
Young Writers Society

The Hunger Games 2 - Accepting

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:19 pm
Calligraphy says...

O.K., sorry to hear that. I will put you at the bottom of this list. To everyone else you can post about the games I want to keep this going. For those of you who haven't had a chance just make a longer post and skim over the reaping.

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:03 pm
MathisSiddel says...


Dune had mulled over strategies throughout training. He had talked to his mentor and been told that the worst thing he could do was stay in the blood bath. He thought the only way that he could win is if he had some supplies. He had also watched the games on TV. He knew there was good stuff on the first levels. There was REALLY good stuff further on though. I was going to run as fast and hard as he could. Not stopping for anything in the beginning.

He looking up he scanned the field of grass. It was short and looked great for running. He was used to hiking up mountains with his flock so he was not worried about loosing his breath fast. Then he looked up past the field. What he saw was the best sight he had seen for a long time. Mountains. He felt a small relief in his heart. He could survive up there much better than if there had only been something like swamp. Then he looked back at the items scattered in the field. Time was running out. Far out at about 150 yards he thought he saw a bow. He plan was not to get the bow for himself. Instead it was to either steal or kill the person with the bow. He only wanted a knife and maybe some food to give him a head start. That meant he would need to see who got the bow. Dude also saw a black backpack that would be his first target. Then he would need to beat all the others the a knife, maybe pick up something else and then run to the thick grass that was about 300 yards away. He then hoped that he could then turn and locate the bow. The only reason he did not want the bow right off was because a lot of people would want it. That would in turn make him a bigger target.

All these thoughts were rushing through his head like crazy. There was five seconds. He looked to his side. A small girl no older than twelve was standing there ready. She looked extremely scared. He knew if he came across her in the games he would kill her. It would be a mercy killing though. Other players might not be nice about killing her. He would do it fast and quiet. Maybe jump out of a tree onto her. She would not feel a thing. Two seconds. He would be a flash. Faster than any tribute. One second. His vision narrowed on the back pack. The games started. Anyone could kill anyone. He flew.

All the tributes were around him. It was a blur. A tall girl got the pack just a second before him. He slammed his fist into the back of her head. She fell dropping the bag. He continued his dash. Some were ahead of him but most were fighting all around him. He saw some face paint it was too bright for any good use. He kept going. A glint of metal in the grass awarded him with his first knife. I held it in my hand just encase. I saw a medium sized bow with different earth tones on the side. It must be usefully. I scooped the box up at a full run. Stuffing it in my pack I knew every second I stuck around the chances of me dieing shot skyward. The careers were reaching the best weapons and starting to use them. Not on each other for the most part but at the lower districts. I turned for the tall grass in fear. I scooped up a big knife and water bottle putting both in my pack. I was now fearing for my life. I could hear screams behind me. I saw a green lump ahead. It was a compact sleeping bag. My face lit up. The nights might be a little better. I grabbed it and ran. And ran. And run. I took a dive for the tall grass. It was about three feet tall. Most of it was dead and made large amounts of noise. Just great. I peeked out to see if I was being chased. Then I scanned for the bow.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:17 pm
Blueskysummer says...

Fawn Trell

The starting cannon blew and I was off like a shot. So fast that I worried for a moment that the explosives around the platforms, the ones that prevented early starting, would go off from not being turned of at that exact moment. I already had my eyes on my prize, but I knew I'd need something other than that to survive. that's where the items between me and it came in.

Level one was for the slow ones. I knew there was nothing there (save the tarps, but those were too far out of my path, hopefully either Iliana or Elson would grab one) that would help me. On to level two.

I spotted a waterbottle. perfect! I grabbed it, but it nearly slipped through my fingers. I hadn't been expecting it to be full! I fumbled with it, loosing precious time. Other tributes were passing me up! Growling at my own butterfingers, i snatched up a dagger and sprinted. Not my prize. No-one else would touch it but me... I passed over all of level three, not having any time to stop for any of the helpful items there.

"Don't you touch it..." I growled under my breath, concerning a tribute who was just too near to my bow... They leaned down to pick it up, and my sight went red. I barreled into them, my speed giving my lean body enough force to knock them over. They grunted, dropping a backpack they had nabbed onto the bow. I wanted to kill them now, but I had no time to either get the bow and shoot them or use my dagger and retrieve it again, so i grabbed both the backpack and the bow and arrows and ran. Wanting just one more item, I tried to angle my run for a knife back in level three, but another, bigger tribute was on it before I could get to it and I just ran. My legs pumped, and i forced them to move faster across the plain. I hadn't taken the flat, open area into consideration in my plan. if anyone had a long-distance weapon, I was dead. I hefted on the backpack for some sort of protection and booked it around the lake. The mountains were close, getting closer... there! I was in the pines. thin as they were, it would mean long range weapons had a worse chance of hitting me.

lighening my run from exhaustion but not wanting to stop from fear, I continued on, burning adrenaline off as I went. I was shakey and kept flashing between hot and cold, and I knew I'd have to stop soon. But still I stumbled on in a kind of jog-run-thing, until eventually a tumble over a pine root sent me to the forest floor.

"Focus." I told myself, my voice raspy from my desert of a throat from the run. i took a quick sip of water, holding it in my mouth for a while before swallowing it. I took deep breaths, pulling my bow close and notching an arrow incase some other tribute found me in this weakened state. I slipped the backpack halfway around my body, just enough to examine whatever was in it without fully taking it off and risk losing it. I saw a few items, some jerkey (score!), a pair of socks, a small vial of something... Iodine? I'd have to ask one of my teammates before trying it... but the rest was stuffed down deep in it and I was too nervous to risk taking any of it out now. I packed my dagger and water in the bag before swinging it back on. The tree I leaned against was tall and sturdy, and easy enough to climb, but I was too weak to now. I'd have to wait to recover before climbing up. And then it was all just a waiting game for her team-mates... if they would ever arrive.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:44 am
Jas says...


"Lucabelle Widows"

The air was dead silent, even the toddlers normally wailing with hunger or boredom quiet. Her mother began to scream and push past the crowd in a desperate attempt to get to her only child. The men held her back as she sobbed solely, arms reached out, grabbing thin air. Lucabelle small, frail body slowly walked up to the stage, the cool air swishing harshly by her, throwing her blonde locks into despair. The Capitol man stood with not even a hint of a sympathetic look on his face as he read the next name.

"Jerimiah Santhonson"

A short, but bulky boy of maybe 16 or 17 walked stiffly up the stage. The air became rigid with tension as the two tributes stood seperate on the stage, likes pigs up for slaughter. Lucabelle noticed no one screamed or fought the crowd to get to the stranger tribute named Jerimiah and she also noticed, he didn't seem to care. A single voice cried out by the cold wind.

"Will no one volunteer for the child!? She is still a baby!" An elderly man yelled out, his face set in angry lines. The wrinkles relaxed into dissapointment.

"You're all disgusting, selfish pigs! In my age, anyone older than 14 would be racing to see who could volunteer first and now..." he yelled to the crowd, his arm raised towards the young girl, "This!".

Still, no one volunteered and the two children, the girl barely 12, the second older but still dead meat, were led away.
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:01 am
Jas says...

Sorry. I didn't think I'd have enough time to right the next part. The rest will be in Lucabelle's POV.


Everything up to this had been a blur. The stylists yapping about my "innocent" look, the sickening 5 I got from the judges, the crowd awwing when I cried on stage. All leading up to this.

The cannon rang and I still waited a couple of seconds, like it had said in grandpa's book, because sometimes the Gamemakers liked to keep the defensive bombs on a little longer than expected. Once I was sure I was clear, I ran straight for the forest, using my small frame as a way to dodge knives.

Suddenly, as I quickly bent down to grab a water bottle, I felt someone grab me from behind. Jerimiah from 12, my own district, held a knife to my throat.

"Sorry little girl. It's all for one here," the brute said. I yelped and squirmed when Jerimiah's eyes suddenly rolled back and he dropped me, before falling himself a knife stuck clean through his back. I didn't bother looking for who saved me, just in case he wanted to take it back with a dagger in my heart. I grabbed the knife from Jerimiah's back, gagging at the fresh blood that spurted from his back and took off again.

I knew what to look for and picked up the small unimportant looking things, but only if they were on my way to the forest.
Finally I reached the woods and stopped for a breather. A tribute carrying a large gun looking thing was coming my way and I panicked and dropped half the things I had before racing off into the dark and scary night.
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:50 am
MathisSiddel says...

A girl with brown hair grabbed the bow. She had a small fight to get it too. I was happier still that I did not go for the weapon. She started to run for the mountains. She pasted ten feet away from me into the field. I could not risk jumping up though. If I missed when I threw the knife she could easily put an arrow though my heart.

About five minutes later I figured I would need to move. I surveyed the area. There were some tributes still in the bloodbath. They were far enough not to be to concerned with. Other tributes were dots in the grass. I had watched the direction that the girl went. I think her name was fawn. I poked my head up to get a angle on her. Then I double checked that all my stuff was in the pack except for the smaller knife which I planned to carry in my hand just in case. I jumped up and started off at a fast pace. Not all the grass was thick and dead. The closer to the mountain pines I got the thinner it got. It was still good for hiding thought so I kept my guard up.

I was watching the girl as she entered the forest. I pinpointed the location in my mind. I had to hurry now if I did not want to lose her. I started to close the distance between me and the trees. My legs were growing tired as I ripped up to the forest. I thought that I must of closed a lot of the distance between us.

I entered with extreme caution. I was now in full on tracking/stalking mode. Although I did not do much tracking I knew the fundamentals. What I needed to look for was anything not natural forest. That would be any brown hair, or black strings. I could also be a freshly broken twig. I was scanning the forest floor when I noted how dark it was in here. The pine needles really blocked the sun. Luckily the lowest branches were about the height of my head. It was really eerie in here. The trees were very large and there was thick moss up their trunks. The forest floor was covered in needles with made walking silently almost impossible not to do. It was also a bad thing because finding tracks was almost out of the picture.

I tried to remember anything that could help me about the girl. I had seen her shoot her bows in training. She was very accurate. Maybe the hunting district? She would be good at stalking. Maybe better than me. No. I can not think negatively. She seemed to like to other tributes. Maybe an alliance in the making. I remember thinking that they were closer than the some others. Elson or something was one of them. I think he was a hunter as well. He was not very big but he looked capable. And the other one was something like Il... Il something. Mick. I remembered the word Mick. Well her name does not matter. What is she good at? She looked a bit older than the rest. very tan. Must have worked out in the sun a lot. Brown hair. He could picture her. Now all he needed to do was find them. I went back to peek out of forest. There was no tributes in sight. He heard a twig snap in the forest behind him.

There was a kid blundering around. He cursed at the twig louder than the snap had even been. I went skinny behind a tree and watched him. He instantly reconised him. In training I targeted him as an easy target. Not in really good shape. No scars or anything. He had a soft face. A spoiled child. More than training he had seemed to try to get the girls to like him. Did he not realize that he was going to have to kill them? It was the flirt, Sean.

He started off again. I do not think he had a plan or anything. He was not checking his back so I started out following him. He seemed to only have a pocket knife. He had it in his hand and had no bags or anything.

After about half an hour he came across a stream. He climbed down a small ten foot bluff to get to the water. I knew what I had to do. I quickly snuck up to the stream. I peaked over the bluff. He was doing everything wrong this kid. Instead of using his hands he was drinking with his face in the water like a sheep. I got the bigger knife ready and took a deep breath. I could see the kids family and friends holding their breath. Many cameras would be on us right now. I could just tell. I was sorry for his family but I had to also think of mine. I had three small sisters and a brother. We needed the food that winning would bring.

I took the knife in both hands. I took a small leap outward away from the bluff and as I was falling he turn to look up in horror. I met his eyes. Then I smashed into him my knife in his neck. His was dead in seconds. A clean kill. It was not my fault he was dead. It was the capitols fault. I had to tell myself that or I would go crazy. I got off of him and pulled off his shirt before I was completely soaked in blood. I stuffed it in the pack. Just then I realized that my mouth was dry and my tongue was thick with thirst. I drank about half the water and filled my jug careful not to fall in. I grabbed his knife left. I did not take his pants because I already had enough weight on my back.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:05 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Sorry for the really long post. Just needed to get all caught up. :)


When the horn sounded signaling the start of the games, I hesitated. I'm not entirely sure why, but by the time I started, I was way behind. I needed a knife. It was the one weapon I was good with, but I also had an alliance, so it wasn't 100% necessary at the moment. I would try to get it, but I wouldn't kill myself to do it. All the seemingly useless survival gear was in the lower levels. I knew that a tarp could be useful for the rain, and I also knew it was easy to get, so I swipped that first without any sort of danger to myself. I also grabbed an empty water bottle for future use.

I looked around and saw a small pocket knife. I was going to settle for that as the daggers on level two were taken, but something caught my eye. A massive figure pushing through the tributes. Actually, it seemed the tributes from the lower districts were actively avoiding him. It was Denzo, along with Clara. I saw Denzo in training, and I knew that there was no way I would fight him, but if I held back behind him and used the path he clears to get to a knife of some sort... I decided to take the chance. I needed more supplies before going to meet the alliance up north.

Denzo seemed to be leading Clara to level four or five just out of reach of the careers to get some weapons. I also saw something for myself. A knife on level four. I had to be careful though. Even Denzo was meeting with resistance at this point. The tributes had weapons, and they all seemed to know how to use them. I bolted around the crowd near Denzo and quickly grabbed the knife. I turned only to come face-to-face with a career. Great.

He swung his sword trying to hit me, but I was too fast. Or too small... I'm not sure which, either way, he missed and I threw my knife at him. Now, he was too fast and side stepped my projectile easily. I cursed and grabbed the last knife on the table. The career held up his arms in the universal symbol for 'come get some' but I had no inclination to take him up on that. He was way too strong for me. I made like I was going to throw my knife and he jumped expecting it to fly at him, but all he did was give me the room to bolt away from the carnage. Towards the mountains!

I made it to the forest before I had to stop. I doubled over, completely out of breath from all the running, leaning against a pine tree. I guess I wasn't paying attention because before long, I felt the tip of an arrow against my back.


As soon as the games started, I ran to Clara. She was already on her way to the supplies and I had to knock a couple tributes over to get to her, but I did.

"Clara," I said, "we need to stick together."

"And give away our alliance straight off!?"

"I'm trying to help you."

"I know." She said, "Let's get our supplies then."

"Stick close, I saw a battle axe on level four. I know we can get there." Clara nodded and we started to jog to level four. I hated the shirts we were given. I guess they didn't have one in my size, so it felt like it was going to rip at any moment. Perhaps if I made it look intimidatin, like from flexing, that could work to scare people. But then wasn't the right time.

We moved pretty quickly through the tributes who all seemed to move out of the way if they felt like their weapons weren't good enough. As soon as I got to level four, I picked up the axe and saw some careers approaching us.

"Go get whatever you need and hide." I said, "I'll catch up." Clara nodded and ran away. I faced my attackers and swung the axe in front of me. I couldn't kill them all, but I sure could put a scare into them so I could escape to Clara.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:07 pm
kidashka says...


Even though I was afraid to leave Denzo alone for even a second in this chaos, I knew it was better for us both if I went to grab what I could - I was far more agile than him and it was easy for me to quickly pick up the nearest things, a few brief glances alerting me to what would hopefully be the most useful. A backpack, surely, would be the best option. Soon enough it was in my grasp, and with another swift scan I saw a knife - maybe not the most fearful thing considering the size of Denzo's axe, but any weapon was preferable right now.

Right. That would do. We needed to get out of here, and fast. I glanced back at Denzo with concern. A career was approaching, a steely glint in her eyes, and I swallowed nervously. No, don't call out, I restrained myself, then you'll only distract him and get him hurt.

I cast a final sweep around the area, aware of the dangers of staying in one spot too long, even with Denzo intimidating everyone around. Besides, hopefully I looked feeble enough that no-one would bother with me.

Grabbing for a water bottle and stuffing it in the backpack, I looked back at Denzo, uncertain of whether to go back to him or not. He was now engaged in a fierce struggle with the career from earlier, and despite my urge to try and help, I knew I'd only hold him back.

I looked from one direction to the other. Mountain, I pondered,or corn? There was only a moment to decide.

I ran to the mountain.

(This backpack - flashlight, extra batteries, iodine tablets, hooks)
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:06 pm
Calligraphy says...

O.K. for all of you who have killed people and for everyone in the future. You need to post who you have killed in bold at the end of your post even if it is just a unnamed redhead. :D

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:54 pm
Blueskysummer says...

Fawn Trell

It was unbelievably nerve-wracking to be waiting for people when you couldn't tell if anyone who approached was friend or foe. Not to mention that the thick layer of pine needles cushioned footfalls. It was only my trained ears that saved me and bought me enough time to scurry up a tree when a loud boy, muttering curses and snapping the sparse twigs there were to snap. It was as if the boy was purposely trying to make as much noise as possible. I was about to lower myself down to follow and shoot him when another soft shuffle caught my ear. I went rigid as a second tribute, a boy named.... I couldn't remember. Something to do with sand. Dune? yeah, that was it. He passed below me, quite quietly for someone from a non-hunting district, I might add, following the other tribute. The whole of Panem must've watched as I nearly gave herself away. There must have been yells and screams and gasps as I went un-noticed up above. Feeling uncharacteristically dramatic, I flashed a smile and a thumbs up to the nearest tree, hoping a camera caught it.

Hey, I had to entertain herself somehow.

Learning from what just happened, I stayed in the tree, keeping my eyes and ears open for any other tributes. There was a slight rustle, and I spied the back of someone... a boy. Was that Elson? i had to resist the urge to call out. Moving from tree to tree, I found myself directly above and behind him. I lowered myself slowly... slowly... notching an arrow as I did so... and fitted it in the small of his back.

"Say your name nice and slow. Any fast move and you're dead." I said softly, my voice low and calm.

"Fawn?" Elson asked, his voice quavering slightly.

"That's not your name," I said, lowering my bow and returning the arrow to its quiver. "But that'll work."

"What were you trying to do?" Elson asked indignantly, turning around to face me for the first time in the arena. I saw his findings, a tarp, a waterbottle (apparently empty, but still a great call on his part), and a knife. Not bad at all.

"Make sure you weren't someone else. I nearly got caught twice, I didn't want to run up and give you a big hug if you were a Career or something." I explained rationally. "Nice pickings." I motioned to his stash. "Lets get off the ground so we're not so vulnerable and I'll show you what I got."

I hurriedly hoisted herself up the nearest tree, offering him a hand, which he accepted politely despite the fact he could most likely get up on his own. I moved up to a strong fork in the tree that would fit both of us if we sat facing one another, and also supply a small space to put our things from the bloodbath. I placed my backpack in the middle of the fork as he positioned himself across from me, and he rifled through it, pausing over the beef jerky. My stomach growled hungrily, and we both looked at it with lust.

"We should wait." I said. "Try to catch something first. Besides, Iliana hasn't shown up yet. We shouldn't eat without her."

He nodded solemnly, and I felt the same reluctant agreement. Looking around, I picked a handful of green pine needles, divided the clump in half, and handed one half to him.

"Suck on the ends. it might taste nasty, but it's used to make tea. It'll keep the edge off your hunger for a while." I offered, hoping that I was right. Mother used to make us pine tea, and though it was watery and slightly bitter, it had always warmed me up and kept me going. Maybe the raw thing would have the same effect? She hoped so as she sucked on a few needles, keeping eyes and ears peeled for the final member of their team.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:26 pm
MathisSiddel says...

I am going to wait for others to post the start of the games.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:09 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

One more post and I'm good for nightfall! :)


I saw Clara go for the mountains from the corner of my eye, and I was about to follow her, but I was cut off by someone. Now, this was no ordinary someone, I mean I was able to hold off a good number of tributes (some being careers) for a while with just a battle axe and a will to live. No, this person was not only a District 2 man, but also about the same size as me and had the other battle axe that was on the table. He was going to be trouble.

"She yours?" The man asked pointing over to Clara running in the distance. I didn't answer, so he continued, "No? Then you won't mind if I took her then, would you?" He pushed me out of the way and started to jog to Clara. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back to me.

"I mind." I said.

"Thought so." He tried to swing his axe around, but I pushed him forward and he stumbled almost throwing it at another stunned tribute who, in turn, just ran. In fact, I noticed that all the other living tributes had cleared out as this District 2 guy challenged me. We were the only ones left with the remains of the supplies. I would have thought that this would be good, but it really wasn't. There was no way I could beat this guy without getting wounded in the process and if I was wounded, I was no good to Clara and might as well let him kill me.

Still, I decided that I should at least distract him while I looked for an opportunity to run. I charged him while swinging my axe to meet with his face. He twirled out of the way, easily dodging the blow. He then swung his own axe around. I had barely enough time to back out of the way. His axe connected with the balde of mine producing sparks that flew out in between us. His strength and speed was better than mine.

I tried an overhead chop, but he blocked it with the hilt of his axe stopping me dead in my tracks. We then tried to overpower each other. Of course, after a few moments, he won the battle and sent me flying backwards onto an empty table. The table gave way under my weight and crashed down along with me.

"You're weak." He said while advancing on me, "You will never be able to protect her like you said you would. You will fail."

"No!" I roared and jumped up onto my feet stunning him for a moment. I charged while swinging my axe. He side-stepped my attack, but I was able to use the momentum and the weight of my weapon to turn around on a dime and used my free hand to punch him in the gut sending him flying back. He landed hard on his back and I used the free moment I had while he was trying to get up to bolt as fast as I could to Clara.

He could have caught up. I knew it. But he didn't follow. We would meet again, and that time, I will protect Clara. She will live to win the games.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:11 am
Calligraphy says...

post....? :(

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Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:43 am
Blueskysummer says...

I'm waiting for ultra or someone else to post before I do again. is it okay if I call writing Junglelover's last character's death? or does someone else want to?
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:46 am
Calligraphy says...

That is fine blue :D

Sometimes even shooting stars find wishes that miss their marks.
— TryHardNinja