
Young Writers Society

Fairview Academy RP [accepting & started!]

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Tue May 31, 2011 1:15 am
MyStoryline says...

I really mind with Levi, as long as MyStoryLine is okay with it!

I'm a little comfused as to what you mean by this


"Beautiful school." I said to no one in particular. It was more just a thought I spoke aloud. I couldn't wait to get started the next day, eager to learn from my teachers. It was said that they were more advanced than the AP classes, and I was all but jumping with excitment for it all to start. However, as just said in orientation, we would have the dance tonight, meaning I would have to wait that much longer for my classes, as well as lacrosse.

When I went to my room, I immediately went to my costume. I had managed my time earlier so that I'd get here early enough to put everything away before orientation started. My costume consisted of a white dress shirt, black pants and shoes, and a white jacket covered a repetitive pictures of my moms and dads, my favorite dress jacket and something I used whenever I possibly could. I had it made for me for my birthday last year. I topped it off with a black tie with test tubes all over it.

Simple and entirely expresses me. It was perfect. I looked at my watch and saw that it was about time to start heading over *hope that's alright with all of you*

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:17 am
Glauke says...

OK, personally, I love writing from J.J.'s perspective, because it's just fun to be mean to people. No offense. It's something I never do in real life, and it's fun to assume the personality of a completely different person. Also, Alaska, I'm sorry you weren't on the list. We have an odd number of guys. For now, you can just invent someone to be your roommate or not have one. Again, so sorry!
Missy "J.J." Allen

Spoiler! :
J.J.'s Dress
No, she isn't Taylor Swift. So MEH!

Well, the dance starts in 3 hours, and already 4 guys have asked me to it. Casey McIntire: No. Sam Beddman: No. Cameron Addams: No. Ford Sykes: Never. Truth be told, I'm waiting for a certain someone to ask me. And I know he will.

I lean closer to the mirror, swiping on the mascara with as much precision as possible. I do the same with the eyeliner and silver eyeshadow. I ignore Aza, who is chatting with some guy who walked in. She's probably flirting with him. He might even ask her to the dance. I hope not. Then she might even think herself better than me! Ha! Well, I mean, Aza is sort of pretty. This needs to stop.
"Aza, sweetie," I call to her in a singsong voice, "I need your help."
"Uh, okay." Aza replies. I hear the door open and close as the boy leaves.
"Oh, never mind. I've got it." I say sweetly.
"Are-are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure, thanks.
Aza nods.
"Guess what?" she asks timidly.
I roll my eyes and groan. "What is it?"
"I-I asked someone to the dance."
I pause. Indifferently, I say, "Who is it?"
"Levi Johnston. He hasn't given me a solid answer yet, though. But we swapped phone numbers and he said he would text me."
Oh, so now Little Miss Handicap thinks she's better than me? Ha! I'll show her.
"Oh! Levi. Yes, I know him," I lie.
"Yeah, we dated for a month."
"That's... cool. Is he-- Is he, y'know, nice?" Aza asks.
"He's a jerk."
"Oh," Aza whispers, clearly believing my lies.
But before I can start again, Aza interrupts, "Well, we're only going as friends. It's not like I am in love with him or anything."
"Okay, whatever. I just thought you should know."

I can't believe her. I'm the smartest. I'm the prettiest. I'm the best. And here comes Little Miss Handicap thinking that she is better than me? This girl obviously needs to be taught a lesson. Soon. A slow grin creeps across my face. Tonight.

=-=-=-= =-=-=-=

This is perfect. As soon as Aza left to explore the campus, I got to work. I found the piece of paper where Levi had written his phone number for Aza, and called him. After one minute 47 second's worth of chatting, he had asked me to the dance. Of course, I had said yes. Oh, Aza will be so sad. That'll teach her to mess with J.J. Obviously, it'll all be kept very hush-hush until the dance. I can't wait. Two hours till the dance.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:04 am
fictionfanatic says...

Tracy Joan:

Gee, this girl sure is demanding. She didn't even take a moments pause before going on her little tangent then making a "deal" where she would get both first shower and bed of choice.

Stubbornly shaking my head, I persisted, "No deal. You get one or the other."

She rose her eyebrows and replied, "I want both."

Crossing my arms across my chest, I rose my eyebrows and said stubbornly, "You choose one, or I'll choose for you."

Spoiler! :
Okay, so I'm totally okay with you doing that and all. It'll allow me to excersize keeping in character, because in reality I would never take that crap from someone. However, I just need to be assured that you okayed that with crafty, because if not that would be like god-modding. Also, I'm no expert on crafty's charrie, but I'm not 100% positive he would do that. That's just my two sense, I don't want anyone to be god-modded or taken out of charrie.

Thanks for pairing Aza up with Missy, you're totally testing my abilities, 'cause I reeeeeaaaaaally wanna tell off J.J right now but can't. Hmmmm...maybe I'll have Tracy Joan intervene :). Hahaha

There was about an hour or so until the dance, so I decided that it was high time to head back and get ready. By the time I got there, J.J was nowhere to be found, so I was able to change in peace. J.J seemed like one of those people who would ask me how I managed to change, if she even bothered to care at all.

After a changed, I looked at myself in the full length mirror. The large, long skirt was something I looked for in most outfits, because they covered my feeble legs. I actually didn't look too bad. The black dress fit perfectly with my chair and folded rather nicely. My usual gray hat was something I could pull off for a special occasion, not to mention that it was very me, and I wore black flats on my feet. My jet black, curly hair hung loose, just the way I like it, and my face was make-up free. I was ready.

*Pen, I'm assuming you'll start us off with the dance. P.S, I forgot to mention, this is Aza's wheelchair:
Spoiler! :
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:15 pm
LadySpark says...

I'm sorry Pen, but I'm going to have to leave this SB. I apoligize for wasting your time. D:
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:19 am
Sunshine says...

This is what I get for not posting in two days. Anyway, I'll post Violet First, get Levi into a mess later. :evil:
Vivi's Dress:


Violet Bungard

I pursed my lips, looking around the room. It was neat, but plenty cozier with all our stuff in it. I shove my box of ribbons under by bed and smile. The final Bungard touch. I snuck a glance at R.J. We hadn't spoken in over ten minutes, but she didn't seem to mind. I mean, not that I minded... I guess. Silence was ok sometimes, but R.J. seemed to like it quite a bit more than I do. I started to straighten my bed when I heard R.J.'s voice.

"I'm going to find my brother...want to come along?"

I looked up and smiled at her. "Sure, I'd be happy to. Do you mind if I get dressed first?"

She shrugged and I rushed into the bathroom, pulling off my shirt and pulling my dress over it. A pretty yellow prom dress, it was the first thing that caught my eye when I was shopping with Mum. I looked around to find other dresses, but my gaze just kept coming back to that single prom dress. Sure, it was gauzy and the flowers were a bit cheesy, but I loved it all the same. Anyway, it was the only compartment to my outfit. It was a "Be yourself" dance, so I had tied a shard of my seventh grade Cross shirt artily around my wrist. I let my hair fall loose around %u086D%u086Dy shoulders, two of the front pieces kept back by a ribbon bow in the back of my head. Adding on a light shade of mascara I quickly rushed back out to meet R.J.

"Ready!" I greeted her.

She looked up from whatever she had been looking at and pushed herself off her bed.

"Okay. Let's go."

She led me through the girl's dorms into the guy's and knocked polietly on one of the doors. She was answered right away by a tall kid with brown hair and... was that a nose ring? He swept her up into a hug and I knew immediatley that this was the big brother R.J. had talked about. They had so much love radiating off of them... I could almost feel jealous. That is, if I was like that. He let her go after a minute and grinned.

" Hope you found your room mate as easily as I found mine," he said.

R.J. giggled, then stepped aside to reveal... me.
This'll be shorter than I'd like 'cause I'm short on time! So sorry.
MyStoryLine: I forgot a don't! So sorry! I would love to be your room mate, to put it simply!
Penprincess and fiction spoiler:
Spoiler! :
Wow. I don't really mind with Levi in all this drama stuff as long as he's not portrane as a jerk. (Well, he may be in Aza'a eyes by the end of the night, but still.) Like seriously acting like a jerk. Anyway, I can easily turn J.J. and Levi's "date" into J.J.'s fault to mantain his charecter. It's all good.

Levi Johnston


I grabbed the cell phone from my pocket and swung it at my ear. It was probably just Aza, asking me to confirm our kinda date. I had been so shocked when she'd asked me, I'd stood there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. She was really pretty and sweet and she wanted to go to a dance with me- as friends, I reminded myself. People did that here.

"Hey." A saucy voice came through the line and the slim call phone almost dropped through my big hands. Most definitley not Aza. "Is this Levi Johnston?"

Great. She knew my name too. I looked around the room nervously. My roomie hadn't shown up, but his luggage was orginized neatly everywhere. One of the computers on the desk even read Welcome Basil! Well, it had read more than that but I couldn't really understand the rest of it.

"Ya... I mean yes, it is."

"Oh good. I heard you talking to my roomate Aza earlier-" So she was the one who had interrupted us! I hadn't really gotten a good look at her, besides a mane of chesnut hair. "You seem like a good guy, so I should warn you about Aza." Warn me? "I-I don't think she should be trusted. She acted so sweet to you, but rude and snobby to me." Rude and Snobby? "You see I just couldn't let you get tripped up by her. I don't even think she really needs that wheelchair. She just uses it to make guys feel bad for her." Her voice compiled with emotion. "I-I just think that you should go with a different girl to the dance. Someone who really deserves a date."

"We-we were just going as friends."

"I know that, silly!" Pain entered her voice. "Why go with a snob who just wants to be your friend when there are other girl's who are way nicer and want... maybe a little more? Ther are plenty of girls who don't have a date...including me."

I wait for a minute, silence filling up the static between us. If she was right, if Aza wasn't really as sweet as she seemed to be...and if there were other, just as gentlemen-like options. Plus, she seemed to nice and well-bread to be a lier, right?

"What's your name?" I asked. I needed to know.

"J.J." she sounded happier, relieved to a point.

"Well, why don't we go to the dance together J.J.?"

"Yes. Of course Levi." She kind of purred the last words, sounding less like a girl who just wanted a date and more like the saucy one who called me. Dread spread through me. "Meet me at my dorm. You know where it is. See ya'"

She hung up. I shove on my plain black suit with one of the quilted ties my youngest sister Miriam had put together for me. Then I looked to the ceiling and wondered what I'd just done.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:56 am
RedBird says...


Before either of us gets a chance to say anything more about the fact that I'm an orphan, someone knocks on the door.

"That'll be R.J.," Axel says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. He opens the door, and, indeed, R.J. comes in and hugs Axel.

"Hope you found your roommate as easily as I found mine," Axel says, laughing, apparently gesturing at my mop of red hair. I snort, and start pulling on my leather trench coat.
Apparently R.J. has found her roommate, too, as she has accompanied her into our room.
"Hi, I'm Violet," she says, in modest tones. Just as the words leave her lips, I take out my collapsible top hat and flick it so that it pops out, and I place it on my head.

"What?" I ask, sensing everyone staring at me, "I'm a blind, ginger, orphaned theater major. Eccentricity is what I'm MADE of." Mentally, I slap my forehead. There I go again, flaunting my blind orphan-ness.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:39 pm
Glauke says...

Spoiler! :
Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry if I was a little pushy. :(

Spoiler! :
I'm hesitant to do all this with Levi. I mean, we're basically writing him for you. If you don't feel comfortable, or feel that we are taking Levi out of character, please feel free to PM me. Thank you!

I'm thinking of abandoning Logan. As of the moment, I'm sort of favoring my girls over my guys. (Thoughts?) Also, I am going to be overseas for 2 weeks. I will try and post on here every day, but it will be tough. If you have anything to tell me immediately, or you need to grab my attention, please post on my wall. Thanks!

Missy "J.J." Allen

I meticulously dusted a coat of golden-brown eyeshadow over both my eyelids, curled my lashes, and swiped on some mascara. I applied some cherry-red lipstick and headed out the door.

When I enter the gym, I am in awe. Huge gold stars dangled from the ceiling and multicolored lights reflect off of them at all angles. Music is playing loudly, and students are letting loose to it. It's amazing. I wish I could be here with him.

All of a sudden, a different him approaches me. I had completely forgotten about Levi. Oh, my God. All of a sudden, I remember Aza. And I felt... guilty. This was her date. This was her night. Not mine.
"Hey J.J. You look nice," Levi says.
I take a deep breath. "You too, Levi. Hey, I was wondering... I, um, think you should dance with Aza."
I watch Levi's eyes search the crowd. Aza is at the edge of the dance floor, chatting with some friends. Levi smiles, but is silent.
"Go," I say, "please."
Levi nods, and makes his way over to her.
So what if I have no date? I can rock this all by myself. I head toward the dance floor.

[Our plane is about to leave, will post as Lena tomorrow. :D

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:39 pm
Glauke says...

Last edited by Glauke on Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:40 pm
Glauke says...

Last edited by Glauke on Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:40 pm
Glauke says...

Last edited by Glauke on Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:40 pm
Glauke says...

Last edited by Glauke on Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:07 pm
fictionfanatic says...

*I'm not going to post for Aza until crafty posts for levi, because I don't believe in god-modding and don't want to control him.*

Tracy Joan:

Dress, dress, dress, suit, suit, dress, dress, suit, suit, suit, dress...Everyone here is in either a suit or a dress, and I couldn't help but smile. The true me would never be caught dead in a dress, I prefer my football uniform and my rainbow paints. Sure, I got some strange looks, but I definitely didn't care. I was happy like this.

The gym was pretty good for dancing, but, then again, I'd be okay with dancing in the back of an alley. Music pounded out of the speakers so loud you could hardly hear the person next to you, multicolored lights reflected off of golden stars hanging down. Not bad, not bad at all.

Looking around, I saw some guys not dancing. Full of energy and the want to dance, I bounded up to a random guy and took his hand, yelling over the music, "Dance with me!?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:22 am
Sunshine says...

Penprincess and fiction don't worry about it! You guys are fine! All in good fun! I'll rewrite from Levi's view if you get to far off.

Levi Johnston

I began to walk towards Aza, wondering what had just happened. I kinda felt bad about leaving J.J...but she had insisted. The guilty look on J.J.'s guarded face...One could wonder about it. She was prettier than I'd thought she'd be, but there was something about her that seemed off to me. Something that seemed way to glamourous. Oh well. It was all okay now. I would get to dance-probably not the best choice of words-with Aza while filling my duties to J.J. I halted to a stop behind a girl in a wheelchair, giving one backwards glance towards J.J. She was dancing in the middle of the gym, flinging her locks all over the place. She'd be fine. I tapped the girl's shoulder. She wheeled around, a guarded look on her face. It broke as soon as she saw it was me and she smiled.

"Hey." She said. "I see you made it."

I smiled at her. She looked prettier than even J.J. did, in her dark dress and naturally perfect curls.

"Couldn't miss it."

Her smile grew even bigger, but a quick glimmer of doubt crossed her features. She seemed to shake it off quickly, introducing the people around her. There were so many of them and their names were quickly lost in a tornado of words. Suddenly, static sounded through the air, making me jump. One of the boys Aza had introduced me to snickered, but I pretend I didn't hear him.

"HELLO Fairview Academy! For this one were gonna slow it down a little. So grab a sweet heart, or someone who just met and be yourself!"

Hm. I was sensing a pattern here. Aza's friends all rushed off, grabbing partners. A soft song I didn't recongnize came on and Aza sways back and forth, a smile on her face.

"I love this song."

I looked at her and a small plot started forming unwhilingly in my head. It would probably make her happy, and that's all that mattered, right?

"Then do you want to...dance?"
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:36 pm
Apple says...

**Sorry guys for the late post. Thought I'd get this running again, anywho, I hope I'm getting this right!

Luke Pettaworth:
"This is most definitely your card, correct?" I asked, stretching over the punch bowl and flashing the five of hearts to a girl I hardly knew. It didn't matter that I hardly knew her, she was cute!

"How did you-?"

"No need to be alarmed my flower, all you got to do now is dance with me." She still looked incredulous so I leaned in closer. "That was the deal."

She jumped, as if hearing my voice was the most alarming thing in the world. Well, it was like velvet. Let's face it people, my voice is sexy! Pulling the card from my fingers, she stared at it, still confused as to how I managed to do it. I hadn't done anything really. Whilst she thought I was shuffling the card, I kept it on top making sure she didn't notice the funny business.

"Alright then," she said, hanging me the card. Like an excited child, I vaulted over the table, pulled my tartan style shirt (there was no way in hell I was going to wear a suit! What kind of a macho idiot had a suit just hanging in their wardrobe?) down and swung my arm through hers.

"Shall we start with the tango or go straight to the dirty dancing-?"

Before I could continue on, a shadow fell over my shoulders, causing the black and white tiled floor to become only one colour. "Headless, what are you doing?"

Spinning on my heel like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, I beamed as innocently as I could. And there Priscilla stood, still wearing the dress I had first seen her arrive in. Maybe she felt the same why I did about stupid parties!

"Headless?" the girl questioned behind me before quietning down under Priscilla's scruitinzing gaze.

"Yes, and it looks to me like you're neckless also," she turned and looked at me. "I saw what you did, that's not playing fair headless. You cannot cheat someone in to dancing with you!" And there it was: how I became a dateless drag on my first school dance, ever!
I spy!

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:37 pm
fictionfanatic says...


As I talked and listened to my friends, I scanned my eyes across the people on the dance floor. A small tap pulled me out of my mini trance, and I spun myself around, keeping a careful face.

When I saw that it was Levi, a smile spread across my face and I said, "Hey, I see you made it."

"Couldn't miss it." He replied with a smile.

I felt my smile widen, but I couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't called. Pushing aside the thought, figuring he must've ran out of time, I introduced all of my new friends, but could tell he wasn't grasping the plentiful names I was throwing at him. Static of a turning on microphone filled the room, and Levi jumped and I heard a snicker.

The DJ shouted with excitment, "HELLO Fairview Academy! For this one were gonna slow it down a little. So grab a sweet heart, or someone who just met, and be yourself!"

My friends dispersed, pairing off for the dance. The familiar song came on and I started swaying back and forth, a smile spread across my face as I thought of the first time I heard the song.

"I love this song." I stated, matter-of-factly.

Levi turned to look at me, and I could see the wheels spinning in his eyes as he said, "Then do you want to...dance?"

With a smile, I nodded and responded, "Sure."

At first, he didn't really seem to know what to do, but I had taken a class on dancing in a wheel chair. Just so long as you have a person capable of using his/or legs, you'd be able to do it.

So, I unlocked the wheels on the chair so I would be able to move/be moved freely, and took Levi's hands in mine, saying to him, "You just dance as you would with any other person."
Live, Love, Laugh

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
— Voltaire