
Young Writers Society

The New World (Open)

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:06 pm
Nargles says...


Lee's head was on fire and her body was throbbing, she felt as if she couldn't move any further. But she kept crawling from under the pile of rubbish she had found herself under.

Finally after much effort she was able to move her legs out of the pile to stand up.
She stretched and looked around, hoping to not run into any more trouble.
She was out in the open, a bad place to be, so she kept tight to the walls as she started making her way back to her hidey hole.

The world was a wasteland, very few people were around and those that were had either gone mad or were to scared to venture out much. She saw a couple of younger people every now and then but she liked to keep to herself, not trusting anybody to team up with.

Lee suddenly heard a scream, 'SOMEONE SAVE ME!!'
She rolled her eyes, it was common to have people begging for help. People who had no family left, no food or anything to survive.
She heard another scream, the same voice vibrating down the street.
Lee decided to explore, thinking it will leas to nothing but curious to who the poor girl was.
She stopped at a hole in a building, bending down she peered in.
It was a bit dark but she could make out a faint outline of a person, 'hello' she whispered.
Two eyes looked out at her. 'Hi' came the reply from in the dark.
Don't let the Nargles bite.
And don't let a dementor kiss you good night.

It's a charm actually. It keeps away the Nargles- Luna

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:37 pm
littleauthor says...


"Wake up sleep head, I think I hear something." Misty whispered into Mercury's ear as the groaning became louder. He slowly sat up and noticed the loud growl.

"ugggg," Mercury moaned as he slammed a fist against the metal door to shut up all the Crazy's. It stopped for a second then grew louder. A scraping noise could be heard then the door flung open. Mercury was read though.

He swung a fist at one of the crazy's then shoot 3 more. He hopped out of hole and then lifted Misty out. Mercury shot down most of them, then started to use the butt of the gun to knock their heads off. The groaning soon stopped and Misty stood next to him holding her own gun to protect her self. Mercury pulled her close to him and slid an arm around her shoulders.

"Lets go find us some more food." He said then grabbed his bag and started to walk out of the demolished school. They walked till they came to a old super market. The only things that were left was maybe 2 or 3 cans of soup. Mercury swept his hand across the counter and pushed the cans into his bag. He opened one up and He and Misty shared it as they walked though the old city.

"I don't like this place." Mercury mumbled as Misty nodded in agreement. They kept walking till they came to a tall apartment building. "We'll sleep here tonight."

The sun was almost down by now so they climbed the Fire escape to a open window. Mercury helped Misty in then swung him self in. There was a bed and a dresser an that was it. Mercury and Misty sat as they curled up on the bed. Mercury took off his shirt to serve as a blanket for Misty then fell instantly asleep again.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:25 pm
Gabriellemarice99 says...


Sunlight streamed in the window falling on Misty's face waking her up. She found herself rapped in Mercury's arms, his face burrowed into her long hair. She lay there for a while thinking about the building. It was much like the one her aunt stayed in and that made her wonder what hidden treasures laid untouched. Many of the buildings had already been searched top to bottom but in the coming days every little bit could help. Misty was becoming fond of the thought of searching the building and her inpatients was eating away at her. She rolled around to face Mercury pondering his past. She found it funny she new nothing about the handsome boy who has protected her and shared sleep with her.

She rapped her arms around him gently squeezing. "Mercur-y wake up I gotta' idea." She pressed her lips against his neck waiting for him to awaken. He stretched and slowly sat up yawning. Once he was half awake Misty told him about her plan and he reluctantly agreed.

As they crept through the forgotten hall ways they could hear a few groans behind locked doors and Mercury refused to let Misty go in.

"But Mercury those are gonna' be the ones that got the goodies locked away with a nice little body guard." She pouted hoping she could get through to him. He thought long and hard while they searched the rooms that didn't occupy deadly inhabitants then he came to his final decision.

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:37 pm
littleauthor says...


"Misty I'll let you go in, only if I go in first." Mercury finally said after Misty pleaded long and hard.

"Thank you!" She squealed then lightly kissed Mercury's cheek.

"Only after I clear the area though." Mercury said blushing a bit from the kiss.

Misty eagerly nodded as Mercury approached the first door. The groans weren't as loud in this one so all he had to do was kill one Crazy with the butt of his gun. Misty inspected the cabinets then shook her head and left. After about 5 more rooms Misty got the idea and Mercury loosened up and let her door some of the killing. Misty wasn't half bad at it either.

Soon they could be going 2 rooms at a time. After about an hour of searching neither had found anything.

"We should just give up," Mercury said, even though he hated the idea of giving up.

"No I'm not stopping till I find something. Besides there's still one room left." Misty said furrowing her brow. She looked adorable.

Mercury looked at the last door and could hear the groans from all the way down the hallway. "No."

"To bad, I'm going anyways." Misty said walking towards it.

"Oh no your not. If anyone is going in there, its me." Mercury said grabbing Misty's hand to stop her. She sighed then nodded and let him through.

Mercury slowly opened the door and almost immediately had to punch a Crazy away. He swung his gun and shot off 6 Crazy's and ended up just shooting the rest int he face. He took Misty's hand after he had cleared the room and together they looked through the cabinets.

"I got something!" Misty yelled holding a leather box up in the air. Mercury ran over and hovered over her shoulder as she opened the box. Inside laid a AK47 in perfect condition.

"Told you this was the one," Misty whispered smiling wide. She turned to face Mercury and hugged him tight. He slowly hugged her back not knowing why he felt so happy around this girl. He hadn't felt this way since the world died. He buried his face in her hair and slowly bent down and kissed her nose.

"Lets get out of here before more Crazy's attack." Mercury said looking straight into Misty's Golden eyes. She nodded and took his hand as they walked to the fire escape again.

Mercury jumped down because it was only the second story and then caught Misty. They walked together, Their new gun slung over Misty shoulders, towards a human scream. It got louder until it turned into words.

"SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!" Mercury started to run with Misty close behind. There sat a girl about 19 sitting in a pile of rubble and dirt.

"Hey you okay?" Misty asked helping her up.

She shook her head and then started to cry. Misty pulled her into a hug and Mercury watched feeling very awkward.

"I'm sorry, its just I don't know what to do anymore!" She said.

"Its okay, We're on our way to the White house now." Mercury said nodding.

The girl nodded and pulled away from Misty. "I'm Danika."

"I'm Misty and this is Mercury." Misty said smiling warmly to Danika. Mercury nodded and picked up his camera and started to walk.

Misty and Danika started to follow and Misty dashed ahead to walk with Mercury.

"What is your name?" Misty asked her hair whipping in the light wind.

"You'll find that out later." Mercury whispered back and kept on walking.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:47 pm
Nargles says...


Lee heard another voice coming from behind the girl.

"You'l find that out later," a deep voice said.
Lee was shocked that somebody else was there, ducking down she moved forward to get a better look at the other people. She saw a boy and two girls. They started to put there stuff down as if they were getting ready to stay for the night.
Lee stayed in the corners of the room, submerged in the dark, just watching the occupants of the room. One of the girls, with the long hair, sat beside the boy and they talked in hushed whispers. Lee couldn't make out what they were saying but it seemed as if it was important.
The other girl sat by herself staring at her saviors. The three remained liked that for a long time before eating and drifting of to sleep.
Lee shortly followed them into slumber, deciding to go on her own way in the morning.
Don't let the Nargles bite.
And don't let a dementor kiss you good night.

It's a charm actually. It keeps away the Nargles- Luna

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Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:02 am
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Gabriellemarice99 says...


Misty woke up once again to Mercury's warm, safe arms holding her close. She glance at Danika who was curled up in a corner thats when she heard the echoes of something in the simi darkness. The person's soft snores indicated that of a girl but Misty would rather be safe then sorry. She had been robbed of some of her possessions in her sleep earlier into the apocalypse and was now more precautions.

She rolled around kissing Mercury softy, spreading a sleepy smile across his face. Pushing out of his arms she tiptoed to the AK47 and picked it up, beginning her creep toward the sleeping strange. By this point Mercury was too awake and was creeping behind Misty ready to fight off whoever may be in the shadows. They found short skinny girl with brown hair asleep in the corner, now Danika was by Mercury and Misty's side the backed up a little and Misty carefully took aim on the stranger.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Mercury questioned just loud enough to wake the now very confused and startled girl.

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Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:24 am
Nargles says...


Lee woke to a boy looming over her, rubbing her eyes she realised it was the boy from last night. Dammit, she had been caught out.

'Ummm hi,' Lee spluttered, looking at the three young people, 'I'm Lee and I was just leaving.'
'Why were you following us?' The boy asked.
'I was just making sure you weren't Crazy,' Lee replied rather curtly.
Lee looked into the faces of the three people, hoping that they would believe her and lower their gun. A few seconds of silence went by and one of the girls lowered the gun.
Lee breathed a sigh and stood up, 'thank you, now if you don't mind I will be on my way.'

She started to head out the hole she came in from when a quiet voice spoke, 'where are you going to go?'
Lee turned back around, all three were looking at her slightly confused.
'Dunno,' she shrugged, 'somewhere safe, I can't stay here can I?'
The same girl bit on her lip, 'you could come with us, if you want and that's alright?' She said, turning to the boy and girl who were leaning together.
'Oh,' Lee said, unsure of what to say.
Don't let the Nargles bite.
And don't let a dementor kiss you good night.

It's a charm actually. It keeps away the Nargles- Luna

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:59 pm
littleauthor says...


After the strange girl named Lee scurried off Mercury started to pack up camp. He took Misty's hand and started to walk towards a flag that had a big yellow sun on it. Mercury started to walk faster when he realized it was a trading camp.

"Stay close to me," Mercury whispered to Misty who had started to wonder off. He came to a tent that was trading off small knifes.

"How much for that one." Misty said pointing to a small but lethal knife towards the end.

"A belt and a battery." He replied taking a drag off his cigarette.

"Done," Misty said pulling a battery out of her bag and her extra belt.

"Be careful." The man said before handing her the knife and its cloth case. Misty nodded and pushed the knife far into her pocket.

"Wow," Mercury said nodding in satisfaction. He didn't know that Misty knew how to trade, he was impressed.

"Yup my dad showed me how to trade." She said like she had read Mercury's mind. He nodded and kept on walking. Danika had run off somewhere, but he knew she would be okay alone.

Mercury held Misty's hand tightly not wanting to lose her. They kept on walking till they had gone though the entire camp. They exited and walked towards a neighborhood that wasn't any more that a mile away. Mercury pulled out his camera and look pictures of crazy's that didn't seem to notice them. They came to house that was mostly in tact. Mercury kicked the door in and quickly cleared the house of the family of Crazy's then let Misty in.

"I'm gonna search for food." Misty said walking towards the kitchen. She had left him with her stuff so he could set up more. Soon there was screaming.

Mercury picked up the AK47 and ran towards the kitchen. There stood Misty on top of the table kicking off a Crazy. Mercury quickly stood in front of her and shot down the two Crazy's.

"I am so sorry." Mercury whispered pulling Misty into a tight hug.

"Its okay," She whispered back.

"You could have died." Mercury said.

"I didn't though." She said smiling. Mercury nodded and pulled her lightly off the table.

"Your beautiful you know that." Mercury whispered leaning close towards her.

Misty blushed and looked away put Mercury put his hands on her face to stop her. He leaned in and gave her light kiss before walking out to set up. He couldn't stop smiling as he set up their food.

Soon Misty walked in holding a jug of water. "This is all I got."

"That is more than enough." Mercury said pouring some into their canteens.

Mercury had gotten the mattress off of the bed and had laid it down in the living room. Soon he and Misty ad settled in on the mattress and were half asleep.

"Good night Mercury." Misty whispered giving him a light kiss.

All Mercury could do was smile before he fell asleep his arms wrapped around Misty.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:16 pm
Gabriellemarice99 says...


"Mercury," Misty whispered into his ear as she huddled closer to him, "please wake up I can't sleep." She had been laying there for hours listening to noises outside and in the basement. The 'things that go bump in the night' had only allowed her to drift on the edge of her subconscious. She needed comfort only he could give her.

She now stood on her hands and knees hovering over him. Her previous awakening efforts were futile so she bent down to kiss his neck biting softly. He shot up at the feeling of teeth on his flesh knocking Misty flat on her ass and it HURT.

"Misty oh my God I'm so so sorry I thought you were a crazy!" He picks her up and holds her to his chest her legs rapped around his waist.

" I kept hearing noises and you wouldn't wake up for me I was scared.." She trailed off not knowing what to say. Mercury laid her back on the mattress now hovering over her. He leans down and kisses her like he hadn't kissed anyone in a very long time. Then he stands up looking down at her with slight regret.

"Where did the noises come from u said u heard?" He questioned. Her reply is a point in the downward direction and that's when he heard it.

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:44 pm
Hanorah says...


The sun slowly rose over the mountains,and I lifted my head off the hard rock.It was the closet thing I found to a pillow.I clicked my neck it felt stiff,but I eventually loosened it out.

I got up slowly,suddenly hearing thumping againist the ground,it was a crazy.
Shoot I had no weapons,i panicked and grabbed my bag,stuffing everything in it.My only option was to run.

I ran up the hill,but the crazy jumped on my back,I hit him with my fist,fat lot of use that did.I saw a sharp rock and grabbed it,shoving it through its heart.I felt it drop on me and I pushed it off,hoping I hadn't known them before they changed.

I needed to find a weapon,badly.I couldent survive the walk to the white house without one.My thoughts were distracted by barking,a very rare sound,most dogs wouldent have survived since the crazys.

Behind me there was a German shepherd,barking madly jumping on me and running back.

'What is it boy?'i asked.

It rolled over and I realised it wasn't a boy.It was playing dead,then it barked and jumped on me,running away again.

I think he wanted me to follow him,so I did.He led me behind a large rock and ther was a body of a 30 year old man,his wounds were fresh.I think he may have been her owner.

He had and AK47 around his neck and a satchel in his hand.I felt bad for what I was gonna do,but I needed too.I bent down and took things of any use.

'Sorry mate,but I need food and weapons'I saw his eyes were open,so I closed them out of respect.

The dog was whining softly,I saw a collet around her neck.It read Samantha (Sam)

'Sorry Sam,he ain't getting up'I patted her head.

I turned to walk away when Sam followed.

'Its not gonna be easy sticking with me,girl,I can barely feed myself!'

I started walking again,and she followed.At least I'll have company.

'Fair enough,if it wasn't for you I wouldent have this gun,food or drink,I guess I could keep you'I smiled petting her head,and we walked slowly back to town.
Last edited by Hanorah on Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:29 am
littleauthor says...


Mercury picked up the gun that he had been laying on while he slept and pulled Misty behind him. He walked slowly towards the basement door and flung it open to see tons of crazys jumping at him. He gave off a slight yell then shot down 3. Misty stood behind him holding her own shotgun shooting off the ones that where coming closer. Mercury jumped in one and slabbed it while shooting down another.

"Mercury!" Misty yelled as a crazy started towards her. Mercury did a battle call then tackled it to slab it.

"I think that's it," He said standing. Misty nodded and walked towards him. He hugged her close and felt her warmth in his skin. He smiled and burried his face in her hair.

"Thank you," she whispered looking up with her brilliant gold eyes. He smiled and kissed her nose before replying.

"Any time,".

Mercury picked up his pack and pulled out a can of soup. He opened it on the side of the coffee table and drank some. Misty sat down next to him and they took turns drinking their soup breakfast.

"Can we stay here for one more night?" Misty asked him finishing off the soup.

"Sure, I dont see why nit."wrapped around his waist and he gave her a soft kiss.

"Mercury, can I ask what your name is now?" Misty asked pushing a stray hair out if his face.

"I guess so," mercury replied sighing . "My name is Noah, Noah Parker."

Misty looked at him for a second then finally said. "Like the actors son Noah Parker?"

Mercury nodded and smiled a bit.

"Wow," misty said. She leaned forward and kissed his nose wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Your not mad?" Mercury said putting his forehead against Misty's.

"Not one bit."

It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:42 pm
TaylorLove says...


I run as fast as my legs could carry me. Why did I always have to get put into stuff like this? I jump over one of the tables and run through the doorway and up the stairs. As long as I can get up to the roof, I will be fine. I just hope I can out run them again. I can hear them behind me and I speed up. When I reach the top I grab my gun and turn around, shooting the three of them.

If I was any slower, I would be with my brother right now. I drop to my knees and wipe my sweat off of my forehead, catching my breath. Checking to see how many rounds I have left, I sigh. Knowing I need to be more careful, I put my gun away. I take a few more seconds to breathe and then get up and walk back down the stairs with my backpack.

I walk back down to the street and head back to where I have been staying the last few nights, knowing that I need to get into bed. I am heading out of the town tomorrow and I need as much sleep as I can get. I go into one of the buildings that were not too broken down and walk down stairs. When I do, I see a figure move into the darkness, away from the dull light. I pull my gun out of my pack, but as I do the person attacks me and forces me to the ground. I scream, but their hand covers my mouth. I bite them and they grunt and fall back, giving me a chance to get away. I jump up and point my gun at them.

"What the hell?" I ask, knowing they are not crazy. "I know I scared you, but really?" This was not like me. I never yelled at people, but it is only because I am scared.

"Sorry." They replied.

"Who are you anyways?" I ask.

Spoiler! :
Can be anyone. I just needed to get in there some how. Sorry, I was gone for so long.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:16 am
ForsakenAngel says...

(Hey, is it too late for me to join?)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:26 pm
Hanorah says...


'Who are you anyways?'She asks.

'Im Emma and this is sam'i said pointing to the dog.

'cute dog, I'm kat' she smiled and shook my hand.

'Sorry about before..I don't normally attack people for my first empression'

'Its fine' she laughed 'So where you heading?' one of the most common questions now.

'White house'I said.

'Same' she fixed her gun.

We stood awkwardly not knowing what to do, so I broke the silence 'So, listen I have no one to travel with, if you want to come with me to the white house, I'm leaving tonight. Meet me at midnight in the town centre' I said, doubting she'd come, but I thought it would be saver having another person tag along.

I smiled and left her to decide, thinking how weird it would seem asking a stranger to travel with them a year ago.But not now.Things have changed.
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:04 pm
TaylorLove says...


As she left, I thought about it. I have been doing fine on my own, well other than getting attacked every other day. I close my eyes and sigh. "Why can't you be here to help me out?" I ask, talking to brother who is of course not here. I can almost here him say that everything is going to be okay and that I do not need him as much as I think I do.

I grab all of my things and put them into my backpack. Emma is going the same place anyway. It was the smartest thing to do anyway. I get up and head out of the building I was in and see the dark sky. I look at my watch and see that I do not have a very long time untile I have to go the meeting place. Not really caring, I choose to go there anyway to eat and rest before Emma and I head out.

When I arrive, I take off my back pack and grab a can of soup. Not my first choise, but it not like I can do anything about it. To be honest I was really happy that Emma invited me to come. I have not seen another person in a long time. I have to say it was really nice. I take my gun out and rest it in my lap as I lay back on the steps.

About fifteen minutes later, I hear foot steps and I raise my gun and point it in that direction. "Hey, it is just me. Let's not do that again." Emma says. "I have to say, I was not sure if you were going to come."

I smile and nod. "Yep, I was not really sure that I would either. I thought it would be a lot safer this way." I tell her.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
— Lyndon B. Johnson