
Young Writers Society

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Started/ Still Accepting)

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Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:25 pm
KingLucifer says...

Gemini Randa - Arena - Student vs Teacher, Gemini's Struggle

It's been cloudy ever since I got to camp, but now, now I was ticked off, instead of dull gray clouds looking like it's about to rain. They were stormy gray like a thunderstorm was about to happen again. The eye of the storm hovered over the arena where I cut down straw dummy after straw dummy, taking all my anger out on the dummies. Chiron would say this was a great way to let out my anger, but nothing could stop the burning flame of hatred in my heart. I stood there sweating as my breathed heavily, sweat dripping down my face as I saw the destruction of straw dummies laid on the ground.

"It's nice to see your fighting prowess hasn't declined in the time you have been away from Camp," I heard behind me.

I turned to see Chiron that old centaur, he hasn't changed a bit in the last five years. He was scratching his beard thoughtfully as he looked at me. I noticed there was a bow and arrow on his back, and two swords strapped to his side, wonderful, I may have to fight my teacher.

"Only way to keep my anger from destroying the camp," I said pointing to the sky.

"I can see, your emotions have been affecting the weather ever since your arrived at Camp," he says.

"Not much I could do about it," I said.

I kept my hand on my sword and drawn, the last I need is to be weaponless right as Chiron attacks, I never take my eyes off him, I watch him out of the corner of my eye as I go to sit down and rest.

"So what do you want Chiron?" I asked.

"I was hoping to discuss the over dozen bodies you've left in your wake last night, and the hundred some burned campers you've wounded," he said.

"Not my problem, when I get ticked, people get hurt," I said.

"It is your problem, where ever you go, you hurt people and-"

"And what?"

"And I cannot let you go on like this, Alexis and Abriella have failed to turn you from your path and protect the Campers from your wrath. Gemini, I am sorry, but I must end your life for the sake of the Gods." he said.

And just like that, even Chiron had betrayed me, first Lexi, then Abri, now Chiron, what would it take to have her old friends back? why is everyone turning on me? why? why? why?! Prometheus' voice played in my head, the words he had said that I didn't want to believe.

"Everyone will betray you Gemini, no one outside of the Juggernauts will stand with you, in the end, there is only you and the Juggernauts destined to do what no one wants to happen."

"Chiron, don't please, I don't want to fight you," I said.

Chiron drew his bow from his back and an arrow from his quiver, my grip on my blade tightened as I tried to keep my emotions under control as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. No, I will not cry here, not in front of him.

"I am sorry Gemini, but this must be done," he said.

I heard the arrow fly, but before it found it's target, I looked up and a thunderbolt hit it, sending it to the ground. I reluctantly took my blade into both my hands as Chiron reloaded his bow, he fires again but I block his arrow with my blade. I knew what I had to do, I just wish it wouldn't be this hard to do it.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:58 am
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Iggy says...

Juliet Roman ~ Ares (Unclaimed)

"Don't touch him." Juliet hissed as a small boy came running forward, her fierce amber eyes narrowed in mistrust.

"You can trust me." He said softly, hands reaching out to rest on Simon's back. He helped her lower her best friend to the ground, then scooted back to examine the damage the snake had done. Another guy, about her age and definitely handsomer, came over to help his brother. They had to be brothers, for they had the same unkept brown hair. Just like Simon's, she realized with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

They bandaged his wounds, fed him some jelly-crap stuff that, to her relief, made the color return to his cheeks. He was alive. Juliet felt a wave of tears build up behind her eyes and fought them back successfully, choosing to glare at the older man. "More!" She snapped.

"No, that's enough. Give him any more and he'll die." He said, then firmly patted Simon's shoulder.

"Uuuugggh." Simon grunted. Juliet gently stroked his bangs out of his eyes, then awkwardly glanced up at the two guys, who introduced themselves as sons of Apollo. "Thanks." She muttered softly.

Harlow Van Halen - Athena

"I'll show her where the infirmary is." Harlow said softly, standing up and moving over by Rand. Their arms brushed, and she felt her lips twist into a grimace. Abri and Rand, Rand and Abri.. her mind sang. Oh, shut up, she snapped internally.

"When they get him settled in, show the girl where the Hermes cabin is, Har-"

"No!" The blonde woman snapped, interrupting Rand loudly. She easily picked up her friend and glared at him, her tone affirmative. "I'll stay in this infirmary with Simon, thanks. You! Let's go." She then turned her fiery gaze to Harlow, who nodded and started to walk towards the Big House.

"So, uh, I'm Harlow." She said softly once they settled into a steady pace, glancing sideways at the girl, who was staring down at her friend - Simon - silently.

"Juliet Roman." She muttered absentmindedly.

"Roman?" Harlow inquired, quirking an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes, Roman. Got a problem?" Juliet snapped, pulling back to the present, turning to scowl at her.

"No, it's just a bit ironic that a Greek demigod such as yourself has that last name." Harlow explained.

"Hysterical." Juliet sneered, marching past Harlow as she opened the doors to the infirmary. They worked together to gently lay Simon down on one of the cots, though it was clear that Juliet detested her touching the man.

"He'll be okay. Rand and Ben are sons of Apollo, the god of medicine. They work magic." Harlow said, aware that her tone had staggered a bit as she mentioned Rand.

Juliet seemed to notice from her position sitting by Simon's head, and quirked a brow, but before she could say anything, a golden chariot appeared above Simon's head.

"What the f*ck?!" Juliet yelled, jumping away from him in shock.

Harlow's face split into a big grin and she cheered. "He's been claimed! A son of Apollo!"

"The sun god?" Juliet said with a confused look on her face.

"Yep. Looks like Rand and Ben saved their own brother. So, are you sure you want to sleep in here? Simon should be fine by tomorrow, and then he'll be moving into the Apollo cabin. You'll have to stay in the Hermes cabin until you get claimed."

"I'll be fine for tonight. You should, uh, go, so we can get some rest." Juliet said, her tone awkward as she tried to be nicer. "And, thanks."

"No problem. Either I or someone else will come check on you when lunch starts, to see if he's in a condition to get up and join us." Harlow said, waving goodbye and slipping out the door.

Happy, she raced back over to the Pavillion, to the Apollo table. "He was claimed. A son of Apollo!" She grinned widely at Rand as the table exploded in cheers, then moved over to kneel beside him. "What did you want to talk about? You said something about the senior members gathering for a meeting?"
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:50 am
Wonder says...

Lena Tran ~ Poseidon

I waved at Ella's retreating form, my mouth twisted in a small frown, before glancing at the cabin again. Hermes.

Inside, I could instantly tell that Hermes wasn't my father. It just didn't feel right. But Ella had been nice enough to bring me here, so I guess I should be grateful. And if there was an open spot for me to fit in and now feel like a misfit, I'd gladly take it.

I moved my duffel bag from my right shoulder to my left, then opened the door and walked inside, one of my eyebrows arched in a questioning look. The cabin was...cozy, I guess. It felt nice, but I still knew that I was a misfit here.

After setting my bag down, I put my hands on my hips and inspected the bed. It seemed pretty comfortable, so I flopped onto the mattress and pulled out my iPhone.

The Messages icon had a number five next to it. I clicked it.

Kayla had sent me a text message, asking how I was and telling me to FaceTime her tonight. I sent her a quick reply, saying that I was fine and 'okay, I'll be sure to do that.'

Kyle's text had said, "I hope you won't get eaten by bears anytime soon -- I can't lose you!!"
I laughed and wrote back "I promise I won't get eaten; it sounds horrible! D:"

Amber, Charity, Kam, and Aubrey had sent me texts as well, and I all replied to them and said I was fine, things were great, and everyone seemed pretty nice. As I hit send on the last reply, Kayla sent me one more text message.

"Ok. Bryce was a total jerk 2day, I'll tell u about it on FaceTime." And then, "Sisters forever, right?"

I wrote back, "One thing, Two say, Three words, Four you: We are sisters. <3" Kayla was the best friend anybody could have. Even though we weren't related at all, she was closer to me than my own mother, or anybody for that matter.

Kayla and I talked some more, until she had to go. I scrolled through my playlist until I found "'Becky From The Block' by Becky G. I turned the volume on high, not bothering to plug in my earplugs, before closing my eyes and smiling.

I let the music envelop me like a cloud, and I started singing along with it. "I won't stop till I get to the top/ I'm so, I'm so, Becky from the block/Always had a little but I want a lot/But wherever I go, I know where I came from..." I sat up in bed, suddenly. Would I remember my home, and all my friends after spending time in camp? I though back to my conversation with Kayla, and how I had promised that we would be sisters forever and always.

I frowned as I looked out the cabin window, still singing and rapping quietly as I told myself that everything would be okay, and that I was just worrying over nothing.
Even though the girl smiles and laughs doesn't mean that she isn't dead inside.

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Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:13 pm
danickname says...

John Deimos de la Cruz - Son of Ares-
Sometime after Capture the Flag...

"OHSWEETGOKUINASANDSTORM!" I yelled as I woke up "Where am I?" I asked myself, pulling my tiny body off of the ground. I looked around, hoping to figure out just where the heck was I...
"It looks like I'm in the cabin." I thought "Funny, I only wanted to nap until the game started..." I began to doze off again, until I realized something... I was suppossed to wake up in time for the game... I took a good look at my watch, hoping that I wasn't late for the game.
"Oh, thank the gods." I sighed "I'm only an hour late..." wait a minute, something about what I just said didn't sound right "I'm an hour late..." I told myself as I stood up "I'm an hour late!"
I had begun panic, I threw my bed sheets aside and tossed around my stuff, hoping to find my weighted gloves. I sucked at swordplay, spear-throwing and basically every other essential skill a demigod like me needed to learn in combat. All I had were my gloves and this old knife I used for whittling -don't you dare judge me reader, a child of Ares needs his hobbies, even ones that involved making model theatres... high quality model theatre-.
This sucked, I couldn't find my knuckledusters. If only the stupid black gloves that I wore all the time could help me find my dusters... I sighed as I stared at my gloves... at my gloves... at my glo-... I WAS ALREADY WEARING MY GLOVES!!!
I ran outside, grabbing my spare helmet and some breathmint -you're judging me again reader... breathmints taste nice...-, I hoped the game wasn't over yet, I would get really disappointed if it was.

"I'm late! I'm late! I am so very late!" I screamed out loud, I didn't care if anyone heard me. I was way too pumped to care about distracting or annoying someone, I couldn't be late for another game. What was I late for? Capture the Flag. No, I wasn't about to play a game on my computer and have fun with a bunch of friends -I haven't touched my computer for nearly a year-. I was about to do it in real life. It may sound like fun, but trust me, Capture the Flag was anything but fun. It was dumb, dangerous and would constantly put you into life-threatening situations... THE PERFECT GAME FOR A DEMIGOD!

I had finally arrived at the forest, now all I had to do was put on some armor and march to the... why was the forest empty? "You're late." a voice told me, it sent chills down my spine. I turned around hoping that it wasn't a monster set loose as a prank... thank crack it was only a satyr -well they're monsters too, sort of. They are part human but they lick glue off cans and... I'm starting go off topic again, aren't I?-.
"The game's over." the satyr said coldly, his voice cracking. It wasn't because he was trying to be unfriendly, but he was in a state, there was something wrong with him. It was almost as if something bad happened...
"Oh sweet Goku..." I muttered under my breath "Something happened." I looked around, everything seemed normal enough. There were splotches of blood everywhere, but that too was normal, there was always spilled blood after a game. I walked further into the forest, where there were even more dried up pools of blood. I continued walking aimlessly until I found something odd. Yes, it was still blood, but it looked... fresh. I kneeled down and examined it "It hasn't even dried up yet." I frowned wiping the blood off my fingers, despite all my walking I was still pretty sleepy "This is seriously wrong, the trail's still fresh." I looked around the fresh blood splatter. There was some sort of broken vial near the blood, out of instinct, I dipped my finger into what remained of the vials contents... and as weird as it may sound, I licked my finger -oh you're just gonna keep judging me, aren't you reader?! At least let me finish my sentence before you start thinking weird, you creep-... A familiar taste entered my mouth, it was my favorite dessert: my mom's leche flan. As the taste left my mouth I felt normal again, my senses no longer dulled by grogginess. I had begun to think straight again.
I didn't have to exert extra effort and think hard anymore, I already knew what this liquid was: ambrosia and nectar... the food of the gods... This was bad, no child of the war god in their right minds would bring out ambrosia and nectar during Capture the Flag... not unless all hell broke loose.
"Oh god..." my stomach began to churn, I felt helpless "Lexi... Alex..." I stared at the ground in disbelief... what if something bad had happened? What if Alex had gotten hurt? Hell, what if Lexi had gotten hurt?! I was worried sick, and I literally felt sick... If something did happen... and our siblings had gotten hurt... I was somehow responsible... maybe they wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had been there... if I had just been there...
"Pull yourself together!" I yelled at myself mentally "You can't just sit around, go to the infirmary! Check on your brothers and sisters! Be a freaking man!" I stood up. My subconsius was right, this wasn't the time for me to lie here defeated and suck my thumbs. If I wasn't able to help them then, I might as well protect them now. I ran towards the infirmary -coincidentally the trail of blood also led to the infirmary...- fire in my belly, and anger in my heart... whoever hurt siblings... no, whoever hurt any of my family was going to pay... and they'd pay in skin... or blood... no checks or charging... cash only...

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:20 pm
Noelle says...


I had never had nightmares like this before. I'm a child of Ares; we don't get nightmares. Nothing scares us. But this dream did.

I was standing in the middle of New York City. The Empire State Building loomed over me. But it wasn't its magnificent, tall self; it was falling apart. Siding peeled off violently and rained all around me. Each piece built up a wall that she hadn't noticed was surrounding her. Soon it was so high that she could only barely see over it. I pushed against the barrier until I had no more energy to. Sweat dripped down my forehead and my muscles ached. I gave up and fell to the ground.

The sky was in plain view from where I was. It was near the end of the day, but it wasn't late enough for the sun to set. It's golden rays could still be seen spreading out along the crest of the hill. But the moon was high in the sky, faded seeing as it wasn't at full force yet. I could see it's color though, a deep shade of red. My heart pounded. Gemini.

I stood and pulled myself up high enough to see over the barricade. A battle was surrounding me. Monsters littered the streets of New York, reminding me of the Titan War. But this was equally as bad if not worse. The Camp Half-Blood kids were helplessly overwhelmed. Orange t-shirts collapsed everywhere I looked.

I felt tears sting my cheeks. What's this? Why was I crying? The dream was so real that I'm sure my emotions were too. And it frustrated me. I clawed and pushed at the barrier surrounding me. But just like before, I couldn't make it budge.

And then I saw her; Gemini. She was storming the Empire State Building, weapon in hand. I watched in horror as she broke open the front doors. A throng of campers made their way outside and crashed into the Juggernaut army, slashing and dashing until they fell in a clump on the ground. It was too much for me to watch. My friends, my fellow campers, my family, were getting murdered and there was nothing I could do.

The ground began to shake and my teeth chattered against each other. I turned and a giant monster, standing about ten feet tall, was barreling toward me. I wasn't even sure what it was. I'd never seen a monster like it before. I didn't know how to fight it.

There was nowhere I could go. The barrier was still holding me back. My sword wasn't in my sheath. I grabbed at empty air. My heart pounded. I began to sweat again. Where was my weapon?!

Suddenly, an ear piercing scream filled the air. The monster stopped and looked. So did I.

Gemini crumbled to the ground and didn't move again.

"Lexi." I heard my name soft and quiet. I ignored whoever it was. I was still recovering from that dream. I hoped to the gods that the nightmare didn't ever come true. That's all it was, a dream right? That's the only problem with demigod dreams; you never knew if they were going to come true or if they were only dreams.

"Lexi," the voice whispered again. "Lexi, are you awake?" I finally gave. I recognized the voice.

"What, JD," I said irritably. "What do you want? I was sleeping!" He recoiled a bit, but it was more from my sudden outburst than fear. He wasn't scared of me.

"You were having a nightmare. I figured I'd try and get you out of it."

My face turned bright red. He could tell that I was having a nightmare? I wonder if everyone else could tell as well. I looked around the infirmary. No one else seemed to be paying attention to me. That is, until my eyes landed on Alex in the bed next to me. I jumped and nearly fell off of the cot.

"Holy gods, Alex! Don't scare me like that!" I screeched. He grinned and swung his legs over the side of the cot.

"I like watching you while you sleep," he said, creepily. I punched him playfully. I knew he was kidding. But it was freaky to wake up and see him staring at me like that, all wide eyed and grinning. "Why are you having dreams about Gemini?" he asked, suddenly all serious. "I thought you two weren't friends anymore." I hesitated.

"Look, this isn't something we should be discussing here." I got up off of my cot. I noticed that the cut on my arm was gone. Someone must have fixed it up while I was sleeping. "Are you okay to leave, Alex?" He nodded and stood. JD stood next to him, like he planned to catch Alex if he fell.

"Let's head back to the cabin and I'll tell you everything." I led my brothers out into the sunlight and back to cabin 5.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

* * *

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:46 pm
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Dragonette says...

So the following post honestly isn't that long, it just looks neater and more organized in these nifty little spoilers ^_^

Daemon : Dionysus : Wednesday morning

At the beach with Ella
Spoiler! :
Ella leaned over and kissed me on the forehead for the second time before resuming her position on the rock. We were still fairly close, our shoulders were touching and her hand was still resting on mine. Not gonna lie, it was nice -especially coming from an Aphrodite girl- but I still felt a bit awkward. I cleared my throat awkwardly and said, "So, uh, you had that problem too, huh?"

"Mhm." She tucked her feet under her and pushed back a dark curl that had strayed in her face.

Suddenly, I just wanted to blurt out all the problems I had dealt with that morning; looking in her eyes, I knew that she had gone through the same thing, so at least she could understand. Maybe it was some kind of stupid Aphrodite thing to make people feel like they wanted to open up, but I didn't care, I just wanted to tell her. And surprisingly I did. "Chiron just-just doesn't understand. For some reason he feels the need to get all in my personal life and check up on me. He's worried about my "personal health", he wants to "help me." But I don't need his help. I don't want his help. I'm fine. You know? And now he's forcing me to eat like some stupid babysitter or something. But I'm doing just fine the way I was and quite frankly it's none of his business. I was surviving on the portion I was eating. And now I have a god-da** stomach ache thanks to him."

At first I was afraid I had said too much, I had never opened up like that and it was a really weird -almost embarrassing- feeling, but Ella was nodding like she understood. "Yeah, getting back into eating regularly was hard. Like, I could taste every calorie in each bite I took. You'll get used to it, though."

I shrugged. Maybe.

Suddenly, a drunk-like dizziness came over me -like it does every once in a while. Thanks dad- and the hand that I was leaning on slipped and I accidentally knocked Ella's sunglasses off the rock. They flew out into a shallow portion of the sea that reached up to near we were sitting. I sighed, "Gods, I'm sorry. Wow, that was really clutsy." I wanted to face-palm.

Ella just giggled and climbed off the rock to go retrieve them. She took off her designer sandals and got right in the water. Scooping up her sunglasses, she clean and dried them on her shirt and placed them on her head, almost losing them in her curls. She paused for a second with her hands resting on her hips and said, "wow, the water feels really nice." Just then a playful look stole across her face and before I knew it, she cupped her hands full of water and tossed it at me.

I flinched as the chilly drops sprayed me. "Hey!" I said slightly irritated.

"You are such a girl. Come on, you need to smile more. You look at least a little bit attractive that way."

I set down my Monster and started taking of my shoes. "Isn't there some kind of law about not swimming after you eat? Or something like that?" Did I just make a joke? I stepped foot in the cold morning water and Ella kicked up some water that hit me across the face. "I'm going to get you for that, you little-" I picked her up by the waist and pushed her into the water. She squealed from the cold; it was probably only a foot deep, but I still got half of her body utterly soaked. Victory! Or so I thought. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me down. Having my usual Dionysus grace, I fell into the water with a splash.

Ella was laughing and I almost joined her before I heard a sweet voice laced with coldness call out. "Oh there you are, Ella! What on earth are you doing?" I turned to see "the mean girl" standing over us with her hands on her hips, glaring down at me judgmentally.

Ella jumped up and hurriedly patted down her hair and straightened her clothes. I scrambled to my feet and awkwardly scratched the back of my head. "Mean girl" lowered her raised eyebrows and laughed pleasantly; her laugh sounded like Christmas bells but I suspected that it was forced and fake. "Ella, dear," she said with the pleasant smile still lighting up her face, "must our mornings always go like this? It seems you're always dirtying up your clothes with something or other. Yesterday, strawberries; today, this."

Completely ignoring me, mean girl held out her perfectly manicured hand to Ella invitingly while saying that they'll "go back to the cabin and get her fixed up right away."

"I was just...sure." Ella squeezed my hand and said, "I guess I'll see you later," before grabbing her shoes and letting mean girl lead her away. I heard mean girl whisper, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that boy just muddied your outfit. The nerve of some people!"

I scoffed as I climbed out of the shallow pool and grabbed my Monster. Whatever. I wasn't mad at Ella though, she had to do what she had to do.

After waiting a second to let my feet dry, I put my shoes back on and decided to make my way back to my cabin, not like I had anything better to do; until lunch, then I had to come out and eat again. I made a face.

With Ben
Spoiler! :
When I strolled past the pavilion, Ben spotted me and came over. "Hey man, what happened to you?"

I shrugged. "Girls," was all I said.

Ben started laughing. "Really? Hahaha nice." I started to continue my way to the cabin, but Ben stopped me. "Hey, so I guess there's going to be some kind of meeting. Rand told me to gather all of the camp seniors. I think he means the cabin councilors too."


"You're the only one in your cabin, right?"

"Yes, thank the gods," I sipped my Monster.

"Well doesn't that make you a cabin councilor?"

"I guess...but look, Ben, I really don't think the other guys want me there."

"Come on, it doesn't matter if your wanted or not, you're invited, k? It's your responsibility." Responsibility, great, a word I loved. "Come on, pal, don't leave me alone." Ben hung his arm around my shoulders. I was about to mumble an agreement but then Ben perked up and said, "Oh there's Abri! I've been looking everywhere for her. Rand told me specifically to invite her. Come on, lets go."

He started leading me over to two very familiar girls and I stopped in my tracks. "Uh, yeah, I'm gonna, um, I have to go." I said awkwardly.

"Nah, you have to go to the meeting. Come on." I didn't budge. Ben looked at Ella's wet form and then back at me, probably making the connection. He laughed. "Fine, I have to go tell Abri, but you have to promise me you'll be at the meeting. It's at the big house."

I shrugged, "sure."

"Your sorry butt had better be there!" He called as he jogged over to Abri and Ella. I scratched my head awkwardly as I tried to avoid Ella's vision. It's always awkward meeting people twice in a row, especially when you just dumped the person in water. I sighed and made my way for the big house, I can't believe I'm actually keeping my word and going to the meeting. I guess it could be fun. Probably not, just everyone rolling there eyes at the obnoxious Dionysus boy. Especially Harlow. I grimaced. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. But I was already at the front porch and might as well go inside. Well, here we go.

(So, @Carina @Sunshine I was thinking that after Abri sees Ella and Daemon together, she decides that this would be the perfect chance for Ella to full-fill her Aphrodite right of passage thing. So she pushes Ella into asking Daemon out. Whether or not Ella actually likes Daemon and to what degree, doesn't really matter, it's up to Sunshine. But I figured it'd be a sensible way to actually get them together.
And, Sunshine, Daemon doesn't really take relationships too seriously, he doesn't get attached, but he's a good boyfriend. And he likes Ella, like I said, not seriously, but he likes her.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:57 am
Carina says...

Spoiler! :
Iggy has sadly dropped the SB, so I'm just going to get this moving and get all the seniors together. Lemme know if it conflicts with anything. :)
(Also, Mean Girl Abri, lol.)

Abri Moreau, daughter of Aphrodite

Abri couldn't believe how horrible this day was getting! Not only did Gemini totally threw her off, but she had ran out of her favorite sweet smelling perfume—ugh. Getting to capture Ben and feeding him all of her blessed beauty was alright, but shortly after Ella abruptly left the table, some tattered looking girl and floppy guy came in and disturbed everything. Who did she think she was? Did she think she owned the place or something? Ugh. How annoying, thinking she was all that. And she was gross and dirty, so when her sweet Rand and Ben went up to help her...gods! Why didn't she go to Chiron for help instead of making every single person in this pavillion look at her tattered self? Then, when Harlow went up to her, Abri got annoyed to the point of just leaving since she knew that if she stayed or interacted with them, the scene of the first day here would just repeat.

What did she do after that? She had found Ella who was interacting with—what?!—Daemon.

"Honey," Abri said to her after she rescued her away from him drowning her or whatever. "Look at you—you're a mess! And that disgusting boy did this."

She saw Ella frown and wince when she called him a disgusting boy, but why would she do that, Abri didn't know. "Daemon's not bad, Abri," Ella said back.

Abri pondered over that thought for a minute. "So," she began, showing off her blessed Aphrodite smile that would make anyone melt while her tone completed changed into a happier one, "you like him?"

Ella rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly."

Abri laughed—an airy, sweet kind of laugh. "Love is never silly, chérie. Our mom is the daughter of love." She tilted her head, remembering that Ella wasn't claimed yet even though sons and daughters of Aphrodite were so very obvious, and that she had to sleep in the smelly and old Hermes cabin. An idea then sparked her mind. "Ella, dear," she said. "Don't you want to sleep in the cabin you belong in?"

Ella's eyes lit up as if she could go on and on about how gross and packed and dirty that cabin was. "Do you even have to ask? It was like they force me to sleep in some dirty stranger's house."

The two girls giggled for a moment as they continued to rant about how horrible that place was and how heavenly theirs was, but Abri finally went to the main point. "I know a way to get you claimed. And if you're claimed, you get to live in my cabin."

"Oh? How do I get claimed then?" Ella asked.

Abri smiled as if she was about to share some big dirty secret—does she love secrets—and then leaned in to tell her, "You have to break Daemon's poor little heart."

...That was his name, right?

Ella stepped back a little. "You mean that Aphrodite's Rite of Passage thing you told me about yesterday? Oh, I don't know. He'd—"

Abri swished her arm in the air, automatically dismissing whatever Ella had to say. "Sweety, I'm doing you a favor. Everyone has done it, and if you're around him for a few more days, that boy will completely fall head-over-heels for you. Can't you see? It will be so easy."

Unlike mine.
A feeling of a lost longing twisted up her stomach.

Suddenly Ben came over with—how fitting—Daemon. Abri smiled and gently pushed Ella towards him while listening to Ben about whatever senior meeting thing she had to go to.

"What's it about?" she asked him.
"I don't know," he admitted, suddenly looking all lost for words now that he was alone with her while walking to the Big House. "Rand told me to send you here since everyone else is already inside, and I, uh..."
Abri tilted her head up at him, smiling sweetly. "You..?"
Ben seemed to get all flustered as if he didn't know what he was saying anymore, then began to turn away. "Thanks for breakfast?"

Abri giggled, giving him another hug before saying, "You're pretty cute, you know that?"
And he looked so much like Rand... So much like him.
"Thanks for walking me here," she said as she pulled out of the embrace.

They were already at the steps of the Big House, so she might as well come in. They waved goodbye at each other before she opened the door and entered, immediately smelling the sharp odor of old rusty books and tattered pages. She was indeed the last person here as the eight others sat around the table: Ness, Lexi, Harlow, Rand, Marxus, Abrin, Daemon, and Laila. Of course, she didn't expect Gemini there, but wasn't someone missing? Wasn't that Miranda girl supposed to be here? Maybe Abri wasn't the late one after all.

The eight others were lightly chatting with each other, and noticing that Harlow took a seat next to Rand and Abrin, she scowled and accepted her challenge, taking the other unoccupied seat next to Rand. However, when she sat down, she turned to look at Ness instead who was also sitting by her side.

Though not before briefly looking around the room and noticing the one person who usually took up the most space was missing, of course.

"Where's Chiron?" she asked, looking more in Ness's direction than anyone else. Really, she did not come to this big old place just to find out that the headmaster of these meetings didn't even show up.
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

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saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:35 pm
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Sunshine says...

Hm. I kind of pictured Ella still being in the Aphrodite Cabin, but this brings up a much better plot line since she *technically* hasn't been claimed yet. @Dragonette: Part of this erases the whole 'avoiding her gaze' thing, but since Abri pushed them together in her post, I'll do a quick thing. Hope this is okay, and if it isn't, I'll just remove it.

Ella Pond

Ella Pond was not a heart breaker.

At least, I didn't think I was.

Breaking hearts was mean, and though I had done plenty of mean things- excluding people, talking about people behind their back, impoliteness to an Aunt that had never been anything but positively fabulous to me- I (technically) hadn't broken a heart. There was one guy who was a crude break-up, but he wasn't nearly as fragile as I knew Daemon was.

However, Ella Pond never said she wasn't a slightly insecure idiot.

My shorts are still soaking wet, which was extremely uncomfortable when I was talking to Abri, but somehow less embarrassing around Daemon. Abri was back to flirting with Ben, and having shoved me towards Daemon. He avoided my eyes, but I still blurt out a, "Hi, again."

He looks up at me. "Hey."

The words that spill out are Abri's, not mine. "I had fun today, minus the whole soaking wet thing." I hope he's going to smile at me, but he doesn't. "So I was wondering if you wanted to have Lunch together tommorrow? I promise I won't make you eat to much." I smile.

He shrugs so nonchalantly it kind of makes me want to hit him over the head. I don't understand nonchalant; you need to be enthusiastic, or upset, or at least embarrassed. Nonchalant is like having no emotion at all.

"Sure." He still won't look at me. "Listen, though, I've got to get going. I'll see you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

And he leaves. Abri and Ben are already gone, and I feel like a (sopping wet) lost puppy.

I don't know if I want to break Daemon's heart, but I do want to get to know him; and if it means getting where I want to be, maybe I will. We'll just see how things go, I guess. Planning is for people who know where they’re going with their lives, and I just got a whole new one.

I walk to the Hermes cabin. Abri is right; it truly is awful. I slept one night in the Aphrodite Cabin, before Chiron decided I was ‘not technically claimed’ and ‘had to move to the Hermes cabin’. The words had knocked him from my slight fondness of his parental nature No one is around, which kind of surprises me. Lena is the only one I really know in this over-crowded cabin of rather miserable proportions, and I figured she might still be here. I slip out of my soaking wet shorts and Union Jack, putting a flowery (and probably too short) sundress on instead.

“Abri is right.” I mutter to myself. “I have soiled too many clothes.”

I go to the bathroom, full of boy’s deodorant and girl’s make-up, and carve out my own space among the chaos. I fix my make-up, though it hadn’t really been smeared all that terribly.

“Hello?” A voice, female and very angry echoes around the space. “Is this where I’m supposed to go?”

I peer around the bathroom door. She sounds like another clueless new camper, but much angrier than Lena Tran had been. I look at her combat boots and decide that, like Lena Tran and I, she doesn’t belong here.

“Probably.” I lean against the bathroom door. “What’s up?”

She looks at me, as though surprised that I am there. She waves around her suitcase. “Is this the Hermes Cabin or whatever? I’m just here to drop off my stuff, and then I’ve got to go back.”

“Sadly, yeah. Back to where?”

“None of your business!” She snaps, placing the suitcase on the floor and turning around.

“You know that’ll get stolen if you aren’t careful, right. This is the cabin for the children of the God of thieves.”

She doesn’t respond. I close my eyes and wonder who she is, and soon enough I am faced with another angry heart. Not bad, not evil, just snapped and cracked in so many places, barely throbbing of its own free will. Her heart reminds me, fondly, of Daemon’s. I smile, though she cannot see me.

“I’m Ella Pond, by the way.”

Not my best post, but it’ll do. @Ignorance!
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:12 am
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Cailey says...

Spoiler! :
Okay, I've gone too long without posting something.

Aidan- Infirmary

I sat up for the first time after who knows how long. It felt like years had passed, but probably only a few hours had actually gone by. Maybe a few days, if I was lucky.
I didn't want to get up at first, because my mind kept bombarding me with images of the girl, laying helpless on the pine needles in the forest. Every time I closed my eyes, lightning would flash, and I would jerk upright with sweat pouring down my forehead.

"I need to get out of here," I murmured to no one in particular. Everywhere around me I saw corpses, though probably they weren't actually dead. Still, they haunted me with images of the dead, and I couldn't take it. Besides all the still figures, I was alone. I'd been alone for too long, and I wouldn't take it any longer now that I had a choice about the matter. I ripped needles out of my skin and tore the sheets off my legs, one of which was fat with a bandage of some sort.

I limped out of the hospital as quickly as I could, and ran through the camp like a madman. I could hear people eating in the large dinning room, but I realized that I couldn't face a large crowd in my current state. I continued running, until somehow I managed to find my cabin. I slammed open the door and collapsed on my bed, my chest heaving with the adrenaline.

A few moments later the door swung open again, and I heard someone standing over the bed. I rolled over to look at my guest. I recognized Ness, and heaved a deep sigh of relief, though also regret that he wasn't Miranda.

"Where is she?" I gasped, knowing that Ness would know who I meant. He looked away, and instantly I knew. "Where is she?" I repeated, this time screaming. "Where is she?"

"Hey, Aidan, calm down," Ness put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't want his touch. I felt guilt swarm over me, and the Mistake loomed above me like an axe about to fall. I hadn't killed her, she didn't die because of me. Still, maybe if I had been stronger. Maybe I could have saved her, if I'd known how to fight. If I'd only run faster...

"I want to train," I determined, pushing myself into a sitting position and staring straight into Ness' eyes. "I want to learn how to make the water do what I want, and how to make storms and use a sword and run fast and kill. I want to learn how to kill."

I didn't know where the words came from, but the moment they arrived in my mouth I knew that I could not take them back. Miranda was dead, and I had let her die.

Spoiler! :
Hope this is okay. Dante, is it okay that Gemini just found herself an enemy? I know Aidan won't be much competition, at least not right now, but he's pretty mad. So hopefully you don't mind that Aidan wants revenge. But if you don't like the twist I can certainly change it.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:19 am
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Omni says...

Spoiler! :
So, I'm going to step up with a plot maker, mixing both the plot from the first series of Percy Jackson and the second series kind of. Don't be afraid to tell me to delete this because I'll be more than willing to. @Noelle and @Dragonette

Miranda Furia ~ May the Truth be told

The gods knew of her transgressions. May she reap the rewards of destruction soon.

The ground beneath me was cool to the touch, yet I could hear the yearn of my flesh coming from flames nearby. I did not know anyone with ability to conjure up flames.

Come to think of it, I knew no one at all.

I felt the ground to get a better image of my surroundings before I tried to open my eyes, because frankly I really didn't want to.

The ground felt like dry dirt, having forgotten the cooling sensation of rain long ago, with something a little grittier, something a little . . . darker.

I gasped, forcing my eyes open in attempt to fight off whatever was trying to hurt me. There was nothing there but flames and shadows.

Where was I? I shivered suddenly, even though I should be feeling heat from the fire basically surrounding me. However, it just kept getting cooler and cooler, a chill almost not normal.

"Hello?" I asked, feeling the need to crawl up in a tight ball and stay there forever, "Is anybody there?" My question echoed through the mysterious cavern-like structure without any interruption.

The fire seemed to be pulsating, like it was moving along to the beat of a drum, or a heart. I had the sudden urge to reach for my sides and grab my . . . daggers? I looked down in disbelief. Sure enough, there were two daggers, the one of the left a little larger than the one on the right, fitting perfectly into what looked like an archaic holster. It was gold with symbols scratched all over it, but it looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment.

"Don't worry, dear. It will not fall apart on you." I screamed and jumped in the air, instinctively pulling out my two daggers and facing whoever, or whatever, was talking to me. There was nothing but fire there.

I squinted my eyes, but to no avail. "It seems like this would get old, but seeing your face is enough to make me feel young and alive again. You seem to die a lot more lately than you have, dear." I could feel something behind me, but I couldn't move at all, so I just gripped my daggers even tighter, hoping against hope that they would help me out of here.

"Who are you?" I asked tightly, the ability to talk becoming harder and harder as some unseen force held me in place.

"I am your grandfather. Well, in-law, if you had to be more specific. And this is my home, what you and your family calls Tartarus. The deepest and darkest place of Hades."

That sparked something in my mind and I could feel myself able to speak once again. "Who is Hades? The name sounds familiar." Deep rumblings came from the darkness, shaking the cavern and causing parts of the roof to collapse.

"Hades is your father. But for me, his name is Pluto." Something tightened its grasp on me and I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. "I am Saturn, the Lost Lord of Time and I am the one who gave you your power, to train you for the uprising coming soon." Something stirred in the shadows and I could see bits and pieces of white light slithering towards me.

Stopping a couple feet from me, the light came together to create a man, holding a black scythe. "This will be the last time we come into contact I'm afraid, because my hold over you is slowly being dominated by Hades. He is searching for you, but does not know you are here." The ground shook as the fires died down, leaving the white man in front of me as the only source of light.

"We do not have much time. I am sending you to a time where you can finally bring down the Gods and I will at last be free. It is your duty to help the Juggernauts and Gemini, for it was and always has been your destiny." He reached out towards me and I could see the outlines of his hand. As his white body reached mine, it lost its gleam and I could see him in all of his beauty. "You, my dear, are my favorite grandchild. Never forget that. The powers you have are unimaginable. The time is close at hand, for you to leave, otherwise you will stay here forever. Find your amulet, and then you will never be lost. Good luck, and do your grandfather proud." He pulled his hand back and everything went black.

Spoiler! :
Basically, she is sent ten years back to find something besides her amulet. I will talk about that for a few posts, then meet up with the Camp in present day. May the plot thicken ;)
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Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:04 am
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KingLucifer says...

Gemini Randa - Lament

It had been a long time since I was last pushed to my limits. That's what it was like fighting Chiron, pushing limits. Chiron was smart, not even my Black Lightning wasn't working because of the rubber bands at the hilt of his swords and I was outmatched when it came to swordplay. He knew my every move before I made it, the year I spent training with him had obviously given him time to learn my weaknesses and strengths. He kept me on defense and didn't allow me to switch to offense, I wasn't use to fighting defensively. Our battle slowly moved out of the Arena and moved towards the cabins, I did what I can to keep myself alive, but it was all I could do.

As I took in my surroundings the Big House was getting close, I had to get in there quickly. I was switching gears in my head now, from defensive to offensive, as I made a plan to get into the big house and give me enough time to unleash everything I had. I was purposely backing up away from Chiron now, away from him as I sheath my blade onto my back. Then, I charged forward heading straight at him with my blade still sheathed. This was going to be painful, but worth it.

He brings his sword up to swing at me, and I bring my arms out at the first chance I get. He swings and grab hold of his arm and with all my might don't let go of him. He swings me behind him, and with all his might he swings forward, and I let go, the momentum behind his swing sends me forward, right towards the big house door. As I'm sent flying though the air, I cover my face with my arms, and brace myself for impact of the door.


I hit the door arms first, and it caves in and the momentum still going, I'm sent inside of the big house. My entire body was screaming with pain once I regained my senses from hitting the door. My legs were barely working, and it was hard to keep everything together as I slowly got to my feet. I settled myself by holding on to a table that was right behind me, I let go and land on my best foot, then, my Black Lightning surged all around me as I was gearing up for one last assault on Chiron.

The moment I saw Chiron's dark figure, was the moment I unleashed it all. I sent everything forward, everything to destroy him with my power. Volley after volley was sent forward to destroy him, once it was all gone , I collapsed to my hands and knees hoping that it was enough to seriously injure Chiron. But I knew I couldn't stop now, I pushed myself back to my hands and knees to my feet. Once there, my body slowly shifted back and forth, I look down at my hands, and see blood. Blood on my hands, not just my hands, my arms had noticeable red stains though my jacket. I raised my hands to my head and felt around my temple, then brought my hands down and saw red on my fingers.

"I'm bleeding," I said.

"I'm bleeding," I said again, this time with a giggle behind my tone.

I began to laugh, I had not been hurt this badly since two years ago, my frown turned into a smile, not a normal one. But it was sadistic as I continue to laugh.

"I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding!" I said though my laughter.

I turn and put my hands back on the table and see others, sitting there, they were watching me as I laughed at my own pain. Lexi and Abri were the ones who looked very worried about me.

"I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding!" I said more loudly this time.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:44 pm
AfterTheStorm says...

Cassandra (Cassie) Krawe: At her mother’s house

Dreams are weird. Mine began like this:

An unnatural chill swept over me, and suddenly the temperature drastically dropped in the expansive room. I shivered, then took in a deep breath. When I released it, a silver wisp of condensation escaped my lips, before slowly disappearing into the air. I was- in one word- freezing.

Darkness shrouded most of the room from my vision, but I could still make out a few features around me. An antique chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling and it cast odd shadows across the rock floor. Candelabras embraced the stone walls, all sporting lit torches. A pair of oak double doors proudly stood on the wall opposite of me, each door guarded by massive marble statues of men in… bed sheets? Huh. Oh, wait. Never mind. The statues were actually wearing togas. (It’s hard to tell a difference.) The wall to my left however was not made of rock like the other sides of the room, and instead was entirely covered by mirror. I gazed at my reflection curiously, noticing I was wearing by pajamas. Double huh. Why on Earth would I go anywhere still dressed in my PJs? Where was I, anyways?

Slowly and warily, I took a few small steps towards the mirrored wall. My bare feet stung as I moved on the icy rock floor. Looking into the mirror, I gasped when I realized how pale I looked and I swear I was turning blue from the cold. Shivering once more, I folded my arms across my chest trying to keep warm. Suddenly, I saw a tall man cloaked in darkness standing behind me in the reflection. I spun around quickly, but no one was there. I was alone in the strange room again. Or was I?

“Hello?” I called, hoping that I wouldn’t receive a response. But of course I did.

A deep rumble vibrated throughout the space, sounding almost like an amused laugh. “Hello, indeed.”

I turned each direction, trying to find out where the voice was coming from. Reaching for a candelabra, I yanked a torch free from its hold and brandished it in front of me. The warmth from the dancing flames felt so welcoming to me as I gripped the torch near my face. I walked toward the darkened parts of the room, allowing the torch’s light to illuminate the dimness.

I tried to even my voice to what I hoped seemed like a calm whisper. “Who’s there?”

To read the rest, click the spoiler:

Spoiler! :
“Why so anxious to discover who I am, little Cassandra?”

I cringed when the man’s low, gravelly voice said my name. What was going on? I’m dreaming, I thought to myself. That’s all. I’ll just wake up, and I’ll be back in bed. In vain, I closed my eyes tightly then reopened them, praying that I would have escaped this nightmare. However, I didn’t wake up.

As if reading my thoughts of leaving my nightmare, the voice- who I’ve decided to call Leroy- stated, “How rude. You cannot awaken yet, Cassandra. I am not finished speaking with you.” The voice laughed again, and the stone room trembled as the booming sound resonated off of the walls.

Since it was only a dream, I shouldn’t have been frightened by Leroy. But I was scared to death. I needed to leave! Still holding my trusty torch, I spun to face the opposite side of the room then dashed towards the double doors frantically. With my free hand I pulled the large handle on one of the doors, attempting to pull it open and flee the room.

“No, no, no. I do not think so,” Leroy cooed, his voice dripping with malignance. “Do not try to escape my presence.” As he finished saying this, the two doors abruptly disappeared, and I was left staring at a blank wall.

A hand tightly gripped my shoulder suddenly, sending chills down every inch of my body. I dropped my torch, spooked. It was a death grip that would make even the Hulk proud.

“You are still so young. So clueless to your true meaning of existence,” Leroy whispered in my ear. “What a shame-“

He never got to finish what he was saying because my instincts took over, and I kicked him right in the shin with the back of my heel. Leroy pulled away from me. Looking back on it, I realize that I didn’t really do any damage to him, but I startled him enough to give me the chance to snatch the torch once more. This time as I held the torch in my hands, I felt a surge of power run through me. I confronted Leroy. He was covered mostly in shadows so I couldn’t make out his face, but I had a feeling that I wouldn’t like what I saw if the shadows fled from him.

For a brief moment we both stared at each other, then he came at me in one swift movement. Instinctively, I swung the torch at Leroy. Flames suddenly swarmed around my hands, ran up my arms, then engulfed my shoulders. I cried out, then smacked my opponent with the torch before releasing it again. The torch clattered to the floor as I recoiled in shock, staring surprised at my arms. I waited for the burning sensation that I knew should fill my body, but it never came. The flames dancing along my hands and arms didn’t hurt me at all, and instead made me feel excited, strong, and alive. The fire was perfectly harmless to me. Warmth coursed through my veins as I felt a tug at my gut, and a powerful force ripped its way out of my hands. The fire came from my hands. My hands. It was so strange! Fire shot towards Leroy, encircling him and building a barrier of heat around the man.

I still can’t explain how it happened, but I was controlling the inferno. The flames surrounding Leroy obeyed every movement of my fingers and mind as if it were a part of me. I felt so empowered and strong as the warmth of the blaze radiated off of my body!

Excited, I shouted “Ha! Take that, Leroy!” as more flames rushed down my arms to my torso and legs, fully overcoming me.

Then as quickly as the fire had begun, it was suddenly gone. All of my strength was extinguished with the inferno. I dropped to my knees, feeling sick, weak, and icy once more.

“You already tire?” I heard Leroy say mockingly. “How pitiful. I thought for a few moments just then that you actually would be able to control yourself, and not overexert your powers. Do not push your strength, Cassandra. But I suppose that you are still learning.”

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. “Who are you?” I looked up to the man standing unharmed before me.

“You will find out soon enough,” he responded coldly, his voice melting away to a hushed whisper. “Little hero, do not let me down. Go to Camp Half Blood.”

And with that, I woke up with three strange words on my mind: Camp Half-Blood.

"And after the storm..." ~Mumford and Sons

You can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Got Squills?
Proverbs 31:25

Spoiler! :
Made you look.

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:23 pm
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veeren says...

Ness - Posiedon

So get this, all us senior cabin members got called up to discuss some camp business or something and another, I never really paid any attention, and they mentioned something about a coup against the gods led by, what was it, some Juggernauts? Anyway, we didn't get half way through the conversation when the front of the big house was blown off and we see the crazy Zeus chick facing off against my man C-rizzle.

Now right when I think something awesome is gonna happen, the Zeus babe looks at her bloody self at starts giggling and screaming. I didn't really pay attention to what she said, it was probably something like 'MY BLOOD IS RED OMG' or something equally as insane. I saw some of the other faces sitting at the table and wondered if they might've been buddies with the Zeus honey back in the day, cause their faces showed nothing but worry. I wanted to get a better look at Chirodrizzle, but he was probably as impassive as always.

I stood up quietly and snuck around outside to the side of the big house. I wonder how much of the camp knows what's going on? If people were trying to get rid of gods, I'm pretty sure the gods children should be aware of it. I wasn't even going to bother wondering where Mr. D was was his alcoholic rear end, probably staring at a full bottle of wine that he couldn't have any of.

I made my way to the cabins. Everyone was already inside, "Now where could I go to get information spread quickly..."

I tapped on my chin and looked around, wonder which cabin would be able to... Aphrodite! I smirked, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down everything about the Juggermuggers wanting to get rid of the gods and slipped under their cabin door. Now I just have to wai-

"Hey Ness! Did you hear?" Aiden came running towards me.

Man these guys are good. I looked at the Aphrodite cabin again and smiled, "Hear about what?"

"These Juggernaut guys who want to kill the gods, the whole camp is talking about it."

"I'm sure they are."

"So what are we gonna do about it?"

"We? I haven't even taught you enough to beat me, how are you gonna beat one of these guys?" I asked him.

"We can work together! All we need to do is figure out who these guys are. Unless... you know who they are."

I shook my head and looked up, "No. I have no idea who they are, I don't think I payed attention to that part of the meeting," I saw a small, very familiar figure high up in the sky where a storm was forming, "But I think I have an idea.

Aiden must've noticed as well, he suddenly had a flash of anger across his face. I looked at him and smiled, you know what this means, right?

He looked back at me and returned the look, "Oooh yeah."
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:55 pm
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Cailey says...

Aidan- Poseidon

"Oh yeah," I answered, though I had absolutely no idea what Ness was talking about. I couldn't see anything in the sky except for clouds, but the clouds gave me some inspiration. A storm was brewing, and Ness had been teaching me to work with storms.

Find out who these people were. Hm, the idea seemed good, and I knew that Ness was a lot smarter than me. Still, I didn't just want to wait around until these people revealed themselves. I didn't even care that they were going to attack the gods or whatever. I hadn't met any of those big guys in the sky anyway, and I sure didn't feel any attachment to my supposed dad. Not that I would go kill him, either, but anyway...

I still wanted revenge for Miranda's death, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I didn't wait for Ness to tell me the rest of his plan before rushing headlong into the room where all the senior counselors were meeting. I saw Gemini bent over in the middle of the room, and everyone else all just sitting there like idiots not doing anything.

"Who are you? Who's working with you?" I shouted, crossing the room in long strides to stand by the bleeding figure. She laughed creepily, and I stepped back despite myself. In one corner of the room was a pitcher of water and some glasses, and I used the newfound power that Ness had shown me to make the pitcher lurch forward. The water rose into the air in a nice spiral, and kept rising until it burst a hole through the ceiling.

I hadn't meant to do that.

The storm had gotten bigger, probably with Ness's help, and the water from the pitcher mixed with the moisture in the air. Instantly it started pouring rain through the house, right over Gemini's head.

Without meaning to, I started gathering some of the lake water, too, and the rain grew thicker with the added liquid. Then, to my surprise, and everyone else in the room, a small orange fish landed with a splash on Gemini's shoulder. It only stayed for a second before flopping on to the floor. Three more fell before the surprise made me let go of my magical powers, and the rain stopped. The fish continued to writhe in the middle of the floor in a puddle of watered down blood.

Gemini glanced up at me with anger like I'd never seen, and everyone else in the room gave me looks of shock, worry, and even a hint of annoyance.

A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

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Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:19 am
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AfterTheStorm says...

Cassandra (Cassie) Krawe: Arriving at Camp Half-Blood/Half-Blood Hill
Daughter of Hephaestus

“Mom! You’re not making any sense!” I was practically screaming at her, hoping she would stop driving and turn the car around. What on earth was my mom thinking? One minute I’m describing my nightmare (which is insignificant, no matter what my mother says), and the next she’s ranting about summer camp while packing up my luggage to load into her BMW.

She gripped the steering wheel tightly, staring at the rugged road ahead. Taking a deep breath, she responded steadily, “Cassie, please just calm down. Once I get you to camp, I promise everything will be explained.”

I turned in the leather seat to look at my mom. “Nothing needs to be explained! Just take me back home. Why is summer camp randomly so important to you? I told you that my dream doesn’t mean anything special! I ate some candy before bed last night, so maybe that’s why I had a weird nightmare. It was just my ADHD mind acting up.”

“You ate candy before bed?” she scolded me, avoiding my question.

Sighing in annoyance, I shifted back to face the road again. “Mom, out of all the things in that conversation, you chose to focus on the part where I ate candy?” I abruptly started laughing. I have no clue why I found that funny, but with such a hectic morning, I guess I just needed to smile.

My mother cracked a grin, too. Then as suddenly as it appeared, her smile was washed away in a wave of seriousness, all hints of amusement gone from her features. “Listen, Cassie. Remember when your gym coach fired arrows at you when you were learning archery, or when those shadows haunted your room a few years back?”

Not knowing where her question was leading, I nervously answered, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Well...” she trailed off, a dark look filling her light eyes. Drumming her fingers anxiously on the steering wheel, my mom simply said, “Those events are connected.”

I ventured, “How so?” I was confused.

“I-“ she stopped herself then drew in a deep breath, probably thinking about what to say next. “I’ve been selfish, honey, and not fully honest with you. I thought that maybe if I never told you about the identity of your father, or about Camp Half-Blood, or even-“

“What does Dad have to do with anything?” I interrupted loudly. My father was a touchy subject. He abandoned me and my mom. Never once called us. Never once helped us out. I resented him, even though I had never actually met him. “And what in the world is Camp Half-Blood? Just because a creepy guy in my nightmare mentioned it, doesn’t mean it’s significant! Right?” I looked at Mom once more, pleading with my eyes for her to answer me.

She slowed the BMW slightly, turning her head to gaze at me. “Your father has everything to do with this conversation. I-I just can’t tell you now. But please trust me, Cassie. You’ll understand once I get you to camp. We’re almost there. Just hang on for another ten minutes.”

I angrily unbuckled my seatbelt, causing the car to beep repeatedly as the safety functions turned on. I picked up my Adidas duffel bag that had been resting at my feet, before snatching my cosmetics kit off of the dashboard.

“What are you doing?” my mother inquired, panicked. She quickly hit the brakes.

Not answering her question, I unlocked the passenger side, opened the car door, and stepped out into the New York air. Gripping my luggage, I stomped off down the dirt road in the opposite direction of my mom’s car. I tried to distance myself from the BMW, not fully certain of where I was going.

“Cassandra Pyralis Krawe! Get back here now!”

I knew I was in serious trouble because my mom screeched my full name. She never uses my full name. However, I kept walking briskly away from the car. “Stop, Mom! You’re insane!” I cried over my shoulder. Normally I loved my mother, but at that moment it felt great to yell at her. She’s crazy, I repeated in my mind. I kicked a rock down the road, sending it flying. She’s crazy.

My mother tried again. “Cassie, please-“ She was cut short.

I stopped walking. Mom stopped talking.


Slowly, I turned around to face the direction of my mom and the car. Cantering leisurely down the road in the distance was some sort of… scaled monster. That was the only way I could describe it. I don’t even remember clearly what it looked like, because all I was thinking was, Oh. My. Gosh.

“Get back into the car, Cassandra. Now!”

My mother didn’t need to tell me twice. I slung the Adidas bag over my shoulder then sprinted back to the car, swiftly climbing back inside, trying not to freak out. I slammed the door shut then buckled in, throwing my luggage in the back seat. Mom hopped into the driver’s side, cursing under her breath. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed the steering wheel. She hit the gas pedal, shooting the BMW forwards.

“Mom!” I shrieked. She was sending the car in the direction of the terrifying creature! “You really are insane!” Right after the words left my mouth, we slammed into the monster, knocking it clear off of its feet and sending it sailing over the car.

Wide-eyed, I turned around in the leather seat, straining to see the monster again. Thankfully, it was laying in the middle of the small road. At first I thought it to be dead, but a twitch of its scaly arm told me otherwise: The creepy thing was only stunned, not resting in peace.

“Is it up and moving yet?” Mom frantically asked, keeping her eyes ahead.

I faced frontwards, shocked. “No,” I whispered, absolutely terrified.
She continued speeding forwards at almost eighty miles an hour. We were booking it on that dirt road. However, we soon slowed to a complete stop, and my mom reached to unbuckle me.

“Cassie, grab your stuff and run up that hill there as fast as you can. I don’t know when the monster will catch you, so you have to hurry and go!” She pointed to a large, grassy slope leading up from the road, indicating where I needed to sprint. I stretched back to snatch my luggage and then shoved open the car door, shaking uncontrollably.

“What about you, Mom? Hurry! Get out of the car!”

“No, I can’t go up the hill! I’ll be safe once you get up there. Shout for assistance once you pass that dragon.” She nodded to a large serpent proudly curled up on the top of the emerald slope. “You’ll receive help, and your questions will be answered. Run, Cassie!”

I stood shocked, looking at my mother in the car. “A dragon?!” She said the word “dragon” like it was the most normal thing in the world, as if she were talking about my puppy. Why couldn’t she come with me? Why would I be safe on top of a stupid hill? What was that thing my mom ran into? A dragon? “Mom, what’s over that hill? What’s going on?!”

“You’ve arrived at camp. Now go, honey!” Tears slipped down her cheeks.
Stunned, I kicked the car door shut then dashed to Half-Blood Hill, a million different thoughts colliding in my head. My legs seemed to have minds of their own as I jogged up.

I was scared and shocked as I reached the crest of the hill, almost in a daze. Sure enough, like Mom said, there sat a dragon. A real dragon- with scales and everything- eyeing me curiously. It didn’t make any moves to harm me, however, so I spun around in time to see my mother speeding away in the car. There was no sign of the monster that Mom ran over.

What. The. Heck. I looked at the dragon again. Its muscular body glimmered under the pale sun as it shifted to a more comfortable position, continuing to stare at me. I slowly stepped closer to it. I don’t know about you, but when normal people see a dragon face-to-face for the first time, they don’t immediately move closer to say hello.

That being said, I have no clue why I thought it would be a brilliant idea if I walked forward to greet the dragon. Seriously. I swear nothing rational was going through my head at that moment. What did I plan to do? Give the creature a hug and then ride it into the sunset, or something?

“Hey there, big fella,” I whispered, reaching out to stroke the fist-sized scales on its head.

Suddenly, the dragon’s head snapped up, its jaw opened, and a scorching inferno of flames erupted from its mouth.

The fire should have burnt me to a crisp, yet it didn’t. I was still standing in front of the shimmering beast, perfectly intact. And not just that. My clothing and luggage weren’t singed in the slightest, too. It was as if the flames decided to take a little vacation and skirt around my body.

Even though I wasn’t harmed in any way, I still screamed. Probably a lot louder than necessary. I remembered what my mom told me before she left, so I then shouted, “Help!” hoping someone would assist my hysterical, confused self.
"And after the storm..." ~Mumford and Sons

You can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Got Squills?
Proverbs 31:25

Spoiler! :
Made you look.

Every time our next guest is here, all of our lives are seriously in danger.
— David Letterman