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Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:16 pm
Dynamo says...

When Rygal woke up the next morning and ate the breakfast given to him by a protocal droid, he headed towards the archives to meet up with Master Ascarr. Rygal absolutely hated studying. He could think of a hundred more useful things to do in his time instead of reading about a dead jedi, like practicing his skills in the simulator. His tail dragged against the ground as he slouched when he got to the archives. His master was there waiting for him.
"I suppose it's too late to let me off with a warning?"
Master Ascarr replied, "Your assumption is correct. You will be studying about the founders of the Jedi Temple. I expect to have a solid report of what you have learned when I come back in eight hours."
"The Temple's founders? But, that'll take for ever!"
"That's why you have eight hours to do it."
Rygal sighed in depression.
"Look on the bright side. This will give you time to think about why you're getting punished in the first place."
Before the archive's doors closed behind Rygal's master, he said, "You're not to leave the archives until I come and get you. If you get hungry then ask one of the archive's staff to help you."
"Wait, what if I need to go to the washroom?"
The archive's doors closed before he could get an answer from his master. Rygal grunted and sat at a desk beside a large window. He turned on the desk's computer and made a search for the Temple's founders. He was already bored. Rygal knew that he couldn't stay focused on something as boring as this for too long without falling asleep. His eyelids started to get heavy. He looked away from the computer screen and looked out the window. He watched as the hover cars flew by.
Rygal thought to himself, why am I in here when I could be out there?
Something on the window caught his eye. He looked and saw a loose latch on one of the smaller sections of the window. He looked around the room and noticed that there wans't many people around to notice him. Rygal had never thought about climbing down the side of the temple before. His strong arms and legs would be able to get him down no problem.
He started fidling with the latch until the window swung open. Rygal crawled out of the window tail first and closed the window when he was out. Then he started to climb down the temple with ease.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:37 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Before the pilot could say another word, Damien charged at him, lightsaber activated and held high. The figure quickly blocked his blow. Damien was interested to find that his opponent's lightsaber hilt was considerably shorter than most staff sabers, causing it to be wielded almost exclusively one-handed. His opponent was also at least two-heads taller than him. Soon after the initial attack, Damien's offense ended as his opponent went on the offensive. The speed and grace of the pilot forced Damien to defend with lightning speed. A strong blow from the both of them caused their lightsabers to lock against each other. They stood in a struggle of strength as the dust began to dissapate. Damien looked into the face of his opponent as the cloud cleared.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:47 pm
Elocina says...

"The one and only," Zysor replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. Suddenly, something snapped in Evgrisa's mind as she broke out of her temporary fear.
"Zysor, put that thing away." she said irritatedly.
He backed away from Damien, but kept the lightsaber ignighted, "You called for help. You asked a Sith Lord to come to your aid."
A hot flush hit her cheeks, "I didn't."
"I'll turn this off after some swordplay." he replied, advancing to her.
"Damien, don't tell me you'll allow this?" she said to Damien.
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Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:17 pm
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zell says...

:lol: thats great got any more i really like i like the name rygal 8)

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Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:21 pm
Dynamo says...

The city was unlike anything Rygal had ever seen. He was amased at all the bright lights from the shops as he walked through the slums. He was sure to keep his lightsabers hidden so he wouldn't scare the civillians. This was his first time outside the Jedi Temple since he first came to Courasant and he didn't know much about how things worked on the streets.
Rygal heard someone whistle at him. He turned and saw someone in an ally beckoning him over. He walked up to the man, who said, "What's a small runt like you doing in a place like this?"
Rygal replied, "Actually, this is my first time here."
A glint of amusment flickered in his eye, "Tourist, eh? People like you always have a lot of credits."
The man called out to his friends. Five other men appeard and surrounded Rygal. The first man pulled out a blaster pistol and pointed it at Rygal. "You'll hand over all the credits you have if you know what's good for you."
Rygal waved his hand and said, "You do not want to mug me."
The mugger repeated what Rygal said. "I do not want to mug you."
"You're going to turn yourself in to the authorities."
"I'm going to turn myself in to the authorities."
One of the other men shouted, "Hey! That's a Jedi mind trick! Shot him before he can do anything!"
The first guy regained his senses and said, "Yeah, right."
He aimed his gun and pulled the trigger. Before the laser came out, Rygal side stepped and evaded the bullet. He spun his body around and whipped the guy in the face with his tail. When he hit the ground, the other muggers pulled out what weapons they had. One of them had a blaster, two others had pipes, and the last two had vibrablades.
Using the force, Rygal pulled his lightsabers from his belt and into his hands. He activated them and stood in his usually battle stance. He held his left saber over his head, and his right one behind him with the blade outwards.
Last edited by Dynamo on Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:02 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Damien first gave Evgrisa wicked smile, but then turned to Zysor.
"Maybe once we are off this planet. For now, we have to get to Evgrisa's ship," Damien said, half apologizing to Zysor. The three of them then set off again towards the comm station.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:56 am
Neo Eclipse says...

(You guys take too long!)

Damien led the group as they silently made their way through a dust storm; to the ancient comm station. Once they reached it, Evgrisa finally spoke up.
"Why are we here? The Predator is over there," She said, pointing to an area rougly a half a mile away. Damien remained silent. He reached out with the force. A moment later, two cloaked figures appeared side by side from the comm station. Damien smiled, and Evgrisa was surprised to find it was a sincere smile.
"Master Vico Starweaver, an honor as always," he called to one of them in a relativly docile voice, than his attention turned to the other, "And the Jedi Guardian, Grif Sylver. You are very difficult to get rid of".
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:21 am
Griffinkeeper says...

~Grif Sylver~

"I take it this means you won't just let us leave," I said.
"Unfortunately no," Damien said.
"So you mean to kill us?"
"Not immediately."
"That's reassuring. You want to talk about something?"
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:04 am
Elocina says...

Cutting between the two groups comfortably, Evgrisa addressed Grif.
"I'm glad to see you alive and well...I've managed to make the ship we were looking for dock at Coresaunt. Its engines are recieving some care, and it is awaiting pickup by either Master Starweaver or yourself. That part of the mission should be tied together rather nicely."
With a polite dip of her head, Evgrisa offered Damien the floor.
Feeling stupid? Follow me!

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Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:03 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Damien nodded at Evgrisa as he stepped forward.

"As you have no doubt witnessed, the Sith have split into two factions. Those who support Vengeance, and those who support me. Though a majority of what you see now is of my control, Vengeance's forces largley outnumber my own," he said. He looked solemnly over at Evgrisa once more then back to the two masters.
"There is no doubt that both of you have felt the power in this girl. It is because of her that I am leaving the Sith. I'am going to train her," he said.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:24 am
Neo Eclipse says...

"Oh, and turn her to the darkside?" Starweaver asked skeptically.
Damien squinted his eyes as he projected his thoughts into the Jedi Master's mind. Starweaver's eyes widened in realization. His response was cut short by the snap-hissing of twelve red lightsabers igniting. A group of Dark Jedi had managed to catch up to the renegade Sith. Damien reached for his weapon, but Starweaver stepped into his path.
"We'll handle these ones. Go," He said as he dropped his long cloak to the ground and ignited his lightsaber. He turned towards the sith.
As Damien and his party hurried away, Grif spoke up.
"But, Master Starweaver, why are we letting them go?" He asked in desperation. Master Starweaver answered him only with a stare as he charged at the group of sith, Grif soon to follow him....
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:22 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

~Grif Sylver~

Damien ran with the girl as the larger sith group approached. There was no time to get the answer for my question.
"Out of the way Jedi," the Sith leader said.
"You won't pass us."
"Only two little Jedi will stop me with my five apprentices."
"I will only fight a master," Master Starweaver said. The Sith lord laughed.
"Very well, Jedi," he said, activating his lightsaber. His apprentices followed suit. I activated two of my double bladed lightsabers. I held one in each hand, balancing it lightly. The battle started as the Sith Lord attacked Master Starweaver. I let the force control my actions as each of the apprentices attacked. I moved quickly and fluidly, my lightsabers a constant flash of light. When one of their blades met one of mine, I simply attacked with the other blades. They were able to use more power on their strokes, but I was able to avoid them and counter them more easily. I quickly eliminated my foes, using my superior speed.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:04 pm
Elocina says...

Running next to the two taller males wasn't as easy of a task as Evgrisa remembered. Damien seemed to either run slower or shorten his strides, but Zysor kept his steady pace.
Her ship was within controlling range. Evgrisa stopped suddenly to feel for her ship's controls. After a split-second of uncertainty, how to handle the ship returned to her. It rose and hoovered speedily towards them. A ramp lowered while it slowed, and Zysor leapt onto the craft while it was still moving. He had proceeded most of the way up the ramp when the ship stopped for Damien and her. She leapt onto the ramp with more grace than Evgrisa thought was possible.
"Security's up," Zysor said. Evgrisa snapped her fingers in a double-snap she hadn't ever seen anyone else do; basically, she started her thumb on her ring finger and snapped it across both ring and middle fingers. She'd programed the ship to respond to the sound and a simultanious command with the force. Security dropped.
Farewell, my friends, until we meet again. Evgrisa thought to the two victorious Jedi.
She entered the main compartment of her small ship.

A disc-like droid disconnected itself from its resting place against a wall. "Master Starkiller! How relieved I am to see—"
His enthusiastic greeting got no further when Evgrisa snapped, "Why did you call me that?"
"Last time we met, you ordered me to call you by your maiden name, master. Oh, it is so pleasing to see you well. I was wishing for something to clean in this sanitized prison..."
Evgrisa ignored the droid's continuos flow of talk as it inspected the two guests. Evgrisa sat stunned on the circular pad in the center of the room. Her maiden name...Starkiller? A mistake? Was it her true name that she'd discovered when doing research, or was it a psuedo-name? If she'd had been anywhere else, she would have dismissed it to be a name she was just using; but here, in her home...
"Cult-9-11, call me Karsun."
The droid beeped once, and instantly began to erase the light trail of footsteps.
Feeling stupid? Follow me!

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Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:47 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: sorry, I lost interest for a while because of another storybook I've been posting in.)

The mugger with the blaster shot two bullets at Rygal. With his left saber, he bounced them back, first to knock the mugger's blaster out of his hand and the second to parazyle his leg. The two men with the pipes charged at Rygal. He easily sliced their pipes in half and used the force to knock them into the wall. He did it hard enough to just knock them out instead of killing them. The two muggers with the vibrablades were next. Rygal recognized these modles. They had small generators in them that were just strong enough to touch a lightsaber without getting destroyed. The two charged at Rygal. He spun his body and knocked the vibrablade out of the first mugger's hands. In the same movement he lefted his foot and kick the mugger in the face. The second one lifted his sword over his head in rage and brought it down on Rygal. Rygal caught the sword with both his lightsabers. With all his might, he tried to break the vibrablade. Rygal let out a grunt and shattered the blade into peices. He then tossed both his lightsabers into the air and delivered a series of devistating punches to the mugger's stomach. The mugger fell to his knees for a few seconds then fell face first into the ground. Without looking, Rygal gracefully held out his hands and caught both sabers. He turned them off and attached them back onto his belt.

The mugger that Rygal first started out with got back up and said, "I won't forget this, jedi!" He and whatever muggers were still concous ran away.

Rygal placed his hands on his hips in a gesture of pride. "Heh, they never stood a chance."

A voice from behind him said, "So, this is where you've been."

Rygal's heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he heard that all too familiar voice. He turned around and studdered as he spoke. "Master! What are you doing here?"

Master Ascarr said, "I came looking for you. When I found out you wern't in the archives studying, like you were supposed to, I assumed you had snuck out of the Temple so I came to look for you."

"Wait, you came looking for me this early? My eight hours arn't even finished yet. Why were you looking for me?"

"The Council came to me with a mission. I need to go to Korriban to assist Jedi Master Starweaver and his apprentice Grif Sylver with their own mission. Since this mission might take a while to complete, and you seem so content with trying to get away from the Temple, I've decided to take you with me. It could be a good experience for you about what the life of a jedi is all about."

Rygal smiled. He had finally got the break he was waiting for. "Alright! It's about time! I can't wait till we leave."

Master Ascarr frowned. "Don't think you're off the hook just yet. As soon as we get back I'm doubling the amount of time I gave you to study and I'm making the topic to study a lot harder."

Rygal slouched in dissapointment. Then he thought if he was on his best behaviour and didn't talk about this insident, then by the time they got back his master might have forgoten about it.

Master Ascarr said, "Come. We have to leave Couresant as soon as possible."

Rygal stood up straight and said, "Yes, Master." and followed him to the space port.

(OOC: Since I don't have enough time to read the whole story (I really wish I did, but time is hard to come by) can one of you please PM me a brief review of what has been happening and whats happening now in the story? thx)

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:54 am
Ego says...

--Name: Andross D'Arnise
--Age: 24
--Race: human
--Home Planet: Coruscant
--Affiliation: Freelance
--Description: Tall, black haired human. Hair split into dozens of meticulous braids flowing down to mid-back. Wears full body armor mismatched from many different sources.
--Bio(short please): Born and raised on Coruscant, he was trained in the art of combat by his father, a Captain in the Republic's Army.
--Weapons, if any:
----Dual Blaster Pistols
----Jump Pack: allows the user to perform an enhanced "jump," sending him approximately 20' into the air and allowing him to land safely.
----Dual Vibro-Blade Daggers
----Various other gadgets

I smirked as I watched the Jedi and the Sith skirmish beneath me. Seeing that the Guardian, despite his evident skill, would be overwhelmed eventually, I decided to intervene. Pulling my blasters from their holsters at my hip, I jumped out into the air and tucked my feet into a perfect front flip. I landed some fifteen feet away from the skirmish and immediately opened fire.

The initial barrage of blaster fire took a charging Sith in the back as he rushed toward the Jedi Knight, dropping him to the floor. Spinning each pistol on my trigger fingers, I grinned and looked around for more targets. The Jedi Knight hardly noticed me, having fallen into full concentration as he defended against four more adversaries.

I leapt into the air, hoping to even the odds. Leveling my blasters at the Sith as I flew over the battle, I let fly with the pistols. The bolts did very little damage, for these were experienced Sith warriors, but it was enough of a distraction to let the Knight take the head of one of the distracted fools.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

But answer me this: how can a story end happily if there is no love?
— Kate DiCamillo, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane