
Young Writers Society

Scattered: No Longer Retired (full)

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:04 pm
Jagged says...

Carl Willows | Darkeyes; Willows Manor, Study Room; 1:20
Carl shut down the TV with a sigh, and leaned back on his seat, fingers distractedly tapping a march on the armrest. Police believe it to be foul play. Of course they did. He smirked to himself. Of course they did. They always suspected, but there was never any proof, and never anything to link facts back to him.

Not to mention that obviously he hadn’t done anything himself. He had the young ones for that now; the time when he got his own hands dirty was long past. Darkeyes had retired, and now there was only successful businessman Carl Willows, his records clean and impeccable.

A thought brought the computer up from its hibernating state, and another prompted up all he needed. Wong dead meant he had one less annoyance to deal with. Maybe it was time to change his records a bit so that some digging would reveal links to the gangs and suggest illegal trafficking. Drugs? Maybe. Couldn’t hurt. The police would have such fun finding this.

That settled… He shifted in his seat, repressed a wince at the pain that shot up from his mangled leg. He just might need to call dear old George, ask how he was doing. Probably in pain too—a thought that was quite effective at making Carl feel better about it.

Now, speaking of the young ones. He brought up the tracker he kept on them, raised a brow at one particular flashing dot: the one marked with a tiny little lightning bolt. He picked up the phone. Baker was getting a bit close to the retirement home where his old foes now resided. Should he warn her?

…No. If she decided to cause trouble, he might as well use it to evaluate how they were right now. Nothing much than retired ruins, he suspected, but a little test wouldn’t hurt. And if by some miracle she kept low, well. Less publicity to hush down.

He almost missed the good old times. There was so little challenge nowadays.

Maybe he’d give Rosencrantz a call.
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:33 pm
AngerManagement says...

Thaddeus McQuinn-Triplock- Henderson's Bank, 2:23pm.

Thad popped a wine gum into mouth while watching the various people walking into the bank. They didn't know what was coming up but he did and it was uplifting. He lent his back on the grey coarse feeling wall. He didn't want to but he as much as he liked to pretend he wasn't growing old. There were somethings he had to come to terms to like how fast his energy depleted.


"Sir," A little girl called pulling on his shirt. He jumped as he was quite startled. He always blended in too well to be noticed.


"Yes?" He said impatiently.

"I can't find my mummy.." She said her voice breaking into a sob. Oh for christ's sake! I bet you anything she's going to be in the bank. He thought angrily.


He sighed inwardly as he waited for the answer. "She went into the bank. Can you please help me look for her? Please." She begged.


"Of course." He replied. Cursing himself for his vulnerability. As he walked into the bank he sent a text on his phone.

Abandon mission. Now!


Thad popped another wine gum in his mouth. He seriously needed a smoke. I'm too old for this.
Dont tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Anton Chekov

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:01 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Sylvester Cutler | Decay| Cutler Home| Bed Room | 1: 10

Sylvester sat up in his bed. The room was completely dark thanks to thick maroon curtains that resembled the inside of a casket. A light flicked on and he wasn’t surprised to see Tamara standing at the side of his bed.

“I think you should see this sir,” she said.

Sylvester looked at her. Tamara his ever obeying pet, if he cared about anything in this ghastly world it was her. He of course would never say this to her. If he showed too much affection to the pet, she would get spoiled and then he’d have to put her down. She was a pretty girl with pale skin, thin frame and not even a hint of a smile broke her face. She wasn’t petulant like the other young villains that now populated the streets.

Tamara helped him into his wheelchair and wheeled him to the bathroom to clean up.

After he was clean and in a new black suit, he had Tamara tell him what was so interesting.

“Mr. Wong is dead,” she said dryly.

Sylvester looked up at her. “You are sure?”

“It’s all over the news sir,” she said.

“I see. Someone like him would not be taken out by regular means. Someone acted.”

Tamara nodded.

“Well let’s go visit a old friend of mine. I suspect his hand is in this cookie jar,” Sylvester said.

Tamara left Sylvester on the porch of the house and brought around the car. She got out and helped him into the backseat, then put the wheelchair in the trunk. The drive was peaceful and Sylvester hated it. The fresh green trees, the woodland creatures running merrily along. It was sickening. He rolled down his window and stuck his hand out the window allowing his hand to brush against the tree branches that hung into the street. The leaves shriveled up and fell to the ground.

Willows Manor; 1: 55

They got to the Willow's Manor in about and Tamara once again helped Sylvester out of his car and into his wheelchair.
She wheeled him to the door and rang the doorbell. A butler answered and when he saw Sylvester he directed the two visitors to where Carl was located.

“You have visitors,” the butler said before allowing Sylvester and Tamara in.

“So I see you’ve been busy,” Sylvester said.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:55 pm
Razcoon says...

Ea~ (Firefly) |Cherry Ave.| 1:57 PM

A few more blocks and I'm back at my apartment. My coffee is getting cold...I'm tempted to warm it up, but this is in public and I don't want to accidentally set my cup on fire. These past 35 years have passed so slowly, so boringly...These past years, I've had the most practical job ever; a substitute teacher, teaching at various schools, earning just enough money to get by. I move to a new place in the city every two years, never going to the same place.

"Miss Reid?!" Turning, I see one of the girls from the ninth grade that I filled in for yesterday.

"Hello, Grace," I say pleasantly with a smile. The shy blond girl smiles back, then looks suddenly grim.

"Did you hear the news a while ago?" No, there's no point if the news is nothing worth listening to.

"No, I was at the grocery store for the past hour," I explain, holding up the bags in my hands.

"Someone was killed. Isn't that awful?" I freeze, but quickly turn my expression to shock instead of fear.

"Do you remember who it was?" The girl is forgetful. She probably doesn't.

"Some guy with a W name...Wang I think? Mr.Wang?" I've never heard of Mr.Wang, but...

"Is it Mr.Wong?" Something in Grace's eyes lights up.

"Yes! Yeah, it is. Did you know him?" Pressing my lips together, I shake my head. Better to keep her out of it.
Last edited by Razcoon on Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:12 am
ToritheMonster says...

Would somebody mind bringing me in?
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:11 am
SisterItaly says...

Stacy Baker (Lightning Mistress) |Still in the ally| 2:00 PM

I bang my head gently against the wall. I was terribly bored. I wanted to become Lightning Mistress, I wanted to see fear in someones eyes. I traced my finger along the teeth of the closed zipper. DO IT. I yelled mentally at myself. I couldn't, not just yet. Not enough people. Besides, I had heard rumors hat this very retirement home had ex-heroes in it. I scoffed, heroes... what made them so special. Why didn't the public shun them when they first discovered their powers? I heard someone moving at the end of the ally. I quickly looked up and scanned the ally, no one. I smiled and put my head back against the wall, see, it was nothing. Suddenly something whizzes by, or rather wisps by. I jumped to my feet, seeing wisp in front of me.

"Well, hello wisp, long time no see." I said, calming down.

"Yes, it has been a while, Stacy." She said, smirking at me.

I put up one finger, singling for her to wait. I grabbed my bag and walked down the ally to a dumpster. I braced myself against it and pushed it forward. I turned and smiled at her, opening my bag and retrieving my costume while walking behind it. As soon as I was changed I stepped out.

"Stacy is gone." I said, adjusting my mask. She crossed her arms.

"But for how long?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow. I shrugged and looked away.

"Stay tuned..."

I looked past her and to the end of the ally. People, lots of people. I smirked, walking past her, my stupid limp acting up again.
"Where are you going?" She asked

"I'm bored and want to have fun." I said. "Join me if you dare."

without another word I ran down the ally out into the crows. Excitement flowing through my veins. I saw a woman turn, her face growing pale, and she shrieked, pointing at me.
"Ah! Lightning Mistress."
"That's my name don't wear it out..." I said, aiming my hand at her, a bolt of lightning just missing her. People ran, and my manacle laughter started again. I shot my hands up towards the sky, lightning shooting out of my hands. I felt FREE.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:25 am
Checkup says...

Hope it is okay if I join since there are still two here spots open :D , and I will post after this, maybe even stir something up with Lightning Mistresses and Whisp here :P

Name: Benjamin Denlow - or just Ben

Alias: (What the public used to know you as) Stranger

Age: (50 to 80, you may be younger if you’re not one of the heroes (if you are a villain, 17 and older please)) 57

Gender: Male

Appearance: (written and a picture) http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Homeles ... 8#/d15jct9 - Theres a picture. He usually looks that way, dirty and torn up. His favorite possession is that butterfly guitar which he takes with him everywhere, he is also fiercely territorial over it, not letting anyone but himself touch it. He usually has sunglasses on, and he often will be seen walking around without any shoes.

Power(s): (Can have up to 5)

1) Stranger's main ability is to "undo" what has been done to something. This can be a person, object, or whatever. He can heal and recreate things that have been destroyed or broken. For examply if someone has cancer, he could undo the cancer, and make the parts of the body that have it be healthy again. Same goes for objects. A car is wrecked in a crash, he could undo the damage and make it good as new. He however can't bring someone back from the dead, though he has tried, but he is one of the most powerful healers around. It is almost like he rewinds the clock on that object. His ability can also be used to regrow people's limbs, whether it be an arm, finger, or something of the sort. He can recreate what should be there in a way, hope that makes sense.
2) He can teleport, but he has to use a door as an anchor and he can only travel from one door to another. For instance, he could open a door to the bathroom, but have it take him to city hall. He has to have been to the place to teleport there. and he has to have some kind of door available in order to make it work.
3) He can hear thoughts. This is an ability he can't control, or maybe he can and just hasn't figured out how to yet. Most of the times it is just snipets of what people are thinking. He can't speak back to them, but he can hear what they are thinking.
4)His last ability is his agility. He is surprisingly quick and agile, even though he has slowed down a bit in his old age. He can still scale a building quickly, even if few handholds are available. He can jump, leap, and twirl pretty fast two. And back in the day when he was younger he was a great hand to hand fighter, though he hasn't done much of that recently.

Skills: (other than your powers) Well he used to be an excellent fighter, as he was trained in maritial arts. It has been a few years since he has sued those skills though, and they are undoubtedly rusty. He is a man who knows the city, especially the backside. There isn't a single dark alley or rooftop that he doesn't know. His mind can be quick and sharp, but he is also extremely eccentric and a little out there. He is also decent with a knife, something he picked up on the streets.

Personality: He is one of the least trusting people out there, but if you get him to trust you then you have him for almost life. He is quick to smile or make a joke, but his moods can also seem eradic. A few years ago he was diagnosed with a mental disorder, but he refused treatment, and has been living on the streets ever since. His moods can be hard to discern, but he is, and always has been a protector of those around him.

History: Benjamin discovered his powers when he was young. Catching a small word here, or hearing a phrase someone was thinking flash through his mind. Later his powers of agility kick in. He could run full force for nearly half an hour and no be even the least bit winded. He could climb a rock wall in six seconds flat, and he could flip and sommersault like no one else. Highschool was a breeze, and one of the best parts of his life. He was a naturally gifted athlete, and popularity was sweet. He was a national martial arts champion, and life was at the highest peak for him.

Then his ability to hear people's thoughts grew stronger. It became harder and harder for him to ignore what was happening. One day he was having a lot of trouble, he just wanted to go home. As he opened the boys bathroom door he stepped through into his room. After that he was sure he was going insane. He left his house, friends, everything, and simply fled to the streets. He lived homeless for the next twelve years, until George, or Seawolf found him. The hero was tipped off to Ben's ability, as witnesses to a freak car accident said some homeless man appeared on the scene. Healed a man with a punctured lung who was about to die, and restored the car that had hit him with a mere touch.

George tracked Ben down, and helped him to cleanup and refine his abilities. Ben was with the heroes from there. He helped them fight, and kind of became the doctor for the team. With the encouragment from the others he even went to med school, to become a real, certified doctor. He was a few months away from getting his diploma when Darkeyes began his rampage. The villain began to eliminate hero and hero, and during this time Ben tried to raised someone from the dead for the first time.

He failed, and as things got worse, the heroes went into retirment at the Aerona's Home. George tried to get Ben to go with them, but he refused. Instead he fled back to the streets, seeking the comfort from sleeping outside and moving from place to place with ease. He has run into some of the new villains off and on, but has always been able to avoid them. Either by evading their pursuit, or disappearing through a door. Now as things are slowly getting worse he is considering contacting George again, though he is afraid to do so.

Likes/Dislikes: He hates places and people that are rich and snobby, and he doesn't like anyone who has money and flaunts it. He also is claustrophobic, and that is one of the reasons why he is homeless, he'd rather sleep outside then in some stuffy room. He has a soft heart for generous people, and especially for those who are wounded and sick. A few times over the past years he has walked into the children's ward at the hopsital, emptying it of patients before disappearing into the night again.

Other: Nothing much. he now lives on the streets, and strums his guitar, trying to make some money for food or cigarettes.

Up for love: (Yes or no) Hahaha sure, doubt anyone else would be up for him :P
Last edited by Checkup on Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:53 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:25 am
ToritheMonster says...

Wisp,2:01 PM

I was glad Stacy had found me. Well, she hated that I called her by her real name. But that was, naturally why I did it.I had been quite bored. I cackled as she threw a bolt at a woman, barely missing. I dissolved and shot through it before it dissolved into the air, letting it merge with me. Now a bolt myself, I jumped around buildings, blowing up the walls and raining rubble on people below. I shot into a storm drain, electrocuting the water, pushing the electricity into it. Every sewer cap exploded, and I laughed again.
Back in wisp form, I shot around, dissolving behind people and kicking them. They'd turn around, screaming, but I'd be gone. Stacy was terrifying them, shooting bolts within inches of their faces. We weren't going to kill anybody, but terrorizing was just so much fun. The sky lit up. She apparently agreed with me.I wisped through an other lightning bolt, absorbing as much of it as I could hold. I pushed it all into the ground, making the road ripple like an ocean wave. People went flying. I grinned.

Screams were like music.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:47 am
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Checkup says...

Ben - Stranger - On a Street Corner - 1:58PM

I cleared my throat with a short cough, and set the last half of my ciagrette down on the sidewalk. Then with a deep breath I began to sing. "Watcha going to do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk!" I finished off the line with a strum of my guitar, grinning at people walking by.

Most of them ignored me, I was used to that. Few people noticed those of us who lived on the streets. We were invisible, without even having to try. We were simply part of the city, no different then a light pole or a street sign. People would look, but not truly see us. They would pass by, sometimes throwing out a coin in a vain attempt to make them feel as if they had done something to help those in need.

With a grunt I reached down and picked up my cigarette. Taking a quick puff I slowly blew out the smoke, watching the hazy cloud float out in front of me. My eyes were drawn to the side as a young girl went walking by. I watched her, my grin hidden in the greasy tangle called a beard. "How fine," I murmured, watching her hips sway back and forth in a tight miniskirt.

I gribbed my guitar pick and began to strum away, singing beauty and the beast. I thought it was fitting. I was, afterall, quite a beast, and she was beautiful. My melody didn't phaze her, as i broke down half way through into a coughing fit, she passed by without a second glance. Figures, I thought, The pretty ones are always taken anyways, bet she has some boy waiting for her at home.


The thought was so powerful I let out an unconscious cry as my guitar pick slipped from my grasp. My hand went to my head, holding it as i looked around in fear, knowing something was coming. It happened fast, but I reacted just as fast, thank goodness i still had my agility. Hips, what I had decided to call the cute girl in the miniskirt, had just reached the end of the block when her arm exploded.

I saw the shock on her face, the horror as she fell, red blood spraying all around as a scream of terror ripped from her throat. She fell, hitting the ground hard as the surface of a nearby building also shattered, sending shards of glass and cement into the air. I was already hiding in a nearby alley, ducking down as the screams of the people began to rise. "No..." I whispered as I crouched down, holding my head in my hands, "not again... not here!"





All the thoughts bombarded through my head, each one like a gong. Why wouldn't they stop! They were so loud, so painful, each one like a knife slicing into my flesh. I looked up, and saw a girl striding through the panic. Her head was thrown back, and her hands were open, fingers splayed as lighting flashed from them. She didn't aim to kill, if she even aimed at all. I could hear one word, echoing from her head. Free!Free!Free, it went over and over again.

Not far from her was another form. It moved and flowed, seeming to disappear and appear in another place, a mere whisp of energy and power. Every once and a while a young girl would appear, before she seemed to disolved as the people around her went flying in all directions.

"Stop..." i whispered, "please stop..."

They couldn't hear me, and it didn't look like they would stop.

Suddenly I was flying through the air. "STOP!" I shrieked as i flew toward the lighting girl. She whirled at the sound, eyes going wide as she barley managed to move aside, my fist passing by her head as i rolled and came to my feet. "You must stop!" I begged, "The noises are to much for my head, please stop!"

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:12 am
SisterItaly says...

Stacy Baker (Lightning Mistress) |Now in front of the home| 2:05 PM

Stupid man. I kicked him away from me.
"Screw you and your noises. Feel the wrath pf Lightning Mistress!" I screamed. sending a non-fatal but still pain blast of lightning at him. Hitting his leg. He screamed out in pain. I stood, brushing myself off. I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him close to my face.
"who are you?" I hissed in his face.
"Stranger." He spat at me. I threw him away. Laughing as he hit the ground.
"Stay out of this, mommy told me not to talk to strangers. Then again mommy called me a monster." I ran forward. Throwing bolts in all directions. I started pulling electricity from the buildings. I was getting powerful, and now that I talked about my mom, I was angry. I was going out of control, and I loved it. One woman screamed at me.
"You monster!" I scowled and turned to her, striking lightning towards her, but not hitting her, if it did I would be happy.
"I'll show you monster! your monsters! You made me a monster! This is what you get!" She ran for cover, I shot my hands towards the sky. Scowling and glaring at everyone.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:20 am
ToritheMonster says...


The man threw a desperate punch at Stacy, and I materialized. Who was this crazy? I wisped through him. A super, then, as I absorbed his powers. Immediately, my mind began to burn with the sounds of people's thoughts."Shit." I groaned. My head was going to explode. Explode. I threw the powers back at him, turning back into a wisp.
"Stacy. This guy's in a lot of pain." I said, materializing on her other side. She threw me an incredulous look. I grinned. "let's make it worse." I sang, making my words into a weird little song. She grinned, and threw a lightning bolt. I wisped through it, and amped it's charge, throwing it into the ground.The pavement rolled again People were falling, breaking limbs.
More screams. The man screamed too.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:25 am
ScarlettFire says...

Notice: Guys... I've noticed that a few posts are less than a 1000 characters and do not have proper spacing and grammar. Please re-read the rules and edit your posts accordingly.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:48 am
Checkup says...

Ben - Stranger - Street - 2:10pm

I screamed. It was all I could do. The voices pounded and ricocheted through my head. "No, no!" I yelled as the girl who could disappear hurled a bolt of energy into the ground.

It tore through the earth. The pavement began to ripple, hurtling people and cars around as it cracked and shook. I could feel the terror, the screams of those in pain. "Why..." I whispered. Why were they so cruel. What was the point, what were they searching for, what drove them to this?

The lightning girl let out a bitter laugh as she turned to look at me. "Hurt much darling?" she cooed, as she sauntered over. I grimaced, holding my burned leg and shying away from her approach.

"I... I... don't want trouble. I didn't mean to do anything,"I moaned.

Pitiful!, the word roared through my head. I turned, to see the whisp girl walking towards me. A snide smile was on her face as she watched me. "What do you want to do with him Stacy? He's a super," she paused and looked at me once more, "though not much of one, he's pretty incoherent."

They want to hurt me? I thought. I should run. But the sounds wouldn't end, and all around me people were crying out. I could hear sirens in the distance. The cops were on their way, and ambulances, and help hopefully. Not that the cops could do much good against the girls. And what could I do? I failed at being a hero a long time ago, it wasn't worth it, the pain, or humiluation of trying to fight them. She was right, I was pitiful, useless, I wasn't a even a hero anymore.

"Let's see if we can make him scream," the lightning girl, Stacy, said. A wicked grin flashed across her face as she pointed a hand at me and whispered, "Let's see how much you can take, crazy!" A flash of light filled my vision, and then I was suddenly on the other side of the street. I didn't remember moving, and my leg hurt like crazy, but from the surprised look on their faces i assumed my agility had kicked in again.

"Your fast gramps," the whisp girl said with a grin, "this could be fun!" The other girl raised a hand, and sent another bolt of energy streaming my way. I leaped into the air, clearing the bolt and letting it pass harmlessly underneath me. As I landed a sharp pain shot through my leg, and my knee buckled. Damn, i though, looks like that lightning did more then just burn my leg.

Suddenly a form appeared beside me. The Wisp girl materialized out of thin air, her leg snaking out in a kick, and this time my agility didn't kick in. She hit me hard in the stomach, and with a woosh all the air was pushed from my lungs.With a gasp I fell to the ground, my hands balling into fists as I tried to drag in a breath. The wisp girl vanished, appearing on my other side as she lashed out with another vicious kick.

I wanted to scream. To yell. But no sound came out as I collapsed on the ground. It all hurt so bad, and I just wanted it to end. The voices screaming in my head, the pain that rattled throughout my body. "Just finish him, Wisp!" i heard Stacy call, and I looked up to see the girl standing above me, a look of disgust on her face.

"Is it even worth it," she muttered, looking at me with disgust as she brushed back a stray piece of hair. "Just die," she muttered.

Her kick didn't reach me this time. My agility kicked in, and as she lashed out I twisted around, grabbed her leg, and through her down. In the blink of an eye she was falling, and with a thud she hit the pavement. "Son of a..." I heard Stacy mutter as she raised a hand, sending another bolt of energy at my. My Agility came again, and i rolled forward before leaping to my feet. With a mad laugh I jumped at her, my hand grabbing her head as a knife appeared in my other hand. I moved to throw her to the ground, at the same time trying to slice her across the face. I never made it that far.

She let out a furious scream, and lightning raced up her body, moving through her legs and up her neck to her head. Then it radiated out, pushing me away as my body spasmed and shook with the blow. I landed on the ground and realized I was laughing. It all hurt so much. My head, my body. I kept twitching and jerking as the energy from the shock rattled my system. I tried, struggled to rise, and turned to see Stacy marching toward me. Her face was a mask of rage, and running down her left cheek was a large cut. A thin line of blood was oozing from the wound.

Not good, i thought, I can't control my powers. It's been to long, my agility won't work all the time, and these voices won't shut up!

Wisp was back up to. I saw her disappear, and knew I had to move, and fast. Turning I fled down the nearby alley way, knowing I had scant seconds till that Wisp girl caught me. As I skidded down i grabbed my butterfly shapped guitar, swinging the strap over my shoulder as I headed for the first door I could reach. With a grunt I yanked it open, right as the Wisp girl appeared behind me.

Her fingers reached, but she was to late. I was through the door, wishing to go to Aerona's Home, to see George. I stumbled right into his room, and the door slammed behind me. The way was closed, it would be impossible for them to follow me or to even know where I was... I turned and looked around. This was George's room alright, but where was he...
Last edited by Checkup on Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:13 am
ScarlettFire says...

Checkup. Willow Manor is NOT where the Heroes are. Aerona's Home for the Retired is where most of the Heroes are. Please change it.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:15 am
Checkup says...

Ahhh my bad, Scarlettfire, I was a little confused on that point I guess :P

I do not use my siblings as the cleaning equipment.
— Tuckster