
Young Writers Society

Winged Ones: Ruscuers-Open-Not accepting new people

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:05 pm
ultraviolet says...

>Um, guys. I just realized something. Doesn't AJ still have the key? Or is there no key-swipe on the inside?<


There had to be a way out, there just had to be. No matter where you were, there was always an escape, if you were creative enough to come up with one.

Thinking, thinking....

Ahah! It was a long shot, but it might just work, maybe.

Okay, so the walls were cement, and the door was steel. Impenetrable, right? Maybe not.

I took my dagger, my incredibly sharp dagger, and started sawing at the point of the door knob that was right next to the door. This wouldn't be enough to go right through it, but it might just weaken it. Enough to, if we had enough weight and force, kick the knob off. Then all we would have to do it figure out the inner mechanics of the knob and find the little switch thing that kept it locked.

Again, it was a long shot, but it was all we had.


This was what I got for hoping. Hope is overrated. Hope is evil. Hope crushes dreams. Hope is dreams. It crushes itself. I was so angry at myself, I wasn't even making sense.

I squeezed Zuri's hand, trying to comfort her.

For a few short moments she looked happy--no, ecstatic--and for a few short minutes we were leaving this place. Now, we're not leaving and we're not happy. The look on her face, the amazing amount of disappointment, it made me want to cry more than I have ever wanted to cry before.

We had been through it all together, had always been next-prison-over cell mates, and had been put through a lot of the same torture, up until recently when they saturated her blood with every poison known to man, and physically pushed me oer the edge for what seemed like nothing more than entertainment for the guards. These people, they were evil.

I heard a scratching sound, and looked up to see someone, I couldn't tell who, sawing at the door knob.

Good luck, I thought bitterly. I wasn't getting my hopes up.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:27 pm
Dragonet says...

Oh yeah, AJ does have the key, heh heh, whoops, I forgot. Well I don't want to use it now, that would make him look really stupid. We'll just say that the key doesn't work on the inside?

Just incase you guys didn't know, Apple, FicFan, and Sakin, we're all stuck in a cell waiting for you to rescue us! I would post, but lately I've been in, like everyother post and I don't want to spam this SB with my posts.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:04 am
fictionfanatic says...

For nearly an hour and a half I've been switching from camera to camera to find them. This place was big. I saved the cells for last, hoping-praying to god-that they wouldn't be in there. But finally, that's all that was left. When I brought up one of the cameras in the cell it was in a dark room, so everything in it glowed green.

But there was way to many people in there. Their shapes, so familiar, made me want to scream on the top of my lungs. But I couldn't because someone would hear me.

They were all trapped. Even AJ, who is probably so confused right now but won't say anything about it. Bringing up a map of the building I printed it out, then circled where they were. With that, I destroyed all the tapes, and smashed all the screens so if someone came in they wouldn't see me. Furious, I snatched a key from one off the unconscious guys on the floor and ran out of the room. There was no time to go get Corbin, Ester, and Ellie. So I was on my own as I ran down the halls to save my family.
As I shoved the last of the six guys into the closet with my bloody hands, I pulled out the map. People walking by every minute was making me a little behind, but I was almost there. I had a cut across my cheekbone, a bunch all over my arms, and slashed were in my hands from holding their knives away from me. All of them were bleeding.

I ran as fast as I could to the room and thankfully didn't come across anymore scientists. When I entered the room I wanted to start sobbing. There were so many cages. I walked up to the one that contained my family. Just before I opened it, I heard someone behind me. When I turned around there was no one there. So I screamed "Come out and fight me!" When nothing happened I screamed again "Get out here and fight me like the wretched man you are!"

The man in the white lab coat appeared, a sly grin on his face. "I'm out, happy?" I refrained myself from snarling at him and said "I won't be happy until you're in prison or dead." He gave me a mischievous smile and said "I know who you are. Kaylee Pierson. Your mother hid you from us. And then your sister. When we came for you you killed her with your own two hands. Did you know that you have a new sister? We're just waiting to see if she ends up like you and Lila. Watching her very closely."

So that was the little girl I saw. I clutched my dagger and yelled "Don't you dare touch her! If you so much as lay a finger on her I'll kill you!" He shook his head smiling "We won't hurt her Kaylee. We won't need to. You probably will do that first." In a flash I was in front of him holding him by his shirt. I threw him with as much force as I could, and he landed in a cabinet full of glass test tubes, which all shattered and rained onto of him.

I was then on top of him. He was struggling to keep my hands and dagger away from him. When my blade was at his neck his eyes dared me. I would've killed him, but I just couldn't. This man, so cruel, had brought me my family. And for that I spared him. Quickly, I hit a pressure point in his neck, and he was unconscious.

I ran over to the cell and, finally, swiped the card and opened the door...
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:19 am
Yuriiko says...


"I know Kaylee is going to liberate us from this plain awful cell," I thought. My eyes wandered around the warm room, which barely contained enough air for us to breathe in. I heard a smashing sound as Blake was trying to break the knob off from that locked door. I have to make her stop because my ears were already hurt and I couldn't concentrate finding a way to let us escape from this room.

"Blake, you know that's not going to help us," I said with my voice calm as it could be and patted on her back. The room was getting warmer and that we should think of a way to get out of here before any scientist could trap and use us as an experiment again.

"This is the only way, Carry," She insisted and went back to her ineffective work. I knew her determination for this was something I couldn't least expect-- anyway, all of us were also thinking of our way of escape.

"No, it isn't. We'll just have to wait for Kaylee." My tone was a bit dark and low.She wouldn't listen to me and thus, was getting on my nerves. I clenched my teeth and sighed to relax my irritated mind.

Everyone even looked helpless but I knew their faith for Kaylee was strong enough to break this wall off. And now, nonsense things were swaying in my head already. I looked at the winged ones. Their confused and save-us-from-this-place faces were obvious. I squatted down near to a girl, whose eyes were already filled with tears.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded and I smiled at her just to give her a tinge of encouragement that all of us would be free sometime. And after few seconds, we heard a clattering glass sound, which made us cringe a bit and before we knew it, the door suddenly opened and came in Kaylee.

"Kaylee!" We all said in chorus, well except for the new winged ones, and ran towards her with a smile, in happiness and in relief.

<Sorry ultra. I got confused between Blaise and Blake.>
Last edited by Yuriiko on Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:38 am
ultraviolet says...

>Um.. Yuriiko, Blake's a girl. Oh, and want to know what I just realized? Michel got called a girl. So now they can be together either way! ... That's a little disturbing when you think about it. :shock: <
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:42 am
Yuriiko says...

oh sorry. XD
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:46 am
Calligraphy says...

hahaha yeah I noticed that to. Creepy.

Micheal Webb

I watched as Blake tried to dislodge the door handle. I would have helped, but I would have just gotten in the way. I heard a bang from outside. It was faint because of the sound proof walls, but I knew it must have been really loud out there. "shhh" I whispered. There was another muffled sound. It could have been anything. A few more minutes at the door knob turned. Everyone held there breath. It opened. It was kaylee, but it looked bad. She had her look that she was troubled, but doing a very good job of hiding it. Besides that she was cut up everywhere, and bleeding a lot. I looked at the tile behind her to see the splatters of blood. Everyone rushed forward.

But, there was no time for dinner conversation. "We have to get out of here now." Kaylee ordered. She spun on her heel knowing that we would follow. The winged ones that had been here before were hesitant at first, but as if there was a silent decision between them they stepped forward eager as puppies. Nothing comes easy though. As soon as we had stepped through the first door people in lab coats streamed in and they had guns. I wasn't sure what kind. Would they actually kill us? Weren't we to valuable to them?

A woman stepped forward clearing her throat. She seemed to enjoy holding Juvenal delinquents at gun point. Maybe she should become a cop.

A. S.

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:02 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I froze. Leaning heavily on Jaden, my stomach more rippling than backflipping, and we were out- and there's a doctor with a gun.


The girl who got us out was seeming to get uber-respect from the ones that had tried initially, so I was hoping she'd do... something. I dunno... fix me, find some counter-poison, get rid of the dreamcrusher that was the whitecoat in front of us. Mine and Jaden's wings were folded in tight, so only little jets of blue stuck out at my hips and you could see some white behind Jaden's head. I gulped.

We were so close. In the hall, even. With a group of saviors and Jaden by my side -for once we could touch, not be held apart by a metal grate- my only chance at the light at the end of the tunnel was starting to dim. Nooooot cool.

Someone needed to do something, stat.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:38 pm
fictionfanatic says...


I was shaking by now whether from loss of blood, fear, or annoyance that these people were always one step ahead of us, I didn't know. I remembered something and grinned. I took a few steps towards them. A couple of them moved their guns to point at me.

Clicking my tongue I said "Now, I know you don't want to kill us. Think. How did we get in here? I'll give you one guess-" I drew out her name slowly "Bianca. But it's not like we could just let her run around free. So we tied her up and hid her. Without us, you won't find her and she'll end up dying. Now I'm sure you don't want that."

They all gave each other quick looks. "She's bluffing!" One yelled. I rose my hands in the air and said "Okay. Go ahead and shoot us." We stood there in silence for about a minute. Nothing happened. I laughed and said "Exactly. You don't think I'm being honest, but you don't want to find out I was after you kill us."

Another one of them said "We don't need all of them, just one or two." I whipped out my knife and pressed the tip against my chest. Through my teeth I said "You kill them, I'll kill myself." Come on guys. Now would be a great time for you to realize how long it's been and come save us! I thought as the tip pressed against my heart.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:34 pm
Calligraphy says...

Micheal Webb

I looked up at the ceiling. Sheetrock. But, I had just realized that the winged ones were completely tied up. Even if they did get untied they probably never had the chance to fly. I knew that for me flying had taken off quickly, but these guys had lived in a lab for maybe there whole lives. They were sick on top of it. I slowly pulled out one of my daggers. Everyone's eyes were on Kaylee. I walked up to the one with white hair. I carefully pulled up her shirt whispering that I was going to untie her. She pulled away slightly and went stiff; even as I began to cut through the weird rubbery substance.

I glanced up for a moment and saw everyone putting knifes to their throats. I did the same. If one of us was killed all of us would die. It was as simple as that. There was a moment when everyone was perfectly still. I started to cut at the rubber more vigorously. I was almost half done when something zinged past my left ear. I instantly looked behind me searching for who shot it, but then turned again when the white haired girl collapsed. There was something in her shoulder that looked like a dart. She was still breathing though. It must have knocked her unconscious or something. I pulled the dart out just encase it was still putting stuff into her.

All this happened in a matter of seconds, and In the next second I just barely dodged another bullet. I turned signaling out the person who had the different gun. He was covered with blood. Then I realized that it was the dude who Kaylee had thrown onto the shelf with all the medicine. He had been unconscious when we came out. I hoped silently that someone had brought something they could throw. bullets were whizzing past me now. I realized they had brought the girl with the black hair, and Blaze. I suddenly realized that I had something to throw. I leaned back and aimed right at his neck. It sunk in with a sickening thunk. He went pale. Only then did I realize I killed him when I hadn't had to. Then I thought I just killed someone, and even if he was the the most leachy (made up word alert :D) person I knew I still had this ache in my heart. I stared at him fall unaware of what was going on around me.

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Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:13 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I'm gonna try something to get you guys back into this...


When the one man fell to the ground, dead, all the people holding guns froze and stared at him. "Now!" I yelled. We all began attacking. Well, everyone but the new ones. They just watched us with their eyes wide open and practically popping out of their heads.
When we had all of them knocked out we only had a few cuts and scratches. At least that I could see. But I had yet to check the new Winged Ones.

I bounded over to them and said "No time for the formalities. We've got to get out of here before more come." With that, we began running for the exit.
Somehow, we'd managed to get out without crossing anymore scientists. We were about to run into the woods when I remembered. Bianca. I guess leaving her there wouldn't be that smart. So I ran back to get her out of the trunk.

When I opened it she looked up at me with hard but scared eyes. Rolling my eyes I scooped her up and began running with her in my arms. "Guys!" I called. They all stopped running. When I caught up to them I put Bianca on the ground and said "I brought Princess. I don't think we can let her go though. She'll definitely tell people."

*And someone may continue...*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:41 am
Calligraphy says...

Micheal Webb

It took me a moment to recover, and even when I did I didn't through myself into the fight. I went to the three (That's right. Right? Jungle, Cookies, and ultra?) new winged ones and quickly untied them. I had just finished the last one when something ripped my wing. I Whirled and stabbed blindly. I had caught a woman in the leg. She went down and I hit her head hard enough so she would go unconscious. My wing hurt bad so I knew I wouldn't be able to fly very far.

But, I ignored the pain and jumped into the fight. I found myself using my daggers instead of my hands. What was I becoming? A monster? I wondered later if I really had needed my weapons, but at that moment I had been on overdrive doing anything to survive. Finally we had them all subdued.

We quickly made it out to the car. I didn't realize what was going on. The small pain in wing was growing. I was seeing double. I didn't know what was happening. I jumped I was beating my wings, but things were going even more fuzzy. All I knew was pain, pain and spiders. Spiders were crawling all over me, but I didn't mind. They bit me again and again. Poison. Yet, I was still flying. Kaylee was in-front of me. Then down down down.

A. S.

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Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:01 am
Junglelover says...


"I brought Princess. I don't think we can let her go though. She'll definitely tell people." the girl said.
"They what are we going to do with her, kill her?"
'No, I don't think that's needed. Anyone have an idea?"
"We could take her far,far, ffffaaaarrrr, away." someone said.
"No, that won't work."
"we don't have to do anything. We could leave her, and go back to the...." Shifting her eyes before finishing,"you know what." The girl who said that was wearing black, and had short brown hair.
"That might not be such a bad idea, Blake. I'll think about it."
"Thank you, Kaylee." The names were being reveled. So far I know, Blake and Kaylee.
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:42 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Sorry I haven't posted in so long...tell me if anything is wrong.

~Ellie May~

"I like that idea," I muttered, trying not to sound too eager to get rid of her, but failing all together. I wasn't much for people who drove pink cars and wore lip gloss. Maybe those other people were right, I was going Goth. I looked around at some of the new faces.

"I'm Ellie May, Ellie for short," I said, loud enough for all of them to hear. I hadn't thought anyone would shorten my name, but it had seemed, my first day on the island, someone had called me Ellie, other than Ellie May. My friends used to call me May. Then again, what friends, the ones from the lab? Maybe one of these people knew them. I was hopeful that maybe I could find my old friend--older than me by a long shot, yes, but so were the others. He'd be older than Ashton, but he was just 16.

Pain struck my heart as I realized he had thought I left him. I had attempted to run away that night, and ended up on the island. How wrong of me to do...

Focus, Ellie, we're here to save them, not have a pity party. But maybe they did know him. Did I even remember his name?

>I was thinking it could be on of the new people, but it doesn't matter who, I was just trying to get Ellie in!<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:24 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I'm thinking that since our rescue mission is over I can make a third sequel using the idea in in DT (if that's okay with you). Because this SB is called Rescuers and we're done with that.

*please post your responses in the DT*
Live, Love, Laugh

If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.
— Lemony Snicket