
Young Writers Society

High School

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Sat May 23, 2009 7:21 pm
Skull3670 says...


I turned away from some unimportant girl under a tree and stalked off. Mac tripped on a root and i laughed before he threw a fireball in my face. I growled at him angrily.
"Don't laugh at me" he said angrily.
"Not my fault you don't watch where your going" i jibed. I knew it would annoy him but, hey were brothers. What i didn't expect was his reaction.
"I do watch where i'm going! Your supposed to be the big clumsy oaf!" His words stung. I knew i was bigger than him and maybe i was a little clumsier with my powers but there was no need to rub it in.
"What did you call me?" i growled in his face.
"Big clumsy oaf" he replied his eyes flashing.
"Alright thats it! You want a fight? Well now you've got one." I roared and released the demon within growing in size and power. Bones stretched, my right hand burned with dark malice, my hair burnt away to be replaced by huge majestic red horns, my skin turned crimson and dark runes rose out from with in me. Finally my huge black wings burst forth and flapped in the light. I roared my challenge into the sky.

I looked down and saw Mac consider his chances before he too released his demonic form. He swelled and his skin took on a blue colour, in perfect contrast with mine. Strange gibbering faces and symbols etched in white rose up against his skin. His left hand burned white hot and his wings gently spread wide. He looked at me coldly.
"Do you really want to do this now?" he asked
"Why, afraid you get beaten infront of all these people?"
"No, i was worried for you" he smiled, his fangs glinting in the light. With that i roared and charged at him, the earth quivering beneath my taloned feet.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sat May 23, 2009 7:50 pm
arya says...


"I'm Summer." The girl said and smiled.

"I'm Jasper." I smiled back. "I'm new here. Could you help me find my room?"

"I'm new here too, but we can look together." (summer is actually new or?)

"Thanks. My sister is at this school, but she is... I dont know where."
Life isn't fair,
its just fairer than death,
that's all...

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Sat May 23, 2009 8:08 pm
RayneChild says...


Tyro and I walked to class together, chatting about our vacations, his arm around my shoulders in a purely friendly gesture.

Suddenly, two demons - most likely brothers - changed form and waged an all-out war on each other. My jaw dropped as I watched the fight unfold before me. I looked up at Tyro worriedly and tugged on his jacket a little. He was completely blank-faced. His attention directed at me and his face filled with concern. He pulled me closer and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly before looking back up at the two giant figures fight. After a bit, he chuckled.

"Heh...maybe you should get in there and do something about that, kid," he said to me with a wink.

I looked at him. It was true. Last year, even as a freshman, I had broken up every fight I had come upon. But they were usually shape shifters, like me, or dragons. Never had I gotten in the middle of even one demon, let alone two. All along, I knew letting demons come here was a bad idea.

"Well, I mean, I dunno, I don't think I--"

"Ah, come on, Lenny! You can do it! You're fantastic!" I stared at him, wide-eyed. Tyro smiled reassuringly. I hated it when he did that.

I nodded and watched the fight carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to join in. I found it, and in an instant, I became a basilisk and got right in the middle of the two demons. The shaking earth made it hard to stay balanced, but I swerved in between them and blocked most of their moves. A small crowd gathered. It took a couple minutes, but they finally realized that a giant snake was now blocking everything they tried to throw at one another.

This made them even more angry, and they took flight and continued their fight in the air. So long as it wasn't hurting the school, I didn't care, so I changed back into myself and stormed towards my class.

Tyro looked from me to the fight and back again, and hurried after me.

"That's it? You're not going to finish it?"

"No. They're air-borne now. I'll leave it to the dragons."

Tyro sighed and tussled my hair. I laughed and calmed down, hugging Tyro playfully. He lauged and rested his arm across my shoulders again as we made our way to class.


Haha I didn't want to end the fight if you guys had something else in mind. Like I said, just don't destroy the school ;)


Singing: It's more than my forte; it's my fortissimo
They say "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
Well, I think guns help. If you just stand there and yell BANG I don't think you're going to kill too many people...

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Sat May 23, 2009 8:45 pm
Moo says...

No problem Skull :D


I turned away from Jasper, shutting my mouth with a snap as I gazed in horror at the scene before me.
The two demons, one fire red and one turquoise, rose up at each other, screaming and snapping their bat like wings outwards in rage. My mouth dropped open again as the red demon brought his stone fist down onto the other's with a sickening crunch, sending him reeling into the concrete with a roar. Chucks of flaming tarmac splattered everywhere, while others fled the scene screaming in terror.
Blue demon screeched at his brother with a blood curdling roar, flinging a clawed foot and making contact with the other's jaw, tipping him head over heel. Maddening curses and screeches tore through the once still air.
"I have to do something, before they kill each other!" I yelled over the noise, instantly shifting to my dragon form. Huge branches sprouted from my head like wooden antlers and I spread my collasal green wings, throwing back my head in the loudest roar I could muster. I growled at them when they continued to fight; this time plumes of raging fire scorched them as the attacks got more vicious.
I leaned back on my leafy tail, rearing up so I towered over them. "Stop it!" I hollered, slamming my thick tail to the ground and shaking them apart. The hissed at me for a fraction of a second, before throwing themselves at each other, ripping and hacking at each other's skin.
In the last attempt, I simply reached down and lifted the red demon in my claws, raising him level with my emerald eyes.
"STOP," I roared in his face, I'm sure nearly bursting his ear drums with the force. He grinned, before turning himself completely into a living fireball in my hands.
I roared as the scorching flames burned at my claws, literally dropping the demon like hot coal. Like deranged animals they jumped for each other again.
With time, with a wave of my claw I summoned a thick vine from the ground. It whiped upawrds sending a flick of soil into the air, before manipulating the branch around the blue demon's body. I snarled at he began to stuggle, ripping the poor plant to shred. The more he did this, the more I made the plant squeeze down on him. He stopped after a while, panting and clawing weakly at the vine while his brother laughed.
And with one simple swipe, I back handed the red demon with my scaly hand, sending him flying as I loosened the vine's grip on the other.
We all stared at each other, breathing heavily with rage.
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Sat May 23, 2009 9:16 pm
Kobain72 says...

*oops :s sorry Boltage, my bad*


I muttered irritably at that girl and the root she had caused to trip me up, but I had more important things to worry about. Like the fact that both my brother's and my own favourite lesson was up first: Chemistry. With so many chemicals just sitting around, there was too many temptations to resist causing the odd "accident" now and then; and Cypher had told me he'd had some great new schemes to make chemistry more exciting for all involved. I smiled cunningly and Cypher got the message.
"Oh yes," I grinned as we sauntered over to the science block.
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Sat May 23, 2009 9:54 pm
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Billy says...


Arriving at school just in time to see a pair of demons trying to kill each other, one bright red, the other pale blue, Taziel sighed to himself. Less than five minutes at school and already I see those two fighting. This is going to be an interesting year.

He watched while a basilisk, then a dragon interposed themselves between the two demons, before the dragon seemed to end it.

Taziel walked past a few moments later, unworried by them. He waved to the dragon, he always respected the people who broke up fights, especially the ones between demons like those two. A pair of idiots who thought they'd end the world some day. Like the angels would ever let that happen without some say so from heaven.

He walked off towards the dorms, greeting a few people he knew from the year before, as well as some people who looked new. As he turned a little to talk in passing with one of the former,
someone bumped into him.

**Anyone can come in there. I'll post for Amadon later.**
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Sat May 23, 2009 10:24 pm
ridersofdamar says...

Can I still join?

Name: James Matthis

Gender: Male

Age/Year: 17/Junior but first year at that school

Creature: Angel. His father was kicked out of heaven and sent to hell. His mother was a human but James is still full angel.

Appearance/picture: He is tall and muscular. His hair is whitish grey, and falls past his eyes. His eyes are bright blue flecked with silver. Overall his face is very angular. It is not anorexic but it is thin and pale. His canines are a little longer than is usual. Because his father was kicked out of heaven and he is the son of a human and angel he has no wings. He generally wears black pants a white collared dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black jacket with a high collar.

Personality: Solemn and lonely. He tends to stick to himself, especially when around other angels. He likes places where he can be alone, like the top of the schools tallest building. He is not emo, he just hasn't found any one that he wants to talk to. When he does find someone he still will not talk much, but what he does say will always be important. He loves listening to music. He is slow to anger, but it is frightening when he is moved to it. His father was a strong believer in protecting people, and he instilled that belief on James. He will protect people whenever he can. He is trained in a variety of martial arts and is very, very fast and strong.

History/Background: Grew up with his father who taught him a lot. He never went to school, but after his mother died James' father became depressed and sent him to school.

Other: Up for love. Plays guitar and piano
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Sun May 24, 2009 1:07 am
foxfire says...

my goodness..so many things had happened...


I looked at the school with head raise as i held my school bag close to my back. It's my first day in school and like the last one, i cannot think that i will meet anyone.

I waved good bye to my adoptive parents as i walked around the school looking upwards at the sky and the tall buildings. My check my red clothe that covered my head. I know that i am a hybrid by a combination of two souls but i simply cannot show my cat ears.

I continue walking until i bumped on someone. I moved back as the boy turned around.

"Uhhh...sorry about that, i did not mean to bumped into you," i said aloud lowering my head.

"It's okay..." he said...."Are you new here?"

"Ye...Yes," i said watching a blue bird hovering at the air before being caught by a passing falcon. I gulped.

"Hi, my name's Taziel...It's nice to meet you and you are..." he offered me a hand

"Schera...Name's Schera Ezade..." i said watching two people argue just at the corner. I shook his hand weakly. "Ummm...do we get dorms or..."

"I'm not sure,,,we'll see..." he smiled before i checked my clothe again over my head.

*I was talking to Taziel

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Sun May 24, 2009 2:40 am
chinchillagirl_34 says...

(Sorry about not posting earlier Lauren)


"Don't worry about it though." I encouraged we can just move back in the summer, I pointed out.

"Yeah but still, that's a really good apartment." she argued. "O great they already caused trouble." she muttered as we turned a corner and saw Cypher and Mackenzie walking down the hall, and they looked like they just been in a fight. I never really liked them that much, I mean many people don't like them. It's just the whole me being a 'goody good toe shoes demon' and all doesn't exactly go down good in there book.

"As long as your in a crowd, and don't draw attention your fine." I muttered.

"Oh yeah, the whole trying to avoid them thing." she remembered.

"Yeah not exactly the best days." I mumbled as we walked into chemistry.

I yawned, and looked at my clock. "Great." I moaned as I realized I had ten minutes till the bell rang. I jumped up and got dressed, grabbed some toast, then jumped out my window, and extended my black wings. I flew as fast as I could stumbling a little on my landing, before I face planted into the side walk.

"Ow." I squeaked as I pushed my self up to my knees, and looked around. Most people were looking at me like I was crazy. That's when I remember that I set my clock earlier because. . .well I'm not really sure I just did.

"Need some help." a voice asked as a extended hand came into my view.

*any one can jump in*
"Why don't we let Peeta claim it, since he died today?"-Finnick (Catching Fire)

"We may be friends and all, but if were being chased by crazy flesh eating zombies. I won't lie. . .I'll trip you."~ Me after watching the hills have eyes.

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Sun May 24, 2009 9:00 am
Skull3670 says...


Our fight was interrupted before it got going. First a Basilisk, then when we went air borne a dragon. We turned back and Mac apologised before we picked up our things and headed for Chemistry. I made a mental note of the students who had interrupted our fight. They would suffer later. I couldn't understand how they had stopped us. We were demons. No not just demons. The sons of the Devil. Destined to someday end the world. I flipped the thought around in my head as we walked to Chemistry.
"Mac, I know this will sound odd but, well, are we getting weak?" I asked worriedly.
"No Cypher," he laughed calmly. "Remember last year when that teacher managed to separate us, but the next time he got beaten?"
"Yeah" i breathed a sigh of pleasure.
"Our transformation is fast, but are powers are slow to grow into our demon forms. Give it five more minute and we would have torn them apart."
"You always were the smarter one of us" i grinned.
"Yes but you have you own talents."
And with that all was forgiven. Chemistry was going to be a BLAST! (hint hint)
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:34 am
Yuukihana says...

Can I join as well? My first time story booking, you guys and gals.. point me in the right direction!

Name: Allysa

Gender: Female

Age/Year: 17

Creature:Fairy, but known as water nymph back in Greece

Appearance/picture: Her body slivered in silver, clear water. She doesn't have wings, unlike fairies of new. Like plasma, or a film of cling-foil over water, she was present yet invisible. She moves gracefully but tends to trail in water anywhere she goes. She wears a water-based robe that, well, looks like water. It is water. But her eyes are green, like the wood nymph she once was but now ceased to be.

Personality: She's rather quiet and reflective. Prefers being in the background but when disturbed, she is able to turn violent and act rashfully. She has her heart in the right place but always seems to be with the wrong people. Eventhough she's made of water, she never cries. If ever there was a body of water or pools of them nearby, she can morph herself into the body and come out through another. They're like doors for her. She refuses to believe on love and the notion of love in life. However, she's not a glooms and dooms kind of girl. She rarely smiles, but when she does, she develops a rainbow hue.

History/Background: Not much is known about her history. Some say she lost her true love one thousand years ago (She looks seventeen though). Her want of going through highschool was to educate herself about the kinds of creature and subjects but it was because of her mother's wish she had to attend highschool. She tends to retreat into her world when she is bullied or depressed. Her mother, Mellysa, wants a happier life for her daughter. There was one incident that had made her transform into a water nymph. But that will be known in her highschool years.

books(but she soaks them up)

falling in love
hot weather

Is that good? How long do I wait till I send my next post?
Don't judge on who I am..
Judge me on what I became..

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:35 am
Moo says...


I tilted my scaly head in the direction of a boy, who merrily waved at her. I lifted a clawed hand and waved awkwardly back, laughing slightly.
From somewhere below me, I heard Jasper say, "That was close. I thought those two were going to tear each other to pieces."
I nodded, waving my tail so that the vine would retreat back to the soil once more.
"I have no patience for bullies and idiots like them," I replied with a slight growl. We both stared after them as they stormed away from the scene, leaving a huge crater in the concrete behind them as evidence of their fight.
I felt Jasper tug gently on one of the massive leaves that lined my elbow.
"We should get to class."
I nodded, closing my eyes for a fraction of a second as my body shrunk and I returned to my human form.
I consulted my time table. "I'm in English Literature now. Or, supposed to be."
"Great," said Jasper, motioning for the school. "Let's go."
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:46 am
Yuukihana says...


She looked ahead with apprehensive thoughts. The school was bigger than she had imagined, though not as big as the ocean. She gazed around but no familiar faces were to be seen. So many creatures of new..she thought. Had she been locked out so long these years? She took her first step and bit her lip. Now that she was more nervous than ever, the puddle underneath her began expanding in volumes.

"Great. Just what I need."

A couple of half-breeds sniggered past her as she continued her journey to the main entrance. She heard loud noises from her left and was narrowly missed by a gigantic basilisk. Two winged creatures were up above thrashing each other, making a racket on Monday morning.

"Oh! Great!"

She saw herself reflected in the puddle of water underneath her. Sand and dirt had gotten all over her. Mud were floating in her robes like jelly-bits in a soda drink. She bit her lips harder, causing more water to leak. She ran straight to the main entrance to the nearest restroom. It was never a good idea to come here. I should've known better..she muttered to herself.
Don't judge on who I am..
Judge me on what I became..

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Sun May 24, 2009 11:50 am
arya says...


I turned away from the guy I was talking to when we heard a dragon roar.

I watched closely.

The two demons that were fighting, were tearing each other apart, and the dragon had a difficult time separating them. But finally she did it.

I Watched how the dragon morphed back into its human form and started talking to Jasper.

"Wow. Didn't think he would find friends so quickly." I smiled and walked away from the guy. Later I noticed that that was actually rude, since I didn't say good bye and didn't even ask his name.

I was still a little wet, and so I went to the loo.

There was a a girl wearing... WATER...

"Wow. That looks good." I said admiring.

"Thanks." she said smiling. "I'm Allysa."

"I'm Jasmin." I smiled back.
Life isn't fair,
its just fairer than death,
that's all...

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Sun May 24, 2009 12:01 pm
arya says...


I was still a little perplex how Summer had suddenly turned into a dragon and separated the two demons.

I still wasn't used to this kind of thing, people morphing into other stuff, demons fighting... But probably you got used to this pretty soon.

I didn't think Id find someone nice and friendly that fast. Summer seemed like a good, fun person.

"You know I didn't think Id find a friend this fast." I said.

Summer laughed, "So are you a loner?"

"Not really." I also laughed.

"Yeah. You don't look like one either."

"Well, I guess that's a compliment, so thanks."

We laughed.
Life isn't fair,
its just fairer than death,
that's all...

Be the annoying goose you want to see in the world.
— Welcome to Night Vale