slight sigh of relief. I laughed slightly.
"Right, I forgot that you were unconsious when your . . . friend told me about you being rebels too." I glanced towards the girl who was now standing beside him, letting him lean a portion of his wieght on her, and realised that she was licking blood from his hand. Trying to not look shocked I turned back to face the man properly again.

"So, who are you?" I asked.
"Why should we tell you, we can't be sure who you are," the man smiled.
"Touche," I laughed as I began to stroke the wolf's head again. "I'm Xandi, just so you know." The man nodded and smiled at me before nervously looking down at the wolf.
"I'm Sire, and this," he guestured at the girl, "Is S'oul."
'Are you saying Ni to that old woman?'
'Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history'

If I had control over the quote generator, I feel like I would put half of YWS in it.
— Kaia