
Young Writers Society

Camp Supernatural [Closed]

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:01 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


Realizing I was glaring (bad city instincts, bad!), I quickly blinked it away, apologizing. "Shilo," I said, shaking her hand."Um, which one of you confused my hair color?" She pointed at a dark haired boy who looked faintly like Hayden Christensen.

I prepared my hand to flick, and he quickly said, "Alright, alright! Light brown!" I smirked -just a little- and turned back around. My pupils stopped flashing gently, and the little orb of light bouncing in my palm faded. I bit back a snicker as I thought of the good-sized hole in our wall back home. It was Natalia's fault, really.

Speaking of evil- the man came back, furious. "Which of you twerps hit my back?"

I made my eyes round, looking defensive. "Sir- couldn't it have been a fly?" He scowled, but stormed away.

"Nice lie," Hayden-dark-hair-dude said.

"Not a lie- it could've been, but it wasn't. Ever good lie has some truth. The best are the truth."

City Girl: 1.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:46 pm
Sins says...

Deano DiCaprio

Grinning to myself, I realised that maybe these people weren't a load of boring saddos. By the sound of it, I wasn't the only one who wasn't planning on turning up to class. Even if I was the only one, I would have still skipped. I didn't even know what we'd be learning in the classes and if it was anything logical, I would epically fail. I was as thick as hell.

We'd been in the Mess Hall for almost an hour now and if we didn't leave soon, I'd end up turning mental. If it wasn't for the hot girls talking to me, I would have been asleep right now. That Kaycee woman was still speaking and I didnn't think that anyone was actually listening anymore. I guess I had to entertain myself.

"Are there any questions?" Kaycee said loudly.

Everyone around me was silent. There was the odd mumble and murmur, but except for that, no one said anything. There was no sign of anyone raising their hand either. These guys needed to loosen up a bit. Smiling sweetly, I raised my hand.

"Um... yes?" Kaycee turned to me.

"Are you gay?" I asked casually. "You seem like the kind of chick that would be."

A few of the other newbies started laughing. The ones that weren't laughing, on the other hand, were gawking at me as though I'd just threatened to shoot their dog or something. Kaycee just looked down right offended. Pfft, somebody was homophobic. Either that or she was actually gay.

"Does anybody have any relevant questions?" Kayceee said, ignoring my question.

Yep. I'd definitely gotten myself on her good side. Unsurprisingly, no one else raised their hand. I'd probably made them even more scared than they were before. Oh well, it was fun. As Kaycee's eyes wondered around the Mess Hall, I turned to the girls who I'd been speaking to previously. They all looked just as bored as me.

Moving away from where I was standing slightly, I sat down on one of the chairs. I took off my sock hat and threw it onto the table in front of me before resting my head onto it, avoiding having to lie on the hard, wooden table. Literally seconds later, I was fast asleep.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:47 pm
Day says...


The welcoming speech didn't last for too long, and after the overweight man left with the seniors things started to get interesting. Another group of newbies on the other side of the room were having an interesting conversation, but I could only catch bits and pieces of it. After sitting still for a few minutes twiddling with my hands under the table, I decided it would be a good idea to make some friends.

Turning around in my seat I greeted the people sitting on the table behind me, "I'm Aron Swift how about you?"

The girl on the left responded first in a matter of fact way, "My name is Cassie."

"Ashley!" a girl chimed in from my left. I turned to look at her, and she had cute blue eyes and brown hair.

"So what did you guys think of this place?" the boy sitting next to Cassie said, "I'm Tyler by the way."
"If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:17 pm
Cirque says...

Amy D. Rivers:

Were they all insane? Didn't the word; maimed, scream horrendous pain in any one's ears. I looked up to see a guy sleeping. Alright, I'm so dead! We were definitely going to maimed on the field, no doubt about it. Kaycee began to walk out of the mess hall, now (because of Deano) not really caring what happened to us. My hands began to shake nervously.

"You may as well get to your cabins." Kaycee poked her head in around the door, glaring at us. "You'll get the worst beds or even worse: have to sleep on the floors."

As if on cue, everyone began to file out of the room; the sound of squealing chairs wrung in my ears. I waited till the last of them were gone before following after them. I stopped wondering if I should wake Deano or the other guy who seemed to be stirring. The other guy lifted his head, his eyes fluttering. I smiled, hoping that he couldn't see my eyes. Before he could speak, I turned and walked out of the Mess Hall. That's great! That's the way you make friends, Amy. By leaving them when they decide to talk: idiot! Jumping down the stairs I began to walk towards the cabins. My gaze flitted to my wrist watch. I was going to that lesson whether I was marked the largest nerd or not. What ever it was, it had to be important and the way those Seniors were cheering, what ever twist this Capture the Flag had, it wasn't good on our part.

I looked around trying to find someone who had been at the newbie table. I saw 'Melanie' or who I hoped was her disappear into a cabin, Sanuye following after her. Jogging up to them, I stopped. Maybe I shouldn't. Turning around I smacked straight into Kaycee.

"What are you doing?" her tone was strong and still anger filled.

"I-I'm trying to find a cabin." She stared at my through a wisp of bronze hair, her eyes flickering with fatigue.

"Every camper has been assigned a cabin earlier. Did you not listen to me before you got off the bus?"

I tried as hard as I could not to shake my head. No, I hadn't listened to her. Music had been blaring in my ears, of course I hadn't been listening.

"Where do I sleep, then?"

"Amy Rivers, right?"

I nodded. Kaycee extended her finger and pointed up at the last cabin. I felt my eyes follow her hand and stop; that sure didn't look like a log cabin anyone - not even Stephen King - would like to sleep in.

"Will I be sharing with anyone?" the words choked from my mouth. Looking around for Kaycee, I noticed she had already left. Exhaling heavily, I pulled my hoodie down further over my eyes. There is nothing to worry about. You won't get killed here, why, it's a camp! A summer camp; they're always fun.

Stumbling up the stairs, I stopped at the door; my hand wavering over the handle.

"Just open it." I told myself squarely. Taking a rather large step back, I eased open the door and sprang down the stairs expecting withering shadows to come pouring from the gap I had made. When it didn't, I eased back up the stairs and pocked my head around the door. It was empty.

"I call top bunk!" I yelled to myself. Running towards the end bunk bed, I propelled myself into the air and floated towards the softest looking bed. Levitation; a girl's best friend.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:34 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I tapped on the door of the last cabin.

"It's open!" a girl's voice called, sounding slightly scared. I walked in, looking around. The only girl here was... great... I didn't know.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying not to sound dorky.

"Amy. Who're you?"

"Shilo." I paused. "Are you skipping class?"


I sighed. "Good. Didn't want to be alone." I sent her a smile and climbed up onto another top bunk, across from her. I shifted a little... it was pretty comfy, I decided. I frowned.

"It's too dim." I announced before throwing a ball of light, maybe the size of a volleyball, onto the middle of the floor, or rather, hovering above it.

"Stay," I told it firmly before rolling back on my, well, back. I closed my eyes and smiled a little; Natalia was probably smirking, therefore making my dad mad. Again. I didn't like seeing him upset, but every fight they had brought them closer to a break up that I was anxiously awaiting.

No one dated my dad and got away with it.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:39 pm
untameabletiger says...


Everyone flooded out of the mess hall, to go to their cabin. I walked down the path, heart beat getting faster with every step closer. As I reached the door, I took a deep breath, hoping for the best, but expecting the wost, and tuned the metal knob. I looked around the empty room, walking to the bed. I set my bags down next to the bed and threw my bed set, that was required to bring, onto the top bunk, and pushed up with the bottom step flinging myself over the railing. The bed looked just like the one I had at home, only mine wasn't a bunkbed.

I made the bed, and fluffed the pillows. I jumped back down, to sort through my bags. As I grabbed the first, the door sweaked open, making me instantly alert.


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Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:45 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"I think it'll be cool. I'm up for a challenge. And it'll be exciting to compete in capture the flag." I felt my clear grey eyes sparkle with excitment in the fact that I would have an advantage. "I'm Luce by the way."

The girl Ashley smiled brightly and said "I think it'll be fun here! Except for that guy with a serious attitude problem." Her hand flew to the table and a chunk of it snapped off. She blushed and said quickly "Sorry! i got a little excited, and, well, yeah." I took the chunk out of her hand and said "I got it." With that I put it against the table where it broke off and melted it onto it.


Excited, my hand flew to the table. A chunk of the table snapped off in my hand and the others just looked at me. I was embarassed "Sorry! I got a little excited, and, well, yeah." The guy luce took the table out of my hand and said "I got it." With that he melted the chunk back onto the table.
Live, Love, Laugh

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367 Reviews

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:13 pm
Mizzle says...

Melanie Hart:

The tug in the back of my mind was growing stronger - but now wasn't the time I wanted to find the ghost that had been calling me ever since I set foot in this place. Maybe it's not just one ghost, I thought, then realized how likely that was; usually the tug wasn't this strong.

There wasn't really anything I could do to make the tug stop - sure, I could banish the ghost to eternal death, but I did want to help the ghost...or ghosts. Just not right now.

I looked around me, taking in the cabin I'd been assigned to. I'd grabbed a bottom bunk - didn't these girls know that if you had a bottom bunk it was easier to sneak out? I'd have to teach them a thing or two - most of them seemed pretty clueless in my opinion.

As everyone headed off to the class, I changed into a tight pair of white skinny jeans that had rips on the knees and thighs, an off-the-shoulder orange tee, my flip-flops, and - of course - my favorite sweatshirt. I winked at my reflection in the mirror and was still laughing when I met up with Deano outside.

"Hey," I said, immediately stopping my giggle-fit. Composed, I gave him a quick grin and then asked. "So, which bunk did you get - top or bottom?"

This was a test. If he'd gotten a bottom bunk, then the boy was smart...and officially my type of guy. If not - well, then he was just as delusional as every other guy here seemed to be.
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:22 am
Cirque says...

Amy D. Rivers:

I blinked in awe at the yellow, hovering ball.

"That's so cool!" I grinned, leaning over the top of my bed. I tried to conceal my relief to have someone else in my cabin. The thought of being left alone in this spooky place gave me the goosebumps.

Shilo smiled, "So what's your power?"

I felt my smile fall. I didn't like talking about my powers. They weren't something I really felt comfortable with myself about, let alone telling others. Shilo looked up when I wouldn't speak.

"I c-can levitate." I muttered, not really wanting to tell the others.

"That it?" she asked, before catching herself. "I mean cool! That's...really cool!"

I coughed in to my palm contemplating whether I should say more. It wasn't that I didn't want to tell, Shilo; it's just that I didn't really trust my other powers. Telekinesis and Astral Projection...I nearly killed a whole bus of people, I wasn't going to repeat that process.

Shilo dropped her bag on to the floor and kicked it under a bed closest to the door. The sound of something whining came from above our heads. I looked up to see the little sprinkler above our room shaking. I glanced momentarily at Shilo, before out the window as people -newbies, to be more exact. All the seniors were sitting on the grass watching the display - began to run from their cabins, drenched in water from head to toe.

Water suddenly burst from the sprinkler: cold water, actually, sliding icily down my back. Rocketing from my bed, I squealed as something hot and slimy struck the side of my face. Stumbling out the door, I could hear Shilo's curses echoing through the camp. She turned to glance at me momentarily before her eyes landed on my cheek. Her face scrunched up in disgust.

"Slug!" she cried. I felt my hands instantly reach up to my face and pull the slimy bug from my skin. I howled as I flung it at the floor. The laughing of the seniors seemed to cover my yelp. "Fools!" someone screamed. "Wini's!" another yelped. I looked up to see them all begin to high five a large looking guy, his eyes were the darkest of sea blue - which kind of told me who was in on all the action.

"They're gonna pay," I looked to see Shilo staring determinedly out at the seniors. "C'mon, maybe we can get the others to help."

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:55 am
Sins says...

Deano DiCaprio

"Hey," Melanie smiled. "So, which bunk did you get - top or bottom?"

"I took the floor!" I grinned, beginning to walk down the hallway.

As I continued walking, I noticed that Melanie wasn't following me. Laughing, I spun around to see her still standing by my door, looking at me rather strangely. When she saw me turn around, she opened her mouth.

"You're sleeping on the floor...?" She said, clearly unsure.

"Yeah, course!" I shrugged.

"Why exactly...?" Melanie laughed, walking over to me.

I didn't say anything, I just shrugged again. There was a reason I wanted to sleep on the floor, I just couldn't be bothered to tell her. The truth was that I wanted to annoy the staff - or teachers, whatever they call them - and make them think I was a nutter or something. I could just imagine 20 chin guy walking into my room and seeing me sleeping on the floor when there was clearly a spare bed. That would have been funny.

"Which room is the rest of our cla-" I was cut off by the sound of familiar voices.

"Hey, guys!" Both Melanie and I spun around to see Amy and Shilo walking quickly towards us.

As they both neared us, I couldn't help but want to laugh. They both looked terrified and, strangely, slightly wet. Seconds later, they were standing in front of us, telling us some story about those cocky seniors. I knew that I was cocky and everything, but I wouldn't go and scare a load of kids that were younger and less experienced than myself. I wasn't that shallow.

"I'll sort them out," I said, about to walk in the direction that Shilo and Amy came.

Before I could do anything though, Amy grabbed my arm. "Whoa, slow down. I know that you think you can take them down, but seriously, those guys know everything about this place. We know nothing."

As much as I hated to admit it, she had a point. She was lucky she was hot, otherwise I wouldn't have listened to her and just gone and attacked those pricks. Hot chicks were always right. Fact.

Suddenly, I realised who Shilo was. "Heya, Blondie! How goes it?"

Shilo more or less growled at me, her eyes narrowed into a pair of thin almonds. I repeated the motion, purposely making myself look like an idiot. After a minute of glaring at each other, Shilo couldn't keep a straight face at all.

Laughing, I delved my hands into the pockets of my ripped jeans and leaned against the wall behind me. "So... what are we going to do then?"
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:03 pm
Mizzle says...

Melanie Hart:

"So...what are we going to do then?" Deano asked, leaning against the side of one of the cabins.

I grinned, "I don't know why you all sound so worried about confronting the seniors. This camp - well, why not use our 'powers' to confront those airheads. We can show them not all newbies are drop dead stupid."

Deano contemplated; whilst the other two girls just stood there and waited to see what he would say. Finally, he ran a hand through his hair and smirked at all three of us.

"What are your guys' powers, anyways?" He asked.

"I talk to ghosts," I said slowly, "And I can control them."

This was the part he would declare me a nutcase.
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:12 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Once in my cabin I was quick to take a bottom bunk. If I had a top bunk and got freaked out while on it whoever was under me would be crushed. What i hated about my strength is how hard it is for me to control it, especially with my short temper. I got out a pair of lothes and changed into them. Blue jean shorts, a black tank-top, and the silver necklace I almost always wear.

When I walked outside I heard a group talking about hsowing the seniors that we aren't stupid. I quickly ran over to them and said "Can I help? I've got super strength." And just so I wouldn't be the only one entering their little group i ran over to the one guy, Luce?, and grabbed his arm. I pulled him over back to the others and said "And he will join too. What's your power?"

Luce tried to get out of m grip, which I hadn't realized was so tight. When I let go he said "I've got invisibility. And I can create a protective forcefeild. I'm also begining to be able to manipulate objects. You know, melt them, freeze them, change their shapes."

*Is this okay? I just wanted to get my character in here somehow*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:51 pm
untameabletiger says...

Rhema(Ema)(sorry it's so short.

I heard all the commotion,and felt the Ice cold water ran down my back, sending a chill down my spine. I rushed over to the group, just as mad as they where, and put on my determind look. I wanted revenge, and I wanted it fast! The group was discussing their powers, but I wasn't to open with sharing mine. I was already developing a plan, but I waited to see their ideas.

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:15 pm
ScarlettFire says...


Freezing cold water. That's what I was showered in while I sat on my bunk. I yelped and left the cabin at a fast pace. I hadn't done that, had I? Once outside, I looked around to see a guy with sea blue eyes watching us, the other seniors high fiving him or giving him a pat on the back. I glared at him. Didn't he know I could probably do the same to him?

As I watched, vines snaked out of the forest, across the grass and wrapped themselves around his legs, crawling up his body. The stunned look on his face was almost worth it. I joined the other new kids as they started laughing, and then the vines jerked him sideways and he fell over.

The vines vanished back into the trees and I bent double with laughter. Deano glanced at me. "Did you do that?"

I just straightened up and gave him a grin. "Maybe." By now the others were watching me. I blushed, looking down at my feet. "It kind of has a mind of it's own," I mumbled, obviously referring to my little ability.

"Hey plant-girl!" the blue eyed boy yelled. Uh oh.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:47 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


My eye twitched slightly. "Hey, plant-girl!" someone called to Sanuye, who had just run out of her cabin. I scowled and cupped my hands, bringing them together. I slowly brought them apart, revealing another volleyball sized orb of white light. No definite edges- it looked like you were seeing it through a sheet of frosted glass.

"Hey! Blue eyes!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The second the boy turned around, I flattened my hands and pushed them out, and the ball of white shot forward. It hit the boy squarely in the chest, scorching the front of his chest and sending him sprawling across the ground. There were a few whoops, and I flashed a quick smile.

I jogged over to Sanuye and offered a hand. She took it and pulled herself up. Her mouth fell open slightly.


"Your hands- they're cold," she said, staring at her own. I shrugged- hadn't noticed it before.

City Girl: 2.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights