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Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:51 pm
Pan says...

Ezzie | Beach
I sat by the fire made from the battery and watched the wood crackle. I was glad for the warmth, and the spears Saph made, I was glad for Saph.
She was exactly what our group needed.
The other group- Alex's group- didn't need her, and I'm glad she left them. Well, now I sound greedy. I don't want the other group to die. I'm not on with the whole, 'kill them' idea, yano?
I heard footsteps approaching me. Somebody sat down next to me on the sand.
"We need huts." Lilly said, prodding the fire with a stick.
"And clean water. Or a pot or bowl of some kind. We can boil the ocean water and drink it." I mumbled.
"And bathe in the ocean? We need to separate areas, like they did."
"I know, but if we get water from over there-" I pointed to the direction of Alex's camp angrily. "We'll get sick and die! So from over there, we get water, over there, we bathe."
"What about the fish? We'll run out, soon."
I shrugged. "We hunt. And besides, we need to find something to boil the water in, so I don't think that idea will work."
"Actually, we can warp scrap metal with some rocks, and then boil water. Works, right?"
I nodded. "Good thinking."
Lilly and I headed in the direction of the plane, and looked for a big enough scrap. We found it inside the plane. It was almost a perfect square, with one jagged side, and it was approximately 3 feet squared. "This works, right?"
"Yeah, it does." I smiled, picking up a good sized rock and set them beside each other. "It'll make too much noise, so let's wait until the others get up."
Lilly nodded, and I frowned again in the direction of Alex's camp. "At least they warned us." She mumbled.
"Yeah, I'm glad they did."
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:31 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Elvis ¦ Jungle

While Alex went trekking and hunting, I had tried out my bow and arrow. I had gotten a couple of squirrels, their very presence on the island surprising me. I show Faith how to skin them, and started rooting around. I found a small enough bone and snapped it, pulling it out, and got a palm frond. After washing off the skin I sewed it in to a make-shift canteen, and Faith did the same with the other. We filled them with water from the river and sewed them shut, just in time for Alex to come back.

After Alex told us everything he had seen we decided to make the trek back to the beach to try to settle some things and keep them from getting Lord of the Flies on us. I grabbed the two squirrel canteens - perhaps we could give them as peace offerings.

The rain pelted us, or whatever was left of it after the trees blocked it, and I was relieved that Faith and I had already built the water conservation unit under the tree - as far as I know, it doesn't just rain in islands, it storms. I just felt bad for Faith and Alex, Alex being without his shirt and Faith shivering with her hair and clothes plastered to her. By the time we got to the beach we were all drenched.

We stood at the edge of the woods under the trees, as seeing the rain outside of them proved harder.

"They'll catch their death of colds out there," Faith shivered.

We stood there for a moment longer, preparing ourselves for going out in to the storm. Once we gained the courage, we stepped out, and it immediately felt like all eyes were on us. They didn't miss a beat, and the next thing we knew their leading group was standing before us with chattering teeth. I could barely hear them over the storm.

Mr. Prefect yelled over the rain, "What are you doing here?"

Pushing my hair back to stop it from streaming water in to my eye, I held out the squirrel water sacks and shouted, "These are for you guys."

They looked at it warily, so I assured, "It's water from the stream."

"Listen," Alex said after a moment's silence, "We need to talk about some things if we're going to be on this island together."

"I think what he means to say," I clarified, "Is if you'd all like to come under the protection of the trees with us for a moment then we can tell you about some things we've discovered."

I looked around at everyone on the beach, waiting for their response. Faith might be right - this storm could really make some of us sick, sitting out here like this...or worse.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:14 pm
Pan says...

Ezzie| Beach
I sighed as we all stood under the trees. The rain had extinguished the fire, so no clean water.
Darren, Saph, and Cassie talked with Alex and his group.
"Ezzie?" Damien asked, as he stood beside me. "You okay?"
"The fire!" I exclaimed. "We only had one battery, and now the fire is out. And what will we do about shelter? We can build huts, but then what? When they fall apart? Dame, we've had this conversation before, are we just gonna recreate a population here? There aren't enough resources! What happens when we strip the land bare? There are wild animals out there, but do we really know what this place looks like, if it's even an island! There could be vast amounts of jungle out there, and we don't even know!"
"It's an island." Alex said. I realized they had been listening, and I was yelling.
My cheeks flushed. "But there won't be enough resources!" I argued. "we'll all die when they run out."
"You're assuming that nobody will save us."
I nodded. "I'm assuming the worst. We have to keep thinking worst case scenario, otherwise we'll get our hopes up."
Alex watched me curiously. "I had a plan, a simple survival plan, but now we have no fire, and there was this," I held up a zippo, "But I don't know if it has any fluid, or if it even works. It was in the plane, on the floor."
Nobody made a move to claim it. "Well, try it." Darren insisted, so I lit it.
The flame was small, But steady. "There's enough fluid in here to last a while." I mumbled.
"Why didn't you mention that you had it before?" Cassie asked.
"Because I didn't know if it worked." I mumbled. "We don't want to get our hopes up."
Alex snorted.
"What?" I asked, glaring at him.
"You've got the right mindset." My glare darkened.
"I want to be saved as much as anybody else here, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let my world be filled with rays of false hope and bullshit assumptions." My eyes scanned over everyone in the group. "You can think of me as negative, but I'm not gonna pretend that I'm on an island resort. Open your eyes, people! We're stuck. In the wilderness! What happens when we have no more food? We eat each other?" I shouted, my voice breaking. "That's fucking wrong."
I turned to walk away. "Ezzie, where are you going?"
"To go find more food." I replied, walking out in the rain toward the spears. "God knows we need it."
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:35 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Elvis ¦ Beach

When the girl went mad and pulled out the Zippo lighter I immediately patted down my pockets, the familiar rectangular shape relaxing me when I felt them through my jeans. She stalked off in to the jungle, and I cast a glance towards my group.

"Jesus Christ, she's going to get herself lost in there." I muttered, running after her.

The canopy of trees relieving the rain was much welcomed, and I stalked behind the girl until she whipped around to face me.

"I don't need an escort!" She yelled.

I was taken aback, but quickly composed myself and leaned forward to reply, "Is that so? Because it seems to me that you just about trudged through poison ivy."

She cast a glance at the poisonous plant, her mouth twitching in to a frown, "I didn't ask you to follow me."

"Well you didn't ask to be stranded on an island either, now did you?" I quipped back at her.

She turned with a huff, and I immediately started following her again.

"You know, if we did have to repopulate the island," I joked, "At least we know your kids could handle themselves."

She glanced back at me and I gave her a warm smile, showing her I meant no harm. She waited for a moment, so I took it as an invitation to walk beside her.

"You know, I don't know how I feel about being on this island. Sure, it really does suck, but I was headed for the same thing anyways. My dad was going to make me enlist in the military. At least here I don't have to kill anyone."

We were quiet for a moment, nothing but the rain in the trees and scared chatter of animals, and I continued, "It's no vacation, but it could be worse, eh? We're lucky we survived."

I thought for a moment, and laughed to myself as I said, "You know, life is a bit crazy. You get what you get and you have to deal with it, you know? Me? I have the kind of dad that probably would have made the plane crash on purpose just so he could strand me here and test me."

I looked at her for a moment then back at the ground. I pulled out my own Zippo from my pocket, flipping back the lid and testing the flame. It worked.

Closing it and shoving it back in my pocket, I asked with a grin, "Well. What kind of hand were you dealt in life?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:38 pm
Pan says...

Ezzie| Jungle
The guy in Alex's group followed me. He asked me about my life.
"It wasn't that bad, actually." I replied. "My parents were both surgeons, and they pressed that on me. They're always away, though, so I don't know them that well. I lived with my uncle and aunt most of the time. But my uncle was a bad guy." I replied, unsure of why I was telling him this. "He did.. things that I don't wanna think about."
He looked at me. "It's best to forget the past."
"I try. Anyways, I'm Ezzie, you?"
"The king?" I grinned cheekily. "Nice. Listen, Elvis. I don't mean to be rude, or a total bitch, but I gotta remember where we are and how we got here, at least until I'm sure we can survive like this."
He nodded. "I get you, but you don't have to push everyone away, you know."
"Listen, you gonna help me hunt or what? My people need food."
"Your people?"
"I think of myself as the most caring in the group, I guess. Ezra Dexter, keeper of the medicine and foodstuffs."
He watched me, and I shrugged, handing him a spear.
"I have ideas for survival, I just don't know how they'll work." I mumbled. "You guys have the river, and.. and.. I want to make sure that as many of us stay alive as long as possible. If that makes sense."
We continued trekking through the woods, throwing the spears at anything that moved. So far, I had two squirrels, and a bird of some kind. Elvis had more. "You hear that?"
There was a snort, and then twigs snapping, and leaves shuffling. "Either it's a person, or dinner." I replied.
"It's most likely a boar." He replied, tugging me down by my wrist. I made a noise of protest, which he shushed me for.
It came creeping out of the woods, as if it knew we were there. "Steady.." Elvis mumbled.
Suddenly, he jumped up and rn t the boar, and as the boar notices
bim, Elvis slthrusts the spear into the Boar. He struggled to get it through, and I moved"to help him. The spear in Elvis' hand snapped. "Whoa." I managed, as Elvis edged around the bush and looked at his kill.
"It was pregnant." He mumbled, prodding her protruding belly.
"Oh." I replied, standing as well. "That was a good shot."
"Thanks. Help me drag her back?" I nodded, and grabbed the dead boar's stubby legs. We started hauling the boar back to the beach.
Last edited by Pan on Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:53 pm
Liv says...

Faith ¦ Beach

"W-why can't we j-just go back to t-the clubh-house." I inquired with a shiver, tucking my knees under my chin and wrapping my arms around them.

"Well, do you want to share it with all these people?" Alex whispered back.

"At least there would be body heat." I shot back, pushing wet curls away from my face.

"Well we have to settle this first, anyways." Alex said, turning back to the other group.

I presses my mouth to my knees, thanking God we seemed to be at the eye of the storm, peeking over them to see Elvis and the girl he chased after pulling out a dead boar and a load of other animals. We stopped our discussion and looked over at them.

"Ezzie was right, you guys," Elvis called out, dragging the wild boar to lay beside us. I slapped a hand over my nose, the smell absolutely horrible. He continued, "If we're going to be here for a while there is a possibility that we will run out of resources. I'm not worried about the water as much, but food, animals, plants."

He placed his hand on the stomach of the boar, looking at us and clarified, "This boar was pregnant. Now it's dead and we're short a pig - we can't eat a fetus. We need to regulate populations of the animals so we can avoid this. We need rules."

"And who are you go set them?" Darren challenged.

Elvis looked over at him and snapped, "I'm the guy whose dad leaves him to die in the woods. I'm also the guy who lived in Africa for three years. Is that okay with you?"

Elvis turned back to everyone and continued, "Animal regulation will let us know what we can and cannot kill, and which specific animals we can't kill in case of pregnancy or other reasons. We will not be killing monkeys for any reason, because they learn quickly and can and will retaliate and kill us if we kill one of theirs. Until we figure out the animal balance, only kill things we know reproduce rapidly: squirrels, rabbits, and the like."

"Plus," I spoke up, "We need to work together on this one. I'm not saying we have to mix groups, but I am saying we have to try are hardest to keep as many people alive as we can."

"We need a smoke fire." Alex said, "In case someone does come by. The top of that cliff is our best bet. We'll need to alternate feeding the fire - we can't let it go out."

"We need to keep track of time, too." I suggested.

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Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:13 am
Iggy says...

Alyssa Warren

It was the searing pain in her left ankle that made her regain consciousness. Alyssa groaned and sat up gingerly, letting out a squeak of pain when the movement caused a flare of pain to shoot up her leg.

"M-my ankle. Someone help me." she whispered, looking around. The plane had crashed onto some island and was slowly burning, and she scurried away as fast as she could. People were lying around in the sand, some beginning to stand up and she called out, "Can someone please help me up?"

Some guy ran past her, then came back and helped her up. She used his shoulder to test her ankle, feeling a wave of relief as she realized that it was only sprained. She could stand on it, thankfully. She recognized the guy as Darren and thanked him, then wavered in her balance as he scurried off.

"I can't believe we crashed," she muttered to herself, reaching into her pockets. "I'll just call Mom and- where the hell is my phone?!"

She hobbled over to the spot where she'd fallen and searched the sand, then started to panic. "My phone! Cassie, call my phone!"

Cassie didn't respond and Alyssa spun, a sharp reprimanding on the tip of her tongue as her friend failed to respond, but it slid off as she noticed the poor girl passed out in the sand.

Phone or Cassie? Alyssa swayed for a moment, then sighed loudly and hopped over to Cassie, sitting down beside her. "I needed an upgrade anyways." she muttered.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:49 am
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Basil says...


The rain pelts my body like small insects. I grit my teeth, holding down my frustration, and stare at the huge boar lying before us that Elvis and Ezzie had killed.
“First,” I growl through gritted teeth after the many decisions made. “We need to find some bloody shelter.”
All eyes turn to me, and I narrow my eyes. “What? It’s true,” I snap.
Alex opens his mouth to speak, his body leaning toward the jungle. Before he can speak, I step forward and give him a glare. “And before you suggest it, I’m not going into that fucking forest, even if it could save us,” I snarl.
Alex narrows his eyes at me. “I was … I wasn’t going to say that,” he retorts just as angrily.
“What about the … plane?” P.J. offers quietly.
I blink at him in astonishment. I turn around to look at the plane, and then an idea hits me. I turn back to P.J. and smile brightly.
“P.J., I could kiss you!” I cry in delight.
I spin around and rush to the plane. P.J. and several others follow, and we jump in, where it is cold, but otherwise dry. There are a few leaks in the roof, but if we path them up, we’ll be able to make a shelter for plenty of people.
“This is brilliant!” I declare, my voice dull inside the plane.
“We’ll go get the others,” I hear someone say, and then there is just P.J. and I left alone.
I turn around to face him, a bright smile on my face. But he’s staring at me with an amused grin, one eyebrow raised slightly. Remembering what I’d said moments ago, I blush.
“Spur of the moment,” I murmur.
“Uh huh,” he says, smile widening.
“You are a genius,” I add.
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, well …” he trails off and shrugs.
I take a step toward him just as Cassie, Darren, Ezzie, Alex, Elvis and a few other people come running over. With a huge smile on my face, I indicate the plane, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“We can make rooms in here!” I announce.
I quickly glance at P.J., who has a look in his eyes that says, ‘Soon.’
Trying not to smile, I go on to explain how the plane can be made into a huge home for everyone.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:13 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Peej | Beach

My cheeks still felt hot from Saph announcing I was a genius and that she could kiss me. I could only think about the room lay out for the plane as Saph blabbered on about resources and other things the plane could be used for. I laid out a plan in my mind that each room would be about 10x9 feet and could fit 2 people each. It would have a 13x15 kitchen and a 10x9 storage room. In total it could fit 16 people comfortably.

As soon as Saph stopped talking I ran out onto the beach and drew out my calculations and map I had thought up. I did the math once more in the sand to double check, it was perfect. Saph had sent some people out to find recourses to patch up the holes in the ceiling so we were alone, again.

"Peej, not even kidding, You're probably the smartest person I know." Saph said squatting down to look at the map I drew out.

I shrugged, blushing, and returned to adding more to my map. I put down jobs that could be done and how we could fix the roof in the most safe and progressive way. I felt Saph leaning over me the entire time studying my every move.

The sun soon became fierce and the group that had gone out for supplies had come back with long vines and large pieces of driftwood. I showed them the map and how we would fix the ceiling.

"I'm gonna go help them." I told Saph as they entered the plane.

She nodded as I ran inside after them. I started by making a make shift ladder out of the vines by weaving them together tightly. I leaned the ladder up against the wall and climbed up. I laid a piece of driftwood over the hole and then a large piece of woven vines. I climbed back down the ladder, sweating from the sun and carrying the supplies up and down the ladder, and looked up. It was full proof.

I walked around showing the other guys how to do it, putting on my goalie gloves as I did. Some girls had taken some of the vines outside and were weaving them together along with some long leaves. Everything, so far, was going perfect.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:59 am
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Gardevite says...


That Mexican kid, Alex, was standing at the edge of the forest. He has a look that was somewhere between anger and stupidity. Lilly really disliked him. The way he appointed himself as some make-shift leader and lead kids into the forest, only for the majority of them to run on back, tails between their legs. They were pathetic. The lot of 'em, but Lilly needed them. More importantly, she needed fresh water.

Lilly strode over to where he was standing; a huge smile on her face. He saw her approaching, and turned to face her head on. He didn't make eye contact.

"Oh captain, my captain." Lilly said, dropping to her knees in front of him, bowing. "Ohh majestic keeper of life fluid, hear my pleads!"
"What are you doing?" he said looking down at her. He was trying to stay calm, but she could see his cheeks grow darker in the dim light.
Lilly sat up straight, flicked her long, black hair back and giggled softly. "I thought that was the appropriate way to greet the master of the water. Hmm." she teased "Well someone so self-infatuated to think that he and his little bitches could just stroll by and tell us that the nearest water supply is to be infested with your filth!" she dragged out the word 'filth', and filled it with acid. "I thought it appropriate to think you were some kind of desert island playboy." she laughed, louder this time. She stood up.
"Listen. We need to clean ourselves. You guys have the sea!" he said angrily.
"Oh yes yes yes. We do." Lilly said "and you could've had it to. But you decided to go on that little walk into the wild instead. Quite tragic, really." He began to say something but Lilly cut him off. "And now here you are" she exclaimed "brown-nosing Mr. Uptight. For what? A little taste of what you could've had in the first place?"
"Listen" Alex said, trying to stay calm, "if all you want to do is insult me, then I'm going to go talk to a sane person." he said, beginning to walk off towards the plane.
"Insult you?" Lilly laughed, "I'm here to warn you." she called after him.
"warn me 'bout wha'" he said, turning back to her with an exasperated look on his face.
"There's been some... talk. About your group." she lied in a hushed tone. "People are saying some awful stuff." The thrill of deception ran rampant in her veins. She was a junkie, getting her long awaited buzz.
"What kind of things?" he asked suspiciously. Suspicious of her motives, and the others.
"They're saying that you're poisoning our water supply on purpose." she whispered in his ear.
"What?" he sounded shocked, then sighed in disbelief. "We're not doing that."
"Oh yes I know, but the others don't. They don't trust you."
"Well why not?" he said. Lilly giggled.
"Look at them." she said. "All..white" the words slithered from her mouth. "They don't trust a foreigner like you." she leaned in close to his ear. "That Australian one wants to just kill you in your sleep." she lied. He was afraid now. Lilly may have thought that he was stupid, but she knew he wanted to survive. "It's up to you." she said nonchalantly, and headed towards the plane with a genuine smile on her face.
Formerly Hightop

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Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:15 am
AlfonsoFernandez says...


Hey everyone, let's play a game. It's called blame the Mexican. Fairly simple, really. All you need to do is blame the Alex kid who thinks he can survive all by himself. You must blame him for everything.

Alex was angry. He had tried his best to keep the peace, he had even come in a diplomacy meeting to improve everyone's chances of survival, and what had he gotten in return? Nothing. He had been almost cometely ignored by everyone, except for one girl who surely wanted him to hate everyone as much as everyone hated him.

Alex trudged back into the jungle towards his hut. He was sure that even if he wanted to stay in the beach in the new homes they were building from the plane, they would find an excuse not to let him stay there. "Sorry, we thought you weren't gonna come, so now there's no space for you.." And anyway, it wasn't like he wanted to stay out there, in the open land of the beach...

The rain intensified, and Alex started to get worried. Not for himself, but for the others in the beach. Something told him that they were in danger, and that they didn't know about it. The problem was he couldn't know exactly what it was either. He heard a thunder rumble in the distance. He remembered all the times he went camping with his family and stayed in his tent as he heard the sound of thunder.

Thunder. Thunder came from lightning. And there was something with lightning.. Suddenly it hit Alex, and he knew what had been in the back of his mind all that time. He sprinted back to the beach, and as he got within earshot he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Get down! Get into the trees! TAKE COVER!"

Nobody moved. For a while, everyone looked at Alex as the rain pounded their heads. Realization appeared only in the faces of some people, but it was too late. Lightning struck, and a burnt body fell to the floor, sizzling.

That was when a hell broke loose.
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:52 am
Pan says...

The lightning struck the boy that stood next to her, only a mere three feet away. The electricity sparking from his burnt body threatened to grab her, yet she didn't care. She screamed, a loud, ear piercing shriek and grabbed him as he fell.
Chaos erupted around her, and she drug the body with her to the tree line. Closest to her was Alex. "A-alex." She managed to get out, as the body fell from her grasp.
She knew she shouldn't bother with the body- it was dead. He was dead. "He was right next to me." She sobbed, "He was RIGHT BESIDE ME! That could have been me!"
Alex stared at the body, unspeaking. "Ez-"
"He was RIGHT BESIDE ME!" She sobbed, fear and anger and sadness filled her voice, as she choked on her tears.
The others had escaped to the woods.
"Ezzie. Let him go." Alex replied, pulling on her hands.
Ezra realized that she was clutching onto the boy's burnt shirt so tightly her knuckles turned white.
She sniffed. The air smelled terrible- of burnt flesh and singed hair. She gagged, and let go of the body. "Alex-" He looked at her. "I don't want anyone to get h-hurt." She managed out, tears in her eyes. Her lids were puffy. "I can't st-stand it." He stayed silent. "I can't let anyone get hurt ever again."
"Impossible." He finally spoke.
"What..?" Tears and snot ran down her face, and she raised a shaky hand to wipe the fluids away.
"You can't prevent injury, death." He replied, with a glare.
She shrunk away from him. "Listen, I don't know any of these people, but I know pain, Alex! I don't want anyone to feel it. I know I can't stop it!" Her voice rung out as the lightning struck the plane in the background. Another wail rose up, this one not as loud.
She turned and ran to the wreckage, not caring about the boy she left behind her- she could hear his footsteps following. She approached the plane tentatively. "H-Hello?"
A groan of pain sounded, and Ezzie dove in.
The girl looked young- thirteen maybe? and she lay on the ground.
"Hey! Hey! Alex- She's alive." Ezra smiled, then turned to the girl. "Are you awake? Are you okay?"
"Hey! Stay with me."
"Let's take her to my hut." Alex mumbled, stepping past Ezzie. He lifted the girl up and exited the plane. Ezzie scanned the room she was in and quickly grabbed the medical kit, before following the boy.
"Alex-" He was halfway to the woods, and Ez had to jog to catch up. "Why?"
"I don't want to see you cry. You look disgusting."
"I take offense to that!" She sounded appalled. "That actually stings!"
"Why? You hate me anyways. All of you do, because I'm Mexican. I have a different skin color, so why not hate me, right?"
"I don't hate anyone, but you're halfway there! What did I ever do to you? Huh? Lilly is yellow! We don't hate her!"
He looked ahead, and kept walking. He made carrying the girl look easy, but Ezra knew that she wouldn't be able to do it. "Alex! Do you think I would be this upset if I hated anyone? Listen, bud! There's only one person I hate, and he's locked up in Kaisheim Abbey!"
Alex ignored her, but kept walking. Ezzie was tempted to stop following him, but the young blonde girl's pained face caused her to stagger after him.
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:42 am
Ciblio says...

Damien | Jungle

After hearing the boy, Alex, was it..? Sounds right.. Anyway, after hearing him yell something about getting off the beach, I had bolted into the jungle, not even knowing what was going on.

I just remembered hearing rain pattering on the metal left over from the plane, and then thunder, and I was gone.

Cursing myself, I remembered that I had left Ezra.

"I can't leave her there! Damn, she's my best friend!" I yelled at myself.

Running at full speed back to the beach, I looked around, seeing a body of a boy laying on the lining of the woods.

"Ezra!" I called out. "Ez, where are you? EZRA!"

Stepping onto the beach, I immediately started jogging around, looking to see if she was anywhere near.

Maybe the plane..?

Quickly, I went over to the plane, ducking inside the remains, and widened my eyes.

"Not in here.." I muttered.

As I was climbing out of the wreck, I seemed to have gotten the hinge on my pants caught on a piece of the metal, which was still attached to the plane.

"Oh, son of a.." Panting, I looked around, and hunched down, tugging at the edge of my pants.

"Ah, forget it!" I hollered.

Tearing the bottom of my pants, I got free. Unfortunately, not just in time.

As I stood up, a lightening bolt struck a piece of metal right next to me, and caught my leg in the process.

I fell to the ground, cradling my leg, gasping in pain.

I had to look at it. Just to see how serious it was.

When I looked down, I saw burned skin. I could smell my skin, crisp.

Gagging, I looked away.

"Have to go..get out of here.." Rubbing my face, I stood up on one leg, wincing at the pain.

"Can't..ohh.." Falling back to the ground, I decided to crawl.

Well, more like drag myself. I made it inside of the jungle, and had to stop.

"I have to be in a nightmare. Please tell me I'm sleeping...please!" I groaned.

The last thing I remember was seeing someone grimacing at my leg, and I was out.
Last edited by Ciblio on Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:02 pm
Liv says...

Faith ¦ Beach

"No no no no no." I yelled to myself as I raced to the second person who had gotten electrocuted.

I yanked him up, knowing he was unconscious but still assuring, "It's okay Damien, it'll be okay. I'll bring you to Ezzie, just try to help me, okay?"

I picked him up as best as I could, but he was mostly haphazardly laying on my back. I had to get his leg away from the salt water.

We made it back to the beach, but his weight was tiring. Elvis was by my side in an instant, but I swatted at him.

"Get them out of the plane, now!" I yelled, heading for the jungle. He was so tall his leg was dragging behind me, but I made sure to keep the damaged one safe, meaning his upper body was hanging over one of my shoulders.

"Please Damien," I said, dragging us through the jungle, "If you can hear me, I'm trying to help you, you need help, okay? But you need to help me get you somewhere, okay? Help me take you to Ezzie."

He stirred, and I just about started crying of relief. "Come on Dame, let's go find Ezzie, I'll take you to her and then I'll help your leg, alright?"

I adjusted him to lean against my side, his bad leg touching mine. Gritting my teeth, I pulled us deeper in to the woods, slowly as Damien's eyes remained closed and he tripped over everything. But limping through the jungle we finally made it - I never thought I would be so happy to see that hunk of wood in the trees. But now to get up.

I leaned him against the tree and, once I made sure he would stay there, pulled myself up in to the clubhouse.

"What're you -" I heard someone ask, but I snapped at them, "Shut up!"

Hanging my upperbody out of the shack I reached down for Damien's hands and pulled on them, trying to get it in to his confused and pain-ridden brain that he needed to come up.

"I need your help getting up here, Damien. Ezzie is right here, please!" I pleaded, tears in my eyes as I tried to pull him up.

"Damien!?" I heard Ezzie shout, and before I could blink she was at my side and grabbing one of his hands. We pulled at him together, lugging him up in to the clubhouse until he lay on the floor with his legs sticking outside.

I pulled him in to cover his legs from the rain that was soon to restart and heard Ezzie gasp, covering her mouth at the sight of his leg.

Her eyes welled and I stood to face her, placing my hands on either side of her face, "Ezzie, fo not shut down, do not cry. I need your help, okay? I'm a lifeguard. I need you to go out andfifind some things for me so I can help him."

I drew sketches of the plants I needed using my nail on a leaf and shoved them at her. Once she was out searching I reached for Alex's hatchet and cut off the leg of Damien's jeans soak them in water. The sight of his leg was ghastly and I felt like I was going to choke, but refrained and rushed outside to wet the jeans. Climbing back up I wrapped the wet jeans around his burned leg. Je was unconscious, so I examined him as I waited for Ezzie to return. His heart rate and breathing were luckily stable, but I knew I had to keep an eye on them. I sent a prayer to God, pleading that he help me help Damien and keep Damien alive. This was going to be a long night.

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Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:07 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Elvis | Beach

"Get out of the plane now!" I yelled, jumping in to the plane carefully, listening to the thunder and counting.

BOOM! one two thr-BOOM! one two...

There was a lot of confusion, as people had just been settling in and or getting to work on patching it up.

I ordered gruffly in a militant voice, "There's lightning out there and you're all sitting ducks in this hunk of metal! Now we've already lost one man and another is injured, so get the hell out. NOW!"

There was a flurry as my words sunk in and everyone scrambled to get out of the plane. I stood on the frame, waiting and watching as they all exited the plane. A resounding BOOM! shook the plane but I held firm, waiting for everyone to get out before i left. No one gets left behind by a Morgan.

Another loud gust of thunder rounded as the last person got out, drowning my hearing and shaking the plane. I tried to stabilize myself but the convulsing plane and frame slick with rain gave me no chance, causing me to slip right off. I held in a yell as a fell, my head smacking in to the plane. I could feel my brain rattling as I opened my eyes, a pursuit that proved futile when I realized my vision was blurred. I blinked and blinked again, trying to clear it with no avail. Everything was still blurry and all I could see were shadows.

I shook my head - what was wrong with me? Another loud BOOM! caused me to jump and remember my purpose. I had to get off the plane. Sitting up, I reached out carefully and placed my hands against the metal frame of the plane and pushed myself to my feet. Where were my feet? I couldn't see them quite right, couldn't see where I needed to put them.

I felt my hands shaking and I lowered myself to a squatting position, trying to feel with my hands and get a closer look at the ground. BOOM! there was no telling how much time I had before the hunk of metal attracted another strike of lightning. I felt around frantically, moving slowly inch by inch.

"What is he doing?" I heard people asking each other, "Why isn't he getting off?" "Is he looking for something?"

My head ached and I became more frantic - I couldn't see...I couldn't see.

"I can't see," I said to myself as I sat there on my hands and knees. Another BOOM! of thunder rattled the plane, and I reached out for something to hold myself up but slipped and fell on my stomach.

Pushing myself back up I felt tears in my eyes as I tried to crawl, the tears merely blurring my vision even more. I couldn't see. I was going to die, get struck by lightning like that kid. I needed help.

I mustered up everything I could, searching around frantically with my hands trying to find my way off the plane, and screamed as loudly as my voice wold let me, "I CAN'T SEE!"
Live, Love, Laugh

Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.
— Ellen Degeneres