
Young Writers Society

Insane Sanity *Second Try* (STARTING SOON!)

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:21 pm
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thelostone says...


After breakfast, I wandered throughout the halls trying to find something to do. I ended up going back to the room I share with Gus. She wasn't there, not that I expected her to be. She's always around Liam, like he's her life line or something. When she does talk, I feel like I'm talking more to Liam than I am to her.

I sprawled out on my bed and stared at the white ceiling. What would it be like to be home? Could I even go home?

I shook those ridiculous questions out of my head and sat up.

Go look through Gus's stuff again, Keaton. I'm sure she has another pretty item to add to the pile.

I squeezed my eyes closed and ran outside. I can't take any more of her things. They're hers and they should stay that way. I felt the anxiety and need to take something build up inside of me. I quickly bolted down the hallway. I need to find something to do. I need to get my mind off of things.

I kept running until I found myself in Skizzy and Stephan's room.

"Hey guys." I panted.

"Oy." Stephan nodded and Skizzy smiled.

I bent over to catch my breath and my gaze rested on Stephan's belt buckle.

Take it, Keaton. You know you want it. Look at how it reflects the light, it would be a great addition. Surely he won't miss it. Take it.

I shoved my fingernails into my mouth and bit down hard. "Stephan, please tell me a story." I begged. Maybe his tales will settle my urges.

"Why ye wantin' a fairytale, Keaton?" He asked.

"Are you okay?" Skiz's eyebrows furrowed together and I could tell he was trying to read my emotions.

Look, Keaton. Skiz's journal is right there on the desk. Take it. It's probably filled with writings. Take it right now.

No. Not his journal. I can't. I won't.


"Yeah, no, I'm fine!" I said, a little too cheerfully. I wandered over to the desk and turned around, grabbing the journal and hiding it behind my back. "Actually, I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll see you around."

I scurried out of the room, journal in my hand. I bolted into my room and closed the door behind me. I glanced at the small black book in my hand and suddenly I felt sick. What have I done?

Put it in the pile, Keaton. It's yours now.

"NO!" I screamed and threw the journal across the room. Angry, confused tears streamed down my face. Why am I like this? Why can't I change? My body was soon overcome by thundering sobs. I felt my face puff up beneath the tears.With my vision blurred, I scribbled down a note and picked up the journal. I sprinted back to Skiz and Stephan's room before I could change my mind. I placed the journal and the note on the floor in front of their door. I knocked three times and sprinted back down the hall.

To Skizzy,
I'm sorry I took this. It wasn't my fault. Hide it from me so I know it's safe.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:06 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
I stood when someone knocked on the door I opened it and found Skizzy's journal on the ground in front of me. I picked it up and handed it to him. "Oy Skizzy take this." I said handing it to him. He looked confused and I smirked. "C'mon laddie." I said and dropped it into his hands. I pulled out a book I'd swiped from the library it was full of stories. I'd read it thousands of times. I found a pencil. 'To Keaton, from one kleptomaniac to another. If ye ever need a tale open this book. - Stephan.' I walked to her room and knocked on it leaving the book on the ground. I turned and walked back to mine and Skizzy's room. I had no idea why my kleptomania was less extreme then Keaton's it just was.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:27 pm
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Sonder says...

Liam Chase

She's freaking out again. I puff out my cheeks in frustration. Why does this always happen? It's not that hard, it's just a stupid book! I grab a random fantasy off the shelf and shove it in her hands. I really just want to smack her over the head, wake her up a bit, but that would ruin my reputation.
"Read this one." I snarl, and stalk away to a corner, leaving her sniffling by the bookshelf. I feel nothing about leaving Gus alone with her problems. Why should I? They're her issues, she shouldn't need me to deal with them.
I slouch in a chair. I've had it with this place. Nothing I do is appreciated, not for real. If I accomplish anything impressive, I get a pat on the back like a good dog I am, a crazy dog. I'm never taken seriously. I'll show them.
Gus' whimpers are getting on my nerves. I breathe deeply three times (I seem to need to do that a lot lately) and place my book carefully to the side. I approach her with my head lowered. I need to look apologetic, even though I'm not. I shouldn't need to apologize, but Nurse May -that wretched woman- says that that is what I need to do more often. I can't understand her logic. If I don't feel sorry, why should I say it? It will make people think I care. But then I figure, I lie all the time, what's one more to my sins?
Gus' eyes dart from my face to her book to the chair beside mine. I can tell what she needs help with. I realize that my hands are in tight fists, and relax my fingers.
"I'm really sorry, Gus. I didn't mean to sound mad. Forgive me?" I say in a soft, grossly humble voice.
Her shoulders relax the tiniest bit.
"Y-Yeah. Yeah."
I jerk my head toward the book in her hand.
"Is that book okay?"
She looks at the book clutched in her pale hands. She ducks her head into a nod.
I smile, and take her hand to guide her to the chair beside mine in the corner. She sits down with a sigh of relief, gives me a hesitant smile.
"Thanks, Liam."
I shrug and fall into my chair, grabbing the book on mechanics from the side table.
"No problem."
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:01 pm
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tgirly says...


I stare at the tray with its half eaten line of eggs now cold. So unfinished, just begging, demanding me to go, sit back down, and finish the task began.

"Oh come on you, I don't have time for your OCD!" Mercy teases. I look at her, then back at the tray, struggling to move forward. Wasting food isn't the same here. My life doesn't depend on swallowing every last bit of nutrition I can get my hands on; I can afford to leave it behind. This is what I tell myself, but I don't even listen to me.

I'm fighting this losing battle with a stupid line of eggs, when suddenly Mercy's there, popping up between my arms, sending the tray falling into the trash. So close I could hug her, kiss her. And I want to. Is that a new compulsion? Kissing anyone who gets within six inches of me? Or is it just Mercy? I stare at her- my brain for once turned off. I can't do anything but stare at the ice in her eyes and form invisible words I don't even understand. The spell is broken when she speaks.

"I like to generally think I'm the least insane person here," she says. I laugh.

"You're probably correct," I say. She doesn't belong here. She's too brilliant to be crazy. I drop my hands, sticking them in my pockets, and look away.

I wish I could take her hand, but she's still wearing that insane straight jacket and I don't know if I'd have the guts to anyways. So we walk side by side to the library, my arm brushing against hers every once in awhile.

Liam and Gus are in the library, nestled in a corner as always, as close as a boy and his shadow can be. One formed by the other, one barely noting the others' existence. They sit side by side, silent as statues but for their eyes skimming pages and the occasional page turn.

Mercy and I begin meandering the too-familiar lanes of the shelves staying close.

"Is it hard to read with that thing on?" I ask, "I could read to you if you like?" I wonder if she notices how I shuffle my feet to always end on the right- I hope not; it's embarrassing.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:47 am
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Sassafras says...


"My question to ye lad. Are ye alright? How are the meds working for ye?"

"I'm getting better," he automatically replied.


He knew the routine by now. He'd been in the hospital all of his life, he'd learned that if somebody asked him if he was okay, he'd have to say 'Yes', no matter what, even if he wasn't much better than when he first came in as a kid. Well, he didn't have murderous thoughts anymore like he did when he was younger, but the voices were still loud, the nightmares were still horrible, his arms were still scarred and bleeding, and he still sometimes thought about killing himself. He ran a hand over his new bandages absently and sighed. The voices said a lot of things, but they were right about a lot of those things, and one of them was that Skizzy was lying.

He took a deep breath and turned towards Stephan, his bottom lip already gnawed and raw from being grind between his teeth. If he could tell anybody, he could tell Stephan.


"Hey guys!"

Skizzy backed away quickly and put his hands in his lap, the one that was under Stephan's was still warm.


"Stephan, please tell me a story."

"Why ye wantin' a fairytale, Keaton?"

"Are you okay," Skizzy added, worried about the way she was acting.

She wandered around their room, looking frantic, before hurrying back to the door.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine! Actually, I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll see you around."

She ran out of the door and back down the hall. Stephan laughed lowly and turned to Skizzy.

"Weird, eh? So, what were ye saying?"

Skizzy shook his head and stood up from the bed.

"Nothing. I wasn't... saying anything."

'Liar liar liar liar liar liar liar!'

"Let's just go to the Lounge, okay? Can we go?"

"Yeah, sure."

A knocking came on the door and Stephan went to answer it while Skizzy searched for his journal. His favorite place to write was the Lounge, but he couldn't seem to find it.

"Oy Skizzy take this."

Stephan handed Skiz his journal and, though Skizzy was smiling, he was confused. But he wouldn't dwell on it too much. Stephan left the room but when he came back they headed out towards the Lounge, but first, Skizzy had to take his second dose of medication, which was rushed over to him by a very frazzled Nurse May.

"Here you go, sweetheart."

"You look horrible, Ms. May."

She laughed and brushed stray strands of hair out of her face.

"I'm fine. Things are just a bit hectic right now. I'm not supposed to be telling you this but... nevermind. Things will be just dandy in a little bit. Bye boys!"

Skizzy swallowed his medicine and looked over to Stephan.

"I have a bad feeling..."

August Drenn

Gus tried to focus on the words on the page, but she couldn't put the blurring letters into the meanings they were meant to convey. She couldn't focus. She couldn't bring her eyes to stop jetting back and forth across the pages. She couldn't make out what was happening in the story. She couldn't breathe. Quickly, she cut her vision towards Liam in the seat next to her, and saw that he was reading peacefully in his chair. She couldn't bother him again. She knew that she made him angry, that she frustrated him, no matter how he tried to cover it up. Once you spend as long as she did following somebody around, you learned their ways, and he wasn't tricking her. But still...

She felt her hands begin to shake as she held the book and her breathing grew steadily deeper and deeper with each breath until she felt that she must have been panting. She hadn't been telling the full truth during her sessions with her doctor. They'd ask her how she felt about her progress, she'd lie about how she was feeling better, because telling the truth came with too many complications, and telling them she thought that she was getting worse came paired with so many possible outcomes and possible courses of actions that just thinking about it made her...

Gus froze in her seat. Her eyes widened and everything was thrown into super-focus. If she told them she was getting worse they might move her to a different wing of the hospital, intensive care, they might tie her up like Mercy, change her medicine, take away her privileges, move her to a different hospital, and if she went to a different hospital she'd have to meet new people, new nurses, no Liam, no Bradley, no May, nobody to help her... August stifled back a sob and felt her stomach clench as if she was going to be sick.

'Breathe, breathe, breathe...'

August screwed her eyes shut in concentration before gasping in a huge intake of air, like someone who was about to drown just breaking the surface of water. She panted out loudly and held a fragile hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart.


"Sorry," she squeaked out as she wrapped her arms around herself, letting her book fall to the floor. "I... I don't think I want to read right now. I'll just sit here."

She let her head fall back on the wall behind them and focused on her breathing, and the sound of Liam flipping pages. A hand went into her pocket and pulled out the Queen piece. She rolled it between her fingers as she felt fatigue slowly take over her. Last night was starting to catch up to her, and a nap sounded like a good idea. She was just drifting off when a loud, piercing wail rung through the whole hospital.

A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:49 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
"So do I lad." I replied to Skizzy. "But what exactly?" He asked and I shrugged just as an alarm went off. "ALL PATIENTS RETURN TO YOUR ROOMS AT ONCE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" I looked up at the loudspeaker and then around. No nurses, no doctors, just us. My face split into a grin I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible this was the chance we all had. "OY. LADIES AND GENTS GET YOUR FINE ARSES OUT HERE!" I shouted as loud as I could. Suddenly a hand touched mine and I looked over to see Skizzy standing next to me looking nervous and actually a bit afraid. I squeezed his hand gently. "It'll be alright Skizzy. I'm not going anywhere." I said gently as everyone started pouring out into the hallway. "W-what's going on?" Lilah asked seriously nervous her paranoia acting up. RJ was just shaking like crazy. "This my friends is a jailbreak. This is a chance for freedom for all of us." I said looking at all of them. I glanced at Mercy. "No more staightjackets." I added addressing Mercy directly.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:23 pm
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Pencil2paper says...


Midway through my book- Little Brother by Cory Doctorow (someone who actually understands about them) - I was interrupted by a crackling of the loudspeaker. "ALL PATIENTS RETURN TO YOUR ROOMS AT ONCE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" I looked up from my book to find the room empty, as I had known it was for some time. Sure, there were a few patients like me. No guards or nurses in sight. I sat there for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do. On one hand, we really could be in danger. On the other hand, this is my chance to escape from them. But then I heard I looked up at the loudspeaker and then around. No nurses, no doctors, just us. I could escape. But if I tried and failed, they'd be onto me. And I did not want that. The last thing I needed was more tainted meds. Sure, I might need some help, but I can't trust them. If I had some proper, non-tainted meds, sure I'd take them. Maybe if I get out, I can get some real help.

As I'm about to get up, to try to walk out the front door, I hear a voice down the hall, coming from the Lounge. "OY. LADIES AND GENTS GET YOUR FINE ARSES OUT HERE!" Stephen. I didn't really like him all that much, I didn't really trust him, but he'd think something was up if I didn't cooperate. I could always ditch him later. Now the only question is, do I bring my book? I love the book, but there's always the possibility that there's a tracker chip in there, transmitting its location. They had those in Little Brother. Oh, well, I think, setting the book on the table.

I rush over to the lounge, hesitant but excited nonetheless. Skizzy, Stephen and the others-or most of them anyway- are already there.

I first catch sight of Stephen and Skizzy, Stephen looking half-crazed, Skizzy petrified. RJ was there too, looking even more shaken than Skizzy. "W-what's happening?" I ask, nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Why can't you just get a hold of yourself for once? I ask myself angrily.

"This my friends is a jailbreak. This is a chance for freedom for all of us." said Stephen, glancing around the room. "No more staightjackets." He added, pointedly looking at Mercy. This was a really bad idea, I think. Can I even trust these people. No. You can't you can't trust anyone, Lilah. You let the only person you could ever trust die. But there's no turning back now. It's out of the pot and into the fire with me.
Spoiler! :
I'll probably edit this a bit later tonight. Nothing major though.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:00 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Anastasia Staine
I stared at Stephan my eyes wide. "You're kidding aren't you?" I asked him my voice shaking. He met my eyes his own serious. "No I'm not. 'Stasia its a chance for you to get the hell out of here for all of us to! Please." He said his tone pleading. I looked over at Lilah and then hesitated for a bit. I touched her shoulder she flinched."Are you in this to?" I asked her quietly. She looked at me terrified. "Please I need my roomie." I said smiling at her. She nodded and I smiled again. "Alright people time to grab your things and get moving who knows how long we have." Stephan added taking the position of leader easily still holding Skizzy's hand lightly.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:40 pm
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thelostone says...


A small knock on my door made my hand jump up to my cheeks and wipe my tears. I opened the door, expecting Gus, and found no one. I was closing the door when I saw a book on the ground. I stooped to pick it up and smiled when I saw Stephan's note. I quickly hurried back into my room and put the note in my drawer. I sat on my bed and ran my hand over the worn cover.

The Brothers Grimm

I flipped it over and read the contents. The book was filled with fairy tales. Rapunzel, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, and so many more. I've heard of some of them but I've never actually read any of them. Mom died before she could read them to me.

Suddenly the sirens wailed and the speakers in our room crackled to life. "ALL PATIENTS RETURN TO YOUR ROOMS AT ONCE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"

I took a deep breath and continued looking at my book. Whatever it was, I'm sure it will be handled.

Soon there was another knock on my door, this one more urgent than the last.

I answered it and found RJ. I've seen him around before. He's very nice and pretty cute, but we haven't really talked much. I'll be shocked if he knows my name.

"Uh, hey." I said slightly confused. "Shouldn't you be in your room? Did you hear the alarm?"

He looked up at me and froze. Something was wrong.

I glanced down and realized it was my shirt. It was a bright shade of red.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I gasped, running into the bathroom. "Hold on a sec, I'll change." I pulled on a plain black shirt and stumbled out of the bathroom. "Did you, uh, need something?"

His shoulders relaxed a little when he saw that the red was gone. He ran his fingers through his brown hair and said, "We're leaving."

"Are you serious?" I laughed dryly. "Who? To where? Right now?"

"You know," He mumbled. "Anastasia, Stephan, Skizzy, even Lilah."

"Wow." I whispered, still trying to wrap my head around the concept of leaving. Where would I go? I can't go home. This is my home. It's been my home for a couple years now.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"RJ, I don't have anywhere to go!" I protested.

"Please, Keaton?"

The sound of my name coming out of his mouth made me blush a little. He did know my name.

"I-I-" I stuttered and wrapped my arms around my book.

"Come on. They aren't going to wait for us." He grabbed my wrist and tugged me down the hall. I had to jog to keep up with him.

"RJ, stop!" I cried, pulling my wrist out of his grasp. "I can't do this. I don't have anywhere to go. I need to be here. At least here I know I won't get in major trouble. I don't know if you've noticed, but I can't stop taking things." My voice cracked when I mentioned my illness. "It's too dangerous, I don't trust myself. I can't."
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:30 pm
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Sonder says...

Liam Chase

I have just found what I'd been looking for; weapons made of scraps. My mind whirrs with the possibilities, the carnage I could create with one of these. Only problem, where to find the scraps? I mull over the book, the musty paper smell calming me, when I am startled by the screeching of a loud speaker.
Gus jerks up next to me, eyes wide, breathing hard. I blink once, then leap to my feet.
Return to my room? Why in bloody-ness would I ever do that? A grin quirks the edges of my mouth. This could be it. I could...I could...I can't finish the thought. It's too perfect. If it really is an emergency, all the security's power will be focused elsewhere! Not on me, not on us. Us. When have I started thinking like that? It's always been me, no one else. I don't need to care about reputation anymore.
I hop on the balls of my feet, warming up. I'm ready to run as fast as I can to the exit when I hear a small voice.
I grimace. I slowly turn. Gus is sitting petrified in her seat, book clutched tightly in her hands. Her knuckles are white. My grin reaches full extent, whether it is for malice or an actual emotion, I don't know.
"See ya, Gus."
I turn on my heel and rush away. Just as I leave the library entrance, I notice Creed and Mercy in a different section together, staring after me in confusion. I pause. I don't know what comes over me. I point in Gus' direction for them to see, then give a jaunty two-fingered salute. I continue out the exit and on my way to my escape.
I rush down the corridor of rooms, one of which was the cell that has held me captive for seven years. Once I get out the corridor, I'll reach the exit, and after that...
I lick my lips in anticipation and focus on running. My footfalls echo loudly, my heart thumping in my chest.
I realize too late that there is a large group of the others crowding the hallway, just as I turn the corner. I run smack into a girl's back, and stumble to my hands and knees. The girl, who I realize is Keaton, cries out and falls too. We lay in a tangle of arms and legs on the tile floor.
"WHY DO YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME?!" RJ screams, jumping away skittishly.
I snarl and scramble back to my feet, not bothering to help Keaton up.
"Get out of my way, freaks!" I yell at the throng of people blocking the hall. "I've gotta get out of here, and I'm not letting you stop me!"
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:50 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Anastasia Staine
I rounded on Liam feeling beyond angry. "Shut the hell up you deluded ireless fuck! Self-serving prick! We're in this together whether you like it or not jackwad!" I shouted at him glaring at him. "Excuse me?" He said his voice deadly soft. "Liam where are you going? You have nowhere." I said smiling at him. He froze and glared at me. "Gotcha pretty boy." I replied. "Now everyone please listen to me." I said stepping to the front of the group. 'They're staring at your stomach Anastasia. LIttle fatty!' Ana teased and I crossed my arms over my stomach. "My parents have a vacation house in town. I know where the spare keys are." I said.
"Brilliant as always 'Stasia!" Stephan said. "Shall we?" I asked smirking at Liam still.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:40 am
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KingLucifer says...

Mercy Rasalondo - Library to Warden's office.

"Is it hard to read with that thing on?" Creed asked, "I could read to you if you like?"

I smiled at the thought of spending more time with him, reading to me, but I shock my head. "No thanks, they let me read in my cell," I said.


The sirans have sounded, guards were scattering, I looked at Creed who looked alarmed, but not panicked. I decided to do as I was told, no reason for me to do anything but Liam seemed to have an idea, and by looking at him, I knew what he was thinking.

"See ya Gus," I barely heard.

Liam stormed out of the library, I looked at Creed and it was just as easy to read him as it was Liam. But I began to think to myself, I don't need to escape, the police have to eventually let me go and I would be free again by the end of the month. I turned and moved past him, going to the door and then realize I couldn't open it with my straight jacket on.

"Creed, a little help please?" I asked nicely.

He smiled a bit, and then walked over to me and opened the door. I walked though and turned and saw him following me. Possibly going back to his room as well, "hey, I need your help to do something could you?" I asked.

"Uhh sure, I guess, but I should really be getting back to my room," he said.

"Fine, I'll only be a few minutes, promise," I quickly said.

"Lead the way," he said.

I move quickly heading down the hall I had to find the Warden's Office. I knew exactly where it was, closest to the exits farthest from the cells, the Warden was a coward like that. It took me a few minutes to get to the Office, having to go down twisting and turning white tiled hallways. Until I finally got to a room labeled "Warden's Office" Creed remained behind me he opened the door for me and let me in.

"Alright, now I need you to undo my straitjacket so I can use the Warden's Computer," I said.

Creed didn't hesitate he quickly and skillfully undoes the straps until my arms were finally freed from the jacket. I threw the jacket onto a free seat and moved to the computer, the Warden was reading a letter and the subject was on me, but only a few lines caught my eye out of the entire letter.

By order of Superintendent Walus Stoddard, Mercy Rasalondo is to remain in Mercy Hospital for the remainder of her life. She has all the reason to have murdered Mr. Greg Bloomingberg, though no evidence can prove she has done it, she is the only one with enough reason to have killed Mr. Greg Bloomingberg.

"I'm the only one with enough reason to want that bastard dead?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

My sudden anger seemed to startle Creed as he looked like I just seen a ghost. I looked up at him and quickly left the computer and walked around the desk making for the door. "Let's go Creed, we got to find the others," I said.

"Wait, ain't we going back to our cells?" he asked.

"Creed, I can't, I got to find this Superintendent and deal with him. I'm not about to spend the rest of my life in the crazy house." I said.

"Wait what?!" he asked but I didn't answer.

I ran out the door and immediately into the others, Stephan seemed to be giving a speech. Then glanced at me, "no more straitjackets," he said.

Then Liam came around the corner, smashing headlong into Rummage with him screaming, "WHY DO YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME?!"

"Get out of my way, freaks!" he yelled back scrambling back to his feet. "I've gotta get out of here, and I'm not letting you stop me!"

Then Ana came around, looking rather angry. "Shut the hell up you deluded ireless fuck! Self-serving prick! We're in this together whether you like it or not jackwad!"

"Excuse me?" he said his voice very soft, he was getting ready to kill her.

"Liam where are you going? You have nowhere." she said, unaware of his dangerous tone. He responded glaring at her with angry eyes.

"Gotcha pretty boy." she replied. "Now everyone please listen to me!" she said specking up suddenly crossing her arms over her stomach.

"My parents have a vacation house in town. I know where the spare keys are." she said.

"Brilliant as always 'Stasia!" Stephan said. "Shall we?" she asked smirking at Liam.

I could use a place to stay, looks like I'll be using Ana for however long it takes me. Creed, how long would he follow me though?
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:40 am
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tgirly says...

Rummage Jacobs

"ALL PATIENTS RETURN TO YOUR ROOMS AT ONCE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" I bolt from the room immediately. They're probably planning to gas the rooms or something- maybe the entire wing, seeing as they've deserted it.

A group starts to form in the hallway. I hate groups. They're okay at breakfast, where I can see them all and hear their chairs squeak against the tile when the get up. Not in a mass of chaos like this. It'd be so easy for someone to split my throat without anyone noticing; not that any would care.

Keaton's missing. I slip away and head to her room. She's a nice one. She probably doesn’t know I exist, but I’d still hate for her to get gassed.

"Uh, hey," she says, staring at me like I'm insane, which I am, of course, "shouldn't you be in your room?" Whatever she says next is lost. So much red. I close my eyes to avoid it, but that's worse. Red everywhere, dripping slowly from a knife I'd used to spread peanut butter on bread a hundred times. In that one moment, it had transformed into the stuff of nightmares. I open my eyes again to escape the red. I pray I won’t be sick.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” she says and rushes off to the bathroom to change. I feel too ill to worry about her grabbing a hair dryer to try to shock me, or a toe nail clipper to snip my fingers off with, and she’s back. I stare at the merciful blackness of her new shirt, fighting to calm down

“Do you, uh, need something?” she asks. I take a breath, my heart beat slowing down and push my fingers through my hair as if to rid it of all thought of the color.

“We’re leaving!” I say. She’s surprised at first, the thought foreign.

"RJ, I don't have anywhere to go!" she says finally, lighting upon the real reason for her hesitance. Or at least one of them.

"Please, Keaton?" I ask. I didn’t mean to sound like I was begging, it’d just be nice to have her there. I feel like she’s the one least likely to murder me in my sleep. Maybe that’s a bad thing- maybe she’s the one who’s really going to do me in then. I hope not- she gets so guilty about stealing, I’d hate to think what she’d do if she had the death of someone, even me, over her head. She stutters, unsure. I begin to worry the group will leave without us, not noticing her absence in the chaos and glad to be rid of me.

"Come on. They aren't going to wait for us,” I say, tugging her towards the hall.

"RJ, stop!" she shouts, pulling away. "I can't do this. I don't have anywhere to go. I need to be here. At least here I know I won't get in major trouble. I don't know if you've noticed, but I can't stop taking things. It's too dangerous, I don't trust myself. I can't." This is why I trusted her more than the others- she so easily admitted her faults. It’s hard to be paranoid of someone who tells you they’re going to steal from you. It was almost like she was paranoid of herself.

“If you take anything important, you can always give it back,” I say, “it’s not like a life that way. It’d be nice if you came with. Sometimes I- I don’t think you want me dead all the time.” I wasn’t eloquent like Stephan. So I add a ‘pleeeeease.’ She’s hesitant for a second.

“This is your only chance to go. You can always come back. If it gets bad, I promise I’ll come back with you.” I don’t have anyone else to stick with; might as well stick with her.

She’s still reluctant, but she comes.

I’m bowled over suddenly. Is this really what death really looks like? I’m disappointed- wait, that’s the ceiling.

“WHY DO YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME?” I screech. No one answers.

Creed Mathison

I yell to Gus to go find Stephan or someone and they’ll help her figure out what she wants to do, then hurry after Mercy, getting the door for her and following her to a part of the hospital that’s not exactly off limits for us patients, just deeply discouraged. Calm and determined, she heads straight for the Warden’s Office. I wait outside the door to watch for the return of the guards. She slips inside.

"I'm the only one with enough reason to want that bastard dead?!" The outburst surprises me, but before I can ask, she’s continued on.

“Let’s go, Creed. We’ve got to find the others.”

“Well, ain’t we going back to our cells?” I ask. My hands tremble at the thought of being on the streets again. It’s hard, being homeless. There’s no structure to it, no security, no safety. No right is right and wrong is wrong, no two plus two equals four and if you come here, you’ll find food and if you go there, that’ll be your room where you can keep stuff and no one’ll touch it- unless of course Keaton stops by. Life here’s simple, easy to figure out. It’s a compulsion in itself. I complain about it a lot, but in reality, I need this place.

"Creed, I can't, I got to find this Superintendent and deal with him. I'm not about to spend the rest of my life in the crazy house.”

“Wait what?” Now she’s talking about dealing with someone. I can’t do this, I can’t do this. But I can’t stay here without her, and she’s already on her way.

I follow to where the group is congregating.

There’s a squabble going on, so I duck into my room and grab the first items I lay my hands on; a book on mathematical theory, a bouncy ball, a broken watch I’d fished out of a dumpster, a stocking cap Nurse May crocheted for my sixteenth birthday. I’m still not wearing shoes, but it can’t be helped now. No time.

Stasia offers up a vacation home. Everyone agrees it’s a good idea. The gravity of the situation is starting to sink in; people grow more serious, eyebrows knitting together, hands fluttering about uneasily. Few are prepared for this, which strikes me as odd. Did they really all plan to die here? Did I plan to die here? Mercy sure didn't.

I find Mercy again in the crowd. Straight jacket’s off. Her hand’s right there, ready for the holding. She might as well have a straight jacket on; my nerves forsake me. My hand’s trembling too much anyways.

The door’s locked, the only way to open with a keypad, but the nurses aren’t careful enough. Liam punches the passcode in smoothly and the door pops open, into a part of the hospital none of us have ever been in.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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12 Reviews

Gender: Other
Points: 847
Reviews: 12
Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:50 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
I tugged Skizzy behind me to our room which we'd shared for about 5 years of my life. I actually stopped and looked around. This place knew my tears, my secrets, and my screams. I thought I could hear them echoing and for a brief moment pressed my hands over my ears. I stood there until the noise faded then dropped my hands. I looked up to notice Skizzy looking at me. His eyes were a very lovely shade of blue. 'No time for that Stephan.' I scolded myself blushing a bit. "I'm fine Skizzy." I said smiling at him. I pulled out a bag and started to pack. T-shirts, jeans, socks, a drawing 'Stasia had done. I stopped and winced. I'd forgotten about that. I pawed through my drawer for a bit. One of Skizzy's belts, one of Gus's shirts, a book Mercy had taken from the library hope she hadn't gotten in trouble for that, and a nose ring from Keaton. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head. "Idiot." I muttered. I slipped the pile into my bag. Guilt? Nope not about this I chuckled a bit darkly and turned to look at Skizzy who was still packing. I saw a shirt he'd forgotten Take Stephan he'll never miss it I hesitated. Just take it! I obeyed the impulse slipping it into my bag before he even noticed. "You almost done lad?" I asked him calmly.
Anastasia Staine
I sat on my bed balling and unballing a shirt in my lap shaking. Sure I'd suggested my vacation house but could I do this? That had been the last place Seth had been alive. I still woke up every now and then in a cold sweat about finding him. "Goddess." I whispered and threw the shirt into the bag. I forced myself to stand and pack my bag. Shirts, pants, socks, my sketchpads anything I may need. 'Awww poor little 'Stasia. Do you think you can handle this? Or will you break again? At least there will be plenty of razorblades so you can end your pathetic life!' My hands started to shake. 'Guilt trip may be good for you!' I gasped in a breath almost desperately. 'Can't breathe? Is it to much for you? Feels like a noose!' I almost gagged this time trying to breathe. I looked up and jumped back I saw Seth hanging in front of me. His eyes closed his lips blue. I closed my eyes and then opened them. It was gone. I started to talk very quietly to myself desperate to keep my sanity intact.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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254 Reviews

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Reviews: 254
Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:42 pm
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Sonder says...

Liam Chase

I ball my hands into fists. I want to...well, if I'm being honest with myself, I want to kill someone. Anyone. I feel no guilt, but I know that I can't give in to the temptation. If I make the mistake of leaving fingerprints again, I'll be done for. I'm nearly 18, and while pleading insane might work- Even though I'm not, I tell myself furiously- I can't take that chance.
That stupid knife, for giving the fingerprints the police needed. Idiot Jane, my little sister, who had ratted me out. They had taken her away before I could get back at her.
When Anastasia had rounded on me, cursing like a fool, I had entertained myself with the thought of her death. I couldn't do anything, not with all the witnesses, but maybe someday...
She said I had nowhere to go. She was right about that, at least, but that was my own doing. No parents, no home. Oh well. I had wanted out of that wretched small town anyway.
I shake my head to clear the thoughts. Everyone's being sentimental, packing up clothing, crying, hugging. It makes me sick. I wonder when anyone is going to notice that Gus is gone. I'm certainly not going to tell them.
I stand in the hallway, debating whether or not to go on my own. By myself, I would be harder to track than a big group of us, but I do need housing, and besides, what would I do in the outside world?
I realize that I had spent so much time planning how to get out of this place that I don't have a clue what to do once I escape.
I decide I should stick with the group, until I find a good opportunity to do otherwise.
Eventually, people start trickling out, bags in hand, stunned looks on their faces. I had packed my bag in less than a minute. I have always been prepared for a quick getaway, but apparently no one else is. They're taking so long, I wonder how we haven't been stopped already.
I can't wait anymore.
"I'm leaving." I call out, not caring who hears.
I stride confidently to the door at the end of the corridor, and punch in the pass code, which I had figured out long ago. It slid open, and I realized that it wasn't an exit as I had originally thought.
It led to another wing.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

To be absolutely certain about something, one must know everything or nothing about it.
— Olin Miller