
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang Five: Times Changed (Previous Members Only)

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:17 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

I walked into the hallway where James and Riley were chatting about whatever had qualified for a moment of worthwhile conversation. I looked at James and smiled; it was unusual to see him again. He was a good lad in the end, but we weren't really good friends either.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and grinned. "Nice to see you 'gain, James."

Riley looked at me. "So, what we going to do? Any ideas?"

I shrugged. "Upto you, Riles. Just like the olden days, eh?"

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:00 pm
Kaywiia says...


"So what now? Should I lie low? Pretend like I never came by and act as an emergency backup, or do you want me in on it? I know I'm not the most reliable member..." James trailed off, and looked at me.

"I'll need everyone I can get right now, honestly James, and I'm glad you decided to show up," I gave him a smile.

After a quick good-to-see-you-again, I asked, "So, what we going to do? Any ideas?"

"Upto you, Riles. Just like the olden days, eh?" Reg responded.

"Almost," I sighed, thinking of the little girl sleeping upstairs, "I need to get Tia here. If the news is right-"

"Which I highly doubt," James cut in, and I heard Reg chuckle.

"Well, we're outnumbered. Once Tia's here, we'll be fine, but right now I wouldn't mind even having Alis here." Reg shot me a cold look.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:08 pm
RedSun says...


"...but right now I wouldn't mind even having Alis here." I heard Riley say as I neared the door.

"Well, I don't disapoint," I walked in, and took out my gun and pointed it at Riley, "any of you shoot, you die," I grinned. Reg already had his gun, and had it pointed at me. Riley had her gun out a minute later. I clicked my tounge and laughed, but kept my ees locked with the two guns pointed at me.

"Three 'gainst one," Reg narrowed his eyes at me, silently daring me to try anything.

"Yes, but with the push of one button I could alert the entire US Marshall base of your location. Now, Reg, I suggest you be reasonable,"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Riley asked me. James looked a little confused, but he had long since taken out his gun. I rolled my eyes.

"Am I not welcome?" I smirked, and put one hand on the kitchen table as I leaned against it. My other hand still held my gun, though, and the hammer was clicked back.

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Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:28 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Am I not welcome?" I heard Alis say as I silently crept in the door, Maitea and Ace close behind me.

I put a gun inches from Alis' head and said, "No, actually, you're not," She spun around, and glared at me in the way only Alis Carso could. Still, I maintained my straight face and said, "What do you say, Riley? Can I kill her or would you like to do the honors?"

"Don't, trust me," Riley hed out her hand. I narrowed my eyes, and placed my gun at my side.

"Fine, but what are you here for, Carso?" I hissed.

"Actually, I'm here for the same reason as you are. I have a clean record now and I wanted to keep it." I slowly watched most of the guns in the room be sheated, everyone's but Alis'.

"Put the gun away, Alis," Maitea said coldly. Alis smirked, but nevertheless put her gun in her pocket.

"I think it's time we firgure out exactly what the plan is, otherwise if the cops show up we're as good as dead," I suggested.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:14 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

I looked around. Great, the whole damn gang is back. Typical, I thought. I knew we were about to jump into a whirlwind back into the past, which wasn't my cup of tea, but it wasn't exactly the death warrant neither. I looked everyone up and down as they sheathed their guns. I'd put mine away a while ago, having lost interest in the conversation and instead took to the kitchen just to look out the window and conjure up a cup of tea.

Jack came in and stood next to me. "Why you here Reg?" he asked, "It's not as if anyone here needs you anymore. Times have changed. You're not going to gain nothin' from being here either."

"Lovely, Jack. Real lovely," I said to him, keeping my eyes looking out the window and not giving him the satisfaction of my gaze. "Unfortunately, son, I wasn't looking to run into y'all anyways. Unlike you, who's clearly made the goddamn trip for another jump at Riles. Well, you can scratch it you mental sod. You ain't gonna turn her. Last time I checked, Riley 'ad values."

Jack laughed. "Before you turned up, me and her were already on intiment level. No worries you old bodger, may be you'll realise times really have changed. Poor bugger." He left the room, laughing and walking into the hall.

I felt alone for a short snap of time, and in a non-anticipated sense of anger, picked up a china cup and threw it hard at the wall. It smashed and fragmented all over the floor. Then, for the first time since Jane had shut me out of her life, I felt the undeniable urge to break down and sob. I shook it off angrily and returned to looking out the window once more...

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Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:38 am
Guess says...


I couldn't help but thoroughy enoy tourtuing Reg with his own mistakes. All the times he had threatened my leadership, threatened my position were well behind me. All the time I had thought that Riley would fall for him he was suffering for now. I couldn't help but laugh as I walked out of the room and left Reg in his own misery.

As I went to find Riley I heard the unmistakeable sound of a china glass slam. I grinned, Reg was pissed off now. As I began to walk up the stars, I heard Riley talking.

"I'll find something for you Charlie, I promise, mommy didn't forget your birthday," I raised an eyebrow, and walked towards the door. So it was Charlie's birthday? And aparently Riley had forgotten.

I reached in my jacket and pulled out a necklace that was once Carmen's. I had given it to her, it was a silver chain with a little angel hanging off the end. I rubbed off the little bit of dirt towards the top, and walked into the room.

"Look what your mommy got for you Charlie," I said, holding out the necklace, "Jack went out to find wrapping paper but the stores were all out," Charlie took the necklace from my hands and slipped it over her head. I swallowed as the diamond caught the light, and for a moment my mind slipped back to Carmen, but I saw Riley out of the corner of my eye and suddenly forgot who the necklace was even originally for.

"It's pretty," Charlie observed. I picked her up, and slung her onto my back. She pulled her arms around my neck and fiddled with the necklace with one of her hands.

"Of course it is sweetie. Your mommy picked it out special just for you," It was sad how easily I could lie to a little girl. I pulled Charlie down from my back and set her on the bed.

"So, Riles, what are we gonna do for little Charles here?" I asked her.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:31 pm
Kaywiia says...


"So, Riles, what are we gonna do for little Charles here?" Jack asked with a grin. He was a life saver, I owed him big time. But he had made a huge mistake, calling me by my real first name.

"Actually, we all have some things to take care of in Huston," I looked at Charlie, and then preceded to drag Jack out of the room.

Once I had shut the door I whispered, "Charlie doesn't know anything about me Jack. She thinks my name is Jolie, she has no clue about anything-" I leaned agains t the door to prevent Charlie from opening it. Charlie was confused enough now as it was, she didn't need any more problems.

"Can she shoot?" Jack raised an eyebrow, and his hand went to the gun in his pocket.

"No, she's never touched a gun in her life. The only thing that I taught her that has anything to do with my past life is spanish, which she would have learned anyway," Jack looked shocked, "I'm not going to let my daughter become a red haired version of Alis,"

"Your right, sorrry Riles, Jolie, whatever," Jack sighed, "Come on, lets go downstairs and get going."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:10 pm
MayApple says...


"It's good to see you again, Riley," I said as she came back downstairs. Since we had arived in the middle of the Alis-drama, I hadn't gotten a chance ot say hello.

"Same with you, Maitea," She said with a sigh. I could tell she was tierd, but not just from the stress of our current situation.

"So, where are we going?" Ace asked Riley. She ran her fingers through her long, now red, hair.

"Huston, we need to look at exactly what happened," I nodded as Riley said this and then looked around.

"It's been such a long time since we've been here. So much has changed, but look at where we all are," I gave a slightly content sigh. Honestly, I liked being back in the action. Adreniline felt nice once in a while.

"I need someone to stay here and watch Charlie," Riley said after a minute, "Ace would you do it?"

"Who's Charlie?" I asked.

"My daughter," My eyes widened, but I surpressed a comment.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:56 pm
Kaywiia says...

I'd apreciate it if you all didn't let this die.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:31 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

Jack had barked up the wrong tree, Alis was a traitor, Riles had a kid and had barked up the same tree as Jack, Ace & Maitea were married (and as much as this was a good thing, I still couldn't rid the memory that Maitea had murdered my wife and any negative event that effected her was in fact mildly satisfactory) and Tia was still here. The only good thing my mind could get around at the minute was the fact that James was back and I was getting too old for anything. I walked into the sitting room and took out a crystal-like glass, filled it with an inch high drop of brandy and then just sat in silence. Every sip I took burned a warmth down my chest that was irresistable.

Then, Riley came into the room and looked at me blankly. I knew she was there, but I hadn't turned to look at her. I merely stared at the wall and continued sipping brandy. All I could think about was how this world had fallen apart around me, somehow it made the killing of my parents seem undignified and the fight for survival a complete waste of time.

"Right, Reg, we're going to Huston," Riley finally said after watching me for a few seconds. "We need to find out what happened and clear our names."

"I dunno, what that's gonna do for us," I murmured and sipped the brand again. "Besides I ain't even decided whether I'm comin' along with you all yet. Things 'ave changed, Riles. Jack's right."

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Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:25 pm
Kaywiia says...


"I dunno, what that's gonna do for us. Besides I ain't even decided whether I'm comin' along with you all yet. Things 'ave changed, Riles. Jack's right." Reg said.

"Jack's right about what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nevermind," He mumbled. I put my hands on my hips, and looked at him.

"What the hell happened to you, Reg?" I didn't get any sort of answer, so I changed the subject, "And it does matter wheter we clear our names or not, because some of us have tried to rebuild our lives. Even though I'm using a false name, having people on the lookout isn't a good thing. I don't have the faintest clue where you've been all these years," I puased for a minute, and took a deep breath, "but I know what needs to be done. And for others of us it's a pride issue. Come if you want, but I'd rather have you with us. If things get ugly, I want as many fighters as possible."

"And that," Jack walked into the room, "is why you have me, James, and Alis. Let's get going," Jack put his hand around my waist, and nearly dragged me out of the room. Once I was free of Jack's grasp, I walked back where Reg was.

"Are you coming or not?" I asked.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:05 pm
ridersofdamar says...


I pushed the rest of the pistol ammo deep in my bag, hoping the lead sheet around it would shield it from any metal detectors. Everything seemed to be going well, but I hadn't been in the house for the past thirty minutes. It was odd to me. Normally I would have just thrown things in the bag and hoped for the best, but now I was planning. I calculated ammunition, and the chances of being caught. I guess it was because I wasn't just living for myself.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the international number, waiting for the voice I knew was waiting for me on the other line.

"Hello, this is Mary speaking."

"Hey honey. It's James."

"Oh, hey! I thought you were going to be in a meeting all day?"

I smiled, "We're taking a break. The client seems to be pretty stubborn, and some of my associates have been... brash."

"Do you think you'll still be back by Friday?"

"No... It'll probably take a little longer", I heard someone coming down the stairs, and rushed to finish the conversation, "I'll call you when I get some more information, but they need us back inside. Tell Riles I love her and I'll see her soon."

"All-right James. Be careful."

I clicked the phone shut, and shoved it in my pocket just as Jack and Riley walked out. Jack didn't seem to have noticed, but Riley had a look in her eye.

"We ready to go?" I asked, trying to cover up the slight shake in my hand. If any part of my life got back to my family, I don't know what I would do.
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:29 am
Kaywiia says...


"Okay, let's go," I threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Actually," my cousin informed me, "you're staying here to watch Charlie."

"No, I'm not, Riley," I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Make yourself useful and teach her how to shoot," Riley said, tossing me the smallest of her guns. "If I come home and she's dead, I will literally kill you, Tia, understand?"

"Way to be a cousin," I said. Riley completely ignored me.

"Ace, pull up a map of huston for me. We'll split up and search the city areas, last time I checked there were four districts. North side, south side, you get the picture," She said with a shrug, obviously assuming Ace had a computer with him.

"You better go check on Charlie," Maitea said with an almost mocking smile.

I stormed upstairs with the gun. If I had any gall, I shoot the kid and run, but I had a feeling Riley would kill me if I did.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:58 am
Vanadis says...


I heaved a sigh of relief. As much as I liked kids, wanted one, even, I had to admit I had little to no idea how to take care of one. It occurred to me briefly that maybe I should have paid just a little more attention to Benny, but then again by the time he was at an age where he actually wanted to hang around his brother rather than his parents, about seven, I'd guess, I was already a teenager and wanted pretty much nothing to do with him.

Wandering to the couch where I'd set my bag, I took out my netbook.

"Where's your other little thing you had in the gang?" Riley asked.

"In my pocket. This guy's miniaturized too, but is still a lot easier to read a map on. Maybe we can pinpoint the crimes, kind of narrow down one particular area where we think they'd be." I turned it on and hacked into someone's internet connection--not really sure whose, but I didn't care. What I was planning on wouldn't take up much bandwidth and what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. I found a map, then picked up the newspaper clippings I brought. On the touchscreen, I put a red dot on every place I knew of that had been hit and handed the mini-laptop to Riley. "I can send this out as e-mail or text to everyone's phones so we have reference, but before I do anything, I don't really know the area."

"Your gadgets never fail to amaze me--where did you get this?"

"Made it. I know that they've already come up with this idea, but this one's got a lot of upgrades in technology that would probably make it illegal to market, if you know what I mean."

Riley grinned as she looked things over.

"Starting at the top here," I said, "is their first hit. They seem almost to be going in a pattern, which if you ask me is really dumb. And I'm the king of doing dumb shit, just ask Maitea."

"He is," she clarified.

"Thanks, hun. Anyway, that's all I've got. Whatever we do... that's up to you."
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:05 pm
Kaywiia says...

I'm sorry, I got banned from the computer for a long time. I am going to try to pick this back up now.


"Thanks, hun. Anyway, that's all I've got. Whatever we do... that's up to you." Ace shrugged, and handed the little gadget to me. I pulled out my old map of Huston, and looked again at the spots that had been hit.

Huston was split up into four main sections, North, East and so on. The damage had been spread out, mostly along the outsides of the city, besides the building that had been burned in the central square.

"Okay," I said after a minute, "I think it would be best if we split up and checked things out." I looked at the gang, and quickly picked out best matches for teams, one's that would be both friendly and productive. "Ace, I want you to go with Reg and take a look at the Northern district, especially along Chanel Square where all the big houses were looted. Jack, I want you and Maitea to look at the South district, and maybe see if you can track them down there or find out anything about them. If they are anywhere near here, that's where they'll be."

"And if we find them?" Jack asked.

"Kill them," I said without hesitation. I took a deep breath, and turned back at the map. "James, Alis, there were a few big hits in the West district, I want you to see what you can find out there. I am going to go take a look at that building that burned down and see what actually happened. I want you all back here by ten tonight. If you aren't here by eleven, I am going to assume something went wrong." I folded my arms across my chest, "Any questions?"

No one said anything, so I gave the little gadget back to Ace, "Send that map to all our phones. I am going to run upstairs, you all get going when you’re ready.” I went upstairs, and into the room where Tia and Charlie were.

“Tia, you know that long coat you have, and the fedora hat?”

“Yeah?” she looked confused.

“I need to borrow them.” I said, walking over to her suitcase and pulling out the coat. “Now where’s the hat?”

“The closet?” she made it sound like a question. I reached in, and pulled it out, and then yanked the braid out of my hair, letting it fall down to its normal place.

“What’s this for?” She demanded.

“To the media, Riley’s still a blonde who wears leather jackets and cowboy boots. I toy with my image a little and no one will know it’s me.” I fixed the hat on my head, and turned around to look at her, tying the waistband on my jacket as I did. Then I realized Charlie had been in the room.

“Mommy, who’s Riley?” she asked.

“A friend,” I lied quickly. “Tia, tell her when I leave,” I nodded towards her, and she returned the nod in understanding.

I walked back down into the kitchen, ready to find out exactly what we were dealing with.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
— Carl Sandburg