
Young Writers Society

Fairview Academy RP [accepting & started!]

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Mon May 30, 2011 4:35 am
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RedBird says...

*Can Nick be Axel's roommate?*


Even though I can't see anything, I can feel the press of bodies around me, smell the musty smell of a bunch of people out in the sun too long, and I can hear Headmaster Lucifer's grating voice. God, what a voice. I'm all the way at the back and it still feels like I'm rubbing my ears against sandpaper. I think longingly of the boxes of my stuff sitting in my room at the dorm. My costumes and props and books. I grin, thinking about the costume that I've put together for the dance tonight. It's great, being a theater major.
I can sense the impatience of everyone around me, the need to get back to whatever they were doing, instead of listening to Lucifer's incessant voice, going on about detention and class schedules and a whole bunch of other crap that none of us gives a damn about. My mind wanders again, to my new roommate, Axel, I think his name was. He seemed nice, and even better, he didn't seem to notice that I was blind. Of course, my hair mostly hides my eyes, so he probably couldn't see anyway, but still, it's nice when that's not the first thing someone brings up when talking to you.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Mon May 30, 2011 4:59 am
RoryLegend says...

*fersure dude*


I practically leapt out of my skin when the speech ended, dashing over to RJ and easily picking her slender, shorter than me, frame up. She giggled then commanded me to put her down, well, the RJ version of commanding. Her soft voice didn't carry much weight compared to my bellows and inability to understand what an "inside voice" was.

"Come help me get ready," I said, tugging her hand towards the brick dorms. They were further from the campus, across the feild and nestled into the trees.

"We've got four hours!" she said, exasperated.

"But you have to get ready too," I replied.

"I am ready," she said, "this is me."

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "how hipster and non-conformist of you. You know, I think Washington is really starting to rub off on you." And at that she rolled her eyes. We sludged across the field, damp from the sprinklers going off that morning. We reached the dorms and I pulled out my id card to scan for entry noticing my roommate, Nick, already opening the door. But who could miss that head of hair? He looked like a long lost Weasley.

"Nick-o!" I said, "wait up!" he turned and looked around, that's when I noticed his eyes. He was blind. I hadn't noticed before. I decided not to say anything, he didn't look like he was having trouble getting around at any rate. "Hey this is my sister, RJ," I said, pulling her out of the sun and in to the shadow of the building. She seemed to crinkle a little and I noticed her look back at the hot pavement, longing.

I nudged her and she finally said, "Hi."

"Nice to meet you," Nick said.

Then her phone rang, "It's dads," she said smiling, wandering back into the sunlight. Her smile was one of those contagious ones, probably because it was so rarely that she did smile.

"Wanna head up?" I asked Nick. We lived on the fifth floor.


"Hello?" I said, flipping my phone open.

"Allo?" Luc's familiar accent came through the line, "RJ, how is it?"

I sighed and blew the bangs out of my face, "It's fine, Axel has already made like a million friends. Business as usual."

My dad laughed and I heard Alec in the background, the door falling shut behind him, I was on speaker, "How was the flight honey?" he asked.

"Fine," I dug my toe into the dirt at the edge of the sidewalk where the grass met, "nothing too special." I was homesick and I would be for the next few weeks at least. It was the same way last year. Just hearing my dads' voices had me close to tears.

"Did you meet your room mate?" Luc asked.

"No, not yet." That's when I felt the tap on my shoulder.

*anyone can take it*
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon May 30, 2011 9:34 am
Apple says...

Luke Pettaworth:
"Is this your card?" I asked flipping the queen of hearts around so the groundskeeper could see it.

He blinked, his moistened, yellow eyes widening with wonder. "How did you-?"

"A talent my dear old geizer! A legacy my great great great grandfather passed down to his son who happens to be my great great grandfather; who then passed it down to my great grandfather and through a series of sticky situations it was given to me." I waved the card under his nose, giving him one of those irrisistible side glances that no female, male or octopus could resist.

Obviously this man was neither of those three things. Yoinking the card from between my fingers, he teared it into little peices and threw it over his shoulder. My mouth dropped open as I watched what was left of the beautiful queen of hearts land into the lush, green grass of the new school I was forced to join.

"Look kid, I'll tell you one last time. Get off of my lawn, alright?"

I sighed, fanning myself with the rest of the cards. "I don't know why you're getting so worked up, it's just grass!" I looked him over and grinned cockily. "Not going to answer? Well fine then I'll answer for you! My guess is you're a poor, middle aged man that is suffering from-" my eyes slipped down to his left wedding finger which was bronzed except for a pale band near his knuckle, "-depression because you're recently divorced...and from those ravishing overalls your wearing it seems like your ex-wife took you for everthing you own!"

A vein protuded from his neck as his grip tightened on his rake. Ooh, I really shouldn't be talking like that to a man with a rake! If I wasn't careful he'd smack me straight in my glorious face.

"My personal like is nothing to you son, and how-!" His eyes darkened before he spotted his reflection in my eyes. "Are you trying to get kicked out child? School has started and you're still standing here annoying me; now get moving before I throw you over the school gates myself!"

"Temper, geez! Alright, alright, I'm going! God, someone hasn't heard about the student -- groundskeeper protocol!"

"I said go!"

I didn't think I needed anymore persuassion. Picking up my bags, I practically bolted for it, showing the groundskeeper why I was here. I jumped onto the walkway looking back as the man scowled. Why don't I give him something to remember me by? Stepping my reeboks onto the grass, I rubbed at the grass until all I could see was dirt.

"A little gift from me to you!" I shouted, squeeking as he charged towards me. "My cue to leave!"

I slipped through the school gates laughing hyserically and almost dropping all my things across the floor. I was in such a state that I didn't even notice that someone was in front of me till I smashed into them and sent all their bags falling from the trolley they had had them on.

"Oops, my bad, sorry mate!"

Can be anyone!
I spy!

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Mon May 30, 2011 10:59 am
cannoncomplex says...


After the old speech from the headmaster, i went back to the car to get my stuff. Being a headed, i need to act different. So instead of bringing the trolley with me, I put them in the car. It was genius.

I got my trolley when someone rammed against me senidng my bags on the floor. . How rude! These headless must be unto me.

"oops, my bad, sorry mate" That was his apology.

"Is this part of a conspiracy? I know why you did that. You're a headless trying to bully a person with a head out of this academic institution. Do you not know me? i am the world's smartest person with a head!"

The guy just stared at me. Look at him, he's just the same as the rest with his grizzly cut neck and blood flowing from his stump.

"headless," He doesn't sound serious. For goodness me, I came to this institution to increase my knowledge and to lead the people with heads to be more civilized. I am not, I repeat not a scapegoat of this headless society.

"That's right. I need an apology from you, headless."

"Name's Luke,"

"And I'm Priscilla, smartest person with a head. So where's my apology, good sir? And I mean a good apology. You just can't barge in with a royal and not say sorry."

"Man, you're a chatter box."

"And you're headless... Never mind the apology. I'll forgive you at this time. So can you help me pick up my bags?"
Lain Iwakura: If you're not remembered, then you never existed.

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Mon May 30, 2011 2:28 pm
Glauke says...

Hey guys, this is my rough draft of dormmates. I know there will be feedback, and I am willing to change this as much as needed. (Hence; "rough draft".) I tried to put people together who weren't exactly alike. :D This is what I came up with:
Priscilla Danish & Tracy Joan Lions: Room 1
Violet Bungard & RJ Cooper: Room 2
Isabella Niles & Maybelline Thomas: Room 3
Aza Young & Missy "J.J." Allen: Room 4
Logan Douglas & Luke Pettaworth: Room 5
Nick Burns & Axel Cooper: Room 6
Levi Johnston & Basil Elias: Room 7

Are you guys okay with this? TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME! :D

RoryLegend: There will be a lot more than 20 students at the school, but we will only have 20 characters. (If that makes any sense.) So you can just pull names off the top of your head and they can be students. Your character is allowed to befriend/interact with characters who aren't connected to an particular YWSer. PM me sometime, that wasn't a very good explaantion. I just woke up, and my brain isn't working too well. :)

Missy "J.J." Allen

I open the wood door to Room 4, my new dorm. I prop open the door with my suitcase and go inside.

There are two twin beds, a fat wood dresser, a table and two chairs, two desks with chairs, a bookshelf, and two brand-new MacBook Airs, one on each desk. These were definitely not here last year. Excited, I wiggle the mouse. The screen illuminates, displaying a slideshow. I recognize it as the same one that they showed at Orientation last year, only this one says "Welcome to Fairview, Aza Young!" in big, fancy letters on the first slide. This must be my roommate's desk.

I cross the room to the other desk, which must be mine. I wiggle the mouse. "Welcome back, Missy Allen!" I frown at the sight of my birth name.
"Um, excuse me?" I startle, and turn in the direction of the voice. A girl my age, in a wheelchair, is wedged in the doorway.
"What's wrong with you?" I sneer at her.
"I'm-I'm Aza. Young," the girl whimpers.
I recognize her name from the slideshow on the desk.
"You're my roommate?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest and glaring at her.
"Y-Yes, I suppose I am."
"Well, I guess we should just get this over with. I'm J.J. Stay out of my way."

Without giving her a chance to introduce herself, I shove past her and make my way down to Orientation.

Logan "Hotshot" Douglas

This place is supposed to teach me "manners"? If my parents wanted to teach me manners, they would have sent me to a boot camp, not this place. The sports program sounds great. Well, Headmaster Lucifer doesn't. But the sports program sounds really great. And the dance? Wow. There are a lot of really pretty girls here. Ooh, can't wait!

My dorm is the only downside. I'm rooming with some loser who's convinced himself that he can read minds. What an idiot. I wonder if he'll be doing sports? I pray to Gosh that he's not.

At least the school is nice. It's just like new. (Okay, it isn't, but it's close enough. Just trying to be optimistic.) I sigh. Orientation was terrible, but I'm hoping the dance will be awesome. I even rented a tux! You know what they say... Something about impressions first.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Mon May 30, 2011 4:19 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Sharing a room with a girl who doesn't see heads sure will be...interesting. Haha

Tracy Joan:

Orientation was a bore, but I tried my best to show some respect to Headmaster Lucifer and listen, unlike many others. My jean shorts and thin, white peasant blouse kept my cool in the hot sun, and my shoeless feet dug into the lush grass, worked on to the limit to provide a good impression. My black sneakers hung loosely in my hands, my sock tucked into them. It was too hot for these shoes, and I didn't own a pair of flipflops or sandals. Despite the overcast day, Washington was still as hot as could be, which I knew would change soon.

When they mentioned the Back to School Dance, I couldn't help but smile. We were supposed to show the real us. That I could totally do. It it helped that mummy was very into theater, and when she heard about this, she stocked me up with things I would need for and All About Me costume, borrowing things from the theaters costume shop. I made a mental note to ship them back to her when I was done with them.

I went to my room, and looked around with interest. Two twin beds in each corner of the room, two large wooden dressers, a table with two chairs, a large bookshelf, and two desks with chairs and computers. The computers were definitely new, the screens perfect and free of finger prints. Everything was very pristine, though you could see some banged edges of the desks and bed frames.

Still standing, I nudged the mouse, moving it an inch over the sleek black desk. The screen read, in large, curly-cue letters, Welcome to Fairview, Tracy Lions! I overlooked the fact that they spelled my name wrong and instead focused on the fact that they put my name in curly-cue, fancy letters. How sexist. I bet none of the guys had this font.

I turned off the screen and made a mental note to fix that later and give the Headmaster my two cents on that. I quickly began to put my clothes away in the dresser, which consisted mostly of t-shirts, tanktops, t-shirts, more t-shirts, a few peasant blouses, undershirts, jean shorts, jeans, and guys' athletic shorts - something about guys' athletic shorts was so much more comfortable than woman's athletic shorts. Momma had tried to buy me some sweaters, but a)they were all too girly and b)I prefer to just go in t-shirts year round. Besides, I had my favorite hoodie, a black one which read(I'm going to make up the name) Westside Pheonix's Football on the front and said LIONS on the back, all in striking red letters.

As I lined my abundant amout of sneakers and cleats at the foot of my bed, I heard the door open.

The girl approached me and said matter-a-factly, "I'm Pricilla, the smartest girl with a head."

Was that supposed to mean other people don't have heads? I'm sure there are smarter people, no offense to her.

Offering my hand, I said, a little warily, "I'm Tracy Joan, the smartest girl...without a head?"

I small smile spread across the girls face, and I went back to unpacking. Once I was finished, I got out all of my All About Me costume for the dance and said to the "girl with a head", "I'll be back, i just need to change into my costume."

With that, I went into the bathroom and changed. It was a simple costume. I pulled on a used-to-be-white underarmor short, which Mummy had dyed to be rainbow striped and but on my black football jersey over that, which had my number, 63, on the back in bold red and Westside Pheonix's on the front in the same font. I slid on a pair of muddied up, white, guy's athletic shorts, and put on a pair of black socks and my black indoor shoes. Next, I got out some finger paints. I stepped into a shower and splattered the paint all over my legs, careful not to get it on the shorts or shoes. Once I was covered, hands and legs, in rainbow paint, a stepped out of the shower and turned it on to wash down the paint. I brought my paint soaked hands to my cheeks, and left two rainbow mesh handprints. Satisfied, a waited a couple minutes for all the paint to dry, and then smeared streaks of black football paint on my cheeks.

With a satisfied sigh, I twisted my hair into a large messy bun, knowing it'd be hot in there. I was done with about twenty minutes to spare, so I went out and walked around, hoping to bump into someone and say hello.

*any takers?*


*penprincess, I'm not exactly sure how you can really push passed someone in a wheelchair in the doorway*

I rolled myself to my dorm. When I arrived, I saw my roommate was already there.

Halfway in and halfway out of the room, I said, "Um, excuse me?"

The girl turned and sneered, "What's wrong with you?"

Ummmm...she isn't talking about what's literally wrong with me, right?

"I'm-I'm Aza. Young," I said softly, flinching at her harsh tone.

"You're my roommate?" She ask, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at me.

Timidly, I responded, "Y-Yes, I suppose I am."

"Well, I guess we should just get this over with. I'm J.J. Stay out of my way."

Without giving me a chance to speak, she headed right towards the door with determination, so I rolled backwards, clearing the way for her.

When I entered the room, I muttered to myself, "She seems confident. And pretty nice." That last part was true. Everyone always treats me different because of my lack of leg use, but I had a feeling she wasn't going to. I appreciated that.

Adjusting my hat on my head, I turned myself and rolled out of the room, closing the door behind me. With expertice, I rolled myself down the hallway and outside, where orientaion was taking place. As soon as we were dismissed, people clamored to get to their dorms so they could get ready. I waited a moment for everything to clear up a little bit, and then made my way back to my dorm.

The doorways were all just barely big enough to fit me, so my wheel got stuck the door frame. I tried repeatidly to right it, but it kept getting jammed.

With an exasperated sigh, I leaned forward in my chair, attempting to scoot my chair away from the door by pushing on the frame, but I was stopped by a voice.

"Hey, do you need soom help there?"

*could be anyone*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon May 30, 2011 5:11 pm
RedBird says...


"Wanna head up?" Axel asks, turning away from his sister. I'm about to say yes when I hear the squeak of wheels, a thump, and a grunt of irritation. I turn my head towards the noise and click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. As I thought, someone in a wheelchair, most likely a girl.
"In a minute," I say to Axel, and then stride over to the person in the wheelchair. It sounds like she's gotten stuck in the door frame.

"Need some help?" I ask, brushing my hair in front of my eyes. When people see that I can't see, they never seem to want my help.
I can hear the sound of her hair whipping around as she turns her head to look at me.
"Yes," she murmurs. Grinning, I take hold of her chair, back it up, clicking my tongue as I do so (to judge the size of the doorway), and push her through.

"Thanks," she says, "You've got great coordination for being blind."
That stops me in my tracks, "How do you know?" I say sharply.
"Oh, it's obvious. Your head was never pointing directly at me when you were speaking. But don't worry about it. It's not something to be ashamed of."
"I'm not ashamed," I mutter, then turn back towards Axel, "Let's go up to our room."
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Mon May 30, 2011 6:23 pm
Sunshine says...

Yeah! I'm so glad Violet's with R.J.! I really mind with Levi, as long as MyStoryLine is okay with it!
Note: Reason I randomly have a conversation with Aza is 'cause I'm the one who planned to push her in but Redbird posted before me so I edited it to this on short time.

Levi Johnston

This place is so...what's the word? Huge. Insanely, crazily, huge. Honestly, I hadn't heard any of the headmasters speech. Something about welcoming and a dance...one I pressumed wouldn't be anything like the get togethers back home. He had also said something about being yourself at the dance and -not to mention- always. Why wouldn't we always be ourselves? I shrugged to myself. I grabbed my luggage, sorry that I hadn't been able to get it to my room beforehand. Amish buggies drive a lot slower than cars do. I hauled it up the stairs, getting myself the corridor. Taking out the small piece of paper I try and find my room number. Room 7. Levi Johnston and Basil Elias. It was all the way at the end of the hallway. I walk towards the room, glad that the hallway was empty. I walk by each of the rooms. Room one, the door was closed. In room two, two blong girls sat on the beds, talking. Room three, closed. Room four... A dark haired girl sat inside the room, looking out into the hallway. She had a thoughtful expression on her face, but she looked disrupted.

"Hey!" I call to her. Might as well start making friends now.

She looked up with startled blue eyes. She had a pretty face, with delicate features. I feel faint eat lick across my cheeks before I remember that English people lookat pretty girls all the time and think nothing of it. That would have to be me.

"Oh. Um...Hello." She said in a small, melodius voice.

There was a small, awkward silence, niether of us knowing what to say. So, I smiled and said," I should probably learn your name before I go around suprising you like that. I'm Levi. Levi Johnston."

She nodded. "I'm Aza."

"Nice to meet you." My eyes wander down to Aza's chair-or should I say Wheelchair. At least, that's what I thought they were called. Some of the older English folk rode around in them. I think they were because of their weak legs. Still, why would someone as young as Aza need one? There was another awkward silence as I cringed internally. Stupid. That's what they called what I was being.

"You...You to." She said, putting on a half-smile.

"Hey Aza?" I ask, thinking. "Do you mind telling me your major?"


Violet Bungard

I looked up at Headmaster Lucifer, squinting my eyes through the sun. So glad I'd been smart today and wore my pale green sleaveless blouse instead of my lil' monster shirt. As cute as it was, it was long sleaved and not good for a day like today. I tugged on my jean shorts, wishing the headmaster would just hurry up. I could already tell that Luciefer had a tendacy to drone...on and on and on....but it was better than a lot of things, wasn't it?

"You are now dismissed to your dorms," Lucifer finshed off, just as monotone as he had begun. "Please show up to the dance tonight!"

Yes! Students started dispersing towards their dorms and I remember my roommate. I should find her so maybe we could head up to the dorms together. I bit my lip. Still, all I knew was her name and there were so many kids here it would be virtually impossible. Maybe I should just start... Eh. I'll just ask around. If it doesn't work, I'll just go up by myself. I turn around, tapping the shoulder of a pretty blond. I put my hand to my mouth when I saw that she was on the phone. Oh no. This day was not off to a good start.

'Sorry!' I mouthed.

The girl shrugged, then held up a painted finger.

"Hey dad...Can I call you back? I think I just met my room mate."

Wait... did she think I was...Oh dear. The person on the other end says something and the girl smiles.

"Haha, very funny. Bye. Love you."She flipped the phone down and smiled at me. Well, I think it was a smile. It was small and sweet, but it was certainly a smile. "I'm guessing your Violet Bungard?"

My mouth almost drops open. Talk about dumb luck. "Actually, yeah. I'm guessing your R.J.? "


We stand there in a momentary silence, both looking at each other. The lawn is almost all cleared out by now, so I give R.J. my best smile.

"So why don't we head up to our room and get ready for that dance?"

"Sure," She grabs her suitcase and we start walking," Only I'm going to help my brother with his."

"Oh." I try to hide my momentary disapointment. "That's okay. You're brother's here to? Older or younger?"

"Older." She says, which suprises me. R.J. looks to be about sixteen or seventeen, so how much older could the brother be? "Apparently, he's not very creative and needs my help."

"Haha, really? Do you have a creative major or something?"

"Yeah...Film." She pauses. "What about you?"

"Cross country." I look up to find a door looming in front of us with the number two marked on it. We both go in. The room is nice, with computers and double beds and everything. 'Which one do you want?" I ask.

R.J. points to the bed closer to the door silently, so I plop down on the one near the window. I start unpacking, taking out my shorts and T's and everything else. R.J. does the same. She seems nice enough, although quiet as a mouse. I take out what I plan to wear to the dance and smile at it.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon May 30, 2011 6:38 pm
Glauke says...

Lena Thomas

Lena's Dress:

Well, the school looks nice. So do the people. In fact, I just saw a blind guy help a girl in a wheelchair get unstuck. Well, after some jerk flaunted away.

I open my suitcase and pull out a tube of mascara and a stick of coral-colored lipstick. I swipe them on and consider trying on my dress. Nah. Four hours till the dance, that can wait. I notice two computers, one on each desk. Hmm.

I slide my finger around the mouse of one. "Welcome to Fairview, Maybelline Thomas!" Nice. I go to the other one. "Welcome to Fairview, Isabella Niles!" This Isabella girl must be my roommate.
"Wow!" I turn in the direction of the voice. A pretty girl my age stands in the doorframe. She is looking around the dorm eagerly.
"Yeah, it's pretty nice, isn't it?" I say. The girl nods. "You must be Isabella."

be still, sad heart, and cease repining
behind the clouds is the sun still shining

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Mon May 30, 2011 8:46 pm
Apple says...

Luke Pettaworth

Headless? Last time I checked, my nogan was attatched to my neck! I rubbed at my shoulders nervously, watching as the girl bent over and began to grab at her stuff again. Her eyes were constantly on my shoulders as if I didn't even have any eyes.

"Alright," I said bending over to grab a small duffel bag that had began to spill some of her clothing. "I think we've missed orientation," I added, handing her her belongings.

"Please, I'm the smartest person with a head, I know exactly where I have to go to get through this place. It's something a headless like you wouldn't understand!" Priscilla puckered her lips, her knees beginning to shake at the amount of boxes that towered in her clutches. I plucked a bag from under her fingers and shook it when she looked at me, my shoulders really, in question.

Something was weird about her, that much I could get from staring at her eyes. Priscilla looked like any other normal teenage girl but the way she grimaced when she turned to see more students made me wonder there was something not so ordinary about her. Mum had never taught me how to deal with people that actually might have a supernatural ability. If it even was that.

"C'mon headless, I need to see my new dorm!"

I had already met my dorm partener though I wasn't going to tell that to her. For once I was lost for words. "Alrighty then."


Unfortunately, males, even if they are as talented as I am, are not allowed into the female dorm. Yes your charming knight in armour was kicked to the curb by Priscilla herself when he tried to step through the door that equalled the girl's dorms. Already I could smell strawberry perfume wafting through the hallways. It was a guy's heaven!

"From the rest of your body headless you appear to be male and you should know that males are not allowed into the girl's dormitories. You should know that, even if you are a headless!" Priscilla said dryly, as if she were explaining this to a baby.

I tried to catch a peep of, oh I don't know, possibly a girl who forgot their towel in their room and had to make a nudie run back to their dorm to get it! OH MY GOD! Please let me see that! Now I was even more eager to see inside the girl's dorms.

"You're froffing at the mouth, get back to your dorm, pervert!" I looked up to see a girl with blonde hair, that had bits of paint through it, and a letterman jacket over her shoulders glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be in trouble right now!
I spy!

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Mon May 30, 2011 10:15 pm
RoryLegend says...


Nick and I found our room, 6, fast enough and I debated unpacking. With a sigh I started rummaging through for parts of my costume for the dance and wound up taking everything out of my bags. At that point I had no chance of avoiding unpacking so I started tossing things in drawers made up my bed. I shoved my empty suitcases under the bed and finally, there it was, my baby, my guitar.

With a smile I picked it up and plopped on the bed, the sunlight reached to me through the window and I wished we were back out on the field. I strummed a few chords and adjusted the tuning, watching Nick finish his unpacking.

"So what's your major?" I asked him.



We started unpacking and it was silent. I never minded silence, I was usually most comfortable when it was quiet. I could think in the quiet. My roommate, Violet, obviously didn't feel the same.

"So where are you from?" she asked as I hung my dresses and skirts in the wardrobe on my side of the room. I arranged them by color and length.

"California," I said. Next I put my rarely worn jeans in the bottom drawer and my tops in the next drawer up, my pajamas in the next. I found my linens for my bed and started making it. I pulled my pens and pencils and papers out, arranging them neatly on my desk. I tucked my new school bag next to it and stored my bare luggage under the bed. Finished, I looked around at my side of the room, perfectly neat. A touched my hand gingerly to my film bag, resting on the floor. All of my cameras and equipment packaged inside, they're like another limb to me.

I realize I'd been rude. I should have asked her where she was from. But too much time had passed. I pulled out my make up bag and looked up at Violet, "I'm going to find my brother...want to come along?"
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon May 30, 2011 10:22 pm
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fictionfanatic says...

Tracy Joan:

When I made it around to the entrance to the female dorms, I saw some random guy standing in the doorway, his eyes practically bugging out of his head as he looked at all of the girls. Just from the look of him, I coud tell what a player he was, or at least tried to be. Big ego.

Glaring at him, I said in an authoritive tone, "You're froffing at the mouth, get back to your dorm, pervert!"

He looked so confused and at a loss for words that he just stood there. With an exasperated sigh, I approached him. I was taller than he was, so he had to tilt his head up a little to see my face.

Placing my hands on his shoulder, I spun him around and pushed him out the door.

"Wait, hold up. What's your name?"

Clutching the door, I quickly replied, "Tracy Joan. Now stay out!" And with that, I slammed the door shut before he could say another word.


Sitting in my chair, my hands on my lap, I looked through the open door, thinking about Amelie and thinking about how she would dress for this dance, also thinking about my stupid wording with the red-haired boy who helped me.

As I decided to wear my black dress, because I could pull it off in the wheelchair and it would look okay with my hat, my thoughts were interrupted by a guy who called, "Hey!"

Startled, I looked up to see a boy with dakr black hair, much like my own, and brilliant blue eyes.

His cheeks colored, and I replied quietly, "Oh. Um...Hello."

For a minute, we just sat there looking at each other. Well, I looke at him, and he looked everywhere but me.

With a smile, he said, "I should probably learn your name before I go around suprising you like that. I'm Levi. Levi Johnston."

With a nod, I responded, "I'm Aza."

"Nice to meet you." He replied.

His eyes flitted down to my wheelchair. He seemed confused, and there was another awkward silence.

"You...You to." I said, giving him a half-smile.

"Hey Aza?" Levi asked, "Do you mind telling me your major?"

With a large smile, I answered enthusiastically, "Oh, I'm a singer! My mother is a jazz singer, and she taught me when I was little." Realizing I was starting to ramble, I asked him, "How about you, Levi?"

With a smile, he looked at me, more at maybe my shoulder, and replied, "I'm an artist!"

"An artist!" I exclaimed, starting to feel very comfortable with him. He seemed a bit like...me. I continued, "Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to be an artist!"

Levi blushed again and merely gave me a nod. Biting down on my bottom lip, I contemplated asking him something.

"Levi, how old are you?"

"Seventeen" he replied slowly, "How old are you?"

"Nerely sixteen" I replied truthfully.

Another awkward moment.

What would Amelie tell me to do? She'd probably tell me to go for it.

In a sudden moment of boldness, I quickly asked, "Levi, would you like to go to the dance with me tonight?"

His eyes widened and he looked like the world was pulling him in two different directions. A blush crept over my cheeks, and I quickly added, "As friends."

Spoiler! :
This is the dressImage
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon May 30, 2011 10:56 pm
RainyDay says...

Ummm...is Alaska in a room by himself or something? Because you didn't put him on the list.


The room was meant to be welcoming and comforting, but I just want to go home. It wasn't my fault I choked the guy. He pissed me off, he dissed my dads. No one disses my dads and walks away unscathed. With a sigh, I immediately began unpacking my things. Orientation was so boring I wanted to bang my head against a wall! The only thing I was looking forward to really was the dance tonight.

I was finished putting away my things rather quickly, and decided I might as well get ready.

My dads went crazy when they found out about the dance, and set out to dress me up incredibley. I wouldn't appreciate the unneeded attention, but it made them both so happy to be doing that I could say no. They chose a sleek, silver suit and had it specially tailored, though I'd probably have no other oppurtunity to wear it again. Money wasn't an object when it came to my dads and looking incredible.

Despite their protests, I got them to buy me a purple top hat, remembering being told by one of their gay friends, "Everyone else is wearing red, so we wear purple." Thankfully, I had been able to get persuade them out of the store before they could get me one of those old time walking sticks men used to take to parties.

After I changed into the suit, I got out my hair gel and formed my hair into a mohawk, which I discovered would stay even with the top hat on when I tried it out last week. Dads tried to get me to take my gages out, but I drew the line there and refused to.

Satisfied with my hair, I slid on my silver dress shoes and placed my purple top hat on my head.

I was ready to go, and it was nearly time, so I decided to head down now and maybe get in a little walk before hand to have the air clear my lungs before I went into the stuffy room.

Spoiler! :
The hat: Image

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Mon May 30, 2011 11:04 pm
cannoncomplex says...


"Boy, that headless sure is mad. Maybe its the brain. When she screamed at you, the brain popped and gushes of blood splattered all over the walls."

"You really are interesting,"

"Anyway, this is the dorm of the female headless. Your kin is somewhere in this institution but thanks for helping even though I don't need any help. I'll assure you that you gain the trust of the smartest girl with a head."


"Now get out or else she'll flood the whole floor."

He didn't quickly obeyed me. Headless. They are all the same. I opened the door to my room, found my roommate wearing a long white blouse. the neck was gushing blood, and two bones began to built up from the base of her neck. As for the room, it was not too bad but frustrated that they let me share with a headless. I can't get my own room because they were afraid that a headed person would out compete them.

"I've seen you out there, headless. You made a mess, gushing blood on the floor and shouting at my poor friend. I can ask for an apology but that would be too much since it really wasn't all your fault."


"You don't know? Everyone is headless. You are headless with no head and blood pouring down your throat. You talk because you have a mouth underneath the neck, and you see every time you move. Do I have to explain it to every headless I see! By the way, I am Priscilla, smartest girl with a head."

She hold her hips. "Are you related with that pervert?"

"Priscilla is not a pervert! That male is merely an acquaintance. Okay, we better have a good groundwork here or else we'll just quarrel. That common for me. So what's your name?"

"Tracy Joan and should I call you lady or miss?"

"A bit of praise is always good especially to a genius like me. Its nice to meet you, Joan. So about this room, I'll take that bed, and I'll be the 1st one to take a shower every morning. Is that a deal?"


If you think priscilla is too annoying, let me know. I'll tone it down.
Lain Iwakura: If you're not remembered, then you never existed.

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Tue May 31, 2011 12:36 am
RedBird says...


I unpack more slowly than Axel, 'cause it takes me time to sort all of my various things, and then to figure out where they go. As I work, I discover a new laptop on my desk. I grin to myself. Cool! As I finally lay out the costume that I'm wearing to the dance, Axel speaks up.

"So what's your major?" he asks, strumming his guitar.

"Oh, theater, but I'm taking a bunch of writing and science courses, too," I reply, starting to undress, "Do you mind if I undress in here? I think that the dance is in only an hour or so."

"Sure, go ahead. I mean, we ARE going to be sharing this room for the next year."

"True," I sigh, pulling off my shirt, "It's just that, at the orph-" I stop short. He already knows I'm blind but I don't need everyone knowing that I'm an orphan too. But it's too late. I can hear surprise in Axel's voice.

"You're...an orphan," he asks in a gentle voice.

"Yes," I mutter under my breath, feeling my face go red.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

Oh no, I’m sorry, you’re under the impression that here on YWS we *help* writers instead of just feeding their gremlin tendencies.
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