
Young Writers Society

The Selection

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Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:35 pm
EllaBliss says...


The prince tells us to split into groups of six, so that is exactly what we do. My group consists of me, Eveleen, Reina, Ariel, Abeleen, and Basil.
I don't want this. I didn't think the prince was this self-centered, malevolent, obnoxious brat! Anyways, I still love Jalen Bridger, I do. I need to leave, but the prince will never let us. It is against the rules to ask to leave. We would be a public laughingstock for wanting to leave the prince when we could marry him instead. As well, all the punishments for breaking the rules of The Selection.. No lady here would be able to stand it. But I need to leave. My greatest desire is to leave this place now. When I am back in my room, I look to the balcony. What if...
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Gender: Female
Points: 305
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Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:31 am
Alvarin says...

Eveleen Tate
I walked together with Basil towards the dinging hall, talking politely. It was sweet of her to ask for an autograph for her sister, and even sweeter to let me know I had a young fan. I wished I had a sibling, younger or older, someone that I could be myself with, without having to act or lie about my past. But then again, maybe I did have a sibling, without knowing it. For all I knew I could have a dozen of them. I had always thought that my mother probably was a prostitute, and my father one of her clients, so it was quite plausible that I had siblings. Stop obsessing about it.

In the dining hall I found my seat next to Majesty, and next to her was Reina.. Which wasn't good, not at all. I had hoped to be able to avoid her, but it didn't seem that I'd be able to. On my left was some girl with red hair, lovely hair, really, but I didn't recognize her. I focused on being nice and friendly, staying in character, and all that, until the loud voice of the announcer made me jump. Apparently I was one of the favorites, which wasn't too surprising considering my profession, but it didn't mean anything. The favorites of the press and the public were far from always the ones who won.

I made sure to talk to both Majesty and the red-head, whose name apparently was Nikola, being nice and polite and making sure not to do anything that might make them dislike me, while glancing at they royal family from time to time. When the King finally stood up, marking that the dinner was over, I took the opportunity to watch them more closely.

"As you all know, the first round of elimination will begin in just a moment. Afterwards, we will give you ten minutes to call your families and talk. Remember, some of you will only spend one night here at the palace-it's too late to send you back tonight." Several of the girls looked shocked, or even afraid, and I made sure to widen my eyes a bit, but I knew well enough that I wouldn't get eliminated the first day, not if I didn't do some major mistake right before the elimination. "My son will tell us his plans for the elimination method," the King continued, gesturing at the Prince.

I watched him closely as he spoke, always acting like the perfect Prince, from his posture to the way he spoke. I couldn't quite tell the colour of his eyes from this distance, but they looked dark, matching his hair. If it came to that, we'd look quite good together. "Now, about the elimination. I will let you all sleep peacefully tonight, and you shall know in the morning which ones of you are still in the game. It will be simple, really, in the future - every day, I will choose a number of you who will go home, from none to however many of you will still be left. Each of you may ask me why I decided her to go or to stay; however, I keep the right to offer no explanation more than because I wanted to." I felt myself relax, even though I thought I hadn't been worried. A bit more time surely couldn't hurt..


Back in my room I struggled to fall asleep. The bed was comfortable, the pillows were nice, but I just couldn't. I have nothing to be worried about, just fall asleep. I told myself that again and again, but somehow I only managed to get more worried. I had sleeping pills with me, but I didn't really want to use them in case I had to wake up suddenly. I managed to make myself relax the only way I knew how to, by plotting my revenge. It always made me strangely calm and happy to picture Art as he was lynched by a crowd. Though I doubt it'll come to that.

When I heard it knock on the door I wasn't quite sure if I had managed to fall asleep or not, it didn't feel like it. The two - oh, wait, three - maids that I had sent away earlier came in and told me I needed to get up, the prince had requested us. I was more curious than surprised. He could tell us to do whatever he wanted, so why wouldn't he use that? I brushed my hair and pulled a white silk dressing-gown over the nightgown in the same material to cover myself up a bit. It didn't fit my image to walk around showing too much skin, and I was supposed to be self-conscious enough to think that the almost knee-length nightgown wasn't enough. I yawned before heading out into the corridor, following some of the other girls. Some of them had applied some makeup as quickly as they could, but I had guessed that it was better to let it be for now. This wasn't some official meeting but rather a whim of the prince, and he probably wanted us to be unprepared.

I almost laughed as Reina called him a sadist. You've obviously never met one. Sure, dragging us from our bed wasn't particularly nice, but he'd have to do much worse for me to see him as a sadist. I place myself next to Nikola again, as I found her non-obtrusive enough, feeling a bit amused as I see her fret, unable to even stand still.

"This, my ladies, is part one of your staying or leaving." I manage to keep myself from jumping this time, looking over at the prince. I was tired, and I hadn't payed enough attention to my surroundings. This wasn't good.

I'm supposed to be nice, I reminded myself and put a hand on Nikola's shoulder, squeezing it gently. "Are you alright?" I asked, making sure to keep my voice low, though I also wanted people to notice I was being kind. No point in being nice unless someone is there to see it.

"Yes, thank you. I just want to move." I found that rather odd, but didn't comment on it, instead my eyes went towards her clothes. Those shorts were a bit revealing, and nice as I was, I'd do something about it.

"Umm.." I started carefully before taking off the dressing-gown and handing it to her. "You might want to put something more on." This way I got to be nice and show my body a bit more, but I made sure to look slightly embarrassed about it, hugging myself as if I was cold.

She thanked me and put it on, though she didn't really look like she wanted or needed it. I turned my attention back to the Prince when she did, waiting to see if anyone were going to be eliminated now, or if he just wanted to have some fun.

"You're giving me too much credit. I really just wished to see what you all actually look like, under everything they put on you yesterday." I thought so. Good thing I didn't put on any makeup. "Now, as you know.." he said as he got up from the chair, "the outcome of this..selection..will pretty drastically affect my life as well as yours, and truth to be told.. I'm not exactly dying of desire to get married to a stranger either. But we are where we are, I suppose, and we might as well make a proper game out of it.." I sat down as he gestured for us to do so, frowning a bit at his words. What were you expecting? "You will divide yourselves into six groups of six now." Wait, what? "..now."

Somehow I managed to end up in the same group as both Majesty and Reina, both of which I had been trying to avoid, as well as a girl who looked far too headstrong and rebellious to make it especially far, and Basil. I liked Basil. She believed my act and she had a cute little sister.. But if either Majesty or Reina talked the other two would find out. I doubted that this would end well for me.

When we had settled down he went on explaining the rules of his little game, and I could feel myself pale. This wasn't good, at all. I had no idea what kind of girls I had ended up with, or how they would behave, and to think that I could do perfectly and still lose.. This isn't happening. I couldn't lose, not now. I had to win if I was to get my revenge, or even survive, for that matter.

I returned to my room as quickly as I could, not even having to pretend that I was upset. Putting my trust in others wasn't my thing, it never had been. I'll be damned if I let them mess up my plans. I'd have to keep my eyes on them all the time from now on, until the Prince decided that it was time for another game.

I tried to sleep, and actually managed to nod off a few times, but every time I woke up from the same nightmares, and knowing that those nightmares would come true if I didn't win just made the whole thing worse. I didn't know how long I tried to sleep, but eventually I gave up. I didn't want anymore nightmares, and I didn't want to have to think of the competition anymore.. The library is probably open.


I skimmed through the book, some fairytale about a troll and a fairy. It didn't help much to chase the memories from the dream away, but when I had reached the end of it my hands had finally stopped trembling, and I had started to calm down, slowly but surely. He won't scare me anymore.. I just have to win. I shut the book, careful not to make a sound, sighing. I was tired, but I didn't feel like going to bed again, but I couldn't focus on what I was reading either. I'll make him pay, for everything.

"Miss.. Tate?" The voice startled me and I quickly spun around in my seat to see the Prince looking back at me. He looked tired as well, his hair in a mess and his shirt unbuttoned. Oh, dear. He's almost handsome. But I couldn't let myself think like that. I had to win, and this was a good opportunity which I wasn't going to waste by appreciating the view too much. He stepped closer into the room. "Having troubles sleeping?"

I quickly got up, curtsying politely with a shy smile. "Your Highness." I made myself blush slightly, glancing up at his chest and then down again. "Yes, I had a nightmare." For once, the truth might do. Now I would just have to see if he preferred the act or the real me.

"Ah." He seemed somewhat lost in thoughts. "I'm sorry. I suppose it's strange to suddenly sleep in completely unfamiliar surroundings. Do you need anything? Better pillows?" He shrugged. "A book to read before going to sleep?"

I showed a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Your Highness, but the room is perfect." Maybe he'll find it interesting. "I have nightmares quite often, regardless of where I am." His lip was cut and slightly swollen, like he had been in a fight. I can use that. Too bad I didn't know whom he had been fighting with. "Are you alright, Your Highness?" I asked carefully, not wanting to upset him.

He nodded as his fingers touched his lip, turning and approaching a table by the window as I tugged the dressing-gown closer around me, aware that my nightgown wasn't the most appropriate thing to be wearing around him. "I'm fine, nothing to worry about," he shrugged it off and took a notebook from the table, leaning against the window and observing me. "Quite often?" He seemed curious, and more like wondering whether I'd talk about it than ordering me to do it. Who was it that called him a sadist? "How so?"

I made myself look slightly uncomfortable, as if trying to hide it but not completely managing to, as I look down on my hands for a moment. "As you might have heard, my parents died in a car crash when I was young." It was a nice little story that Art had come up with, very tragic and very convincing, and I made sure to put up a sad expression to go with it, but not too sad, since I wasn't supposed to remember much of my parents. "The images from that night come back when I close my eyes." I widened my eyes slightly, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'm probably boring you with my stories.. If there's anything I can do for you, Your Highness, just tell me." And I can do quite a lot.

His eyebrows raised. "You're not boring me, I asked." He smiled a little, but didn't seem particularly touched by my life story. All the others probably had their own sad stories to share. I'd have to work harder to make an impression. "Were you planning to go back to sleep now?" He glanced at the window. "There's still some time until the morning."

At least he's being nice. If I did manage to win, that was a good sign. "No, I doubt I can sleep anymore this night. If I try I'm afraid I'll just have another nightmare." I smiled hesitantly, taking a small step forward so that I'd stand in the dim light coming from the window. I wanted him to see me, after all. "If I may ask, is there something preventing you from sleeping, Your Highness?" I looked slightly afraid, like I was afraid I might've been too bold, and at the same time worried, like I actually cared.

"Mm." He looked like he was considering something. "My thoughts and troubles I wouldn't bore you with are keeping me up," he said then, before waving with his notebook. "I came to get this. Drawing tends to calm me down most of the time." He looked around, smiling slightly. "I'm now only faced with the choice of what to draw."

This was obviously where I was supposed to ask if he could draw me, but I hesitated. If he really was a sadist, or anything of the sort, he'd surely push this too far.. Which was kind of what I wanted, since it was what I had trained for, but I didn't quite want to do something like that so soon in the contest. "Well.." I started shyly, but with a slight smile. "You could draw me.. If you want to, Your Highness."

He observed me in silence for another moment, before nodding a bit. "It could be interesting.. take that off then, would you?" He gestured at me, not exactly specifying what that consists of in his eyes. Then he pushed himself up on the table behind him, wincing slightly as he did so, and sat with his back against the window and the notebook in his lap.

I took the dressing-gown off, making sure to look like I felt exposed in the nightgown, even though the white silk went almost all the way down to my knees, and it didn't show and cleavage. Any proper good little girl would be embarrassed, so I made sure to act like it. As I hung the dressing-gown over a chair I glanced up at him. "What do you want me to do, Your Highness?"

"You could drop the act, for one," he said, observing some pencil, and smirked as he looked at me again. "Also, sit over there and make some pose.. I'll let you decide which one, I take it you're used to posing for people anyway."

Surely he hadn't seen through my act? Two people in two days, I was better than that.. He might've just said it because he found me boring, but I still wasn't sure if I should drop it.. Not yet, anyway. But he'll probably find the real you more entertaining. "Was that a wild guess, or did you actually see through my act?" I asked and let myself smirk as I sat down on a chair, crossing my legs and putting an arm over the backrest. "Because if you did see through my act, I'm obviously not as great an actress as I thought I was."

He shrugged. "I would be more surprised if you weren't acting. Everyone here acts, and I suppose you and the other girls are taught to act as well.." He frowned slightly, seeming genuinely curious. This is working out rather well. "What's it like, were you trained all this time to be a person someone else thought I might like?"

"You've got it slightly wrong," I muttered, dropping my act completely. "I was trained to act like someone the public would love, and made to be someone that you would like." I straightened the hem of my nightgown and pulled a hand through my hair before returning to the same pose as before. "It wasn't exactly fun to be trained that way." I'm going to ruin him. "Are you really doing this to find your happily ever after, or are you just playing a game, Your Highness?"

"It's tradition." He didn't sound particularly happy about it. "My parents met the same way, and my father's parents.. that's how it goes, no one cares about happily ever after." He seemed to catch himself before saying something else. "I am playing a game, though. It's nothing but a game to me, I have nothing to lose." His eyes narrowed. "Unlike some of you, I suppose. What happens if you don't win?"

"Best case scenario, I'm killed and the press makes it out to be a tragic accident, but it's more likely that I get acid poured on my face and am then thrown out on the streets. As you might understand, this is a bit more than just a game to me." It was constantly in my nightmares, being blind and unable to talk, out on the streets again at anyone's mercy, or simply returning 'home' to see the furious look on Art's face. "If you would consider choosing me, I would make it worth it for you. I'm not saying that I'd make the perfect loving wife, because I wouldn't, but I'd be far more interesting than most of those other girls." I watches his face carefully, waiting to see if I had just made a huge mistake, or if he preferred me this way. I could act like a loving wife, no doubt about it, but I didn't think that was what he wanted.

He was silent for a long while, glancing back and forth between the notebook and me, frowning slightly. "Perfect loving wife.. I suppose that's just a legend for someone of my position. You are interesting, and I am considering it - but then again, I have no doubt every one of you has a story to tell, and I won't be making my decision just yet." He smiled slightly at some detail on the drawing. "How do you know life here would be better than all those alternatives? Do you even know anything about me?"

"I doubt you'll pour acid in my face," I mumbled. Whatever he did he could hardly be worse than Art. "But no, I don't know much about you, Your Highness. You could always tell me.. Or show me," I added with a small smile. "I'm ready to play any game you might come up with."

"You never know..I might as well." He took the paper out of his notebook. "I am very good with games, Miss Tate. You might end up regretting you ever said that." He smiled again. "Many have already."

I frowned. Trying to scare me? Good luck with that. "Try me." I looked at him almost as if daring him to, but wasn't quite sure I really wanted him to. He can't be worse than Art, I told myself, and I was pretty sure it was true. I'd never let anyone get under my skin like that bastard. "You might be surprised."

He slid down from the table, narrowing his eyes a bit as he approached me. "You're quite brave when you don't play the shy little girl.. unless this is an act as well, of course." He leaned closer, placing his hands on the armrests and meeting my eyes. The closer he got, the more green his eyes became, rather than the cold black colour they had before. "I don't know whom exactly you're afraid of out there, and I don't know what that person did, but if he or she was ordered to stop doing whatever it is they're doing, they'd have to adhere.. unlike myself. I can do whatever I want, you all signed that deal yourselves." He pulled away slightly. "Pouring acid on anyone's face is against the law, speaking of which. If you think this person would do that, and I suppose you have reason to, why didn't you inform anyone about it?" He didn't sound sorry or concerned - more like he almost didn't believe me, or was trying to find holes in my story, though at the same time he seemed just curious.

"Inform anyone?" I shook my head. What brilliant headlines that would've made, if I had even manage to get away from Art long enough to tell anyone. If I had tried to go to the press no one would've believed me. Everyone loved Art, he had spent a lifetime making sure of it. I had my fans, thanks to him, but they'd all quickly abandon me if they found out where I was really from, and who I really was. All Art had to do was tell them, and he'd once again be celebrated as a kind-hearted hero, this time for taking care of a sewer rat, one who even tried to frame him for something he couldn't possibly have done. "If I could've done that, I would have. I'm not an idiot, Your Highness." I didn't want to talk any more about this, about Art or about my past. He wouldn't like it, because why would a prince marry a girl from caste 8? I sat up straight, reaching out to gently touch the cut on his lip. "If you want to believe that this is an act, then you're free to do so. I could, after all, play whoever you'd want me to."

"I can hire actors to be whatever I want," he muttered, not pulling back. "I don't need to marry one. It's amusing to an extent, but it's not really interesting to be constantly surrounded by people who do nothing but what I tell them to do.. Granted, though, it's probably partly because I'm used to having that already." He smiled a different kind of smile, one seeming more sincere but also more sad, and handed me the drawing. "You can keep it. Or throw it away, whatever."

This was strange. I hadn't expected him to be so.. Nice. Though he might just be tricking me, for all I know. I took the drawing, smiling without having to force myself to when I looked at it. "This is really good.. Thank you, Your Highness." I looked up at him again, not dropping the smile as I made a quick decision, which I wished I had more time to think about. "Then I won't act when I'm alone with you. Is there anything else I should know?"

"You were a nice model, didn't move too much, but I'm glad you like it." He shrugged. "And that's good to know.. I'm fairly sure there is something else that you might need or want to know, but I suggest you rather ask directly if you have any questions."

I stood up, deciding to push my luck a bit, and put a hand on his chest, getting a bit closer as I looked up at him. "Alright. Is there anything you don't want me to do around you, as with the acting? And is there anything you do want me to do?"

"I don't want you to lie to me, whatever it is that I ask." His tone was amused, but his eyes didn't look happy. "As for what I want you to do.." He looked down on my hand for a moment. "Use imagination. I like to know I'm interacting with a person with a mind rather than some kind of a machine which does what I tell it to. There are rules to follow, yes, but other than that, I can be quite fond of surprises."

I chuckled. A person with a mind? ..Suit yourself. "No acting and no lies? You're taking all my best weapons from me." I did understand him though. He had probably been lied to most of his life.. And I still had one weapon left. I reached up, brushing my lips against his neck with a soft but teasing smile. "Might I tell you something personal, Your Highness?" He nodded silently, so I went on. "I'm all for getting to think for myself and act as I see fit, for once, but I figured you might want to know that I've been trained most of my life on how to please you.." I let my hand slide to the exposed skin on his chest, kissing his jaw rather slowly before pulling away to look him in the eyes, curious on his reaction.

He raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes? Out of curiosity, how did the person training you know anything about what would or wouldn't please me?"

"Well, I think he has met you on at least one occasion." I don't want to talk about him. "And he's a man, so he can't be too far of now, can he?" I didn't smile this time, but I wanted to. Not acting was harder than I thought, especially since I knew it'd hurt worse if I was sent home for being myself than for acting a part. I leaned closer to him again, kissing his neck at first, and then tracing it up to his ear, nibbling it playfully. "But do tell me if I'm doing something wrong," I said quietly, my lips still touching his ear. As long as he liked women, I was pretty sure I could please him.

"How far did that training of yours go?" He asked silently, almost sounding worried. "Not further than the rules, I'm sure, but I'm still curious." His hand slid up my back, pulling me a tad closer. "You know, I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to right now."

I let myself show a small smirk. Worried that someone spoiled the goods? "As far as it possibly could without breaking the rules," I said bluntly. I could be blaming you instead of Art, if I wanted to. "I will do what it takes to win, and I'm not afraid of sleeping with you." That might've been a bit too blunt. I was curious though, and I couldn't deny that even if I wanted to. "You may do whatever you want with me.." I brushed my lips against his, smiling a bit. "As long as you don't leave any marks on my face. I need it."

"Not afraid, I suppose that's as good as it gets." He shook his head slightly. "Sleeping with me won't automatically make you a winner, especially not right now." I knew that, but it was a good start. He hesitated for a second, looking at my lips rather than my eyes. "Between us, I never really liked the idea of this whole selection process.. I'm quite fond of having you all around, though, and I might as well take my time in deciding now that I have the opportunity." His smile seemed darker this time. "I suggest you make sure no one from your group makes a mistake, then, if you wish to stay longer than till the end of the week."

I frowned. I didn't like the fact that I'd have to depend on other people. "I will," I muttered. I wouldn't let anyone spoil my chances of the ultimate revenge that I had planned for so long. "I trust I haven't given you any reason to dismiss me quite yet?" His eyes lingered on my lips, so I left them slightly parted, remembering what Art told me about making sure they looked inviting. I'll destroy him.

"Mm, no, you haven't," he muttered, looking slightly puzzled. "If you're not into becoming the perfect loving wife, why do you want to become my princess? Just because you don't like the alternative, or do you actually have an idea about what you'd do if you achieved that?"

I looked away, quite sure he wouldn't approve of my reasons. I wasn't here for him, mean as that might be, I was here for myself, to make my life better. "'The alternative' being me dying in one gruesome way or another? No, I'm not too fond of the thought of that." I forced myself to look him in the eye again, still not sure how much I should tell him. I shouldn't push my luck. "I was perfectly satisfied with the career I had, and I wouldn't be here if I hand't been forced to, which I think is true for more girls than just myself.. But I also want revenge, and this is the only way I can get it." I said that last thing rather quietly, even though I didn't intend to lower my voice. Art had told me to make the Prince believe I adored him, and I was doing the complete opposite.

"What kind of revenge?" He looked as if it slipped his tongue. "I don't suppose he would approve of you telling me that, hm? Or is that a clever plan to get me feel sorry for you and choose you over the others?" His tone was more teasing than serious.

"You told me not to lie, so I stopped. I really didn't intend for you to find out," I muttered. "If I wanted to lie I would've said that I fell in love with you by watching you on tv, or something equally silly, not that I'm not even here for your sake." Yes, keep pointing that out. I'm sure he'll love it. "I want to make his every nightmare come true, meaning I'll destroy his reputation and his career.. I assume you know who I'm talking about." My voice was cold now, and my eyes probably were as well, but I didn't bother to change it. If acting like myself was good enough, then I'd do just that.. It felt almost relieving.

"Yes, I think I--" His voice got cut by the door opening, and he let his hand slide down from my back as the King walked in. He looked almost alarmingly serious, and I could feel that the Prince tensed slightly as their eyes met. "Father," he muttered, moving so he was standing between us. This is strange. Why was he acting protectively in front of his own father? "Good morning?"

The king smirked. He looked nothing like before; I remembered him smiling and looking much nicer back during the dinner, equally authoritative but much less scary. It was just me there, but shouldn't he still bother to keep up appearances? "You should both be in bed." He glanced to me and then back to his son. "I told you that already, why can't you ever listen? Don't you know what happens when you don't?" He stepped closer, and I had to resist the urge to take a step back. I had heard those words before. Not from the same person, but I knew well enough how to interpret them. "I know you do. And now you're making her disobey the rules as well?" His eyes turned to me.

I put up my act again, looking like a perfectly innocent girl, slightly shy but also kind and just brave enough to defend him. Why am I even doing this? It would be better for me to just stay out of the way. Like anyone who noticed did when Art was angry. "Your Highness, I'm afraid this is all my fault." I glanced at the Prince, looking slightly apologetic. "I had a nightmare and really wanted to talk to someone. When I saw the Prince I just couldn't make myself stop talking, and he was kind enough to listen." A bit over the top, but it'll have to do.

"I see." He made another step towards his son, though still looking at me. "You kids have no respect." He poked his son's side and a shadow of pain crossed the Prince's face for a second. You weren't in a fight.. You got beaten up. "You should be taught some."

He turned his attention to me once more, and the Prince's fingers curled around his wrist. "We're leaving in a moment," he said, looking up at the King with expressionless face. "We'll just put some books back in place, nice and tidy so it's all perfect when you come here again after breakfast." He let go of his hand as the King nodded a bit. "Then after we do that, we're going to bed, you won't see us again till lunch."

For a long moment, no one moved - then the King just turned and left the room without a word. The Prince kept looking in his direction, staying still and silent until we could no longer hear the echo of his footsteps. "Are you alright?" I asked carefully, walking around him so that I was standing in front of him again. "He hurt your side," I continued before he had time to answer. "Do you want me to take a look?" I wasn't a doctor, but I had had my share of bruises and broken bones to hide and take care of.

He looked paler than before, keeping his eyes on the door for a moment longer before turning to me again and shrugging. "I'll be fine, I think. It's nothing." He frowned slightly. "I'm sorry you encountered this..part of him. It's not nearly what my father is like most of the time."

"It's alright." I've seen worse. I wanted to ask more, but I didn't want to pry.. But then again, he wanted me to be honest with him when he asked questions, so shouldn't I be able to do the same? "Drunken rampages, drugs, personality disorders.. It really isn't anything new." I sighed, wanting to know more but stopping myself from asking and instead tugged a bit at his shirt. "Now stop trying to play brave and show me.. Your Highness," I added at the end. "Do tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that you're not going to show it to any doctor, so you should at least let me check if anything is broken."

"I know it is," he muttered, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt and raising an eyebrow. "There's nothing special the doctor could say or do which I don't already know about. Then he'd go and tell my parents in the morning and they'd feel bad and so on and so forth." His parents would feel bad? The King hadn't looked that drunk.. Actually, he had seemed quite sober. He made his voice sound nonchalant, like he was talking about any random daily event, but it was clear from his eyes that he was still upset. "Besides, you seem to be experienced in a lot of things, I can just let you take care of everything."

"I'm not as good as a doctor," I said with a slight sigh as I gently ran my fingers over his bruises, deciding I should check if they really were broken. It's not that easy to know. As I felt my way down along his ribs I could feel him tense, and when I found the rib that was broken he cringed. "..I don't even have any painkillers or bandages to do anything about it. Good news, only one is broken. Bad news, you shouldn't move around too much. What exactly is wrong with the King?" The last question kind of slipped out unintentionally. I had wanted to ask, but not quite so bluntly.

He frowned, but didn't look angry. "His dominant personality - this one - is a very good actor in public and doesn't care a bit to act when there's no one but family around. Or at least, it was like that so far, and I hope this was an..isolated incident." He glanced at the door again. "Most of the time, though, this one is asleep somewhere in his head, you don't need to worry." His voice turned colder, though his eyes still looked somewhat sad. "You can't tell anyone."

"I'm sorry.. Not that it means anything, but I am." This would surely be a deal breaker for some of the girls.. But if they found out he'd know I was the one to tell them, and gaining his trust would probably prove more efficient than getting a few of the girls to leave or act bad enough to be dismissed. "I won't," I promised, being sincere for a change. "And I'd appreciate if you kept my secrets to yourself as well."

For a moment, he looked like he was going to argue that - then he just nodded a bit. "If you wish.. it's not like I could really tell anyone anyway." He touched his ribs carefully and closed his eyes for a second. "Don't be sorry for me, it's nothing new or unusual. Just keep in mind my mother was in your place once, and that I wasn't lying when I said I was a good enough actor as well." He played with a button on his shirt and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that - it didn't quite come out right."

I smiled a bit and leaned forward to brush my lips against his again, curious on whether I could manage to lighten his mood. "It sounded like you were trying to scare me, but - with all due respect - you're really not that frightening, Your Highness. One could almost say," I flashed a teasing smile, "that you're a nice person." It wouldn't be entirely wrong if my possibly future husband knew something of what I had gone through, and vice versa. But it would be entirely wrong if I let myself be charmed by that fact.

He smirked, which probably meant that I did manage to cheer him up a bit. "Me, a nice person? Never." His smile widened a little. "I have no idea what time it is, but if you were planning to catch some more sleep before breakfast - or the breakfast itself - you might need to do it now." His tone was playful again, though he didn't quite look like he wanted me to leave. And why would I, when I have such an excellent opportunity?

I chuckled a bit at his joke. I almost wished that he was meaner. That'd make it easier to focus on my goal. "I doubt I'll be able to sleep now," I said with a wry smile. I wasn't even tired anymore. How could I be, after all that? "And I'm never especially hungry in the morning.. So maybe I could steal some more of your time?" There wasn't much else I could do for now, except maybe make him talk more, about himself or whatever might come to mind. Every second I spent with him was one that he couldn't spend with the other girls, after all.

"I surely would mind that," he said, glancing at the door again. "We'd perhaps need to go somewhere else, though..is there a place in the castle you'd particularly wish to visit?"

My smile widened. Suggesting his room is a bit too rash. "I don't know that much about the castle, but I heard that the view from the western tower is lovely."

"Oh yes, it is." His mood seemed to have lightened up quite a bit. "Especially at this time of day, before the sun is quite up yet." He lead us to the door and inclined his head a bit. "After you, my lady."
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:13 pm
kayfortnight says...


I look around the room for people I recognize. Basil, Majesty, and Reina, the only girls who I've talked to, are already in a group with three other girls from the "people's favorites" list. The remaining girls are quickly forming into more groups. I tap Nikola, the only other girl from the favorites slideshow and the only girl left I know, on the shoulder and ask,"Want to be in a group together?" She nods, probably as relieved as I to be saved from the awkwardness of last in a group, and I whisper, "Just like forming groups in class when you don't have any friends."

"Happen to you often?"

"You can't imagine." And she probably can't-sevens don't go to school. The pain of watching everyone join up with their friends while you just stand there, hoping someone will take you, until some nice kid finally waves you over, or even worse, the teacher makes a group take you. That in mind, I look around for any girls in my old situation and spot a brunette I don't remember seeing last night at the table and motion her over. "What's your name?"

"I'm Anna. Pleased to meet you."

"You too." The three of us join a trio of girls who look so similar I wondered if they were siblings, before dismissing that because it wouldn't be allowed.

Then the Prince announced the rules of his game, and I realized this was even more like school groups than I thought. Everybody fails if one person does bad work.

I whisper to the other girls, "Meet in my room when he dismisses us. We need to discuss a plan."
I ask my maids to leave the room, explaining I need to talk to some of the other girls privately. We can't take the risk they report to the Prince.

Sitting with my legs crossed on my bed, I tell the other girls, "This won't take long. We all need our sleep, after all. But I just wanted to say we need to work together for this, and we need to get to know each other. I don't know any of you well, and I'm assuming most of us don't know one another even a little. So I wanted to tell you all a bit about myself. I'm Muna Shelton, from Labrador, and of the third caste. My mom's a biologist and my dad's a vet, and ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to have a job like theirs. Even now, to a degree. I'm barely old enough for this Selection-turned sixteen about a week before, and my family has Hopi and Spanish heritage, so we never expected such an honor to come to us. I have a little brother I love very much named Hania who I'll do anything for, and an elder sister named Kayah who...doesn't like me. I'm hoping that whatever happens here, I still make friends that I'll have forever. So," I take a deep breath. "Who wants to be next?"

Anna asks, "Why are you trusting us? Couldn't we get you kicked out?"

I'm not trusting you. Not completely anyway. Kayah does far more than not like me. But I keep my thoughts to myself and say, "If one of us goes, we all go. That means we have to protect one another, and no one will protect someone they don't know. Watch how quickly the other girls will fall apart. Also, I trust the rules. 'If a contestant tells the Prince information that could lower another contestant in his eyes'. He can, hopefully will, dismiss for that."
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:57 pm
Pencil2paper says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry this took so long. Here it is (the first part anyway)!

Abeleen Grace Folly

"Goodbye Ryan, goodbye Danny and Sarah and Matt. Goodbye Chelsea. I'll miss you guys so much." I say, hugging everyone. These people were my family- not by blood of course, but something stronger. We were bonded by collusion, watching each others' backs, trying to survive. I would miss them dearly.

"Abel, don't go!" Danny cried, pulling at my shirtsleeve. He was the newest of the group, not even two.

"I have to, sweetie. I'll be back."

"Right." Ash said, a bitter tone poisoning his words. "You'll leave us. Who would blame you? We're a bunch of dirty eights, and now you're a three. Danny, she doesn't deserve a goodbye."

"Ash... I'm trying to help you. All of you. I'm going to be queen. I know that you can't become ones with me when that happens, but I'll do everything to help you."

"Goodbye Abel. Have fun playing princess."

He slammed the door behind me, leaving me alone to walk to the sendoff.

* * *

I'm the first one on the plane, no one there to escort me except for the person paid to help me carry my things- all of the girls have someone to help them from the palace. I sigh. I was hoping that he would have come around, that he would have at least come for Danny, so he could say goodbye. But Ash was probably already filling his head with lies about how he was never going to see me again, how I was leaving them for those people. Why couldn't he see that I was trying to help them?

With these thoughts rattling around inside my head, I sit patiently in the back. I don't even notice other people have arrived until we are already on the move, the engines warming up, speeding down the runway. I don't pay them any attention though, and neither do they me, except for a dismissive glance from one girl and a derisive snort from the other, who looks vaguely familiar.

I don't speak a single word on the plane ride.

* * *

I step outside the plane, the last person off, the people either loving or hating me. The upper castes roll thier eyes and hiss, sometimes even trying to throw things at me, like I'm a stray dog. It wasn't so different from home. But so many were cheering. People in rags that were so similar to those that I wore just yesterday. These were the sixes, the sevens and the eights, cheering for me. It was breathtaking.

"Miss," a timid little girl called behind me. "Thank you for being so brave. Will you help us when you're queen?"

"I'm not queen, sweetie. But if I can, I'll help you." I wiped a smudge of dirt off of her cheek, looking back at her family. I sighed, and looked back at her. "Someday, sweetie, you might be queen." With that, I walked away, into the limosene waiting for us. I turned back once, to smile at the little girl, but she had already been eaten up by the crowd.

I climb in and sit next to another girl, someone who, by the looks of her, is just a ferw steps above my caste. Maybe a six?

"Hi," I say, talking in a hushed tone (I don't want many people taking note of me yet.) "I'm Abel."

"Magdelena." she replied, beaming. "So are you the eight everyone's been talking about?"

"I guess. Are people talking about me?"

"Are you serious!?!" she squealed, "You're the first eight to make it to the Selection in years!"

"Yeah," I say, rubbing my arm, looking off to the side. I catch the other few girls, all upper caste, snickering at us. I pretend not to notice.

Thankfully, the car ride is quick,. and we are soon spilling out into the palace courtyard. Before I can even stand properly, I'm whisked away in a frenzy of activity, people coming and going, officials all over. I see the royal family in the crowd, a tight pack of gaurds surrounding them. I quickly move my hair in front of the right side of my face, a nervous habit. I don't want the first thing the prince remembers about me to be my scar.

We are guided on a tour of the castle, each room more extravagant than the last. With each passing second, I grow more and more infuriated. They wallow in decadence while Danny is back at home, hungry and cold. But I forget about all of that when I hear, over the din, the guide say, "Every level from three and above is off-limits." I know where I'm going to go exploring.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:49 am
EllaBliss says...


I roll over on my bed, awakening from my slumber. I look up at my maids.
"Wake up, milady," says Annie-Belle. I groan and put my head back down on my pillow. "Are you going to breakfast?"
"I guess I will, Annie," I sigh as I stand up, walking towards the closet. I choose a radiant green dress that has ribbons lining the neckline. My maids help me put it on, pulling it over my head. They tie a string of lace around my waist and refresh my makeup, and when they finish I walk out my door and down the hallway.


I enter the dining hall, taking my seat beside Reina. Eveleen isn't at breakfast today. I call a maid to serve me food. Soon my plate is piled with breakfast pastries and other fancy breakfast foods. I make sure to make conversation with Reina and the person who is sitting beside where Eve is supposed to sit. The girl on the opposite side of the table is making fun of me for my pajama choice last night. I silence her by saying that I was so tired my maids chose for me. The rest of breakfast passes by quickly.


I make my way back to my room, walking slowly, enjoying my surroundings. I stroll up the stairway of the western tower, singing a song my mother taught me. My astounding voice echoes through the tower, reaching every corner. I reach the top of the staircase. The prince is there with Eveleen. I look up at them, slightly startled by them being there and embarrassed for them hearing my singing. I move my hands over my face, but it doesn't help.
"Miss Rubyton." The Prince's lips curl into a smile. "Good morning. I hope you managed to catch some more sleep after I left?"
"Yes, your majesty," I look down. It feels weird calling him by my name, but it is a form of respect I guess. I look back up at his face, deep into his eyes.
"That's good to know," he says, leaning against the wall. "Unrelated, you have quite a lovely voice. I don't think I recognised the song, though."
"I think my mother wrote it herself, before she became a two. She was a five."
"Ah, I see. It's a nice song.." He turns to look through the window. "Have you been taking lessons, may I know, or is it just natural talent?"
"I haven't taken lessons." I sighed sadly. "I was trained in modelling since the second I was born into this world. Stupid, isn't it?
"It brought you to where you are now," he answers.
"I guess it did," I turn to look out the window as well. "But now I have no social life."
"Perhaps social life is overrated.. besides, if you don't like it, you can choose to act differently."
"After seventeen years of modelling, I find it very hard to do so."
He smirks. "Yes, I can imagine what that's like." He frowns slightly, his voice turning quieter. "After all, being raised in a castle is a sort of training in modelling as well.. almost."
"I agree," I nod a little bit. "There must be cameramen and reporters swarming you every day."
"Oh, yes.." He grins. "Not now, though. I'm starting to think keeping them away was one of the best choices I ever made."
"I agree. At home, I was swarmed by reporters. Not as much as you must be, though"
"I suppose so.. I've always had the priviledge of being able to tell them to leave me alone, though. When I was little enough for it to be more cute than rude, at least." He looks out of the window again, seeming amused.
"I wish that I would have been allowed to to that," I smile. "It's my job to answer them though."
"Mm well you won't need to worry about that for a while now." He smiles again, but there's something almost mean in his eyes. "You're all just mine for now, no matter how much the reporters would like to change that."
"Yes, thankfully," I chirp happily, my eyes glinting. I look into his eyes.
His words get cut by the door opening, letting a guard through.
"Your Highness, ladies. I apologise, my Prince, but your father wishes to see you. He said there is something important he wants to discuss with you."
The smile disappears from the Prince's lips and he glances at Eveleen before nodding slightly. "I see." He turns to us. "I'm sorry, Miss Rubyton, Miss Tate.. I'm afraid duty calls. I do hope to see you later."
"Goodbye, your majesty," I say, still looking into his eyes. Maybe I do love him.
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:01 am
Unbelievable says...

Ariel Morelle (Ari)
I woke up with a start. I heard something moving in the night outside my bedroom door. I got nervous the second I heard it, damn my stupid "super hearing". I got up and sneaked through my room, trying to be silent, and followed a dark figure to the library, but did not follow her in. If it's one thing that I know, it's spying. After a while of just watching Eveleen-One of the prettier ones- read a fairytale book, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. This is gonna be good, I thought. I ducked behind a fake flower, hoping he didn't spot me, and when it was clear he didn't, I went to spy on him.

After listening in on her crappy acting skills, the prince-who I never thought would get around to saying something about it- said something like, "Drop the act." And when she finally did, It was hard not to gasp. She was a little downer! She was also the most flirtatious person I've ever seen. But I had to admit, the prince looked gorgeous with his unbuttoned shirt, but his lip was cut, and he looked a little out of it.

Suddenly another set of steps came down heavier than any other down the hallway. I backed into the darkness, and once again, he didn't see me. When I looked again, I was staring at the King's back. Prince Claude's face was a ghostly pale white and he looked half dead and half frightened and alive. I knew that look. It was the one I wore...The one Sahara wore...the one Kalia didn't wear. I shook my head and payed attention. The king's booming voice was asking the Prince why he was up. The Prince and Abeleen gathered up some excuses, and the king turned to the door, and I stepped away just in time for him not to see me. Eveleen did some more flirting, kissing, touching, and then she and the Prince turned towards the door, I quickly stepped away and decided there was nothing more to see.

I quickly tip-toed away to my room, and when I opened the door, Reina was standing there, arms across her chest. She smiled a somewhat amused smile.

"What did you see? What did you find out? Tell me everything." She snickered.
Last edited by Unbelievable on Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:23 am
Genesis says...

Spoiler! :
Okay, since I joined late, this'll be a long post.

Nero "Jasmin" Ballard

"Not bad," my sister said as she looked me over.

I was wearing a dress that belong to my sister, a beautiful light blue dress that went down to my knees. My sister had picked this out for me with the little money we had, it was the most expensive thing we've ever had. Weeks of working and saving money, all for this dress to impress that pompous Prince and make me look more like a woman, more so than usual. I did feel beautiful, with all the make up and what not that was applied to my face, I felt weird, but I strangely liked it.

"How do I look?" I asked in my slightly high pitched voice.

"Like I'm looking in a mirror, I don't think anyone could tell the difference between me and you, now like see your inpersonation of me," she said.

I clear my throat, and adjusted the pitch of my voice, "I'm Jasmin, and I'm an aspiring Fashion Designer who also hopes to be chosen by the Prince to become his bride and Queen." Now I sounded like my sister! It was flawless.

"Perfect, practice does make perfect," she said as she nodded her head.

I smiled, all this preperation and now it was time to put it all to the test. I learned how to do my own make up, how to dress and act like a woman, how to talk like my sister. Now the guard was coming today for me, taking me to the castle, and to the man who ruined our mother and made us poor. Then there was a knock at the door and my sister turned to look, then back at me.

"Look alive," she said smiling bright.

My sister went to the old wooden door of our house, this house was slowly decaying, long before my mother even had us. It had been here for a very long time, she opens the door and there stands two guards dressed in their usual armor. "Jasmin Ballard?" the guard asks, "that's my sister, she's right over here," she says. "Please, come with us it is time for The Selection," the guard says. I go to them, and soon I'm escorted to the limousine sent for me, then taken to the airport where my plane awaits.

No seems to notice any difference in the disguise, anything masculine about me. Which was good, I was half worried that the disguise might not work, that they would somehow see though it even though it was nearly flawless. I didn't know any of the contestants, so I had no idea who I was going up against. But I shouldn't care, my mission, our mission, is to kill the King and cause a great "tragedy" at the castle. It may help me if I did play the Selection and eliminated other contestants to get closer to the Price who could get me closer to his father.

Yeah, that could work. Let's play The Selection.

-Present time in the Storybook-

I've had a lot of close calls so far, almost being discovered by the maids, the sudden call by the Prince for an early mourning meeting and then dividing us into groups. Things couldn't get anymore interesting than it already has, I was I've gotten plenty of time to learn of some of my opponents. But so far, I've kept to myself out of fear of being discovered because my voice cracks and returns to it's masculine form. Thankfully so cause now I had to take my chances and get close to Prince more than ever, how? I didn't know. Because so far, he hasn't taken any interest in me.

I soon find myself walking to breakfast, but not before hearing a voice behind me. "Excuse me, but I don't believe we've gotten a chance to talk yet,"

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Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:24 pm
TickSeed says...


As our maids get us ready for breakfast, I listen to what Ariel had seen and heard that night. The description of Eveleen’s seduction made my eye roll right up into my skull. The fact that the prince had been able to see though her act wasn’t especially notable. Takes an actor to see an actor.

“Hmp. Figures, I call her out and I get a glare plus a cold shoulder. HE calls her out and gets the royal treatment.” I say sitting down so a maid can braid my hair. Ari grins at me.

“Well he IS a royal, of course he’d get the royal treatment.” she snickers as a brush is pulled through her hair. I just laugh along, and finish getting ready. We walk through the hallways together, I make the observation that almost all the girls have at least one person to chat with. It seems splitting us up into groups has had the desired effect. Humans are pack animals after all, too much time alone can drive them crazy.

I was explaining this to Ari when a flash of red caught my eye. At first glance I thought it was Nikola, but the red was less flame, and more blood. I hadn’t seen her before, granted there were a lot of girls but I had tried to carefully observe most of them. It would have been the second person I had overlooked, besides the brunette in Nikola’s group that appeared out of no where last night.

Usually, I would’ve taken a more energetic approach to the red head, but I was so fascinated by her hair it was almost like a trance. I drifted away from Ari towards the mysterious girl, mostly I just want to reach out and see if the hair is solid or liquid like the blood it shares a color with. Ari catches up with me before I can, poking me hard in the back. It makes me regain enough of my wits, so instead I call out-

"Excuse me, but I don't believe we've gotten a chance to talk yet." The girl turns around eyeing me a little suspiciously. Though, that’s how everyone’s looked at me since I got here.”My name is Reina, but you can call me Rei. This is Ari.” I say meeting the girl’s eyes. They’re dark, far darker than even mine. She stares at me for a long while, probably deciding whether it’d be worth it to be friendly or not. I feel myself squirm and redden under the attention. So I do what I always do when I feel uncomfortable.

Something stupid.

“IS THAT YOUR REAL HAIR COLOR?” I blurt. The girl looks taken aback, Ari tried her best to hold in her laughter. Giggles still escaping through her fingers. I just cover my face with my hands. I hear a different snicker a second later. I look up, the red head’s eyes looking down at me, the venom from before is gone, replaced with a slight smile. She reaches her hand out requesting me to shake. I oblige.

“Yes it is.” She says very quietly. “I’m Jasmine.”

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Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:11 am
Unbelievable says...

I spilled everything about what I had seen, and then shut my mouth tightly. Why was I entrusting Reina with this? What if she twisted it around to make me the bad guy, for spying? As I thought more of why I was being so foolish she had a thoughtful look on her face, and then she looked at me.

"What do you plan to do with this information?" she asked me.

I was silent as I thought. "We shall not tell anyone...yet..."

A confused expression swiftly brushed across Reina's features.

"Let me explain myself before you make assumptions!" I snapped, then lowered my head. Reina was being nice to me, I need to try to be nice back, no matter my past.

"What I'm trying to say is," I said with a softened tone, "Eveleen is in our group, If she betrays the Prince's trust, we betray it. We need to wait until Prince Claude gives up this group game, then we shall go to the press,"

"But how?! We can't go to the press unless we have permission, and if we sneak-"

I took a rude, loud deep breath when Reina interrupted to show her my frustration.

"Oh, sorry, go on," She almost whispered.

"We shall sneak, for I am good at it, and I shall teach you." I replied.

"Why would you know how to sneak? You had no need for sneaking as a maid, as I thought..." Rei blurted out.

This is going to be an interesting pair. I thought to myself. "No need for you to know." I muttered. "Let's sleep a little more. We have an hour till everyone gets up, three hours till breakfast."

It was 5:00 am, and I knew we shouldn't discuss anything more for people might over hear. I lay back down in my bed, and bit my lip. Being friends with someone is going to be hard, and my first instinct was to shut up and shut down, but I knew I needed Reina, for what ever reason.

I went to sleep with that thought.


I woke up to Rei shaking me. "Get up Ariii! It's time to dress!" I shot up in my bed, and my maids came in, with my styling crew.

"Oh, great." I whispered under my breath.

"Hello Ariel, Reina," The leader of my Stylist crew, Cassandra, nodded her head in both our directions, and my maids curtseyed.

I looked at Reina and realized she was already dressed.

"Guess it's time to get pretty...See you later Reina." I said, and followed my styling crew into the room where the mirrors and dressing racks and rooms were. I sat down and let them mess with my hair, and to my satisfaction, left down.

They said I may check out my new dresses and pick one I liked. I walked nervously over to the rack, and realized the dresses were more my style, more boyish.

I picked one with long sleeves that was brown and white, and when I looked in the mirror, I again gasped, for the dress brought out my busty breasts to define them, and it made my hips stick out, to a point were they weren't wide, but still curvy. I looked sexy. If this didn't turn a man's head then a whores dress was to be considered regular clothing.

I came out to see Reina standing outside my dressing room. And as much as she tried to hide it, I saw jealousy come across her features. Then she smiled,

"You look beautiful!" she exclaimed. She grabed my arm and pulled me along, and as we were walking quietly down the hallway Rei started drifting away. I poked her hard in the back and she finally came to sense of herself.

"Excuse me, but I don't believe we've gotten a chance to talk yet." The girl turns around eyeing her a little suspiciously.

”My name is Reina, but you can call me Rei. This is Ari.” she says, bringing me into the conversation. She stares at me and Rei for a long time, probably deciding whether we were playing her or not. The silence becomes long and awkward, before all of a sudden Reina blurts out, “IS THAT YOUR REAL HAIR COLOR?”

The girl looks taken aback, And I try to hold in a strange sound that was trying to escape my lips. Weird girggling noises come from my lips and my cheeks redden, what the heck was going on? I just cover my face with my hands. I hear a different snicker, then realize it's coming through the girls mouth. She wasn't staring at us anymore, and the hard line her mouth had made was replaced with a slight smile. She reaches her hand to shake Reina's hand, and then mine, but I just stare at it, and after a second she lets it drop.

“Yes it is.” She says very quietly. “I’m Jasmine.”

her dress: Image

(Ignore the dude,)
Last edited by Unbelievable on Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:47 am
EllaBliss says...


The prince leaves. I realize that I was going to my room before I came up here. Why did I take the detour? I think about it as I walk down the staircase and to my room but I can't think up an answer. I enter the room and dismiss my maids. I face my mirror. Is he interested? I pace the room, thinking. I look at my bookshelf. A science textbook, a book about mythology... nothing interesting. I take the book on mythology and sit.

I read the book all the way through, finishing just in time for dinner. I press a button and wait a few minutes for my maids to enter the room. They choose a sleeveless dress with an empire waistline with a ribbon sewn very tight around it, a puffy skirt, and a knee-length hemline. They lift it over my head and pull it down over my body, making sure that it fits. They fix a few unwanted ruffles and send me off to dinner.

I take my seat at dinner, taking a quick, darting glance at the prince. He smiles and we make eye contact. I look away, moving my shoulder forward slightly before dropping it. I look down and flutter my eyelashes a little bit. I push my tongue against the skin under my bottom teeth, opening my mouth a little bit. I move my fingers through my hair, stopping at the nape of my neck. Then I trail my fingers back and forth across my collarbone. I continue serving myself dinner off of the many platters on the table. I make conversation with both Eveleen and Reina during dinner. I eat the food and then head back down the hallway. Instead of going to my room, I head up the west tower. It is my new favorite place.
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:09 am
Sunshine says...

Time skip and collaboration!


I was a tad bit frustrated. I was a four in a land of sevens and otherwise worker-folk; I was so used to the advantage. I'd been here all of three days, and I hadn't met the Prince.

Majesty- who I’ve sort of decided I don’t like- was almost always talking about him. Evelyn, who I did like, never said a word, but got a weird look on her face whenever he was mentioned. I like games, and I am a part of a big one; and it feels as though I have been given faulty cards.

I ask Rose, I figured might know, who is managing to plait my hair back. “How would I get in contact with the Prince? He always seems so surrounded by girls, and I hardly want to push through them.”

Rose thinks, pulling my hair around my head. “Put a letter under his door? Just a suggestion.”

It seemed like a good enough idea. His room corridors were supposed to be off-limits, but I had spent many years sneaking around beyond my bed time on a farm. I was sneaky enough, after tip toeing around farm equipment. I snuck a note under his door.

Game Date? –Basil Barie, four, the hallway with everybody else.To my joy, I get a reply a mere four hours later. All it says is sure, written in fancy enough script that I have to believe it is his.

And this is how I am wandering the entire castle premises. I’ve already explored it, of course, as a second day activity of adventure, and seeing all the basics again is rather boring. I don’t know what else to do, so I dart in and out of halls and rooms and towers. One tower, in particular, held Majesty and a rude red-head who I’ve since decided that I really, really do not like. I wander the halls until Daisy comes across me and shoves me back into my room.

I’m rather disappointed in the prince, feeling as though I am just another game piece to be overplayed. Daisy and Rose curl my hair and braid flowers into another part, shoving me into a tulle green dress with red embroidery of flowers across the bodice.

We gather for Dinner, a short affair, where the prince is nowhere to be found. Everyone is talking about the dance; but I feel bad for the Prince, with obligations to dance with us all.

The Ballroom is done up beautifully, and they have an small orchestra with violins. I spend most of the first half of the dance eating from the food table and trying to convince Muna, who I definitely like, to dance with me. She tells me it’s ridiculous to dance with another girl when we were supposed to be feminine, but all the guards and the prince twirling with a handful of girls make the ballroom look empty with full edges.

I had finally forced Muna onto the floor to dance with me (it'll be fun, I swear) when I saw him. He was there, at the table lined with food for the girls to eat while the Prince was otherwise occupied. I think back to the scene earlier, with the two girls in the tower, and feel myself frowning at him from paces away.

"Basil, are you okay?" Muna asks.

"Huh? Oh, fine?" I continue to sway with Muna- neither of us are partcularly good dancers- until the violinists plucks that last string. "Excuse me."

I make my way to the food table, and lean across the no-bake cookies, staring at him. "You missed our Scrabble date." I feel fearless, though I am well aware that I shouldn't be; he's the Prince! I just don't like being stood up, forced to run around a castle I'd already explored; even by His Royal Highness.

He looks almost startled as he looks up, before smiling a quick smile. "Ah.. I'm sorry, Miss Barie. It must have slipped my mind.. what can I do to apologize?"

I like that he knows my last name, at least, but he seems... he seems so over-exhaustingly princey. Talking to him was like talking to one of those storybook princes; perfection and hyperbole all wrapped into one. I didn't believe he was like that; not after hearing his game plans.

"Would you like to go outside?"

"Outside?" He raises his eyebrow, glancing at the dancers before looking back at me. "Why not..lead the way."

This, for every reason, makes me happy. I take his hand instead of his arm, pulling him to where I smelled the air; the balacony. It is dissapointingly low, offering a bare view of the forrest beyond. I let go of his hands and look towards the trees. They remind me of home, as we have the same type, and my childhood looking up into them and climbing as far as my legs would go.

I look over to the Prince, thinking of something. "Sir?"

"Miss Barie?"

"Have you ever climbed a tree?"

His eyes dart towards the higher branches, and he nods a bit as he looks back down at me. "Mm.. Believe it or not, between giving interviews and choosing expensive clothes, I actually like having fun."

This, too, makes my heart beat faster; not from any romantic feeling or anything stupid like that. I'm excited. I look up at him and grin, plot forming in my brain until it is ready to dance out my ears.

I, in a fancy dress- still on the shorter side, thank goodness for my 'cuteness'- throw a leg over the railing. It doesn't take long for me to land on the ground, throwing off the heeled dress shoes.

I yell back up to him, "Are you coming?"

He shakes his head slightly, though still smiling, before jumping down next to me. "You know, this isn't very maybe-future-princess-like of you."

I don't have time to pause and be insulted. "I came here for an adventure, sir, and acting like a future princess before even getting to know the Prince seems not only presumptous, but a tad bit boring."

I don't really wait for his reply, instead grabbing his hand and running. The cool soil feels good underneath my bare feet, the way it should be. After a short while, I stop, suddenly halting before a beautiful specimen in the yard.

"This one looks nice!"

Again, before he can answer (I feel as though I am afraid he will ruin the excitement by turning into Mr.Princey-Face again if I let him), I bring my hand up to the nearest branch, and heave my body upwards. I suddenly remember that I am wearing a dress that he could clearly see up if he tried, and blush before pulling up again, trying to regain myself. I hear him climbing up behind me

I attempt to be clever, though it may be completely out of rank. "Eyes front, sir!

"My eyes are always front!"

I think of my reply and is admittedly attractive posture. "Mine aren't."

He coughs behind me, and I giggle. We climb higher and higher until the leaves thin and I can see the unsturdy branches of the top of the tree.

"We should stop here."

"Fine by me."

I sit on the branch I am nearest to, making room for the Prince to sit nearest to the trunk, as is safer. The view up here is much prettier than the balcony, and I sit in silence and enjoy it. The castle looks a tad bit smaller from up here, a bit more managable and humane.

"Do you let anyone call you by your first name?"

"He leaned against the tree, frowning slightly at the castle. "No one really calls me by my first name.. some relatives, perhaps, but that's rare. My parents and my best friend use nicknames - everyone else goes with some variation of title."

I feel very close to him, in more ways than one. We watch the lights of the castle, and I can hear the faint music. "Can I? Call you Claude, I mean. Not a nickname, not a royalty. Though, occasionally, 'sir'. I like calling you sir."

He's silent for a while, strangely serious again as his eyes wander over the castle's windows. "You may call me by name if you wish, yes.. I don't really care. It is also the name of a few men in my family before me, though, so try not to when my father is around, it might get confusing. Potentially amusing, though. " He looks at me again. "Do you prefer your name over 'Miss Barie'? I make sure to keep track of this in my mind, and try not to squee with this piece of him.

"Oh, yes! Please call me Basil. I'm so tired of 'Miss Barie'. It doesn't really seem like me. I'm the daughter of a farmer, not a Palace Guard." I think back to some of the other girls, the already prim and fancy ones, raised to be so. Majesty and Eveleen already seemed like 'Miss'. "Besides, it feels like I'm getting scolded all the time, like an old teacher who always think you're the bad kid."

He grins. "Basil it is, then...and we might need to return before someone starts thinking we got kidnapped."

My heart hurts at the thought, but smiles at the use of my name. "Yeah, I suppose. You have many more girls to dance with, but you no longer owe me one. You first, Claude."

He smiles. "Why don't you go. Just remember to keep your eyes front."

I blush, and begin to scrabble nervously down the tree; getting down is so much harder than getting up. The lights of the ballroom, dancing on the grass, no longer seems as beautiful, just a destroyer of it.
Last edited by Sunshine on Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:47 am
EllaBliss says...

Another girl comes into the tower. I turn to see who it is. It is a girl with blood red hair whom I go not recognise from the television. She doesn't seem to be a favorite either. "Hello, I'm Majesty," I say to her. I give her a serious look. This is my favorite place, and it's now spoiled.
"Jasmin, nice to meet you," she replies. Her voice cracks a little.
"Jasmin. That is a nice name. Nice to meet you," I hold out my hand to shake hers.
"Same goes for Majesty, it would be a little weird if you were crowned Queen, then everyone would refer to you as Queen Majesty," she smiles. I smile fakely back.
"That's why I usually like people to refer to me as May, but that's okay."
"I see, I've been wandering the castle for some time now, trying to find someplace with a view."
"Well, you've come to the right place," I sigh.
"Something wrong?"
"Nothing, really," I smile, pretending to be happy and cheerful again.
"Ah, well I hope you don't mind for a conversation and giving your thoughts on the Prince,"
"Not at all! He's a wonderful person. This is the place where I first met him alone. Well, other than Eveleen. She was there," I smile for real this time.
"You sound lovestruck if you were to ask me, I personally have yet to have a personal meeting with him yet," she says before coming to the window beside me.
"Well, we are here to compete to marry him."
"Marry, I honestly don't see myself marrying him, I don't know what he sees in me besides another pretty face," she says. She sound distraught as she looks to her left.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, it's just my stupid sister asked me to do this for her."
"Ah, really? What is her name?"
"...Kira, she's a year younger than me."
"It would be nice to have a younger sister."
"Nice? then it goes tos how you must be the youngest or have no siblings. They can be a pain in the neck sometimes," she groans. She is stil looking slightly to the left.
"How so?"
"Steals your clothes for her dumb boyfriend," she says. her voice becomes sounding more manly. "While I'm out working my ass off doing what I can to provide for her and her schooling after Mom died."
"You don't sound well," I say. She clears her throat.
"I'm, I'm fine, something must have got into my throat," she says back in a female voice.
"Are you sure you don't need to be brought to the hospital wing?"
"Yes, I'm sure," she says. I'm not so sure though. That voice sounded clearly manlike. Basil bursts into the room, flinging the door. Me and Jasmin look over to her, surprised. Basil's face turns bright red.
"Hello? I was looking for the prince," she says.
"Whatever for," I say. It is against selection rules to appoint your own appointments with him but I do not point that out.
"I... Well, he had said up a board game date with me after a bit of bugging. He's nowhere around, though! I feel like I've searched everywhere!"
"Well, have you checked his room?"
"I thought we weren't supposed to go in there?"
"Oh, right. Third floor is off limits. I completely forgot."
"Way to lie, all contestants know better than to come up here," Jasmin cuts in.
"What about you, Jasmin?"
"Me? I'm looking for a certain room," she replies.
"Which room," I ask her. She may or may ot be lying.
"The King stole something of my Mother's so now I'll steal something of his," she says.
"And how do you plan to do that without us telling him?"
"Guys! Should I be going," says Basil.
"No, it's fine," I reply to her. Jasmin looks to me with an evil look.
"There are several ways into this Castle, are you sure you want to take your chance and talk with me not coming back?"
"Oh, I wasn't saying I WOULD tell, but what would happen if someone did tell?"
"I dunno, I would like to know crocodiles maybe," she says with an evil grin.
"Crocodiles? There are none around this area," I roll my eyes. Basil looks between me and Jasmin, eyes darting nervously. She leaves the room as quick as she came.
At the dance, I sway around with the crowd of potential princesses. I scan the crowd for the prince but can't find him. I look over to the snack bar. He's with Basil! I keep swaying with the crowd. Let him come to me, eh?
After a while, the prince is back in my view. He seems to be in good mood as he comes back inside, running his fingers through his hair before nodding to the girls and exchanging a few words with some of them. I look him in the eyes, then look away shyly. I move my shoulder forward slightly then let it drop, by instinct. I look down slightly and flutter my eyelashes, slowly running my hands through my hair. Am I a naturally shy person? Maybe. He makes his way over to me. My hand stops at the nape of my neck, then trailing my fingers back an forth across my collarbone. I place my tongue against the skin below my bottom teeth, then look back into his eyes. He looks into mine as well. He smiles as he steps closer to me. "Hello. Having fun," he asks me.
"Oh, indeed I am! What about you?"
"Fun is such a relative term," he mutters. "I do admit I'm quite amazed by how much effort they put in making this hall so..sparkly, for the lack of better word. It's been a while since we'd had a proper dance in here."
"Ah. I see. Well, ah, may I have this dance," I ask, curtsying and holding out my hand.
"I'd be delighted," he replies. We pull eachother into a tango and dance through the room. Some other girls whom stared at us when I and the others were announced favourites were staring at me with envy. They think I have already won his heart. Maybe I have.
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:18 pm
kayfortnight says...


I'm dressed in an elegant lacy navy dress that many girls in my province would kill to touch, let alone wear. But I don't feel beautiful. I feel like every girl here can see it in my slightly sweaty palms, my too quick, too shallow breathing, and the glances I keep shooting at Basil. I've done it again. Fallen in love with the wrong person.

She approaches and asks, "Would you like to dance with me? The floor looks so empty!"

I jerk out of my reverie and stare at her, wondering if she figured it out. "Um...isn't it a bad idea to dance with another girl when we're supposed to be acting all feminine and standing here demurely waiting for our Prince?" I'm not allowed to fall in love with you. I can't.

She grins and grabs my hand. "It'll be fun, I swear." I can only follow as she pulls me towards the dance floor, and despite my misgivings, I find myself smiling as we step and twirl. Basil looks distracted, though.

I ask her, "Basil, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, fine?" When the music stops, she says, "Excuse me," and heads on over to the Prince. I sigh and head back over to the wall.

If I tell her I love her, and she doesn't love me back, she can use that relationship to destroy the Prince's view of me-and with it doom Hania. If she does love me back, it isn't much better-I have no future after the Selection if I don't get chosen, considering Kayah's hold over my life, and I'm sure Basil has a strong motive to be chosen as well, whatever it may be.
At least it's not as bad as the first time.

I waited at the meeting-place for hours for her. but Lizzie never came. Staring miserably at the book in my arms I was teaching her to read with, I wondered if the kiss I gave her had scared her away. It couldn't be that; after all, she had kissed me back.

I heard the snapping of a twig in the woods nearby, and turned and called, "Lizzie? Is that you?"

Then my sister came in view and I anxiously backed up a step. "Kayah? What are you doing here?"

"Making sure my sister doesn't go down the wrong path. If you continued on with the little weasel, everybody in the province would know you were so low as to kiss a seven. You do realize if you married, you'd both become sevens? A drop so low would disgrace our family so much, and even if you didn't marry the weasels, nobody above a seven would take you. So I had to nip your little romance in the bud."

"What did you do to her>"

"Oh, the weasel isn't dead, if that's what you're worried about, although she will be if you go near her again. She's recovering from her wounds with her family. Now, come on, little Muna, before you catch your death of cold." Her eyes were dancing at the game she played. "Oh, wait, that's supposed to be a mother's line. But there's no way your mother will ever tell you that."

That was two years ago, and the only time I ever saw Lizzie after that was in the crowd when I was announced as going to the Selection. The scars on her face matched some of my own in less visible places from Kayah's knife.

Basil reenters the room, hand in hand with the Prince. She notices the look on my face and asks, "Are you okay?"

I smile sadly. "Better than expected." Which, if not quite the answer she was looking for, is the truth.
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:39 pm
Auxiira says...

Spoiler! :
I'm sorry this took so long... >.>


As all the girls filtered back to their bedrooms in the groups the Prince made us get into, I wondered what I could tell. There was nothing really yet, so I'd wait. Maybe tomorrow. A girl in my group suggested we all go to her room. All I wanted to do was see the gardens, but I knew that I had to go. I couldn't make friends, but knowing people who could discover what I was really here for was important. Mainly so I knew who to get rid of when the time came.

In her rooms, the girl went on about her life, then let everyone prattle on about theirs until it came to me. By then I was desperate to get out. I needed to move, needed to be out of this stone cage they had put us in.

"I don't have much to say. The press didn't miss much about me. I was a gardener here until I was chosen. That's about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving." I stood up and left, not bothering to look back.

I stopped at the guarded glass door and finally managed to get into the gardens. They were beautiful, but I already knew that. I helped with their upkeep, after all. I couldn't help but smile as I looked around. I wasn't just a gardener because it was low profile and got me into the castle walls, but also because I truly did love it. It gave me a break from all the talk of revolution and Change that filled the air at home. I frowned, blocking the thoughts from my head and stretching. This garden was huge, even bigger than the maize field at home that we ran in, but I knew my way around it perfectly. I bounced on my feet twice before starting of under the moonlight.

~next day~

After a copious breakfast, I went exploring, trying to work out where what I was here could be. I had to come to the conclusion that it wasn't on the floor that I was allowed to look on, but I was dragged to the Ladies' Room to be made up again but my stylists, who managed to fit me into a slinky dress that just made me feel exposed. I just watched the whole ball, not even wanting to be there. I didn't want to dance with anyone, not the prince, not any of the girls. I wanted to be back home, or in the gardens, anywhere else but this sparkling world which wasn't my own. Stick with it, Nikola. You're a Rebel, you've known since day one here that your life isn't your own. You're here for a reason, and you can't run away.

Once we were allowed to leave, after dinner, I hurried up to my rooms, scavening a bit of paper and pen before sitting at a table. I had been taught to write by my brother, but I still found it hard. My tongue poked out of the side of my mouth as I scrawled: Nothing found yet useful for Rebels. I frowned at the paper before standing back up and going out to the gardens, hoping that last night's permission still stood. Apparently it did. I clutched the paper in my hand as I went to the place I had told Dad I would be hiding the paper and slid it under the rock, glancing around before doing so. No one had come to the gardens, even though they were beautiful. It was good for me though. I glanced at the rock before hurrying back to my rooms.

I shooed my maids away and found a new t-shirt and shorts combo to sleep in. I was about to go to bed when a knock on my door stopped me. I frowned, going over and opening it. A tall, blood-red haired girl stood in the doorway. I let my puzzles frown stay.

"Hello? I don't believe we've met..." We probably had though, at least in passing. "I'm Nikola. You are...?"

"I'm Jasmin, I found something that I believe belongs to you." A flash of cold fire burnt through me. Had she found the note? She barged past me into my rooms, closing the door begin her.. "Here have a seat, it's best we talk with no one to listen in on our conversation." They're always listening, I thought as see say down at the table. I didn't take a seat, too on edge."

"Something of mine? In this palace? I sincerely doubt it. Though it must be important if you're being so intrusive about it." I glared at her without really meaning to. "So what is it you found?"

She pulled a crumpled piece of paper from her bodice and showed it to me. It was the note. She knows. The fact didn't come as a shock, more as a blow to my ego. I had been so sure of myself, and now... "I'm sure this is enough evidence to have you eliminated from The Selection, if I was to show it to the Prince." I started forwards and clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Give that here and shut up." I hissed in her ear before snatching the note from her outstretched hand. "I think the rooms are bugged. I really quite like being alive." It didn't matter that I was telling her this if she was going to snitch, but I felt it was important for some reason.

"Then I do believe we both have secrets." I blinked, startled. Her - or his - voice had been deep, and very... Manly. I looked her up and down once, before letting a slow smile creep across my face. He was dressing as a girl.
"I think this is a first for the Selection." I let go of him, leaning back against the table. "I won't tell if you don't." If he had let me know that he was only acting as a girl, then it was for a reason. I wanted to know.

His voice was a girl's again when he replied. "I do believe we have an agreement. We may stand on different ends, but I do believe our goals are simular. Am I wrong?"

"Not really, though we have different ways of getting there. Our plans of attack are a bit more general, I believe." I almost bit my tongue as I finished talking. Think before you speak, you idiot.

He reached into his sleeve and took out a dagger. I watched it carefully. "So your only looking to help the King by easing him of his worries?"

"Oh no, we do intend to replace him, just everything else as well." I glanced around the room, suddenly wanting to know if there were any bugs, and exactly where they were so that I could destroy them. "I did say something about the rooms, didn't I?" I was reminding myself as much as I was him.

"As long as I get to "help" the King," he put dagger to his throat and pretended to cut his throat, "I won't be in the way." I liked the way this guy acted. He was more interesting than the Rebel boys, always talking about attacks, and I wanted to know his story.

I nodded, not dropping the smile. "That's fine. However, please leave my possesions next time. I'll find them quickly enough." And I don't want you to be hurt by anyone of mine because of it. The thought startled me slightly before I dismissed it. It was nothing.

"As you wish, and if you ever need anything, you know who to find." He winked, then left my chambers. I could feel a slight flush on my cheeks, but stuck it on the indignation of being found out. I clutched the paper in my hand before shaking my head. I couldn't well go out again, the guard would start getting suspicious. I glanced at the door before climbing into bed and curling up, hugging my knees close.

Spoiler! :
No one except Nero/Jasmin will know about the note, will have seen her place it, or seen Nero find it. Please.
Once again, I'm sorry for how long it took.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:41 am
kat13254 says...

Spoiler! :
I'm just trying to catch up.

Walking towards the plane was horrible. I hated attention. I may be a model but I hate the attention. I also don't like
modeling nor attention. I'm sort of an anti-social model who hides by her self daily. I'm trying to hurry on the the airplane while
not drawing attention to myself at the same time. All these other girls are beautiful, while look at me. Others may belive that i'm
beautiful but I really dont like myself or my apperence.
When I get on the plane I try to distance myself from all the other girls. I never had any friend nor did I want any. I've
always felf very nervous around anyone new so this is terrible. I will just smile and wave. A trick I have been perfecting for ages.
I guess while n the plane I fell asleep because I had a dream about winning the selection and marrying the prince even though
I had no intentions to. When I woke up we were just about there and as I wanted to still had no friends.
When we entered the palace it was make-up time. This may be worst than the plane ride, I hated make-up more than friends.
Even after years of treatment my long blue hair does not get along well with anything to do with hair, hair brushes, curling irons,
straighteners, et cetera. When I was done my hair was curled with a cute little heart charm pinning back my uncurled bangs. They took
me into a room filled with dresses. A light blue dress catches my eye, at least light blue goes with my dark blue hair. I change into
the dress and get my photo taken. I dont like it but after the years i'm use to it.
After they tell me to go to the dining hall for dinner. When I sit down a tv goes on and I jump. "HHEELLOO IILLLEEEEEAAAA!"
I can't see who's saying it becaause i'm not looking."Everyone's favourite ladies include Eveleen Tate, the shy, talented actor from
Denbeigh; Reina Kinlan, the grandchild of a former candidate from Sota; Majesty Rubyton, the beautiful star model from Clermont;
Nikola Frey, the palace garden worker from Whites; Muna Shelton, the daughter of famous biologist from Labrador; Ariel Morrelle,
the maid from Dakota; Basil Barie, the girl with the different colored eyes from Angeles; And, surprisingly, Abeleen Grace Folly,
the untouchable from Belcourt." While i'm eating the food is great but it's different from home. I tone out for whatever happens
next. I really don't want to be here. But I am here and I can't leave now. I guess I will try to win.
I couldn't sleep all night. When my maids wake my up at 3:47 I am still wearing my nightgown. It is knee lenght pale pink
with pink ruffles. I really don't like it but I had to do things I dont like before. When i'm down in the hall I don't hear anything
the prince says because I finally fell asleep. Well I didn't really fall asleep I just was in my own little world blocking anything
and everything out. I'm thinking this is going to be a long competition. Then I get awoken by a sudden announcement, we are all being
put in groups. Great, groups of six, fantastic. Well, I better make the best of it, i'm in a group with Muna, Nikola, and a few others
that I really don't care about.
Mew ฅ(⌯͒• ɪ •⌯͒)ฅ❣

It is only a novel... or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language
— Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey