
Young Writers Society

The Young Gods ** Started/ Not Accepting**

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:16 am
Dragonet says...

Isn't someone close to us going to be taken?

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:20 am
SisterItaly says...

yes, while we sleep, So....... SLEEP! and wake up!
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:28 am
Dragonet says...

I would, but I just posted. Do you still want me to?

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:54 am
phantom of the potter says...


Becca and Marie were back safely in their hut beside the sea. The man who burst into the silent staring contest between Marie and the strange bone-woman had truly been Marie's savior. It gave all of them the perfect opportunity to duck out of the clearing.

Becca, as innocent as she was, suspected nothing. She only thought the woman had been strange. Becca would probably think it one grand adventure. Marie wasn't so sure. But her adventuring days were long over.

Marie crossed to Becca's side of the hut to wrap a blanket around the little girl. Becca grinned sloppily up at Marie, clutching her new prize tightly. Marie had broken off a small tree branch for Becca to take home with her. Becca hadn't let go of it since.

"Goodnight, Becca," murmured Marie. "Sleep tight." Becca giggled, and planted a quick kiss on Marie's cheek. Marie smiled at her, then retreated to her sleeping area. Marie lay down, breathing a sigh of relief. She couldn't describe the irrational fear Marie had felt when they had come across all of those bones. Marie decided, once and for all, that the sea was her home. Strange things happened inland, things that Marie did not want to be a part of.

And with that thought, Marie drifted off into sleep, the sound of rolling waves as her lullaby.

Marie's dreams were fraught with confusion. Finger bones danced around Becca's head as she chased children around on the beach. There was a storm coming. Marie called for Becca to come inside the hut, but Becca didn't hear her. Instead, Becca began skipping toward the woods, laughing all the way. The bones formed a line and began to lead a dancing Becca away from Marie. Marie ran after Becca, but the little girl stayed a few steps ahead. The bones danced ever faster. Marie screamed for Becca to come back, but Becca just laughed. Somewhere, Marie knew that Becca would be in danger if she went into the woods.

Becca reached the edge of the woods. She stopped, and turned to wave happily at Marie. Marie ran faster, quickly catching up to the girl. Marie stretched out her arms to grab Becca and drag her away from the woods. But the bones sprang up and formed a wall between Becca and Marie. Becca grinned at Marie before skipping off into the woods and disappearing. The storm broke as Marie collapsed into the sand, screaming. But the rain turned to pebbles and the clouds turned to eagles. As the rocks pelted Marie, the eagles started chanting.

Come to us, come to us, come to us. Come to Eagle Rock.

Marie screamed again, covering her head with her hands.

Marie shot up, screaming. Her arms erupted with goosebumps. Marie shivered; she was covered in a cold sweat. Marie tore away her blanket and ran to the other side of the hut to check Becca.

She was gone.

Marie screamed out the girl's name, tearing out of the hut to look for her. But the beach was quiet. Marie could have only been asleep for an hour or two. Marie shivered, remembering her dream and the eagle's chant. Come to us, come to us, come to us. Come to Eagle Rock.

Marie stumbled back into the hut and shoved a few necessities into a bag. Gittery with nerves, Marie stumbled off into the direction of the woods. Eagle Rock was her only clue. Marie could not let Becca go that easily. And she wouldn't stop until the girl was found.
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:07 am
Sassafras says...


Today has been. Bleh. I walked back to my hut, shaking sand and shells out of my hair. I almost got attacked by wolves, met a freaky girl, and I've acquired a new scar. With that thought, I ran my fingers over the scar on my side and sighed. My hut came into view and I ran the rest of the way to it, grateful to finally be home so I could sleep. Finally, after flopping down on my make shift bed, I fell into a deep sleep.

*I'm not sure what's supposed to happen after this.*
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:49 am
ToritheMonster says...


*Oh, fun. Falling asleep.Is this modern times? I'm gonna assume it is.*

The two girls and the man left. Fortunately. I left the bones and tiny skulls in a pile, and pocketed my knife. I walked back to the funeral parlor, and was greeted by the familiar smell of rubbing alcohol and death. People never really though about death as having a smell- but it did. Something stale and used, dusty... but full of promise. As though the dusty thing was worth something. I was only working on one person as of now, simply waiting for a new project. It wouldn't be long. People died all the time. This particular body was that of a young girl. Fairly uncommon. I mostly got old people. This one had drowned, so I had had to go about the messy business of stuffing her with rags and injecting salt into all the places that looked like they were about to bloat. She looked fairly normal,now. I had dressed her and done her makeup, so now just her hair was left. It was lovely, long and black. I propped up the body, careful to keep her carefully positioned arms in place. I twisted it into a simply braid, the style she had always worn, according to her parents.I tied it with a yellow bow. She looked perfect, now, simply like she was asleep. At that thought, I yawned. I would call my parents and take a nap. The parents of the body weren't due to pick her up untill early tomorrow, so I had a few hours of peace. I dialed the phone. "Yellow?"
Came my mum's signature greeting."Hey. it's me. How's everything?" I asked, stifling another yawn. I honestly didn't care what my parents were doing. They were both a little crazy, and I called just to make sure they hadn't both died.They were like the comedic relief in my life. "Oh, fine, fine. How goes the business, Mable?" Twittered my mum. "My name's not Mable. That made no sense." I said. I heard a crash and incredible amounts of squwaking. "For God's sake, Henry, put the chicken down! I told you not to bring it in the house! Your father just bought a pet chicken." She said, lowering her voice. "That's great, Mum. I'm gonna go now. Bye." I said, hanging up. I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I dreamed of yellow bows and chickens.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:55 am
Dragonet says...

No, it's not modern times.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:04 am
Razcoon says...


The guy looked at me for direction. "So, what's your plan?" I bit my lip and looked back towards the creatures.

"Give me an arrow," I demanded. He hesitated but looked lost enough to follow my orders. "Okay, when I motion a certain way, it means run that direction. If I put my hands together, it means shoot. At me. You with me?" He stared doubtfully at me. "Glad we understand each other," I muttered, then ran as silently as I could to a tree on the other side of the laestrygonians that were approaching the rock that man was hiding behind.

I threw the arrow at him. He caught it from behind the rock, and it made the laestrygonians look in my direction. I motioned to the right. Thankfully, he followed my orders and ran. So did I, through the branches of one tree to the next. One of them threw a giant rock in my direction, missing.

When the man stopped and looked back, I put my hands together. He shot straight at my head. I ducked so that the arrow landed firmly in the tree behind me. I did that once more, and pulled the arrows out of the tree.

The laestrygonians had turned their backs on me again, so I jumped down towards them from the tree, arrows poised, and stabbed two in the back. The third turned to me snarling, and I clapped my hands together, running to the right. The giant creature made the mistake of chasing me, and the arrow hit him right where I was only a second before.

I sighed in relief as the last one fell, then walked up to the man. "As weird as this sounds, thanks for shooting at me when I told you to," I said, surprisingly calm. "My name is Sofia."
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:15 pm
Dragonet says...


I shook her hand. "Blaize," I said. I looked around at the men we had just killed. Who were they and want did they want? I don't know why, but when I looked at them closely I got a crazy sensation that they weren't human. Wow, I must have hit my head to hard.

I noticed that the girl was still there and standing in awkward silence. "Well..." I said, "I guess I have to be going."

"Um, yeah." She nodded. Neither of us moved. "So I guess I'll see ya." I said after awhile, and then quickly turned and walked away. Smooth, Blaize. I scolded myself.

I placed my bow over my shoulder and started making my way toward the village. My shoulders slumped as I realized that I hadn't caught any food for the village. Mother would be so disappointed, and Mack, leader of the hunting team, would be angry.

Just then a bush ruffled to my right, and out stepped a deer. I couldn't believe my luck! Quickly stopping in my tracks, I lowered to the ground and pulled out an arrow. But before I could aim, my sight went black and I fell to the ground. As soon as I had passed out, I was awake again. I groaned and rubbed my head. The deer caught my action and looked up at me. I cursed in ancient greece, but the doe didn't run.

It opened it's mouth and... spoke? "Blaize. Blaize. Eagle rock, Blaize!"

"Now I know I hit my head too hard," I mumbled. But I tensed with fear at what the deer said next.

In a deeper, more commanding voice, the deer spoke again, "If you ever want to see your mother again, Blaize, come to me." And with that, I blacked out again.

When I woke again, it seemed like no time had gone by. The sun was still low in the sky, and the strange deer was still nibbling on the grass. I stood up and said, "Hello?" Anyone who saw me speaking to a deer would think I'm crazy, but I had to figure out what had just happened. The doe turned her head at me, and then began to ran away. I shrugged, "Just a dream," and with that I let loose my arrow and the deer went down.

Back at the village, I walked into my house. "I'm home!" I shouted at my mom. She didn't answer. She was probably just being to lazy to answer me, but I looked in every room just to make sure; I didn't believe in my dream, but I was just being careful. She wasn't there. I looked in our huge, colorful flower garden. No sign of her.

Just relax, I told myself, she's probably at the shop. I walked across the street and into her paint shop. But, once again she wasn't there.

Now I started to worry. I jogged to all of the shops, seeing if any of the merchants had seen her. None of them had. The last place I looked was the map store. I walked up to the counter and threw down some coins. "I want a map to Eagle Rocks."

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:04 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Okay. Let's pretend that she didn't call her parents, she went over and then came back to her house.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
— Abraham Lincoln