
Young Writers Society

The Rangers of Evandor

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:20 am
Pundit says...

Way to prove me wrong. If you can do it, good luck. I might even join.


Last edited by Pundit on Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:34 pm
Redfang18 says...

Let me jump in with a character of my making. A male rider named Zandrew with a gryphon named Silver. I'll come to major details L8R, if you let me join.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:07 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Okay, go ahead. We shall see if we can bring this sucker back to life.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:16 am
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ScarlettFire says...

I'm still in, then. When I can post.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun May 01, 2011 7:57 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Misread, never mind.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Sun May 01, 2011 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sun May 01, 2011 2:02 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Syrtis Meridian

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Human

Spoiler! :

Skills: As a human, Syrtis is competent in each of the four elements, more so wind than any of the others, and has some weak telekinetic abilities. He has poorer healing and enchantment abilities than is usually expected of humans, though he can handle swords and similar weapons with good skill. He does not have very good aim and as such tends to avoid using long distance weapons.

Weapons: An unenchanted but robust sword, and is also pretty competent with a mace.

Personality: Syrtis takes comfort in structure, and follows orders unfailingly, with little regard for his own thoughts. He is a very trustworthy and reliable character, even if his people skills are somewhat lacking. He generally appears pretty detached from other people and doesn't really get humour. He has a tendency to appear too blunt and straightforward in his dealings with other people.

History: Syrtis' mother was a Ranger, and much of his upbringing was centred around discipline and structure. From seeing his mother's gryphon as a child, he was filled with a desire to one day be worthy of being partnered with a gryphon. He takes great pride in his role as a ranger and has a huge deal of faith in the work that they do.

Name: Hirise
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Spoiler! :

Skills: Hirise is a moderately good flyer and fighter, but what she specialises in above all is magic, with a very good control of wind to move objects or to try and knock opponents or missiles off kilter during combat.
Personality: She is good-natured and calm, rarely expressing either extreme happiness or anger but instead hovering between contentment and mild frustration.
History: Hirise is the child of Syrtis' mother's gryphon, and the two have known each other since she was born. During their time together, Hirise has attempted to teach Syrtis some of her wind magic, although with only limited success. The two have a strong emotional connection.

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Sun May 01, 2011 3:34 pm
Synnoev says...


Syrtis ducked as an orc blade swung over his head, swinging his sword around to cut down whoever had thrown the blow at him. A strangled cry told him his target had been hit, and he straightened up with a wary glance around him.


He turned his head to follow the source of the call, catching sight of the Lady Ria engaged in combat with the orc chieftain a few paces away, with an expression of determination on her face. "Syrtis, take Fae and Jensen's squad to the South Ridge!"

This was said without her breaking her gaze on the chieftain, their blades locked together between them, and as he hesitated, she turned her head towards Syrtis, an expression of frustration on her face. "Now!", she called out, and Syrtis gave a swift nod before scanning the battlefield for the elven girl. He found her an instant later, her slight frame shooting arrow after arrow at the impending orc forces, each one hitting it's target easily. Sprinting towards her, he reached for her arm, face set in an expression of determination as she glanced up to see him.

"We need to go. To the South Ridge." Syrtis looked around himself once, then back towards her. "Where is Xander? We need to go, now."

She nodded once, before her eyes took on the slightly distant quality of someone using mental communication. Srytis turned back to Lt. Jensen with a slight frown. "Send your forces to the South Ridge, and we'll meet them there to defend the post."

"And Lady Ria?" the Lieutenant replied, gesturing to the woman now deeply engaged in battle with the chieftain, and Syrtis paused for a moment for shrugging lightly after skimming his eyes over the situation.

"She should arrive shortly after." Ignoring the Lieutenant's look of scepticism, he turned back to Fae, who was now clambering gracefully onto Xander, and then called within his own mind for Hirise.

Hirise? Where are you?

There was a soft thump behind him, and he turned to see Hirise's grey form landing down next to him. Come then, Syrtis. We have work to do.

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Thu May 05, 2011 11:16 pm
MilkNCookies says...


"If you fly in just right, we can slash the monster and use its body to push off far enough so it can't counter attack. But it'll only work if we gain enough speed." She advised.

"Speed is my specialty! Get out your sword, 'young maiden',"I replied as she unsheathed her sword. My powerful wings pumped over and over, air over and under my wings. The dragons had spotted us, a jet of fire spurting towards me. I dodged it, my wings hugging in the pillar of flame over me as I glided as quick speed.

We were close enough to attack. I clawed its belly as Dalia slashed in a complex series of blows. One of its arms swatted at me, knocking me flying.

"Now isn't the time to be fancy, ranger! We've got this!" Said another dwarf. My ears were flat against my head as I straightened out.

"What now, Dalia?" I asked her, panting as the two Rangers went at the Dragon.

"These two are no doubt in." She commented to herself as they attacked the beast. "Let's go see if we spot any other fighters worthy of joining us."

"Look. Down there." I said, glancing at a gray gryphon and rider ferociously attacking orcs.

"Take me there."

I obeyed, aware that a plume of fire struck where I was as I darted off.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu May 12, 2011 4:23 pm
Redfang18 says...

Zandrew Somewhere outside the field

I couldn't stand the loneliness that came with the loss of my twin. Since Silver hatched, she and I became close and I've noticed that she was mute. Despite this, our bond was like twins. At this, I shed a tear.
What's wrong, Master Archangel? Why are you crying? Silver nudged my chest with her wing. Why she nicknamed me Archangel was a mystery to me, but I never hated my private nickname. In fact, I embraced it. To many of the elves in my village and before Silver's egg ever hatched, I was kind and blessed like an angel. Silver lifted me with her beak and playfully pecked on my toes.
I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, that's not fair. Stop that. I'm ticklish."
Silver ruffled her feathers and said playfully, Oh you are. She continued tickling me for a good hour, then stopped to embrace me with her wings. She was quite a strange griffen, treating me like I was one of her kind, but I guessed that was what I got for having a griffen egg on my sixth birthday. Silver made me feel whole again, but I knew for a fact she's aware of my disposition and how I ended up that way.
The feel of her feathers lulled me to sleep, knowing that she was always with me, even if my dreams carry me away.
I was in the village. I was anxious to see my brother. We were playing hide-and-seek and I was hiding behind a tree. My twin had to look for me, even though I knew for a fact he cheats. Suddenly I felt like something had cut through me. I ran out from my hiding place to the outskirts of the village where I saw my brother. He was lying there, deathly still. I couldn't sense him. I cried in pain and tears fell down my face. My brother, my eldest twin, was dead.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri May 13, 2011 3:28 am
Loller65 says...

"Alright, pal. Let's attack from below this time."

Alright, sir.

The two did a few loops as Alistair thought.

"Here's the plan. You swoop up underneath his belly, near the neck. I'll stick my sword in right there and you'll just fly towards the tail and we will gut him!"

It sounds messy, sir. If those heavy entrails fall on us we're going to fall towards the earth and then-SPLAT!

Alistair sighed and slid his sword from its sheath.

"Be sure to fly really fast then, I guess."

If Alejandro could have sighed, he would have. But, regardless, he sped up ahead of the dragon. Alistair stood in the stirrups, clasping his sword in both hands above his head. Alejandro banked hard to the left and into a dive. Once he was below the dragon's gut, he angled up and flew towards the base of his neck. Alistair's sword stabbed through the scaly hide and lodged into the muscle. Alejandro kept flying, but Alistair found himself hanging onto a sword that was in up to the hilt in the beast's chest. The wound spurted blood and it coated his hands. He began to slip from the handle.

"No no no no!"

He began to channel his magic into the blade, heating it up. He could hear the muscle tissue of the dragon searing. It roared in anguish and batted its wing at him. He dropped from the sword and onto the creature's wing. As he stepped towards the torso, his feet punched holes in the thin membrane of its wing. It batted its wing upward, tossing him onto its back.

"Where is my axe? Alejandro? Where is the axe lodged?"

Alejandro was keeping a safe distance so he could catch his partner if he fell.

Base of the left wing, sir.

"Thank you very much!"

Alistair slowly made his way across to the left wing and saw the polished oak handle and grasped it, tearing it from the wing.

"Heh. This should come in handy!"

He slung it across his back and crawled towards the base of the dragon's neck.

"Alright you stupid reptile. Get some!"

He hurled the axe at the skull of the creature. It hit its target, and the dragon once more shrieked in pain. At this, Alistair jumped off the winged beast and began plummeting to the ground.

"Alejandro! Pal! Come and get m-"

On it, sir!

Alejandro dove next to Alistair, who grabbed onto his reins as Alejandro slowly leveled out. The dragon, while injured, was still powerful and capable of fighting. Breathless, Alistair spoke.

"I know what we have to do. We have to get him high into the atmosphere and then take his ability to fly."

Won't it be difficult to chop off those wings?

"No. We destroy the really thin tissue and he will fall. If he's high up enough, the fall'll kill him. Ready?"

Alejandro's feathered head nodded. They blasted upward, ready to finally kill the thing.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Sat May 14, 2011 3:09 pm
Redfang18 says...

Silver Mirroreye

I knew my master was resting, but watching his eyelids fluttering made me uneasy. We've been together since I've hatched and I learned to be with my master at all times. Eighteen years of being paired, and twelve of those years were spent outside the elven village where Master Archangel was born. I hid him under my wing, keeping him close to me and protecting him from whatever would try to set us apart. I heard him whisper, "Don't ever leave me, Silver. You're all I have that's closest to a twin."
I tucked my head under my wing and rested myself. I said calmly, Don't think for a minute that I'll leave you, Master Archangel. You're all I have closest to a father and a friend. We've been together since I hatched, so our bond is forever unbreakable. After this, I slept peacefully with Master Archangel's arms wrapped around my neck.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat May 14, 2011 7:56 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Diane Paging Dalia...

I clumsily landed next to the man, who was tangling with an orc.

"Need a hand?" Asked Dalia as she unsheathed her bloody sword.

He glanced over at her. "How many people in your squad?"

"Erm, none, sir. It's just me."

He groaned. "Attack whatever orc you can, but try not to get yourself killed."

"No can do, sir. That's Diane's job." She replied, patting my withers (top of the shoulders) as I galloped awkwardly towards the smallest one I could find. He fought the beast, but payed more attention to the man.

M'am! Dalia! I screamed, not even knowing I spoke mentally to her. Another had approached from behind, and I couldn't attack while I was tangled up with the one in front of me. She swung her mighty sword and beheaded the beast.

"Thank you." She replied. I somehow got side to side with the man she was inspecting.

"We might need to make a hasty retreat, Diane. Be ready." She said, getting a strange sideways glare from the warrior she was inspecting.

"Why don't you just speak mentally?" He asked, though Dalia acted as though she hadn't heard him. "Well, my name is Syris."

"Dalia." She replied. "Watch out!"

He swung just in time to block a huge hammer coming down.


"Diane, get out of here."

"Wait, we need your help badl-" He began, though his last words were blocked out by wind as I flew up.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sat May 14, 2011 8:28 pm
Redfang18 says...


Something was bothering Silver. I could sense it. Our eighteen years together made us forge a bond so tight, we sensed each other like twins. I asked her, What's wrong, my comrade? What's troubling you?
Silver rose her head up and glanced somewhere at the west. She answered, I smell trouble. It's powerful, but not enough to stand against us if we work together.
Fighting was one of my specialties. Grinning madly, I mounted Silver and yelled, "Let's go fight then, Silver! For my twin brother! For my village! For the world!" On we charged into our enemy, which knocked me off Silver and into unconsciousness.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat May 14, 2011 10:18 pm
MilkNCookies says...


"There, Diane! There!" She screamed, pointing down to a fallen man.

"You don't have to scream." I hissed, putting my ears down and diving to him.

He wasn't dead- just unconscious. I stared curiously. With a few shakes from Dalia, he dizzily arouse.

A gryphon was hovering nearby, fighting riderless.

"Are you his gryphon?" I asked him as I swiped at the particular beast it was attacking.

"Yes. I have been, at least, for 18 years." He replied mentally.

"Well, he's coming to." I replied, fluttering back to my rider with a pang of jealousy.

"Hello?" Asked the man.

"I am Dalia." Said my rider, "And this is Diane." She pointed to me. "Your gryphon is currently in battle without you."

He located his companion and nodded. "I am Zandrew. Will you help me battle?"

"We have to go." I hissed as she climbed on my back.

"Oh. Thanks anyways."

With a nod from Dalia, I pushed off again- up, up and away.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun May 15, 2011 5:12 am
Loller65 says...

The dragon, intent on finishing the rider and his mount, followed suit, rocketing upwards, thin trails of blood spiraling off of him. Alistair turned back to gauge how far they were from him and saw the glimmer of the pommel of his sword embedded in the beast's chest.

"Little faster, buddy! He's gaining on us!"


Alejandro's muscles tensed with effort as he continued rising. By now the sights and sounds of the battle had disappeared, replaced with only the clouds and the rushing sound of the wind around them.

"Now, start to level out!"

Alejandro complied, and as they did, so did the dragon a few hundred feet below them. Occasionally, he would shoot a small jet of flame towards them, but they easily avoided them. Alistair took to snapping his fingers in an attemopt to get his own fireball going.

"While I'm working on this, you focus on blasting precise jets of air at him, see if those can't punch a hole in his wing."

Alistair kept trying to start a spark as Alejandro shot extremely thin bursts of air at the monster. They were of little to no avail.

Nothing, I'm afraid, sir.

Alistair swore.

"Okay, then let's try getting in close and personal and just raking him with your claws while I chop at 'em with my axe."

Worth a try, sir.

Alejandro flew just above the dragon, rolling and ducking under the occasional burst of fire before swooping down to his right wing and slashing at the thin membrane that enabled him to fly. They made a few more passes doing this, but the wing was so massive he was still quite capable of flight.

"Gods! What'll it take to kill this thing?"

I have an idea, sir.

"Fine. Do it. Whatever."

With that, Alejandro swooped ahead of the dragon and towards the sword in its chest. Alistair grabbed the handle as they flew forward, dislodging the blade, a fresh fountain of blood spurting forth from it.

"Okay! Now, take the axe in your back claws!"

Got it!


They dove over his wings, swinging swords, shooting minute fireballs, and chopping with claws and an axe. They had done significant damage to his wings, but he was still in the air. The dragon rolled over and exposed his belly before shooting a plume of fire towards them. Alejandro dove under it and raked his claws across his stomach, opening up new wounds. Alistair dipped the tip of the sword into the creature's skin as they flew over it, opening a long and thin slit in him from his midsection to his chin. They rolled away from another jet of flame, narrowly missing it.

"Okay pal...get me near his head! I am finishing this!"

On it, sir!

They blasted towards his head, at which time Alistair leaped off of Alejandro and fell on the dragon's head, plunging the sword through his head and jaw, killing him. For a moment, Alistair cheered, then he realized he was falling at a dangerously fast pace.

"Alejandro! You there?"

On my way, sir!

Alejandro dove at a rate equal to that of the dragon and Alistair jumped onto his friend. They followed the dead dragon's rapid descent and leveled out as he crashed into the ground, spraying dirt everywhere.

"Alejandro...do you realize what we just did?"

I...I think so.

The two friends screamed and whooped and hollered in delight as they landed. They rolled, laughing, in the grass in front of their kill.

"We got out first one! Finally!"

And what a first one it was!

They laughed some more before Alistair stood.

"Time to get some of the hide..."

He went to slicing superficial cuts in its hide before peeling them off to tan and turn into something or other on down the line. Rolling the bloody swaths up, he packed them into saddlebags on Alejandro's back.

"Okay bud. Let's get back to the regular battle. They might need us."

((Hope nobody cares if I killed the dragon. Nobody else was paying it any attention, so I killed it))
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

huh. didn't realize santa was a batman fan-
— Mageheart